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Hey guys, I hope all is well. Welcome back to the Truth Is where I drop new videos every other day exposing the truth. In today’s episode we will be talking about the story of Adam and Eve. But before we begin, I just wanted to ask you guys to like, comment, and subscribe so we can get this video seen by everyone who needs to see it. I want to thank you all, now let’s get right into it. In the Bible, there are plenty of great important stories that we can all learn from. But out of the stories in the Bible, the story of Adam and Eve is by far the most important.
Not only does it set the foundation for the rest of the Bible, but it also explains exactly how we ended up here and why life is the way it is. While most people know the story of Adam and Eve and the fall of man, they only tend to see the surface level of the story and fail to pick up on a deeper coded message from this story. The story of Adam and Eve is one of the first stories told in the Bible. In the story, we are told that God created Adam and Eve and instructed them to eat from any tree except from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
God warned Adam and Eve that if they ate from the tree of knowledge, they will surely die. In the story, the serpent eventually convinces Eve to eat from the fruit by promising her that if she ate from the fruit, she wouldn’t die but instead become as God knowing good and evil. Eve couldn’t resist the serpent’s offer and temptation got the better of her. She would give in and ate from the fruit and convinced Adam to join her. Shortly after eating from the fruit, everything changed. They for the first time realized they were naked and they began to grab leaves to cover themselves with.
Adam and Eve started hearing God coming so they attempted to hide from him. But God heard them walking and called for Adam. With God seeing this, he confronts Adam over eating the fruit. God then asked them if they had eaten from the tree because he noticed they were covering themselves with leaves. With Adam admitting that he did it and blaming it on God for creating Eve, saying she was the one to give him the fruit. God responded by cursing him and Eve and kicking them out of Eden. This was the epic tale of the fall of man.
The first sin against God and the first lie ever told. Adam and Eve gave into their temptation of possibly becoming like God knowing good and evil that they let the serpent deceive them. They couldn’t resist being all knowing even if God told them death was the price. Now while this is one of the most known stories in the Bible, most people don’t know what this entire story is truly referencing. When most people hear this story, they attribute it to God cursing man for disobeying him by eating from a tree he forbid them from eating from.
The primary focus of this story is that man disobeyed God’s commands and gave into temptation causing the fall of man. The thing is, this entire story is being told in almost a coded language that tells an even deeper story. While yes, it is referring to man and woman disobeying God, but it isn’t in the way that most people think of. The act of eating the fruit isn’t referring to Adam and Eve actually eating from a tree. This entire story was a metaphor for something else completely. The story of Adam and Eve isn’t speaking about even Adam eating from a tree.
It represents Adam and Eve being tricked by the serpent into having sex for the first time. God commanding Adam and Eve to not eat from the fruit was a reference to him telling them not to have sex. The forbidden tree isn’t actually a tree in the garden, but was a reference to Adam and Eve being intimate. Now I know this might sound crazy to some people, but I will explain exactly why this is the case, as God gives us hints about this himself throughout the story. For example, in the story, after Adam and Eve ate the fruit, they realized they weren’t wearing any clothes.
This is a reference to them being intimate and it awakening them. It is also referring to their loss of innocence after being intimate. After they did the deed, they no longer were innocent, and this is how they realized they weren’t wearing any clothes. No longer did they look at each other nude innocently, they now saw each other for what they really were. Now at some point after this, God tells Adam and Eve they have become as gods. This was again referring to being intimate. God is the creator of everything he created life, and in the visual human cannot be God as they can’t create life.
But when a man and a woman get together, they can create life, being similar to God. Together they are allowed to make life. This is what God was referring to when he said, man has become like God, not God, but like God. Because when they come together and were intimate, like God, they can create life. This is very important, and we will get more into this later. On top of this, after Adam and Eve ate the fruit and God finds out, he eventually told them to go and be fruitful and multiply. Again referring to the fruit as a reference to intimacy.
He is clearly talking about Adam and Eve coming together and making children, letting us know that the fruit is a reference for sex. The serpent convinced Eve to be intimate with Adam, and this is why God referred to Adam and Eve as being as gods knowing good and evil. They had participated in the process of procreation. Now what most people don’t know is that this story in the Bible leads to the creation of just about every occult religion there is. Occultists don’t see this moment as when Satan deceived mankind and caused their fall.
They see this as the moment Lucifer threw the serpent, freed mankind, and introduced them to the forbidden knowledge, waking them up, illuminating them, and making them as God. This is what every occult seeker society is based on. Using the forbidden knowledge, which is what they term sex magic, to become as gods. The Kabbalah, which was the seed from which most occult religions like Freemasonry comes from, focuses heavily on the story of Adam and Eve in an esoteric way. They practice ancient sex magic that they believe is supposed to harness the forbidden knowledge and allow them to use it to become as God.
The Kabbalah taught sex magic as a way to transcend into god-like levels of enlightenment. This comes from the idea that through the act of sex, man is operating at the level of God. So they teach secret ritual methods to harness this power through sex magic rituals. Spiritual alchemy is also heavy on sex magic. The use of these ancient sex rituals in order to tap into the forbidden knowledge of God. In alchemy they take this merger of man and woman coming together as one to become as God as the root of their teachings. As spiritual alchemists believe in the concept of the great androgyne, which is the merger of your masculinity and femininity to become as God.
The Baphomet is actually a representation of this and so is the great androgyne, which is the alchemic merger of your masculinity and femininity, which they believe allows you to become like God. This ties back to what I mentioned of man and woman being as God when they eat from the fruit or engage in intimate relationship. Baphomet is a representation of the merger of opposites through the process of spiritual alchemy. As Baphomet is half man, half woman, half human, half beast. Baphomet is usually shown having both animal and human characteristics, while also having female and male characteristics.
It’s meant to represent the end result of the great work, man becoming as God using occult sex magic. This is what most occult teaching is all about. Masonry came from the Kabbalah and at his highest degrees is heavily focused on sex magic. For example, the Order of the Golden Dawn was originally created by a 33rd degree Freemason, a sect of Freemasonry that exclusively taught sex magic rituals. When the Order of the Golden Dawn was first created, they only invited 33rd degree Masons to join. The Freemasons are chasing the same forbidden knowledge from the Garden of Eden.
What we all see as the fall of man, occult is seen as a liberation of man, with the serpent who was moved by Lucifer as a liberator. This is why they all follow Lucifer’s teachings. The occult embraces the fall of man as Lucifer freeing humanity from God’s chains. They believe that God wanted to keep us innocent to take advantage of us, when in reality, God wanted to keep us innocent to keep us safe. This is something William Cooper also revealed to those who followed his work. If you watched my last few videos, you have heard me talking about Bill Cooper.
He was a very smart man who I believe was taken out for speaking the truth. I think I should make a full video on William Cooper. If that’s something you want to see, comment William Cooper below. In this video, Cooper explained exactly what I discovered a few years back through my research. Every Masonic temple in this land, every secret brotherhood, every secret society, every mystical temple, every occult organization teaches the Luciferian philosophy. At the highest level, their goal is to create a world in which the adepts, the thousand points of light working behind the veil to create the culmination of the great plan, can realize the ultimate happiness for mankind.
Their whole purpose throughout history has been to teach a small number of people how to become adept at controlling everyone else and presenting their societies as desirable to the profane so that you’re going to knock on the door and say, hey, can I be a member and be initiated with the promise of learning some great secret? What is that secret? The secret is what I have just told you this morning. The secret is how to control everybody else. Who brought man the gift of fire? Who was Prometheus? Lucifer. There would be no society without fire.
That’s how it’s represented in the ancient myths and in the mysteries. These people learned how to control others through the use of a hidden knowledge. All of these occult groups are just choosing to fall for the same trick the serpent pulled in the Garden of Eden, disobeying God’s commands in search for the ability to be like God. I always found it quite interesting that what happened at the very beginning of the Bible tells us so much about ourselves and why the world is the way it is. And it also tells us about those who choose to follow Lucifer’s enlightenment and why those elite in charge are trying to shape the world with a specific agenda.
They want to desperately merge men and women and blur the gender roles. They are trying to put the entire world through this alchemic change. Convince all men and women that they are their own gods because it’s what these occultists believe in themselves. These occultists pretend to know that they don’t know the dangers of everyone believing they are God. I find it so disturbing how occultists pervert and twist what God taught us and use it for their selfish desires. Everything God teaches against in the Bible they use to justify and achieve their selfish goals.
This is why occultists like the Freemasons pretend to be Christian in a way. Their teachings are lessons they take from the Bible and pervert and corrupt. The problem with everyone thinking they’re God is told to us in the story of Adam and Eve. As it presents the consequences pretty clearly, it would always lead to the fall of man just like we are witnessing now. Well, that’s it for this video. But before you guys go I would like to politely ask you to subscribe if you’re not. Please like, comment, and share this video so we can get a scene by everyone who needs to see it.
I want to thank you all for watching and I’ll see you guys in the next one. Bye!