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➡ The Freemasons, a group that claims to make good men great, is accused of being a sinister organization involved in occult practices and witchcraft. This claim is supported by a Freemason’s daughter, Elizabeth, who alleges her father’s involvement in the group led to dark occurrences in her life. She suggests that the Freemasons operate in secrecy, performing rituals and gaining forbidden knowledge, contradicting their claims of being a Christian organization. Elizabeth’s account includes allegations of abuse within the organization, raising serious concerns about its true nature.
➡ The text tells the story of a family deeply affected by their father’s involvement in Freemasonry, which allegedly included harmful rituals and channeling of demonic spirits. The father’s actions led to severe emotional and psychological issues among his children, including depression, suicide, alcoholism, and drug abuse. The daughter, Elizabeth, claims she was possessed by the spirits her father channeled, leading to a diagnosis of multiple personality disorder. The text suggests that Freemasonry can bring about generational curses, affecting not only the members but also their families.
➡ The text discusses the belief that the Masonic oath, dedicated to a trinity of gods, is actually a pledge to Satan. This oath allegedly brings blessings and curses, affecting not only the individual but also their descendants. The author suggests that many Masons are unaware of the true nature of their pledge due to their lower rank. To break the curse, one must renounce the Masons and the oath, even on behalf of past relatives who were Masons.


According to the Freemasons, they’re not up to nothing nefarious. They claim that their organization is meant to make good men great. It promises that it operates off principles of generosity, respect, and honor. If you ask any Mason about the craft, this is most likely what they would tell you. But is it true? Or is this what they want you to believe? Over the years, I have dedicated a lot of my time to finding the truth about Masonry. What I discovered directly goes against everything they claim to be. And according to a daughter of a Freemason, they aren’t at all who they pretend to be.

As she admits, the organization is far more sinister than most people know. Hey guys, I hope all is well. Welcome back to The True Fizz, where I drop new videos every other day exposing the truth. In today’s episode, we will be talking about a daughter of a Freemason who exposed her father and the Masonic organization he was a part of. Let’s get right into it. The Freemasons claim to be this honorable organization, but my research states otherwise. While they claim to just be a brotherhood for men to better themselves, they don’t ever tell you what this brotherhood is doing to achieve that.

The Freemasons is an occult organization that practices a form of witchcraft called ceremonial magic. At their largest, they perform ancient rituals with esoteric principles that have nothing to do with making a good man better. Masonry is all about building up man to the level of God through these occult rituals. Using the forbidden knowledge they have kept to themselves, knowledge that only the 30th degrees and higher have access to. One of the many lies the Masons tell is that Masonry is somehow a Christian organization. This is an utter lie. Not only do Masons accept members of any religion, but one of the most important Masons in history, seen as a Masonic leader, Albert Pike, admitted Masonry sees Lucifer as their leader.

This is obvious as Lucifer in the Bible was who guided Adam and Eve to the forbidden knowledge. The same knowledge the Masons are claiming to have tapped into to better themselves and make themselves as gods. The occult goes directly against God in every way. These Freemasons are occultists. That already contradicts everything they claim about being attached to Christianity. Masons claim they aren’t enough to anything nefarious in their lodges. Then why do they have to hide what they do and keep it a secret? Why do Masons force new members to take oaths promising never to reveal their lodges An oath that is punishable by death if broken? If they aren’t hiding anything devious or evil, why operate in secrecy? Why force members to take this oath of secrecy if there’s nothing to hide? It’s obvious.

It’s because they know that if they are exposed for what they’re really up to, the world would turn against them and it would be over for them. The rituals the members perform prove they aren’t men of God, but of the devil. These rituals get dark and disturbing, and there is no way it’s connected to Christianity in any way. This is exactly what a Freemason’s daughter named Elizabeth claims she witnessed from her father. Recently, Elizabeth did an interview with the channel called Almost False, where she revealed that her father’s involvement in Masonry made her subjectable to demonic attacks.

Elizabeth reveals a lot about her father’s involvement in Masonry, and what members of his lodge did to her and her siblings. In today’s episode, we will be breaking down some of the things Elizabeth claimed, and explaining why those things happened. I won’t be going over the full interview in this video, but if you want to see the full interview, head over to Almost False’s channel and watch it after this video. In the interview, Elizabeth claims that when she was growing up, her father was heavily into the occult. He would practice witchcraft and perform spells for people.

He eventually opened up an occult magic shop, where he sold occult material, did readings, and performed rituals for people. This shop wouldn’t end up doing well for Elizabeth’s father, which led to him shutting down after some time. Elizabeth claims that not long after this, her dad started taking mysterious trips. She claims these trips he was taken were with free masons, claiming that he would meet with these masons in order to learn new rituals and then to be initiated into the order. Elizabeth claims that after taking these trips, he would return with large sums of money.

She also talks about a Masonic shrine he had built in his home, where he would perform his occult rituals. Elizabeth goes on to state that her dad started rising in Masonic degrees rather quickly because of his involvement with the occult. He had gotten this special stature built in his altar room. It went all out. Now he had gone all out. He had a specific room dedicated. It had altars. It had this thing that I want to say took time to be drawn out. Mathematically and geometrically, it had to be picked, and he had a specific artist and carpenter to come and build it.

And then I remember, too, just him having all these books and all these meetings with these different people. So the reason I know that that’s what it was, because at this time, I’m about to be in my early teens, but my brothers are older. And my brothers would say, like, they actually were forced. I don’t know if it would be forced, but they were to accompany my dad in some of these trips, where even after my mom found out what went on on these trips, he had her led to believe he was just going to go out there and have some fun and probably get some merchants or something.

But my older brothers described it. They were like, no, he was literally meeting with other Masons that was a part of lodges, that new spells. They were recruiting at that time, and he was desperate. You know, he was purchasing things like the Book of the Dead, learning about really dark spells and how to make those things happen, because that’s a whole different game. And at these lodges, while he was having these meetings, my brothers would be there. And they described it to me, because I never visited any other lodges with him, but when he came back, I can tell that he was different.

My dad was different. And now, all of a sudden, we started having money again. Like, money started coming in. He didn’t work. All he did was this. And yeah, it was definitely not dealing with the Masons. And because he had already some background, they had recruited him at a certain level. And then he caught on really quickly, because he had already been dabbling in a lot of it. So then after that, he kind of was halted up to different ones. And that was why he was allowed to go to the different meetings in other places.

And every time he came back, he always came back with money. He always came back with a new either business idea or some kind of opportunity that would ink whatever he had going on. But I definitely know that it wasn’t nothing good, because again, dark things can happen to all of us and within the family and to my siblings. As you heard for yourself, Elizabeth claims that her father was involved with the Freemasons and it led to dark things in her life. While the Masons claim to be a Christian organization, Christianity doesn’t accept witchcraft.

As God stated clearly that he was against occult magic in the Bible. Here we have a woman who confirms her father was a wizard who was heavily into the occult, telling us that because he was so deeply involved in the occult before joining Masonry, he was able to rise up in degrees faster than most. This is because Masonry is based on occult magic, anyone denying that is foolish. In the next part of this interview, Elizabeth speaks about the terrible things that started happening to her and her siblings after her father joined the Masons.

Also, she explained how her father took her brothers to Masonic lodges, where they were allegedly SA’d by Masons at the lodge. So yes, like, you know, my brother, basically me and all my siblings went through some type of abuse whenever we were around him. And when we even told my mom about this, she was very mad because out of just trying to be a good co-parent, she allowed us to go and visit and be with him. But I had been molested when I was with him and it was by another gentleman that at the time, my dad, you know, did kind of like hang out with and I guess he was helping because he didn’t have anywhere to stay.

Same with my siblings, my older brother, he even mentioned that when he went on the trip to Miami and he was at some place that almost looked like a lodge, kind of he’d be like, he said on the outside it almost looked like a church, where if you know these places, they do come across as churches sometimes. But it was definitely a lodge because it was just all men there. And that when my dad left into the room to just go and have a meeting, he was also molested by other men that were in that lodge.

And then again, my older brother never really talked about it, but I don’t know if something like that happened to him. But my sister, she also mentioned that, again, same lines, whenever she was visiting my dad and again, it was around the certain gentlemen that come and meet with him to talk about these things like that also happened to her. And so this is like now when we’re young, but then I also say like darkness just swept over the whole family because now me and my siblings all just start having issues with like depression and suicide and alcoholism and drugs.

And you know, people just described us all as just being crazy, you know, because we were in one moment in one way and then the other moment just completely changed. And then seeing my dad that way too, there was never any time he just looked like this upstanding leader that was talking about changing the world and doing amazing things. No, he was always drinking a lot. He was always shifting in who he was. And there were even times where he didn’t recognize us because obviously he’s bringing us into places that’s dangerous and not thinking of anything of it because he’s not in his right mind.

And so that’s what I would say definitely was a part of the darkness that was happening. No one described to me what was going on. And my mom just used to say, well, because your dad is dealing with those spirits, that’s why he’s all crazy and in control. But I’ll never forget, like, I’m going into my dad’s house and I’m like, hey, dad, what’s going on? And he’s literally just like, his posture is different. He’s swaying and moving almost like a woman. His legs crossed, his voices changed and I’m looking at him like, what is going on? And so everyone wanted to use the word schizophrenic.

They tried to say that my dad was schizophrenic. Maybe he was dealing with some type of multiple personalities sort of, but how can you say that it’s that when as I’m walking into his house, I literally am being flung across the room because a dark energy is in the house at the same time and trying to get me away from him. Or as I’m standing right there in front of his face, the person that’s possessing him is saying to me, well, when you get to talk to your father, make sure that you tell him that in order to successfully do this spell, he’s gonna need this, he’s gonna need that, and he’s gonna need that.

Oh, and just so you know, I know what you’ve been doing with those boys and I’m gonna tell your father. And then the spirit would literally say to me, what I did yesterday when my brother was not around. So I would look and be like, who are you? Who are you and where’s my dad? And don’t worry about what my name is. Just make sure you tell him my message and all of a sudden, just like that. My dad will come back. Oh, Elizabeth, when did you get here? You just got here? Did you get to talk to her? And I was like, yeah, but who is her? He was like, don’t worry about that.

Tell me what she said. You know, I just tell me what she said because I had to know. And I would just relay the message of the exact details of whatever this, entity or the spirit was that was talking through my father. And then he literally would get up out of his seat. He would write down everything I said and he’d be like, come on, come with me. And we would go and we would grab whatever other materials that she said. And then he would say, he’s like, thank you. Thank you, because like, I’m working on this spell for this lady.

She’s gonna pay me $50,000 and I just needed the rest of this. So I had to ask her for help. Like, just like that. So I’m like, how is that schizophrenia? When now I’m doing my own research and I want the name that he said of the spirit, that spirit actually, you can go back into history and find evidence that that spirit had never been a rep for a long time. And he literally was summoning them by purposely going by in the statue, creating an altar plan and putting their favorite foods and would like to drink and eat right there.

We had parties and celebrations giving them their offerings. So no, this is not schizophrenia. It can’t be, you know? And so I would witness that. It was probably like seven different ones. Seven different ones. Men, women, young, old, all different types that he would think he was using them. And again, I was even scared. As you heard for yourself, Elizabeth claims her and her siblings were essayied by Masons at a lodge. Her father took them to and even at their home. She also claims that her father would perform channeling rituals that would allow him to channel demonic deities, claiming that on many occasions, she witnessed her father possessed by these demonic spirits.

These spirits will talk to her through her father and tell her things her father didn’t even know about her. As far fetched as this sounds, this is exactly what the Freemasons are all about, channeling demonic spirits, no matter what the Masons want us to believe. Their rituals and their own lead members have already told us the truth about their organization. They are not about making good men great. They are about building the temple within man to the level of gods, creating their paradise in heaven here on earth.

As they say, as above so below. These Masons practice all type of disturbing rituals, some rituals being magic rituals. Like Elizabeth claims, some Masons use young people as young as they can get them for their rituals, which to me explains why after her father went on trips with her brother, he came back with large sums of money and her brother was SA’d. It’s obvious the father was being paid and they were doing this to his children. The Shriners Masonic Organization is heavily dedicated to children, creating many charity organizations, parade events, and even hospitals for children.

In fact, all of this is often brought up to make the point that the Masons are so charitable and good people. Well, maybe this is just their front to be around children and like Elizabeth tells us, they’re up to no good with them. Elizabeth also talks about what happened to her because of her father’s involvement in Masonry, claiming that eventually she became possessed and would be controlled by these spirits her father was channeling. She claims that she was eventually diagnosed with multiple personality disorder because of this.

Believe it or not, this is actually the consequences for involving yourself with Masonry. When a person joins the Masons and they perform the initiation ritual and take the oath, they actually put a curse on their entire family. This pastor who had a Freemason great grandfather talks about the generational curses attached to Masonic oaths. He explains that when a member takes the initiation ritual, they bring on curses onto themselves that passes on to the family. Yeah, when you join the Freemason, although you usually aren’t told all that you’re signing up for it first, you are pledging yourself over to an entity, a spiritual entity whose name is Jabulon.

This is the ruling spirit of Freemasonry. And if you understand, I know you had Michael Heizer on here, so you understand a bit of principalities and powers and that sort of thing. Well, Jabulon is one of those principalities, but Jabulon is actually an unholy Trinity. So in the Christian Trinity, we have the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Jabulon is an unholy Trinity that was essentially blended together in an amalgamation of three separate gods. One is Jah, which is a shortened form of the word Jehovah, and it’s slightly modified as well.

So the Jah of Jehovah is the Jah of Jabulon. And so in Bible, you can only work in the King James Bibles, you don’t use Jehovah anymore, but in the King James translation, we have Jeh. Jah is J-A-H, but that’s the root of it. And the Freemasons are famous for taking things particularly out of the King James Bible and incorporating them into their secret oaths and words and passwords. So we have Jah, and then we have Bull, now who’s Bull? Well, most people who know anything about Christianity have heard of this god named Baal.

Usually Americans just say Baal or Baal, but it’s B-A-A-L. And so Baal is the Canaanite god of fertility. And so Bull in the Jabulon name, and this is no bull, it’s spelled B-U-L in that part of the word, but Bull is an modified form of Baal. Now we have this Jah entity. Supposedly, Lord God Jehovah mingled with the very god that he hates the most, Baal. And then we have An, who is An in Jabulon. An is a shortened form of the Onurus who was the Egyptian god of war.

And so Jabulon is a trinity of some modification of the Jewish god, the Canaanite god, and the Egyptian god. This is the trinity to whom they are swearing allegiance. And as it turns out, you only learn this later as you go higher on the orders, Jabulon is actually a cipher. It’s a codename Satan himself. The blessings and curses have to do with the fact that when you go through the Blue Lodge ritual, you are actually taking unto yourself blessings that will help you politically or economically.

You are also taking under yourself curses should you ever break the vows of secrecy or walk away from Freemasons. You pledge all of your progeny in perpetuity to service of Jabulon and the Lodge. That means you took a blood oath and you pled your children, your grandchildren, your great-grandchildren, your great-great-grandchildren forever and ever, Amen, will serve Jabulon, who we’ve already said is a cipher for Satan himself and the Masonic Lodge. And so when people are coming out of Freemasonry, you have to repent of that sin that their ancestor committed.

In my case, it was my great-great-grandmother. But by the way, you might have other ancestors who were also in, so you might need to repent on behalf of each one of them as far as you know about them. And so you ask the Lord to cover that and to break these blessings and these curses. And then there are vows and covenants that are made that bind these blessings and curses to you. This is the nature of way occultic rituals work. For those who have no experience, it sounds very, I mean, almost foolish, but trust me, I’ve done enough work in this area.

This is what goes on in all of these kind of occultic societies and when they’re aging in their rituals. So the person renounces blessings and curses, vows and covenant. And then we have them renounce Jabulon and the pledge to the Lodge and then we command Jabulon out. And we also command out the spirit of infirmity and the spirit of death. As you heard for yourself, this pastor states that when you take the Masonic oath, you’re not only cursing yourself, but also your entire family.

Stating that these curses not only affect your spirit, but also your health. Just like Elizabeth states happened to her after her father joined the Masons. The Masons were alliance to Lucifer because he’s the guide to forbidden knowledge. Lucifer isn’t their friend though, but their enemy. Using them to hurt God as every soul God loses to Lucifer hurts him deeply. According to this pastor, a person that is related to the Masons in any way must announce the Masons in order to break the curse, claiming that they also have to denounce it for their past relatives.

Elizabeth, like many others, have exposed how Masonry not only ruined their father’s life, but also hers. As being attached to these demons is far worse than the Masons claim. Unfortunately, many Masons that are in have no idea what they’re involved in. They joined because of the brotherhood aspect or even the success that is rumored to be attached to it. But because they are lower in degrees, they never learn the truth about what they have pledged their souls to. This is why it’s important that we not only call out the Masons in their agenda, but also prevent more souls from taking the oath.

We have to wake people up because they are being deceived by these spirits. Well, I’ma end this one here. I wanna thank you all for watching and I’ll see you guys in the next one. Thanks for watching!


Spread the Truth


Abuse allegations within Freemasons Christian organization claims of Freemasons Freemasonry and demonic spirits Freemasonry and family impact Freemasonry and generational curses Freemasonry and multiple personality disorder Freemasonry and psychological issues Freemasons forbidden knowledge Freemasons occult practices Freemasons secrecy and rituals Freemasons witchcraft allegations Harmful rituals in Freemasonry

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