Kendrick Lamars Super Bowl Halftime Ritual Explained

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➡ The Super Bowl halftime show, featuring Kendrick Lamar, had hidden messages and symbols that many viewers didn’t notice. The show was compared to ancient Roman gladiator games, which were used as distractions and offerings to gods. The venue, Caesar’s Super Dome, was likened to Roman Colosseums, suggesting modern sports are the new gladiator games. The performance also included symbols of alchemy and references to Freemasonry, suggesting a deeper meaning beyond entertainment.


The Super Bowl came around again, and this year was no different than the rest. Millions of people turned in to the great American distraction. One of the most anticipated moments of the Super Bowl this year was the halftime show. This year, Kendrick Lamar was the performer chosen. While the masses are divided on the quality of the performance, most people aren’t picking up on the hidden message being shown during the halftime. While most people just see random symbols, with not much meaning, I can assure you there isn’t a cult meaning to all of this.

By the end of this episode, you will know exactly what this halftime performance was trying to tell us. Hey guys, I hope all is well. Welcome back to The Truth Is, where I drop new videos every other day exposing the truth. In today’s episode, we will be breaking down all the hidden imagery from this year’s Super Bowl halftime performance. Let’s get right into it. I know in the last two weeks I have made two videos on Kendrick. I don’t really like to make videos on the same things over and over, but after I asked you guys on my community wall if you wanted to see a breakdown on the Super Bowl halftime performance, so many of you guys said yes.

Over 700 of you liked the post, and over 200 of you guys told me to make this video in the comments. Many of you said that you were already expecting it. Now I don’t watch the Super Bowl or sports for that matter, but I did watch the performance as I knew they were going to use it to make an important announcement like they did. This year’s Super Bowl was jam-packed for code symbols that have a deeper meaning. I will break it all down for you in this video, and I promise you, you won’t see the halftime performance the same.

Please pay attention to not only what I’m saying, but to what I am showing on the screen, as I will provide proof for all that I am saying that you can verify after watching. The first thing we need to talk about is where the Super Bowl was held. This year the Super Bowl was held at Caesar’s Super Dome, as in the Roman ruler Julius Caesar. Caesar’s Super Dome was actually modeled after the Roman Colosseums, where the Romans routinely held their gladiator games. The gladiator games, or the gladiator battles, were a battle between Roman prisoners and their gladiators.

It was usually a battle to the death, with the entirety of Rome watching. It’s no coincidence that the Super Bowl was held at Caesar’s Super Dome. Modern sports are the new gladiator games, with the athletes being the new gladiators. The Romans held these gladiator battles for two reasons, as an offering to the gods, as whoever died during the battle was offered to the Roman gods to pacify them, but also they used it as a form of distraction. A simple google search about the gladiator games will bring up this point here. Ancient Rome heavily utilized gladiator games as a form of distraction to keep the populace occupied and content, often diverting their attention away from political and social unrest.

A concept encapsulated by the phrase bread and circuses, which refers to providing entertainment and basic food to appease the masses, essentially using the game as a tool for social control. So take a second to think about that. The Romans used the gladiator battles for social control, or like they said, bread and circuses to keep the masses distracted. The Super Bowl was held inside of the Caesar’s Super Dome. You can see that it was inspired by the Roman Colosseums, where these gladiator games were held in ancient times. They’re not even trying to hide the fact that the Super Bowl was nothing more than a massive distraction to pacify the masses and keep them occupied while they continue to rule over us.

While at the same time dedicating their massive ritual to the pagan gods they worship. The NFL and all the sports for that matter are the new gladiator games. That alone should be enough to wake people up and realize this event is used as a method of social control. Give the masses entertainment, and they won’t even bother looking into their corrupt leaders or trying to rebel. What they did in the ancient times, they’re doing now with professional sports. Now something else that stood out to me was what was shown before the performance started. After they showed the Caesar’s Super Dome, they then zoom into the apple symbol, which turns into a portal that leads to the performance.

This is extremely important. Now we all know the story of Adam and Eve from the Bible. The story of the forbidden fruit that represents the forbidden knowledge. While in the Bible, the type of fruit on the tree is never mentioned, the apple has been chosen as a symbol to represent the forbidden fruit. With the image of the bitten apple representing biting the forbidden fruit. I know the Bible doesn’t mention it as an apple, but over the years, the apple has been used as a representation of the forbidden fruit. We are shown in the performance the camera zooming into the bitten apple, turning into a portal.

This represents the forbidden knowledge, the ritual that was going to be displayed at the event through occult symbols. Most of the occult knowledge taught is attributed to the forbidden knowledge Lucifer introduced Adam and Eve to through the serpent. This being shown represents a portal to the spiritual world and forbidden knowledge. Let’s keep moving on. The next thing we need to talk about is the first thing that is shown in the performance. The first thing after the apple portal, we see what most people think are video game controller buttons flashing on the floor. This is not at all what this represents.

Like I said, the apple portal symbolizes the portal to forbidden knowledge. These symbols aren’t controller buttons, but symbols of alchemy. The triangle, square, circle, and X are all alchemic symbols. The upright triangle represents the symbol of fire and alchemy, and it’s also a symbol of masculinity. This is why it was shown upright at the beginning of the performance. The inverted triangle represents water and alchemy, or femininity. It’s why when Sizzle was shown, she was shown standing in an inverted triangle. But we are getting ahead of ourselves, as we will be talking more about Sizzle’s part in all of this a bit later.

Now the X is a symbol of copper, and a female symbol as well. Now, I know you may be wondering what about the square in the circle? The symbol of what’s called the great work, or the philosopher’s stone in alchemy, is this symbol here. A circle with a triangle inside of it. Inside of that triangle, we find the square with a circle inside of that. This is the symbol of the great work, when man uses the teachings of alchemy to become divine as god. This is why these symbols are there. This performance is meant to represent Kendrick in America going through the great work and transcending into the new illuminated America.

Let’s keep going. The next thing we’re shown is Samuel L Jackson dressed up as Uncle Sam. Uncle Sam is leading the ritual, which makes perfect sense, because Uncle Sam is actually a Freemason. If you look it up, the artist who created the Uncle Sam we all know, was a Freemason. James Montgomery Flagg, who created the modern version of Uncle Sam, was a 33rd degree Freemason. This means Uncle Sam is a 33rd degree Freemason, who is leading the alchemic ritual that was being held during the halftime show. This represents Samuel Jackson as the large leader, who is leading the ceremony.

This is why he is seen instructing Kendrick and telling him what to do. Masonry is heavily rooted in alchemy. Most of the higher degree rituals are alchemic rituals, just like we’re seeing in this performance. There are way more occult Masonic symbols hidden in this performance, so don’t go nowhere. I’m only getting started. The next moment of Masonic imagery comes from the backup dancers. During a point in the performance, Uncle Sam, the Freemason leading the ritual, tells Kendrick to tighten up. This is when the backup dancers are seen making an American flag behind Kendrick.

At one point, all the dancers are making this pose here. This pose is a Freemason pose, called the Grand Hailing Sign of Distress. Now, we see Uncle Sam, the 33rd degree Freemason, tell Kendrick to tighten up. Then immediately after, the dancers are doing this Masonic pose, which we are told as the symbol Masons do when they need help. But I believe the true meaning of this pose is only revealed to Master Masons. Another occult symbol they show is when they show Kendrick’s dancer hanging on a light pole. This isn’t a cult symbol that comes from the tarot cards, and it represents self-sacrifice.

In this context, this card means the time for waiting is over. Meaning, the wait for America’s great work, America’s great transformation is over. The new Masonic order is ready to be unveiled. This is interesting because Elon recently tweeted out, Novus Orus Aquarium, which means New Order of the Ages. Here we have more imagery that points to the new Masonic world being established. Now let’s talk about SZA’s part of the performance. When SZA was shown, she was presented inside of an inverted triangle. Like I said earlier, the inverted triangle is a symbol of femininity, or women, and also a symbol of water and alchemy.

This is why when SZA is shown, she is shown with female backup dancers that are all dressed in blue, symbolizing water. Their great work is seen as a merger of the opposites, the merger of femininity and masculinity, which if you combine both symbols, the inverted triangle and the upright triangle, it makes the seal of Solomon, or what most people call the Star of David. SZA herself is shown wearing all red, as she is supposed to represent the Scarlet Woman in the ritual. The Scarlet Woman is always represented in red, and we can see that throughout many Super Bowl performances.

During the Lima rituals, the Scarlet Woman is a conduit for the divine feminine energies of Babylon, a goddess in a Thelemic occult system. SZA is representing this feminine component to the great work ritual. This is why she is shown on an inverted triangle that represents feminine energy and water. This is also why she is wearing all red, which represents the Scarlet Woman, and this is why her backup dancers are dressed in blue to represent water, which is again feminine energy and alchemy. Now on top of this, if you look closely at the moment they show SZA in the inverted triangle, they make it appear like a Masonic apron.

Again, indicating this was all a Masonic alchemic ritual, this is a Masonic apron given to all members when they join. Now look at how they depict SZA when she’s introduced. Clearly, it’s meant to represent a Masonic apron. They then show Kendrick approach SZA who is the masculine energy. Right after showing SZA in the inverted triangle, they show Kendrick’s dancers ritually dancing around a circle. Like I said earlier, the circle is a part of the symbol of the great work. We then see Kendrick and SZA inside of the circle while the dancers ritually dance around them.

This represents the alchemic change happening in the merger of femininity and masculinity, the combination that leads to the great work. After this, we are shown Samuel Jackson again smiling as he knows the ritual was going as planned and it’s almost completed. We then see all the dancers fill up the alchemic symbols as they all light up, representing the great transformation is completed. That’s how the halftime show ends as the ritual is completed. This is by far one of the most occult driven performances I have seen in a long time. The entire thing from beginning to end was full of occult symbols that tell us the story.

The 33rd degree Freemason Uncle Sam led the great transformation ceremony ritual. I guarantee you the masons watching the performance were so proud. Some small details I noticed were Kendrick wearing a diamond studded eye ring which is a symbol of illumination through forbidden knowledge. I also noticed DJ Mustard wearing a jacket with a slanted inverted star. This year’s performance was a continuation from last year’s performance with Usher. Usher also used the cult symbols and Alicia Keys played the scarlet woman dressed in red. The main artist on the stage was Usher and he was who led the ritual for the night.

Usher came dressed in all white wearing an interesting pin on his jacket. For those who don’t know, white is often worn during ritual practice as it represents purity and or sacrifice. More importantly, Usher can be seen wearing a phoenix pin on his jacket which is in a cult symbol usually associated with the New World Order and immortality. The phoenix symbolizes rising from the ashes and being reborn. If you look up what the phoenix represents in the occult, it states The phoenix symbolizes transformation, rebirth and hope. The immortal phoenix never truly dies. It continually rises from the ashes just as the fiery sun dies and is reborn every morning.

Because the phoenix willingly sacrifices itself, it’s able to regenerate and gain awareness and spiritual growth. Right off the top, Usher is letting us know a spiritual rebirth is unfolding and the New World is rising from the ashes. So if we look at what the symbolism is telling us, right at the beginning Usher is in all white which points to him either leading a ritual or being a sacrifice and has the phoenix pin on himself which points to a rebirth ritual. The next part of the performance we must talk about is when they show Usher on a clock.

A clock in the occult represents mortality and life and death. During the performance, they show the clock ticking which is a symbol of the end. Right after, they show Usher on the celestial sun, another symbol of rebirth and immortality. We can find the same imagery from Rihanna when she performed at the Super Bowl. She was also wearing all red representing the scarlet woman. Now I have a few other things I wanted to touch on before I wrap up this video. I wanted to show just how much power these sports have over people. People are so hypnotized by these sports and the aftermath of this Super Bowl proved that.

I was sent videos by friends and family that live in Philly and they showed me how the Eagles fans even after winning started destroying the city. They tried breaking into stores and climbing street poles. I was even told someone passed away after falling off a pole. I also saw this video on social media and I don’t know if it’s real or not but I showed a woman attempting to do voodoo on the Chiefs. She seemed to have a miniature Chiefs doll and she is seen stabbing it with a pin. Like I said, I don’t know if this is real but if it is, it just shows how manipulated people are by these sports.

Like I said already, this is the new Gladiator games. The bread and circuses to keep the masses pacified while at the same time using the grand stage for their Masonic rituals. It’s extremely important that we know our enemy. This way, we can predict their spiritual attacks. They are controlling our world spiritually. But Christ is how we break out of all of this. Turn to our father and he would guide you out of these spiritual chains the elite of the world placed under. Free yourself from their control by knowing the truth. Remember that all of this is a part of the spiritual battle and there’s only two sides.

No one can be in between. Well, I’m in this one here. I want to thank you all for watching and I’ll see you guys in the next one. Bye. [tr:trw].


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