Understanding the Unseen Forces: The Putnam County Earthquake and Its Mystical Timing

The video discussing directed energy weapons and Antarctica can be found at the end of this blog post.
In the early hours of a recent Wednesday morning, the quiet of Putnam County, Illinois, was disturbed by a 3.6 magnitude earthquake. Occurring at approximately 4:41 a.m., this seismic event was centered south of the village of Standard, near the LaSalle County border. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an estimated depth of 3.6 kilometers for the quake.
Residents like Kathy Casstevens from Utica were jolted awake by the quake, which lasted about six seconds, and featured a mix of light and heavier tremors. The earthquake, unfamiliar to many in the area, led to initial confusion, with residents questioning the source of the disturbance. A video sent by a resident in Earlville showed the quake shaking a pinball machine, although no significant damage was reported in LaSalle and surrounding areas.
Interestingly, this seismic event coincided with the 36th year anniversary of both HAARP and Hamas, adding a mystical dimension to the occurrence. The number 36 holds significant esoteric meaning, as 666, known for its mystical and cultural symbolism, is the 36th triangular number. This convergence of events and numerology invites contemplation on the interconnectedness of natural phenomena and historical milestones.
Earthquakes are rare but not unknown in Illinois, with the state averaging one minor quake per year and one causing minor damage every 20 years. Notable recent quakes include a 3.8 magnitude event in Pingree Grove in 2010 and a more substantial 5.2 quake in Mt. Carmel in 2008. The largest recorded in the state was a 5.4 magnitude earthquake in Hamilton County in 1958.
A Northeastern Illinois University professor suggested that these quakes are the Earth’s way of relaxing from the impact of glaciers hundreds of years ago. This perspective aligns with the idea that natural events, like earthquakes, carry deeper, often unseen implications beyond their immediate physical impact.
As we reflect on the Putnam County earthquake and its mystical timing, it’s essential to consider both the scientific and esoteric aspects of such events. In doing so, we gain a fuller appreciation of the dynamic planet we inhabit and the mysterious forces that continue to shape our world.
The New Madrid fault line is a seismic zone running along the Mississippi River in the Midwest. It was the origin of a series of powerful earthquakes in 1811 and 1812, which significantly altered the landscape and the river.
These earthquakes resulted in soil liquefaction, sand blows, landslides, bank failures, and large waves, leading to damage to farmland, forests, and boats. Experts caution that a similar earthquake today could lead to thousands of deaths and cause nationwide disruptions of infrastructure and resources.
It is believed that the alignment of the twin eclipses from 2017 and the upcoming one in 2024, on April 8th, will form an ‘X’ directly over the New Madrid fault line. Some people are concerned that this may be the location where HAARP will be used to trigger a major earthquake. Additionally, there have been reports of fracking activities in this area, and some suspect explosive charges were placed to split the country from the Gulf of Mexico running up to the Great Lakes.
Leaked US Naval Maps also predict a future where the country is split along the New Madrid fault line.
Aftershocks from 200-year-old earthquakes are still being felt today
Yesterday, an article was published on November 15th, 2023, with the headline “Aftershocks from 200-year-old earthquakes are still being felt today”. The article focused on three major earthquakes: the New Madrid earthquakes of magnitude 7.2-8.0 in 1811-1812, the 1886 Charleston earthquake of magnitude 6.7-7.3 in South Carolina, and the 1663 Charlevoix earthquake in Quebec, Canada, with a magnitude of 6.5-7.5.
Scientists find it challenging to distinguish foreshocks from background seismic activity, but they can easily identify aftershocks. To determine this, they used the nearest neighbor method, which means that if two recent earthquakes are closer than expected, one could be an aftershock of the other. The scientists looked at earthquakes within a 155-mile (250-kilometer) radius of the historic epicenters.
Their findings suggest that around 30% of earthquakes that occurred between 1980 and 2016 in the Missouri-Kentucky border were likely aftershocks from the New Madrid earthquakes. In Charleston, South Carolina, they found that around 16% of earthquakes appeared to be aftershocks from the 1886 earthquake. This indicates that there is a possibility of a severe seismic event on the New Madrid fault line in the near future.

I used AI to create these images BELOW to show how America could look depending on where it splits.
The information regarding the New Madrid Peace Process and the perceived curse against America is often interpreted by some as an actual curse by God. However, there’s a belief that this series of events might be evidence of the elite using geoengineering and HAARP technology in a ritualistic manner. This viewpoint suggests that these technologies are deliberately aligned with specific dates to create significant events or natural disasters, impacting the public in a calculated way. The alignment of these events with significant political decisions or anniversaries is seen as more than mere coincidence, implying a deliberate manipulation of natural and societal forces.
America has been perceived as under a curse due to its involvement in creating the Madrid Peace Process. This process, initiated on October 30, 1991, has been associated with the New Madrid Fault Line, suggesting a symbolic link between the political actions and potential natural disasters. The Madrid Peace Process, which advocated for the division of Israel to establish a Palestinian state, has been viewed by some as leading to calamities in the U.S., such as the Perfect Storm of 1991, Hurricane Katrina in 2005, and the devastating Joplin tornadoes.
Many believe there is a prophecy suggesting that America is being punished, but I disagree. I believe this idea couldn’t be further from the truth. Instead, I see it as evidence of geoengineering and the use of directed energy weapons, like HAARP, to sacrifice the masses.
This perspective posits that America’s push for the creation of a Palestinian state is a direct cause of significant disasters in the country. The future New Madrid Fault Line Earthquake, which lies at the heart of the nation, is seen as a potential outcome of these actions. According to this view, if America participates in the division of Israel’s land, it may lead to a reciprocal division of the land in America, resulting in one of the greatest disasters in U.S. history.
The Madrid Peace Process on October 30, 1991, coincides with the Perfect Storm on the same date. The Madrid Peace Process, held in America on August 23, 1992, occurred concurrently with Hurricane Andrew. The Gaza Strip Evacuation’s completion on August 23, 2005, aligns with the Louisiana Evacuation due to Hurricane Katrina on the same day.
There was a plan for America to unilaterally recognize a Palestinian state between September 13 and September 23, 2001, which coincides with the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. President Obama’s call for a Palestinian state based on 1967 borders on May 19, 2011, preceded the deadly tornado outbreaks in Joplin, Missouri, on May 22, 2011.
The Madrid Peace process is noted for its resemblance to the name of the New Madrid Earthquake fault line. Hurricane Sandy’s devastation in New Jersey on October 29, 2012, happened just one day before the anniversary of the Madrid Peace Process initiated by President Bush Senior on October 30, 1991.
Additionally, Franklin D. Roosevelt’s assurance to the King of Saudi Arabia in 1945 that America would never recognize Israel as a nation is mentioned. It is noted that one week after this declaration, he passed away on April 12, 1945.
Ben Davidson, founder of Space Weather News, discussed a 57-page booklet titled “The Adam and Eve Story” by Chan Thomas in his six-part Earth Catastrophe Cycle video series.
This booklet, published in 1963 and later classified by the CIA, was partially declassified in 2013. Thomas’s analysis of cyclic pole shifts offered a different perspective than Charles Hapgood’s theory in his 1958 book, “The Earth’s Shifting Crust.”
Davidson suggests that Thomas’s explanation for how a pole shift happens led to the CIA classifying his book. “The Adam and Eve Story” was initially published by Emerson House, with subsequent editions released, and was later republished by Bengal Tiger Press in 1993. The specifics of when, why, and how the CIA classified Thomas’s book remain unclear, but the release of a declassified version in 2013 is notable.
In the first part of his series, Davidson compares Hapgood’s hypothesis of wandering poles with Thomas’s description from the CIA-suppressed book. Hapgood wrote about a pole shift of up to 40 degrees recurring every 5000 years, with geographical poles wandering on the Earth’s surface with each crustal displacement.
Thomas, however, described a massive shift of almost 90 degrees that would move the poles into the tropics in less than a day, then back to their original positions after the next cycle. This shift would result in supersonic winds and oceans inundating continents with water miles deep due to the difference in rotation speed between the Earth’s shell and its atmosphere and oceans.
Thomas’s work, which suggests that ice ages are a result of different areas of the Earth being in polar regions at various times, provided a table illustrating the North Pole switching between northern hemisphere regions after a near 90-degree tilt.
The key reason Davidson identifies for the CIA classifying Thomas’s work is his conclusion of cyclic pole shifts of almost 90 degrees flipping the poles back and forth over millennia. This would mean that evidence of previous pole shifts would be buried under thick layers of ice.
Paleomagnetics, the study of the Earth’s magnetic field in rocks, minerals, or archaeological materials, has been used to trace the historical movement of the Earth’s magnetic poles, adding to this discussion.
Davidson referred to several scholarly articles examining paleomagnetic data from volcanic hotspots. A significant 1985 study titled “True polar wander: An analysis of Cenozoic and Mesozoic paleomagnetic poles” found that the pole had moved 22 degrees, plus or minus 10 degrees, in the past 180 million years. This movement was less than the 40-degree wandering pole hypothesis proposed by Hapgood for approximately every 5000 years.
A 2001 study, “Stability of the Earth with respect to the spin axis for the last 130 million years,” concluded that the time-averaged position of the spin axis has deviated by no more than approximately 5° over the last 130 million years. This indicated that mantle mass heterogeneities have not changed rapidly enough to drive True Polar Wander (TPW). Davidson cited these studies and another from 2018 as key scientific evidence refuting Hapgood’s wandering pole hypothesis.
Davidson noted that the data from paleomagnetic studies did not consider Thomas’ theory of poles flipping back and forth over geologic time. This flip-flop movement could give the appearance that the poles had not significantly moved over millions of years, a misconception in long-term average pole position studies.
Davidson suggested that Hapgood, who worked for the CIA’s predecessor, the Office of Strategic Services, during World War II, might have conducted a “limited hangout” with his 1958 book. This would partially disclose the truth to the public but in a way that could later be discredited.
In a 1994 book titled “World in Peril,” based on classified information from Arctic explorer Major Maynard White, discussed at Pentagon meetings in 1948, the suppression of evidence of cyclic pole shifts was mentioned. The scientists debated whether to alert the public to the impending polar-flip phenomenon. The knowledge was eventually released in the early 1950s but garnered no significant public reaction.
Davidson’s presentation in his Earth Catastrophe Cycle series suggests that physical pole shifts of approximately 90 degrees have been historically recorded and were known to government authorities as early as 1948.
This leads to a critical question: “What is the trigger for a geophysical pole shift?”
Regardless of whether one subscribes to the Flat Earth theory or the concept of a spherical Earth, the notion of poles and energy fields – negative and positive – remains a topic of discussion. According to this perspective, these energy fields are shifting, a process referred to as a pole shift. Jay DreamerZ, from a Flat Earth viewpoint, describes this event as the plasma apocalypse.
Now my belief here is in an enclosed organic simulation of Earth, incorporating elements of both Hollow Earth and Flat Earth theories. This concept suggests that rather than being mutually exclusive, these theories might be interconnected. The Earth is envisioned as egg-shaped, with an enclosed firmament above and below it. In this model, the firmament itself is what rotates, not the Earth.
This theory proposes that Earth’s true nature is electromagnetic, being an enclosed organic structure with an underworld below, shaped like an egg. The firmament spins around a flat plane and the underworld, creating different realities or timelines for different people. In some people’s reality, the Earth might appear flat, while in others, it might seem to be a spinning sphere.
Proponents of this view argue that ancient texts and mathematics support this model of Earth. They suggest that the ongoing debates between Hollow Earth and Flat Earth communities are distractions, diverting attention from a more complex understanding of the Earth’s true structure.
Hapgood, in collaboration with Albert Einstein who wrote the preface to Hapgood’s 1958 book, theorized that the accumulation of ice at the poles could trigger a crustal displacement, or a geophysical pole shift. Einstein described the mechanism as follows:
“In a polar region, there is continual deposition of ice, which is not symmetrically distributed about the pole. The Earth’s rotation acts on these asymmetrically deposited masses and produces centrifugal momentum that is transmitted to the rigid crust of the Earth. The constantly increasing centrifugal momentum produced in this way will, when it has reached a certain point, produce a movement of the Earth’s crust over the rest of the Earth’s body, and this will displace the polar regions toward the equator.”
Davidson, in the first part of his series, claims that Einstein eventually distanced himself from Hapgood’s theory, realizing the amount of ice at the poles would be insufficient to trigger such a crustal displacement.
Contrary to Hapgood’s theory, Chan Thomas believed the trigger was something happening within the Earth’s interior. Thomas proposed:
“…once every few thousand years, neutral matter escapes from the 860-mile [1385 km] radius inner core into the 1300-mile [2092 km] thick molten outer core, resulting in a literal atomic explosion inside the Earth. This explosion in the high-energy layer of the outer core disrupts the electrical and magnetic structure in both the molten outer core and the outer 60-mile thick molten layer. Finally, the ice caps are allowed to pull the shell of the Earth around the interior, with the shallow molten layers lubricating the shift all the way.” [The Adam and Eve Story, p.14]
Thomas compared the “neutral matter” escaping from Earth’s inner core to the plasma in a solar burst, suggesting they are governed by a similar universal principle found in atoms and galaxies. He implied that the same mechanism triggering a solar flash or micronova in the sun is analogous to what triggers the Earth’s inner core to release energy waves, causing shifts in both the magnetic and physical poles by as much as 90 degrees in a cyclic pattern.
In “World in Peril,” the triggering mechanism for a geophysical pole shift is described as a flip in the Earth’s magnetic field. Davidson cites this explanation:
Repeated experimentation showed that as the magnetic pole approached the geographic pole, it would suddenly accelerate and seem to be pulled toward the geographic pole by centripetal force, flipping rapidly around it. Instead of coinciding, the magnetic pole would then spin off towards the equator due to centrifugal force, ending with the two axes assuming an approximate 89-degree divergence. After this polar flip, the axes would gradually begin to reconverge over a long period.
According to classified information received by Major White and his USAF Arctic reconnaissance unit, this magnetic pole flip would trigger a crustal displacement, leading to an almost 90-degree geophysical pole shift. “World in Peril” explains how Pentagon scientists determined the Earth’s evolution in prehistory and predicts an imminent earth-reshaping cataclysm. This explanation aligns with the discovery of mammoths and mastodons frozen in the Arctic with subtropical vegetation in their mouths, suggesting a sudden and dramatic shift.
The triggering mechanisms in Thomas’ “The Adam and Eve Story” and White’s information complement each other. White described an internal geological process where a magnetic pole flip leads to crustal displacement, briefly aligning the magnetic and geophysical poles at opposite ends of the equator before they gradually realign. This cycle is believed to repeat, with the poles flipping back to their original positions.
The unknown event inside the Earth would trigger both the magnetic pole flip and the crustal displacement, as per White’s findings, and this information had been suppressed for national security reasons. Thomas’ book explains the internal mechanism triggering these pole shifts, likening the neutral matter released from the Earth’s inner core to a micronova or solar flare.
Davidson’s six-part series argues for a connection between cyclic micronovas and historic pole shifts of almost 90 degrees, which appear to have kept the poles in their current positions for millions of years, contradicting paleomagnetic studies. He emphasizes internal geological events as the trigger for crustal displacement, focusing on activities within the Earth’s molten core.
Davidson’s analysis points to simultaneous triggers: eruptions of neutral matter from the Earth’s core and micronovas from the sun. The role of cosmic rays emerges as the potential trigger mechanism, with recent scientific data suggesting their emergence from Antarctica and a possible link to global seismi
The question of whether the New Madrid mega quake is being engineered is a subject of increasing speculation and debate. There is a growing belief among some that the natural disasters occurring more frequently are not entirely natural. This leads to the theory that we might be entering an era of weather and earthquake wars, where the incidence of mega disasters worldwide is rising. The discussion revolves around whether such events are the result of government experimentation going awry or if they are deliberately orchestrated.
The theory suggests that hidden powers may be exploiting or amplifying natural Earth changes, such as intense solar cycles and the ongoing magnetic pole shift, for their secretive agendas. The concept of ‘divide and conquer’ is often cited, where control over the climate is viewed as the ultimate weapon. This control could enable manipulation of entire regions through a combination of climate change, economic instability, and military-surveillance complexities presented under the guise of terrorism.
The situation with the growing Louisiana sinkhole, which is reportedly encroaching on a potentially explosive gas repository also used for nuclear waste storage, is pointed out as a significant concern. This raises questions about whether a New Madrid quake, if it were to occur, would be a natural event, a manipulated one, or a combination of both.
The concept of predictive programming is brought into the discussion. This refers to the laying of groundwork to direct public perception towards a specific future through media and education. The theory postulates that elites use this method for mind control, making the unaware public more receptive to orchestrated information, thereby changing the future without overt actions like legislation or warfare.
The discussion extends to geoengineering (commonly referred to as chemtrails), which some believe is being subtly introduced into public consciousness through movies and education, normalizing the sight of planes leaving trails in the sky. This acceptance of a ‘manipulated reality’ is seen as a steppingstone towards broader acceptance and potential control.
The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), based in Gakona, Alaska, is frequently scrutinized for its possible links to weather modification and earthquake activity. Dutchsinse, a weather researcher, has tracked HAARP’s relationship to these phenomena. He has notably linked radar flares from HAARP facilities to earthquakes in the New Madrid seismic zone. Additionally, there have been observations of severe flooding in these areas, leading some locals to remark that it seems like the land is sinking.
The technology used in weather manipulation appears to be tested globally, as similar antenna arrays exist in Norway (EISCAT), Australia (Exmouth), and other locations, as well as on floating radar rigs and space-based facilities. Major disasters like the Japan earthquake and tsunami have shown signs of external manipulation, with distinct vibrational patterns and “punch holes” cited as evidence. Curiously, the HAARP website was taken offline following the Japan incident. While direct evidence may be circumstantial, HAARP’s ground-penetrating capabilities are well-documented.
Geoengineering is considered a significant aspect of this elite plan for global control. Publications such as “Ecoscience” by John Holdren, military plans for “Owning The Weather by 2025,” and statements by the Royal Society all point to a group intent on climate manipulation. The public has been conditioned to accept planes spraying chemicals in the sky, which reportedly contain toxic elements like barium and aluminum. Both the USDA, with a patent for aluminum resistance, and Monsanto, with patents for stress-tolerant genetically modified plants, appear to be preparing for this reality. Extreme weather patterns and debates on global warming have allowed geoengineering to become more prominent, potentially leading to significant ecological consequences, such as ocean current changes and methane release from hydrate and clathrate deposits.
The Ground Wave Emergency Network (GWEN) and other HAARP outposts are known to affect human thought through electromagnetic waves. This ‘electrosmog’ is seen as a deliberate strategy to enhance the manipulative capability of technological weapons, allowing for the steering of weather patterns and the potential triggering of earthquakes. Such capabilities fit into a globalist agenda aiming for comprehensive control, including the possibility of inducing a New Madrid-related disaster.
Recent Earthquakes Near New Madrid, Missouri, United States The number is increasing in 2023.
Since September 2010, the New Madrid Fault Line and Arkansas have experienced over 800 earthquakes, a significant increase from the 38 quakes recorded in Arkansas in 2009. This zone, part of a complex fault system extending down the Mississippi Valley into the Gulf of Mexico, has seen intensified seismic activity due to oil and gas extraction, particularly from hydraulic fracturing (fracking). Fracking involves injecting water and chemicals into the ground at high pressures, causing microquakes and rock fractures. This process is believed to potentially trigger a mega-quake in the region.
Government preparations for potential disasters have raised concerns about control over populations. In 2009, Shepard Ambellas highlighted a mass grave site in Phoenix, Arizona, equipped with plastic coffins and FEMA camp complexes. This discovery, alongside a continuity of government agenda involving 10 proposed FEMA regions, suggests preparation for large-scale emergencies. The response to Hurricane Katrina, marked by inadequate and controversial FEMA interventions, serves as a cautionary example of governmental response in crises.
FEMA’s National Level Exercise, now a continuous two-year program, focuses on states that have experienced significant natural disasters. Activities like the detonation of TNT in the fault zone and the setup of decontamination units further indicate extensive preparation for a major event. FEMA’s procurement of a billion dollars in dehydrated food and Homeland Security’s order of emergency detainee handbooks, alongside significant ammunition purchases and militarization, point to a potentially severe scenario.
The New Madrid area’s proximity to 15 nuclear reactors adds to the risk, reminiscent of the Fukushima disaster’s implications. The area’s major gas pipelines, which could cause substantial damage if disrupted, increase the potential for a catastrophic event.
Considering recent incidents like the BP Disaster, unusual weather patterns, and the increasing frequency of natural disasters, there is a growing sense of concern about the region’s vulnerability. Theories suggest a divide-and-conquer strategy may be at play, emphasizing the need for preparedness against these disasters and their potential governmental responses.
In conclusion, we hope that the guide we provided above has emphasized the urgency of the situation we face and the need to prepare for potential catastrophes. Crisis engineers have many tools at their disposal to cause a literal shift in the landscape of the United States. With a looming economic collapse, constant threat of false flag events, World War III, and myriad seasonal viruses, we cannot assume that those in power will show unending restraint. It is therefore important to be prepared for such eventualities, as being ready lessens the fear and gives us the power to make personal changes to ensure our survival and prosperity, no matter what they throw at us.
In our next article, we will discuss strategies for breaking free from the grip of crisis engineers and becoming self-sufficient if and when the superficial support system crumbles. As always, we welcome your input on how we can work together to show elitists that they have vastly underestimated the resiliency of humanity.
P.S. Remember on my New Year’s Eve podcast with DOENUT when he asked me about my expectations for 2023? I mentioned it would be the year of unnatural disasters. Yes, I specifically said ‘unnatural’ because I believe they are using geoengineering to cause these events! HAARP was patented on August 11, 1987, which is the 223rd day of the year. Interestingly, 2023 equals 223 in numerology.
Directed Energy Weapons Confirmed in Antarctica!
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