ARCHONS (Material World) DECODED

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Understanding the Gnostic Belief

Hey there, truth seekers! Today, we’re diving deep into a topic that’s both fascinating and chilling—Logan’s latest video on the concept of Archons. For those new to the term, Archons are interdimensional entities rooted in Gnostic tradition, and according to Logan, they play a significant role in the material world. Strap in as we decode the enigma of these Archons and their influence over humanity.

The Gnostic Perspective: Who are the Archons?

In the realm of Gnostic belief, Archons hold a distinct position as the rulers of the material world. But they’re not just any rulers—they are entities that thrive on human energy to experience reality. Logan reveals that these Archons thrive on chaos, perpetuating it to keep us ensnared in a cycle of reincarnation. It may sound like a plot from a sci-fi movie, but for the Gnostics, it’s a fundamental pillar of their understanding of the universe.

Archons and the Classical Planets

Logan draws a fascinating correlation between Archons and the seven classical planets: the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. Each of these celestial bodies is associated with different Archons, hinting at a cosmic order that these entities oversee. The zodiac wheel also plays a role in this intricate design, linking Gnostic concepts to astrological traditions.

Here are the Archons and their corresponding planets:

  1. Yaldabaoth (Saturn):
  2. Sabaoth (Sun):
  3. Iao (Moon):
  4. Astaphaios (Mercury):
  5. Ailoaios (Venus):
  6. Horaios (Mars):
  7. Adonaios (Jupiter):

For further reading and to verify the details, you can refer to:

Yaldabaoth placed himself on a throne in the Seventh Heaven.


Here’s how the seven Archons align with the seven days of the week based on their planetary associations:

  1. Sunday (Sun) – Sabaoth:
    • Sabaoth is linked to the Sun and is sometimes viewed as a rebellious Archon who turned against Yaldabaoth.
  2. Monday (Moon) – Iao:
    • Iao is connected to the Moon and is involved in controlling and manipulating human emotions and cycles.
  3. Tuesday (Mars) – Horaios:
    • Horaios is linked to Mars and represents aggression, war, and conflict.
  4. Wednesday (Mercury) – Astaphaios:
    • Astaphaios governs communication, intellect, and commerce, aligning with the qualities of Mercury.
  5. Thursday (Jupiter) – Adonaios:
    • Adonaios is connected to Jupiter and symbolizes authority, expansion, and law.
  6. Friday (Venus) – Ailoaios:
    • Ailoaios is associated with love, beauty, and desire, resonating with the attributes of Venus.
  7. Saturday (Saturn) – Yaldabaoth:
    • Yaldabaoth is the chief Archon, often seen as the Demiurge, who is associated with creation and rulership over the material realm.

The Significance of the Number 12

The number 12 has always been considered sacred, even going back to the Archons. In the Apocryphon of John, the demiurge Yaldabaoth, also known as Sakla and Samael, creates the “twelve authorities,” who are:

  1. Athoth (the reaper)
  2. Harmas (the jealous eye)
  3. Kalila-Oumbri
  4. Yabel
  5. Adonaios (Sabaoth)
  6. Cain (the sun)
  7. Abel
  8. Abrisene
  9. Yobel
  10. Armoupieel
  11. Melcheir-Adonein
  12. Belias (ruler over the depth of the underworld)

These twelve authorities then create the “Seven Powers,” which represent the seven days of the week:

  1. Athoth: representing goodness, with the face of a sheep
  2. Eloaios: representing forethought, with the face of a donkey
  3. Astaphaios: representing divinity, with the face of a hyena
  4. Yao: representing lordship, with the face of a snake with seven heads
  5. Sabaoth: representing kingdom, with the face of a snake
  6. Adonin: representing jealousy, with the face of an ape
  7. Sabbataios: representing understanding, with the face of a flaming fire

Symbolism and Gematria

Using gematria, binary equals 12 in Chaldean. The Archons are like parasites; they hacked the original binary source code. There are rumors of people being able to communicate with the source of consciousness, also known as the creator of all things, through substances like ayahuasca and DMT. Moses speaking to the burning bush, known as the Acacia Bush, which is rich in DMT, is an example. DMT equals 12 in Chaldean gematria.

Universal Language and Mathematics

Mathematics is the universal language. Once you learn how to speak it, you can see behind the curtain and through the veil. They do not want us to wake up and step into our power of who we truly are. We have the divine spark, the Godhead, within us. We can take what’s in our mind and bring it into manifestation in the physical world. They cannot do this; they can only manipulate what already exists.

The Concept of Reincarnation

We can determine the number of our past lives based on our life path number. Many ancient texts suggest that we reincarnate in cycles of 12, a number deeply significant in various contexts such as the twelve tribes of Israel, the twelve zodiac signs, and the twelve apostles. Twelve symbolizes completeness, forming a perfect and harmonious whole. In ancient civilizations like the Oriental and Judaic, it signifies plenitude, completion, and the entirety of a concept. R. Allendy suggests that it represents the idea of the Universe as a unified whole, linked with the concept of differentiation – 10 + 2.

It signifies the manifestation of the Trinity to the four corners of the horizon – 3 X 4. Twelve also symbolizes authority and goodness, governing both space and time, reflecting the functioning of the Cosmos, hence its cosmic connotation. It symbolizes both material and spiritual nourishment, exemplified by the 12 loaves of bread broken by Jesus Christ at the Last Supper, with Christ himself being the Bread of Life.

Spiritual and Material Significance

This number is associated with the governance of the world or the cosmos. It embodies creative potential and, in some faiths, represents the Divine Mother as well. According to this belief, we alternate between six incarnations as a female and six as a male, completing a cycle of 12 reincarnations. For instance, if your life path number is one, you would undergo 12 incarnations; for number two, it would be 24, and for number three, 36. Old souls equals 36 in Chaldean Gematria.

Duration Between Reincarnations

The duration between reincarnations is said to be influenced by one’s death circumstances, with more tragic deaths leading to longer intervals between rebirths, sometimes spanning 1000 to 2000 years. Upon completing a cycle as life path number 9, one would have experienced a total of 108 reincarnations (9 * 12 = 108). The word “reincarnate” equates to 108 in English ordinal gematria. Chinese astrology has 36 beneficial stars and 72 malevolent stars, their sum constituting the sacred number 108.

This concept was deeply ingrained in the beliefs of ancient civilizations, with the math and gematria supporting this theory. As a Life Path Number 9, you are in your final reincarnation cycle unless you have the neo code or a master number as your life path, indicating you are a master teacher or an ascended master with numerous reincarnations. Those who possess this rare neo code are even rarer than a master number like 11, 22, or 33.

Our Reality: A Coded Simulation?

The idea that our reality is a coded simulation isn’t new, but Logan’s interpretation adds a layer of complexity. He suggests that our emotions—especially love and fear—are harvested as energy by these Archons. Think of it as a cosmic energy farm where human feelings are the crop. This isn’t just a random hypothesis; Logan backs it up with numerological and symbolic interpretations, particularly focusing on the number seven, which has long been associated with the material world.

The Scripted Reality

One of Logan’s most compelling points is the notion of our reality being a predestined script, much like a movie. He draws parallels between religious texts, numerology, and even pop culture, suggesting that our lives are following a predetermined path laid out by these Archons. This idea of living through a scripted reality can be both unsettling and enlightening, urging us to question the nature of our existence.

Chaos, Order, and the Quest for a Savior

In Logan’s analysis, Archons are not just agents of chaos; they also represent order. This duality creates a constant cycle where humanity oscillates between chaos and the search for saviors. This is evident in times of turmoil when people look for leaders or figures to guide them. Logan uses tarot cards and numerology as metaphors to illustrate this point, showing how deeply embedded these concepts are in our collective psyche.

The Number Seven: A Symbol of Our Reality

The number seven keeps popping up in Logan’s discussion. From the seven days of the week to the seven classical planets, it’s a symbol that permeates our reality. Logan suggests that this isn’t by chance but by design, pointing to a self-contained system—what he calls atime machine’—that keeps us in a perpetual loop.

The Interconnectedness of Religious Texts

Logan’s video also delves into the interconnectedness of various religious texts. Whether it’s the Bible, the Quran, or other ancient scriptures, there are recurring themes and symbols that point to a shared underlying structure. This isn’t just about religion; it’s about understanding the coded messages that these texts contain, which Logan believes are part of the Archons’ grand design.

Symbols, Numbers, and Pop Culture

One of the most intriguing parts of Logan’s video is his exploration of symbols and numbers in pop culture. From card spreads to planets, these symbols are all around us, and they’re not just random—they’re part of the predestined script. Logan ties these symbols to world events and popular songs, suggesting a grand, interconnected scheme controlled by the Archons.

Life as an Energy Harvesting System

Finally, Logan touches on a concept that might just blow your mind—our reality as an energy harvesting system. He suggests that everything from religion to sports serves as sources of energy for these Archons. Love, in particular, is seen as a driving force behind creation and responsibility, making it a key element in this cosmic energy farm.

Conclusion: Breaking Free from the Archons

Logan’s video serves as a catalyst, urging us to peer beyond the veil of our reality. Whether you embrace the notion of Archons or not, the idea that our world might be a meticulously crafted simulation is a thought worth exploring. It empowers us to challenge the nature of our existence and to embark on a quest for our own truth. So, keep seeking, keep questioning, and remember—the truth is out there, waiting to be deciphered.

If you’re looking to get a gematria decode and find out your role in the simulation—whether you’re an NPC (non-player character) or a first-player character—the non-player characters are controlled by the Archons and tethered to this type of technology. If you would like to find out your role in the simulation, just click on this link to book your personal gematria email decode by me, Tommy Truthful:

Also, don’t forget to sign up for our daily newsletter! You can join by clicking this link so you don’t miss out on any of the decodes or live events. Censorship is getting worse, so it’s very important that you opt in for these daily email updates:

Stay tuned for more insights and revelations. Until next time, stay truthful!

Truth Mafia


➡ The speaker, Logan, shares his thoughts on the concept of ‘Archons’ from Gnostic tradition, which he believes are rulers of the material world. He suggests that these Archons need human energy to experience reality and create chaos to keep humans reincarnating. He also links the Archons to the seven classical planets and the zodiac wheel, suggesting a connection between Gnosticism and Judaism. Logan believes that life is a scripted reality controlled by these Archons.
➡ The text discusses the idea that our reality is a coded simulation created by entities called archons. It suggests that our emotions, particularly love and fear, are harvested as energy by these archons. The text also explores the significance of numbers and symbols in this coded reality, particularly the number seven and its connection to the material world. It concludes by suggesting that our reality is a predestined script, similar to a movie, and we are living through it.
➡ The text discusses the concept of archons, saviors, and the material world, using tarot cards and numerology as metaphors. It suggests that archons create chaos and order, and people often look for a savior in times of chaos. The text also mentions the significance of the number seven in our reality and the idea of living in a self-contained system or a ‘time machine’. Lastly, it touches on the interconnectedness of different religious texts and the concept of duality.
➡ The text discusses the symbolic and numerological interpretations of various elements, such as card spreads, planets, and popular culture references. It suggests that these symbols and numbers are part of a predestined, scripted reality controlled by entities known as archons. The text also connects these interpretations to the concept of being “stuck in a box” or trapped in a time machine, symbolizing our existence in a controlled reality. Lastly, it links these ideas to various world events and popular songs, suggesting a grand, interconnected scheme.
➡ The text discusses the idea that life, symbolized by a card game, comes with responsibilities and is deeply connected to our DNA. It suggests that our actions, such as marriage and having children, are part of a larger system or ‘code’. This code is linked to various concepts and entities, including love, which is seen as a driving force behind creation and responsibility. The text also implies that our reality is a form of energy harvesting system, with various aspects of life, like religion and sports, serving as energy sources.


What you’re about to experience are my opinions and truths. I’m suggesting they’re possibilities for you to consider in which you can then come up with your own logical conclusions. Sit giant steps up. What we take. Walking on the moon oh, I hope my legs don’t break walking on the moon said I could walk forever walking on the moon said that we could be together walking on walking on the moon oh, you know. Yeah. All right, ladies and gentlemen, fellow decoders around the world, wherever you may be. My name is Logan, your tour guide, and this is decode your reality.

Today we’re gonna be breaking down and decoding some gnostic stuff. The archons. We’re gonna be decoding the material world, the rulers of the material world, the archons. And, ladies and gentlemen, I gotta tell you, I have been putting this together for hours and hours and hours. I started today, right? And what prompted me to do this, because I didn’t plan it was the song you heard playing in the beginning, probably still playing, is a cover song of the great walking on the moon by the police. This song popped into my head. I woke up this morning and this song popped into my head.

And I know. I know what that means. I said, okay, well, there’s. Because I don’t, I don’t. I’m. I’m not listening to the police. Well, if. When something pops right into your head, that’s a clue. That’s a sign for you to decode. And this, the rendition, I’m gonna leave this in the description. Go support this guy. Great rendition. Acoustic rendition of walking on the moon. But, ladies and gentlemen, when you get a song that pops into your head, you should be decoding it if you’re a decoder, right? Because it’s got a message for you. I had no idea.

And I’m like, what is this trying to tell me? And I didn’t look at the album and the song. I just went about my day. I went to the beach today. We just had a huge tropical rainstorm come through. So the beach was really windy and clean. And I’m sitting there and I’m putting my. Put my headphones in and I’m listening to this song, trying to look around, trying to find a sign, and there’s kids playing, and. And then I got home and the archon thing dropped in my lap. And it wasn’t until the very end of this decode that I looked this up.

I kid you not that I looked this up. And I’m going to show you the craziness of this right here. And this is off the album. Regatta de blanc. Right? Walking on the moon. Great song. Right? And I’m gonna break that down like you’ve never seen before, ladies. Yet. What are the archons? Well, if you go to the gnostic tradition, right, there’s a lot. It’s in Greek. Okay? Especially this is the pluralized version. That’s what we’re gonna be using here, the rulers. It’s the seven. The seven. And you get Yaldabaoth in here. You get Yao. This is the yode, by the way.

Jupiter, I got this coming out. This is father and son going on right here. Okay? You got Jesus in here? Absolutely. That’s why you’ve heard me say, I won’t pledge to that. Okay? But this is what we’re gonna discuss. We’re gonna talk about the material world and the allure to come back and play it again and again, because the archons need your energy to experience this reality through. They need a physical body. And the allure is they create chaos. So you get really fearful, and then they introduce a savior to save you, which is not saving you.

It’s just going to reincarnate you again. And I’m going to show you that. I’m going to show you how that works. So get strapped in, get settled in. This one will blow your mind, I promise you. And I will put things into perspective. You will see the connections, and it’s all a Ponzi scheme. Okay? So this is what started me off today. And this is how ridiculous it was. And ladies and gentlemen, like I said, this was the last slide I put together at the very end. And I’m playing like I’m all about the police today.

So I have on my. My, my little. My little Amazon music thing over there. I’m not gonna say the word, cuz it’ll come on. But I was. I said, you know, play some police, and songs are playing. I’m gonna show you stuff I get in real time, it’ll blow your mind. This is how I know that I’m not in control of my life. I’m just a messenger here. So you can see that this album came out on October 5. And this is the October 5 card, the four of diamonds. Let me go to the chart so you can see, so I can be really transparent.

The boiler. Boiler plate chart for the cards of illumination. Here’s October, and then here’s the fifth right here. The four of diamonds. And the four of diamonds in the. In the tarot becomes the 68th card in the deck. Right here, okay? And if you’ve been paying attention, if you watch my gematria, the killing name, which was off of Slipknot’s all hope, is gone album, Gamatria, the killing name, is 68. Okay? It’s tied to the 68. No mistake there either. So this card is the archons, and we, the little pentacles, and it doesn’t want to let you go.

So it will do whatever it takes. And everything in this reality is part of this construct. All the names of the angels, the demons, the religions, everything is part of this construct because it is built within the confines of this construct and it is built through time. And that’s why you have Yaldabaoth, which is linked to Saturn, and Saturn is father time, and it doesn’t want to let you go. So the allure, okay, the allure to be a human being is what’s pulling people back. And of course, they make sex and orgasms feel so good, and they do all the sexual stuff because that is what sells and they need kids.

So you got to have sex to make the game continue to go. And life’s a contradiction. So this is what it started with, ladies and gentlemen, there. There it is right there. This is the archons in Greek, where it originated from, and it’s a 30. The word demiurge is 30. The word Jehovah is 30. See, it’s a Ponzi scheme, folks. So if you don’t, it doesn’t get you one way. Oh, it’s this religion. Oh, it’s this deity. No, this is, it’s this God. No, it’s this guy. It’s this. It’s all a Ponzi scheme. And the archons fit into this.

Okay? This is what started me off this morning, and here I am. So let’s get into the topics of conversation. I’m going to blow your mind with this one. This will probably be get a lot of views because it will put things into perspective. Not that I care, but if you’re somebody who likes to dig, well, I’m going to. I’ve already done the digging for you. So here are the topics of conversation for this presentation. Number one, let us. Number two, seven, code number three, time machine. Number four, in real time. And number five, conclusion. Okay, so let’s get into the first topic.

Let us. And my question that I will throw at you is, are the Elohim in the Torah, are they just the seven archons? Because you see, Elohim, it, we know it’s plural in that story, okay? It’s plural so. And then you’d have the Yoda vi. And of course, that, to me, trust me, folks, is tied to Saturn and Jupiter. Okay? So, yeah, you may have the yode that stands out above the other ones, but we know that the archons, when you look at them, they all link to the planets, right? So you’d have a boss of the planets.

But let us, Jupiter, Mars, the sun, Venus, Mercury, the moon, let us make a man in our image after our likeness. Is it just the archons? Well, I say it is. This is epta, which means seven. Seven archons, seven planets which are tied to the zodiac wheel. And the zodiac wheel is the great beast above. So we now have a bridge between gnosticism and Judaism. And you’re gonna see a whole lot more as I continue through this presentation. So I’m just starting this thing off with a bang, and I think that’s what it is. I think the archons and the Elohim.

Let us. There’s the seven archons, which are tied to the seven classical planets, which are tied to the zodiac wheel. And that’s the great beast above. That’s where I’m at in this whole thing right now. Okay, 47. And what’s interesting is, is we now introduce this, which I have a series on. I’m up to number 21, scripted reality. And again, I didn’t create this. It. It worked through me. You can see that scripted is 30 scripted. And 30 is what dark ons, which are called. This means the rulers scripted. Okay, not wanting to let you out, you don’t have a choice in the matter.

Or do you? Reality being 17, the star card being 17, the word angel equals 1717 is the 7th prime number, which becomes the fourth prime number. Now you get into the seven chakras and the four blood types scripted reality. Let’s attach some more things here to support what I’m saying other than an opinion. Well, how about these connections and why I’m supposed to be telling you this? You see, this right here is my birth card. I was born on February 4, which is two, four, or 124, if you go all the way back prior to the julian calendar.

And it’s the 47th card in the deck, and it converts into the 58th card in the tarot to get the picture. And what does it mean trapped in limited? So when it says, let us make man in our image through Judaism, well, it’s the same thing through this. Seven archons more than one. And now you become a human being, and now you’re trapped here. You’re limited here and it’s using you to harvest energy from, which is your love and fear. That’s why I’m. I’m neutrality and I’m more meh. Because I know that’s how it works. And what this is saying here, when you bring chemistry into it, is that you’re.

You ever heard of Hollywood and the silver screen? Yeah. You’re on it. You’re in it. You’re in a movie. This is a movie. And mankind entertainment. The Greeks called it Ambrosia, which was food for the gods. That is love and fear. Emotions, your reactions, is what feeds the archons. If this is exactly how it works, your emotions feed the archons. The rulers, they’re feeding off of your love and fear. Not just fear, folks. You got to make it interesting. I mean, if it was all fear based, no one would want to be here. So you have this beautiful love aspect to it.

That’s why humping and screwing is highly promoted. But once you bring another. But once you bring another person into this world, now they’re trapped. Once you incarnate another kid, now they have to face the same thing that you do, death. But you’re on the silver screen. 107 is the most abundant, 107 is the 28th prime number, and 28 is tied to the word architect. Okay? The Archons, architects, Elohim, let us make man in our image. Let us make a scripted reality as entertainment. And of course, what is our scripted reality television? Amazon Prime, Netflix with the p.

We make movies and their screenplays, and there are real actors, but there are not real scenarios because they’re just acting them out. So it becomes a fractal and it becomes a soul below to our. As above. Okay? I’m telling you, folks, this is how it works, and this is how big the whole archon aspect is. And it’s really tied to this. If you have not watched my beast decoded, I would definitely encourage you to check it out. Big shout out to my Patreon members. Thank you, everybody, for supporting this mission. I’ve also come out with the Beast part two.

That one was even more revealing than the first one. And the twelve disciples. Plus the christ is the zodiac wheel, which is the beast, okay? And it’s tied to the archons because the archons, again, when you look at the aspects of it, they are the seven planetary positions. Well, those planetary positions all rule over these zodiac signs, okay? The beast is the zodiac wheel above, and then Earth is the beast below. And it’s an as above, so below scenario. I mean, if I go back right here and I show you the eight of spades, which is card 58, and I go to numerology as above.

So below 58, 58, what’s ruling above is ruling below. Is there a way to get out of here? Is that even possible? Some of you, I know, don’t want to be here anymore. I get it, okay? I get it. So I would definitely encourage you to watch the beast decoded. And what I want to do is digress a little bit. And I want to talk about the basic format of how this reality is coded. And all I’m showing you here is code from a programmer on a computer to write software. See, now this is all HTML code.

And there are letters, numbers, and symbols here, brackets greater than, less than parentheses. I mean, this is how you create a software program. And right now you’re on YouTube and behind YouTube. And the final product of what you’re looking at through this video is this code. And so I’m suggesting that our reality built by, in this presentation, the archons, they have used the same exact code. We can measure everything with letters, numbers, and symbols, and our physicality is a measurement of this code. We are written in code. That’s why. How many pounds and ounces were you? How old were you? Where were you born? What are the latitude, longitude? What was the name of the hospital? What’s the phone number? What’s the name of the doctor? What’s his birthday? What’s her birthday? It’s all code, folks, the whole thing.

And whatever created this reality uses code, just like we use code in our computer systems because we live inside of a self contained construct, which is a massive, massive computer. Okay? That’s what I believe. That’s how I think this whole thing works. So here we have some code, and it’s the seven archons. And the origination through the Greek, you have Yaldabaoth, you have the Yao, which is the yode, which is Jupiter, and so on and so forth. And you can see the reduction, there are many ways to play out with this greek numerology, right? You can go to all the way to the isoprophy, which would probably put you in quadruple digits, but you get the 151.

This is a reduction. And then if you reduce it all the way down, what number is one plus five plus one? Seven. Seven archons. Seven. So we’re gonna talk about this seven, which is part of this code, folks. We’re gonna talk about this seven code. So here is this topic now, seven code, okay? The seven code and what the archons are responsible for through the story is the material world. Material world in chaldean, reduced numerology, the oldest numerology cipher that I know of, all the way back to ancient Babylon, ancient Chaldea. It works. This tells you how the world works.

Material world, broken all the way down to a single digit is a three and a four. Okay, these are going to add up to a double digit. You reduce them down, it’s going to be a three and a four, and three plus four is seven. So the archon story is they created the material world, which is what you’re stuck in. Okay, so how did they create the material world again? By code. And some of the code that I discovered, that was shown to me, whatever’s using me to show you the code is PI and Phi. You also have the signing cosine waves.

You can get to square roots. You can get into so many different layers. But this, the PI and Phi is a major contributor to the code that wrote this reality. And the one in three before the decimal are huge because it’s 13 or 31, and one is leadership and fire, and three is air and creation and magic. If you bring in the tarot, it’s the magician and the Empress. Those two cards together is creation through magic. And that’s exactly what this whole story is all about. Our reality is based on magic. Magic is just expressing things, manifesting things.

So nonetheless, ladies and gentlemen, because the material world is seven, and because the archons are reduced down to the number seven and there are seven of them, it’s a big deal, this seven. So I went seven digits total for PI and phi. And the last digit, the 7th digit in each of them is the three and the five, or the five and the three. And you know what the three and the five is? It’s tied to the word simulation. So the simulation fits in here. And the simulation is a aspect of the material world. The material world is something that we’re living through.

The simulation is what was presented into the computer. And then once it starts to. Once it hit enter, once they hit enter and it starts to compute, we move through the computer and the screenplay, the simulation, which was already written, that’s why we’re able to decode this stuff. And you’re seeing a predestined scripted reality because the simulation was already written before you ever got here. And that’s what the three and the five is, or the five and the three. And of course, three plus five is eight. So the 7th digit lands to the number eight. And what is the number eight? It’s infinity.

It’s the infinity symbol, right? The number eight is the. This is gonna add up to the number 26, the infinity, which is really interesting because you have the archons, which is 26, which is tied to the word source. Okay, how about that? All that stuff. And so this number eight is a big deal. The 18, which is tied to the wave, which makes up this reality. And then you’re gonna get this, that. That character, and then this character. All part of the archons, folks. All of it. All right? They send in their savior because there’s chaos, and they need.

People need a savior so they can believe that there’s hope to get you reincarnated back onto the samsara wheel. Now, the addition of these 222 and 23 gives us 45. And just like that, the material world becomes pandora’s box. Okay, that’s. That’s this. That’s this code. Working through the code that was written, 45. How many times I’ve shown this in the tarot to give you the picture, it’s the nine of cups. And this is. This is complete manifestation. This card is having everything that you want. This is the Archons getting whatever they want, because they create a box full of chaos and order.

Okay? They create that, and it gives you variety. And people like the savior complex, because when there’s chaos and there’s hope and I believe, and the savior comes in and they’re like, I knew it. I knew there was gonna be a savior coming in. And you. Then you’re sold on duality, when all along, the code and the material world is based in that seven. Remember, there are seven days of the week. There are seven colors of the rainbow. This seven is massive in our reality. And I’m gonna get to that three and four. But the Pandora’s boxes, what these two add up to.

So the simulation, the three and the five, Pandora’s box. And down in Pandora’s box, anything is possible, anything can be achieved, because you’re living inside of a self contained system. So if you want to tap into the power here, you can and you can use it, and it will work. Part of your screenplay, okay? Part of your screenplay. So when we break down the single digits of material world, material is three, world is four. I bring those together. It’s 34. And this is the tarot card to give us the picture. It’s the knight of Wands. Now, this is the jack of clubs, and this is a Jesus card.

All right? Rushing. And Jesus is tied to the architect. If you’re wondering who the architect was in the matrix. Well, that guy who played the architect, had a jack of hearts card for his birthday. He was born on September 26. He met, he was the architect. He was a Jesus character. Okay, the Knight of Wands is the 34th card in the deck. And of course, three plus four is seven. The night is rushing in. It wants to create the simulation. This is a mental card. This is a card of fire in the tarot. Fire creates, it ignites, it initiates the material world.

And then you got to go all the way down to the pentacles and, and you got to get to the jack of diamonds or the jack of pentacles to create the manifestation. Now you have the jack down at the bottom. Okay? But when we go to the solar spread and we start to look at to get more clues, why, why solar spread 24? Because the Knight of wands comes from the jack of clubs, which is card number 24. Also the word kronos is the number 24, which is tied to Yaldabaoth. Also Jesus. Jesus is tied to the number 24.

So now you know what team this energy, this story is all about. It’s in time and it is made from the archons. And when we locate in solar spread 24, where that jacket club sits, well, it sits in space number seven, which is material world. You see how amazing this is? Like, this is so like, so dynamic, so precise. The three four leads to the two four which sits in space. Number seven of solar spread 24, which is tied to Jesus. What is Jesus’s name in English? Jesus. What’s the first letter on that card? Jesus. The Jack, the knight.

And it’s made in time through Kronos, one of the seven archons, Yaldabaoth, Saturn, Kronos. Okay. And that this is why Kronos is father time, because how many hours in a day? 24 chronographic watches. Chronos, 24 hours. Okay, 24 hours. So when we do the fullest edition here of the singularity of chaldean, reduced three plus four is seven. Well, the 7th card in the deck which represents material world in its all, its totality. Seven, right. There are seven archons making up the material world. Well, the seven of hearts becomes the 43rd card in the deck. Notice the mirror of the 34.

Right? The mirror of that is the seven of cups. And I did a revision of this, a modernized revision. This is the archive. This is God looking at earth and everybody’s life in real time as a reality show. And it gets to watch whatever it wants. It can be whoever it wants. And you could even say that it is everybody. I mean, I’m not in control of my life. My mind continually starts just today with this whole decode. What is giving me these thoughts? Certainly not from. They’re not coming from me. These are messages for me to tell you.

And then whatever it is you want to do with it, that’s up to you. This is God’s remote control. This card, the seven of cups. This is card 42, 43, the most popular spread. It’s 43rd card, and four plus three is seven. And you get the seven archons making up the material world. And when they make up the material world, they get to do whatever they want. The Lord, the Lord. Let us make man an hour. If you’re somebody who’s a Christian, you need the Judean, you need the Bible, the Old Testament. You can’t have one without the other.

And you, we can. Let’s not just avoid the. The elephant in the room. It doesn’t say singularity. It says, let us. Okay, you can’t just leave that out for your convenience. I’m merely connecting the dots. But I am very precise with this. I’m not going to leave it out. So Christianity is ruled by Judaism. It’s one in the same. The Old Testament and the New Testament are one in the same. It’s chaos and then order. Chaos in the Old Testament, war and fighting, and I don’t want that. And then you have the savior come in, the superhero come in.

And now you have the savior complex. Oh, I want that. But it’s all one in the same. Okay. The material world, folks, the game needs players. So let’s get into the next topic now called time machine, because that’s what we’re in. We’re inside of a time machine. We’re in a machine. Okay? We are inside of a machine, and it’s time. And I think it’s funny when some people say, oh, time is an illusion. No, without time, you wouldn’t be here. So it is the complete opposite of it being an illusion. It is very much real. If you’re watching this on a screen, is your screen fake? No, it’s real.

It’s giving you an image, and it’s moving in time. Okay, so the time machine, we’re gonna start off on your upper right hand corner with the seven archons. Seven is 24, going all the way to the left. We have machine. Welcome to the machine. I’ve decoded that with Pink Floyd. Feed the machine by nickelback. I am machine by three days grace. Go listen to the lyrics of that song. I am machine by three days grace. And start to ponder what it is saying? Okay. 724 machine 24, bottom left, Kronos 24, one of the seven archons. The machine, it’s a time machine.

We are inside of a time machine. And the bottom right hand corner, Jesus, part of this clan. Everything inside of this self contained system is part of the time machine and there cannot be any exceptions to that. The good, the bad and the ugly, the chaos and order, the angels and demons, the peace and evil, it’s all part of this construct to hold it together. And of course the two four is the day I was born and Gregorian my birthday is on February 4 which is written two four accident. Coincidence? No, I’m trying to show you and I have the trapped in limited card 47th card to deck scripted reality.

You’re in a time machine, okay. And Kronos is the time machine. The. The runner of that, the ruler of that. Okay so let’s go to the solar spread number 30. And the reason why I’m showing you solar spread number 30 is because of the origination of what archons means which is the rulers, right. The origination of it in greek and it’s a 30. And this is where you get these stories of it being a nightmare, right. Because of the 30 this reduces all the way down to the number three. You get your trinity in there. We’re going to talk about that in a little bit.

But solar spread number 30, space number 30, what sits in space number 30, card 48, which is the nine of swords, which is the nightmare, which is worry, anxiety, stress, can’t sleep. This is something that we all go through during the course of our life, some more than others. The nine of spades. When you have to show up in your spread. If you know how to read these cards you got to be very wary of this, like it’s coming. So you have to take precautions. If you’re a fan and a practitioner of these card spreads, right, every year they change their coordinated with your birthday.

So there you go folks. The nightmare is the nine of swords. Keep in mind that the 48 is tied to the words great red spot. I’m just going to go to numerology and show you the great red spot. Where is the great red spot? Jupiter, Zeus, the largest planet in the canopy right here. The yow, which is the yode. Okay. Yahweh. Yahweh is 23 just like archons, by the way. Yahweh is 23 just like archon is 23. Okay. It’s an archon. Yahweh is an archon. Now you know, that’s why it doesn’t matter what you pledge to in this reality.

You got to be a nihilist, folks, getting rid of it all because it’s all part of this construct. There isn’t any exception to that rule. You’re in the nightmare. Okay? And then when we look to the 30th card in solar spread, 30, which matches the origination of the archons in Greek, which is the four of diamonds, which is the four of pentacles, I’ve had a modernized version of it, right. Gematria, the killing name. All three world wars. World War one, World War two, the invasion of Ukraine, all had 68 numerology, okay? Because it causes chaos and then it brings in the order.

So that way you think there’s some salvation going on. And this sits in the 10th space, which is the binary number, which is kind of what we’re stuck in. And there’s man. And the story of the Elohim and theology is May Adam is the first dude. It wasn’t a female. It was a dude. Right? I’m not saying that was true. I’m going just with the context of the story. A dude was made. You can see it’s in the Saturn Uranus line, and it’s the archons trapped in limited 30 scripted reality. Scripted. Scripted is 30. And now you’re under the guise.

Under the guise of the archons, okay? And just, you know, the comedy in this, the comedy in this. Is that a big restaurant in the United. If you’re in the United States, you probably been to this restaurant called Jack in the Box. And this is the joke, right? Jack stuck in the box. As I say, I did a decode on this. We’re all Jack stuck in the box. And if you’re fake female, you’re gonna be Jill. And as fate would have it, the. The food. The food chain was founded on February 21, which was the 30th card in the deck.

Come on. Really? Coincidence? No, this is not a coincidence. And this guy Robert is not doing anything to pull the woolly over your eyes and to get one past, you know, this is this predestined scripted reality that’s doing it. How can it be any other way? Everybody would have to beat on this conspiracy. This is where you’re gonna get Alice. Alice falling down, chasing the rabbit. The rabbit is time. You’re in a time machine. You’re inside of a time machine, folks, and you’re stuck in the box, okay? This is stuck in the box. This is the card for the founding date of Jack in the box.

Come on. This is the joke. Okay, that’s the joke. So let’s get into the next topic now for archons decoded and we’re gonna get into in real time because that’s what happened. I, as I was doing this decode hours ago creating the graphics, I had my little music playing from Amazon and it was playing the police for hours. And as I’m decoding folks, this song comes on of course cuz it’s by the police. And of course what is the song? Spirits in the material world. I had already named it the material world cuz that’s what the Archons are known they known to for creating the material world.

Spirits in the material world. And if you go decode that, there’s gonna be clues there. This was released on the day I created my YouTube channel, this, this decode reality. I create this one, it’s my second one I created on December 4, 2018. And there’s a connection there, right? And then I looked up where did this come from? Well, the album ghost in the machine, think about what I’m showing you. You’re in the machine. The Ghost in the machine and the Stinking album was released on the 2 October, which can be written two 10 or in the United States in the northern Amet it’s 10 2 October being the 10th month under gregorian calendar it’s 10 two.

Right, 102. And what is 102? Aphrodite. And what is aphrodite? Venus. One of the archons right here. Okay, one of the archons. And she promotes sex and love and materialism and wanting all the finer things in life. And in alchemy, rhodium is the rose that gives bees honey. Of course, 45 is Pandora’s box. Covered this in my Pandora’s box, decoded, the box is 1414 is the same word as time. Time is 14. One plus four is five. Okay. And this is Saturn’s magic square. And of course all the numbers when you do them all five sits in the middle.

There it is, the box. And all these numbers, one plus two plus three plus four plus five. That adds up to 45 folks. You’re in it. You’re in the box. This is the time machine right here. You’re in duality. You have a birthday. In duality, you have five fingers, five toes, five senses. And you. This is the time machine right there. It’s a numbering system. And this is tied to the blood types, right, because we have rh factor here. These are all clues. And aphrodite is that 10 two. And there’s that weight for Pandora’s box. Right? And there’s the date.

Ghosts in the machine. Yeah, you’re. You’re. You’re a ghost in Pandora’s box. You’re stuck in Pandora’s box, and you got here because somebody’s pumped. Somebody had sex and pumped you out and made you a player on the board, right? Made you a player on the board. So you’re in the time machine, folks. That. That’s why Kronos is the time machine. Okay? The machine. This album. This song plays while I’m creating this presentation. And it’s off. Ghost in the machine, which is the time machine of Kronos, which is Pandora’s box. It’s all here, folks. You now have.

It’s all complete now. We don’t need any. This is it. You got here because your parents. I know some of you want me to do it. Nice. Your parents made love. Aw, isn’t that cute? And they made you. And now you become stuck in Pandora’s box, and one day, you’ll face death. All the pain and suffering, it’s. That’s part of what it means to be a human being. I mean, I’m a fan of life. I’m not just not a fan of the pain and suffering. So this is in real time, right? And then I just, you know, on the top, I’m like, wait a minute.

Speak. Spirits in the material world. And I’m, like, thinking, material world. Hey, there’s a song by Madonna. Yeah. Material girl. So I go, look this up. Boy. She was a bit. She’s a big proponent of. Of pumping people out on the world stage, right? Like a virgin. Sex. Sex. Pushing it. Encouraging people to hump and have babies. The more people on the world stage, the more spirit gets to enter and play those people. Well, material girl comes off of like a virgin. It was released on January 23. Archon is 23. And. And what’s January 20? Third’s card.

The four of diamonds. Boy, as a big coincidence. January 23. Here we go. Here’s January. Come down to 23. And there it is. Four of diamonds. Card 30. Coincidence. Jack in the box. Material girl. Archons, Elohim Gematria, the killing name. All the world wars, world War one, world War two, they all. Numerology is 68. Okay, what do you think’s creating that? What? Same thing that’s create the order. It’s a Ponzi scheme here. It’s a Ponzi scheme. So this. This woman is a big proponent for the church. She grew up in a catholic family. Her name is the freaking Madonna.

I mean, how much more do you need to see, right? How much more do you need to see? This is all a work in progress, folks. This is all a team effort. Mankind being used. Madonna didn’t have a choice in the whole matter. And you know the crazy part? Another synchronicity for me. My mother is born on August 16, and my mom’s name, Donna, I kid you not, my mom’s a JW. Been doing it for 40 plus years, committed to that religion, and we have the best relationship, which is awesome, right? But this is. This is the card, right? 16 is tied to the word hell.

You’re in it. And the sig, the ten of clubs, is the 23rd card in the deck. Archon. So what do you think she’s being used by? Archon. The archons. What do you think the church is being used by the archons. Okay. And this is the card that comes out of the ten of clubs, which is heavy obligation. See, when you get to be a human being here, it comes with a hell of a lot of responsibility. Our DNA is right here. I’ve already shown this before. The double helix is right there, because this is the 23rd card in a deck.

In the word blood equals 23. So you see, sex and and and marriage and doing all these things are encouraged. So the game gets more players. So the game gets more players. I mean, her name, her full birth certificate name, with his. With her mother. Mother’s maiden name is a 10 six, which is tied to the two base pairs of DNA. Come on. And she’s got the 23rd card in the deck for August 16. And what is the 23? Archon and blood. Coincidence? No, folks, this is how deeply woven she’s into the code. Big, big influencer on the world stage, promoting wanting to be someone who wants to play out life and live life to materialism, wanting to have everything in life.

I’m not saying that she wants everything in life, but she has everything in life. And people want to be like this influencer. They want to be like these people. Material world. That’s what we’re living in. Okay? The material world, she’s a big proponent of that tied to the double helix. Right? So to finalize this decode, ladies and gentlemen, and I hope you had fun with this one. Right? We can’t get angry at this code. We can’t get upset. Matter of fact, my suggestion is to be neutral to it, because the way it is is the way it is.

But my conclusion here is adding on to already something that I’ve shared on social media. This graphic got more shares than, I think, any other graphic I’ve ever put out. That’s because you’ll see that in numerology using original language such as the Arabic and Allah, Allah becomes the 30 which becomes the three. Lucifer, Halil becomes the three, demiurge becomes the 30 which is the three. Yaldabaoth becomes the 30 which is the three. The new age name Jehovah is the 30. And the three three is a three. Babylon is a three and the archons are 30 slash three.

So now there is no doubt that these energies, these ideas, are all one in the same. And it’s just a it’s a it’s a clever little clever little strategy by the code. But once you see the code, you can’t unsee it. And once you see how big the three is, when we just go and look at the like, what is such a big deal about the three? Well, it’s tied to the number 21. And the 21 has a big word tied to it, which is love. Now, I’m not I’m not saying, of course, love is a great thing to experience.

But what comes with love? Screwing, having sex and putting a kid into this world. And now you’re responsible. And you’re on the hook for that kid, right? Essentially. And if I want to be really anal about it, you’re responsible for the kid’s death. You brought him into the world, or you brought her into this world. They’re gonna die. That means you’re responsible for the death. If they have anything go wrong with them, it’s your fault because you decided to have the kid. I can get really critical here, but I’m telling you, I’m a nihilist, folks, because this real, this material world is full of pain and suffering.

And this is what holds it all together. Love. The frequency of love. Oh, I’m gonna go start a company. Oh, I’m gonna go create a new religion. Oh, I’m going to create a new church. Oh, I’m gonna create a new company. Oh, I’m gonna create this. Oh, I’m gonna go create that. It’s all part of this, the Babylon system, which is the baby, okay? Pumping out kid after kid. Because you and you need love for that. And the 21 is tied to the word enter. You enter into you enter into this reality and even this right here.

Scandium. Why scandium? Because scandium is the 21st element. And what is it? Isotope 45, which is pandora’s box. That’s gonna be 27. What is 27? Currency. Currency is what you’re being harvested for. And it’s a vampire harvesting your energy. And one of the big proponents is religion. One of, one of the other big proponents is sports. You go to a sports game, it’s getting harvested its energy. This entire reality harvests energy. Harvest 26. I mean, do I need to continue to go on, folks, this is not doom and gloom now, by the way, I’m just. Now, you know that what this is is exactly what this is.

And what this is is exactly what this is. And what this is is exactly what this is. And so on and so forth. And the three is the Trinity, right? Me, you, and the trend, and the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, if you will. All these layers fit within the construct. The three, of course, is tied to the sun as well. Okay, but ladies and gentlemen, just remember, I’m gonna end it where I started. Walking on the moon is what got me interested in doing this. Decode. I had no idea I was gonna do it. And walking on the moon.

Moon was released on October 5, which is the 30th card in the deck, which is tied to the rulers, the Archons. All right, so they have it, ladies and gentlemen, Archons decoded. I hope you enjoyed this one. Leave your comments down below. Just keep them cordial. You don’t. Again, folks, these are my opinions and truths. You don’t have to agree. Just be nice because I will delete your comment. Trust me, I will. I have no. I don’t care anymore. You either either go to accept this or you’re not. Doesn’t matter to me. I’m not here to make friends with this stuff.

I’m here to be the tour guide to show you how this reality works. And that’s it. So that’s all I got for today. My name is Logan. Decode your reality until next time. We will see you later.

  • Tommy Truthful

    Hey guys, Tommy Truthful here, leader of the Truth Mafia, CAPO DEI CAPI. I built one of the biggest alternative media conglomerates in the world, brought together some of the biggest names in the game in the truth-seeking community to combat censorship. People ask all the time how they can join the Truth Mafia. You can't just join; I have to notice you. My team and I research to ensure you have no government ties before we bring you into the family. If you'd like to get your personal decode done by Tommy Truthful and find out your role in this simulation we call life, then links are below.

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2 thoughts on “ARCHONS (Material World) DECODED

  1. Avatar Of Christy Thompson
    Christy Thompson says:

    Jack is the concept of Satan. Jack Nicholson aka Prince Henrik of Denmark, Jon Voight, sir David Attenborough, jack ruby, Robert f Kennedy, Rick Neilson, Micheal Collin’s. He is Madonnas aka Ellen JLo, Angelina Jolie, Lorena bobbit father. Gordon Sumner aka sting aka James Taylor is Nicholson brother. All European royalty. We are a foreign corporation under control of foreign agents. My guess is they are the Archons. I have so many more to share if ur interested. Thanks

  2. Avatar Of Christy Thompson
    Christy Thompson says:

    I know my theory sounds as crazy as yours! Now that I’ve put the two together it’s mind boggling. Ann Margaret is madonnas hidden mother who is a fab character and European royalty of Shirley temple black aka Jackie Kennedy Onassis Marilyn Monroe queen Sylvia of Sweden! And many more! They all have sex to keep it in the bloodline 😩 she’s married to Charles Alden black who is Bob barker and a few others! Oh jfk is Dennis hopper who is Nicholson hidden brother!! Trump was also Stefano Casiraghi Grimaldi of Monaco! Who is married to Princess Caroline of Monaco who is Olympia Aldobrandini! Prince Rainer & Grace Kelley’s daughter! Mike pence is Prince Albert of Monaco!! They run the shit show!

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