The Disturbing Truth about Ash Trevino

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➡ The article discusses the controversial rise of TikTok star Ash Travino, who has gained fame for her disturbing behavior, including inmate hopping, child abuse, and grooming. Despite her actions, she has over a million followers and is one of the most trending people on TikTok. The author questions why TikTok allows such content and influencers on their platform. The article also mentions the author’s efforts to expose the truth about such influencers and asks for audience support to spread the word.


Over the years, we have seen some rather controversial people become internet famous. In the 2016 SoundCloud era, we saw the rise of social media influencers like Bad Baby and Little Tae. Two influencers who were famous for being disrespectful, loud, and controversial. Their entire claim to fame was angering the internet for cloud and attention. While most didn’t get it, some people knew that these influencers were just playing up a character they knew the internet would react to. Today’s influencers have taken controversy to new heights, and the sad thing is, they aren’t playing a character. If you thought Bad Baby was a controversial influencer, the TikTok star Ash Travino takes controversy to another disturbing level.

Recently, she went viral for doing the deed live on TikTok in front of thousands of viewers. This isn’t even the worst of it, as she has become one of the most trending TikTokers for inmate hopping, abusing her children, grooming, and a bunch of other controversies that should have kept her far away from being a TikTok star. Hey guys, I hope all is well. Welcome back to The Truth Is, where I drop new videos every other day exposing the truth. In today’s episode, we will be talking about the TikToker Ash Travino, and the disturbing reason TikTok made her popular.

But before you begin, I just wanted to politely ask you to help me spread the truth. Now how exactly do you do that? By engaging with the content. Due to the type of content I make on here, we have been getting suppressed for a while now. But with your help, we can convince the algorithm that this content is important and needs to be seen. So if you want to help spread this content, it’s simple. First, you can start by subscribing if you’re not, and turning on the notification bell. Then, you can also like the video if you actually like the content.

You can also leave a comment with your thoughts on this video, letting me know what you think. Lastly, and most importantly, you can share this video with a friend or a family member so we can help them see the truth. That’s how you can help me get this content out there, and I’m counting on you to do so. This way we can spread the truth. Now, let’s get right into it. The internet is becoming a stranger place by the day. Living through the SoundCloud era was strange enough, but now things are getting out of hand.

We know society is at the brink of collapsing when this is who has chosen to be a popular TikToker, making thousands of dollars in TikTok donations daily. This woman on your screen right now is named Ash Trevino. She’s a mother, if you can call her that. A social media influencer, if you can call her that. An artist and a TikTok star, if you can believe that. She’s also an alleged groomer, child abuser, and inmate hopper. Now, I know some of you are probably saying, why is truth talking about this woman? I know I don’t normally talk about people like this, but when I was shown Miss Ash Trevino, I was told she was very popular on TikTok, and I couldn’t believe it.

Then I looked it up and it turns out she is literally one of the most trending people on TikTok right now. TikTok, and its strange brain-rotting algorithm, made this woman one of the most popular people on the platform. You do understand for someone to become big on TikTok, the button pushers have to push her content. That means that someone at TikTok saw this woman’s content and thought she deserves to be TikTok famous, which is insane. Showing us exactly what kind of content TikTok pushes and rewards on its platform. So that you can understand why Ash Trevino is a cancer to our society, you must first uncover the many controversies behind her.

Ash Trevino Ash Trevino is a 36-year-old TikTok influencer with over 1.1 million followers. She has been posting on TikTok since 2023, but became popular back in 2024. This woman spends all her time on live, and it’s what makes everything so much worse. The reason she went viral initially was due to her love for inmates. She has dated so many inmates, which she openly admits. It’s the reason she was dubbed the queen of inmate hopping, admitting she has dated over 30 inmates on live. Initially, people would tune in to her content because of her romantic relationships with these inmates.

While most people thought that was crazy enough, they quickly started to notice that this was only the tip of the iceberg, and Ash was a train wreck waiting to happen live for the world to see. On top of being known for inmate hopping, her fans started calling her out for her other disturbing behavior. She was called out by her viewers for admitting she abuses her children. She was also called out for an intimate session on TikTok Live, sometimes by herself, and other times with others. She was also called out for grooming and chasing after teenagers.

Right now, she is currently trending all over social media, as the video of her appearing to be engaging in an intimate act with someone on TikTok Live is spreading all over the internet. This woman is a terrible influence, so it makes absolutely no sense that she is a famous TikTok influencer with over a million followers. How did TikTok let this happen? Why did TikTok let this happen? Well, to know the answer to that question, and the reason that Ash Trevino shouldn’t be platformed, stick around to the end of this video.

A program used by the Masons to gather identifiable information about our children. They have been using this program since 1988, and honestly, it’s one of the most disturbing things I’ve found out. So if you’re one of my Patreon members, make sure to check it out after this video, and show it to a friend or a family to keep them protected. If you’re not a member, consider joining it’s only 3 bucks a month, and you’ll get access to exclusive content that is not available here on YouTube. When you join, you get access to this video plus 40 other videos, and new content that I drop every month on there.

If you want to join or watch the video, hit the link in the description. I want to thank you all, now let’s get back to the video. There are many videos online that show Ash Trevino admitting she’s an inmate hopper, taking pride in dating violent criminals who were in prison for very disturbing crimes. She openly admits to having dated over 30 inmates. You’re my 30th inmate, did I not tell you that? You really are. I swear, I’ve been with 30 inmates. Ruby! I swear. I’m not with no one, just with you, but I’ve already married too.

You’re stupid. I mean, now I’m in a prison-sister-wife relationship. I mean, hopper, of course, I am. And guess what, if your boyfriend was in prison, I’d take him too, baby. I wouldn’t trust me. As you can see, she is prideful of dating convicted criminals and even brags about taking other women’s incarcerated men. This is a great reflection of the mentality this woman has at the age of 36. She is still chasing the bad boys who come with trauma and drama. Apparently, TikTok’s human-operated algorithm believed this was excellent content to blast all over people’s 4U page.

On top of dating inmates, she has gone viral for admitting she was jealous of her own daughter, making this video explaining how she would pull her daughter’s hair because she was jealous of her. When the viewers heard this, some of them started reporting her to CPS in an attempt to have her children checked on. After she figured out she was being mass-reported to CPS by her followers and being visited by CPS, she made this video where she called out her fans for attempting to have her children taken away, admitting that she has had over 20 CPS cases opened on her in the past and hasn’t lost her children yet, somehow bragging about it like if it was an achievement.

If you ask my kids if I hit them, I don’t hit them. That’s why they don’t listen to me because I don’t spank my kids. So again, I did not pull her hair like literally like intentionally. I literally, and this was, I mean, she was little, so it was a long time ago. I don’t care. Y’all can sit there and call me abuser. Call me what y’all want, but at the end of the day, my kids know I never abused them. They never have bruises on them. If anything, I bribe my kids with money, like behave and I’ll give you this, you know? That’s how I am as a parent.

And I don’t care because y’all call me a bad mom anyways. Y’all call me this, y’all call me that. And to be honest, I don’t even have my kids right now. So it sucks because of y’all, you know? I don’t have my kids because of y’all. So yeah, um, they can come back anytime they want. I just choose not to have them right now because of y’all. So yeah, I do blame y’all because of the fact that if my kids were here, um, that’s not neglect and it’s not abuse. Like my kids are not babies, you guys.

Like that’s what you need to get out of y’all’s head, bro. It’s like my kids are not babies right now. My kids are literally teenagers. It’s yes, I’ve had like 20 CPS cases. They just missed them all because you know why? My kids are in good hands. My kids are taken care of. My kids do not need it. They don’t want for it. While this is bad enough, things only get worse from here. As she has been caught being racist multiple times on TikTok live without facing any consequences. When she was confronted for her racist remarks on live, she could be seen laughing while pretending to apologize.

Run that back one more time. Go ahead. Apologize the community that you offended in using that word. I’m sorry to the Mexicans, okay? I will never use that on the Hispanic community. I will never use that word again or any racial slurs towards y’all. Or any, just don’t use any racial slurs. Okay, I just said I won’t do any yet. This didn’t get her kicked off the platform though and neither did the other more controversial incidents. As Trevino has also been exposed for liking them young. As in many other videos, she could be seen on TikTok live flirting with another teenager who is known online as Santos.

Many people called their off for this as they believed Santos was underage. At some point, As Trevino was talking with the boy on live when she decided to flash Santos for the world to see. Thankfully, I can’t show this here. As Trevino was asking the teenager to come hang out with her in person and offer that he accepted. She would eventually meet with Santos in person where she decided it would be a good idea to serve him an adult-only beverage and attempt to flirt with him. Due to her serving the teenager an adult-only beverage on live, members of her livestream decided to call the police on her which led to the police arriving at her front door questioning what was going on.

Ash denied the teenager was drinking when questioned by police who during the conversation confirmed he wasn’t 21 but was 19 years old. Still, the viewer saw this as a form of grooming. She invited this young man who is still a teenager to drink and possibly hook up with her while she’s a 36-year-old. After this, Ash played into her grooming role even more, deciding to make a whole entire song about wanting to hook up with this 19-year-old boy claiming that he had smelled her Nunu. She would eventually do an interview where she admitted that she had hooked up with this 19-year-old.

Something else that she went viral for was when she decided to play with her woman-only toys on TikTok Live, showing her toys to Santos as well in a TikTok Live. Now I know that 19 is legal, but it’s barely, as he’s still a teenager and I agree this is very groomer-like. Kids, followers, whoever may be watching this. If I have done anything I have made him upset, whatever it may be, I honestly apologize. I am taking a call in LA for that and I just come on here right now and I say that I’m sorry for anything that I may have said or done that was uncalled for.

And honestly, I am working on myself to be a better person, not only for my children but for my followers, my family and everything else you guys. With all of these disturbing videos floating around TikTok, you would think she would be banned and in some sort of prison, but unfortunately instead she’s promoted and made bigger and bigger, which becomes even more disturbing when you find out what she’s been accused of doing to her own children. Now, like I said earlier in this video, Ash Travino has been called out many times for her behavior with her children.

Not only did she admit she was jealous of her own children and punished them for it, but she also bragged about beating CPS cases like rappers brag about beating bodies. Ash has two children and while some reports claim she has four children, apparently her children don’t live with her at the moment, but her daughter who is around 16 seems to stay with her often. She’s often going live with her mother or around her mother. After her viewers witnessed her children’s living conditions, they had reported her to CPS, as it was confirmed that her daughters don’t even have a bed at her mother’s home, forcing her to sleep on an uncomfortable air mattress.

According to Ash, it’s not that she can’t afford to buy her daughter a proper bed. It says she wants everything to be clean before she buys her a bed, which I don’t know what she means by that. Ash has denied abusing her children even though she’s already admitted to abusing her children. She also is clearly a terrible role model for her daughter, as on top of all her online controversy her daughter is witnessing, Ash thought it would be a great idea to take her daughter to an OF content house called The Bop House to meet her favorite idols.

It’s obvious that Ash Travino shouldn’t have such a big following on TikTok. We have seen people banned for way less, but when it comes to her she’s pushed all through the algorithm. This is the exact reason I’m talking about this. So many people are encouraging this train wreck, including TikTok themselves. So many people are donating to Ash’s livestream, encouraging her to do more and more of her wild disturbing antics. While I know people have always loved drama and train wrecks, as they watch shows like Jersey Shore, but this makes Jersey Shore look innocent.

As Ash isn’t on a scripted reality TV show, this is truly her life playing out for the world to see, with her family paying the consequences. The worst part of this all is that it appears she has the full support of TikTok. What most people don’t know is that everything that goes viral on TikTok is pushed manually by TikTok’s moderation team. They call it the heating process, where they choose which videos to push on people’s 4u page making content go viral. On TikTok videos don’t go viral organically, they are forced to go viral.

This means that someone on this TikTok team saw Ash’s content and decided she was the perfect candidate to push and make viral. This to me is even more disturbing than Ash’s content itself. This is what TikTok is pushing to the masses. This behavior is what they’re making popular and rewarding. There is no way this is by accident or by coincidence. TikTok knows exactly what they are doing and it’s their plan all along, pushing brain rotting content to millions of impressionable minds. Just like the music industry only signed gangster rappers pushing a criminal lifestyle that is destructive to the youth consuming it.

TikTok is doing their own version of this by knowingly pushing the content of a woman who is a child abusing grooming flasher, pushing her content to more and more people. TikTok is a part of the problem of why our society is disintegrating. They are helping destroy the last bit of morals left in our world. Now more than ever we need God and sadly there are so many distractions that it only becomes harder and harder for the youth to find them. It’s why they’re becoming so lost. Us as the consumers need to stop supporting these type of creators.

As we play a large role in accepting them when we choose to donate to them or enjoy their content. These are the people that we need to ignore. To show the people over at TikTok they can’t manipulate us. Well I’ma end this one here. I wanna thank you all for watching and I’ll see you guys in the next one. Thank you guys so much for watching and I’ll see you guys in the next video. [tr:trw].


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