It couldn’t be more open than this. In another interview, they showed Jack Black literally telling kids to sell their souls if they want to become successful rock stars. As you heard for yourself, Jack Black advises children to sell their souls in order to become big rock stars. If this wasn’t enough to convince you that Jack Black sold his soul and is serving Lucifer, this photo should confirm that. In this photo of Jack Black and his tenacious D bandmates, we can see Jack Black and his bandmate literally chained to a bath of mint while they’re holding baby dolls.
They are standing on a pentagram while they are literally chained to the devil clothesless. This is one of the most disturbing occult images as it’s referring to occult sacrifice. Openly, they are referencing making sacrifices to the devil while showing they are controlled by Bothamut as they’re literally chained to him. What more proof do you need? Because when it comes to Jack Black, it’s pretty open. He has photo after photo showing his ties to the devil in the occult. You think it’s a coincidence? They have this open satanist making a movie about convincing an 11 year old boy to sell his soul for three wishes? The same man who took a picture clothesless holding baby dolls chained to bothamut referring to sacrifices.
Jack Black for the longest has been making movies aimed at our children. He is showing us what his purpose is in Hollywood. To normalize satanism in the occult to his young fans. This is what this entire movie was about. They made the demon the good guy who only helped the main character. Just like occultists want people to believe that Lucifer is the good guy who freed humanity from God’s enslavement. Most people see this as a silly movie, but I see right through the corny jokes for what this movie really is. It’s a full on recruitment tactic to have more souls turn their backs on God.
Like all the rest of the satanic propaganda Hollywood puts out. If you saw this and can’t sell we’re in a spiritual world, it’s time to put the tiktok down and open some books. Learn the truth about the world and learn your enemy so you can know his next move. Don’t allow him to guide your soul away from God. you you