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➡ The Gnostic belief system, which teaches that humans can become gods through rituals and knowledge, has influenced many occult and new age religions, as well as Freemasonry and the Kabbalah. This belief system has also permeated Hollywood, with many celebrities presenting themselves as Christ-like figures, in line with Gnostic teachings. The use of Baphomet imagery by celebrities is another indication of their adherence to Gnostic beliefs. The Gnostic concept of ‘Christ consciousness’ is also being promoted by figures like Oprah, suggesting that we should follow Christ’s teachings to become like him, rather than worship him as a deity.
➡ The text discusses the belief in the power of manifestation, drawing parallels between spiritual concepts and physical realities. It suggests that our thoughts and words can shape our reality, a concept linked to Gnostic beliefs. The text also warns about the influence of Hollywood and the music industry in spreading these beliefs, suggesting they are tools of the elite. It ends by advising those who feel deceived by these teachings to turn to Jesus Christ for salvation.
Hey guys, I hope all is well. Welcome back to The Truth Is, where I drop new videos every other day exposing the truth. In today’s episode, we will be talking about the secret religion of Hollywood and the music industry. Let’s get right into it. Hollywood and the music industry have been exposed for being toxic, demonic, and soul-sucking industries. From all the lawsuits exposing the biggest celebrities, and all the satanic imagery we have seen from Hollywood in the past few years, you can easily identify that Hollywood is a godless industry, and these celebrities aren’t worshipping God.
So why do we often see them thank God? Is it because they still believe in God while glorifying the devil and leading souls away from God? Or, are they giving thanks to an entirely different God? That’s exactly what has taken place, as these celebrities don’t worship the same God we worship. Today, I will expose the hidden religion of Hollywood, improve that many of the biggest celebrities follow that religion and are trying to convince you to do the same. Now you may be wondering, what is the religion these celebrities worship? Is it Satanism or Luciferianism? Well, it’s all connected, but what they follow is older than these belief systems, and it’s what inspired all of these false religions.
The secret religion that Hollywood follows is called Gnosticism. If you saw my video on Kendrick Lamar, then you would have heard me briefly talk about the Gnostics beliefs. Now in this video, I will fully expose this blasphemous belief system that inverts the true teachings of God. This religion turns the God of the Bible into the adversary, and Lucifer is presented as the liberator and the God that frees humanity. This belief system is the seed that grew into the tree of occult knowledge and the secret societies that follow that knowledge. Gnosticism was a religious and philosophical movement that began in the second and third century AD.
The Christian Gnostics believe in a religious system that borrows ideas from the Christian religion, but it rearranges a lot of the core teachings to justify their Luciferian beliefs. Now this is what the Gnostics believe. The Gnostics believe that the God of the Bible isn’t the one true God. They actually believe he is an evil God who tried to enslave humanity. According to the Gnostic story of creation, the one true God is called the Monad. In their belief, the Monad is the one true God, the supreme being that created everything. They believe the Monad is incomprehensible because it’s something beyond our realm of understanding.
They believe this Monad created a heavenly spiritual realm called the Pleroma. The Monad also created what they called divine God-like beings that lived in the Pleroma, which were called Aeons. One of these Aeons named Sophia decided she was going to create a child from herself without coming together with a male Aeon. When she gave birth to this child, she realized it was an abomination and decided she had to kick it out of the Pleroma before the other Aeons would notice him. This child of hers was called a Demiurge, a lesser god that they named the Aldebuff.
The Aldebuff was sent to what they called the Lore Realms, a realm of chaos and darkness. This made the Demiurge vengeful and full of hate because he was removed from the Pleroma. This led to Aldebuff creating the physical world, using the power of his thoughts out of ignorance and not divine love. This world he created was corrupt and flawed because he was corrupt and flawed. Aldebuff then created the Garden of Eden and created Adam by breathing life into him. He then created Eve as a companion to Adam. In the Gnostic beliefs, Aldebuff didn’t create the Garden of Eden as a paradise for Adam and Eve, but as a prison.
He wanted Adam and Eve to remain prisoners in his garden, unable to escape. In order to do this, he made them innocent and kept them away from the true knowledge. When Sophia learned about this, she left the Pleroma and entered the physical world trying to undo what Aldebuff had done. She saw that Aldebuff had created man and enslaved them in the Garden and was keeping them from the true knowledge of self. She saw how Aldebuff was tricking Adam and Eve into worshiping him as the true god and keeping them trapped in the physical world.
Sophia wanted to fix the damage she had created, so her spirit possessed a serpent that was in the Garden and planted the tree of knowledge of good and evil. She then approached Eve and told her to eat from the fruit in order to be free from Aldebuff and become the god she was meant to be. Eve then ate from the fruit and she then gave some to Adam. They were then awakened and were able to escape the prison that was the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve, learning the truth, rejected Aldebuff so he had to find a way to enslave humanity through other humans.
Because no one was worshiping Aldebuff after the fall, he became angry with the world, which made Aldebuff want to destroy his creation. He decided he would flood the world destroying all the people. When Sophia realized this, she tried to save mankind, so she approached Noah and instructed him to build an ark in order to save him and the animals. After the flood, Aldebuff appeared to Abraham and made a covenant with him in his descendants that would force them to proclaim Aldebuff as the true god. While this was happening, Sophia was at the same time teaching that a savior was going to come down and help them escape this physical realm.
The savior they called Christo and he was supposed to be the monod incarnated in the flesh. According to the Gnostics, they believed that when Jesus was being baptized by John the Baptist, the spirit of the monod possessed him and this is when he starts performing his miracles and teaching his followers about the divine spark. The Gnostics believed monod used Christ to teach about the truth and what Aldebuff had done to them. They claimed Jesus taught about the divine spark which is a part of God that is trapped within each person. They believed it was the essence of the human soul and the goal of life is to release it from the material world and return it to God in the Pleroma.
The Gnostics believed that Christo wasn’t here to die for our sins, but instead free humanity from the control of the Aldebuff. They don’t believe that Jesus is our Lord and Savior. They believe he was a prophet or an incarnation of the monod sent down to teach humanity about the divine spark in people or what is now called Christ Consciousness. Now the Gnostics believe that when Aldebuff discovered Christo was speaking against him and trying to free humanity, he had Christo crucified and the spirit of Christo rose back to the Pleroma with only the body dying.
The Gnostics now teach that they have to become Christ or have Christ Consciousness in order to escape the physical world like Jesus and reunite with the Aeons in the Pleroma. Now that we know what the Gnostics believe, let’s look at how the followers try to find their divine spark in a sense of the Pleroma. These Gnostics who were trying to escape their physical body in a sense of the Pleroma believed the most effective way of doing this was by harnessing their sexual energy. This led them to utilizing what is now called sex magic.
Gnostics practice sex magic because they believe that sexual energy when channeled correctly could be a powerful tool for spiritual enlightenment and reaching a higher state of consciousness viewing the act of sexual union as a way to symbolically unite with the divine feminine principles, Sophia, and access a deeper spiritual reality. This practice was often seen as a way to transcend the limitations of the physical world and connect with the divine through the act of creation. They thought that the only way to transcend was by knowledge, rituals, and sex magic. They would routinely meet and have ritual orgies in which members would do the deed until they fall into a trance.
The Gnostics were blasphemous in every way. What they thought was that the God of the Buff was evil and a false God. They basically compared them to Lucifer and they saw Sophia, the spirit that possessed a serpent and we saw as Lucifer as the liberator of humanity and was good. They also thought that the God of the Old Testament and the God of the New Testament were two different gods. Teaching that man is actually God and through Christo and Sophia, they transcend and become gods themselves. They also teach that Christ isn’t our Lord and Savior, but simply a teacher sent by the merciful God who wants to remind man that they are God.
This is the main teachings of the Gnostics that man is God and we have to use rituals and sex magic to ascend and escape our physical prison bodies. This religion was obviously created by Lucifer himself to once again fool humanity like he did in the garden. In this religion, he paints himself as the savior of mankind, robbing Christ of his position as the redeemer and the savior. He presents his actions of rebelling against God as beneficial to mankind, claiming to have freed humanity from the prison God put us in when in reality we know Lucifer imprisoned us with sin.
This belief system is a mockery to the Christian belief system. It teaches not to submit to Christ, but to use him as a guide to Christ’s consciousness. When you examine this belief system, you see how much it has spread and formed the occult and new age religions. This is why so many occult belief systems teach that man is God and that they have to become enlightened in order to unlock their divine abilities. Now this ancient belief system has become the basis for many occult belief systems and I will show you how they are all connected.
Alchemy, how it is now known, comes directly from Gnosticism. Just like the Gnostics taught that man was God and that through knowledge, rituals and sex magic they can harness their divine spark, the alchemists taught the same ideas. Alchemists practice spiritual alchemy or inner alchemy that through sex magic and other rituals would allow the practitioner to achieve the great work or the magnum opus. When man is able to transcend from the physical body and become divine like the Gods, the Gnostics also influenced the Kabbalah which again taught the same ideas as the Gnostics, the same idea that man through these rituals can become God.
The Templars were seen as a Gnostic organization. While they pretended to be the army of the Vatican, in reality they were practicing alchemy and Gnostic teachings. They pretended to serve Christ while they were trying to become him. The Templars eventually became the Freemasons after they were dismantled by the Roman Catholic Church. The Masons to this day and other Masonic organizations like the OTO or the Order of the Golden Dawn practiced the same sex magic rituals and other rituals taught by the Gnostics. All that Freemasonry is about is man becoming God through these Gnostic teachings.
In fact, a top ranking influential Mason Manly P. Hall confessed that Masonry was just Gnosticism influenced by the Kabbalah. This was also echoed by another top degree Mason Albert Pike. The Gnostic belief system also influenced the New Age movement and the New Age organizations like the Theosophical Society that was created by Helena Blavowski a prominent occultist. The infamous occultist Aleister Crowley was influenced by Helena. He himself created many occult religions like the Thelema which is all about Gnostic sex rituals. With the Thelemites performing a ritual called the Gnostic Mass that was directly influenced by Gnostic teachings.
The New Age belief of Christ consciousness comes directly from the Gnostics. The whole idea of the power of manifesting your true will comes from the ideologies of the Gnostics and their beliefs of the divine spark within us. How man can tap into that godly power to manifest your reality. This is why I warn against using manifestation and I instead encourage you to only go through God’s will, not your own. Now that we know that this ancient belief system is what influenced occult groups like the Freemasons let’s prove that this is the very same religion most of Hollywood is a part of.
Let’s start with Kendrick Lamar. Kendrick has been showing us he’s a Gnostic right in the open just like many other celebrities. Remember the Gnostics believe they have to become Christ themselves in order to transcend and become enlightened. So they use Christ’s imagery but instead of presenting themselves worshiping Christ they show themselves as Christ. Just like we see from Kendrick Lamar over and over again. Kendrick wore the crown of thorns. He presented himself as Christ in the Last Supper for his music video humble. He showed himself being carried by a sea of worshipers in the music video for all of the stars.
He called himself the only way to the father in his song Family Ties when he rapped. The yellow heme the rebirth. Before you get to the father you gotta holla at me first. Kendrick Lamar isn’t the only celebrity who has done this either. Kanye West presented himself as Jesus Christ as well. So did the fellow TDE rapper Absol. We see the same blasphemous behavior from Nas who dressed up as Christ for his hate me now video. We also see the baby showing himself on the cross. Same thing we see from Black Youngsta and Little Nas X who showed himself mocking Christ revealing he’s a Gnostic.
Jay Z did the same depicting himself in the Last Supper like Christ. Madonna also showed herself on the cross and showed herself mocking the Last Supper just like Jay Z. Interestingly enough Madonna’s a confirmed cabalist as well. Same with Demi Lovato who showed herself on the cross as well. Marilyn Manson is another one too. They all did this because they believe in the Gnostic teachings. They believe Jesus isn’t God but a teacher and a way to become God. Hollywood puts out the same mocking imagery with movies like The Book of Clarence and the TV shows like The First Temptation of Christ or even The Preacher Show.
Preacher was one of the most Gnostic shows I have seen. Full of blasphemous ideas that are clearly Gnostic in nature. They paint the God of this world as an evil God who imprison humanity just like the Gnostics teach. I was very upset with The Preacher Show after my brother advised me to expose it. If you guys want to see a full video exposing Preacher, comment Preacher below. Hollywood is pushing this Gnostic belief system to the masses. Through Hollywood, the audience is learning about things like Christ’s consciousness and manifestation and all the Gnostic New Age beliefs.
Celebrities who use Baphomet imagery are also indicating that they are Gnostics and they believe they are God. Baphomet is a representation of the great work in alchemy and it’s also supposed to represent Sophia. Baphomet rendered in Hebrew and interpreted using the at-bash becomes Sophia which is the Greek word for Sophia meaning wisdom. All of these celebrities using Baphomet imagery are letting us know that they are followers of this Gnostic belief system where man has to become God through knowledge and wisdom through rituals. Celebrities like Oprah and others push this concept of Christ’s consciousness which comes directly from the Gnostic beliefs.
In this interview Oprah talks about this Christ consciousness belief, how she believes we have to follow Christ’s teachings to become like him. My question is to you Oprah, how have you reconciled these spiritual teachings with your Christian beliefs? I reconciled it because I was able to open my mind about the absolute indescribable hugeness of that which we call God. I took God out of the box because I grew up in the Baptist church and there were you know rules and you know belief systems and doctrine and I love this quote that Eckhart has.
This is one of my favorite quotes in chapter one where he says man made God in his own image the eternal the infinite and unnameable was reduced to a mental idol that you had to believe in and worship as my God or our God. Now I think that’s very eloquently put by Eckhart Tolle in chapter one and you know it’s been a journey to get to the place where I understand as I said on the pre-show here that what I believe is that Jesus came to show us Christ’s consciousness that Jesus came us to show us the way of the heart and that what Jesus was saying that to show us the higher consciousness that we’re all talking about here.
Jesus came to say look I’m going to live in the body in the human body and I’m going to show you how it’s done in my belief even as a Christian I don’t believe that Jesus came to start Christianity. The new spirituality is that you are your own best authority as you work to know and love yourself you discover how to live a more spiritual life. The old is God and the path to worship him have already been defined all you need to do is follow the directions. The new is being able to listen within your own definition of spirituality your deeper longing or your compass on the search and the old says exactly what Eckhart was saying that there’s only one path it’s the right way and all other ways are wrong and the new spirituality says that many paths lead to spiritual freedom and peace you have a richer array of gems from which to draw illumination the world’s religious traditions mythology psychology healing methods scientific wisdom your own experience and that you can begin to string a necklace all your own then she lists you know they’re old and new anymore because I am a powerful manifestor and I know that and I know how to do it without physically putting it on a board.
There’s 33 vertebrates in your spine there’s 33 years in the life of Jesus. Substance that comes from your medulla which looks like the Ark of the Covenant has angels wings around it the whole thing trip down your spine to your sacrum which is braced coming down into human form and if you don’t squander that essence that sexual essence it ascends again and goes back up to heaven which is your thing it’s also the story of Santa Claus why he comes down the chimney is because this this juice or this substance actually passes what’s called the cloud strum which is where they got Santa Claus so it goes down the chimney and back up the chimney.
I have an insane belief in my own ability to manifest things insane belief I think it’s ultimately complete sanity I believe we’re creators and I believe we create with every thought and every word is every moment is pregnant with the next moment of your life to manifest whatever it is that you are wanting to manifest you you speak to it as though it’s already happened and you have to own it and you have to visualize and manifest it everything you do is manifestation literally I think I manifested this like I dreamt this so much so clearly so precise and so frequently that it has manifested itself into reality there the kingdom of heaven is spread upon the earth and man sees it not it’s already here it comes from inside your consciousness you awaken you believe it’s possible to change you act like it’s going to happen that’s how these things unfold it’s happened again and again you’re such a manifestor but you also I think you convey so well that anybody can be a manifestor in their life right like you yeah you know you can manifest this belief of Christ consciousness comes directly from the Gnostics Hollywood is being used by the elite occultist to spread this Gnostic belief system this Gnostic religion will be the religion of the new world order set by the masons this is why I expose Hollywood because so many people are shaped by it it’s the elite’s most powerful weapon the stars they use to influence us are used to push this Gnostic occult beliefs on you they want us to worship the serpent like they do they want us to see Lucifer as the liberator not the adversary who caused all our problems I know many of us have been deceived by Hollywood in the music industry so many people subconsciously adopt these Gnostic beliefs without knowing if you’re one of those people who were tricked by these false teachings the solution is easy simply repent and submit yourself to Jesus Christ and accept them as God the one God who sacrificed himself on the cross for eternal salvation well I’m gonna end this one here I want to thank you all for watching and I’ll see you guys in the next one you