➡ The universe is organized into systems, each with a council, and we’re part of the Pleiadian League, overseen by the Alcyone. Our system is part of the constellation of Sirius, which is the main governing body for the Milky Way and possibly the entire universe. An intergalactic warlord took over many worlds in our system, but was recently captured, marking a new era for our universe. The Earth is next for liberation, and the Artemis Accord, a pact signed by members of the positive alliance program, is initiating a cleansing in our solar system.
➡ The text discusses a cosmic war between good and evil forces. The good forces, known as the Alliance and Solar Warden, are fighting against the Dark Fleet, a group associated with Nazis that has enslaved planets. The Alliance and Solar Warden are working to protect the truth and liberate enslaved planets. The text also mentions advanced civilizations living inside the Earth and the existence of secret space programs.
➡ The text discusses various theories about Earth’s significance in the universe and the origins of humanity. It suggests that Earth is a central hub of information in the universe, housing a mix of different life forms from multiple universes. The text also explores the idea that humans are a result of genetic experiments, with our DNA containing elements from various races across the universe. Finally, it delves into the story of Adam and Eve, suggesting it could be a metaphor for the creation of humans through genetic engineering by advanced civilizations.
➡ The text discusses a theory about human origins, suggesting we are part of a complex intergalactic genetic experiment. It claims that our DNA was contributed by multiple races from different universes, resulting in humans having originally twelve strands of DNA. The text also suggests that some people carry a ‘reptilian’ genetic strain, which is associated with negative behaviors, and that a future event, referred to as the ‘solar flash’, will remove these individuals, allowing humanity to evolve further. The text also discusses the concept of reincarnation and the continuation of consciousness after physical death.
➡ The text discusses the idea of a global shift from darkness to light, suggesting that our current reality is a hologram imposed by the Anunnaki, which will end by 2030. This change will activate certain DNA strands, allowing us to see things as they truly are. The text also explores interpretations of biblical stories, suggesting they are metaphors for historical and cosmic events. It concludes by discussing the concept of ascension, where the planet will return to its original state in higher dimensions.
➡ The text discusses the potential of advanced technologies like med beds, sonic healing platforms, and zero point energy, which could revolutionize our lives and the planet. It suggests that these technologies could allow us to live healthier, longer lives, and drastically reduce our environmental impact. The text also mentions the possibility of a future where we live in harmony with the Earth, similar to the movie Avatar, and the potential for humans to develop supernatural abilities. Lastly, it touches on the ongoing debate about the shape of the Earth.
➡ The speaker discusses the idea that our beliefs shape our reality, using the debate between flat and round earth theories as an example. They also criticize religion for creating divisions and suppressing spirituality, arguing that we are spiritual beings having a human experience, not the other way around. The speaker encourages people to break free from dogmatic beliefs and focus on personal growth and understanding. They also mention their books on secret government and cosmic origins, available on Amazon.
➡ The speaker is urging people to stop supporting companies that produce harmful products. He believes that many consumer products contain harmful substances, yet people continue to buy them due to heavy advertising. He suggests that people can fight back by refusing to fund these companies and instead support businesses that produce safe, natural products. He emphasizes that change can only happen if people take responsibility and take action.
➡ The speaker is encouraging people to join Operation Tomahawk, a movement against harmful products and corporate control. They advocate for using natural products and standing up against tyranny. They also host a radio show called “The Tipping Point” on Revolution Radio, where they discuss these issues and the fight against a global criminal empire.
Prudence, indeed will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes. And accordingly, all experience has shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty to throw off such government and to provide new guards for their future security. The world is waking up, and this is the tipping point, ladies and gentlemen, Scott McKay here on Patriot Street Fighter.
We’re going to talk about some pretty cool here today, because Ishmael Perez has spent a lot of years of his life learning the things that some of you are now coming to learn, things that I started to dig into about six or seven years ago. In terms of the secret space program activity that’s been going on all of your life beyond ours. And the idea that there are off planet highly advanced races that are looking and helping, looking to and helping the human experience we have, in terms of the ascension process, which is a tied, which is tied to theirs, by the way, the wars in the heavens that we talk about from a biblical standpoint, my belief is wars with non terrestrial races doing battle constantly, just like we do in this planet for domination or domain.
And there’s a transition happening now on this planet. None of us could ever look at it directly or hear about it and see it. But now we’ve had a number of whistleblowers coming out into the open in the last six to eight years, and some are not here anymore because they’ve been eliminated because they’re. They have a conscience and they want humanity to know the truth and know that there is a much better life for us here on earth if we could bring down this satanic empire, uh, this realm that’s being likely run and controlled and has been controlled by the Draco race, uh, this malevolent species that has seeded its DNA, uh, all through humanity.
And probably from the Cain DNA on, on down, I’m guessing. And you wonder why people could be so callous and, and wantonly murder people with no remorse. It’s likely because they have strands of reptilian DNA, I guess, is a lot of crazy stuff that would make some people, I guess, walk away from the conversation is totally crazy. But again, not being willing to look at information and try to discern it from a spiritual side tells me that you’re not connected to the Christ consciousness, because that is the all almighty protection we have. Truth isn’t something you just logic.
Truth is something that can be discerned with how it feels, how the information feels. Am I right, Ishmael? Uh, you should be able to have some, some type of physical reaction to discern whether something is truth or not. I mean, they’ve done it with kinesiological testing. Doctor David Hawkins talks about it in truth versus falsehood. They can kinesiological test everything, every verse in Bible, to see whether it’s true or not, right? Just through logical strength testing. So there’s so much more to us as a human species, a spiritual, divine species, than we could possibly imagine that we’ve been led to believe over eons of time.
And now it’s coming out to the point where you and I can openly talk about the power of the human species because we’re considered genetic royalty, you know, by many races out there. There’s something truly special about us. We just can’t unleash it because they built a prison planet to keep us from learning about the true power we have, the true Christ consciousness, conscious manifestation of an incredible reality simply by thinking about it. We create it, but we don’t see it that way because we are buried under the weight of this satanic empire, and it’s its daily life machine in every aspect of our lives.
So you’ve seen all. You’ve seen this. You know what’s happening there? Do you see any hope for the immediate future of being able to break through all of this and learn the surreal information about us, have access to technologies that can change our lives, literally within a generation, a whole new planet, an Eden, so to speak. Do you think that there’s hope for that in our lifetime? Absolutely, Scott. And recently in the last few weeks, the intergalactic warlord that has been pretty much the source of all these invading worlds and oppressions and you could say the force of destruction in our universe has actually been taken out.
The galactic alliance, the races that are in service to others that are working for God’s source in collaboration with members of our own secret space program. And I’ll get into the secret space program and how that actually ties in to the war between the Federation and the Draco Orion Empire. But recently he was taken out. I think it was the 29 July. He was discovered in the Epsilon Bhutas constellation. It was discovered. His name is Sauron and he was the head of the Siakar Empire. So what is the Siakar Empire for? Audiences have never heard of that terminal.
Well, the Siakar Empire is an intergalactic, you could say, corrupt system that has been running our galaxy and other galaxies. Unfortunately, that fell prey to the expanding, you could say reptilian empire. But the real name is called Siakar. See, the Reptilian is a broad general understanding of the different reptilian races. But when I refer to as the Siakar, that is the actual main draco reptilian race that hails from the alpha draconae system from the planet called on Aln. So that’s where, you know, they originated from. But they have been expanding their empire for about 560 million years earth time.
So this battle between the good guys and the bad guys is actually traceable offworld. Traceable to the war in heaven. Of course, the Bible condenses everything to three realms. Heaven, earth, hell. But in all actuality, when they are referring to the war in heaven they’re talking about the war it’s taking up in space. That’s the war in heaven as a metaphor. So what’s his name? Sauron. The guy who they just captured was pretty much. He was forced to abdicate his power by the galactic alliance. We call them the guardian races who are working with, um, you know, um, entities like Michael.
I’m sure you’ve heard of Michael. Entities like Melchizedek. And so these are the races that are actually out there doing what the white hats are doing down here on a 3d. But these races are up there doing it on different dimensions. So as that saying goes, as above, so below his capture and him facing justice now, galactic tribunals is actually a reflection of what’s happening down here. It’s all happening simultaneously. See, most people think that the dimensions are separated by space and time when in actuality they’re all happening simultaneously at the same time, at the same.
In the same space but in different frequencies. I don’t know if that makes any sense. But for those different frequency, different frequency. So for those that study podcasting. Yeah, channels are always broadcasting and people are hearing those channels depending on the frequency they’re tuned into. So great parallel. Thank you. So he’s facing justice, and he’s actually going to be extinguished. In other words, his sole essence, for failing to comply with the light, for failing to change, and also for all the destruction that he has caused in our Milky Way and other galaxies. It turns out that there’s an estimation of a few hundred thousand worlds that were actually obliterated, and millions of races that were literally mutated into slavery by this guy.
Well under the direction of this guy, Sauron. And it’s funny that they use the same name, Sauron, to describe the evil eye in Lord of the Rings. Same entity. And so there is two types of deaths. There is physical death, which is the body dies, the soul continues, and then there are spiritual death, which is when an entity is arrogant and is not willing to change to the light. Eventually, after given so many chances, that entity becomes extinguished. In other words, its consciousness, its essence, becomes obliterated, and therefore has no more individuality. So thats what he is facing now in the galactic courts.
And its a good news, because his capture, his arrest, and now he’s facing punishment, which is extinction, is going to mark a whole new era in our galaxy and all the other galaxies where he had his minions stationed in. And so how it works is the universe is so vast. Okay, so we are part of a system of about 20 of about 52 different solar systems, anywhere from 600 to 900 worlds. Each system has a council. So we’re part of the Pleiadian League, you could say. We answer to the Alcyone, which is the central son of the Pleiadians.
So they are pretty much the guardians of our system. There’s about 100,000 systems that make up a constellation council. So we’re part of our system. In other words, with other systems, belongs to the constellation of Ceres. And that is not the Middle Eastern country, Siri. And it’s Sirius as an si ri us. Sirius as the. As in the big blue star. Well, it’s a trinary star system. You have a, B, and C. Well, the main headquarters of the forces of light have established their epicenter in Sirius B. Alright, so that’s the primary governing body that oversees pretty much the affairs of the Milky Way, and many believe even the affairs of the entire universe.
That’s where they have the office of the Christ established, which has nothing to do with religion, but everything to do with service to others. And in union with cosmic consciousness. And that’s what the term Christ consciousness means, is in union with cosmic consciousness and being aware that everything is one and interconnected. So the system that we belong to is known as the 24th system. There’s about 100,000 systems that make up constellation that are part of the constellation of Sirius. And then in turn, there’s 100 constellation councils that make up a local universe. So every universe is organized that way.
So how it works is this intergalactic warlord was able to assert power within our system, taking over anywhere from 300 to 400 worlds, where he was able to use his minions to create luch farms, genetically mutate races, in order to feed the dracos and in turn, feed their AI overlords. Because even the dracos themselves are working for an ancient AI God known as omega. Omega, which means the end. The end of worlds. The end of universes who actually transferred itself from another universe. And there’s a lot of ample evidence that we are one of many universes.
So omega, who came from another universe known as the old Empire, that’s where all evil originated. And I describe this perfectly in my book, our cosmic origin, for those that want to learn about cosmic and galactic history. But the whole point is that the kingpin of the Siakar Empire was captured on the 29 July. And as a result of that, all of his minions that were in charge of all these different systems, not just our own system, because we’re part of the 24 system, there’s a total of 100,000 systems were also captured. And what’s happening is what the capturing of, or the neutralization, rather an elimination of their stronghold up in the galaxy and other galaxies is marking a new era for our universe right now, as I speak.
So they’re only waiting for the liberation of the earth. And that’s next. It is believed, I was informed, that Earth is next. Now, the kingpin that was in charge of the earth, that was actually answering to Sauron, Paethos, that was his name, was known as Belial Marduk. Belial Baal. So Belial Baal was actually the one that was in charge of our planet and he was taken out as well. So now the cabal here on this planet has no more. They don’t have any more overlords to answer to, you know, all their. Their hierarchies or to protect them, right.
Or to protect them or facility protect them, facilitate protection. And so we are next. Our planet is next. And then there’s this thing that was established a few years ago called the Artemis Accord. And what the Artemis accord is, is a pact that was signed by members of the secret space program of the positive alliance program known as Solar Warden and Radiant Guardians, that initiated a house cleansing here in our local star cluster and in our solar system. So what that means is that as of 2021, actually the secret space program solar warden, with the collaboration of the galactic councils, were a cleaning house.
They were a cleaning house here in our solar system, overriding all the colonies and bases that were established by the interplanetary corporate conglomerate, which was a Draco Rothschild alliance. Right. And the dark fleet, which was a nazi Draco alliance. So all of those colonies, including the lunar operating command, which was originally designed as a swastika, was recently, in the last three years, taken over by the positive secret space programs. And question. You’re talking about. You’re talking about these. These organizations or these structured entities that are fighting for good or bad. Uh, the dark fleet is a us air force nazi operation, an offensive operation taken over planets.
If I’m not mistaken, the interplanetary corporate conglomerate is basically a fusion of Draco off off world and on planet corporations and multinational corporations working together. Right? And then we got solar Warden, which is an entity of the good guys, primarily a research operation, but have gone, if I’m not mistaken, operational, working with US Navy, highly US Navy special operations, if I’m not mistaken on that, that would be run by the good guys. Is that true? All accurate? Yes, that is absolutely. Good. Now, yeah, because sometimes we throw these terms out, you and I take it for granted that we know what they are, but when you throw those out, so many people are not aware of what’s going on.
When I say around them, I mean, you know, external to their. Their initial physical, visual environment that they can see and experience. It’s kind of like being ants, you know, building their ant hole in my lower pasture. It’s a massive piece of property, right? But the only world that they can know and that they can experience is this one ant hill that I just went in to wipe out. Right, exactly. So there’s. I guess I’m trying to. Trying to formulate an intelligent question that I would think people would be asking about this information is you. Is this all bullshit? Is it real? Are there other factors, other races, other influences on this earth that truly are working in favor of us? As I said, a number of times, there are absolutely benevolent species that truly see us as a special one and with, you know, truly magnificent powers in our own right, that we simply don’t know how to exercise because we’ve never been shown, taught, or revealed to us who we are.
We’ve continued to buy into what they believe us or made us believe we are. And I take issue with the Bible, and I’m born again Christian, and I still, you know, follow the workings and the philosophy of Christ and feel connected to that myself. But the simple fact is, from the very moment we are born, they start feeding us this bullshit. You are born a sinner. That’s complete bullshit. I simply came into the pipeline. I’ve done nothing wrong. First thing I see is I’m pulled out of this very warm, safe space, and there’s a room full of people, and the lights are so bright and blinding, and I’m somewhere on a cold table, and somebody commits a violent act against me, slaps me on the ass, right? They cut my lifeline, you know, it’s total chaos when you come into this existence.
And from that point forward, I’m being looked at as a small, innocent creature who has done something wrong, like committed a sin. You are born a sinner, all bullshit. I think that’s just a way to continue to drive our self images into the ground, to make us believe that we are lowly and unworthy, because they cannot have us discover the true power of the Christ consciousness, which we’re born with, and the manifestation of miracles and walking on water, raising Lazarus from the dead, all the same quantum influential power that we have inside of God’s creation, sources, creation that we can all be magnificent on so many levels, but data, rat, they can’t do that.
They can’t allow us to know it, because they need people living in ghettos and killing each other, taking drugs, and, you know, committing heinous acts and perversion, all this shit to constantly keep us in the sewer so we can’t finally shake it off, wash it off, and look around truly for what the world is and say, you know, this is, this isn’t, this is, why are we letting these inmates run this asylum, you know, and us taking it over anyways? Just kind of a little bit of an over, you know, an overarching look at the truth of what they’ve created in the environment of humanity to help to keep us in prison.
Anyways, that being said, I I’m now, because we openly talk about this without being ridiculed right off our platforms. Why aren’t we being ridiculed off our platforms? I’ve been talking about this stuff on radio or these shows since 2020, and it’s not only people aren’t laughing, they’re saying, tell me more. What? Tell me more. That tells me we’ve made huge leaps toward our own freedom because people want to know. Absolutely. Yeah. The only reason we’re still here on jabs and still being able to broadcast and they speak our truth is because of this element known as the alliance.
The Alliance slash wyatts, whatever you want to call it, are here to make sure that the truth, speak the truth, and that’s why they’re protecting us. You know, there is also a lot of protection coming from the galactics as well. Case in point, you know, the bailed assassination attempt at Donald J. Trump, I mean, that was a totally galactic intervention, and they knew it was coming. They had access to what, you know, all the different probable futures. So they knew. I mean, it was even recorded in one of the Simpsons episode that he was going to.
That he was going to get assassinated, and that, you know, that never happened because of the interference of the galactic alliance. But since you mentioned the dark fleet. Yeah. That’s been another negative factor that has been conquering different planets, giving us a bad rep, and not only within the. Our local star cluster, but within the entire galaxy and so many planetary systems, you could say, have been enslaved by the dark fleet wearing a nazi flag. And so they have been misrepresenting us. So right now, in our galaxy, there are many different races that fear the earthlings because of what the dark fleet is doing in space.
I think everyone, they think we are all like the dark fleet. They don’t understand that that’s just one breakaway group. And so that element was also dealt with due to the establishment of the Artemis accord back in 2021. And so the super soldiers from solar Warden have actually recently, in the last few years, as a result of the Artemis accord, have been going to the different solar systems where the dark fleet, you know, captured in enslaved planets and has liberated them as well. So, you know, a lot of things are happening from behind the scenes in other planets.
Are you saying dark fleet has liberated planets? You said. Yes. No, not the dark fleet. No, no, the solar. Now, the dark fleet are the bad guys. They have enslaved planets in the name of, you know, the Nazis, and. And they use AI, but they use super advanced AI. You know, most of their soldiers are cybernetic, right? Whereas we just. All we do is activate dormant DNA, and we become genetically enhanced to have these super abilities. It’s very similar to the superhero movies, but they use AI to enhance their soldiers. So there were two wars taking place in space or in our galaxy.
The war between the Federation and the Draco Orion empire and the war between the dark fleet and solar warden. So dark fleet being an extension of rogue US Air force malevolent, oppositional offensive and solar warden naval special operations white hats fighting for the good guys. Interestingly enough, now that I mentioned that word today shows I just had Brad Wasney on, so he’s wearing a white hat today. I show up my white hat, and I just noticed you show up today with your white hat on. So we kind of got a white hat narrative operation going on here just.
Just because it happened that way. No coincidences, right? No coincidences. Right. But just to make a quick clarification, the dark fleet was originally. Well, they are Nazis. You know, they are Nazis that eventually, through project Paperclip, took over the states through the military industrial complex. But I. They were initiated initially by the Nazis. So the dark fleet is mostly. It’s not. It’s, well, it’s cabal us run, but it originated with Hitler. I just wanted to point that out for our audiences. As a result of that, the positive races such as the Pleiadians and the Andromedans and some of the Venusians were also working with our naval, our US Navy in order to, in order to counteract that, that secret space program.
And that’s when William Tompkins was actually contacted by several pleiadians and gave him the technology or gave him the blueprints to build solar warden. To build the craft of solar warden. And that’s when we went out there and we started protecting our solar system. And eventually we also went outside of our solar system with solar warning to begin to free the worlds that were being enslaved by the dark fleet. So, yeah, this war is definitely been taking place off planet in many different systems in our galaxy. And another thing I want to mention is that breakaway groups have always existed, my friend.
They could go back to atlantean times. There are so many breakaway groups. If you could give me 1 second. Someone’s at my door. Hope you had this. Take time, brother. We’re good here. So, um, some of you folks have not, not been in the, in sort of the orbit, so bear with us here because the puzzle pieces will snap into place. Maybe not on this show, but when you hear other things about these programs that existed, uh, the things that are the wars in the heavens that are biblical that are going on are with non terrestrial races, non earth based races.
As far as non terrestrial, uh, there are. There are races living on this planet and many, uh, or a number of them living inside the planet. Uh, we’re. We have this vision or view of Earth as being this rock with a bunch of trees and dirt on it. We live on it. Uh, when action, in actuality is it is its own sentient being, just like you are. Or if ishmaelites and myself were sentient beings, the earth is as well, as is the sun and other planets. They just don’t have arms, legs and a mouth and look like we do.
They’re sentient beings, and so they are on their own ascension track. But the earth itself, inside of the earth, they made us believe that if you just drill into the planet, you’ll find, like, oil, or you keep going deeper and it’s molten rock that blows up through volcanoes. All bullshit. This there are. The earth is a massive honeycomb system. There are. There are races and malevolent races and benevolent living inside the planet. In an ecosystem that’s inside a planet that has its own photonic, like, biophotonic light sources, such as we have a sun inside the planet.
There are these biophotonic sources that create light and heat. And they have their ecosystems that are able to sustain agricultural growth and production again, another whole quality universe in and of itself. That’s the truth of our planet that they don’t ever want us to know about. They want to keep us blind and in the dark. Because the more we realize the truth about just this one planet that we call our earth, or Terra, as it’s known, is so magnificent and so broad and diverse that none of us could sit where we sit or stand where we stand and say that we are just this planet with one species, and God created only one, which is us.
We’re so special. And they keep us living in a damn closet. And if we could step out of the closet and see the whole world, we’d be so fascinated that we would come to realize, oh, there’s so much more here than what I really thought and what they’re telling us. Therefore, there’s got to be something pretty incredible about me being here, like me and you. And if it’s. If it is that incredible, then maybe we really do have superpowers. And I think, Ishmael, the projection of all the superheroes that we see in the movies these days, it’s absurd.
I mean, women could beat up 30 men. Things like that. Say, that’s just total bullshit. Maybe not. Maybe that one particular female has discovered her own, um, you know, genetic or cosmic superpowers. To be able to do the things that they do, which creates a completely unfair playing field to those who have not woken up to that ascension. So, anyways, I’m just rambling on here till you get back, but trying to lay a framework of understanding for people that haven’t heard this kind of information before. Absolutely. So these things called uaps, unidentifying aerial phenomena, are actually coming from multiple sources, multiple places.
They’re coming from the inner Earth, as you stated. There are advanced civilizations that are thousands of years ahead of us in technology that have longer lifespans that are living in the earth. They’re also coming from our own secret space programs, because we’ve been having the tech, and we’ve actually not only had the tech for the last hundred years, but it turns out that within the realm of secret societies, they have been guarding the blueprints for this technology for centuries before they developed it. So they’ve always known about this, by the way. And we also have people from the future, from our future civilization coming back into time, because this is called the Nexus point.
You know, there are only two possible futures from this point, right from the Nexus .1 of them is a future where AI and humans merge, and that’s called the cyborg future, and that’s the negative path. Of course, I talked about the AI timeline, which is a technocratic dystopia where you have actually cyborgs that rebelled against that, against the tyranny of the artificial super AI, and they’ve traveled back in time in order to live in freedom. And then we also have humans from a future positive timeline where we activated our dormant DNA, develop these superpowers, and we live in harmony with one another, and we become guardians of the universe.
So we have all these, you know, people coming back to the Nexus point, and not to mention all of these advanced civilizations of interplanetary stellar, galactic types type systems are also bringing or coming to this here and the now, because what happens here determines the outcome of the entire universe. So it’s like we have the negatives, and the positives are all putting their focus on here, and they’re all, this is the last battle, my friend. This is why Earth is so important. And so it’s very fascinating to come to the understanding that the reason why all the attention is on Earth is because Earth is considered, believe it or not, the intergalactic exchange center of information.
The potpourri planets, the amalgamation of all the different sentient races, flora, fauna, coming from multiple universes put into one planet. And there’s a reason for that. You know, Earth is the ultimate masterpiece and more so if you studied the gnostic text, it is believed that the earth is also the physical body of Sophia, which is in gnostic traditions or in mysticisms called the mother goddess. So when they merge again, it is believed that the earth is going to be at the center of the multiverse and it’s going to be the new headquarters world and the humans, right? Mainly the old souls that many call star seeds that are already embodied, are going to be the first to activate their dormant DNA, whereas the earth, Terence, are going to be going up in increments because they’re younger souls, you know, they still need to learn how to use those abilities.
So they’re going to be tutored, tutored by the older souls who have already, who decided to come from these higher realities into a human avatar, who are going to lead the way in this new earth and so on and so forth. But it is believed that this earth will be the of the cosmos. Now, how our current secret space program started was going back to millions of years ago. Let’s go back to Orion. There was a fallout war between the galactic Federation of humans and other sentient life forms that wanted to live in harmony and in peace.
And the expanding draconian empire. Well, the draconians were losing the war to the Federation. So what they did is knowing that we, we’re going to be, you know, since we are the chosen race, we have the potential accumulation of all these different genetics put in one genome. And so therefore, you know, we’re considered, in a way, the most powerful beings once we start using that dormant DNA. Genetic royalty. So let me ask you a question on that, because we always run up against the Bible, we run up against the christian kingdom, I guess you would say.
On Earth, we are the result of 22 experiments, genetic experiments, basically, as I understand, the number could be off. So our, what should I say? Our incarnations hitting my mind. It’s the wrong word. But our existence on this planet has been told in a very simplistic fashion. Adam and eve, right? You say? Well, we didn’t come from Adam and eve, or we did or didn’t, but we came from basically a laboratory of gene splicing or genetic combinations put together to create an all perfect, I guess, physical being which can be inhabited by a soul, an eternal soul.
How do you rectify the Adam and Eve story with our. Our creation? Because a lot of people hang on to it like it’s real, right? That there was Adam out? No, Adam was made of the dust and the dirt. Maybe he was. Maybe it was eons of time where our creator, you know, fashioned this evolution of biology to continue to expand and grow, etcetera. And until one day becomes a physical man. Right, and you take a rib from Adam and create Eve. I mean, how do you rectify these two, whether they’re belief systems or two realities, how do you merge those? So the christian community, who believes in exactly the even, like, even Jesus, spoke in parables.
The Bible’s written in the same way. You know what I mean? In many ways. So it doesn’t defy. Defy it. It actually authenticates it, in my opinion. But can you. Can you create that narrative so people can understand that? Sure. So there are two atoms. The original atom was a spiritual atom that lived forever. It was immortal. That was the original atom that has been descending from higher dimensions so we could call them the original Lyrans. And there is evidence that all human ancestry could be traceable to Lyra. That’s where Arkind originated. Not reptilian, not insectoid, but human.
Humanoid. Let’s just use the word humanoid. So the original atom has been migrating and traversing the different dimensional levels of reality, the different frequencies going to the different solar systems, using an internal technology known as the light body. So we have been on this planet for millions of years, according to the emerald records. Not. Not the emerald tablets, but the cloister, the Dora plates, which could be traceable back to, you know, beyond atlantean times. Millions of years ago, the original Adam established several colonies on this planet. Right? And they were a very highly advanced spiritual race.
And through the process of descent, they were condensing because what the universe wanted was to integrate spirit and matter, so that matter could become eternal and matter could become spiritualized, which is what we now call the ascension. So the descendants of that spiritual race. Yes. They were part of this intergalactic experiment that 24 races actually contribute their DNA to twelve races, and in turn, those twelve races. And this is where we get the concept of the twelve tribes. The twelve races contributed their DNA to make the orphan race. So the original atom was known as the Terranusian Orphem, angelic race in physical form.
Now, there was several attempts throughout history to corrupt that race, to degenerate that blood. And one of the attempts came about 50 million years ago. And this was during. Yeah, this was. This goes way beyond Atlantis. I mean, you know, if people only knew the truth that civilizations have been here for millions of years, even if they operate in different frequencies. I mean, you know, they’re still societies. There was an attempt by the inorganic we could say, the fallen ones, there was an attempt by them to corrupt it or to degenerate that species of the original 12th strand DNA pteranusian race.
That’s the word for that original species. The second attempt to degenerate that species was during the times of Atlantis. And that’s when the anunnaki came into the picture to create a slave race. So what the sumerian tablets fail to tell us is that when the Liberians from planet Iberu, hence the Anunnaki, came to our planet, it was during the times of Atlantis where we had two coexisting races. We had the Atlanteans, which were the descendants of the original 12th strand DNA. Terranusian spiritual atom, if you follow me here. And then we also had the hominids, what we call monkeys, or the primitive men’s primitive types.
And so what the Anunnaki did is they wanted to create a slave race, because, again, they were trying to dig up the gold here in order to disperse it into their atmosphere, right, because their specie was dying. But the Anunnaki, just like ourselves, were physical people who hated to toil in the dirt and in the sun, and they were tired of doing all the physical labor. So Enki proposed to the council, why not create a race that is less intelligent than us through our genetic engineering? And so what the council did say, okay, but if we do so, we have to use Anu’s and Enlil’s genetics, which are pure, which are uncorrupted.
We cannot use your genetics because your mother is half reptilian. And if we use your genetics, that’s going to install the reptilian gene, like Cain. Cain was an example of that. Right? Cain was the offspring of Enki and Eve. That’s where Eve was deceived by the snake in the garden. Well, who was the snake in the garden? Enki. And so what Enki did is he defiled the council. And instead of using the original galactic royal gene, that was also part of the experiment that came from Sirius and Lyra, by the way, he used his own genetics, so he defied the council, and that’s where everything went wrong.
And so what he did is he created a species by admixing genetics from the atlantean race, which is, which was the descendants of the original twelve strand DNA tyrannusian race, and taking genetics from homo erectus specimen to create a lesser intelligent specimen. And that’s the second atom. That is the adamu, as explained in the translation of the ancient sumerian tablets. So the adamu was the atom that we know about in the Bible. But the Bible does not record the atom that has been descending from the higher dimensional realities that started off as an immortal being, spirit being, that eventually condensed into physical form, becoming the 12th strand terranusian orpheme race.
Now, the reason they were known as the twelve strand pteranusian orphan race is because this intergalactic genetic experiment actually began with other universes long ago, even before the conception of our universe. So millions of universe contributed their DNA to about 100 races. Those 100 races, in turn, contributed their DNA to 24 races. And then, furthermore, those 24 races contribute their DNA to twelve races. And those were the twelve races of Lyra, the twelve races that came into existence in the constellation of Lyra, who are our ancestors, and then, in turn, those races to further, you know, thank you.
To finalize the experiment to create the super race, which is what they call us, the super race. We’re just sleeping giants right now. They create. They contributed their genetics to create the original twelve strand DNA. And that’s why we have originally twelve strands. And there is scientific evidence that when the scientists mapped out our genome, they found out that ten of our strands were there, and they decided to call it junction, and they didn’t know what to make of it. So basically, what the Anunnaki did is they just downgraded us. They took an already existing race, right, that was only using six of their strands, not the full twelve, because the whole purpose was to evolve them spiritually first, so that when they reach their full power, they could use it for good.
But the Anunnaki took advantage of that. They said, hey, we’re using eleven strands of DNA. We could manipulate the Atlanteans, and we could downgrade them and create a slave race. And all this slavery, all this, you know, working this, the system of working from nine to five, working to just make ends meet, originated with the second atom that the Anunnaki created. And that explains why most humans have our age positive blood type, because the rh positive means rhesus monkey protein, which is attributed to homo erectus genetics. Oh, my goodness gracious, good grief. But there was a one, there was a pure strain that did not receive those genetics, and that is a strain that comes from Abraham.
Abraham, well, his father, Terah, who was the son of Noah. No, shem. And then shem was the son of Noah. Noah was a descendant of Methuselah. Enoch. Enoch was a descendant of Methuselah, and Methuselah was a descendant of. Not the serpent, not Cain, but Abel, you know, so there is a bloodline war as well between the reptilian seed that was established through Cain and then resurrected itself through Nimrod and the original twelve strand DNA angelic race which comes from Adam, Seth, Abraham, Jacob, King David, Solomon, Jesus, Mary Magdalene and all. All of their descendants today, which are associated with the Wyatt’s.
Are we. Are we part of that. That genetic line, that race, you and I? I believe, absolutely. And there are other people on the planet, maybe people we personally know who are not of that line. They have the reptilian. Right, right. So that explains why some people can just wantonly murder others and have no remorse whatsoever. Because. Because to no fault of their own on some level. It’s just the genetics they were wired with to be what it is. I mean, it’s like you watch a reptile, a crocodile like, attack something good, a human or whatever, and it’s no prejudice there.
It’s just what it does. It’s just being what it is. Right. And so people are being who they are. So then how do you wipe out that type of a strand of DNA, that type of race? How do you wipe that out so we can get, you know, get on to build, needing? Well, um, the cabal families have been the ones who have had the highest concentration of that reptilian genetic, or DNA. Rather the mass murderers, the psychotic people, the narcissists are examples of having a high concentration of reptilian genetics. This is where the solar flash comes in.
Again, genetics determines our frequency. So when you’re constantly thinking of hurting others, manipulating others, coercing others and taking advantage of others, well, guess what? When the solar flash takes place, you’re not going to make the shift into the new earth. And that’s why every tradition, not just the Bible, talks about how the righteous. Well, what do you think the term righteous means? The just those that are not corrupted by the reptilian GNA are going to make the new earth and are going to be able to reap the benefits of the new earth. So, yeah, we’ll be wiped out when the sword flash takes place.
So that and that, again, this all ties into how harvests harvest and the Bible ties that into the book of Revelations. Once again, you know, they create fear. It’s a fear based narrative of something that is just a natural evolution. And that’s why I’ve had a hard time with organized religion, in a sense, that those that create fear, and I saw one of those this weekend, it’s just like fear based, our creator does not come from any basis of negativity or, you know, fear, low vibration. All of those things comes from the light. I don’t think those things can exist in the light, but yet we have that on our planet.
You have that fear. And so in the book of Revelations, you talk about the harvest, we’re talking about the removal of that type of DNA from the planet because we can’t get to that thousand years of peace and a thousand years of bliss, we can’t get to that with that on the planet. So when they’re taken from the planet in terms of what we consider the rapture revelations, they make it this terrifying thing, and it is not, it’s actual an evolution, a harvest in a season. And that which cannot be part of the harvest goes back into, let’s say in this case, the soil of existence, and it’s repurposed again to where it decays, breakdowns, becomes fertilizer in some way, shape, form, and then it can be rebirthed, reborn, obviously, you know, at a higher vibration frequency, a higher level of genetics, evolution.
But it, but it, it won’t be here in this garden because this garden has moved on into, into another, I guess, level of ascension, the planet earth, they’ll be recycled into yet another 3d experience, which could be another planet elsewhere, different system. It might not even be a planet. It may be a 3d any. I don’t think that the whole concept of planets and life and all these things are the only thing that’s out there to evolve into, to go through a 3d experience. I could be wrong. I have no, no, no study or background on that, but I just, it’s kind of a concept that popped up.
So I’m throwing at you to see if there’s any merit to it or if this kind of thinking is on, on the right track and if people can actually assimilate the information, if that’s possible, it’s very possible. That’s just the way natural universal laws work. Again, it goes back to, there’s two types of deaths. You know, there’s physical death. The soul continues. Technically, when you’re, when you, when your avatar dies, your consciousness moves on, so there is no death. However, if you’re an evil entity and your consciousness is corrupt and you don’t want to change to the light, you will be extinguished.
And like you said, you’re going to be, you know, going back to the soil to start new, you know, with a new identity. So whatever identity you had prior to the extension of that consciousness is going to be dissolved, and a new, something new emerges as a result of that. But you will no longer be that evil entity anymore, if that makes sense. So you said that you hit on the target. My, that’s how it works. It’s all universal laws. You know, everything boils down to energy. So if energy cannot be created, it cannot be created and destroyed.
It only changes form. So there you go. Interesting. Interesting. Do you see, with all the things that you come to learn in these years, Ishmael, with all of your. With all of your study and, you know, talking to people who come from these programs, this is, this is the question of the decade or the century. Are we going to see magnanimous changes on this planet in our physical form now as this transition happens? Or is it going to take like, decades or hundreds of years? Because my information is that the on planet alliance, people who are part of the alliance, working with the Off Planet alliance, the on Planet alliance, wants the dissemination of all this truth to come out over decades or 100 years, because they don’t think we can handle, and we need a slow adjustment.
Off planet believes in humanity. Dump it all on the earth. Let them sort it out. They’ll figure it out. They’ll. They’ll get it. They’ll be okay. I personally think we need the full Monty, right? And I understand the psychological side of it where they want to sort of piecemeal wake people up. Are we going to have the opportunity to have this global change from dark to light in the way we get to live in our lifetime? Or are we just going to be seeing this evolution over time? And if we do get to experience the beauty of it, it’s because we incarnated again after the death of this body, which kind of sucks.
We want to do it with what, you know, where we are now. How do you think this could. Could play out? Well, from what I’ve gathered, the current reality construct, which is a hologram overlay that was imposed by us, by the Anunnaki that took over on behalf of Sauron pythos, who was doing it to many worlds and many galaxies, hologram, okay, that reality construct comes to an end by no later than 2030. So in either case, something needs to happen between now and 80 30, because when that reality constructs, when the veil, metaphorically speaking, is lifted, that corresponds with certain DNA strands are going to become activated, and we’re going to see things, what they really are.
So whether it comes from the government or we wait for this current reality construct to collapse, it’s all going to be revealed. So I would say, yeah, it’s going to happen within our lifetime. Absolutely. So you. We can. The things you and I are. My belief is the things that you and I are talking about, we can rectify this with the Bible every step of the way. It’s just taking this reality and explaining how, as it is parallel in its, you know, dictation in the Bible, then it’s creating a different viewpoint, in my opinion, and showing how that fits with what we’re talking about.
That’s my. I mean, you and I know that to be 100% true. Um, it’s really easy to, you know, to. To connect this. Weave this fabric together so that way people to say, well, you’re saying the Bible isn’t accurate. Of course it’s accurate. It’s just incomplete. Yes, it’s. In most cases, it’s accurate. We know the Satan. Some people believe the Bible, like, everything else, has gone to shit in the world because of the Satanists. But the Bible, 100% right? Come on. You think they left that alone? Come on. Um, if anything, all they have done is weaken the power of it because they’ve eliminated so much of it.
So we can’t get the full picture. Like all the books that are gone, that aren’t there anymore, that could piece. Put the pieces of the puzzle together in the fashion that you are say, look, I’m just telling you, the things that, you know, Enoch would even talk about, these are the truths of the. Of creation that you never got a chance to learn. They got to keep you dumbed down, in my opinion. So it doesn’t disempower the Bible. It actually empowers to say, oh, you think it’s this powerful? You have? It’s. It’s way far more powerful than.
Than you can imagine if you. If you have it in its complete form. Absolutely. Yeah. And that explains why hundreds of books were left out, because those books were describing everything we just talked about, but in detail. And, you know, they were a threat to the canonized, you know, accepted, we could say, manuscripts that they call the Bible now, but it’s also a book of metaphors. You know, it was written like that by the good guys because they knew that the bad guys were going to try to change everything and corrupt it and mix words. And so you have to go beyond the metaphor.
You have to see. To give you an example, the Tower of Babel was not a physical thing that they were building because back then, they knew that once you reach the stratosphere, you’re going to go into space. Right? The Tower of Babel was a cabal attempt under the direction of Nimrod, to develop a secret space program. And if succeeded, Nimrod would be crowned the king of the four corners, which is the bloodline of Cain. So, of course, the good guys, Seuss Enlil, had to struck the tower down and confuse our languages, because back then, we were nothing spiritually mature enough to inherit this advanced technology.
But now we are. Now we are at a different point in time where we, the people that are spiritually evolved, that are awakened, have the ability to use this technology for good. You know, that’s just one example. I mean, Saddam and Gomorrah, you know, that’s another example. The reason the good guys destroy Saddam and Gomorrah wasn’t because of homosexuality. It was because it was a war between the angelic anunnaki and the draconian reptilian Anunnaki. See, the draconian reptilian anunnaki were after some of the stargates that were located in those regions. So the good Anunnaki, in an effort to block more draconians from coming in through those stargates, they had to blow up those stargates.
So, of course, in the Bible is recorded as the people were sinners, they were homosexuals, and they were living abominations. And so we needed to destroy those regions. Yes, there was a lot of corruption there because it was run by the descendants of Cain and there was a lot of homosexuality. That part is true. But the reason why it was destroyed was to prevent more reptilians from accessing our. Our planet. And so Abraham, who was a white hat, was working with the angelic anunnaki, the Enlil, you know, Enlil Ninurta and his sons, which the Bible records as the angels that appear to Abraham and his nephew lot, who also had physical bodies.
And there is evidence in the Bible that these angels actually sat with them and had physical dinner and they were eating well. These angels were Pleiadian under Naki. See how the Bible condenses everything to angels and demons? Giddy teas, bloody teas, become angels and demons. So the whole purpose of destroying Saddam and Gomorrah was to prevent more reptilians from coming into our planet, otherwise we wouldn’t be here. So there. There obviously is good anunnaki. Most people think anunnaki is automatically. They are. They are reduced to nothing but a malevolent species. When that’s not true, in fact, I had a.
One of my, one of my sources, high level, very high level military operations, had sent me some. Some pictures that I’ve never shown anyone because I’m not allowed to. But one of these photographs is Queen Asha on the Anunnaki setting at a table, a dinner table with Recep Erwin and probably his wife and a few other people. And when I saw that photograph, I mean, you can see this. This being is, you know, probably, I’m guessing maybe standing, maybe 12ft tall, based on the body dimensions, probably weighed about 800 pounds. Proportionally like a human being had, you know, beautiful, like, sort of asian features, very, very thick, straight black hair, like, asian hair, elongated skull that you can tell from, like, a side view.
An attractive, attractive bee, you know, which we consider attractive. And. And so I had to ask myself the question, like, why would this anunnaki be sitting with these people, whether they’re good or bad or nothing? But obviously, there’s that interaction. They’re probably certainly at the highest levels of government. We know the high level government people, heads of state or whatever, have likely had. Many have had interaction with these non terrestrial beings. And of course, they can’t say what they can’t say. They’re not allowed to let us know about that. But I think to categorize every type of one of these species as all of them are malevolent is absurd, because, as you said, you have a different DNA line of Anunnaki.
Reptilian has reptilian DNA. And, of course, the other. Um, so that was just sort of a clarification that, uh, you’re the first person I’ve heard. Basics come around and say, yeah, not all Anunnaki are bad. Uh, there’s a good. There’s. And you explain why it’s a genetic thing. Exactly. Yeah, absolutely. And the term anunnaki basically just means those that come from the sky. Well. Well, anyone could come from the sky, both negative and positives. And one way to distinguish one from the other is that genetic marker. Right. The Pleiadian and Anunnaki were refugees of Lyra. They were part of the original human strands.
Right. There are so many human like species out there that actually spread from Lyra when the dracos first destroyed the Lyran planets. And this happened millions of years ago. That’s why we’re here, because we’ve been migrating from our original dimensions, which was 8th dimensional Earth, known as avion, and they also called it Gaia. So that’s where we originate from. From the original Gaia Earth, which existed in the 8th dimension. And just like how we’ve been dropping in densities, becoming more physical and physical, so has our planet, you know, interesting. So ascension processes to reintegrate back with those aspects of ourselves.
And that’s why right now, as the planet undergoes ascension, in other words, the planet is going to be restored back to her original blueprint in the fourth, fifth and 6th dimension, where spirit and matter are in a perfect equilibrium balance. So are we. Well, the righteous, the just, we’re going to be, you know, ascending with her as a result of that, activating our crystalline DNA, which is part of our live body, allowing us to live for thousands of years without any diseases or health issues. Yeah. And, uh, do you see, once we break through this veil and it’s brought down, do you think that they’ll drop these technologies on the planet? We’ve heard and learned about the med bed technology, sonic healing platforms, zero point energy, you know, antigravitics, which in my opinion changes everything, specifically, zero energy, free energy.
It’s, there’s enough floating around my head here that could power the whole planet, you know, for, for, for eons, because it’s all around us, you know, I tell you, dude, I, this bothers me as much I. Look, I got friends in the solar industry. I’m a system designer myself. I haven’t been in the industry for, I guess, four or five years, but, and that’s, quote unquote, a solution to fossil fuels and basically damaging the planet. But if you have these electric cars out there, they’re doing major damage to the planet as well, because all the things that we know in terms of mining and I’m driving through whatever town I’m in and I’m just looking, I’m able to separate myself and see this atrocity of all of these telephone, telephone poles and power lines, shit strung all over the planet to get energy to people.
And the insanity of it all, when you can set something this size on your coffee kitchen table and this little thing will power your whole house, you know, ongoing forever. Right? And it’s a travesty that we have to see this on the planet. We’re so used to it. We were born into it. I’m thinking, my God, you talk about these, these evil people that said, yeah, we’re not going to let them know about this free energy. We are going to tell them that if you want energy, you have to. This is how you get it. And you got to get it all from us and we’re going to destroy the planet, in many ways, to burn and then pipe it over wires a long way, where by the time it gets to you, there’s only 30% of it left, but you’re paying for 100% of it.
We just go through this entire capture operation, and that, to me, is the worst. I mean, if free energy becomes a thing, the price of everything, because everything requires energy in the form of production, manufacturing, transportation, marketing, all of it, everything becomes reduced by 90% to 95% of its. The value of the money they had to buy it with, you know, so everything becomes dirt cheap, which all of a sudden creates a lifestyle for everybody on earth. It’s like a living like a billionaire. Just one thing. Which then means if you have free energy, we get anti gravitics involved.
You don’t need roads like back to the future roads where we’re going, we don’t need roads. So for not building roads, no longer creating this incursion on the planet and destroying life forms, species of animals, wiping out their habitat. I see that. When we get to that point, my belief is this. We, as a human species, should be living exactly like they do in Avatar. Obviously, great technologies, but we’re. It’s like John Dutton says on Yellowstone. He’s talking about these environmentalists. He said, the difference between you and you people on us is that you live on.
You live on, you live on the earth, we live with it. It’s a big difference, right? And I see a planet where they start deconstructing all these cities, all the concrete madness. Deconstructing them, lifting up all of the roads all over the planet, because we don’t need roads. We have anti gravitics. You want to go somewhere, you know, you lift up, use the atmosphere, drop in somewhere. So all this infrastructure we build in a world that we think is so advanced, people want to move towards cities when they come out of the country because there’s so much more going on.
Go live in that. Look, I’ve lived in cities for 25 years, or in the metropolitan areas around them. Now, as you get older, all you think about is, man, I want to go out to my ranch. I just want to be out there on the ground with fewer people, you know, and being part of the ecosystem as it was designed. There’s so many things that can be changed literally overnight just with a couple of these technologies dropped onto us for our availability. And it would make a far more interesting and exciting human experience here in this physical form if we could overcome that blockade.
I agree. I agree. And I. These technologies are actually being built, manufactured in mass amounts in the offworld colonies that the good people took from the bad programs, the negative programs. I believe that’s even within some of the white hat primary bases, such as Cheyenne mountains. They are building, or they have been building the med beds. But not only are we going to get med beds, we’re also going to get cocoon chambers, holographic generators. We’re going to get all kinds of healing modalities that heal through frequency. I mean, the med beds just surface. There’s so many technologies that could actually age, regress you and bring you back to looking 20 and never age again.
I do believe that these technologies are actually going to be rolled out as soon as the cabal is eliminated from our planet. And that is already in progress. It is believed that the global white hat alliance military is already in over 360 cities worldwide getting ready to arrest all of these negative and corrupt individuals. So many people leave. We’re not going to have an election as a result of that. Who knows? But only time will tell. All I know is that there is a divine plan unfolding, and that divine plan has a lot to do with a positive timeline known as the sacred timeline.
Right. We’re dealing with multiple earth realities where there’s an infinite number of timelines, but there’s only one sacred timeline, and that was the original timeline that our prime creator had planned for this planet to restore it back to, as you would call it, an Eden or a paradise world. And yes, you know, there are going to be different dimensions here once again, just like the different dimensions existed back in atlantean times. It’s not just fourth dimension or fifth dimension. The Earth is going to have access to twelve dimensions. So depending on people’s frequency, that will determine which dimensional range of reality in the new Earth you will end up in.
And let me just remind you guys that the higher you go in dimensions, the more access to more realities you’re going to have. So the Earth Terrans, which I call the younger souls, they are going to go into the fourth dimension, I believe, because the Earth is going to the fourth, fifth, and 6th, but potentially have access all the way to the 12th. The old souls, which are the star children or star adults now, right? But they started coming in from the forties and fifties. You are one of them, I believe, are going to be going into the 50 Earth, which means that we’re going to be using our internal technology instead of, you know, advanced technologies or external technologies.
So instead of using a car or a hover car, you’re gonna be able to teleport. And then people think, wow, what do you mean, we’re gonna be able to teleport? Well, that’s part of our dormant DNA. We have all that innate, you know, all those abilities are lying dormant within us. We think we’re just gonna be super consciously advanced, creating a symbiotic relationship with the elements and living like those people in the Avatar. No, we’re gonna go beyond that. We’re gonna be, you know, having these abilities that we would consider, you know, supernatural. And that’s the reason why all the different extraterrestrial races are interested in our genetics, and that’s the reason why they’ve been selling our genetics in the intergalactic black market, because of the fact that we have something that they don’t have, and that is the ability to do what they do, but without the technology, if that makes sense.
Very interesting. So we talk about these alternate realities. I can’t think of this tv show I watched when I was incapacitated from. From a crash. But there was a world where there was an alternate reality, and they found a way to open basically that door, that portal. Just remember, the guy’s name is Walt. He’s like this old scientist, or he’s. I threw that out there, in case you might have seen this, this series. But it was an interesting thing how they’re. They’re able. Able to. To take a peek into the alternate reality if things went a different way in the world.
The world was much darker. Same. Same person, same physical attributes, different mindset, because the world has changed. So I am bringing us to. To a final question here on a. There’s this narrative that’s clashing right now. Round Earth, flat earth, right? And so for me, I just. I’m baffled because you have these two factions competing and somewhat warring with each other on whether the earth is round, spherical. Is there any space? Or is it flat? Is it flatter? Are there. Is there layers of firmament, etc? My question is, who cares what it is? Who cares? Who cares what it is? I’ve said, why can’t it be both? Why can’t it be both? Why can’t it be? It’s like creating your own.
You’re living on a timeline. I believe the earth is round and spherical, etc. I believe that belief has you on a timeline that actually manifestation shows the earth that you live on that surround us. For those who believe that the earth is flat in our firmness, I believe it pushes them into timeline reality, where everything they see and the light they experience is one of which the earth may be flat with firmaments in their ascension process. You know what? It’s kind of like I’m trying to think of something came from motivational speaker. If you. If you believe something to be true, then it’s true, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So that’s what I always believed. So, yeah, you know, those that believe in the round earth, that understand that the earth has large caverns, it’s honeycombed, and, you know, an inner sun, are going to move into that reality. And those that believe in the flat earth, well, that’s what they’re going to manifest as a result of their beliefs into that reality. So, you know, I do believe that it is our belief system, but even more so our collective belief system that will determine the collective reality. Interesting. Yeah. So, my friend, this is always an interesting discussion with you.
I don’t have the depth of the background of all the information you have cosmically, but I know enough to kind of provoke, you know, different scenarios of what may or may not be. So it’s always fun, and I like it because it helps yank people out of the dogma of religion. I said this over the weekend at the George event that, you know, I said this on many these large church stages around the country when I was on reawakened tour. Look, the worst thing that has ever happened to humanity is religion. The single. My belief, the single worst thing that’s happened to humanity is religion, because it.
What it did was it created a fat, fractionate, fractionalized belief system, many of them, a number of them, and completely wiped out the concept of spirituality. Right. It becomes a dogmatic thought process of religion. Prayer beads, saying chants, you know, reading these verses, which I think are all have great value and merit at a frequent cosmic frequency level. But at the same time, they’ve done a very good job of it, of creating a prison out of it. Um, you know, if somebody stands on a. At a pulpit and talking about, you know, God is a jealous and vengeful God, I’m like, yeah, I don’t think I want a father like that.
No, thank you. Or, you know, are they using a fear and doubt aspect of religion and, you know, you better, you better, you know, you better conduct yourself this way or God, you’re going to get God’s wrath. Like, that stuff, to me, is just crazy. You know, we have an all perfect creator or that, you know, you have the Israel and jewish people that chosen once. I know I get beat up over this stuff. Yeah. I don’t buy that bullshit either. You’re the chosen ones. Because our perfect creator doesn’t create an a team and a b team.
It can create only nothing but perfection. Therefore, we’re all supposed to feel. Not that we’re made to work psychologically, made to feel inferior to another race, which happens to be a race who’s not genetically rooted in the hebrew DNA, but yet are the khazarian faction. Right? And they just created a cover for themselves. Now, what does that mean? Look, I got a lot of jewish friends. My life was saved by an ashkenazi jewish man, an elderly man who took me in for four and a half years because I refused a disability check, and I had to make this comeback.
So it’s not about, you know, anything prejudicial. It’s just like, let’s get to the truth. And who cares what the truth is as long as it’s true, right? I don’t take the whole, you know what they called me an anti semite once. Rachel Maddow actually made Dershowitz believe that. But I mean, look, my ancestors. You want to talk about prejudice and my ancestors, you stole our land, all of it. You guys butchered my ancestors here on native soil. Right? And so I don’t run around making that case, but it could be made when you’re talking about prejudice or anti anything but trying to.
There’s a point I was going to make about all that, but I kind of forgot I was chasing too many rabbits at one time. Anyways, we have to rectify that in terms of the religious side, because the simple fact is, I said this over the weekend, that they invert everything. And the easiest way I think people can, can absorb this point I’m making is they on this planet have made us believe that we are human beings having a spiritual experience. And the reality is we are spiritual beings having a human experience, one of many that will have over eons of time.
And if people can grasp that, if they can grasp that, then they can kind of get what I’m talking about and breaking through this veil or dogma of religion. And I’m. Look, I’m not saying churches are not a place to be. Stop in Pastor Bob Joyce’s church in Benton, Arkansas. Every single time I’m headed that way, sometimes make a special trip. So I love sitting in that. I love listening to this man’s sermon. Comes from the heart. Right? There’s a difference here. Uh, there is not this dogma of up, down on your knees, you know, in a pew catholic church, all that bullshit.
And you people believe that, that those mechanical actions are going to get you to a place called heaven? Come on. You know, it just, it doesn’t even make logical sense if we’re a logical being. So hopefully, I think through the course of time, of people hearing information like you’re talking about things that they do not allow in the Bible that will finally rectify this in people’s souls, that it’s not as simple as we think it is, number one. And number two, we truly are more special than we could possibly imagine once we realize that, it’s kind of like no holds barred.
I think it’s a massively fast ascension process on the planet because it’s like you’re unleashing this latent power that can make us leap light years into the future in terms of the evolution of the planet, the species, people not toiling for 40 hours a week or 60 or 80 hours a week every single day, just trying to get food for them and their families. That’s all it is. I don’t care how, what level we are we’re toiling, losing all of our valuable time. They should be focused on meditation, prayer, our ascension track, but we can’t because they have us like busy slaves on a hamster wheel, and we’re never going to get there.
And until we break this thing apart, bring it all down. Yes, you’re absolutely right, my friend. Well, brother, it was a pleasure to have you here again. So I think this will shake up the audience a little bit. For those who don’t, you know, haven’t learned of these realities of these programs and, you know, all the things that we were never allowed to say without being killed or channels taken down, but here we are. It’s always another channel. Absolutely. And for those that want to learn more about the cosmic and galactic stuff, or really just the suppressed history of our world, I do have the secret government, invincible architects behind me that was just released four months ago.
And then our cosmic origin, they go hand in hand. I would say read the secret government first. It’s easy to digest. You learn about the history of the white hats and of course, the history of the Kabbalah and their battle that’s been going on from behind the scenes and everything that they’ve done. And then, if you want to go into galactic stuff is our cosmic origin, and they both go hand in hand. Very cool. Where can they find those? Are they on Amazon? Where would they order them? They are on Amazon. Or they can just go to my website, our cosmicorigin.com which will take them directly to the link in Amazon.
Okay, what I could do is I can give you the links. Yes, thank you, appreciate that. Send those over ASAP folks. You can see it all right now down in the description box, connect with Mister Perez here, expert on secret space programs and cosmic lights connected to us and our planet. Anyways, brother, appreciate it. And thanks for being so patient with my schedule this last couple of weeks. I’m finally off the road and at home. Doesn’t mean that it’s not going to be a disjointed operation still, but at least have better control of it. So that’s okay.
Much love. I’m going to trust you. Bet. I’m going to try to. I’m going to try to read those books myself. I think it’d be fascinating read. I got to start reading again. Haven’t had time to read in the last four years, but. Oh, and also my. My YouTube channel is under the real Ishmael Perez on YouTube for those that want. Yeah, I’m always giving updates like twice a week, sometimes three times in the description box, folks down below. Those links are right there. Go get them. And you sir, by the time they go get them, you will have already sent them to me within the next five minutes here.
Right? I will. All right, much love. Keep up the great work out there and we’ll see you back here again. Thank you, Scott. Ladies and gentlemen, that’s a wrap. Patriot street fighter out. Scott McKay here, Patriot street fighter. Got a public service announcement for you. Many of you know we created a movement a couple of years ago and whenever it was pointed out to me, which something I should have known to the greater degree coming from the wellness industry for decades of my life, that through the course of time we have watched the disease rate in this country skyrocketing back in the mid two thousands, we were asking.
I was asking with a number of partners in a business concept we had put together seven other investing partners. Some were PhDs level pharmacologists, nutritional biochemists, energy medicine practitioners, et cetera. And we’re analyzing what’s caused the disease rate to go off the track, off the chart. And the trajectory was like this for the last 35 years. Looked at a number of areas, food production as we know what’s happened. They’ve corporatized all of it, conglomerated it. Just like the consumer products industry. Same thing. No different. So you start looking to find out why these things have happened and now we can clearly see why.
Many of your have become self aware but one of the things that really captivated me in a message it was given to me actually came in the form of a pie chart. Here we got this pie chart. Eleven slices of pie. In each slice is a conglomeration of the companies that were bought up by another multinational corporation. Eleven slices, hundreds of brand name companies. So the companies you and I know, we grew up with these companies, and here they are, purchased by eleven others. Okay, made sense. I saw that. But what tripped the trigger for me, the trip wire, was when? Then the question was posed, well, who do you think controls these, these eleven multinational corporations? I don’t know.
Blackrock, Vanguard, State street, what I call the three overlords. That was all I needed to hit that tripwire. And this is the message that I had. Here we are, we knowingly, knowingly, knowingly are buying products that are laced with carcinogens, toxins, poisons, neurotoxins. And we know it. It’s right on the COVID on packaging. We know this, we see the disease rates going off the chart. Yet we’ve continued to make excuses. Well, here we are today. Now we’re put in a position where we, if we’re anybody’s going to save us or save the world, it’s going to be us.
We have to save ourselves. If we’re going to bust through and smash this matrix and destroy the architecture that has enslaved us and basically turned their architecture into a somewhat of a murder machine, it’s going to have to be us. We are going to have to make changes or we’re going nowhere. The simple fact is, Eden is right on the other side of the horizon, right there, and we can get there and we’re going to be the ones that have to rebuild Eden. And how are we going to do that? It’s really simple. The first thing that we need to do as a population or a species, we got to stop supporting that which takes away our lives and our ascension process.
Quite simply, in Patriot street fighter language, we have got to stop funding our killers. Plain and simple. If you look at the white papers released by all these companies that are providing consumer products, they will show you in their white papers which they have to produce, that these substances, chemicals that they’re putting into damn near every single thing that we eat, wear or share has these neurotoxins, poisons, carcinogens, toxins. Yet we continue to buy them because over here they spend a trillion dollars on advertising convincing us that all this over here doesn’t matter. And these are perfectly safe.
So here’s what I did. A little over two years ago, I declared war on that architecture with Operation Tomahawk. I said, here’s what we’re going to do. We are going to show people how they can cut off their blood supply, take the tomahawk to their cash flow, stop giving these killers our money, because we have a joint venture partner solution over here. A multi billion dollar a year company, been around for nearly 39 years now, who have been doing it right. They’ve been doing it right. The best of science and nature woven together. In fact, so successful in that every year there’s 187,000 phone calls to the poison control center from these consumer products industries.
Not one, in 39 years, not one has ever been made on because of one of these companies, one of the products from this company. So from that point of view, I thought, hmm, now, there is a targeted approach. In addition to. In addition to. Remember when they launched the bioweapon on us, put masks on us, tried to stop us from going in any store except the big box stores like Target, who’s promoting transgender bullshit on kids that are like in the third, 2nd, 1st grade with their clothing, all that nonsense. Okay, that big box store where you couldn’t get any.
There’s no problem in there, right? No problem in that store or even the other big box, Walmart. Right? So they herded us into those big box stores while they murdered millions of our friends, businesses, small businesses all over the nation from that bullshit, right? So. Well, guess what? But it’s a two phase counteroffensive against their machine. Number one, stop funding these companies that are killing us. Number one. And number two, shut down or massively reduce the traffic in these big box stores. They’re trying to herd us into Walmart, Target, Amazon, take away everything else. Well, guess what? I got an Amazon replacement right here.
Shipped factory consumer direct, but not to factory, to an Amazon warehouse. This is from the factory manufacturers. It’s a factory consumer direct operation right to your doorstep. And here’s what’s even better. Here’s what’s even better. When you want natural products, it’s three times the price of the poison they sell us. You know this. Well, guess what? We get natural products for target and Walmart prices and lower all across the country. As I’ve traveled for the last three years, people have said to me, I want to get into the fight, but I don’t know how. I don’t know how to get into the fight.
I don’t know what to do. Simple fact is, some people aren’t going to join tactical, civics, chapters. They’re not going to run for office. They’re not going to help for election with elections. They’re not going to start a podcast. They’re going to be things they’re just not going to do because it’s not comfortable. I understand that we have to stretch our comfort zone, but some simply aren’t going to. But there’s one thing that every one of us in America can do to join this fight, and it’s really simple. You are giving money to your killers. You are funding them.
And it’s really simple. If we want to stop this machine that’s been built to limit us or to outright kill us, it’s not hard. It’s not that hard. We stop funding them, they collapse while we’re building up new systems, while we’re bringing them down, or we are forcing them to change where they go in and say we’re going to go out of business. I think we better get with a program because we, the people, billions of them, are far more powerful than we are with all of our money and all of our weapons and all of our poison.
We better do what they say or we’re all gone. So what do they do? Get rid of that CEO. Terminate that guy. Prosecute him, whatever. Change their system. So they start offering things that actually work for humanity, not work against us. I don’t have to tell you this because you already know, and you’ve known for a long time. But like me, you may have not taken responsibility and taken action. I’m the greatest sinner of all. I come from the wellness industry. We discovered these things back in the mid two thousands. And it took me until two years ago to say, Scott, cut the bullshit.
It. And you know what I did? I went to my kitchen sink, cupboard, bathroom sink, cupboard, bathroom, laundry room. I started gathering all of this, these poisons, full things of laundry detergent, all of it, tide, whatever, put it into big bags, and out the door it went. I’m ridding my place of all this poison and I replaced it with natural products that are going to kill me. That’s my ground offensive. And I’m asking you to check out what we are doing at Operation Tomahawk because we turn this into a juggernaut, something unlike this company’s ever seen in many, many years.
And they do billions a year. And we got their attention. And they thought, they said, you know what? Great job, great message. Keep doing what you’re doing. A patriot company whose founder was number seven on the list of Obama enemies. And when he came after him. Guess what? A number of other companies buckled. Not this company. Stood their ground, fought back. You are not going to control us and tell us what to do. And that’s why I align only with winners and a standard of excellence. And this happens to meet my standard. And that’s why we’ve been so successful with Operation Tomahawk.
It’s time for you to get off the bench and get into the fight. If you are looking for a way to fight, this is the easiest way. You’re already doing it. You’re just doing it with the wrong team. Come over here. Check out operationtomahawk.com. operationtomahawk.com. Get in a fight. Patriot street fighter out. We did not engage in conflict that was out of line with our mission. Is it disloyal? Is it sedition? Is it treason to oppose the hand of tyranny? Never. I will never send troops anywhere on a mission of that kind without telling them that if somebody shoots at them, they can darn well shoot back.
I know not, of course, others may take. But as for me, give me liberty. Oh, give me death. A dark cloud is finally lifting across the world as us military intelligence and their global partners are destroying the deep state criminal power structure that has ruled over our planet for hundreds of years. We are free with the goddess, and we shall not yield that right to any power on earth. Hi, I’m Scott McKay. The world is at. Is at. And I am your host on the tipping point on revolution radio, where every Monday from eight to 10:00 p.m.
eastern, we bring you the latest in this ensuing takedown of this global criminal empire. That’s an image of strength. You’ll get the raw, hard truth here on the tipping point. So come join us Mondays, eight to 10:00 p.m. eastern in Studio B at Revolution radio.