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➡ The TV show’s episodes are named after Jay-Z’s songs, which seems suspicious as Jay-Z owns Rock Nation, the company that would have had to approve the use of these songs. The show’s creator, who was once Tory Lane’s lawyer, left him during his trial, leading to speculation that she was working with Rock Nation. Tory Lane’s lyrics suggest that he believes the music industry is controlled by ‘devils’ who use artists as puppets, and he accuses the media of hypocrisy in their treatment of him compared to Jay-Z. Despite facing challenges, Tory continues to speak out against the industry’s powerful figures.
Even if the Megan situation hadn’t happened, I confidently believe he would have still been targeted by record labels for denying them. While the labels might have thought they won the battle against him, Tory Lanez is proving this isn’t over yet. He dropped a new album from prison where he exposes Jay-Z, Rock Nation and the entirety of the music industry. In this album, Tory didn’t hold back at all and seems to confirm all the speculations. Hey guys, I hope all is well. Welcome back to the truth is where I drop new videos every other day exposing the truth.
In today’s episode we will be talking about Tory Lanez exposing Jay-Z and Rock Nation on his new album. Let’s get right into it. To many, it appears like Tory Lanez lost the battle against the record labels. He was convicted of shooting Megan the Stallion and sent to prison for 10 years. While people are on opposing sides regarding him being innocent or guilty, I won’t be getting into that again as I already covered it and gave my opinion on this several times. Realistically, it’s nearly impossible to know what really happened that night, especially since the story seems to differ from each person that was there.
Tory, his security guard, Megan and her friend Kelsey all seem to have different stories, with Megan appearing to switch up her own story multiple times. To me it always seemed like we were not getting the full story of what took place that night, which in all honesty is what Tory Lanez has been saying the entire time. While Tory Lanez was found guilty in the court of law, one must think would Tory have been found guilty if he had signed to Rock Nation when they tried to sign him? Would there even have been charges filed on him at all? Or would the story that Megan told at the beginning had stayed the same? Would she have continued to claim that she had stepped on glass and that it was all an accident? I honestly believe Tory wouldn’t be in this predicament whether he did it or not if it wasn’t for his desire to go independent.
If he had told Rock Nation he was down to sign, I believe they would have made all of this go away like it never even happened. Instead, Rock Nation applied pressure to the situation and personally made sure they locked them away. Most people think this situation was Tory against Megan, but in reality, this situation was Tory against Rock Nation in the industry, as no record label wanted Tory around as an independent artist setting this example for others. Tory painted this clearly in his most time music video. As in the video, he compares Rock Nation and the other labels to the devil, showing himself in one scene playing basketball with the devil and even boxing him.
This was supposed to represent his battle against the system. He chose to identify the labels with the devil because he knows what they really are. The devil is known as a trickster, a deceiver. While he might promise you the world, he’s only doing it to enslave you and sin so he can control you. The labels do the same thing. They pretend to be there to help you and they offer you million dollar deals, when in reality, the contracts they’re offering are slave deals that give the labels all the money and control. He makes this so clear when he shows himself handcuffed in a record label office trying to break free, but the record executives are trying to force them to sign another shady deal that would keep him enslaved.
In the whole video, Tory is insinuating that he was going to win the battle, showing himself beating the devil time after time again. It seemed like he was confident that he would not only beat the case, but beat the labels too. Tory hired a strong lawyer and prepared to prove his innocence in court. Unfortunately for him, he didn’t know that that very lawyer he hired to free him was going to help put him away. Recently, Tory released an album that he recorded from the inside of prison, where he exposes everything. While throughout the album he spoke about the situation many times, his song Verdict Day went in depth and he called out Rock Nation by name, claiming that they were the ones truly behind his imprisonment.
He made allegations that Rock Nation set him up for refusing to sign a deal with them and that Meg was used as a pawn to take him down. He also revealed that the music industry has a dark side that the general public doesn’t seem to know about. Let’s take a look at these lyrics so we can break them down. The first part we need to talk about is the beginning of his verse where he raps. The verdict day. Guilty on all counts. My opposition finally did it. Let the ball bounce. TMZ plays the announcement on the wall mounts.
LA County Jail. It yells from the wall sounds. Trial lawyer left me like she’s Kevin Lyle’s. She was in bed with my opposition like wedding vows. Started seeing inconsistencies from bail amounts. The ones who pay her are trying to sue me over Zella counts. Set up in the cell and spoke to Reyna. Only way they can beat me was using the powers within. Sean Holly, that’s a name I would call special. Only a special person can rep you and want to dead you. Go to your DNA expert and say don’t test you.
You fully excluded but inconclusive is what she tells you. The DA’s first offer was 9 years. The second it was 6 at 85 about 5 years. My lawyer keeps on pressing me to take it. I’m like nah, I ain’t do the crime. So I’ma sit down right here. She’s losing my bail hearings I feel like it’s on purpose. I begin to side eye. I’m seeing what’s on surface. But she’s a black woman so I say I trust it. But at what point is it? You did me dusty. Working for my accuser and working for me.
All the information I gave her is at rock. Y’all had my lawyer in y’all pockets she’s circling T’s. And that’s why Megan always talked like jail was certain for me. It’s cause y’all paid for them 10 years. Let’s keep it honest. My judge sitting at the brunch like and y’all was seeing outcomes and he was seeing dollars. Why would they go to this extent? Please forgive him father. As soon as I realized you saw it coming. You started to look back on your tracks and got them all covered. You knew that I found out what you did right before the trial.
You quit before I fired you and did it with a smile. In this verse Tori Lanes admits he was defeated. Admitting that he was found guilty. He goes on to say his opposition finally did it. Meaning rock nation finally got him and he couldn’t beat them. He then calls out his lawyer for working for the other side. This is really important and I broke this down a couple months back. But for those that didn’t see that video let me explain what he means by this. Tori was being defended by lawyer Sean Hawley.
Sean is a very powerful lawyer who had a role in the infamous Simpson’s case helping free OJ. Tony hired Sean in hopes of her successfully defending him but that wasn’t exactly what happened. Five days before Tori was found guilty Sean requested she be removed as Tori’s lawyer abandoning him in the middle of the trial. With little to no explanation she quits on him and Tori was forced to get a whole new lawyer. This was rather strange especially for a lawyer of her caliber. But the reason she did this according to Tori Lanes was because she was secretly working for rock nation.
Tori claims that Sean was working for rock nation due to two reasons. One, Sean kept trying to force Tori to take a plea deal that would basically force him to take responsibility for the incident. Tori didn’t want to do this because he believed he wasn’t guilty. The moment Tori refused to take the plea deal she decided to abandon the case. On top of this Tori pointed out a strange coincidence that took place after she left. See right after she dropped Tori she released a new TV show that she had executive produce.
The TV show was called Reasonable Doubt which coincidentally just so happens to be the name of one of Jay-Z’s top selling albums. Now while this might have just been a coincidence things start to get strange when you go through the titles of each episode. Episode 1 is called Can’t Knock the Hustle which just so happens to be the title of one of Jay-Z’s songs on Reasonable Doubt. Episode 2 is called Family Feud which just so happens to be a song on Jay-Z’s 4-4-4 album. The third episode is called 99 Problems which is a song on Jay-Z’s The Black Album.
The fourth episode is called Guilty Until Proven Innocent which you guessed it is the name of another one of Jay-Z’s songs on his dynasty album. The fifth episode is so ambitious just like Jay-Z’s song on the blueprint 3. The sixth episode is Renegade which is Jay-Z’s song on the blueprint album. The seventh episode is called N-word What N-word Who which is awfully similar to Jay-Z’s Jigga What Jigga Who on his Volume 2 Hard Knock Life album. The eighth episode is Song Cry which is a song on Jay-Z’s blueprint album. The final episode of season 1 is called Already Home just like Jay-Z’s song on the blueprint 3.
As you can see, each and every episode and even the name of the show comes directly from Jay-Z, Jay-Z who just so happens to be the owner of Rock Nation. This is already suspicious enough, but it’s even more suspicious that one of the first songs they play on the show just so happens to be a Megan Thee Stallion song. Now think about this, in order to have included these songs, they would have needed to get an approval from Rock Nation. So if we look at this wisely, Tory Lane’s lawyer abandons him during the middle of the trial after he refused to take a plea deal.
She then ends up making a show named after the prosecutor’s victim and star witness’s boss, Jay-Z. The show’s episode all just so happens to be named after Jay-Z’s songs. This pretty much confirmed to me that Tory’s lawyer was compromised and most likely was working with Rock Nation. The fact that she openly named an entire TV show after Jay-Z’s songs feel like this was purposely done to send Tory Lane’s a message. Like Jay-Z wanted Tory Lane’s to know, he was behind his lawyer leaving him. This is what Tory is referring to with his lyrics that his lawyer was in bed with the opposition.
His lawyer seems to be connected to Rock Nation and I believe they sent her to bring him down. In the next part of the song, Tory Lane’s exposes the true nature of the music industry. He raps, let’s talk on a higher level, put me in a grave, forget to go out and buy a shovel, rituals, wicca and witchcraft on the highest level. All that divination, never step up to god level. All of the artists that are all devils. I just wasn’t going for that cause I’m all rebel. No strings attached. I’m independent on all levels.
Pinocchio contracts in the back that was all severed. In this part of the song, Tory reveals the truth about the music industry. They’re all devils including the artists. This part of the song connects to his most time music video. Where Tory was showing us the music industry is controlled by the devil. He compares the record labels in Jay-Z to the devil himself. Now in this song, he takes it a step further. Revealing that all these artists are devils and are using witchcraft and rituals. He also exposes that all these artists are signing slave contracts that make them puppets.
Revealing that he cut off his puppet strings and it’s the reason the labels came after him. This is very important. We have an artist who was in the mainstream music industry revealing that these artists all sold their souls and are using rituals and witchcraft for success. Selling out to the devils that run these record labels who use them as puppets. Tory is making himself an even bigger target by revealing this. While he’s locked up, he’s still not going out without a fight. Letting Roc Nation and the industry know, you can lock him up, but you still can’t shut him up.
In another song on the album, he calls out Jay-Z for his r-word allegations, bringing up the hypocrisy of the media and some so-called journalists. Pointing out the fact that when he was accused of shooting Meghan, he was deemed guilty by the media before the trial even started. While Jay-Z has been found innocent by the media before the Jane Doe got a day in court, showing how the media is compromised and controlled. He raps, Meghan Cunniff been on payroll to play a dummy. It gotta be the same standards if it’s the same for me.
Accused of r-word and yeah I don’t wanna judge the way you judge me. Funny, it’s funny, it’s so funny. I’m not alleging nobody did nothing, I just don’t agree. All that picking and choosing, all that sticking and moving. When it was me, I was socially found guilty before they even proved it. My lawyer was playing both sides my whole case. I ain’t find out till I was sitting in the cage. I stare at the ceiling thinking about it, she made me wave. And Randy Sapita got paid to manipulate my DNA. In this part of the song, Tori makes a great point.
It shows the hypocrisy of the media. Tori gets accused of shooting Meghan before he’s found guilty the media is already pantheon guilty to the masses. Jay-Z gets accused of r-wording a 13 year old with Diddy, and the media does everything in their power to discredit the victim and vindicate Jay-Z. Even though Jay-Z’s relationship with Diddy is well documented. Now I don’t agree with everything Tori does, and those of us who weren’t there that night will never know the full truth of what happened. But I do see the obvious attacks by Roc Nation on Tori.
I see they wanted him gone, and I know it’s because he was trying to be a mainstream independent artist. The labels weren’t about to let one of their money printing puppets off the strings. I applaud Tori for not folding and sticking up for himself. These labels have been abusing not only the artists, but the fans too. Manipulating everyone so they can collect billions. Tori Lanes is doing what very few artists attempt to do. He’s calling out the rich and powerful Jay-Z and the other executives. The man who can literally destroy not only his career but his life.
I pray for Tori, as I know things aren’t easy for him right now. I hope he’s able to keep exposing the truth and remain safe while doing it. Well, I’ma end this one here. I wanna thank you all for watching, and I’ll see you guys in the next one. Bye!