Breaking free from the matrix

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➡ In this episode of Truth Mafia News, host Tommy Truthful and guest Ishmael Perez discuss a hidden cosmic war between evil aliens, fallen angels, and guardians of light. They explore advanced alien technology, artificial intelligence, and the concept of a matrix designed to enslave humanity. Despite the grim situation, they assure listeners that good angels and benevolent aliens are ready to fight. The discussion also delves into the history and misconceptions about the Anunnaki, a group of deities in ancient Mesopotamian cultures, and their connection to this cosmic struggle.
➡ The text discusses the history of an ancient angelic race known as the 12th strand DNA tiranusian race, or the original Atlanteans, who lived on Earth millions of years ago. The negative Anunnaki, led by Enki, mixed the genetics of this race with a primitive species, leading to a downgrade in our DNA. The Anunnaki did this because they were jealous and feared that the Atlanteans would become more powerful than them. The text also mentions the Igigi, rebel Anunnaki who corrupted the original galactic royal blood, and the downfall of Atlantis due to an imbalance between spiritual and technological development.
➡ The speaker discusses the concept of different realities and timelines, suggesting that our world is about to split into three distinct paths. One path is for those who reject artificial intelligence (AI) and focus on spiritual growth, leading to a positive, organic reality. Another path is for those who embrace AI and transhumanism, leading to a dystopian future. The third path is a middle ground where people with advanced abilities coexist with cyborgs and others who are gradually ascending. The speaker also mentions a final battle between the organic and AI timelines, which will determine the fate of the cosmos.
➡ The text discusses the Anunnaki, a group of deities in ancient Mesopotamian cultures, and their role in genetic manipulation. It suggests that Enki, a god in these cultures, created a hybrid race by combining the genetics of different species, including humans. This race, according to the text, includes powerful families today who are believed to have a high concentration of reptilian genetics. The text also touches on spiritual practices, the concept of ascension, and the potential for a great separation or transformation of humanity.
➡ The text discusses the idea of a battle between good and evil that has been ongoing for millions of years, tracing back to ancient times and even other universes. It suggests that the world has been ruled by an evil force for thousands of years, but a group called the Earth Alliance is about to expose them. The text also talks about the rise of super artificial intelligence (AI) that will be connected to everyone’s devices and could potentially be harmful. Finally, it mentions a significant event expected to occur around 2025, which could lead to a shift in reality and a return to a more positive world.
➡ The speaker discusses his journey of writing a book based on his experiences with remote viewing and galactic avatars. He recommends reading his books to understand the suppressed history of our world and the concept of multidimensionality. He also talks about the choice between the red pill (awakening to the truth) and the blue pill (remaining unawakened). The speaker believes that our dormant DNA is slowly activating, giving us ascended abilities. He also discusses the concept of black goo, a nanotechnology used by negative alien syndicates to convert biological life forms into robotics.
➡ The text discusses a future war against artificial intelligence (AI) that has already been won, the acceleration of time due to the Fibonacci ratio, and the existence of a past civilization called Tartaria. It also talks about the manipulation of energy flow in our surroundings, the control AI could have over our thoughts, and the influence of the 13 family bloodlines given by Lucifer. Lastly, it mentions the decoding of movies and series to reveal hidden truths.
➡ The conversation revolves around a man named Ishmael who hasn’t watched TV in 25 years and has spent his time gaining knowledge. The discussion touches on topics like genetic testing, secret space programs, and the existence of life on Mars. Ishmael warns against genetic testing due to privacy concerns and talks about secret portals to other planets. The conversation ends with Ishmael promoting his YouTube channel and content.
➡ The speaker thanks Ishmael for joining the show, appreciates his contributions, and looks forward to future collaborations. They apologize for their voice due to a previous podcast and express gratitude towards Ishmael and the audience before signing off.


What if everything you knew was a lie? What if the truth was hidden in the stars? Brace yourself. Welcome to Truth Mafia News, episode nine. I’m your host, Tommy truthful. Today we delve into a war unseen by most. A war between evil aliens, fallen angels, and the guardians of light. Our special guest, Ishmael Perez, alien historian and author, reveals the dark secrets of an interdimensional galactic conflict. These malevolent entities wield technology so advanced it is worshipped as a God. Imagine an artificial intelligence released upon worlds devouring organic matter, powering a phantom matrix. A matrix within a matrix designed to enslave humanity.

The Greys, sinister and relentless, have unleashed this AI to create a labyrinth of illusions. But hope is not lost. Good angels, benevolent aliens, stand ready to fight. Join us as we uncover the truth behind this cosmic struggle. Prepare to question reality and discover the secrets of the universe. This is truth mafia news. Let the revelation begin. Welcome, my brothers and sisters, to another episode of Truth Mafia News. Excuse me, I did a five hour podcast last night, which I probably shouldn’t have did, so I lost my voice. But we have a special guest. Today is male Perez, and it’s pronounced Ismail, not Ishmael.

So in my intro, I kind of pronounced it a little off, but how are you doing, brother? I’m doing well. Thank you for having me here, Tommy. Appreciate that. Yeah. And before we get going, guys, make sure you smash that, like, button. All the links are in the description. The most important link down there, guys. Opt in to our daily newsletter. That way you get notifications, emails, and updates on everything dropped by the truth mafia, which, you know, we have some of the biggest content creators in the game on our platform that share content, share information, and we’re, you know, we’re happy to have it.

Ismail here. I would love to get into the reptilians with you all. I was always wondering if you knew about the, you know, when I heard you talking about different alien races, I’m like, man, I wonder if he knows about that species. So, yeah, I’m really excited about today’s episode and 1 second son, make sure you got that water next to you to take sips if you need papa truthful to help you out. I’m here, son, to help you all, you brothers and sisters all very much share. Share. And did I say share? Share this. It’s fantastic.

Facebook friendly, you know, fluff tube, YouTube friendly. We, you know, we’re friendly on that, but share it out, folks. This is going to be some really awesome information I’ve been involved in. Ismail’s class, and also read both of his books and massive knowledge coming forth here. Massive knowledge. His links for his books, his website, and all of that is also in the description, back to you, son, which I love that he has the eight pointed star on there. I use it a lot in my artwork, and, you know, me and this male was talking prior to the podcast, how the dark loves to steal our ancient symbols and sacred symbols and invert them and use them for negativity, attaching certain energies, you know, but the certain symbols are not evil.

Just like that star, the eight pointed star, it goes back all the way. Well, first of all, it’s in front of Las Vegas, right? You see it right there. But then it goes into Nana’s name in cuneiform, and it is the star of Anu Inky and little’s father. So you say there’s a good faction within the Anunnaki Ismail? Yes. Yeah, there are. There’s duality in everything. And one of the misconceptions regarding the who and what the Anunnaki were has totally been inverted, first and foremost by the writers of history, which are the negative Anunnaki that took over the affairs of our world, and secondly by the cabal families that have been under their control for thousands and thousands of years.

So according to the original records, that predates, actually sumer predates, the ancient cuneiform writings. These are the records known as the cloister emerald tablets, which could be traceable back to hundreds of thousands of years ago, even before Atlantis. And these records are no longer available to the earth. But according to these records, the positive Anunnaki were the guardians. They were the watchers of our system, because the universe in the galaxy is so big, everything is organized within the cosmic structure. So we are part of a system comprised of 52 star nations, consisting of anywhere between 609 hundred worlds.

So they were in charge of our system. And there was an infiltration that took place in ancient times. That, of course, was not or was mistranslated, you could say, by an inverted in the sumerian tablets, where there was a reptilian infiltration from Draco, from the Draco star system. Who are the bad ets, by the way? The fallen angels in the Bible, whatever you want to call them. It was huge infiltration in order to corrupt what they called the royal blood. So they corrupted the royal blood of the Anunnaki, which gave us two, the negative Anunnaki, as a result of that infiltration, gave us what we call in suppressed history, the draconian Anunnaki.

The draconian reptilian Anunnaki. And this is exactly what the Bible talks about. And every other culture, when they talk about these fallen or 200 fallen angels, well, technically, they were known as the igigi, so they are related to reptilian heritage. And then the other anunnaki, which remained genetically intact, in other words, they weren’t corrupted by the reptilian genetics, were the Liren Syrian Anunnaki. So the liren syrian anunnaki are technically what these ancient manuscripts have always referred to as the angels. And, yeah, I want to make that correlation that what we read in every tradition, the bhagavita, the Quran, Bible, when we talk about these angelic beings, what they are technically, my friend, are benevolent and positive extraterrestrials.

Those are known as the angelic humans. However, the reptilians and the draconians, on the other hand, those are exactly what many manuscripts consider the fallen angels or the demonic forces. And so that’s what happened with the undernock. Is that the negative under the seraphim? The seraphim is another terminology used to describe the good angels. Right? Those are in the guardian races, yes. Okay, so you said the one that was corrupted. What. What line was that? That got. Okay, so there’s two factions, and it seems to me, Ismail, there’s a war going on between these two factions, between, you know, the eagle versus the serpent.

We’ve always been learned, we’ve always been taught that the eagle is the good one. But they. Some people say it’s vice versa. That inky is the good one and end lows bad. Other people say it’s the other way around. What’s your knowledge on that? Well, like I said, um, what happened was the ancient sumerian cuneiform were inverted by Marduk, the son of Enki, and he rewrote everything. So even when Sakurai sitchin got to those cuneiform tablets and translated them, they were already messed with and corrupted. So what it boils down to is this. Every ancient account, if you want to go beyond the Sumer tablets, if you want to study the rig vedas, the Pawnee shots, which are dated to thousands of years back, they all agree on one thing.

That there was a sky war between positive extraterrestrials that were here to benefit us, that were here to uplift us, and then negative extraterrestrials that were here to exploit us and that were here to dominate us. So every ancient account besides the Sumer tablets talked about this aerial war between two factions. Well, it turns out that the function that was here to inspire us were the ones that were working for the Guardian alliance. So even the positive anunnaki were part of some sort of interdimensional council regarding many other races who were invested in the protection of the different evolving worlds.

But again, like I mentioned, there was an infiltration that took place in our past wherever the draconians infiltrated the galactic royal blood and created their own version of royal corrupted genes, infusing it with reptilian genetics. And that gave us the Enki function, contrary to what everybody else is teaching out there, that Enki was the benefactor of humanity and that Enlil was the evil guy. Evil guy? That’s actually. That was inverted. It’s actually the other way around when you begin to study other accounts. So Enlil is Jupiter, who is Zeus, which is always been taught to help humanity, right? And then he would be kind of precise.

And as far as the symbolism goes there, right? Because with the trident and everything, and Lil’s the God of the air, right? Yes, yes, yes, exactly. So basically, just like you said, you know, according to the other translations, particularly the greek translation, it is well known that Enki was Poseidon and Enlil was Seuss. And then when you read the other translations from the akkadian text, as well as the texts from ancient India, I think they were called the rig vedas. They use symbolism to describe these two, the eagle and the serpent. Well, Enki was the serpent.

And as a metaphor, he was also the serpent in the garden of Eden. He was the reason, technically, why we fell in consciousness. And he was also the reason why our bodies were downgraded to only a two strand helix. Let me explain something that Sakurai sitchin never talked about and something that was left out of these summer records. There was an already existing angelic race that existed on Earth during those times, which was known as the 12th strand DNA tiranusian race. Some people might refer to them as the original Atlanteans. So the original Atlanteans were not hominy.

They were not monkey climbing primates. All right? This is a real history that civilizations, galactic full conscious humans that were not monkey climbing primates already existed on this planet for millions of years. And that is something that the powers that took over the affairs of this world, the negative Anunnaki, let’s just call them the luciferian Anunnaki, for lack of a better term, twisted everything to make enki look like the good guy. When in actuality, he was the one who took genetics from the. From the terranusian angelic race, and he mixed it with genetics from a simian primitive stock known as homo erectus.

And that’s when the downgrade took place. That’s why a lot of people are rh positive blood type, because they have been corrupted with monkey genetics or primitive genetics. When. Yeah, exactly. So that the Gigi, that was my question when you were breaking it down before, and I forgot what I was going to say. The a Gigi. So I’ve heard so many stories that they kind of rebelled against Anunnaki and they were, like, the first creation. Is any of that true? No, not at all. The. Okay, so the Gigi, according to the original translations, again, I’m quote of.

I’m referencing, referencing this information to the original emerald tablets. Not the Sumer tablets, but the original emerald tablets. They were the cloister trap tablets that were established here by the Syrians. The Syrians are the original guardians and cedars of this planet, not the Anunnaki. Okay, so based on those records, the igigi were the rebel Anunnaki. They were the ones that corrupted the original galactic royal blood of Lyrae and serious, which, of course, later led to the incarnation of the shua. Jesus Christ. But to answer your question, the igigi was a genetic potpourri of insectoid, reptilian, and a little bit of other genes.

So they weren’t fully. Fully, you could say, by that point, they had already fallen. They were already joining the luciferian rebellion based on their genetic programming. So that’s what the. When the Bible talks about, the 200 fallen angels? Yes. It basically refers to the Igigi and Enki, who was their leader. So the Gigi are the fallen angels, and they were forbidden to mix and cohabitate with the evolving daughters of men, the daughters that had already been, again, starting from the bottom up, after they corrupted the atlantean species by admixing atlantean genetics with primitive genetics to create a slave race.

And that was the beginning of slavery on this. On this planet when we fell under the control of the Gigi Enki and then later, of course, his son Marduk, which the ancient Babylonians call Belial Baal. And that’s the guy who they’ve been, you know, sacrificing all the little ones to for the last. Him and his cousin Molech. They’re all extraterrestrials, by the way. They have been running the show for the last few thousand years. So. So these. These people, um, are. Are they humanoids like us? And how are they living so long? Does that have something to do with where they’re from or their DNA? Was it bred out of us? Did we live that long at one time? Well, the Anunnaki, the.

One of the reasons why they downgraded the atlantean original race, a twelve strand terranusian race, was because we had an additional strand than they did. In other words, we were more royal than they did. And they knew that if one day we used our full capacity, the full twelve strand genetic codex, that we would become even more powerful than them. They only had eleven strands of DNA, the Anunnaki. So they knew that one day we would surpass them. And that’s the reason why they had mixed our DNA with monkey DNA. Or not us, but the Atlanteans, to create homo sapien Satans.

So they were always jealous of us because they knew that one day we would become more powerful than them. So they wanted to make us a bunch of monkeys, like slaves, so that we’re not real bright and we can just do the work for them. Correct? Exactly. Now, to answer your question, the Anunnaki were because they did use eleven strands of DNA, they had a lifespan of about 100,000 years or more. So that’s. Yeah. Wow. And the reason that they were able to trick and downgrade and manipulate the already existing atlantean race, which was, again, telepathic, was because of the fact that they had technology to block their telepathy, first and foremost, and also because of the fact that they had.

They were only using six strands of their full twelve strand genetic capacity. They were supposed to, according to the Syrians that see to this planet, in all of this seed, the planting was the fourth epoch, the fourth seeding. We’re now in the fifth seeding, and this time it’s supposed to be a success, thank God, as our DNA becomes activated. The reason that they were only allowed to use six friends during atlantean times was because they wanted to make sure that they did, that their technology did not bypass their spiritual development. They always wanted them to evolve first spiritually, before the technological development came into place.

So, unfortunately, under the control of Enki, who was the one who infiltrated the atlantean colony, completely corrupted the high priest and high priestess of the council of Amenti, who were the guardians of during the atlantean times. They were the administrators when Atlantis was in its golden age. The reason he did that was to eventually corrupt. And that’s the reason why Atlantis fell and became destroyed in the end, was because Enki knew that they weren’t spiritually evolved yet. So what he did is he seduced them with technology. He gave Atlanteans too much technology to the point where the Atlanteans developed a technocratic dystopia at the expense of their spiritual maturity.

And that is the reason why we fell during atlantean times. Kind of like what we’re doing now. Exactly. With technology. And I wanted to ask you, is this right on the family tree of these mesopotamian gods? Uh, yeah, it looks pretty accurate to me, brother. So, Enlil, man, I always had a feeling, you know, my favorite God was always Zeus. And people always told me, oh, Tommy, you shouldn’t like Zeus. He’s evil. But, I mean, every story I ever read, he was saving humanity. You know, I could understand that. And even, like, I do these decodes, bro, even in the decodes, you’ll see, like, I’m.

Dude, I fully believe that some of these people running around are non player characters in this reality that we’re in. I really do, bro. And even in the decodes, like, okay, for example, you’ve heard of the pineal gland, our third eye, even the ancient stone, and not. They talked about something that, like a soul stone, which looked very similar to the pine cone or the pineal gland. I think it’s all tied to that crown chakra in the third eye. But when you look at Gematria, right, in Chaldean especially, which comes from the. This goes all the way back.

This is one of the oldest, purest forms of gematria, going back to the Akkadians, actually, based on one through eight. Okay, so they wouldn’t use the number nine because it was so sacred and divine in this cipher. Pineal gland open is 64, matching first player character. When you’re awakened, Avatar, when your pineal gland is open, and then the sleeping human. The pineal gland. Sleep is non player character. So what else matches with that? 63? You have Saturn, right? You know that black you. And then 64 is tied to Zeus. So it’s a positive thing as far as the numbers show.

Yes, that’s what I’m trying to show. The numbers have always showed that, um, you know, Zeus is not our enemy and is our friend. But this. This is my opinion on it. You know, I want to ask a question real quick to you, Brother Ishmael. You know, um, I’ve. I’ve. When going through your books, you know how you correlate it to some of the stuff that’s in the Old Testament, right. I’ve read and studied a lot of different religions around the world. And, you know, I was raised as a Catholic and then Christian. Baptized in front of 10,000 people in Cantone Trinity Temple there.

But, you know, I kind of was, it was very strict, you know, I, through that, but I always knew there was much more, you know, when they said, well, you know, meditations from the devil and, you know, yoga is from the devil and karate from the devil. And I loved all that stuff. And, you know, I look at the, there was 366 books that Enoch dictated, correct, I from the creator. And yet you only get access to a few of them. And, you know, when you read those, a lot of stuff lining up with what my son and you’ve been talking about.

And that’s why, you know, when I first, you know, seeing you on Nino’s show, I sent TJ Link. I said, this guy is like, you know, there’s a lot of stuff that you guys are talking similar, but, you know, now attending your class and listening and, you know, to what you really, you share, and I’m not going to divulge that, but what you share there, um, man, you’ve done some serious studying here, bro. I mean, you know, you’ve, you’ve, you’ve accessed a lot of different records around this subject and it’s very, uh, you know, I have discernment.

You know, you have discernment. My son has discernment. And when I was in the Dominican Republic, I was, you know, watching Nino. I like Nino. And I seen you on his show and I seen your books and know that what came right into me get them books. Well, I was still in Dominican Republic for two months before I got back and I read these books. But, you know, I think that people, a lot of people, they’re going to have a hard time moving forward with this information. They need to understand it because we’ve been lied to.

Nothing, you know, like what you and TJ are talking about. That’s why I call my son TJ. You know how they convert everything, right? Who’s good is really bad. Who’s bad is really good. Just like what’s going on right now. It seems like what is bad is good and what is good is bad, you know, right now. And then you and TJ get back into stuff. But right now, a lot of people are living in straight up fear porn. And there’s a lot of people out there, you know, and you know this and I know that you feel the same way I do, that, you know, we got to get people into a higher vibration.

We got to get them into a higher frequency. We got to start declaring, decreeing, like you were saying. We have twelve strands of DNA. We’re made in the creator’s image. We have power. We need to start stepping into it and start getting involved in solutions and not being involved in all, you know, get indoctrinated with all this fear, brother. And one thing that I like and love about what you do is, you know, you talk about, you know, that the earth is ascending, the vibration is increasing. I mean, for God’s sakes, two days yesterday, I think the geyser at Yellowstone exploded like it hadn’t done that.

And it rained rock down and all kinds of stuff. This earth is creaking and it is, you know, really, it’s, it’s getting hot and heavy. You know, I have been talking about these two different timelines, you know, heaven on earth and hell on earth. You actually said the other day there’s a middle one. Uh, you know, in between that. Can you talk about that a little bit? Because I think, you know, people need to have not opium, but know that yes, there is a way that you can go with the good, you know, heaven on earth and not have to be here for, you know, this AI God and all this other stuff that’s going to happen.

Right. Exactly. What’s happening right now in our world is that everything is coexisting. There is an infinite amount of alternative parallel earth realities and, but they are about to collapse into only three timelines. For those that are doing, yeah, for those that are not aligning with AI, for those that are doing the spiritual work, for those that are being just generally good people, you don’t necessarily have to be a saint in a month to ascend. All you got to do is at least according to the law of 151 percent service to others and just generally a good person to make the positive timeline.

However, within the cabal section sector, you could say a lot of these billionaires who have been sold immortality by merging with technology through transhumanism, that timeline is going to be ruled by AI. So unfortunately, those two realities, I guess I want to say, fortunately, they are going to split. So the people that are not partaking of being a digital avatar of, you know, getting the chip, merging with technology are actually going to be going into a organic, positive heaven on earth timeline. And those that buy into the idea that they want immortality, they want these superpowers but only if they merge with technology.

Right. Then they’re going to go into a negative technocratic dystopia. However, there is also going to be a middle timeline where you’re going to have people who have ascended abilities with, you know, people that are metahuman that are going to have these amazing supernatural powers as expressed through movies like X Men and Marvel and DC. Those are all, you know, softer closures, by the way. The writers of these comics had access to the truth beyond the Matrix. And you’re also going to have cyborgs in the middle timeline, that is. And you’re also going to have Earth Terrans that are ascending in increments, but are not necessarily going to have the superpowers.

So in that timeline, that’s going to be the, that’s going to usher in the age of the superheroes. And the villain in that timeline are going to be the art of the AI timeline or the AI’s that are currently being developed through Skynet. So Skynet is already being built. They’ve been developing Skynet for over 15 years now. And a lot of that has to do with the Internet of things, with the global smart cities and all that stuff. But soon those two realities are going to bifurcate, and when that happens, things are going to, for about a thousand years, are going to be separated, and at the end of 1000 years, there’s going to be one final battle between the organic timeline, those that did not merge with technology, those that did it organically through the ascension, and of course, the technocratic AI dystopia timeline.

And then that war, which is going to be the final war, will determine what happens in all of the cosmos. So that explains why all eyes are on us right now. Is that the final war versus B system that is they’re building? Yeah, the B system is the AI infrastructure that big tech is developing as I speak. Oh, yeah, dude. Like, okay, I did, I did this breakdown on alchemy, and, you know, I seen a lot of connections with CERN and D wave and mind control. Yeah. Wow. You know, that kind of blew my mind. And like I told you, when I do these decodes, all the stuff connected to the non player character is tied to this phantom matrix, like this artificial reality they’re creating, bro.

And I wanted it in that. And I don’t see no Zeus or Jupiter tied to that. I see Saturn, Yaldabaoth, this reptilian faction tied to that. Are they creating some type of phantom matrix? Yeah. Oh, and by the way, according to the gnostic text, Yaldabaoth, the one who created these third dimensional mortal bodies that downgraded the Atlanteans who used to live for thousands of years. See, our original ancestors did live long, right? Which explains the sudden decrease of lifespan in people like Methuselah, Seth, Noah, Adam, I mean, Abraham, and so on and so forth, right? Like 8900 years, right? Say that again.

They lived like 8900 years at that time. No, the original Atlanteans had a lifespan of about two to 3000 years. No, I was talking about, like, Noah. Oh, yeah, yeah. They live for 800 years or so, six to 900 years. You’re right. That’s a great, that’s a great. Now, if they’ve shrunk us down to, you know, the time, it’s not even fair because you just get start. You just start getting going and then you’re gone. You know what I mean? It’s. And bro, like what he was talking about earlier with the Hindu and the bro, there are literally taught these wars they would have in the sky.

I mean, you would have to be crazy to think that’s not some advanced civilization doing that, right? Whether they’re interdimensional from wherever they’re from. And they say, okay, this is a big thing people argue about. Among the whole Anunnaki thing, you have people, some say that all the Anunnaki were, you know, melanated. And other people say they were Caucasians with blue eyes, fair skinned. Was there multiple races among them, or is the Anunnaki more fair colored? Do you know that anything. Okay, the terminology anunnaki could mean anybody that comes from the sky. In other words, that come from, when you think of, when you think of beings that come from the heavens, technically they’re coming from other star systems.

Because we know that when we go into the sky, there are billions of solar systems with innumerable worlds and billions of galaxies. So anything that comes from the sky is turned anunnaki. So there are multiple races out there, not just the Anunnaki that have been involved and have interfered many of times, but the latest one was the Anunnaki. Yes, the Anunnaki. Well, let me just say the negative anunnaki, because the positive anunnaki were the watchers. Those were the ones that were guarding the atlantean race. And again, that was Seuss. And there is record in other tablets, not just the summer tablets, but when you study the greek version, there is record that Seuss was involved in the elimination of all these abominations that were made by the master geneticists.

And who was the master geneticist that was mixing animals with humans, serpents, with. With monkeys, and creating all these abominations, right? Fallen angels. Anki. Well, Enki was the master. He was at the head of the fallen angels. Yeah, he’s. And he made his. They said inky made his, um. He made his empire underground in the app, so I always wonder what that meant. Like, man, they got all these military underground bases. Is that his little empire? Yeah. Yeah. And their headquarters was in the appsu, which is what we call today the region of Africa, because that’s where he landed.

That’s where he took the, the. An existing hominid, a samian hominid, primitive race, homo erectus. And then he went over to Atlantis, which was in the Atlantic Ocean. And in order to create a slave race, he took genetics from the Atlanteans, knowing that he was going to corrupt Atlantis and that their fate was this was going to be ending up in destruction. He took genetics from the Atlanteans, he took genetics from homo erectus, and he took genetics from himself to create the homo sapiens sapiens. And the difference between us and the Cabal family is that the cabal family, he gave them a little bit more of genetic reptilian and DNA infusion.

He gave them about 55% reptilian genetic infusion so that these cabal families could have that extra third strand, which was reptilian in nature. And that explains why the Illuminati families have always wanted to exploit, dominate, and control everybody, every resources, because it was embedded in them through genetic engineering. Wow. And some of the factions are still alive today, so. Okay, for example, the Rothschilds, right? Everybody knows who they are. What faction are they part of? That’s what I always wondered. Well, apparently, they suffer from a high concentration of reptilian genetics, because they are the kingpins of the bank of what used to be called the babylonian funny money central banking system.

All of those people, all of those families, the 13 bloodlines, are all descendants of this chosen lineage that enki genetically engineered so that they could maintain power and act as their lackeys on earth. So while Enki, and this was off the record, while Enki was busy going to other systems, genetically modifying species to create different loosh farms. You guys know what lush farms mean, right? Energy that they harvest through. You know, like the. Let’s. I’m gonna be careful what I say here. The adrenal that they harvest from the kids, um, they terrorize these children, which produces adrenaline.

And then there is a chemical. Yeah, be careful, son. Be careful. Be careful. Smack book here. But there’s a chemical in it that stops the telomeres in your DNA from withering, which salts aging, and, you know, that gets into the reptilians. They say they’ve been using that type of stuff for a long time. And the looshen is the trauma or the energy being produced during them type of rituals, right? Absolutely, yes. And so basically, we could trace the cabal families back to Nimrod, and if you want to be technical, we could trace them back to Cain.

Cain was the offspring of the serpent, and even who was the serpent? Yalbaedeath Enki Poseidon. Yeah. Wow. I mean, you know, I sit here and think about, you know, as this continues to go, and, you know, more and more people need education. A lot of people, brother, they’re indoctrinated, you know, in religion. And I always tell people it’s not about religion, it’s about relationship, it’s about spiritual practice, you know, getting your, your energy portals, some people call that the chakras, getting those working with your, you know, your energy body, youre, your physical body and all that, working in harmony together to get your connection as close as possible.

Even, like lately, I’ve noticed I am not wanting to eat meat as much. Is that because we’re headed into a higher frequency and vibration where some of this stuff that people are eating and doing is going to fall off? The ones that are moving down the path of more of a heaven on earth than hell on earth or the in between, it all depends on the individual. But we are all, you could say, having different ascension symptoms because the earth is moving up in frequency. There will be some bifurcation of timelines very, very soon, which is going to be, you could say it’s going to be.

What’s the word I’m looking for? It’s going to be. I can’t even think right now. I’m sorry, guys, I’m drawing a blank. It’s going to be by the great solar flash. That’s where I was trying to get all the solar. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Which will read, they say this solar flash is reinstating certain forms of ancient consciousness and activating certain strands of angelic DNA within our dormant strands. Right? Absolutely. Yes. That’s why I tell people that when the solar flash takes place, our bodies are going to transform. We’re still going to look human. But the only difference is that we’re going to have these ascended abilities that many call supernatural powers.

We’re going to be able to tell it teleport, telekinesis, defy gravity, fly, you know, and this is all inherited within our divine DNA. And that’s the reason, guys, why the fallen angels suppressed us for so many thousands of years, because they were afraid of this time. They had access to the original prophecies. And that explains why people like gates and all of these cabal members that are working for the, who are trying so hard to numb us down with, you know, genetically modification, you know, you know what, everything, they’re putting it now. Yeah. They’re putting it in the air, they’re putting it in the food, they’re putting in the water, they’re putting it in the meat.

I mean, it’s like it’s unsaturated in here in the United States. We’re, we’re just full of it. So, brother, let me ask you another question. And, you know, it was very interesting because my son, you know, I’m involved in, you know, we’re going to be talking about defend planet Earth. You know, we’re, you know, the, the electromagnetic pollution is eating up the atmosphere. And I will mispronounce this magnetic fear. I think, you know what, magnetosphere is weakening. The Earth is groaning. And, you know, we see now, I think we’re going to see more volcano eruptions, even though we’ve been seeing them, we’ve been seeing earthquakes, we’ve been seeing a lot of stuff.

It seems to me, and I’m not quoting a time, but it seems to me that things are getting close to what some people would claim, the rapture or, you know, what God has given me is the great separation. That’s that. This is what he has been talking to me about for years. And I’ve talked about it on the patriot llama show about this great separation or how close, and I’m not holding you to timelines, brother, but based on what’s happening, the energy, the shaking, and I think the shaking is just going to continue to increase. Where are we, you think, in that timeline before this thing splits.

Apops, that movie you like, that series before Ismail answers that. Sorry, Ismail. Those about to die, it’s trending right now. Don’t you remember, bro? The volcano blew up in it. So, yeah, that’s, that was last night’s episode. So all these subliminal messages are being sent to us through movies, through everything. But that’s the. Yeah, in that show, they showed a lot of symbolism of the Florida least. So they’re letting you know what family’s tied to that? The Florida lease. You know, that’s where we see the bee symbolism in Jupiter ascending. The bees when it sting. The girl, because she was from royal lineage.

She was from, um, the Abrasix family. And Abrasix is actually a demon, uh, Archon. Right, as a head of a chicken, legs of a serpent. And that’s the. The family that ruled the whole world. And Jupiter ascending, was it? Yeah, that’s what I was going to say. Jupiter ascending, which I think I’ve watched about three or four times and just recently watched it. It’s very, uh. It’s amazing. But, yeah, it’s pretty. Pretty interesting. Uh, they lay these things out in their crafts. Even in that, dad, are the be symbolism which goes back to the floor of the lease in this merovingian family, which they say the Antichrist lineage is supposed to come out of this bloodline and family tree.

And what my question was for Ismail is, does this lineage go into the evil side? Yeah, that is the serpenthenne gene. You could say that is the bloodline of Marduk, which could be traceable to Babylon. Babylon is the cradle of the abomination of desolation, which. Which is equivalent to what we call the beast system. You know, the rule of fascist totalitarian empires. They all stem from Babylon. So the nwo today, it’s no other than just the resurrected holy roman empire under a new name. And that’s one of the things that I talk about in the secret government.

Invisible architects. This battle between good and evil could be traceable not only back to ancient times, but technically, to offworld. For those that have read our cosmic origin, I detailed and described the galactic wars that took place between the draconians and the lyrans. So this war began actually 600 million years ago in our universe, but again, because we’re dealing with the multiverse, it transferred from other universe realities as well. Right, but, yeah, you’re right. The serpent gene, the gene of the Cabal families is, you could say, part of the bloodline of the Antichrist. However, there are two Antichrists.

The first Antichrist has been ruling our world for thousands of years, and they. And their time was limited. And that’s why the Earth alliance is about to expose them. And then we also have the second beast, which is artificial intelligence. Well, super AI, not primitive AI. I mean, within the private sector, they are already building sky. They’re already getting ready to connect the quantum d wave supercomputer that Google perfected in 2018 with an AI system that is going to be connected to everybody’s gadgets, everybody’s laptop and everybody’s cell phone. And that is the true meaning of how this thing is going to be everywhere at once when it finally emerges as super AI.

And this is intelligence that’s eating organic matter. Yeah, that’s what I wanted to ask about is, you know, that whole AI guide thing, because when I said to TJ, we were talking about, you know, 5g, you know, with some of the devices we work with, with the body line company, all of that about, you know, trying to reverse this stuff. But is that part of this AI? God, you know, you increase the energy consumption it creates, hill increases the electromagnetic pollution and then is it like destroying worlds this way? I mean, is this, it integrates itself into everything.

You know, like you said, it’s going to be an, I mean, it was weird. My wife was looking for something on her phone. On her phone. I wasn’t looking for it on my phone. But then when I went online on my phone, it was showing what she was looking for. So these things are already listening to everything that we’re talking about, these cell phones, right? So this timeline, they got heart to dad and harp. The geoengineering shooting theme beams up at the atmosphere that’s, that’s eating up organic matter too. So it’s, it’s like all that stuff is some type of fallen angelic technology.

I think that’s if you go on the spiritual journey, you don’t need all the technology because you can manifest whatever you’re thinking about. But when you go down the technology way, you know, this is interesting. So these two, the timeline and then the mid ground, right? I uh, you know where there’ll be people that are, you know, positive and negative, right within that, that middle timeline, we’re more or less. That negative timeline is going to be like, you know, pretty much like every scriptures predict hell on earth here with all these disasters and fights and wars.

You know, you said something, I think a few weeks about uh, ago on one of your shows about the pool shift. Will there be a pull shift in this other timeline when we’re. Because I see the shaking. You know, Yellowstone, people just blow that off yesterday. But, you know, I was given discernment a couple years about go about Yellowstone and that. No, it won’t be where it destroys the whole planet, but it’s going to pop off. And it looked like it started to, you know, heat up yesterday. I mean, it looks like everything’s shaken up, man.

I mean, when do you think this in your opinion, when do you think this separation is going to happen? I think it’s going to happen at solar maximum, which is spring 2025. But I’m not going to say for sure, because from what I’ve come in to uncover is that the current holographic, you could say, matrix that we’re living in, this current construct, which is really an illusion, was set into motion by the negative anunnaki about 12,000 years ago. No, 10,000 years ago. And that’s when we fell from consciousness, from being a part of an advanced civilization, into, you know, savages.

So this current reality construct is scheduled to end by no later than 2030. So it. But however, again, it could happen before 2030, because we are expecting to reach a solar maximum event that many believe could be the solar flash by no later than spring of 2025. So I would say that is the time frame and the great tribulation using gamatria, in english ordinance, where a is one, b is two, c is three, and so forth, the great tribulation equals 225, which is a variation of 2025. When you drop the zero. Right. Right. I think you’re on to something.

I’ve been saying this for a long time. I believe 2025 through 2032 will be a seven year period that we’ve never seen before, brother. You know what I mean? I don’t. Well, on the negative timeline, I’m gonna. You know, I think you. You feel the same way, ishmael, that people have to work on their. Their connection with the creator and make sure that they’re doing the morning. Like, in the morning, I’ll spend, you know, the first 90 minutes to 2 hours of my day in prayer and meditation, and then I do my tai chi to open up all of my portals.

I feel the energy. I mean, I’ve been doing this for years now. I can feel the energy. I will put the energy in my house, then in my town, then in my city, my county, my. My state, my country, my world, my universe, and put my light out there. People have no idea how powerful we are made in the creator’s image. And where, like, you and TJ are talking about when we get hit with this, you know, blast, and we’ve been getting hit with these blasts right from the sun, because I’ve been feeling it. I mean, I’ve had one take me right out of my chair, that this one blast is going to make that final push, and then that’s when that timeline is going to split.

Yes. Yeah. That flash is expected according to the secret knowledge that was kept within the savior societies. And that’s why, again, the negative faction, the Luciferian Brotherhood, the Brotherhood of the snake, they known about this time, and that’s why they’re doing everything in their power to suppress as much as possible. But that is supposed to completely activate what is known as the twelve Moran time warps. Some people call them the twelve major gates that are going to actually, literally translate for those that have a matching frequency. It’s going to literally translate them into the positive earth, the Garden of Eden, heaven on earth, that has always been here.

But again, there’s been this overlay that prevents us from being. From perceiving and existing in that paradise, that original Garden of Eden, where we originated from. So when that happens, all we’re going to do is translate from this reality 3d into fifth reality within a second. And then that’s when we’re going to know that we are back to being full conscious and we’re back to existing in our original reality. Well, you know, they have a patent at the us patent office where if you get your chakras in a certain frequency, you can literally walk through walls.

And what you were saying is that everything’s layered within the same space, but based on your vibration, it’s how Christ appeared in the middle of the room, like zap. Because he could increase his vibration, right, from different dimensions. You know, this is such an exciting time to be alive, brother. You know, I want you to. And then I know TJ’s got a few more questions, and then we want to talk to you about your books a little bit, too. You know, you’ve got two really magnificent books. And I read this one first. It was so intriguing the way that you laid this out.

I mean, I’ve read a lot of, you know, literature and scripture, and the way this was laid out, I literally could not. I wanted to read it. I wanted to read more of it. I wanted to digest more of it. And that’s very important when you’re putting the book together. You got the download on this book. Is this book from your studies of what you studied? Were you also getting downloads when you were writing, putting this book together? Can you talk a little bit about this? Sure. It was a little bit of both. I was getting a lot of transmissions from my galactic self, because as multidimensional beings, we do exist in other realities, by the way, not just in this one.

I was getting transmissions from my galactic self. And so I was compelled to do the research to see if there was any confirmation to some of this galactic history. I used to think I was crazy. But as I did the research, my friend, as I studied some of the, you know, classified information by remote viewing, I came to understand that my downloads were actually real. They were in. It was information coming from my galactic avatar. And we all have galactic avatars, by the way. And so that’s how that book came about. So that’s why it took me about ten years to write it.

Ten years to write. And then you followed it up with a couple years ago, by the way, this is a 4.9. That other one’s a 4.5. And I read, I mean, one of the persons, just as a, you know, excuse my french, but an a hole, you know, because I read that book and I read. I read book after book after book after book. I’m going through the gnostic Bible right now again. So I’m always absorbing it. My son will tell you. I’ve been studying this stuff, son, and telling you about it, right, since you was a little one, you know, you took it even further.

He’s 40, 41 now. But this book, I mean, I really believe that everybody should read this book. I mean, I think everybody should read this book. But you have an order. I know you had said, you know, you would recommend that people read that book first and then afterward read the other one, right? Could you talk about that a little bit? Unless you already deep in the rabbit hole and have a concept of multidimensionality, the multiverse, extraterrestrial civilizations, Atlantis, then you could start with our cosmic origin. But if you are not deep into the rabbit hole, if you just want to get your feet wet.

To understand the suppressed history of our world, the battle between the cabal and the brotherhood of light, which is what we call the earth align white hats. They do have a history, too. Then you might want to start with the secret government. Invisible architects. And they’re both available on Amazon. So it’s up to the reader, it’s up to the person. But if you start with the secret government, it’s actually going to be a little bit better because it’s going to help you understand the galactic wars between the different, you know, between the federation and the Galactic draconian empire.

Because the secret government is an actual prequel to our cosmic origin. Okay. Yeah, I mean, these, I recommend these books, and we’ll continue to recommend them. You know, we’re putting the secret government channel together, together on sovereign radio, which we’re excited, you know, you’re going to be just as my son’s going to be, you know, guest as we roll out the, you know, we’re, we have a goal by the end of 2025 to be with 200 online show host influencers and 200 radio stations. So we’ll literally be reaching, you know, 10 million people, 20 million people a week.

And so, you know, my goal and what I feel I’m here to do is to get this information out, and some will, some won’t. So what next? I’m not here. I know that it’s not a reality that everybody’s going to be saved. We’re going to lose a lot of people as this thing happens, I would say, wouldn’t you? I mean, we’re going to lose a lot of people. Some people will be gone in the, you know, in the, you know, the bad timeline, you know, the hell on earth, Armageddon, freaking beast system timeline. Well, depending on where they’re vibrating, my friend, and it’s visual choice, it’s, it’s.

You have the choice to either take the red pill or the blue pill. If you take the red pill, you’re going to end up on the positive timeline. You’re going to wake up right to the truth of what, and therefore you’re going to be ready to ascend when this solar flash takes place. But if you continue drinking their kool Aid and you continue taking the blue pill, I feel sorry for you. So it’s going to be very hard for the. I don’t use the word normie, but for the unawakened to really ascend when, when this hits the fan.

Now, somebody asked in the chat majority right now what even what you’re talking about energy in the exchange of energy. I mean, that would make sense that, you know, if we’re vibrating on certain frequencies, we could merge with other realities. I’ve always believed that. I’m practicing remote viewing right now, Ismail, so. Oh, nice. Yeah. I had one experience where it was really strange, so. But all the stuff my dad was talking about, walk through walls and stuff, they really have patents on this, and I believe it with all my heart. See, what they’ve done to us, bro, is they’ve got us not to believe.

So now we don’t believe that we can do this stuff. Right? Here’s the patent. You get your vibration to match the right energy frequency and you can, you know, walk through walls using hyperspace energy. They patent this. I mean, I’ve got all the patent numbers, links to it, so it’s very interesting. Somebody at least went out of their way to patent this breakdown on how to walk through walls. Now, I’ve tried it. I keep hitting the wall. Yeah, yeah. I haven’t walked through yet, but I’m working on it. Couple, couple walls you might have walked through and, you know, you.

Then you had to get the drywall and repair them. But I really believe that there are some people out there that can do it. Yes. And there’s already people out there that are already experimenting with telekinesis. It’s because again, we are. Our dormant DNA is slowly but surely coming back online. It’s activating and that’s why we’re going to have these ascended abilities. Now, somebody in the chat asked about the name of my book. It’s actually called the secret government invisible architects. And the second one is called our cosmic origin. And you could find these books both on Amazon, or you could go to my website and still get them through Amazon.

There is a link there. yeah, we have the link in the description of the website and to both books, so you can click on those in the website. In both books. You know, brother Ishmael, I look very much forward to you helping wake more people up. Son, I know you got some more questions, but I want to value Brother Ishmael’s time too. So hit him up with your, your questions. And I’d like to open it up if you don’t mind, Ishmael, for about 15 minutes. For questions. Yeah. And I’m super excited about how you and I, and my son and, you know, the team, all the people we got involved with, sovereign radio and everything, helping to wake as many people up as possible, get them into that positive vibrational timeline.

Because I have a feet. I feel a big sense of urgency, bro. I mean, like I’ve never felt in my life. I feel like this, you know? You know what I mean? You’re like on, like, you feeling like it’s gonna. It’s getting ready. That’s what I feel. I really, truly feel that in my, in my spirit, I feel it. I got one that I really saved for the end because I wanted to get your thoughts on. This is mail. So I know you’re probably, you know, probably hip to this. I mentioned the braille in the beginning and I, through my research, I keep seeing all this symbolism tied to, um, black goo dripping from people’s eyes and like a worm going into their eye, right? So I start researching it.

I find all this information on soul scraping where some real reptilian, the probiosis goes through the eye. But then I’m thinking, wait a second, this sounds more like technology to me. Like black goo might be some type of nanotechnology that allows them to transfer consciousness from one host to another. But maybe it is a lizards probioschist. I don’t. I don’t know. What’s your theories on this? It is exactly what you described it as is. It is a nanotechnology, very subtle, very symbiotic, very liquid. Like. That is kind of like. Like programmable matter as well. Yeah. That comes out of people’s bodies? Once they have it, yes.

So black goo is inorganic. It comes from the NAA. The negative alien agenda syndicate group. And they use that to invade worlds from within. And that explains the bio weapon. That’s how AI takes over planets. It takes about 100 years, but in the end they do convert biological life forms into robotics. And that was the whole purpose of the bio weapon. How long they been here doing that? According to my research, as I’ve accessed the intergalactic record, many galaxies, about hundreds of thousands of galaxies had been destroyed due to this AI invasion. Yeah, this AI infection, they call it a cosmic virus.

And what do you say? Is this the last battle too? Are we going to battle this AI God? I mean, as that part of the thousand year end of the thousand years where we are now made in the creators image, we’ve come into full, full power with the creator. And is that where that battle takes place? Where we destroy that God AI? Yes, that’s the last battle that every account, every manuscript talks about. That’s going to take place at the end of the millennium. So at the end of the millennium, and because the future is already taking place, we’ve already won that war.

That’s why we’re still here. Otherwise we would cease to exist. So, yeah, we’ve already won that war against AI. It’s just that right now we’re in the 3d. It seems like it hasn’t happened yet, but it’s already out of. Oh, that’s interesting. Yeah, that is. You know, it’s. It’s mind blowing for most people, right? But everything that we’ve been taught is a lie, right? Pretty much every single thing is reverted. But it’s interesting that we’re so close because we’re literally. Here’s. July’s flying by. The timeline is like accelerating. We’re Thursday again tomorrow. Can you believe it? It almost looks like weeks or days and you know, months or weeks and it’s just speeding up.

Is that part of all of this? That time is like, I don’t know if it’s collapsing or it’s accelerating. It looks like it’s accelerating. You know, time is accelerating, and that has to do with the Fibonacci ratio, the golden means. So we’re. Time seems to be speeding up because we’re approaching what is known as zero point, and that is when we go through the eye of the needle, the great solar flash, the bifurcation of timelines. Oh, very powerful, son. You got anything else before we. We hit the audience here with the questions? Yeah, what he’s talking about with the solar flash, that’s what we’ve been taught is, like, the phoenix phenomenon, or the plasma apocalypse.

It’s called many different things, but, um, yeah, the ancients will talk about it. And they wrote this stick man figure. And it was when, like, plasma would pour in. And they say plasma is some type of consciousness itself. You know what I mean? It’s something. It is. If you’ve ever watched it and how it acts. There’s something intelligent going on there, which I feel most likely is. I mean, anything could be positive and negative, so. But before these cataclysms, they had, like, free energy technology. They were talking about civilizations like Tartary. I don’t know if that was real or not, but I think the technology of that timeline was real.

You know where they were using that free energy type technology, bro? Yeah, it was real. By the way, there are evidences that the remnants of Tartaria, deep within the muds, deep within the, you could say our earth, but, yeah, that was a civilization that actually existed about 200 years ago, and it flourished for a few hundred years. And the only reason we don’t have any recollection of that is because they wanted to erase that out of history, completely out of our consciousness. And they achieved it, apparently, but, yeah, very was real. Yeah. Is that why also our house, you know, they.

They always try to suppress the energy, right? So everything used to be domes, right? Like rounded walls and everything. Now everything’s in a corner because the energy is not flowing. They want to stop that, all this energy from flowing properly so that people can’t move forward. Imagine if we weren’t blocked. They’re not. People are moving forward anyways, right? A portion. But many more people would move forward if they wouldn’t put all these blocks in place. Oh, yeah, exactly. Yeah, you’re right, brother. You’re right. Well, the cube is tied to Saturn, dad, which gives us limitations. So you know that.

Yeah. The block is corrupting the energy flow. It’s not moving naturally. So that’s probably. Yeah, you’re definitely probably right there. They’re onto something. But what I want to show is now, real quick. Okay, so, you know, I do the decoding, right? And I seen a connection with aliens and CERN, I’m thinking, that’s the evil faction. And then when I was looking at technology, I did this decode on tethered, right? Because I think these archons are this reptilian factor. Whatever they are, the evil ets are tethered to this technology. Like, you were talking about AI going through eating up realities and stuff, and looking at the word tethered, you see alien agenda.

Apple Inc. AI takeover. Element 34, selenium, which is used to make their cells in the smart lights. Part of their smart grid. And I think that smart grid is so this AI consciousness can rule whatever it is. Exactly. Well, that’s what the whole purpose of any smart thing is. The Internet of things, it’s all for that AI could rule everything and have absolute control. Even if people’s thoughts, now that they have built a technology that through your cell phone and through the, you know, negative frequencies are coming from these towers, they’re literally able to put thoughts in your mind.

Oh, it’s going on. And read your thoughts on top of that. How long is that? And we got a great question from brother Mike here. This is a huge one here. So. Okay. I have always wondered, who gave the 13 family bloodlines the right to rule the world the permission to rule the world? Who gave those the 13 family bloodlines the permission? Lucifer. Well, Lucifer. Enki. Enki was the progenitor of Lucifer. He comes from the direct lineage of the Draco queen Jane. So, yes, you could say the fallen angels, those that follow Lucifer are the ones that infused a particular lineage with a little bit more reptilian genetics than everybody else, just so that they could maintain power.

And that explains their inner breeding throughout the thousands of years in order to maintain their gene intact. Which explains why brothers would marry sisters, cousins, and so on and so forth. You had to keep the line pure. Right? And you said something about blood testing. You were saying something about a certain type of blood. It means that they were doing. Manipulating the DNA. What? Were you kind of, like, talk about that for a minute? Sure. So, basically, the master geneticist, Enki, who many, many people in our community are saying, oh, he was the good guy again, everything’s been inverted.

He made different strings. The reason he gave his lineage more of the draconian reptilian DNA was so that they could enslave and use the lineages of Adam. And the lineages of Adam are really those that maintain a higher concentration of Angelica DNA, by the way, which could be traceable all the way to Michael. So, basically, this whole battle between the cabal and the rest of us is because of the war between Michael and Lucifer. So Enki was the one who created the different strains, and he’s the one who appointed his own strain, his own offspring, as the dominators of our planet for thousands of years.

What do you think? What do you think, son? What else you got on the table? I know we got a couple questions, if you want to grab them over there. Yeah, no, I love that. I do have one more thing I just want to ask him real quick, then we’ll do the questions and get him out of here. You know, I know he’s probably busy, man, but, um, issue me. I don’t know how much tv or anything you watch, but I really like to decode movies and series and stuff. That’s what I like to do. I think there’s a lot of truth hidden within these films.

You know, there’s something going on where it’s some form of universal law or something that they show us the truth. So they do it in forms of predictive programming or whatever, but it’s also known as revelation of the method, lesser magic. In this film, the series I’m watching, brother, it’s a. It’s called evil. And there’s this, like, antichrist baby that they’re bringing forth into the world, and it’s all disembodied looking. Have you seen the series yet, bro? You know, I haven’t watched tv in over 25 years. Oh, my God. There’s so much truth in it. They got CERN in it.

They’re showing interdimensional gateways open. And then right there, when he’s looking, the bottom picture at the bottom right of the screen with the dude with the glasses on, look on the ceiling. Ishmael. Do you notice the symbol, brother? Yes, it’s the Merovingians. So he’s looking over this Antichrist deformed baby, and above him, they’re making sure on the camera, you see the symbol of that regime, which is that merovingian bloodline. I thought that was kind of interesting. Yeah, I’m careful what I watch. I know my son. That’s part of his thing where he decodes these shows. And I do have to watch a little tv with Cindy once in a while, but I don’t watch tv beyond that, because I feel that it’s bringing that out through the tv set.

You know, I think that besides the programming, the frequency, the vibration of that. I used to be like tales of the crypt with my mom and, you know, all kinds of crazy stuff. But now it’s work on you. You that. So these cinematicians that are casting spells. That’s why it’s so important what we do, bringing attention to it, because it. No, I like what you do. I think people need to know that and be educated to that. But the fact that you, brother, haven’t watched tv in 25 years, that’s something else. That’s a long time, huh? Researching and writing.

Yeah, well, you definitely been busy for all the knowledge that you’ve got in there. Plus the fact, folks, I didn’t. I thought Ishmael was about in his thirties, you know, maybe late thirties. Around the same age as my son. He’s a little bit younger than that. But yet you definitely are taking care of yourself, because I know you want. Your connection is as strong as possible to get. The more the downloads and everything that you’re doing. Okay, TJ, do you want to read these off, or. Ishmael, do you want to take. Anybody? Got a few questions? We’re only going to be on.

Gonna take a few questions, and then we’re gonna close this up, uh, for tonight. Okay? Uh, you can go. You can pick them, dad. Okay, hold on. Let me go through here. I just want to thank you, bro. I really enjoy your content, and I like your perspective and the way you look at things. I think you’re a really cool person. Thank you. Yeah, I appreciate you coming on, man. I’m actually a big fan of your work. Appreciate that, Tommy. Appreciate that, brother. Now, I want to address one question that I just saw from the periphery of my eye, and that is about 23 and back.

No, don’t do any genetic testing, because those are. That’s. That’s how the illuminati is able to find out about your genes. And so it’s a genetic marker. Be careful with 23 and back. Or 23 andme. I don’t know what it’s called, but don’t do any of that. Yep, and I did do it, and my mother talked me into it. And then I find out Hillary Clinton is gathering genetics on everyone, and I start researching that you can actually engineer certain things to, you know, targeted DNA. So, yeah, you might want to keep your DNA private. Right.

I’ve told people before to check their lineage, and I kind of regret that after I did it, because I really didn’t think about all that aspects of it at the time. You know, I just thought it was something cool to do, see what we were. But, yeah, there’s definitely. When they have your DNA, man, they could do some dangerous things. And maybe they splice it with something. Who knows? Well, they just. They want to see who you descend from. They want to see where. Where you come from. Because, again, this is a genetic war. It’s a bloodline war between the lineages of Adam Michael.

The reason I call him Adam Michael is because it’s a word of genetics when it comes down to the fall of Lucifer, as Lucifer throughout the galactic words, has always tried to impose his genetics all throughout the universe and eliminate Michael’s genetics. So the lineage of Michael is what gave us Jesus, what gave us Abraham, Jacob, and the original tribes, and then the lineage of Lucifer is what gave us Babylon. So it is a genetic war. Okay. Oh, sorry about that. I didn’t mean to cut you off, buddy. Okay. Um. Rhonda, she’s been with me for a long time.

She asked about the Mars jump room. I kind of think I know what she’s talking about. There was this guy, he, his name was Max Spears. And another. I was a huge fan of his work, and he was found vomiting up black goo after he was about to expose, like, this alien black magic cult. And he’s been to Mars, but it wasn’t like he went through a Stargate and then was instantly there. And he said it looked like Arizona and stuff. So you hear all this stuff that there is these jump rooms that they can travel between worlds throughout the multi.

Are you know, you familiar with any of them? Stargate? Yes, yes. They were developed by secret space programs back in the late fifties, and so we, they have them all over the world. One main one is Los Angeles airport. There’s, I don’t know if it’s a hotel or the Hilton, or if it’s an actual, if it’s actually in the airport, but these are, you could say, portals between our planet, other planets. So I would say that the Mars portal is, or the entry point to the Mars colony is located at the lax. Yes, from what I’ve gathered.

So you’re telling me Mars is just like Earth? Like. Well, as far as. I mean, people can visit there and breathe. Not in the circles, not in the circuits. Mars is hollow. So there’s a lot of subterranean cities, advanced colonies, and extraterrestrials that live in Mars, but on the surface world. The super soldiers that used to go through the jump rooms. To go to Mars, would have to wear a special suit, you could say, in order to go to the surface area. Wow. Very interesting. Okay, very interesting. One last question before we go. What was the race from Mars? I heard some remote viewers talking before that.

They did viewing of a past timeline on Mars, and they described them like the engineers in Prometheus. Now, in Prometheus, they. They were taking that black goo to pour it on humanity, remember? To destroy them. The engineers were in that movie. They were using that black goo nanotechnology program. That’s true. What happened was, for members of the middle timeline, a group of cyborgs that rebelled against the technocratic dystopia and AI decided to time travel back to the 15 hundreds. So they settled on Mars, and they were there for a few hundred years until the Nazis in the 1930s and forties developed space programs.

And then, of course, when the Nazis went to Mars in the late 1940s, when they built out their secret deck in Antarctica, they had a straight out war with these cyborgs. And these cyborgs were actually peaceful cyborgs. They wanted nothing to do with the negative agenda. They actually wanted to live in peace with other beings. So that war took place in the 19, I believe, the late 1940s, between the nazi secret space program and the cyborgs that had been settling on Mars since the 15 hundreds, I believe. Wow. That’s when they showed up over the White House, around that time frame, when the UFO showed up with their symbol on it.

I’m always scared to mention that n word because that’s the one group, if you mention on YouTube, they’ll get you out of here, I’ve noticed. Seems like they protect that faction. Very much so. Well, that’s the faction known as the military industrial complex that has been controlled. That’s the cabal, the neocons, the people behind the globalization programs. See, most people are under the. The understanding that the Nazi, the end, lost the word war, but in actuality, they didn’t. All they did was infiltrate and are now doing it covertly. They are the, you could say, the force behind the nWo.

I think they’re rolling out some type of forthright, bro. For real? Yeah. One more question from Watcher here, one of our folks. Have we experienced a solar flash in twelve, 2012 or 2014 through 2014? Did we experience this from Justin? No, not our planet. But I heard that a nearby planet that is orbiting proxima century proximus, which is a nearby solar system, did experience a solar flash in 2012. And so we’re next. So we’re next. Yeah, because people say, like, 2012, the world really ended and we’re stuck in some time loop. Have you ever heard that theory? I’ve heard of it, but no, that’s not the case.

That’d be crazy if that was the case. Right? Yeah, I know. But we’re still scheduled to. To shift back to the original terra, Earth. And what I mean by that is Earth existing in dimensions four, five and six. Yes. That’s beautiful. Well, brother Israel, thank you so much for your time, folks. Everybody, you know, and CJ, you can have. You guys can have the last closing word, but I want to make sure everybody get your books. You know, get Ishmael’s books, get, you know, click on his website, go subscribe to his. Listen, get. You know, watch this guy.

He is going, you know, God’s got him doing something that’s very important. And we got a transition from in the. Out in the darkness into the light. We have to. And we can’t believe in organized stuff that has been edited and controlled by the dark force, luciferian force, the bloodline that, you know, you look at all these different things going on scripture. Lot of this stuff’s been edited based on not the light, but the darkness. Right. So anything you want to say, son, before we go? Israel, anything you want to say to the brothers and sisters out there before we go? And then, son, you close it up.

Yeah. For those that are interested in my content, I broadcast on my own channel. It’s under the real Ishmael press on YouTube. And you can find the link through my website. Make sure you. If you guys are looking for me on YouTube, just put in the real issue because I do have other pirates of channels that are not me pretending to be me. And you guys could, you know, keep. And keep updated with all my updates as well. And it will add that, Ismail, we’ll add that in the description, too. Yeah, yeah, we will, Ishmael. I mean, I could keep you on here for 10 hours, bro.

Thank you, man. I really appreciate you coming on. I know we’ll do future shows, and I apologize about my voice guys podcasting last night, but thank you for coming on, brother. This was one of my favorite shows. Yeah, look, thanks, lion Spirit. Brother Ishmael. Gratitude to you, brother. Likewise, brothers. Thank you for having me on. Take care. We’re out.


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