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5G Danger


➡ Rapper Rich Homi Kwon’s sudden death has raised suspicions due to the circumstances surrounding it. He was set to testify in a trial before his death, which was ruled accidental due to substance misuse. However, the behavior of his family and friends, as seen in police body cam footage, has led many to believe there might be more to the story. The lack of emotion and questionable actions from those present at the time of his death have fueled theories of foul play.


A few weeks back, the world got the shocking news that the rapper Rich Homi Kwon had suddenly passed away. I covered this situation when it first happened and like I said in that video, I was suspicious of this whole thing. I felt that it was strange how Kwon suddenly passed away while waiting to be called as a witness in the Yeon Tha Guaya Sel trial. At that moment, we were only given small bits of information about his passing. But now, the police body cam footage has been released and many people online feel like there was something suspicious about how his family was behaving, making even more people believe that Rich Homi Kwon might have been set up.

Hey guys, I hope all is well. Welcome back to the truth days where I drop new videos every other day exposing the truth. In today’s episode, we will be talking about Rich Homi Kwon’s death. Let’s get right into it. It’s been a couple of weeks since the passing of Rich Homi Kwon and even with all the information released, many people are left with so many questions. Initially, it was unknown what caused Kwon’s passing. It was first reported by the media that his baby mother found the rapper unresponsive laying in the living room couch.

His baby mother whose name Amber called 911 after she woke up and noticed he wasn’t responding or breathing. Her story is that she found them sleeping on the couch when she woke up to take the kids to school at around 8am. When she got back from dropping off the kids, she saw Kwon still laying on the couch and covered them with a blanket. She then went back to sleep and when she woke up around 11am, she noticed he was still on the couch. She went to wake him up and noticed he wasn’t responding and wasn’t breathing at all.

This is when she called 911 and the paramedics were dispatched. Now for the first few days, we had no idea what really happened to him and we were waiting for new information. A couple weeks after his passing though, his cause of death was finally released. His passing was labeled accidental due to a mixture of substances that were found in his system. It appears that Kwon joined the long list of celebrities who passed away from substances. Sad, but something that has become a common scenario in the music industry. The only thing is, something seems so off about Kwon’s passing and many believe his passing was no accident.

Many people online and even the police officers who responded felt that there was possibly foul play involved. There are a few reasons people think something was off. One being his rival Young Thug’s trial that’s currently taking place. Kwon was actually scheduled to testify in the YSL trial before his passing but what’s raising the most questions was the behavior of some of the friends and family that were at the house when the police arrived. Recently, body cam footage of the police officers who responded to the 911 call has been released and it raises some serious questions.

One of the mother Amber was behaving when the police officers were questioning her. I don’t know when I left he was still away I checked on him and I put a blanket over him I came back I’m like okay he’s still good I left him there he’ll usually just get up and come in the room so after that I woke up around 11 am I coming here I don’t feel his pulse or anything so when he saw when he saw him the first time was he breathing he was he was breathing but he was breathing hard it was really hard but you didn’t think nothing of it no I didn’t he was just sweet does he have any underlying condition or anything no not that I know of he’s never been having to been on medication hospital or anything okay so you said last time he went out you said went to the club last night or something no I know he didn’t go anywhere okay he didn’t go nowhere so I don’t he didn’t go nowhere okay so what you said he you came in he was laying on the couch yeah when I came when I came out the room that our room is right here he was laying on the couch when I took my son to school this morning he was good I came back he was still good I put a blanket over him did you do you have to talk to him I didn’t chance right there no we didn’t we wouldn’t we didn’t talk he was just sleep so I left him I put a blanket over him and I got up at 11 and I’ll come in here I feel the space cold that’s how I know he was breathing because his earring was moving because he’s pulse you okay it’s close with me okay all right so they’re working on him so you say he was forming at the mouth yeah I’m turning his face over not seeing like do you see anything maybe anything he might not take in or anything like that okay all right thank you what’s your name ma’am amber amber all right just give us a second what they’re working on okay ready is the best that would do whatever they cannot so anybody what was he what was he doing yesterday he wasn’t going anything so as you saw for yourself kwon’s baby mother amber tells the police what happened now while we already know all this information what people are more concerned about is how she was behaving during speaking to the officer many people have pointed out a lack of emotions coming from a woman who just lost her boyfriend and baby father people are also calling out the fact that she was wiping her eyes as if she were crying but no tears appear to show on her face people are also talking about the way she was talking which seemed forced and almost an act while we don’t know how people are going to react to a situation like this i myself feel that her behavior doesn’t match what i would expect from someone who just lost someone so important to them now we don’t know maybe this is just the way she reacted to this situation but what gets me is the way that she’s talking and wiping her tears that aren’t there and it makes her seem like she’s hiding something i’m not saying she has anything to do with what happened to kwon but it appears that she might know more than what she’s leading on many people believe that because of her behavior here she might somehow be involved in all of this another person who raised a lot of questions was his own brother who was also at the house the brother when questioned by police says some interesting things that didn’t seem to hold up apparently kwon’s brother found them passed out on the ground with food still in his mouth he claims that he carried his brother to the couch and left them there he even goes on to show the officers a photo of kwon sleeping with food in his mouth as proof Yeah, I put him on the sofa.

Because he was snoring. He was snoring. He was still snoring. He was asleep. And I see he had food in his mouth. I had a cookie for the sleep of Julia. Did he just eat the food that was you? It was like, you have a boy. Look at this. Does he sleep like that? He sleep hard. No, like with his eyes like that. Yeah, he sleep hard. I would’ve caused somebody to faint. If he didn’t look normal, I would’ve been there. But I’ve seen him sleep like that before. But with the mouths and stuff like that, yeah.

It’s fine when I came back, but when I got up this morning… So you saw him last before the sofa or the floor? The sofa. They told me to put him on the floor. On the floor. But I put him on the sofa. I’m the one that dragged him, put him on the floor. Okay. Okay. Okay. As you heard for yourself, Kwon’s brother found him passed out on the floor and for whatever reason didn’t think to call 911. Instead, he laid them on the couch and took a photo of him with food in his mouth.

It was also strange that just like the baby mother, there was no tears on his brother’s face and almost no emotion was shown over losing his own brother. Another man there was Kwon’s engineer and he seemed to behave the most suspicious. He, for whatever reason, didn’t even want to tell the police his name. I understand some people don’t trust the police and I am one of them. But if someone passed away in the same house I’m in and I have nothing to do with it, I’m going to answer every question as honest and direct as possible.

I know that if I withheld any information, that it would only make me seem more suspicious. Who is it to you? For fun. Does he have any underlying diseases you know about? How long do you know him? I know him for a while. At least five six years. Okay. Did he order something yesterday or what do you think? I have no idea. I just… I didn’t even know I was different from him. But I took a girl and called my name and I didn’t even talk about it. Okay. I didn’t know him. She was like phone.

Phone with the 911. Yeah. And they were telling us to start CPR. Does he have any underlying diseases or anything? Like jasmine wealth, diabetic, nothing? No. I think so. Okay. Yeah, she said she doesn’t talk about it. What’s your name? What’s your name? I need to say who? Yeah, I just need your name because you’re in the house. I mean, you know what I’m saying? Otherwise, if you don’t want to talk to me, you’re going to talk to somebody else. I’m just going to take them off. Okay, cool. Come on.

Let’s let it work out. We’ll let it down for them. They did a birth. Hey. Please hold on to me. Yeah, man. They just took me to the hospital. Oh, alright. I have… Yeah. Yeah, we have a… We did a birth on phone number. We turned 40. I’ll be monitoring. We’re at unit 786. I’ll be monitoring. Yeah, you saw my three four in the morning too, right? As you saw for yourself, he seems to avoid the police at all costs and doesn’t even want to give the police his name. To me, it also appears like he has a guilty look on his face that may suggest he knows something he’s not saying.

Just like this mysterious woman who was at Kwon’s house when the police arrived. This mystery woman claimed to be the engineer’s friend and stated she wasn’t at the house when Kwon passed away. She claimed that when she arrived, Kwon was already gone and that she didn’t even notice. When the police asked her what time she arrived, she claimed she didn’t remember. Ma’am, you understand something happened and we’re here to just investigate. That’s it. That’s all. I have nothing. Okay. I understand. I’m asking you some questions. That’s it. All right. I mean, you’re walking away from me.

I’m trying to talk to you. I don’t mind. Yeah. Which spell your first name for me? K-I-A-R-A. K-I. A-R-A. Okay. What is your last name? Brownie. What’s your date of birth for Miss Brownie? What’s your phone number, ma’am? Your phone number? Ma’am passed away upstairs. We are here to investigate that. I understand that, but we have got the information from everybody else in there that’s been in this house. Anybody that’s been in this house came and gone from this house, we’re going to get information from them and talk to them, okay? Okay.

All right. That’s simple as that. Yeah. You drive the vehicle? What? You drive the vehicle? Yes. What’s your vehicle? Which one is yours? The 150. The 150? When did you arrive at the house? Was it today or yesterday? What time? Um, I’m not sure. Was it before or after the incident happened? It was like right after the incident happened. And how are you related to the family? Who are you? Who are your friends with? I’m just friends with one of the people that stay in the house.

Name? Quick. Quick. So you quick from? Quick. Okay. And you don’t remember what time you arrived? No. I have no idea what has transpired before or after I was just in the room. Okay. I’m just trying to leave. Do you hear anything that might stand out? Any commotion or anything like that? Is there anybody else where you were? No. Did you spend a night here or did you? I spent a night. You said you came here? I don’t have a bag. Okay. So what time did you come? Like around afternoon? I don’t know.

You slept around maybe noon? Okay. Was there a lot of people here when you came? I wasn’t paying attention. Okay. What was the purpose of your visit? I didn’t see anybody. I came to see my friend. Okay. Okay. Alright. Thank you. Thank you. As you saw for yourself, this mystery woman was acting awfully suspicious. Her face also had this guilty look all over it. She doesn’t want to answer any questions and tries to leave as the officer is questioning her. This to me raised major red flags and I’m not buying her story.

What was she doing at that house while Kwon had passed away? You can tell she was trying to avoid the conversation entirely. To me, all of this seems to indicate that something might be being covered up. Maybe some of those people who were there, no more than they’re letting on. The baby mother’s reaction, the strange mysterious woman, the brother who finds him with food in his mouth passed out on the ground and the suspicious engineer. It all seems like major red flags. While this video doesn’t make them guilty of anything, it does make this situation more suspicious.

This is even something the police that responded set themselves, as they literally decided to call homicide division because they believe something was off. I’m on a 47 call at 4680 and then Forbes Drive Southwest. A guy called out here, a girlfriend stated that this morning she woke up around 6.45 to 7 o’clock to drop her kids off to school and she noticed that her baby father was asleep on the couch. As you heard for yourself, even the officers felt that something was off. Now while I don’t know why anyone in that house would have wanted something happen to Kwon, I do know someone that definitely benefited from his passing.

Young Thug is literally on trial right now for allegedly taking out Kwon’s manager Donovan Nut Thomas. Kwon himself believed that Young Thug took him out and even claimed that Thug attempted to take him out and his father in the past. It was actually reported that Kwon was set to testify in the trial and then poof, he’s no longer here to be able to do that. Considering Kwon had already said that Thug was allegedly behind what happened to Donovan on the recording, imagine what he might have said in that trial. It was definitely in Young Thug’s best interest if Kwon was no longer around to give that testimony.

I wouldn’t be surprised at all and I actually think that Thug might have allegedly played a part in all of this. Considering that members of his entourage were arrested while performing a sacrifice offering, who knows what Thug and his crew was capable of. I wouldn’t put it past Young Thug to have had Kwon’s sacrifice to prevent them from talking. Young Thug is into some dark stuff and has proven time and time again that he is an occultist. He is literally being charged with several bodies that he allegedly ordered. One of those bodies is Rich Homi Kwon’s own manager.

Do you really believe that he wouldn’t set up Rich Homi Kwon to get him out the way? According to Kwon himself, he not only tried to take him out, but also his father and actually took out his manager. Now what I believe might have happened is that Kwon was set up, his dealer was most likely paid off to solemnly substances. I also believe someone in his home could have been involved in this plot. I believe someone in the inside could have been paid off in order to make sure no one called the ambulance to help him.

To me, it could explain why after his brother saw him passed out on the ground with food in his mouth, he didn’t try to help him or call for help. I’m not saying his brother did anything, but I am saying that it’s suspicious how no one called for help even though they all admit he was clearly not well. There is a possibility that some of them took a payment to make sure this went the way it did. As crazy as all of this might sound, we must remember we’re talking about Young Thug here, the man who admitted he’s a Freemason and was confirmed to be involved in sacrifices.

I honestly believe that Kwon could have been set up and even though I’m not blaming his family, I feel like their behavior is suspicious from what I see in that video. We know that in Hollywood many people pass away in the most mysterious ways. The industry is wicked and every day we only get more and more proof of that. I hope the truth gets revealed about Kwon as no man deserves an ending like this. Well, I’ma end this one here. I wanna thank you all for watching and I’ll see you guys in the next one.


5G Danger

Spread the Truth


accidental death due to substance misuse circumstances surrounding Rich Homi Kwon's death family and friends behavior in rapper's death police body cam footage in rapper's death questionable actions at time of rapper Rapper Rich Homi Kwon sudden death Rich Homi Kwon set to testify in trial theories of foul play in Rich Homi Kwon's death

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