Wendy Williams is the Latest Hollywood Sacrifice

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➡ Wendy Williams, once a popular media figure, is now facing a personal crisis. She has lost her career and is rumored to be in danger, even asking for help in a note. Her downfall began in 2017, and she has since been diagnosed with dementia. She claims she’s been taken advantage of, with her finances controlled by her bank and her manager, and is now living in a facility she describes as a “luxurious prison”.
➡ Wendy Williams, a famous personality, is fighting against a conservatorship that controls her life and finances, similar to Britney Spears’ past situation. Wendy’s niece was accused of kidnapping her from her care facility, which Wendy disputes, claiming she has the right to leave. Wendy believes the conservatorship is a scheme by Hollywood elites to control and exploit her. She is now striving to prove her mental competence and regain her freedom.


Right now, the world is witnessing the downfall of Wendy Williams, a woman who once had it all and was on top of the world crumbling in front of the same audience she built for herself. She was once the queen of gossip. Now she’s being gossiped about. While some might say this is what she deserves for all the people she spread rumors about, it’s still a tragedy as she has not only lost her career in media empire, but it seems that even her life may be at risk. Something that she basically confirmed herself after secretly slipping a note begging for someone to help her.

Hey guys, I hope all is well. Welcome back to the truth is where I drop new videos every other day exposing the truth. In today’s episode we will be talking about Wendy Williams. But before you begin, I just wanted to remind you guys to help me spread this video. You can do that by engaging with the content. You already know they want to suppress our movement for telling the truth. We can combat that by doing these 3 easy things. Subscribing if you’re not, liking the video if you like it, commenting your thoughts on the video, and most importantly, sharing the video with a family member or friend.

As always, I’m counting on you guys to help me spread this information. I want to thank you all. Now, let’s get right into it. Wendy Williams is currently trending all over the media. After a very public downfall that was played out over the course of months in front of the world, Wendy seems to have finally hit rock bottom and appears to be in a very dangerous place. Recently, she went viral after she desperately asked a paparazzi photographer to help her. She was seen waving down the photographer from a window inside the assistant living facility she’s being kept in.

She appeared to slip him a note that read help me while she had a very worried look on her face. This has sparked concern all over the internet as people are now saying that she needs to be freed. What Wendy is dealing with isn’t something that started just the other day. As for years now, Wendy has been a target of greedy individuals who she called her team and family. This public breakdown we are witnessing was orchestrated by the very people trying to take away all she worked for. This plan commenced many years ago and now the world is taking notice.

In order to understand what’s happening to Wendy Williams, we have to take it back to October 31st, 2017, the day her public downfall began. If you guys know anything about Wendy Williams, you would know that October 31st, 2017 was a life altering day for her. Right as she was doing her routine talk show out of nowhere, she started to shake before collapsing right in front of a live audience. Many thought it was some sort of Halloween prank or a bit, but when Wendy was aided by her staff and taken away, people knew something was definitely wrong with her.

When Wendy came back, she explained it all by saying she was overheating in the costume and that she was dehydrated, claiming that was the reason she fainted. While Wendy did return to the show like nothing had happened, this was the start of Wendy’s downfall and the strange behavior continued for years to come. After this, Wendy would start taking multiple hiatuses from the show to tend to her medical conditions. On June 17th, 2022, the Wendy Williams show aired its last show and the queen of all media retired. Not long after Wendy’s show was over, videos started to surface of the former talk show host in a worrying state, which had many people questioning what was going on with her.

Videos like this surfaced in 2023 showing Wendy stumbling walking out of a building. Quickly, people noticed that Wendy appeared dazed and confused, as if she was out of it like if she was being heavily medicated, which was strange. As just a few years back, she was still able to function normally, but now all of a sudden she was barely able to walk without assistance. There was an empty look in Wendy’s eyes too, that to me was an indication that she was definitely being heavily medicated. Wendy then came out and told the world that she was dealing with a form of dementia and it’s the reason for her odd behavior.

Most people weren’t buying this, as she appeared to be well not long before. The world had no choice but to wonder, what was really going on? Everyone finally got answers when a documentary was dropped in which Wendy finally revealed what she had been dealing with. During the documentary, Wendy claimed she was being taken advantage of. She stated that she had gone broke because she was forced into a court order conservatorship since 2022, giving control over money to her bank Wells Fargo. In early 2022, Wells Fargo froze Williams’ bank accounts and filed a petition for a temporary financial guardianship over the former talk show host, arguing that she is of unsound mind.

According to Wendy Williams’ legal team, this all happened because Wendy suspected her financial advisor of mismanaging her money and requested a bank statement from Wells Fargo to transfer to a new bank. Wells Fargo refused and instead went to the courts to have Wendy put under a financial conservatorship to control her finances. Wells Fargo claimed that they deemed Wendy as unsuitable to hand to her finances due to her mental instability and claimed that they believed she was taken advantage of by someone on her team. Wendy tried to refute Wells Fargo’s claims and stated that she was not mentally unstable and that the bank just wanted to continue to have control over her finances.

This was the moment the world finally got a glance at what was really happening to Wendy. While the world thought her mind was just breaking down, they realized this situation was much more complex and there were people behind the scenes that were behind all of this. It was eventually revealed that Wendy was admitted to a mental rehabilitation facility in order to aid in her condition. But even this was strange, as members of her own family had come out claiming they hadn’t seen or heard from Wendy in a long time. Her own son was claiming that his mother was being taken advantage of by her manager, making claims that her own manager was enabling her drinking problem in order to take control of her.

According to Wendy’s son, she was taken advantage of by her team, but, according to Wendy herself, that’s not exactly what happened. She blames her own son for being one of the people who are taking advantage of her. A conversation with Wendy revealed that her son had been using up her money. There was a situation where Kevin says he wanted to rent a boat for his birthday for $1,500 and ended up getting a boat that rented out for $113,000. And he blamed it on the bank, that the bank wanted him to have that. That never really made sense to me.

Eventually, the courts order Sabrina Morzy as Wendy’s legal-appointed guardian. Sabrina is an elder law attorney who was appointed by the court to oversee Williams’ welfare and finances. Wendy is one of 24 people she is currently managing. Morzy eventually came out and said Williams had become cognitively impaired, permanently disabled, and incapacitated from her dementia battle. This led to Morzy admitting Wendy into an assistant living facility in New York City that’s rumored to cost her over $50,000 a month. While most people would think that this would be just what she needed, as she clearly needs special attention, according to Wendy, her being admitted to this facility is a nightmare, as she has called it a luxurious prison, claiming that she is held against her will and is not allowed to leave the fifth floor of the facility.

She also claimed that she was banned from having any guests or family members at the facility. Essentially, she claims she is being held hostage under the orders of her court-ordered life manager. Morzy’s lawyer actually came out and denied these claims, claiming that Wendy needs to be in that facility due to her condition, and also stating that Wendy is lying about being kept from having guests and that she could leave as she pleases. Her guardian reasserted that she was dealing with this severe medical condition and wasn’t able to think for herself, but this was proven to be a lie, as all of this led up to the situation that currently landed her all over headlines.

Earlier this month, Wendy slipped a handwritten note out of the window of her assistant living facility, asking for help. This eventually led to someone calling the police, requesting a wellness check on her. The police arrived at the facility where they asked if she wanted to be taken to the hospital. Wendy agreed and was escorted to the hospital. At the hospital, she ended up taking a mental examination to check if she was mentally stable. She passed this test and was told she was in good shape. Pretty much debunking the claims made by her guardian, she also proved that her guardian wasn’t completely honest about her not being able to leave the facility, as Wendy’s niece eventually showed up to the facility to take her out to eat at a restaurant.

Staff at the assistant living facility ended up calling the police and filing a report on Wendy’s niece, claiming that she kidnapped Wendy without their permission. The events have been unbelievable. We came back from dinner and apparently police were called, but I was told that at some point police were called because the court in here was saying allegedly that I took my mom, my aunt from the facility and whisked her away without any sort of confirmation or approval, which is unbelievable that we have learned in terms of this whole situation, wondering exactly how that correlates with the statements that the guardian has made that Wendy is able to come and go as she pleases, and that there are no family visits that are blocked.

Clearly, they are lying to me when they say, I can go out and do what I want to do. This is my niece, Alex. She just flew in from Miami, okay? I just came from the hospital, so we are going out to celebrate. You know what I’m saying? Celebrate what? I don’t know. I’m from the hospital. You know what I’m saying? And of life. And this is what has been done to us. We’re good. We’re back. I’m glad to hear that. Thank you. Right now, Wendy is fighting for her freedom. She claims that the judge and the guardian that were assigned to her case are forcing her to stay in this conservatorship in order to take advantage of her.

They have access to all her finances and can determine what needs to be done for her health. She is now fighting to hopefully have both the judge and her guardian replaced in order for her to be re-examined by the courts and hopefully released from her conservatorship. This entire situation is truly disturbing, and I believe it’s much deeper than is being presented. Wendy Williams isn’t the first star to face this kind of situation. She seems to be going through the same situation that Britney Spears went through herself. We all know the story of Britney Spears, who long ago had a very public breakdown for the world to see.

She was caught on camera by paparazzi on many occasions showing that her mental health was deteriorating. She shaved her head bald and was even seen chasing after paparazzi who wouldn’t leave her alone. Not long after this, Britney’s team stepped in and took over a life, forcing her into a conservatorship just like Wendy Williams. For years, Britney’s family has controlled their life and finances and even her ability to have a child or not. She became a total and complete puppet for her record label and her father, who took on the role of her guardian. Wendy Williams was assigned a handler by the courts.

This court-appointed guardian has completely taken over her life. She has been trying to convince the world that Wendy isn’t well and that she needs to remain under her control. This woman is ordering treatment on Wendy, which is meant to help further control her. These medications that are given to her at this facility is most likely what made her look like she was losing her mind back in 2023. I believe what Wendy is going through isn’t just about money, but deeper. It’s the same tragic tale of those Hollywood decided to sacrifice. It’s clear to me that Wendy is being targeted by those elite in Hollywood.

I believe they’re the ones truly behind their conservatorship. The same way they were behind Britney’s conservatorship. This is another way they’re able to take control of these celebrities’ lives. They paint them as crazy and then broadcast their public downfall to the world. I sadly believe they no longer want Wendy around, and I believe those around her have agreed to help get rid of her. This is why everyone from her lawyer, her son, and even her manager were accused of taking advantage of her. They’re all most likely waiting for a payday if they achieve in taking her out.

It’s obvious that everyone is involved in this plan, from the courts to her Hollywood reps to her own family. They’re doing a great job of painting Wendy as a crazy person who is approaching her end. But Wendy isn’t trying to go down without a fight, and she’s been doing everything in her power to break free. She doesn’t want to be another victim of Hollywood. Sadly, it’s clear they have been messing with her mind for the last few years, giving her medications in hopes of keeping her from recovery. This way, her life remains in their hands.

Wendy is actively combating this, and if it wasn’t for her dropping the note out the window, who knows if she would’ve ever got the world to see what was really going on. She would’ve never gotten to go to the hospital to back up her claims that she is completely mentally competent. Wendy is just the latest victim of Hollywood. They build you up while they have use for you, but when they don’t want you anymore and they want you out of the way, they come up with shady methods to make sure you’re destroyed. They first destroy your reputation, then they paint you as crazy, and finally, they take you out.

This is what we’re witnessing right now with Wendy Williams. Hopefully, God willing, she doesn’t end up another victim of Hollywood. Well, I’ma end this one here. I want to thank you all for watching, and I’ll see you guys in the next one. Thank you. Thank you. [tr:trw].


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