Lil Durk Taunted Quando In Songs After LA Shooting

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➡ Little Dirk, a successful rapper known for his authentic lyrics about street life, has been indicted by the FBI for crimes he openly rapped about. He was arrested for allegedly hiring a hit squad against Quando Rondo, a crime he referenced in his songs. The FBI believes Dirk was trying to escape when they arrested him, as he had booked several flights out of the country. Dirk’s reputation as a real street guy, which contributed to his success, has now led to his downfall.
➡ The text criticizes rapper Dirk for promoting harmful behaviors like crime and drug use to his young fans, who idolize him. The author argues that the real beneficiaries of this negative influence are the music industry executives who profit from the culture Dirk promotes. The author urges readers to reject this harmful influence and instead follow positive role models, in order to protect future generations from making the same mistakes.


Little Dirk built himself a massively successful career, rapping about the lifestyle he chose to live. Building his entire musical persona after his real street criminal ties he formed while growing up in the gritty streets of Chicago. Dirk rapping about his real life is what made him so successful to begin with. His lyrics about the streets sounded so authentic to those who listened to his music. Here was a rapper who wasn’t capping for his songs, trying to paint himself as someone he wasn’t, and for a while it was working really well for him.

Until the very thing that made him such a famous star ended up being what caused his demise. Little Dirk has recently been indicted by the feds. Just like the fans believe Little Dirk was really living that life, so did the FBI. Now they’re trying to put him away for life for crimes that he openly rapped about in his songs. As most of you already know, Little Dirk was arrested a few weeks back for allegedly hiring a hit squad to take out Quando Rondo. The feds were investigating him for a while, but were forced to arrest him early after they came under the suspicion that Dirk was trying to make a run for it.

He was taken into custody by FBI agents after booking several flights out of the country. The US Customs and Border Protection alerted the FBI that Dirk booked two one-way flights to Dubai in Switzerland that he didn’t end up taking. The FBI then learned of a third flight he booked himself leaving Miami landing in Italy. He was arrested just one hour before boarding the flight at the Miami International Airport. At that moment Dirk was being held in custody without officially being charged, but just a few days back that all changed after the feds officially indicted Dirk.

In the indictment Little Dirk is being charged with one count of conspiracy, one count of using interstate facilities to commit murder for hire resulting in death, and one count of using carrying and discharging firearms and a machine gun and possession of such firearms and furtherance of a crime of violence resulting in death. According to the feds, Dirk at some point put a bounty on Quando Rondo’s head, promising money and even a record deal with OTF to whoever got rid of Quando for him. On August 18, 2022, Dirk’s associates learned that Rondo was staying at a Los Angeles hotel.

That day members of his crew OTF and two others flew from Chicago to San Diego and then drove to Los Angeles using funds provided by Dirk. When they allegedly found Quando, they stalked his vehicle until he was pulling over at a gas station. This is when masked men hopped out of the car and unloaded into Quando’s SUV, critically striking his cousin. Something that’s quite interesting that the feds revealed in the indictment was that Little Dirk actually bragged about this hit in one of his songs. According to the feds, Dirk had directly referenced the shooting in a 2022 song.

The feds claims that Dirk sought out to commercialize Little Pop’s death by rapping about his revenge on Quando. The feds highlight a song that Dirk was on called Wonderful Wayne, where he made direct references to a news clip filmed shortly after the shooting in which Rondo could be heard screaming no no after seeing Little Pop’s body. In the song Wonderful Wayne, Dirk raps, told me they got an adi, go go, got location, go go, green light, go go go go, look on the news and you see your son you screamin no no, and all them guys hangin with him if you know you know.

Now like the feds pointed out in the indictment, these lyrics are clearly referencing the Quando shooting. If we analyze the lyrics, Dirk rapped about getting the adi, referring to getting the drop on Quando being in LA. He then said that he had the location, stating that he sent his shooters to the location. He then raps green light which means he’s given the green light to his shooters to do the crime, ending the bar by mentioning the news clip of Quando crying over losing his cousin. Not only is this self snitching, but it confirms a point I made in the last video I did covering Dirk.

I don’t think this retaliation attempt Dirk set up was to avenge King Vaughn’s death. Dirk wasn’t trying to eliminate Quando to honor King Vaughn. He was doing it for his own career and reputation. Like I said at the beginning of this video, Dirk is so successful because he’s supposed to be a real street guy from Chicago. He built this entire career around this gangster reputation. Now, his reputation came into question when fans kept mocking him for not sliding for Vaughn. So many fans were telling him to slide for Vaughn under his post and it eventually got to Dirk.

He felt that he needed to retaliate to save his reputation and it was the reason he rapped about it. He set up the hit and then rushed to make a song about it right after. This wasn’t about the streets, this was about his fans. He wanted the fans to know he was behind the hit. It’s the only reason he rapped about it. Rapping about a hit was a stupid idea, but how else was he gonna claim the credit? He wanted people to respect his reputation of being a street guy so he can keep selling records and making money off that persona.

Dirk was so determined to let the fans know he did it, that he was leaving clues everywhere. When he did this interview with DJ Academics, Academics asked him what he felt about people commenting Slide for Vaughn under his post. Dirk then responded to him by saying, I don’t see them saying that no more. After he said that, the room got awkwardly quiet. For some odd reason, I don’t know. Might be the order. You be sitting in the comments a lot? They kind of chilled out a little bit. I wonder why. We different in Iraq.

I feel like speaking of parables, I’m trying to like decode it a little bit. We all done do nothing. As you heard for yourself, Dirk made it clear that people weren’t telling him to Slide for Vaughn anymore. He clearly insinuated that he already had Slid for Vaughn. This is just further proof that Dirk was more concerned about people knowing he Slid than actually doing it and getting away with it. Normally when people do serious crimes like this, where they put a hit out on people, they do their best to not be traced back to the crime.

Dirk did the opposite, literally telling his fans that he did it, telling his fans to stop telling him to Slide for Vaughn. This entire crash out was about his reputation in his music career not King Vaughn. He wanted to be able to claim that he took out the man who took out his artist so he can brag about his gangster. It’s just like he did in the song where he snitches on himself. What’s quite interesting on that same song, Dirk admits he was willing to risk it all to get revenge. In the song he rapped, it’s messed up that I rather get revenge instead of millions.

Here we have Dirk again admitting in a song that he is trying to get revenge and is willing to crash out for it. He wanted the fans to know that he is a real street guy, which is rather dumb when you think about it. Instead of him moving in silence, he wanted to make sure everyone knew he did it so he could get the credit. This all proves it wasn’t about Vaughn, it was about his reputation. If it was only about Vaughn, he would have never bragged about it. It wouldn’t matter if other people didn’t know he Slid for Vaughn as long as he knew he did it.

That wasn’t his goal with this. It was all about keeping his fans thinking that he was a real authentic gangster. While Dirk made a career for himself by rapping about the evil he and his crew did in the streets, that very thing came back to haunt him. As the Feds are now using those very same lyrics against him. One thing I would say is that in my last video about Dirk, I saw a lot of people saying that he’s a changed man now and he’s become religious. If you fell for that then you’re rather gullible.

It’s so obvious Dirk made this switch because he wanted to start changing his reputation. He knew this day was coming and decided to get ahead of it by trying to clean up his reputation. This is why he opened foundations and tried to make political connections. He was trying to fix his public image because he knew his day was coming sooner or later. So he pretends to be an activist and a religious man while he is still rapping and promoting a criminal lifestyle and death. He never changed. He still rapped about the evil that he was proud to promote.

Dirk’s last song posted on his YouTube channel is still about the same topics. In his song Opportunis, he still raps about sliding and catching his hops. How is he trying to be a positive role model for the kids while promoting sliding on the hops and doing drugs? None of those topics are positively affecting the kids. Sadly, so many fans are so gullible they believe anything these celebrities say. We live in a world where instead of fans being turned off by Dirk putting a hit on his rival, they instead celebrate him for it.

He’s even more praised for trying to eliminate people that he doesn’t like. They treat Dirk like a superhero. They look up to him and want to be just like him. Not realizing that Dirk is selling them out. Dirk is promoting crimes to the kids that look up to him. He’s promoting gang culture and substance use. And the worst part about it is that he’s doing it all for a check. It’s truly sad because while Dirk is making millions, those who Dirk work for are making tens of millions. The people who are really profiting from all this death are so far detached from it that they don’t care about what’s being affected by it.

They love watching little Dirk influence the streets to commit more crimes because they make more money from the culture he’s contributing to. They own hip-hop and the rappers are just their puppets. We have to stop idolizing street profits and instead follow God’s profits as today we’re missing God more and more and it’s reflecting on our society. So many kids are soulless and it’s because they look up to men with no soul like little Dirk. They are hypnotized by the lifestyle and they’re all going down the same path. A path they were set upon by rappers like little Dirk and others.

We must stop this. It’s the only way we can help the coming generations prevent them from making the same mistakes so many of us made because of these sell out rappers. Just take a look at how Dirk ended up and many of these other drill rappers. Don’t follow them. Save your soul instead. Well I’ma end this one here. I want to thank you all for watching and I’ll see you guys in the next one. [tr:trw].


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