Ancient Tech and Fallen Angels: Tommy Truthful Juans Explosive Discussion

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Tommy Truthful



➡ The Truth Mafia, led by Tommy Truthful, is a group dedicated to investigating historical, cultural, and ancient mysteries. They explore various topics, from ancient symbols to hidden meanings in popular media, in their quest for knowledge. Their podcast, sponsored by Body Align, discusses topics like fallen angelic technology and its connection to entities known as Archons. The group also offers personal decodes, dream interpretations, and holistic counseling on their website,
➡ The text discusses the connection between technology and ancient practices like talismanic magic and Enochian magic. It suggests that technology, like computers, can be traced back to these practices which involve numbers and celestial alignments. The text also mentions the use of technology in modern occult practices, with people using virtual reality for rituals. Lastly, it delves into the history of Enochian magic, a language believed to be used by Adam in paradise, and its use by historical figures like John Dee and Edward Kelly.
➡ The text discusses various topics, including the idea of summoning entities, the concept of tapping into another dimension, and the potential existence of demonic entities. It also touches on the idea of transferring consciousness into a hologram, the concept of immortality, and the potential for head transplants. The text suggests that while some of these ideas might be possible, it questions whether they should be pursued.
➡ The text discusses the concept of immortality and soul transference, drawing parallels with the story of Frankenstein and the experiments of German alchemist Johann Dipple. It also touches on the idea of body modification, comparing it to Hollywood celebrities’ use of Botox and surgeries. The conversation then shifts to the possibility of head transplants, with the help of AI, on cryogenically preserved bodies, like the rumored case of Walt Disney. The text ends with a reflection on the reliability of history and the potential for ancient cloning technology.
➡ The text discusses the potential dangers and ethical issues of advanced technology, specifically focusing on Elon Musk’s Neuralink brain chip. The chip, designed to help a quadriplegic man communicate, had complications, causing the man further distress. The text also mentions the potential for technology to go rogue, referencing movies and games where AI systems become dangerous. Lastly, it discusses the symbolism in the Umbrella Corporation logo from the Resident Evil series, linking it to the Knights Templar cross.
➡ The text discusses various topics, including the symbolism of a white and red umbrella, the significance of a little girl entity in spiritual encounters, and the recurring image of a woman in a red dress during DMT trips. It also delves into the use of quantum computers, specifically Google’s Sycamore processor, which is believed to connect the world of the living with the world of the dead. The text also touches on the potential of antimatter as a source of endless energy and as a weapon, and the existence of powerful bombs that can obliterate entire cities. Lastly, it mentions the Poseidon weapon, a smart nuke that can cause a massive radioactive tsunami.
➡ The speaker discusses various conspiracy theories, including the symbolism of tridents, the idea of an advanced ancient civilization, and the flat earth theory. They express skepticism towards some theories, suggesting we live in a holographic, interdimensional simulation. They also mention disagreements within the conspiracy theory community, emphasizing the importance of respect and collaboration. Lastly, they discuss their content creation efforts and plans for future collaborations.
➡ The text is about a gamer who analyzes video games and shares his findings through videos. He’s trying to gain more followers to keep his videos up longer. He also has a backup YouTube channel and a Patreon page. He discusses the significance of his channel reaching 666 subscribers, and promotes various products on his shop, including ones that block negative energy.


Mafia, a collective determined to investigate conspiracies and occult mysteries that have been buried for centuries. With a passion for uncovering the truth, they delve into the darkest corners of history, pop culture and ancient mysteries, seeking answers to questions that have plagued humanity for ages. The truth mafia is led by Tommy truthful, a man shrouded in mystery and intrigue, dedicated to uncovering the hidden truths behind some of the world’s most perplexing and enigmatic phenomena. Their research has led them down countless rabbit holes, from deciphering ancient symbols to exploring the hidden meanings behind popular media and literature. Despite the risks and challenges they face, the truth mafia remains steadfast in their quest for knowledge.

Will their investigations lead to groundbreaking revelations? Or will they unravel an even deeper web of secrets and lies? Only time will tell in this ongoing saga of conspiracy and intrigue. Welcome to another episode of the Truth Mafia podcast. Today we’re going to be talking about fallen angelic technology and exploring if it’s tethered to these fallen angelic entities known as the Archons. I got a special guest that I’m going to introduce here in a second. Before we get going, make sure you smash that like button, guys, share the video, help us get the truth out there. And this podcast is sponsored by Body align, the ultimate wellness disc.

Use promo code, truth mafia, all one word. The t and m is capital and you get extra 20% off. It’s got the shug night grounded up in the band, you know, block, CMF, all that. So really good product and they helped sponsor the show. And don’t forget, guys, if you want to find out your role in this simulation we call life, we do personal decodes as well on and them links are also down in the description. It’s all done via email so you can, you know, find out your role. I’ve even figured out through math, depending on your life path, number how many reincarnations we’ve had, and the math all equals up.

So don’t forget to use promo code, decode the matrix, you get an extra 11% off. We got the dream interpretations and we’re doing holistical counseling now. All on truthful we have a huge sale going on over there on as well. And let’s introduce our guest, my brother from another mother, Juan. What up, bro? Oh, I paused. What up, dude? How you doing? Thank you for having me, man. It’s been a little bit, been excited, man, your video, you’ve been chilling it with the short videos, bro. Yeah, they’ve been doing pretty well, man. I get called a schizophrenic all the time that I forgot to take my meds.

And it’s great having a great time. And a lot of them are doing hundreds of thousands of you sometimes. I got one that hit over a million views the other day. So chugging along, man, trying to on our grow. That’s awesome, dude. I always share them whenever I see them. You know, I try to help get that out there for you and, yeah, it’s really cool that you’re doing them. Unfortunately, in this day and age, a lot of people have an attention span the size of a goldfish. So them type of videos tend to do very well.

You know, everything’s like fast food, dude. They just want to do it, do it on to the next thing. So, yeah, you got. You got 2 seconds to reel somebody in. Quite. And that maybe that’s why they call it reels, because you’re reeling them in. You got 2 seconds, and within the first 2 seconds, you got to hit it out, you know, say something crazy and then really go in. But along with the attention span being fried of some people, it’s hitting a lot of people who are, again, if you’re into this sort of topic, you got to be a little weird.

You know, I’m saying, tommy, you got to be. You get to look into the topics that we look into. You got to be out there. Your consciousness is a little bit more expanded than the normal person. And when it’s hitting these normies, they go wild, bro. I mean, some people don’t believe in anything whatsoever. It’s like, I think that reality itself is. Is much more interesting than some people tend to believe. To some people, it’s nothing, bro. Like say, oh, no, yeah, we went to the moon, and there’s no such thing as nephilim. There’s no such thing as anything else.

And it’s just all a coincidence. I don’t think so, dude. I think it’s a lot weirder than the truth is stranger than fiction, in my opinion. Right. And a lot of this technology. You did a short video about technology being tethered to these entities, right? These, whatever you want to call them, demons, Archons. And, dude, I did a video a while back. It actually did like almost a million views. It’s on my big Facebook, which today, guys, they didn’t let me stream this to. I tried for about an hour, and finally we just had to go on.

So hopefully people see the post on Facebook. But I did a video showing all the similarities to demonic entities with, like, computer software programs. And, you know, the names. One of the big names they got with computers is legion. And that was in the Bible. When Jesus asked that demon his name, he said, I am legion, for I am many. Right. So why do they use all these demonic names for computers? I think there’s something to it. I think it’s. It’s some type of ancient enochian magic we’re on or something, you know? Yeah, no, absolutely. And the reason, if you look back in antiquity and this is all history, anything that I cover, I’ll insert my own opinion sometimes, but anything that I cover is.

Is history. You can go and research. It’s citable. You can go and look at it. The ancient Babylonians, the ancient Egyptians, the Greeks, all these cultures, they had the practice of invoking entities into statues. Okay? So, and the reason for that being is like, oh, why does a God or an entity or this all powerful cosmic being, why do they need to be put into a statue to. To either divinate or do whatever they want it to you to do? The reason for that being is if you were able to see the entity or this deity in their real form, you would quite literally die.

So the statue serve, or the talisman or the amulet serves as a sort of buffer as to not destroy you. Like, you can’t see the face of God. Right? I mean, that’s the whole thing. Well, same thing. They believe the same thing. So by invoking it into the statue, they could interact with the deity. It would prophesize to them, it would divinate, it would do whatever. They could worship it in a physical form. And so this idea of capturing an entity or a deity into a physical thing goes back into antiquity. I mean, you can look it up.

And that’s why the homunculus research plays a role into this, because it was the father of binary code, Gottfried Leibniz. He was obsessed with alchemy. Okay? He was going around Europe. He was looking for stories of transmutation, of when alchemists would turn lead into gold. And one of the things that he invented and he talked about was Monad ology. The monad. And what the monad is, it’s supposed to be a sort of way of encapsulating the power of God into a measurable unit. Mind you, this is the guy where we got our ones and zeros from, because he was looking for universal language of some sort.

Well, what. What language? What language? Right. Language being something that is used to program computers. What language? He came up with the ones and zeros. And this is what we have in our computers today, binary code. All computers speak the same language. Now, the interesting part about that you brought up Enochian. Enochian. If you compare it to. Right? Look at these sigils. And if you compare it to any circuit board, it’s sort of the same thing. And I think it’s a. It’s. Again, it’s a form of technology to be able to interact with whatever these. Because at the end of the day, Tommy, it’s all about.

It’s a. It’s a force, right? It’s a sort of force. So by Leibniz inventing this monad, he was trying to encapsulate the power of God, to be able to use it for XYZ. I mean, use your imagination. What. What would you use the power of God for? I mean, power, money, wealth, whatever. You know, eternal life, whatever. And the concept of technology right now, anyone who logs into a social media account is logging in through a portal, right? Anything you log into is a portal. The WW is worldwide web is 666 in Gematria. I mean, that’s.

That’s an old one. Uh, and, dude, I mean, they’ve the. The father of the modern day computer, Charles Babbage, try to summon the devil. When he was a kid, he wrote about this. I mean, he. There’s entire records about this where he did a whole seance. He drew a circle, he cut his hand. He. And he did the Lord’s prayer backwards, trying to invoke Satan and his whole grasp of life, his entire thing behind life, was trying to prove the existence of either Satan or deity. I mean, that was the whole thing. And so the concept of technology being intertwined with, you know, technology that we see today, like the.

Like the. Our black mirrors that we have on our. On our phones and all this stuff, right? It’s always been connected. But the technology of computation, computers, in my opinion, goes back to talismanic magic, which go Asia, though, what you pulled up there with all the sigils, that’s been used in talismanic magic lot. And it’s all about numbers. It’s all about the alignment of certain constellations, certain celestial bodies. And due to that, the influence of those alignments is what influences your talisman and what you’re able to do with that talisman. So, again, it’s. I think it’s all connected, dude, but some people don’t believe in this.

And the. The one reel that I did was with the Gordie rose from quantum d wave computers, which is interesting because I believe Google bought that company from him. And. Yes. So d wave, and check me on that. I believe D wave is owned by google now. He sold it for I don’t know how many millions or billions of dollars. Well, d waves, the new one, the advantage is $15 million. But, dude, when I was reading what it can do. Oh, my lord. It’s magic. Yeah, it’s magic, dude. It’s freaking magic. So, so with enochian magic, a lot of people don’t know what this is, right? And they get it mixed up.

They think they’re summonsing angels and, oh, it’s the language of Michael the angel, which I don’t trust it. I think it’s more demonic. And do you know anything on where it comes from, the origin of it? Yeah. So the Enochian was this language that was dictated directly to John Dee and Edward Kelly during the 16th century when they were doing their seances. And John Dee was the core astrologer to Queen Elizabeth. He was allegedly the first double oh seven and one of the greatest occultists of all time. And the Enochian system is used by the Golden dawn, by the OTO, by Crowley, by any major, really occult orders.

They’ve used Enochian, and obviously they switch it around and they use their own versions of it. Jack Parsons and Al Ron Hubbard use Enochian in their Babylon working ritual when they were trying to invoke the goddess Babylon into this reality. So again, using this sort of technology to invoke deity into our reality. Okay? And I’ve personally, myself, I’ve personally been to, there is a virtual mystery school that I’ve been to in VR, where at the end of the entire building, the entire building is set up as a, as the tree of life with all the sephiro and everything connected and tunnels and stuff.

And you put on your headset, you go in there, and at the very end of this school, I have, I have an episode on it somewhere. I forgot which number. They have an entire temple, bro. And people go in there. It’s got the chalice, it’s got the dagger, it’s got everything. And people got the checkerboard floor, the three pillars, everything. Dude, they have everything in there. And people go in there, dude, to do, to do seances. They go in there to do their ceremonies and their rituals. So people almost like technomancers, they’re using technology to augment their magical abilities.

Okay? So that, that’s a given. That’s, that’s already being done. Okay, that I’ve seen that firsthand of. I haven’t seen a ceremony, but I’ve seen where they do it. And so. And the Temple was recreated by an actual cultist. Okay, the guy who owns the mystery school isn’t occultist. So he knows what he’s doing and he’s not. He knows what he’s talking about. But Enochian allegedly was the last, the language that Adam used to name all things in paradise. And it was the last person to know it because John DNA Rickelly didn’t call it an Oakian.

They called it Angelica language or the angelic language. The angel language. They used some of the celestial speech. They use different names for it. Enochian came from Mathers and all these other guys that took it and used it. But it was the last language that. It was the language that Adam used to name all things in paradise. And the last person to know it was Enoch. So that’s where we get the word Enochian from. Obviously the last people to know would have been John, you know, before John Dean of Rick Kelly. But the problem with the, the whole seances and, dude, I have a whole book.

You can’t, I think you might be able to see it from here. So that tome right there, it’s three just thick books of all the, the John Dean over Kelly working. So it’s all of the tablets, all of his journal entries, everything. And I’ve read through them and the, it ended up the, the angels. They should really make a movie do. I talked about them making a movie about the John Dean over Kelly workings. And I meant to check this out. I mentioned it on a podcast I was recording off air. That’s an enochian table. That’s the furniture that you’re supposed to use in the enochian.

So there. Black mirrors, just like our phone, dude. And this is what the entity shows up in. In the mirror. Yeah yeah yeah, yeah yeah. So. And do these look like computer circuit boards? The sigils? Yeah. Look up, look up. Sloan, you have to look up my presentation. I’ve done a presentation on it, but it’s, I’ll pull it up here in a second. But I was talking about on a podcast off arrow. I was talking about, you know, putting together a movie to do a movie on John Dean over Kelly. And, you know, I’d have Nick Cage as John D and Blah.

I was just like being stupid off air, bro. I never talked to anybody about this, this podcast or this, right, this episode I was doing. And somebody on my Facebook hits me up because I mentioned it to Annie. I did an episode with Ani and I mentioned it to him. I was like, bro, they got to do a movie on this. And somebody messages me on instagram and they go, hey, I’m actually working on a John Dean over Kelly movie. But instead I think John do is going to be like Jack Black and Edward Kelly was gonna be Nick Cage.

But this person didn’t know anything about that, bro. But it’s crazy, cuz when write grammar Grimoire, if we’re talking about magical language and words being magic, when you speak something into existence, you got to be careful because some things come true, right? And what do they use to program computers? They use language models. They use languages. Computers get viruses. And it’s interesting because William Burroughs talked about language being a sort of virus for the. For humankind, right? So, but back to the Enochian. The Enochian ended up with them going on this crazy rabbit hole with these entities on the other side, bro.

And if you read about the visions that they were having and they were also encountering, they had poltergeist activity, they had shared hallucinations, they had all these weird experiences, and it ended up, at the end of it all, dude, it ended up the angels made them tuck themselves. So the angels made them swap wives. And that’s like the infamous John dinner where Kelly, everyone knows about it because they. The angels made them sleep with each other’s wives because they’re like, hey, you got to become one. You got to share everything, including your wife. So it’s like, what, an angel make you do that if it was an angel? Some people think obviously they were interacting with demonic entities.

So I don’t know. I mean, I think it’s an interesting part of history. It’s all been documented. I mean, anyone can just look up John Dee’s magical journals online. You can read them all for yourself and see what it was all about. I mean, yeah, dude, this is all, again, this is history. This is all documented. And this is one of the most influential people. You know, he influenced the english language. He was around William Shakespeare and all these people. He coined the term the british empire. Like, he did a whole bunch of stuff. He actually helped develop a lot of mathematics that we know today, and also he helped develop a lot of the technology that they use for cartography.

So how do. He was. He was involved with the Columbus family, too, so I believe he met with Christopher Columbus’s son or something or other. And he was one of the first people Mercator. He was friends with Mercator. And actually he had, I think Mercator had written to John D, if I’m not mistaken, about an island on the north Pole, black Rock, that is 33 miles long. And you can look up a picture of that. You look up Mercator, black rock, North Pole island. And there were stories about that, how there was a vortex at the North Pole with the.

That just dumped into the earth. So a lot of interesting stuff, dude. I don’t. I don’t know. I don’t know what to think about. I’m still trying to figure it out. Well, with these hand signs, you know. Um, so we see this one down here, which says Michiel. That’s the one we see as devil horns. Right? So they’re summoning this entity, but this is the one most commonly seen, which people say means I love you, and sign language, which it might still, you know, but it originates from anokia magic. And it’s as. That’s the entity you’re.

You’re summoning with that hand. They talked to all the, you know, all the usual biblical angels. You know, they talked to all them. They had Uriel, as always. There. There was another one. They had all of them pretty much, that. That came to visit them. And it was just. It was just a weird. It’s a. When you read it, dude, it’s like, it reads so weird that, like, the visions that they were having, like, there was entities fighting on the other side. There was, like, people getting cut up into pieces that they were watching. Like, it’s really bizarre when you read the journals and it’s like, what was going on? You know? What were they rea.

What were they really seeing? Some people have speculated that they were tapping into another dimension, the mundus. Imagine Alice, where it is a place where it’s in between, sandwiched in between reality and imagination, and that you’re able to tap into that. Mundus, imagine Alice and extract things outwards through scrying, through various uses of meditation, etc. Etc. So they might have been tapping into something because they had a whole system worked out, bro. And a lot of the stuff that we have of Enochian, they actually don’t know what it was for or how was used because a lot of the records of John DNA, Rick Kelly, were also lost.

So there’s a lot of things that they have, like certain tablets, the tablet, the tablet of Navarj, which we will never know what it was for because John D. And I were. Kelly never talked about it. They. They never wrote about it. They never use the system. The ain’t the angels never finished telling them the secret to the secrets, bro. Yeah, it’s crazy to me, bro. The whole thing is like, we gotta be tethered to. And look, what are they doing? We’re all on social media all day long. You know, it’s, it’s harvesting our energy, man, our life force, 100%, like a phantom matrix that they’ve ensnared us in.

And when you read what Ray Kurzweil was talking about and all this immortality technology, agenda 2045, you know, their plan is for us to be a hologram at the end of it. Like, we’re, like, in this artificial reality, we exist, our consciousness. But you, I don’t think our soul can be in existence with the hologram. Right? Well, that’s the thing, dude. I think there are so many things about our existence that we don’t even know about. Like, for example, you’re talking about the soul. What is consciousness? What are all these things that man has never been able to replicate? Right? This, this uncanny valley that is being chipped away yet little by little, whenever you look at something, Tom, and I don’t know what’s happening to you, dude.

Like, I’ve, and I don’t like the concept of, like, people who are NPC’s or like empty vessels. Like, I don’t. I think that if there’s any of that, I think it’s at the higher levels with the elites that are being used to, in my opinion, house demonic entities and, and have things invoked into them, like the moon children. I think that’s why they, I think that’s why they’re so ugly. Sometimes you see like these, like the Rothschilds, how demonic they look, or like some of these politicians, because you start to show the attributes of said entity physically, you start to develop that physically.

So that’s why they look a certain type of way, and that’s why they’re so obsessed with looking good or wanting to look at Jeff Bezos bro, trying to look for the elixir of immortality. There’s a whole thing on that where he’s trying to. He looks like, bro, he looks like a frickin cyborg. Look at him. I mean, he looks like a homunculus. The guy probably is a homunculus, Jeff Bezos. So, you know, I think if there’s any of that going on, but when you look at somebody, some, I’ve had it happen to me before where you, where you can kind of tell that they’re off, or when you’re looking at a, an animation that looks really, really, really lifelike.

But there’s always something as human beings, we have the, you know, the most perfect computer in our, in our, in our heads, in my opinion. Right. And we’re able to tell, you know, I think, God bless us with that discernment of being able to tell when something is off, when something rubs you the wrong way. You know, I’m saying like, you have like this. Well, some people got this. You think that some people would have the common sense, but some don’t, especially not nowadays, but. Right. To be able to distinguish, like, hey, something’s off about this animation or this person or whatever, because I’ve had some people approach me sometimes where I’m like, there’s something weird about that person.

Like, and I’m not trying to be mean, like mental issues or anything like that, but like they were just off. And so, and I’ve been around people do where you can feel like almost like a demonic presence to them, like a darkness to them. And I don’t know if you’ve experienced that before, Tommy. Yeah, definitely. You got with it, Eric. Thank you for that donation, brother. That’s why we don’t, it’s in the chat. Shut up, donut. Yeah. Shout out, shut up, little donut. And chan over there, I talked to him last night. But yeah, you know, certain people, I can even feel their energy, like over the phone or on, online, you can kind of feel it sometimes, right? And, and you got to be careful because you let that energy around you.

And depending on how sensitive you are, some people can actually get sick and ill from being around that negative type of energy. So I try to keep that away from me by all means necessary. But yeah, the agenda 2045, I was just showing you guys on the screen the roadmap to immortality. By 2045, they literally think we’re gonna be a hologram. And then the one before that. Here, let me show real quick again. What did it say where we’ll transfer our brain? Right, right here. Yeah. So I actually learned about that. I had somebody call into my show and tell me about that.

Cuz I know about that, dude. I know about that whole 2045 initiative. And when you brought it up, I looked it up on air. And dude, it’s crazy that they, that it’s literally like the movies, man. They want to put your song. And then the llama was also the Dalai Lama or whatever was. Was like sponsoring it or something or endorsing it right after that. So. Yeah, that’s creepy. I mean, didn’t they come out with the guy with the neuro chip, neuralink chip, that he was having issues? Did you see that? Oh, yeah, yeah, that the first one.

They put him in the neuralink chip into. Um, he. Yeah, it messed him up. So it’s. We’re off to a real great start. You know what I mean? Start already. It messed this poor guy up. But, um, I just did this video today, and they took it down on both of my facebook. So you guys want to check it out up here? But it shows in the video here, let me pause on. Well, you can watch it on there, but it shows how they got these machines that transfer a human head. Did you see this yet, bro? It’s like, it takes.

Okay, if a bot. If a body is brain dead, right, it can take that body of a young kid that got brain dead. It’s considered pretty much dead, and they can take the head of an older person and put it on that young body. A head transplant. It’s been going viral everywhere. Don’t. Not joking, bro. For real. Me and donut was talking about it last night. That’s bizarre. Dude, dude. And me and donuts, like, dude, they’re gonna have these people walking around, bouncing off shit. You know they ain’t gonna work, right? Oh, absolutely. I mean, I think that.

I think that we. There are certain things that we can do as humans, right? Because God did bless us with the knowledge of medicine and all these other things that we have to be able to. To, you know, live healthy. But when you’re pushing the envelope like that, I don’t think that our bodies were designed to. Just because you can do it doesn’t mean you should. You know? Like, just because you can transplant someone’s head onto another person’s body, I mean, that. That, in my opinion, is. Again, it goes back to this idea of not only are we covering the faustian pack, which is the archetypal deal with the devil that everyone knows, like, how far you.

Tommy, if they offered you immortality, would you take it? You know, it’s like, there’s only one thing you got to give up, tommy. You got to give up your soul. And those cheeks, like, would you do it, bro? If now the cheeks parts, I’m out. I’ll give you my soul, but not the soul, too, because, like, if you can’t take your soul, then you got to ask, is it truly your consciousness that’s in there, or is it, like, a mimic of you? Is it just your memories? Right? And that’s why I think that reality is multi faceted, bro.

And so, and this, this also reminds me of Frankenstein, right? Where the story is that they were putting stuff together. But what if Frankenstein was based on. On reality? You know, Mary Shelley was inspired by this guy, an alchemist named Johann Dipple. It was a german alchemist during the. The time that she was traveling around Germany with Percy Shelley. And there were stories of him that he was doing experiments with cadavers and trying to create in the castle Frankenstein, trying to do soul transference by boiling the. The meat and bones of carcasses and cadavers and all this.

So he was like this alchemist trying to do essentially what the story Frankenstein is about. And what you’re telling me now, dude, that sounds just like that. Where they’re taking miscellaneous body parts and putting it together and going, all right, looks good, dude. It’s like, how do I look, doc? You know, I’m just like, all like, you, dude. You look awesome. You look great. It’s like, look at Hollywood, bro. Some of these artists would, like, all the Botox and all the operations they get done. It’s like, how do you think, like, how could you possibly think you look okay? Like, you don’t.

You know? I’m saying, like, you don’t look okay. And so who knows if that’s part of the, like, the. The programming of wanting to normalize, butchering your body essentially, right? Yeah, it’s. It’s. It’s crazy, dude, I found the article. Yeah, let me show it to you real quick, Juan. And it’s trending, like, everywhere, bro. So I. There’s a whole video of it that breaks down the whole process. Wait, what? Yeah, I shared it within my video and that they said that’s what they hit me for. For intellectual property, I guess. You know, they didn’t let me share.

It’s an AI head, bro. This is completely changed that, dude. Well, no, the head is a human head. It’s the eight. So it. The AI is what’s going. The head transplant, you know what I mean? Created AI. Hold on, hold on. Explain to me this system, bro, because this is super occult and esoteric. I mean, this is what the Knights Templar were doing, bro. Yeah, so it’s not an actual AI head. It’s. The AI is doing the procedure because I got the whole video. So, like, I listen to it all in. It is so crazy, dude.

You gotta watch the video on it. It’s. It’s the nuttiest thing I’ve ever heard in my life. Let me try to find the one. Oh, here’s a clip of it, of this video. What in the world, bro? Do you think that they’re getting ready to roll out all the people that they cryogenically froze? Like Disney’s head is frozen and all these other dudes, and like they’re just going to unveil it like some, some Frankenstein. Walt Disney just walking out on the stage. Yep. And they say it’s an AI algorithm that does the whole surgery. Some based on an AI algorithm.

So they could take the head of an old person and put it on the body of a young person that has been brain dead. That’s what it is. It’s the AI doing the surgery. And this is crazy. Like, when I first seen it, I’m like, there’s no way this is real. And then, you know, I think this has got to be fake. But then I went and searched and every main media source out here is talking about it. Oh, somebody in the chat said, I think they’ve been doing it. Absolutely. If they’re rolling this out in the exoteric, in the mainstream, they’ve been doing this for a long, long time.

A hundred percent. And look what comes up on the sidebar. Frankenstein, which you mentioned. He’s right here. I have a real. Coming out with that soon. They’re frozen people. So they already have this lump together. When you search it, you see what I’m saying? And you just mentioned that. So, you know, they’re planning on doing this. Somebody said, butterfaces, this is gonna be crazy, dude. We’re gonna see Disney come out and. Damn, what is that movie where Disney’s head is in a jar and he’s talking? I mean, that’s, that’s the, that’s the legend, bro, that he, he cryogenically froze his, I think.

I believe it’s his head or his body. And I did a short on it, too. I did a real on it. That’s like the conspiracy that he’s actually frozen somewhere along with a whole bunch of other people because he was in the same area as the, as the guy who invented, invented the technology. Like right before he died. And allegedly he was asking him about it. So, I mean, dude, it, I think it’s possible somebody saying free trauma. And then, so, like, okay, explain to the audience about the breakdown of the movie frozen, because, dude, I think you’re onto something with that.

When you type Disney’s head frozen, the stupid frozen movie comes up. Yeah. And I think that’s a way that they manipulate because I think that the Internet got, got away from them. And by the way, I mean, for those that don’t know, the Internet was created at CERN. Okay? So CERN created the Internet. We know this. This is actual fact. And I think that it got away from them when they introduced it to the public. So they’re able to kind of obscure and manipulate search results by, again, the whole conspiracy is that they created the movie frozen.

So when people looked up Disney’s frozen, it would pop up with the movie and not the conspiracy of his head actually being frozen and, you know, waiting for a sort of transplant. And, I mean, look at this. This is perfect, bro, because out of all the things, the head, right? The head is very symbolic in a lot of occult orders. You have the terafim in the Bible, which they believe were actually mummified heads. And, and we know, we all know the story about the Knights Templar. And what they were using is baffle mat, which was allegedly the head of John the Baptist.

So interesting that they would choose the head out of all things. Did they put antifreeze, human antifreeze, in these people? That’s nuts. Wow. Up to six bodies held in a tank of liquid nitrogen at 196 degrees celsius. Wow. Let’s throw it upside down to protect the head in event of a leak. So it’s all about the head. Yep. Wow. This is crazy, dude. We’re gonna have these freaking artists coming back out now, you know? Is that Disney right there? I just seen his little head frozen. Yep. Yeah, that’s right. Boy, Disney. So what do you think? Do you think he really got frozen? I mean, it’s.

It’s possible. Is one of the most powerful people in the world, one of the richest people in the world. And his, his. His homunculus is live and well, which is, you know, a Mickey Mouse. So I think maybe. And he was allegedly, he was really into, like, futurism and, like, a new world and, like, technology and advancement. And so it’s quite possible, dude, that he did. And look at the Egyptians. Nothing different than the Egyptians when they were mummifying their dead. What if they were mummifying their dead to reanimate them later on? Right? We don’t know if they had some sort of technology.

Don’t tell us. They don’t teach us about ancient cloning technology. And in schools they don’t talk about. That’s too woo woo. I think that there was a possibility of that being a thing at one point in time, maybe. Right? That’s what the alchemists were actually doing, that they were able to replicate the. The conditions once or twice. Who knows, dude? We don’t know what happens, right? History is. Is a weird thing because it’s recorded by people who hear stories and maybe they might get something. How many times have you had something happen to you, bro, that you remember completely different? Or, for.

This is a better example, you go somewhere as a kid and you remember an area, right? Your childhood home. You remember your childhood home, and when you come back to it years later, you know, couple decades later, it’s completely different than what you remember it as. History in that way. How many things have been changed completely from exaggerations or from not enough detail, okay? Being too obscure, too occulted, or, I mean, maybe a nefarious purpose, or maybe because we’re humans and we make mistakes. Even this type of technology, wand, is some fallen angelic technology because it goes against God.

You’re trying to play God, right? So, yeah, I don’t think they’re gonna come back with their soul, and they might come back totally crazy, too, just, like, wanting to take people out. Who knows? Like, I don’t. It’s never. Well, it’s never been done, right? Never been done just how cloning is illegal and all these places. Not because. Not because it’s not possible, but because you can do it. And that’s why. Why would you make something that’s not possible illegal? You know, silly. Why would you make it illegal if you. If it’s science fiction, if it’s. It’s all make believe? Yeah.

We don’t know the consequences, do we? We don’t know the consequences of what have you put your. Your consciousness in this computer chip or this, or this thing? You know, what if it gets a virus? Like, do. Are there gonna be new. New. New sorts of pathogens that emerge because of this? Because it’s a whole different level of existence. Like, it’s. It’s crazy to think about. I mean, we know computers get viruses. What happens with a person, consciousness, that’s in a computer that gets a virus? Right? Right, yeah. I mean, like that poor guy that put the brain chip in from Elon Musk.

He’s out there tweaking out now, you know. Poor dude. What would. You know what negative stuff happened to him, cuz I know that he. They had ran into complications, but I don’t exactly know what it was. Well, I think he, like, lost his ability to communicate and all kinds. That’s not. That’s not good, man. I’m. But he. He looks so sad, too. If you see the picture of the guy, I’m just like, man, this dude. But imagine being like that, bro, where you can’t talk, you know, you’re crippled, and then you think, okay, let me try this brain chip.

Then I can communicate with my family. I mean, it must be really hard not to be able to communicate, right? He can’t write. He can’t speak, nothing. And the brain chips allows him to do that, but then it ends up messing them all up even worse than he was before. So, yes, I’m reading here that apparently he. So this is May 9, 2024. You could share your screen if you want, brother. Here, let’s read this together. Share my screen. Can you believe that? That head thing, though? I can’t believe it. And it just started trending, like, yesterday.

That’s. That’s crazy, bro. I was ahead of the game before anyone. Now watch, it’ll really start going viral. So Neuralink brain chip implant encounters issues in first human patient and Neuralink sprain brain computer interface devices encountered issues since it was implanted in its first human subject, according to the company owned by Elon Musk. So some of the devices, electrode studded threads, started retracting from the brain tissue of the quadriplegic Nolan RBog about a month after it was surgically implanted in late January, causing it to transmit less data, Neuralink wrote in a blog post on Wednesday. The Wall Street Journal first report on the malfunction that caused a reduction in bits per second, a measure of the speed and accuracy of the patient’s ability to control a computer cursor by thinking.

So Neuralink made up for the malfunction with multiple software fixes, resulting in a rapid and sustained improvement in BPS, and has now superseded no one’s initial performance that can be. So they’re like, all right, let’s turn up the sensitivity even more, you know, and just wing it. Let’s just find, you know, let’s band aid it. So the company is now focused on improving text entry for the device and cursor control, etc. Etc. Yikes, bro. I wouldn’t do it. I wouldn’t know. In enter aether, they put neuralink in a pig’s head, I’m pretty sure. And it blew the pig’s brains out.

Did it? I think so. I don’t know, but look that up, see if I’m right near a link. Pig trials? Yeah, I’m pretty sure it did, dude. Like, blue pigs brain out or some shit. Yikes. Unveils pig. This is 2020. Let’s see here. Chewed, bro. Was the name of the pig, that’s the one they killed. I don’t know where it’s at now, but probably. I don’t know. There’s so much b’s on social media. Who knows if it was true or not? Yeah, I don’t know, but I’m not putting that in my head. You got to be crazy to put that in your head, man.

Well, I mean, think about it for this guy, though, dude. Quadriplegic, you got nothing else going for you, bro. Nothing else. You’re so desperate. And that’s why we got to take everything that, you know, we’re able to do. You know, people are blessed people. If you’re able to walk, you’re able to talk. Are you blessed? Right? And this guy was desperate, dude. So he’s willing to do whatever. He’s willing to go above and beyond to be able to, you know, he was happy. He can move a cursor around with his mind. Yeah. You know, I don’t blame him either.

I don’t blame him at all, man. But, um, what is. There’s some processor or something that works in the background of the computer, and it’s called a demon. Have you ever heard of that? Yeah, a Damon. It’s a. It’s like a little messenger. Whenever you send an email that’s wrong, you always have a daemon that comes back and tells you, hey, it didn’t go through whatever it is. But yeah, in computer programming, a daemon. Let’s see here. Which is Zeus’s demons, which is where we get the word demon from. And then it’s tight. Says the definition of it is entity.

Tyler tirelessly working in the background. It sounds like a damn demon to me. And multitasking computer operating system. A damon is a computer program that runs in the background as a background process rather than being under the direct control of an interactive user. Yikes. Almost like, again with the. The Frankenstein story, bro. Your creation does what goes out of control. And that’s the whole agenda with. With the Terminator and all these movies that we watch for a ton of years growing up, where the computers take over and the computer ends up. Isn’t that the whole movie, the resident evil? Isn’t it about a computer that takes over? I’m not even sure.

No resident evil zombies. Yeah, but they have. They have a computer that, like an AI computer that goes crazy to. In that movie. I think you might be right, dude. You know what movie you should check out? You should watch this new series on Apple. And then I would like to get like me, you onni donut. Everybody watch it. It is so gank. It’s called, um, dark matter, bro. I think I’ve tried watching it. Is it like dubbed or whatever? Yo, check out my screen, bro. Um, it just came out. It’s on Apple TV. It’s a new series.

It’s called. So it’s all about, like, CERN and interdimensional gateways and quantum entanglement, you know? Interesting. Yeah, it’s very fascinating how we can exist in two places at once, which. That other movie, I. What was that one called where they went to outer space? It was on Apple TV. And that was kind of about quantum entanglement too, with the girl. I mean, a 2001 space odyssey. How. How is a supercomputer to that kind of. Kind of goes rogue too, and tries to essentially murder the guys on the ship until he has to shut it off, right? That’s Kubrick, bro.

That’s allegedly. He did the whole moon landing. He filmed the whole moon landing stuff. And I mean, his stuff was super, super esoteric and occult. And some people say he was hiding messages in his movies. Like, was he? And was he actually taken out because he revealed too much in his latest movie, the. Well, the last ones that he did that they cut out like 20 minutes because it was too crazy. It was an eyes wide shut, I think. Yeah, I think he was taken out, you know, and he was definitely a master. A lot of people mimic his camera work still to this day.

So the Red Queen in Resident Evil is a highly advanced and self aware computer created by the umbrella corporation. So yeah, it’s definitely red queen. That’s what it’s called. The Red Queen, bro. It’s in Resident evil. See, I knew that there was. There was like a computer system that goes crazy on. On top of the zombies, brother. Like, all right, now we’re gonna throw in this crazy AI that’s trying to kill everybody storyline behind this. So remember, there’s various games in various movies. So it was first seen during the beginnings. One scenario from Resident Evil, the umbrella chronicles.

Its primary objective is overseeing protection of umbrella assets. Secondary objective is protection of the umbrella officer lives. It was created by this Doctor Alexander Isaacs. Its third objective is unknown because Albert Wesker destroyed the computer screen before it was revealed. Crazy. So it’s like in the Umbrella corporation, their logo, that’s literally the Knights Templars cross. Yep. You know, and it goes back way further than that, though. That cross that. It kind of looks like a white and red umbrella. Right? That goes all the way back to the Anunnaki, bro. Yeah. So people that are descendants of that bloodline, they would, you know, be represented by that cross.

And how creepy this is. A little girl, like, it shows up as a little girl. And it’s interesting because John Dean Edward Kelly had this little girl entity that would show up to them. Like, they would. It would come to them and like, tell them about, like, the angels on the other side. And so called Madini was the name of the. Yeah. And the red Queen. Like, remember in the matrix, there was the lady in red. Yes. Lady in the red dress. When you do DMT trips, people always talk about, um, some lady with red hair and freaking a red dress on, you know, I’ve heard that.

Really? Yeah, many a times. Some people see her in a green dress, some people see her in a red dress, but she always pretty much looks the same. I’ve never done it. That’s creepy, though. Yeah. So who knows? Just like the jester in, in DMT, a lot of people report seeing this jester entity. I did. And he. It’s like. It’s scary. You. I think that thing is like the embodiment of evil. But she was just sitting there laughing at me, pointing, laughing. It made me so uncomfortable, bro. Like, what is going on with this little dude? So I check this out, bro, because this is interesting.

We’re talking about computers being, right. Consciousness, the afterlife, and putting ourselves into. Into these computers. Well, I could have sora. D wave was owned by Google, but I guess they purchased several d wave computers. This is June 5, 2023, and they are putting them to work. Right. But it’s interesting because that. What that said annealers. Oh, man. So, and then Google has a computer, a quantum computer, that is. See, Google and NASA turned to new deals 2013. So they’ve been. They’ve been messing around with d wave for a while. And Google has a supercomputer that is called the Google sycamore.

And the sycamore processor is. This is 20. This is a while ago, they had achieved quantum supremacy and all this stuff. But in 2022, the Sycamore processor was used to simulate trans traversable wormholes. Right? So they allegedly opened up this wormhole holographically. Right? I mean, who knows what any of that means? And they were able to create this wormhole, right? And the interesting. Right here, bro, you see this? I got a slide of it. Well, the interesting part about the sycamore. Go back real quick. Yes, sir. This is my boy Richards. He does some phenomenal work.

He’s on truth mafia. Calm. One of the interesting parts about the sycamore tree, because it’s a. It’s a tree. It’s a real tree. The interesting mythology behind the sycamore tree is that it connects the world of the living with the world of the dead in mythology. I believe it’s egyptian mythology. And so they literally named their. Right, because you got to pay attention to the grammar, the grimoire, the magic of words, sycamore processor. And they’re talking about this 2022. This is what they’re. This is what they’re show. Look how short this is. The. This is the first thing somebody would see, right? A regular person, like, oh, it’s a wormhole.

All right, here. Look at how little information there is here. You don’t think that they’re running this right now, and they’re probably going to other dimensions and other places by these computers. And then it’s like, hey, let’s troll them, and let’s name it. Let’s name it be after this magical tree that’s able to traverse reality and connect the world of the living with the dead. Like what? Yeah, and they say, too, you know, brother, they say the computer was first discovered to try to contact the dead. You ever hear that? Do what? The. Like, the first computers, they were playing around trying to contact the dead, and then, you know, it turned into what it turned into.

But that’s a rumor anyways. I don’t know if it’s true, but that’s what they say, so, yeah, it’s. It’s very fascinating that they put that right in our face. The sycamore chip, and it’s composed of 54 cubits. 54. That’s a huge number. In Gamatria. That’s the number of the Jesuits. Wow. 54. They live. Channel 54 news sent out the frequency, keeping the masses under, um, a state of hypnosis. So it’s a big one, man. It’s a really, really big one. And what these, I think, like CERN, the d wave quantum computer. All this stuff is ancient alchemical, uh, summonsing tools.

Right? We talked about this in our last episode, how alchemy is 22 matching D wave MK ultra Atlantis. 22 is known as the master builder number, and the first D wave was 128 qubits, while CERN is 128. The. A lot of these rituals going on right now, like the bridge collapsing at 120 08:00 a.m. in Maryland, which Maryland equals 128. So there’s putting a lot of energy into CERN right now. And with all the rituals, they’ve done around the world, the major ones, the big ones, they’re all done on these certain ley lines, these dragon lines.

Like they’re charging them up for something, you know, really big. That’s, I believe them opening up the gates of hell. That’s what I think they’re trying to do. Dude, you’ve covered the connection with CERN and the old Apollyon temple, right? In the bottomless pit. Yeah, man, that’s crazy. That bizarre, right? Yeah, it’s built right on the temple of Apollo, dude. And did you see that opening ceremony of CERN back in 2016? Like for the Gothard tunnel? So does that have anything to do with CERN or is that a separate. A separate thing? Because I’m talking about.

Yeah, yeah. It’s. It’s called the Gothard Tunnel, but it’s right there. You know what I mean? Yeah. And dude, this is the thing people like. You see this sort of stuff and. Cuz I’m. I’m a skeptic, Tommy. Like. And that’s why I do research and I. And I have my show and I do all that because I want to learn, and I want to learn if these things are true. But then you see stuff how. What you’re talking about and the fact that they filmed angels and demons at CERN with Tom Hanks. Like, we know, like the whole thing with that movie.

We know what Tom Hanks has been allegedly accused of doing. And it’s like these things don’t help theories that come out, you know what I mean? It just fuels it. That angel and demon movie you’re mentioning, they created an antimatter bomb in it. Member? And when he blew that thing up in the helicopter, you see, like, it looked like it opened another dimension. Well, our government has been pulling antimatter from these other realities out of CERN. And they say it’s very hard to store it because it’s unstable. So I guess it takes like these huge facilities to be able to store it, but they think they can use it for endless energy and they want, obviously, to create weapons.

It makes a nuclear device look like a firework. And, you know, for all the people out there that think nukes are fake, you’re out of your mind. If you don’t think we split the freaking atom. You think you’re real. Wrong. I think nukes are faking gay. Do you? I think so. I think that it’s a. It’s. If anything, bro, think about it. They hold this. This boogeyman over our heads all the time. It’s like, what a better way to rule than by fear? It’s like, oh, and I mean, I guess we don’t have any power as to whether they, they launch them or not, but the fact that it’s always in the back of your mind, right, as a people.

And the fact that I look at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, where that. What that did to a whole people. I mean, the whole concept of Godzilla is modeled after the. The mushroom cloud. Yeah. They blew them people up. Like, there’s people from Japan that. Why are they. Why are they living there now? Dude, if radioactive, maybe that part of it could be. Not exactly what they tell us. Maybe. You know what I mean? Like, maybe it’s not as deadly radioactive, but I believe. I mean, I know we have weapons that can obliterate a whole city. We have these bombs that are like, oxygen bombs, bro.

So you could blow this thing up in New York, and it sucks all the oxygen out of the area. Everybody in there suffocating and dying. And it uses that to make the bomb bigger. You can look them up. Russia’s got a bunch of them. Russia just got this new weapon. It’s maybe a couple years old now. It’s called Poseidon, and it’s a smart nuke that comes off the submarine and blows up, like, maybe a mile offshore. And it caused a 200 foot radioactive tsunami. What? Yeah, bro. Called Poseidon. And all their stuff is connected to the trident.

The Trident nuclear missile program. Everything’s the trident. And she was. Trident was the trident that destroyed the three worlds. Right? Then you got the trident connected to Poseidon. You must have that. That picture with that little thing. Raise that. Were you talking about the little thing with the points at the end of it? Yeah. You’ll see it. The symbolism of 911, the twin towers had tridents on them. Even the memorial. There’s one little trident, one big trident. MH flight 370 that went missing. The tailwind. You got one little trident, one big trident. There’s something with that.

That one little, one big. I haven’t totally figured it out, but the whole trident is linked to these advanced weapons that they talked about in. In the indian belief system, the Hindu. Right. So they had weapons that would turn the sand into glass and destroy whole civilizations. Yeah. Talking about the Mahabharata and the. The barghavita, where they would allegedly, they were having what they believe was some sort of nuclear war, as it is what’s being described. And in that area of the world that, like you said, you have the. The crystallized glass and also radioactive bodies that are petrified.

So, yeah, there’s just some things that is too stupid for me to try to jump on. Like, flat Earth has got so out of control lately. I used to be a die hard flat earther, but then I’m pretty sure it’s a total psyop. And I do believe we live in an enclosed simulation. It’s all holographic, and there is something causing us to where we can’t get out of it. But the idea that space is fake, even if it’s water, it’s not fake. There’s shit up there, you know. Yeah. Some of it is just too crazy. And I was watching L.

Ron Hubbard’s grandson last night. Zachariah Hubbard. That’s Elrond Hubbard’s grandson. And he was on his show, and. And he was talking about. He was talking about that, how the whole flat earth thing came out in 2015, and they just started pumping it, pumping it, pumping it like they were promoting it. And that’s one thing I do agree with Elrond Hubbard’s grandson, Zachariah, about. You know, I think they did promote it and got us all to bite on it. Now, there’s many people that said, like, this is what I think. It was a great stepping stone, flat earth.

It was a great stepping stone because it got me to think, okay, they’re lying to me. Reality is not what they tell us it is. But then you got to move beyond that. You end up believing in pretty much simulation at the end of it, when you study the numbers and the mathematics about it all, you know, that’s what I think it is, bro. I think it’s all holographic, everything’s interdimensional. But, yeah, shout out. Shout out to Ron Hubbard’s grandson. Way. Is he. Is he controlled, or is he, like, a truth or something? Yeah, he’s a truther.

You know, I guess whatever he does, Gematria, he. He probably wishes he was me, but it’s l. Ron Hubbard’s grandson. I mean, I probably wouldn’t flex, and I’m trolling so hard right now, bro. But, you know, is he really his. Whatever? I don’t know. We’re deep. We’re digging into it. Okay, I got. Okay, I got. Right? I clicked. He’s very anti semitic, and his name is jewish, so that’s crazy. All in one right there. You know, I just clicked. I thought it was, like, for real, for. I mean, I wouldn’t be flexing if Hubbard was my family.

No. He’s attacked a few of my friends that are just really nice people. And they don’t. They’re not, um, confrontational at all. Yeah. So you know me, bro. I ain’t on that. Yeah. Yeah. You attack one of my people, then I got to come for you. But with that being said, I did learn a lot from him in the beginning. You know, he was one of the OG’s in the Gamache community, and when he did that video making fun of little Joseph, that was hilarious. So I give him credit where credits do, but I just think, um, certain things he does is kind of agent ish.

You know what I mean? Like, he fights with everyone and anyone that’s ever tried to help him. He argues with them. Yeah. I don’t think we should fight with one another because I think we’re on this together. But it’s. It’s all about ego, dude. Ego start to come out, and people focus on numbers. I get this many things and this many views and this many subscribers. Like, it’s never been about that. I think it’s. For me, it’s always been, like, a personal thing where I’m trying to figure it out and people are just along for the ride.

But, yeah, I think that the. My issue with the whole flat earth thing is how people just completely disregard everything else. And, like, this is it. Like, if. If I’ve learned anything from. From living is that if somebody tells you that they have the answers to everything, they’re probably full of shit. So it’s like, that’s. And that’s fine. If you feel like you’ve got it figured out, let others do the same for themselves. Don’t. And then you have these. These flat earthers that come out and attack you because you’re like, you know, you. You don’t agree with XYZ about their theory or whatever it is.

And it’s like, I thought we were all about digging. It’s like, you did your digging. You figure it out, right? Like, that’s your truth for you. Let me figure mine out. And it’s like, no, this is the way it is. And, like, they’re super confrontational. And it’s like, if. If you’re pushing something that hard, that just automatically makes you think that that’s a sigh up, you know? I’m saying, like, let me. Let me dip my toes in first, bro. Let me figure it out myself. Why does it hurt? Like, with my people, I would never tell.

My people, don’t go watch this person. Like, you know, even. Even Zack. I mean, I’m really trolling him. I could. I really don’t care less about the dude, but I would never tell my people. Oh, don’t go watch him. You know, I respect everybody’s work. We’re all trying to, you know, do this. Zach does it for a living to support his family. We were all content creators, but I’ve reached out to him numerous times and try to get him on the show just because I told him, like, bro, the dude that you attacked is one of the coolest people in the world and you, you could just have a conversation and like that whole thing was just lame to me.

What are you gonna do? You know, um, I’ve never heard back from him, so like I said, I wish him the best. And um, I was pretty much trolling a lot. But yeah, he could be o. Ron Hubbard’s grandson though. They got the same exact last name. You know what I mean? You know what I mean? So I don’t know bro. I don’t know. Some people are just like that, bro. You just gotta let him be. You know, I always stay in my lane and it’s. It’s better to collab than to make enemies. That’s just my philosophy, but you know, it is what it is for some people.

Yeah, yeah, that’s all. But um. Yeah man. So I know you got to go pretty soon, don’t you? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Actually time flies and you’re having fun bro. Yeah, it does. Do we got to do this again? I know we were supposed to do it before and then got rescheduled and guys, all of Juan’s links are down in the description. Make sure you guys follow his platforms. He’s got some, you know, amazing content out there. Follow him on your social media pages. Hold on 1 second, I think I got his stuff. Open up here.

We shut all this craziness. Yeah, we got to do a collab between an, I don’t know, paranoid American at all of us bro on one big roundtable and just go in. I think that’d be dope. His, his website is ww dot tj o tj. Oh where you say it cuz I’m gonna butcher it. TJ ojp. So it’s the one on one podcast but just tj and follow me on there. You can get your homunculus owner’s manual. You can sign up for my mailing list. Watch me on YouTube. Go, go. Check me out on twitch. I started doing extreme live stream decodes on Twitch as well for video games, breaking down the esoteric lore and all that stuff.

I just started doing that. So yeah, check them out on twitch guys, he’s over here. I had a twitch account that I had, it was really big before and then I forgot the login thing and I could never get back in. I need to restart it though cuz it’s pretty, it’s pretty cool. You know people do podcasts over there too on Twitter. Yeah, yeah, it’s just a different form of, you know, content that I’m getting into, see what happens and just a different, different side of me, you know, we should start like some online gaming stuff.

Me, you, donut, we could all do games together, I’d be cool and have these type of conversations why we were gaming. I bet that would do so good. Yeah, that’s what I’ve been doing. So I’ve been like breaking down the lure in the video game and stuff like that. A lot of them, bro, like Destiny two, Super Esoteric, bro. You know a lot of these games they that we grew up playing have been programming us since, since the very beginning. This is awesome. Can we embed these videos that you have here? Can I embed them on truth mafia? I think you can but they’re only up for like seven days bro, until I get affiliate.

So I’m able to break 50 followers on there and I can get affiliate, they stay up for like four or something like that. But they’re on my backup YouTube channel on one on one media, you can look that up. It is. I’ll send you the link. Wait a second, twitch is always like that you know. And here’s his Patreon, guys, one on one podcast. He’s got an amazing Patreon. Come over here and check him out his YouTube, you know, everything’s one on one and really just pull up his website. The links in the description and all of his links are down in the description too.

So I sent you my backup channel which just hit 666 subscribers. Is that one on YouTube? Yeah, and all my streams are on there because I started streaming on there as well. So you follow me on that one. I just sent you the link in the private chat so you can post it. Okay, let me, let me share that then real quick. Oops, don’t mind that guys, just 1 second. Get a little dizzy on them right here bro. I’ll subscribe right now brother. Oh shit, I’m not signed in. Well subscribe after this. But check out his one on one media.

Oh, 666 subs bro. I’m a screenshot that right now actually screenshot that troll because you know, someone like, he’s controlled. He’s got six subs, but, you know, it’s all. First of all, 666 ain’t evil. It’s the breakdown of carbon. Secondly, it’s all just organic synchronicity. So that’s what I hate about some of these gematria people that try to pretend like everything’s controlled. No, it’s an organic source code. Yes, maybe about two to 3% of it is controlled. And that’s just these elites shifting the energy. But most of it is totally organic synchronicity. And that’s it, guys.

Everything is fake and gay, Tommy. Just remember that, bro. Yeah, that’s what they tell us. Right? And guys, don’t forget. Come over here on truthful tv. Book yourself your personal gomatria decode. Or we do the holistical counseling. That’s 30 minutes with your boy Tommy. We also got a bunch of new products last night over on our shop. And all of our products are holistical. We got products that block black magic. Like the Suge Knight is really good for EMF and microwaves. And then we have just a bunch of amazing products. Some tuned at the Schumann residents, some for EMF organite, obsidian.

If you’re having problems with negative energy and black magic type stuff, obsidian completely blocks it. You got these rings tuned at the Schumann resonance. So we got a lot of amazing products over here. Come check them out. Use promo code sales 17. All capital letters. And we thank you all for rocking out with us today. Brother Juan, thank you, man. I appreciate it. Thank you for having me. Tell me we got to do this again soon. We’ll talk. Just shoot me a text and we’ll set up another one, like I said. Well, I want to do a roundtable because it’s been a minute since we did one of those with Ani, paranoid american donut, the heavy hitters.

And then just do, you know, pick a topic and then just go. Don’t wants to do one of them a month with all of us for our members. Yeah, we can do that, too, bro. That’s a good idea. We can do one for the public, too, but then, like, do one a month where we all come together, because that would be something that all of our subscribers will really like. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. Hit me up, bro. Appreciate you having me on today. And thank you for all those watching. Yep. See you guys. We’re out of here.


  • Tommy Truthful

    Hey guys, Tommy Truthful here, leader of the Truth Mafia, CAPO DEI CAPI. I built one of the biggest alternative media conglomerates in the world, brought together some of the biggest names in the game in the truth-seeking community to combat censorship. People ask all the time how they can join the Truth Mafia. You can't just join; I have to notice you. My team and I research to ensure you have no government ties before we bring you into the family. If you'd like to get your personal decode done by Tommy Truthful and find out your role in this simulation we call life, then links are below.

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