Elon Musk is Turning I Robot Into Reality

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➡ Elon Musk, the tech billionaire, is planning to sell humanoid robots that can do household chores and even babysit. These robots, inspired by the movie iRobot, are expected to be available by 2027 and cost less than a car. However, there are concerns about the potential dangers of such advanced AI technology, with fears that it could backfire and lead to negative outcomes. Despite these concerns, Musk continues to invest in AI technology, leading to questions about his motives and the future of AI in our homes.
➡ Smartphones, once a new technology, have greatly changed our lives but also brought serious drawbacks. They’ve reduced our attention span and are used to steal our personal data. The creation of AI humanoid robots, while seemingly beneficial, could have negative consequences, as seen in movies like iRobot. Despite Elon Musk’s friendly image, his billionaire status and actions suggest he may not truly be on our side.


Over the last 10 years, the world has been witnessing advancements in technology that were once only seen in movies. In 2024 we have technology that allows you to fully enter a digital virtual world. Vehicles that can drive themselves and AI that can answer all your questions. In all aspects it appears we are now living in one of those futuristic movies. With Elon Musk’s recent announcement, this is only becoming more and more true. As the tech billionaire announced that he will soon be selling humanoid robots as seen in the Will Smith movie, iRobot.

Hey guys I hope all is well. Welcome back to the truth is where I drop new videos every other day exposing the truth. In today’s episode we will be talking about Elon Musk’s recent Wii robot presentation. Let’s get right into it. Elon Musk has been making advancements in technology for several years now, but recently he’s been kicking things up a notch. For years we have been hearing about Tesla self-driving cars, but as of recently Elon has been focused on other technologies. Sometime back I spoke about Elon working on a brain implant chip that would allow people to connect to a computer and the internet directly from their brain.

I spoke about how disturbing that sounded and how it would negatively affect our world. Since then Elon has been working on more disturbing technology that was ripped right out of a sci-fi movie. This time Elon is pulling inspiration from the 2004 hit movie iRobot that starred Will Smith. iRobot was a movie about a futuristic world where humanoid robots had become household appliances. In the movie a police officer played by Will Smith becomes distrustful of those robots and believes they have bad intentions. When he eventually finds out a robot might have been behind the death of the robots creators he starts investigating the company where they’re made.

In the movie robots are programmed not to harm humans, meaning a robot couldn’t be behind this crime. But Will Smith was suspicious of the robots and believed they were capable of operating outside of those rules. This leads Will to investigate the company where the robots are made and he eventually discovers a conspiracy that may have enslaved the human race. When he finds out that the AI system created to operate the robots have broken off from its programming, believing that in order to save the human race it had to protect it from itself.

So the AI reprogrammed the robots to eliminate threats that it believed would hurt humanity. The movie was mainly focused on this advanced civilization that had integrated autonomous vehicles and humanoid robots into society. The movie showed the dangers of what such a world like that could bring. Now, it appears that we’re walking right into that futuristic world with Elon Musk leading us. Just a couple days back, Elon Musk held a presentation for his Tesla stockholders showing them what his company has been up to. What he presented shocked the world. Just like the iRobot movie, Elon called this presentation We Robot and also like in the movie showed some highly advanced technology.

He presented vehicles that looked like they came right out of the iRobot movie, presenting his new autonomous vehicles that are awfully similar to what was shown in iRobot. While this already got a lot of attention, what really stole the show was the humanoid robots that he promised could do your house chores and even babysit your kids. This can carry up to 20 people and it can transport goods. So you can configure it for goods transport within a city or transport of up to 20 people at a time. So this is gonna, the Revovan is what’s gonna solve for high density sports team somewhere or you’re looking to really the cost of travel down to, I don’t know, five, ten cents a mile.

You can use the Revovan. Some people call it the Revovan, but speaking of robots. So everything we’ve developed for our cars, the batteries, power electronics, the advanced motors, gearboxes, the software, the AI inference computer, it all actually applies to a humanoid robot. It’s the same techniques. It’s just a robot with arms and legs instead of a robot with wheels. And we’ve made a lot of progress with the optimists. And as you can see, we start someone in a robot suit, sort of down, and then we’ve progressed dramatically year after year. So if you extrapolate this, you’re really going to have something spectacular, something that anyone could own.

So you can have your own personal R2D2 C3PO. And I think at scale, this would cost something like, I don’t know, $20,000, $30,000, less than a car, is my prediction, long term. It’ll take us a minute to get to the long term. But fundamentally, at scale, the optimist robot, you should be able to buy an optimist robot for, I think, probably $20,000 to $30,000 long term. And what can it do? It’ll do anything you want. So it can be a teacher, babysit your kids, it can dog-mow your lawn, get the groceries, just be your friend, serve drinks, whatever you can think of, it will do.

And yeah, it’s gonna be awesome. And I think this will be the biggest product ever of any kind. As you heard for yourself, Elon Musk promises that you can buy these humanoid robots for less than a car, stating that there would be less than $30,000, telling people you can expect these robots in your home by 2027, which is less than 3 years from now. Not only is Elon Musk trying to implant chips in your brain, but now he’s trying to sell you AI humanoid robots to roam around your home. Honestly, this made me nervous for our future, as I can only imagine how terribly this can end.

If the iRobot movie showed us anything, is that this kind of technology always seems to backfire on us. Just look at how these robots are talking with people, and tell me if that doesn’t freak you up. Thank you, Tony. Thank you, brother. Much appreciated. All right, man. You like Balenciaga? I got an outfit for you. Really? Yeah, I got an outfit for you. Awesome. That’s cool. Yeah. All right. Well, I’m about to order you, okay? All right. I’m gonna order you, and then I’ll see you in another couple months, okay? I’ll see you.

I’ll see you. All right. Bye. As you saw for yourself, these humanoid robots are having full-on conversations with people, almost as if they had a mind of their own. It’s because these humanoid robots are fully autonomous. They operate off AI. For a very long time now, many people have warned us about the dangers of AI, how there’s always the possibility of it backfiring on us, and even causing our eventual end. One person who was once an advocate against AI was Elon Musk, the very man putting AI humanoid robots in everyone’s homes. Elon warned about how dangerous AI could become.

He compared AI to summoning a demon. As you heard for yourself, here we have Elon Musk telling us just how dangerous AI could be, and that we should avoid it. All while being one of the main people to invest in companies that are furthering AI, the founder of the company XAI, which you guessed it works on developing AI technology. Why warn us about how dangerous this technology is and then develop and sell that same technology? It simply doesn’t make sense. Why spend millions of dollars on something you think might destroy humanity? Well, unless you’re hoping something like that happens.

One thing we learned from the Bible is that the spirit of the Antichrist lives in some powerful people. We all know that the Antichrist is said to deceive the world. The Antichrist will present itself as a good trustworthy person, only to bring your guard down and gain your trust, so they can then use that trust to destroy you. Elon is pretending to warn people about the dangers of AI to do just that. He wants to present himself as the good guy who is trying to warn the people about the potential risks.

Doing this to earn the trust, all while secretly investing in the technology, deceiving all those who trusted him. I will say, it’s definitely making more and more sense why he dressed up as the devil’s champion for Halloween a few years back. This man isn’t at all who he seems to be. It honestly frightens me how he has so many people manipulated. Everyone at that event was cheering every word this man promised, even when he promised to put AI humanoid robots in their homes. He presented it as this fun new helpful advancement that could make life easier.

That’s how he always presented the new solution to make everything better. Never do they attach the bad that comes next with their presentation. We all know the dangers of AI. Now imagine giving that AI a body. We are asking for an outcome that we know isn’t going to be a positive one. It’s clear that a plan is currently in motion, a plan that the world elite is working to accomplish. I believe this has been a part of their plans from the beginning. The reason is being presented as a fun helpful thing is to minimize backlash and to earn as much support as possible, basically tricking humanity into their own enslavement.

The smartphone, which was once considered new technology almost 20 years ago, completely changed our world and has consumed the masses. Cell phones have almost become a part of the human body. While the smartphones did come with a lot of benefits, it also came with a lot of dangerous disadvantages. Not only has the smartphone destroyed our attention span, but it also has been proven to be a monitoring tool that steals our personal information and stores it. These robots might do your chores, but at what price? What will be the negative that comes attached to it? I want to warn you not to fall for these anti-christ people who are clearly operating with a hidden agenda.

While Elon pretends to be on our side, he is still a billionaire who is pushing the same agenda all the rest of the elite are pushing. As much as he wants to appear like he’s on our side, we can see obvious evidence of what side he is really on. Just remember how creating AI humanoid robots almost ended in the iRobot movie. Considering it appears that that’s where Elon got this idea from, don’t be shocked when this turns against us. Well, I’m gonna end this one here. I want to thank you all for watching, and I’ll see you guys in the next one.


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