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➡ Rocky, a known Freemason, is accused of a violent crime. Despite strong evidence against him, he rejected a plea deal, choosing to go to trial instead. The author suggests that Rocky’s Freemason affiliation might influence the trial’s outcome, as Freemasons are known to protect each other, even in the justice system. The author criticizes this perceived bias, arguing that everyone should have a fair trial, regardless of their affiliations.
➡ The speaker is ending their talk and kindly asks the audience to subscribe, like, comment, and share the video so it can reach more people. They express gratitude for the viewership and look forward to the next interaction.
But after watching this video, you will know exactly why Rocky had no issues taking it to trial. Hey guys, I hope all is well. Welcome back to The Truth Is, where I drop new videos every other day exposing the truth. In today’s episode we will be talking about the reason Aesop Rocky turned down this plea deal. But before we begin, I just wanted to let my Patrons know, I am dropping a new Patreon exclusive late tonight. This new Patreon exclusive is about the Sacrifice Castle, the alleged location of elite satanic rituals. If you’re one of my Patreon members, make sure you’re on the lookout for that video.
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Now, let’s get right into it. Right now Aesop Rocky is plastered all over headlines, as he’s locked in the battle of his life. While for most of his career he avoided controversy, that has now all changed. According to the prosecution in Aesop Rely, who’s Rocky’s long-time friend, Rocky shot at him after a heated argument back in 2021. The story goes, Rocky and Rely was having issues that eventually got extremely hostile. This is when Rocky invited Rely to meet him on November 6th in LA in order to come to a resolution to their beef.
Rely believed that he was going to meet Rocky in order to mend their friendship, but the opposite happened. As quickly after meeting at Rocky’s chosen location, things escalated. An argument broke out and it got heated, turning violent with fists being thrown and eventually Rocky allegedly pulling out a weapon and discharging it at Rely. Rely claims the bully grazed his knuckles. A couple days after the incident, Rely contacted the police reporting the shooting, telling the police that his long-time high school friend had tried to take him out. Rely provided the police with the shell casings that were left behind from Rocky allegedly shooting at him, something the police weren’t able to find when they were called to the scene of the shooting after it was reported by people in the area.
After the police began investigating Rocky, they weren’t able to find the gun he allegedly used, but they did manage to produce a 9mm magazine inside of Rocky’s closet. On top of this, the police eventually were able to pull camera footage from the nearby locations showing the entire incident go down. With the video showing Rocky and Rely pushing and shoving each other, it also showed Rocky holding what appears to be a weapon behind his back, while aggressively talking to Rely. Another camera angle seems to show Rocky aimed the weapon at Rely before taking a few shots, though this footage does appear low quality.
With the footage and victim testimony, it wasn’t looking good for Rocky, as it clearly seemed like Rocky tried to lure his old friend to a location so he could attempt to get rid of him. Rocky’s legal team claims that this is not what happened at all, claiming that Rocky had a prop gun and only fired blanks at Rely to scare him, claiming he got this prop gun from a music video he was filming with Rihanna sometime earlier. Rocky’s lawyer claims that Rocky was advised by security to carry a prop gun to scare off potential attackers.
His lawyer also claims that the 9mm magazine found in Rocky’s closet belonged to his manager. His lawyer alleges that A$AP Rely returned to the location where the incident went down and planted evidence and then filmed himself showing himself finding the bullets that he put there. Rocky’s lawyer claims he did all of this to extort Rocky for money, alleging that Rely demanded $30 million from Rocky to keep quiet about the whole incident. A couple days back, a witness was called onto the stand. She testified that she indeed heard two gunshots from her home when the incident happened.
She claims to have seen A$AP Rocky when the incident happened as well. She is also one of the people that called 911 when the incident happened. Both. I started out on the balcony and then as things progressed went inside to the windows. So at the point where you saw them then walking down Argyle after the parking garage altercation, were you inside or outside of the apartment? And then when the men turned onto Selma, were you still inside or outside of the apartment? We moved inside. Okay, so at the point where you described you saw the men arrive here at Selma and Vista Del Mar, you were inside of your apartment.
Correct. And what is the first thing that you were calling when you saw the men arrive at that intersection? They were in this parking lot and I didn’t like to hear anything, but I did, it appeared that there was some kind of, I don’t really know how to describe it, you could just tell that the vibe changed and then they’ve into Argyle and then there appeared to be a gun pulled and then two shots fired. It appeared that someone fell down. There was some cars so I didn’t see what happened to that person, which is why I called 911.
And then people ran off, someone ran through the El Centro apartments and other scouted and that at that point is kind of why I called because I didn’t see the first person. So I was like, I hope they’re okay. Okay, now I’m going to kind of go step by step through what you just said. The first part of your statement that you said the words you use for the vibe changed, correct? Okay, and you described there being an altercation. Did you see any physical contact between any of the three men? No, it appeared to me that they were maybe exchanging words.
Okay, the man with the, well, how many of the men did you see for your skills? One. And what, if anything, did you see that man? He appeared to be closer to the El Centro apartments and it was more of like a jump back and pull out a gun and then fired twice or appeared to fire twice. And then it rounds what people that I can see very quickly. Rocky is now facing up to 24 years if convicted guilty, but he could have avoided this entire legal battle. The prosecution offered him a sweetheart deal of 180 days in prison, but for some reason, Rocky denied the offer.
Instead, he is willing to take it to trial and risk 24 years of his life. Many people question this decision by Rocky, as if he’s convicted of these crimes. His life is over as he knows it. Now before I go into why Rocky turned down this deal, I want to give my thoughts on this case and some of the claims that Aesop Rocky’s lawyer made. First, from the footage I saw online, it does seem like Rocky and Relly did have a physical altercation. It also shows what appears to be Rocky brandishing a gun and threatening Relly with it.
Different footage from a different angle that does look low quality shows what appears to be a man pointing and shooting before another person falls. We then are shown camera angles of men running away from the scene. This clearly looks like a shooting and honestly, it’s obvious Rocky shot at his own friend. Now what has me chuckling is Rocky’s lawyer explanation for all of this. His claims that the gun Rocky used was just a prop gun is truly laughable. There is no way I’m going to believe Rocky was pump faking with a prop gun, especially since the footage clearly shows everyone reacting to the gunshots.
Now the fact that his lawyer claims Rocky’s security team instructed him to run around with a prop gun is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Why in the world will they advise Rocky to keep a prop gun to scare people with? Not only is that stupid, but very dangerous. As if Rocky pulls out a prop gun to defend himself, he can risk the chance of the person having a real gun and then actually shooting him thinking Rocky had a real gun. This is truly an effortless dumb excuse that I can’t believe is even being taken seriously.
Rocky has security to deal with attackers and robbers. There’s no way that that was a prop gun because that would actually just put Rocky’s life at risk. Now the lawyer claiming that really is only pressing charges for money is also a ridiculous point to make. There is plenty of evidence that seems to suggest Rocky committed a violent crime that could have cost a man his life. He did this outside in the open putting other people’s life at risk as well. I honestly find it crazy that they would even offer Rocky such a sweet deal when he obviously discharged a weapon in LA in a public street attempting to seriously injure or even take out his own friend.
To me it’s clear that Rocky is guilty and deserves prison time. The fact that he had that weapon on him proves to me that he went there with the intent to take out his own friend. As why else would he carry a pistol with him if he was gonna go talk with his friend that he’d known since high school? Someone who is willing to do that to their own friend of many years is a serious threat to the safety of others. Rocky did what he did and now his lawyer is making up lies to get him out of it.
The lies that his lawyer is making is so effortless and I don’t see how anyone could buy this. Now with all of this proof that the prosecution has you would think Rocky would take that plea deal in a heartbeat. But Rocky turned it down and decided to take it to trial and risk it all. Why would Rocky do that? Why not just take the 6 months which would have only really been 1 or 2 months and save himself the headache of going to trial? Well I would tell you exactly why because Rocky knows no matter what he will beat this case because of his secret affiliation.
If you have seen my videos on ASAP Rocky you would know that I have exposed him for being in a cultist and a Freemason. Rocky has been open about his occult size since the very beginning and has shown that he is a member of the Freemasons. In his music video for Peso members of the ASAP mob could be seen clearly wearing shirts full of occult symbols. With one shirt in particular being of the infamous occultist Aleister Crowley. Rocky also performed a full on satanic ritual for his music video for his song wassup.
ASAP Rocky is clearly a Freemason and if you know anything about the Freemasons you would know they have the justice system rigged. When a mason takes the oath they promise to protect fellow masons no matter the situation. They take a brotherly oath to always keep each other’s back. This is especially true in the justice system as most powerful judges are high degree masons like Rocky himself. The judge in most cases is a Freemason and all Rocky and his legal team have to do is show the secret masonic hand sign and the judge would do his best to get another confirmed Freemason and NBA young boy who is also a Freemason.
This is why they always get a break and beat their case. If you don’t want to believe me take it from the mouth of a 32nd degree mason himself. I recently did a video on an interview a 32nd degree mason gave where he confirms exactly what I am saying now stating that the Freemason judges always protect their fellow members. What happens when a police officer and most police officers we have discovered are at least the ones who make a law enforcement a career and most if not all judges sitting up on benches in this country are Freemasons.
What happens when you’re speeding down a highway and you’re stopped by a law enforcement officer? What happens when he sees the masonic emblem on your windshield? Usually what you have is a direct turnaround and attitude. I myself am a young man. I can have to buy cops a little bit. It seems like they always have a cop attitude when they pull me over but when they see me the masonic square encompasses on my car and most importantly when I flip out my dues pain card a card that all dues pain masons carry.
The police officer well let me just put it this way I’ve never once got a speeding ticket or a traffic ticket or have even been harassed anyway when they have known that I am a mason. It’s just it just has not happened. That is that’s my personal experience. So the justice system in this country doesn’t really work and Freemasons are in effect exempt from the laws that the rest of us are supposed to follow. Is that true? Yeah that can that could be probably construed as accurate although I disagree it does work it just doesn’t work the way most people think it works.
It works for them and with them and around them and it works on the rest of you. That’s right. Now what happens when a Freemason goes in the court against someone who’s not a Freemason and the judge is a Freemason? Okay well you have a very subtle interaction that goes on. All masons are taught secret signs and secret words and secret phrases by and and this is some of the most uh this is what they don’t want revealed more than anything else. You can stand in a particular position you can hold your arms in a particular position you can speak certain words the widow son traveling man keywords and phrases that will let this judge know that you are a mason and you can almost guarantee that he is a mason too or else he wouldn’t have been able to lock down a lasting career in the judiciary.
That’s correct and that would explain why some people just don’t seem to ever get prosecuted for anything and others who may commit the same crime are a much lesser offense seem to be inordinately punished to given such a heavy burden of punishment while others who have done the same thing uh receive either nothing or a pat on the wrist. Well brothers look out for each other it’s just the way the system works it’s a bloody system it’s a you scratch my back I scratch yours uh as a matter of fact in the obligate in the oath that a mason swears he swears that he will uphold and defend a mason a fellow mason and any any problem that he may encounter treason and murder alone accepted but they left at their election which means that even if a fellow mason is a traitor to his country we know that could never happen he’s a traitor to his country his brother mason has his own choice whether he wants to turn him in or not he is not obligated to do so and obeying the laws of masonry above the laws of the land he’s probably not even going to consider it.
This 32nd degree mason confirms exactly what I said Hollywood actually hides this in plain sight as in this old episode from this tv show of Joe Rogan they reveal this exact thing that all federal state and local judges are members of a certain obscure sect of the freemasons now hold hold hold on our strategy is that all judges are masons that’s more to it than that like what well this is a secret masonic word which when uttered obligates judges to ruin your favor and they have to go paddle each other off in a secret cave somewhere come on Joe give it up two bouquets two bouquets hells that me i have no idea master builder awaits the beer man i beg your pardon i bet you do do you have anything to say in your defense two bouquets i hereby find in favor of the guy all these masons have to do is use the secret phrase and the secret hand gesture and the judge is setting them free this is the reason rocky denied the prosecution’s plea deal because he knows the judge will work in his favor no matter what rocky his lawyer and the judge are all masons and they know exactly how this is going to end i think this is truly a crime and it isn’t fair for the rest of us masons do any crime and always find the way out but we god fearing people get the book thrown at us for petty crimes this shouldn’t be allowed as everyone should have a fair trial no one should have the upper hand in the judicial system because of what they’re a part of the sad thing is there’s nothing that we can do because this is the land of the free masons now for those that want to remain clueless continuing to think that this is a conspiracy theory let them continue to take advantage of you if you want this channel is for those who want the truth and want to stand up for it rocky is in a cultist and a freemason but his affiliation shouldn’t be his get out of jail free card well i’m gonna end this one here but before you guys go i would like to politely ask you to subscribe if you’re not please like comment and share this video so we can get a scene by everyone who needs to see it i want to thank you all for watching and i’ll see you guys in the next one