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➡ The article discusses a suspicious accident involving Angie Stone, where she was reportedly hit by a semi-truck after being helped out of a vehicle. The media reported that she died in the car, but a witness claims she was alive until the truck hit her. The truck driver has allegedly disappeared, and no one from the vehicle has spoken out about the incident. The article suggests that this could be a cover-up, possibly related to a large sum of money owed to Stone by her record label.
➡ The text suggests that powerful individuals controlling the country and record labels might be involved in suspicious activities against celebrities. The author believes these people are manipulating systems to harm celebrities’ personal, professional, and financial lives. The author also suspects that the sudden and mysterious deaths of some celebrities might be connected to these activities. However, these are just the author’s opinions and they don’t have any concrete evidence to support their claims.
Subscribing if you’re not, liking the video if you actually like it, commenting your thoughts on the video, and most importantly, sharing the video with a family member or friend. As always, I’m counting on you guys to help me spread this information. I want to thank you all. Now, let’s get right into it. By now, I’m pretty sure all of you guys have heard the news of the passing of Angie Stone. I made a video giving my thoughts about the situation a few days back, but now some important information has been uncovered and things are looking worse for this entire situation.
Everything is looking more sketch as the days go by. The official report was that Angie Stone passed away in a Sprinter and she was the only person in the Sprinter that passed away out of the 9 total passengers in the car. The story is that the vehicle she was driving in, it was a Mercedes Sprinter van, lost control on the highway and ended up flipping over and being crashed by a semi truck. Apparently she was pronounced gone on the scene. This is pretty much the story that mainstream media ran and it pretty much ended here.
No investigation was needed, nothing like that. They’re basically calling the whole thing a terrible accident. But if you saw my last video, this seems like it’s way more than just a terrible accident, specifically because we know that Angie Stone was calling out her record label before she passed away. Not only did she call out her record label for robbing her, but she insinuated that they might have been behind trying to take her out when she got a blood infection that she believes was done maliciously to her in an effort to take her out.
She made this video calling out the label, telling the label that she was going to get her money one way or another and that she was being robbed of royalties for several years. And then two months after making this video, she passes away in this horrible accident, the only person in the vehicle that passed away. The devil was very, very, very particular in targeting me. But anyway, I was rushed to the hospital because I wasn’t breathing so well. Came to find out I had what was a bacterial blood infection that I had gotten when they stuck me with a needle.
It had went into my bloodstream and caused a staph infection of the clue that there was a blood infection until they rushed me into ICU. I went into ICU and I went to use restroom and I passed out in the restroom. My oxygen went all the way down and rendered me basically unconscious. When I came back to the nurses began to tell me that I was screaming for Jesus because when I went down, I didn’t know what was happening. All I know is it was all of a sudden and I began to praise God and call on his name because I knew biblically that if I was transitioning, I needed to be called on Jesus and I needed to be called and by his name.
So I began to scream his name. When they brought me to us, when they told me, I was lucky to be alive because I was, I was on the floor and I’m sorry. I knew it was an attack. I knew it was a spiritual attack on me. However, I was treated and God healed me, cleared up. After two weeks, solid, they cleared up the blood infection. But meanwhile, back at the ranch, as I was coming through all of this, I soon found out that one of the biggest companies that I was with, Universal Music, it’s the second part of the ugly truth.
We begin to research things to check on my royalties and my statements and things of that nature only to find out a lot, excuse me God, a lot of my publishing, a lot of my royalties, my mechanicals, they have all pretty much been stolen. They’ve taken pretty much everything. They’ve stolen, I won’t say stolen, but they have taken all the monies that were due to me. They have basically absorbed in that company. You only knew how much money they have taken from me, how much they have stolen from me. Monies that I’m supposed to be, I should have been able to retire 20 years ago with the money I’ve made supposedly.
So I’m just here to let you know, one way or the other, Universal Music, you’re going to have to give up my coins. This is already suspicious. And in my opinion, like I said in the last video, we’ve seen a pattern of this behavior in the music industry. When an artist speaks out, talks against their record label, they usually pay the same price. They usually pay the same consequence. They are usually taken out for speaking out. And in this situation, as crazy as it seems an uncontrollable accident, I still think that this might be the possibility.
And now with the new details that are emerging, it’s starting to look like this is exactly what happened. New reports are coming out that Angie Stone did not pass away in the car in the accident. There’s a video floating around online right now of a woman who claims she was at the scene of the accident and actually helped Angie Stone out of the car when the accident happened. The woman claims that she walked up to the car and pulled Angie Stone out and that Angie Stone was still alive. She then claims that when she pulled her out of the car a few seconds later while she was aiding the other passengers, a semi truck came and then struck Angie Stone and that’s what caused her to pass away.
That changes everything. That’s a little bit more suspicious. Not saying that it couldn’t be an accident because of this, but then why are they reporting that she passed away in the car? And honestly, this would explain why Angie Stone was the only one that passed away and not the other passengers. Take a listen to the video. About 4am on Saturday morning, me and my daughter were driving to Charleston, South Carolina for her some 16th birthday getaway. We came up to a truck with a trailer and its flashers were on so we slowed down some and next one I noticed there was an overturned vehicle in the fast lane and it looked like it just happened.
I pulled over and put my flashers on and I told my daughter to stay in the car and I ran over. It was a van and I ran over and there were so many people in this van and they were just trying to get out and I asked if they’d call the cops and I said we’re just trying to get out and they were helping this woman out um off the side of the van and I grabbed her hand and I helped her get down and she just she seemed out of it and I was holding her hand and she was wobbling around and I said baby you gotta sit down and then the next thing I know I flew and I fell down to the ground and it felt like something not ran over me but brushed over me like something just swiped over my body and I got up and I could hear screaming and I just focused in on one screaming and it was my daughter and all I could do was run across the highway and tell her to get back in the car.
She had to move the car because if somebody else hit us it could hit her so she moved the car farther up the interstate and I called 911 and they said they were on their way and then all I could think to do was get to my daughter and that’s all I could do in that time and when I when I was walking to my daughter and were really running the best that I could do I was in so much pain my chest felt like an elephant was sitting on it my legs were so hurt and sore and I looked up and there was an 18-wheeler then across the median into the other don’t come in traffic and I knew that’s what hit me and ran over and brushed over me was the 18-wheeler and my daughter’s freaking out she had already called my husband by then and my father-in-law and I just told her we’ve got to get to the hospital I can’t breathe it was so hard to breathe I’m gonna post a video of the 18-wheeler after I left the hospital driving back through to get to my husband and my son um I will not be posting the vehicle in the video because somebody didn’t pass away they did and I won’t be posting that for them for respect for their family um I’m somewhere I’m bruised on the right side of my body I’m very stiff everywhere but I will keep you guys updated and the video is going to come at the end okay hug your family tight hug your family tight as you heard for yourself this woman claims that she helped Angie Stone out of the vehicle and that she was still alive when she helped her out of the vehicle she then claims that the semi-truck hit Angie Stone and not the car this changes everything completely changes everything why is the media reporting that she passed away in the car if this woman who was at the scene of the accident who claims she helped Angie Stone is reporting that Angie Stone was willing alive until the truck hit her this alone should lead to an investigation but honestly we know they’re just going to cover this all up because it seems that that’s what they’re doing as of now I pretty much agree with what you’re saying from what I know about the record label it sounds like something they would do and when I was looking into this I found something suspicious I saw that the truck driver who hit Angie Stone’s sprinter van allegedly quit his job and disappeared and while I couldn’t find too much information about what exactly happened with him this is what they’re speculating online that he just quit his job he just disappeared to me that that makes it sound all more suspicious just think about it the man who took out Angie Stone he can’t be found to be questioned it sounds like they’re trying to tie a blue sentence don’t you think a hundred percent honestly if this is true that’s even more suspicious because now the narrative is changing before it was that she passed away in this terrible accident a freak of nature accident where she somehow miraculously was the only person that passed away in the car but now they’re saying that the only reason she’s the only person that passed away in the car was because she was hit outside of the car by this truck and the truck driver who did it just disappears you’re right it sounds like they’re trying to tie up loose ends and it wouldn’t be something out of the ordinary because it’s exactly what they do in every situation you know what’s suspicious to me as well I couldn’t find anybody that was inside of the sprinter van coming out to speak out about the situation I didn’t see any videos of any passenger that was in that sprinter van with Angie Stone coming up to clear up the rumors or the speculation about her being taken out it’s like they all went quiet it’s like they’re all afraid of speaking out that indicates two things either some of them were allegedly involved which I wouldn’t want to put that on them or they’re just afraid to speak out because they don’t want the same thing that happened to Angie Stone to happen to them to me that’s a clear indication that we’re not being told the full story nobody’s coming out to speak out everyone’s quiet everyone’s afraid the truck driver quits his job disappears no one can question him all of this is pointing in a direction that clearly indicates somebody wanted Angie Stone gone now while some people will say why would umg take out Angie Stone they’re probably only older a couple million that’s a big deal to umg right now they’re a publicly traded company every quarter they have to show losses gains profits and when they give away money that they’re not gonna recoup because they’re not gonna recoup 14 15 20 million dollars that they’re paying Angie Stone for her royalties for the last 30 years there’s no way they’re gonna recoup that now Angie Stone while she might be still pulling in some good money she’s not in her prime no more so they will not get that money back money that they stole from her so if they gave her whatever they owed her who knows it could have been 30 million dollars now they have to report a 30 million dollar loss on their company quarterly reports and if the company is not profiting and it’s only losing money it’s going to spook off investors and a company that’s publicly traded that’s all it’s about getting investors people to invest in it it’s the same reason why the record label didn’t want to resign drake for 600 million because then they would have to report a loss of 600 million dollars that drake is not going to make in one year so the record labels would have motive if you think about it if they take out Angie Stone and nobody fights for that money then they can just keep 30 40 whatever million dollars that it is and for a company like UMG that’s not out of the ordinary we’ve heard of several techniques that these companies used to rob artists when Angie Stone was coming up and was in her prime back then artists were getting robbed left and right there wasn’t this much information out about record contracts or how deals worked so these artists were signing these terrible deals not knowing they were putting themselves in terrible positions and we have evidence of that with so many artists because artists like DMX artists like Prince artists like Michael Jackson they all signed record deals back in the 90s 80s 70s and they got robbed most of their money was taken by the label so now that these artists are coming up on it and they’re calling out these labels because they’ve noticed that they were robbed for millions of dollars these record labels are doing what they do best eliminating the problem and silencing them you know what’s crazy speaking about her passing there are reports online that everyone was taken to the hospital and i was researching and i saw a woman claimed she called the hospital where the victims of the car crash went and they have no record of her getting taken to the hospital and i wanted to know if um you were able to confirm if any of the passengers were treated there uh i can look and see if there was a name Angela Laverne Brown happened on February 28th i believe i’m not sure if she was admitted February 28th or March 1st i don’t see a name if they were in critical condition say they passed away on the way there or on the scene do you know what happens after that do they still take them to the hospital or yeah they did they still take them just to check her name can you try her married name um i’m not sure which name she’s going she you know it’s Angela Laverne Stone so you’re looking for Angela Stone’s her body no not her body um just information if she was taken or admitted there um February 28th or March 1st because that’s what we were told so we just want to make sure we’re giving the right information it doesn’t say because i don’t i put it in stone but it’s Angelica Angelica something like that but it’s not Angela okay let me it’s a middle name D i’m not sure what name she’s going by honestly um because her maiden name is Brown so then she was married brown yeah brown was it in there okay it’s Angela it’s uh A-N-D-E-L-I-A hmm but it doesn’t say whether she was here or not okay i didn’t find anything but like i said her name is not over this and i think this is as far as i can go is there an EMT like um because i know the EMT they sent the emergency to the scene that’s what we were told and is it like a EMC manager or i don’t know that’s okay i decided to look into it further to see if i can verify and i found evidence that suggests that this isn’t true it says that when you pass away at the site of an accident they don’t normally take your body to the hospital they take it to the morgue so this could be the reason why when she called the hospital they have no record of her that’s pretty interesting because i was also under the impression that they usually take victims to the hospital but it does make sense if she passed away on the scene that they would take her to the morgue to me if what the woman is saying that she was hit after taking out the car it does seem like there could be a possibility that she was alive and they just refused to take her to the hospital we don’t really know what happened at the scene but what we do know is that for some reason they’re hiding things from us and a lot of people are starting to believe that the authorities that responded are helping cover this all up and like i said i wouldn’t be surprised because we know how the system works and it all works together to cover things up the authorities the courts all of them are connected to the same people that run this country and like i said multiple times those same people that run this country are the same people that run record labels like umg sadly we’re getting the same runaround we get every single time a celebrity passes away and i’m actually working on a video on the hollywood whackers you guys can expect that soon because like i said in one of my previous videos this actor came out a while ago and made allegations that they’re coming after celebrities and silencing them and robbing them the past 20 years my wife ebby and i have been the victims of criminal activities perpetrated by a small network of individuals who are out to destroy us personally professionally and financially this network of individuals is manipulating the banking system and the criminal justice system for the purposes of sabotaging our credit and our credibility up until a year ago ebby and i had never had any run-in with the law whatsoever we are not criminals nor are we fugitives from justice nor are we crazy we are simply artists and filmmakers who are being racketered off we believe there are to be a malignant tumor of star whackers in hollywood how many people do you know personally who have died suddenly and mysteriously in the world all the fun i have worked with and was close to each ledger chris pinn david carotene nibble i believe these actors were whacked and i believe that many others such as britney spears lindsey lohan and mil gipson are being played to get out their money in the meantime many a celebrity’s image and marketability is being co-opted co-opted and destroyed and i wouldn’t be surprised if that’s what happened to angie stone it just seems like too much of a coincidence that two months ago in december she decided to call out umg and then a couple months later she’s gone and like she said she got sick and she believed that her blood infection was caused maliciously you can’t really blame people for believing that she was taken out you can’t everything looks suspicious in this case from the beginning to the end like i reported in the last video even what her son did when he posted about saturn on the same day that she passed away that to me looked extremely suspicious i’m not at all blaming the son i’m not saying he had anything to do with the passing of his mother but the fact that he mentioned saturn’s return something that i have exposed several times already on this channel proves that he was involved in the occult proves that he was in that life only occultists know about saturn’s return only occultists are interested in worshiping the planet saturn it’s not something that a regular person would be into and i’m not surprised because her mother was in the industry he probably came around some bad crowd and was introduced to this lifestyle i’m not saying he had anything to do with his mother’s passing i believe umg was 100 behind it but that’s just my opinion i don’t have any facts to prove it i just see the pattern and from the pattern it indicates that it was most likely umg i want to know what you guys think about this below do you guys believe angie stone was taken out or was all of this just a strange coincidence well that’s it for this video i want to thank you all for watching and i’ll see you guys in the next one thanks for having me see you in the next one you