Everything Suspicious about the California Wildfires

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➡ Los Angeles is currently experiencing one of the most destructive wildfires in its history, causing an estimated $130 billion in damage and forcing over 150,000 people to evacuate. The fire, which has affected several different areas, has raised questions due to the city’s response and the lack of water in fire hydrants. Additionally, many homeowners were dropped by their insurance companies before the fire started, leaving them without coverage. The situation has sparked concerns and speculation about the cause and management of the fire.
➡ While celebrities affected by the LA wildfires can easily recover, ordinary people struggle to rebuild their lives. There are suspicions about the cause of the fires, with some suggesting they were started intentionally for various reasons, such as land acquisition or city development plans. An incident of a man caught attempting to start a fire, but not charged with arson, adds to these suspicions. However, these remain unproven theories, and the focus should be on supporting the victims and ensuring their safety.


Right now, as I speak, parts of LA are burning down. Several wildfires have started around several different sections of LA, while wildfires are a normal occurrence in California. This wildfire has been called the most destructive wildfire in California history. While there might have been larger wildfires in the past, this fire has been labeled one of the most destructive in California history, with it being estimated that $130 billion of damage had already been done since the fire started. Many people who are caught in this terrifying situation have gone on social media to question why all of this is happening, with people feeling that those in charge are not being transparent about what’s going on, leaving people to think that there might be something other than nature behind this fire.

Hey guys, I hope all is well. Welcome back to The Truth Is, where I drop new videos every other day exposing the truth. In today’s episode, we will be talking about the LA fires, but before you begin, I just wanted to ask you guys to like, comment, and subscribe, so we can get this video seen by everyone who needs to see it. I want to thank you all, now, let’s get right into it. Right now LA is dealing with one of the most devastating fires in Cali history. Thousands of homes and businesses have burned down any fire that just keeps on spreading.

This has forced over 150,000 people to evacuate their homes in order to find safety elsewhere. It’s being reported that at least 10 people have passed away due to the wildfires. From what I’ve read, multiple fires started that don’t seem to be connected, which is strange. The first fire broke out in the Pacific Palisades area in LA on January 7th, with over 19,000 acres eventually burning down. Areas like the famous Malibu were caught in the fire along with the Pacific Palisades and Westward. At a certain point, firefighters reported that the strong winds were causing the fire to grow by 3 football fields of land per minute.

According to the media, the fire grew out of a brush fire that exploded due to powerful winds. As of right now, it’s being reported that only 8% of the fire has been contained. In a completely different section of LA, the Altadena section, a wildfire also broke out there that doesn’t seem to be connected to the Palisades fire. It began in the evening on January 7 in Eton Canyon in the San Gabriel Mountains. It’s being reported that over 13,000 acres have burned down since the fire started. The media is claiming that powerful winds is what’s powering and spreading the fire that destroyed much of the area.

It is also being reported that only about 3% of that fire has been contained. A couple of days later, a fire broke out in the Hollywood Hills near the Runyon Canyon Park on January 8th. The fire had burned 50 acres of the Hollywood Hills, with concerns rising of the fire potentially burning down the Hollywood sign. But it was ironically spared. Just a day later, the Kennet Fire started igniting along a trailhead near Victory Boulevard in the West Hills neighborhood of Los Angeles. About 960 acres have been burned down due to the fire. As of now, that fire is about 35% contained.

In total, there are 5 different areas of LA burning right now, and it looks pretty bad. While wildfires are normal occurrences in California, this one seems to be different for two reasons. How the fire seems to be spreading to other areas that are not connected. Also, how the city has responded to these fires. Usually when these wildfires happen, California is pretty prepared, and manages to contain it before it does too much damage. But right now, with this fire that isn’t the case, as of right now, it is being reported that fire hydrants in the areas where the fires were located had no water flow and were completely dry.

When firefighters attempted to use these hydrants, nothing was coming out of them. And now there’s this water supply issue. But tonight, they’re also talking about these fire hydrants, especially in light of what’s happening in Southern California. Firefighters battling the Palisades Fire work to lay out enough hose to reach a distant fire hydrant, because the nearest one has little or no pressure. A serious problem that persists on the raging wildfire, one that crews, including this one from San Francisco, keep running into. Well, so that is in fact true. Firefighters were complaining last night that some of the hydrants in the Pacific Palisades region were running out of water.

No water. And in fact, it turns out that it’s true. City officials explaining what happened in a press conference, they say the demand on their water supplies was unprecedented, which is hard to comprehend, really, given that all the warnings that they had in advance of this. But here is the Department of Water and Power Chief Executive addressing reporters just a short time ago. Take a listen. We have three large water tanks, about a million gallons each. We ran out of water in the first tank, about 4.45 p.m. yesterday. We ran out of water in the second tank, about 8.30 p.m.

and the third tank, about 3 a.m. this morning. So there you have it, out of water. According to the media, most of these hydrants were being supplied by three massive water tanks, each holding a million gallons of water. These hydrants all went dry when they were needed most, allowing these fires to only grow larger and larger. This was hard to believe for the residents in those areas whose lives literally depended on those hydrants working. It was also reported that Mayor Karen Bass actually cut the fire department’s budget last year, something that didn’t make sense to most due to the fact that California is known for these wildfires.

It’s being reported that she lowered their budget by at least $17.5 million, claiming to relocate it to help fight homelessness. Why lower the fire department’s budget like they aren’t especially needed in Los Angeles? When a resident saw the governor casually standing by his car, she approached him and tried to question him about the fires, with the governor claiming he was on the phone with the president to get some answers. When the woman asked to hear the conversation, the governor then claimed that he had no cell reception and was having trouble getting in touch with the president.

To specifically answer the question of what we can do for you and your daughter. Can I hear it? Can I hear your call? Because I don’t believe it. I have to get cell service. Let’s get it. Let’s get it. I want to be here when you call the president. I appreciate it. I’m doing that right now. And it’s to immediately get reimbursements, individual assistance, and to help you out. I’m devastated. I’m so sorry, especially for your daughter. I have four kids losing the school. Everyone who went to school there, they lost their homes. They lost two homes because they were living in one building another.

Governor, please tell me what are you going to do with the president right now? We’re getting the resources to help rebuild. Why was there no water in the hydrants, governor? It’s all literally… Is it going to be different next time? It has to be. Right. Of course. What are you going to do? To fill the hydrants. I would fill them up personally, you know that. I would fill up the hydrants myself. I understand. But would you do that? I would do whatever I can. But you’re not! I see the… Do you know there’s water dripping over there, governor? There’s water coming out there.

You can use it. Clearly, the governor wasn’t on a phone call with the president like he claimed. He was just trying to pacify a desperate woman who was losing everything because of a fire that the city failed to contain. In a state where wildfires are common, it just didn’t make any sense. Something else that I found extremely suspicious was the fact that thousands of Los Angeles homeowners were dropped by their insurer before the Palisades fire started. Insurance companies like Allstate, Amgard, Nationwide Farmers Insurance Group and many other stopped selling home insurance policies or reduced and even discontinued coverage sometime before the wildfire.

Leaving many people without no coverage and without no remedy to rebuild what they have lost after this fire. This has also raised tremendous concern from many as it seems pretty calculated that these insurance policies would stop insuring people before one of the most devastating wildfires. It was also reported that many celebrities lost their homes in these wildfires. The homes of celebrities like Mel Gibson, Paris Hilton, Anthony Hopkins, Tina Knowles, John Goodman and Miles Teller are among those destroyed due to the fire. Many people on social media were pointing out the fact that last year so many celebrities were exposed.

Now this year, many celebrities’ homes are burning with the literal Hollywood sign being under threat of burning down. Now while it seems like karma for what these celebrities have been doing in Hollywood, the fire is actually affecting more everyday people like you and me than actual celebrities who are rich and have multiple homes across the country. While most people were left homeless and with nowhere to go, these celebrities were likely not home when the fires happened or hopped in a private jet and left to one of their luxury homes in another state. The ones that did lose their homes are going to get a massive insurance check and are going to have no issues rebuilding.

While those who aren’t celebrities are going to have little to no help trying to rebuild their homes, I truly feel sorry for these people and I pray God protects and helps them get through this situation. While it might seem like karma for the celebrities, I don’t think it is. Now that being said, I do feel like a lot of this isn’t adding up. The fact that these wildfires all started happening in different parts of LA that aren’t directly connected doesn’t make sense to me. Then the fact that these hydrants that are needed to put out these fires are running dry and not being able to provide water to put the fire out also doesn’t make sense.

Add this with the city lowering the firefighters budget by 17.5 million dollars and the insurance companies purposely not trying to provide coverage in areas that were severely affected by the fire. You can see how this raises a lot of suspicion. This is leading people to assume that maybe these fires weren’t started naturally. Many people online have started to theorize that these fires might have been started for nefarious reasons. Many people online suggest that they might have let these fires do this damage on purpose. Similarly to what people thought about the Maui fires a few years back.

So many people that were affected by the Maui fires started to think that there was something nefarious going on with that fire too. They felt the reason behind this fire was so that the billionaires could secretly buy a land and properties that were burned down in the fire for a fraction of what they were worth. Others blame celebrities like Oprah who was building in a state in Maui. Some even suggested that the fire could have been started because of the plans for the Maui smart city. A theory that was extensively denied by those in power. I will say it is strange that Maui experienced such a destructive fire when they were planning on building smart cities.

What’s even more strange is the fact that LA seems to have similar plans of building a smart city. Smart LA 2028 is plans for LA to rebuild LA into a smart city that uses technology to improve the quality of life. This smart LA initiative was promised by the UN in hopes of turning LA into what they call smart cities just like they promised for Maui. Now I will say that it is rather suspicious don’t you think? While I can’t directly say this is what’s going on, I can say that it is strange. All of this that I’m noticing does tell a story that makes you think that something else is going on.

As of right now, this is all just theories that people on the internet are claiming. I’m not saying that someone started this fire as it could have likely been caused by a brush fire, but I am pointing fingers at the response to the fire as it doesn’t seem like they were prepared to handle it. The fact that they weren’t prepared could suggest that this is happening exactly as some powerful people would have wanted. Rich powerful people who might have plans for LA and needed something like this to happen to enact it. But I have no proof of that, so that’s just my thoughts.

Something else I found was that people online were claiming they saw people running around starting fires during all of this, with people suggesting this is proof that these fires could have been man made. What’s interesting about this is that a man was reportedly arrested for suspected arson in LA. Los Angeles police have arrested an unnamed man who was allegedly spotted attempting to light a fire in the city’s Woodland Hills area near the Kennet Fire. Though law enforcement officials have said they cannot confirm a connection between the arson suspect and any of the deadly fires currently burning through California.

Apparently, the man was caught with a propane tank or a flamethrower. The man was detained by nearby residents who held them down until police arrived. After interviewing the suspect, investigators determined that there was not enough probable cause to charge the man with arson or suspicion of arson, and he was instead arrested on a felony probation violation. This was again suspicious to me. How is it that this man was caught with a flamethrower starting a fire but couldn’t be charged with arson? This raises concerns on whether some of these fires could have actually been started by people and not by nature.

But I will say it’s hard not to believe something more nefarious is going on here. I want to know what you guys think about all of this. Was this an act of nature or could there be people to blame for this catastrophe? I pray for all the victims of the fire. For those watching me from LA, please stay safe. I will keep all of you in my prayers. If you witnessed a fire with your own eyes, let me know what you saw in the comments. Well, that’s it for this video, but before you guys go, I would like to politely ask you to subscribe if you’re not.

Please like, comment, and share this video so we can get a scene by everyone who needs to see it. I want to thank you all for watching and I’ll see you guys in the next one. Bye!


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