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➡ The text discusses the struggles artists face with record labels, often being trapped in unfair contracts where they don’t earn their rightful royalties. It suggests that artists who try to break free and become independent, like Tory Lanes, face severe consequences, including being blackballed by the industry or even imprisoned. The text also implies that some artists may face fatal consequences for speaking out against the industry, referencing the suspicious circumstances surrounding the death of Angie Stone. Lastly, it mentions the occult practices within the industry, suggesting that these practices may play a role in the misfortunes that befall artists.
➡ The author expresses concern over the mysterious deaths of several celebrities, suggesting a possible conspiracy in Hollywood. They mention the term “star whackers,” referring to people who might harm celebrities for financial gain. The author also shares their personal experience of being hacked on Facebook and their struggle to regain control of their account. They end by expressing condolences to the families of the deceased celebrities and thanking their audience for their support.
I went into ICU and I went to use restroom and I passed out in the restroom. My oxygen went all the way down and rendered me basically unconscious. When I came back to the nurses began to tell me that I was screaming for Jesus because when I went down I’m sorry I didn’t know that I didn’t know what was happening all I know is it was all of a sudden and I began to praise God and call on his name because I knew biblically that if I was transitioning I needed to be calling on Jesus and I need to be calling him by his name so I began to scream his name.
When they brought me to us when they told me I was lucky to be alive because I was I was on the floor and I knew it was an attack I knew it was a spiritual attack on me however I was treated and God healed me cleared up after two weeks solid they cleared up the blood infection but meanwhile back at the ranch was as I were coming through all of this I soon found out that one of the biggest companies that I was with universal music second part of the ugly truth we begin to research things to check on my royalties and my statements and things that of that nature only to find out a lot excuse me a lot of my publishing a lot of my royalties my mechanicals they have all pretty much been stolen as I begin to find out things that I never had to look into because when you hire a team of people that to some degree supposed to have your bag you’re thinking that they’re getting it all together for you you know that’s why you know I respect Oprah Winfrey in that respect when she said do your own research at after 40 something years in the business I’m like well why I’m going because I’m not getting this coming to find out universal music has been receiving all my royalties all my mechanicals they’ve taken pretty much everything they’ve stolen I won’t say stolen but they have taken all the moneys that were due to me they have basically absorbed in that company and even though there are several class action lawsuits people that were working on my behalf never even registered the songs all the songs that I’ve done I’m only coming to find out they were not properly registered by the companies that I signed over to people that was supposed to do their due diligence so I’m truly a walking testimony that God has carried me all this time because if you only knew how much money they have taken from me how much they have stolen from me moneys that I’m supposed to be I should have been able to retire 20 years ago with the money I’ve made supposedly but they are key people that have been driving the ships and what they’ve been doing is improperly representing me improperly stealing from me taking things in their own hand changing and switching lanes because they knew I didn’t know that part so I’m just here to let you know one way or the other universal music you’re gonna have to give up my coins and so what I’m doing now is whatever is necessary to make sure they pay me for the legacy of my life for my children and my grandchildren they’re gonna have to give me my money I mean when you sit back and think more Mars dr.
Dre we think about all these people that have sampled music if they are filthy rich on it what’s our problem my problem oh yeah so you got to get a diesel crew and I call them a diesel crew to go in and rectify the issue because evidently all the time that I’ve been working through things they didn’t tell my life please okay give me give me your phone I’m sorry as you heard for yourself she clearly calls out the label tells the world to share this tells the world you know to help her get this message out there because this label is taking advantage of her and then a few days later she passes away you can’t tell me that’s not suspicious exactly imagine if she took in them to court this is not just a year of her money two years of her money this is all the money that she has accumulated in her time of being an artist that she hasn’t received that’s loads of money that the record label was taking from her that they would potentially have to give to her if she won the case if they could just remove her and not even have to deal with that they would just continue to take her money and have her removed out of the picture completely realistically if you think about it they’re gonna make more money now because if they’re the ones that have ownership of her rights and she passed away her streams are gonna shoot through the roof people are gonna want to listen to her music to remember her her putting the record label in the spotlight calling them off for what they did sir this is something that so many artists have done and this is something that we’ve already seen this is an outcome that we continue to see for example not that long ago Aaron Carter had a similar fate he was on social media calling out his record label claiming that they were robbing him that they had took in money from him he said that they owed them millions of dollars that I had to do in order to protect myself from being the silence breaker for my brother and now they’re after my life my whole family’s after my life and they’re setting me up and Sony Records owes me 3.5 million dollars and they don’t want to pay me and it would be in their better interest just like Michael told me and Brad basically who sued Sony Records for 10 million dollars they only money they’re trying to pay off and then a few days later he passes away mysteriously in his home this is the same type of death that we’ve seen with so many celebrities and you can’t tell me that is not suspicious some people might call it a coincidence but I don’t believe in coincidences for Angie stone I understand a car accident might have not been in the control but I know you guys have heard of the situation of Michael Hastings and now he was taken out he was exposing the head of the CIA at the time and he had released documents about him and out of nowhere he was traveling in his car and his car just went full speed into a tree witnesses that were at the scene said it almost looked like his car had lost control and a lot of people to this day believe that his car was hacked into and he was made to crash so this situation of Angie stone might be a similar scenario there could be a possibility that her vehicle is hacked all of these vehicles have computers in them and these computers could be hacked and they can make the car accelerate they can make the car break they can make the cars do whatever they want and I’m not saying this is exactly what happened but I will say that it is very suspicious to say the least just imagine a few days before she was calling out the label and then she passes away yeah I think by now it’s obvious that these record labels and these bigger companies are just super money-hungry and they don’t even care about their artists like we were speaking about with the whole entire Kodak black situation and this is kind of like the whole Tori Lane situation I know he’s not dead but he was trying to leave his record label become independent they were not trying to let him go and we all see what happened to him and we all see where he is he’s been sitting in prison now for several years exactly Tory lanes is a perfect example like you said he’s not dead but they locked him up they gave him 10 years what Tory lanes did Tory lanes went independent and refused to sign to any other label and when he did that I feel like they put a target on his back specifically with rock nation who was rumored to have reached out to him and offered him a deal with the whole time that he was messing around with Megan the stallion but Tory lanes refused because Tory lanes wanted to be independent he felt that he was gonna make so much more money which is true he was gonna make so much more money and he had a lot of clout at the moment he was popular after the live streams that he was hosting during the pandemic he was definitely going to make a lot of money independently and he was gonna set an example for other artists other artists will look at Tory lanes like oh he’s independent he’s making more money he’s free he doesn’t have to do whatever the label says he’s not under their control and that would have been a massive problem for the record labels so what they did they completely took him out while he’s still alive he’s locked up he’s in he’s gonna be in prison for 10 years and when he gets out of there there’s a high chance that his music career would be over and since the record labels are no longer gonna be supporting him you know what’s gonna happen his career is done once the record labels aren’t behind you and they start working against you they blackball you you start losing fans the fans don’t see you he can’t get marketing support he it’s gonna be a problem for him to have a successful career now and that’s exactly what they want they don’t want successful artists independently they want to be able to do what they were doing to Angie stone they had Angie stone under this terrible contract is what I’m assuming because like she said she wasn’t getting any of her royalties and they were taking all that money that she earned and this is what the labels like to do because this is how they stay rich and keep the artists poor most people believe that rappers and artists are rich but that’s not the case these artists are spending record label money most of the time the record label gives them an advance and that’s the money they pretend to be rich with if they manage to get a hit song the record label gets all that money because they have to recoup the money that they lend the artists and the way that they do this is extremely shady they have the system rig where the record label takes a large percentage of the money that comes in before it’s applied to the amount of money that the artist owes so for example if an artist gets a million dollar deal and the record label gives them a million dollar advance the artist now owes the record label a million dollars the moment the artist gets a nice hit song and the hit song makes a million dollars before that million dollars is applied to their debt the record labels gonna take their 60 to 80 percent cut and then the rest is applied to the debt so the artist has to come up with several hit songs to be able to get out of that deal something that often doesn’t happen because most of the times artists only get that one hit song and that hit song is usually owned by the record label as we can see when artists start to figure it out that they’ve been robbed that they’ve been bamboozled they start to call out the label the label doesn’t like this and every time that this happens we see an artist pay the consequences exactly and like I said in the beginning this is super sad and my heart goes out to her family and I really hope that they get to the bottom of this and they continue to fight for their mom’s royalties and figure out what had happened and what went wrong with her contract because she and they deserve some type of justice especially now that she’s not even here to fight for herself anymore hopefully that happens but realistically the way these record labels work I don’t see it happening honestly these labels have the system rigged and I believe they have everything rigged when these artists get taken out they have people that most likely make it all go away they have people that you know change evidence or have the media run specific type of stories where they can discredit the artists or what or whatnot and that’s what I believe is gonna happen now because unfortunately if you think about it all of these celebrities all of these celebrities have faced this consequence they eventually get forgotten and the system continues to operate the same way while I can’t say that she was a hundred percent taken out I can honestly say that this seems to continue to happen to so many artists and it’s been happening for so long people think that it also happened to Prince it was documented that Prince was having trouble with his labels and they were robbing him and then Prince passes away this is the same technique and then we’re told we’re given this nonsense story that we all have to buy and we all have to agree to because if anybody decides to call it out you’re a conspiracy theorist you’re crazy you have to believe what the media tells you and that’s nonsense because we can see the pattern those of us that have our eyes open we notice what’s happening there’s a possibility that this was just a horrible accident but why did it happen right after she called out the label it just doesn’t make sense to me it seems too suspicious and I know how the music industry works I’ve been exposing it for four years I know for a fact that they remove artists when they don’t want them around anymore now one thing that I did see that was rather suspicious to me is that it seems that her son was a satin worshipper like many of these are coaches in the industry yesterday the same day his mom passed away he posted this on Instagram referring to Saturn and the post said 28 years for Saturn to cycle around the Sun 28 G’s to make a whole thing Saturn year super focused right now got some big surprises for y’all very soon me and my team been working very hard to bring something meaningful and special to the ones who have been down with this long but tonight we gonna celebrate Mimi at the club he posted this the same day his mom passed away and if you can see he referred to Saturn he’s referring to the Saturn’s return this is actually a ritual that many coaches do in the industry if you saw my video breaking down the Saturn code in Hollywood you would know that people like Ariana Grande and many other celebrities did this Saturn return ritual it’s a year reflection and grow for them and they see it as a moment of rebirth the fact that he posted this the same day his mom passed away seeing this post to me indicates that he’s definitely in the occult world because this is something that all these that stands out to me and it clearly indicates that there has to be some foul play going on I don’t want to blame her son and say he had anything to do with it but seeing that post it lets me know that he’s a part of the same club as everyone else in Hollywood it lets me know that he’s most likely into the occult he wouldn’t be posting this if he wasn’t it definitely sticks out because if I’m not mistaken didn’t his mom pass away early in the morning around 4 a.m.
the news reported that the accident did happen early in the morning around 4 to 5 and I’m not mistaken so you’re telling me a man whose mother just passed away instead of mourning his mom and maybe not posting something like this on his Instagram decides to make this type of post that does not make sense to me because anybody with the right sense of mind would probably stay off of social media for a while at that to me this whole situation is strange while it could have just been an accident and a tragedy it could also have been the industry silencing another artist that was speaking out against them it could be another instance of the industry taking out a voice that was bringing up concern about them and this is exactly why I exposed the music industry because the devil owns it it’s not that beautiful place that all these fans think that it is and all these artists that are coming up want to be a part of this is what the industry is if they’re not robbing you they’re taking you out because you called them out for robbing you this is what the industry is about and if we don’t call it out and show them that we’re paying attention it’s gonna keep on happening so many of these people are gonna be taken advantage of from the beginning to the end they’re gonna sign these deals they’re gonna get robbed and after getting robbed when they feel robbed and they call them out they’re gonna get silenced that’s not a coincidence I remember I remember years ago I spoke about the Empire curse where all these artists were signing to Empire and then they mysteriously passed away and Empire stays with the rights of all these artists his music I don’t think that the record label just signed a bunch of artists and they all just so happily to pass away obviously there has to be more to that there has to be more to that and when you look into it you can see the clear signs that there was definitely more to that in this situation I believe that there has to be more to it it’s the same thing with the Gene Hackman Gene Hackman passed away along with his wife and one of his dogs right now they have no information and tell us how he passed away and like I said in the last video I do understand that he’s a 95 year old man but what are the chances of a 95 year old man his 65 year old wife and the family dog passing away without no explanation some people say that the wife took herself out because he ended up passing away that makes zero sense whatsoever the moment she would have saw him on the ground she would have most likely called 911 and then the emergency people would have came if she would have done anything to herself it wasn’t gonna be right at that moment she would have been trying to save her husband that’s why I don’t buy any of them and I know it wasn’t carbon monoxide like people are claiming because the police the authorities themselves said that it I remember a while back another actor was calling out the star whackers he was saying that in Hollywood there’s these star whackers that they come after you to rob your money or for other reasons for the past 20 years my wife Evie and I have been the victims of criminal activities perpetrated by a small network of individuals who are out to destroy us personally professionally and financially this network of individuals is manipulating the banking system and the criminal justice system for the purposes of sabotaging our credit and our credibility up until a year ago Evie and I had never had any run in with the law whatsoever we are not criminals nor are we fugitives from justice nor are we crazy we are simply artists and filmmakers who are being racket teared on we believe there are to be a malignant tumor of star whackers in Hollywood how many people do you know personally who have died suddenly and mysteriously in the past five years I have personally known eight actors all of whom all of whom I have worked with and was close to me Heath Ledger Chris Penn David Carradine among them I believe these actors were whacked and I believe that many others such as Britney Spears Lindsay Lohan and Mel Gibson are being played to get at their money in the meantime many of celebrities image and marketability is being co-opted co-opted and destroyed Google helps out by keeping the negative stories near the top of the celebrities web page because it’s the negativity that brings in the advertising revenue and that’s exactly what I believe happened to Gene Hackman and that’s also what it seems to have happened to Angie Stone I definitely agree a hundred percent you would have to be out of your mind not to see the pattern that has happened time over time it seems just about every year if not every other year we’re seeing the same incidents whether it’s with an artist whether it’s with a celebrity the minute that they start to open their mouth and say something that these people do not like they find a way to silence them exactly and my condolences go to Angie Stone to Gene Hackman so all the celebrities that just so happened to pass away this month I truly feel sorry for them and their family I hope that they were right with God my prayers go out to all of them and hopefully we get to the bottom of this hopefully there’s more information I know what the Angie Stone is basically a rap they’re gonna just say it was an accident because it was but was there anything behind that accident was something done to her you know that’s my concern that’s what I want to know but I’m in this one here before I go though I want to let you guys know as of right now my Facebook page has been hacked I unfortunately got hacked I’ve been trying to get in communication with Facebook if any of you guys know how to get in contact with Facebook directly to try to recover my page please let me know in the comment section so just for you guys to know if any of you guys follow me on Facebook and you receive any messages or you see any strange post on there I’ve been hacked on there so that’s not me and there’s nothing I can do for right now I’m trying to get my access back but if I don’t I’m a hopefully see if I can somehow get the channel deleted and start over I want to thank you all for the support I appreciate you guys watching me and I’ll see you guys in the next one goodbye everybody I hope you guys have a great day I’ll see you guys in the next one you