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➡ The article discusses a song by Lady Gaga, suggesting it contains occult and demonic references. It argues that Gaga uses her music to cast a spell on her audience, leading them away from God and towards evil. The author warns against listening to Gaga’s music and encourages helping her fans see the truth and return to God. The article ends by reminding readers of the importance of their souls and the need to help others find the truth.
But before you begin, I just wanted to let my Patrons know. I just dropped a new Patreon exclusive. This video is about how we can stop the coming new world order. If you’re one of my Patreon members, make sure you go check it out after this video. If you’re not a member, you should consider joining. For 3 bucks a month, not only are you further supporting the channel and helping me make these videos, but you also get access to exclusive videos that are not allowed here on YouTube. When you become a member, not only do you get access to this video, but you get access to over 40 other exclusive videos that you can’t see here on YouTube.
So if you want to further support the channel and get exclusive content while doing it, join me on Patreon. You can find the link to my Patreon in the description and the comment section. I want to thank you all. Now, let’s get right into it. Since the beginning of her career, Lady Gaga has been into dark demonic imagery. Demonic has been her entire style, and her fans don’t mind it at all. They call it artistic and beautiful and see nothing wrong with this imagery. Imagery where Lady Gaga literally shows herself pretending to be demonically possessed.
If you saw my last video on Lady Gaga’s music video for disease, you saw me break down how Gaga presents herself becoming demonically possessed. The video starts with Gaga lying on a car that is being driven by a demon who is also played by her. Right at the beginning, Lady Gaga is letting us know that she is controlled by demons. Hence why she is showing demons in the driver’s seat, indicating that the demons are the ones driving her. As we can see, the demon is shown openly displaying the one eye symbolism. In the next scene, we see Lady Gaga fighting another version of herself that seems to represent herself before the demon took control or the fame took over her.
This is supposed to represent how Gaga had to bury this version of herself deep down in order to become the star she is today. They show a scene with Gaga chained to a pole stepping on this version of herself, trying to keep this version of herself deep down so the possessed version of her can stay in control. In another scene, we see Lady Gaga literally being shown becoming possessed by this demon. They show the demon chasing after Gaga until she reaches her and possesses her. They then show the demon oozing black goo out of her mouth while Gaga falls to the floor before getting up and hugging and praising the demon.
This is when they show Gaga fully possessed convulsing and twitching while her eyes are rolling back into her head. They then show the demon make its way back to the driver’s seat, showing again that the demon is driving its who’s in control. This music video is hiding the truth in plain sight. Gaga isn’t in control, she hasn’t been the entire time. She is a product of the music industry that possesses her and uses her as a puppet. She can’t fight back because she belongs to them, because she sold their soul to them. In this video, Gaga openly shows what she’s connected to.
Yet, her audience praised her for this demonic music video. This video is an artistic expression, its reality hidden in art, as Gaga has admitted that she ritually sold their soul to the devil. In an old interview she did, Gaga openly admitted she swears to the devil, literally stating I swear to Lucifer and she said this without hesitation. As you heard for yourself, Gaga has no issues openly admitting she swears to the devil. This would explain why years ago, Gaga admitted she was being attacked by the devil in her dreams. Back in the 2010s, Gaga claimed she was having a recurring dream, of what she thought was a phantom or a demon attempting to pull her apart.
She believed the demon was trying to take control of her. Gaga wasn’t the only celebrity to have this experience. As Ariana Grande, another artist who dabbles in the occult, admits she was also being attacked by demons in her dreams. I rolled down the window before we left and said, we apologize, we didn’t need to disrupt your peace. Then I took a picture and there are three super distinct faces in the picture. There are faces of textbook demons. That is so creepy. It is super creepy. And especially because she also says that she took the picture and she tried to send it to her manager, but it wouldn’t download because it said it was too many megabytes.
In fact, it was 666 megabytes, which is supposedly the beast. That’s right. And now Ariana is obviously very passionate about this demon encounter. She actually had a whole folder on her phone entitled demons. But when the interviewer asked to see it, she said she had actually deleted it because so many crazy occurrences were happening. Well, as you said, that supposedly this skull cemetery is so known to be haunted, that even the Pope wouldn’t fly over it on his way to Colorado. That she felt like the demons followed her back home. And she had an encounter where she was sleeping, where she saw this black figure over her bed.
She didn’t want to feed the fear. She thought it was there. It wanted to scare her. So she just called her friend and she fell asleep on the phone. When she woke up, the room was demon free. These artists are opening themselves up to demonic forces. Now Lady Gaga is opening up her audience to the same demonic forces she was exposed to. In Gaga’s song, abracadabra, we again see this dark twisted demonic imagery. This time, she takes things a step further by using real magic and placing a curse on her audience. The song abracadabra is in reference to the Kabbalah word, abracadabra.
Abracadabra translates to, I create as I speak. It’s a form of a cult manifestation, harnessing the power of darkness to allow the practitioner to manipulate their reality. The word abracadabra was also used by Aleister Crowley, who turned it into abra-hadabra. Crowley changed the spelling of the word for his occult religion Thelema. He called it the magical formula, which represented the great work. You guys have heard me talk about the great work multiple times on this channel. The great work is a cold term for the magnum opus and alchemy. When man becomes god through sex ritual magic, that are used to merge a person’s masculinity and femininity to become the Baphomet.
A cultist also believed the great work would allow a person to tap in and communicate with the demons in the spiritual world. Crowley called this magical word the key to the Aeon of Horus, the new age religion that has taken over our world. So it’s no surprise whatsoever that Gaga made an entire song about abracadabra. Knowing that just like Aleister Crowley, she has attached herself to demonic entities using occult magic. The lyrics to abracadabra admit she is casting a spell on those who are listening. In the intro of the song, she repeats abracadabra twice.
Then in the first verse, she sings, pay the toll to the angels, drawing circles in the clouds, keep her mind on the distance when the devil turns around. With these lyrics, she is openly confessing that this song will literally put the devil right behind you, admitting that she is communicating with the fallen angels. In the next part of the song, she sings, hold me in your heart tonight in the magic of the dark moonlight, save me from this empty fight in the game of life. As you can see, she openly lets the audience know this song is rooted in occult magic, telling her listeners to hold her in their hearts tonight in the magic of the dark moonlight.
She is referring to using moon magic, another form of occult magic. Occoats is believed the moon releases magic during certain moon phrases, so Occoats is through specific rituals during each phase of the moon. In the next part of the song, she admits she puts a curse on her audience, singing, like a poem said by a lady in red, you hear the last few words of your life with a haunting dance. Now you’re both in a trance, it’s time to cast your spell on the night. Openly Gaga admits she is putting her fans in a trance, casting a spell on them.
She also admits that she is representing herself as the Scarlet Woman, which is the Whore of Babylon. Occoats is channeled the Scarlet Woman spirit for the divine feminine energy. They believe that God is a woman, and that they can tap into this occult power for manifestation. In the hook of the song, she is literally casting the spell, so I will not read this part, but I will show it on the screen. During the bridge of the song, she admits that this is a sinful melody. When she sings, Phantom of the dance floor come to me, sing for me a sinful melody.
Gaga made an entire song where she cast the spell on her audience, and nobody seems to care. They don’t care that Gaga is casting the same demonic forces that have tortured her spirit into her listeners. She is doing this because she has been consumed by the devil she gave her soul to for fame and fortune. In the music video, we see this dark imagery in full force. Lady Gaga is wearing red presenting herself as the Scarlet Woman, the high priestess of the ritual. She is showing herself going through the great work transformation. She displays this by showing her dancers becoming demonically possessed, showing herself controlling their minds.
The video starts with Lady Gaga shown in red looking as demonic as she is. We then see an audience of people wearing white. In the occult world, white means a few things. It could mean a sacrifice as they often dress their sacrifices in white. It could also mean a pure soul, but in this case, it represents the initiated. As when a person is being initiated into the mystery occult systems, they dress them in white for purity. Lady Gaga obviously represents the Scarlet Woman, the high priest leading this ritual. They then show the dancers possessed by the spirit Gaga is releasing.
These dancers represent Gaga’s audience, those who are being exposed to this demonic energy. Gaga then simulates the sex rituals that take place in order to achieve the great work, as you can see her doing all these strange dance moves with her dancers. In this part of the video, we can see Gaga clearly doing the alchemic symbol of water or femininity in alchemy. This symbol is an upside down triangle. This is the same symbol used in Thelema to represent the divine feminine. In another part of the video, she shows the demons manifesting into her, taking control of her as she ritually dances.
This song and video are full of occult demonic references. Clearly, she is showing that she is casting a spell on her audience, using occult magic to put them in a trance. This is an art people, it’s spiritual warfare. It’s dragging her fans right along with her to this demonic realm. I recommend you don’t listen to this song or any of Gaga’s music for that matter. She is being used by evil to guide souls away from God. We must expose this evil and try to help her fans see the truth, so they can make their ways back to God.
Like I always say, we must remember that every day we wake up, our souls are at stake. We must also remember to help those who can’t see the truth, find the truth. Well, that’s it for this video. I want to thank you all for watching, and I’ll see you guys in the next one. [tr:trw].