Baltimore Francis Scott Key Bridge collapsed at 1:28 AM Bridge Collapse=128

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Hey Truth Mafia Family 🕵️‍♂️✨! It’s your boy, Tommy Truthful, diving deep into the matrix of coded events. Have you witnessed the Baltimore Key Bridge collapse at 1:28 AM? 🌉💥 Yep, #BridgeCollapse = 128 in English Ordinal Gematria.

Bridge Collapse-Ordinal-128
This is a screenshot from the live stream my brother and I did at our DONUT factory last night.

And Maryland, where it unfolded? #Maryland = 128 in Reverse Ordinal Gematria. This is no mere coincidence.

Maryland-Reverse Ordinal-128

Let’s talk #SmartCities, Family. #SmartCitiesEquals128 in English Ordinal Gematria.

Smart City-Ordinal-128
What is the hidden agenda behind these bridge collapses? It’s clear as day – constructing smart cities is the goal 🏙️🔍.

Movies like “Leave the World Behind” hint at this with the White Lion ship, equating to 128 in Reverse Ordinal, precisely matching Maryland 🦁🎬.

I’ve been piecing this together for years. Remember the explosive ritual connected to CERN & Nikola Tesla at the Rainbow Bridge? From that event in Niagara Falls on November 22, 2023, to the Baltimore collapse on March 26, 2024, we’re looking at exactly 4 months and 4 days. #44 Kill=44 in English Ordinal Gematria.

We’re uncovering a pattern here, Truth Mafia. The elite’s secret language of symbols and numbers surrounds us. Are you eager to discover your part in this simulation we call life? Are you a leading character or an NPC? Get decoded by yours truly.

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Hey guys, I made a spelling error with Jacob Rothschild. I didn’t include the “s” in my presentation, but instead of equaling 128 in English ordinal, it equals 1028 in Latin Gematria, which is still “one to eight.” I spelled it like this: Jacob Rothchild=128 in English ordinal. Someone brought that to my attention, but I’m human; I get things wrong. However, that wasn’t a massive part of my presentation anyway, and ultimately, his name still equals 128. But you know me, guys, I’m a perfectionist, so if I mess up, I’ve got to update it and let you guys know and point it out. Unlike half of these people who are artificial intelligence, I’m a natural person, and I make mistakes. I apologize.

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#TruthMafia #TommyTruthful #Gematria #SecretCodes #WakeUp #JoinTheMob #DecodeYourLife #TruthfulTV

  1. Tommy Truthful


➡ In this podcast episode, the host discusses a recent event where a bridge in Baltimore, known as the Francis Key Bridge, collapsed. He suggests that this event is part of a larger pattern, connected to a secret language of symbols and numbers used by elites, known as Gematria. He also theorizes that these events are leading up to a major staged event, possibly involving aliens or interdimensional beings. Lastly, he believes that these events are part of a plan to create “smart cities” where everything is connected to a grid system.
➡ The speaker in the text is discussing various events and patterns they’ve noticed, suggesting that these events might be part of a larger plan or conspiracy. They mention a video about Kate Middleton and Ghostbusters, and hint at future events happening in April. They also talk about the idea of ‘smart cities’ and suggest that disasters could be used to clear old cities for new development. The speaker also discusses various numbers and patterns they’ve noticed, suggesting they might have special significance.
➡ This text talks about various conspiracy theories, including the idea that major events like the 9/11 attacks and the Las Vegas shooting are connected to secret symbols and numbers. It suggests that these events might be part of a larger plan involving interdimensional portals, alien invasions, and advanced technology. The text also mentions the belief that certain powerful people are descendants of ancient beings called the Anunnaki. Lastly, it discusses the idea that certain children are being trained to use psychic abilities for nefarious purposes.
➡ The text talks about various conspiracy theories, including connections between numbers, tarot cards, and historical events like the 9/11 attacks. It also discusses the author’s personal life and his belief in the power of numerology and tarot for decoding the world. The author believes that powerful elites use these tools for their own purposes and that he enjoys exposing their lies. He also predicts a difficult future based on his interpretations.
➡ This text talks about a person who decodes hidden meanings in events and symbols, using a system called Gematria. They discuss connections between numbers, dates, and events, like a bridge collapse and an upcoming inauguration. They also mention the colors of the Baltimore flag and the Knights Templar, suggesting a link. The text ends with the person promoting their website and products, and a song they made.


Welcome to another episode of the Truth Mafia podcast. We got an amazing episode for you guys today. There’s a lot of crazy things going on right now in the world. We wake up today, and the bridge is completely gone. Now, if you’ve been following me for a while, you know this is something we’ve been talking about. No, it’s not the Golden Gate Bridge, although I do believe we are building up to that major event.

No, we got to look towards Baltimore. And it is the Francis key bridge. And I mean, it’s gone, guys. Completely gone. Now, I’ve been talking about a major bridge ritual for several years. You know, I’ve seen it in all the decodes and is, if you’ve been following me, you know this. So when it happened this morning, everybody was hitting me up like, yo, Tommy, did you see the bridge collapse? Bro? You was right.

And I mean, it’s not the first time I’ve been right. I’m not patting my own back. And it’s not that I’m a psychic or there’s anything special about me. Guys, the elites have a secret language of symbols and numbers. It’s called Gematria, which comes from Kabbalah, jewish mysticism. Going back to Babylon. Now, I did a podcast with my brother doughnut, and you’ll notice that the area and leave the world behind, which was showing the hotspot, is right in that area where the bridge came down.

Baltimore. I mean, it’s blazing hot there, right in that location. So there’s so many connections to leave the world behind. I mean, it’s unreal. They gave us so much subliminal messaging in that movie and that movie released on December 8. Twelve, 8128. Now, guys, the twin towers. During 911, the tower collapsed at 10:28 a. m. And what is the code behind 128? Well, we’ll get to that. I’ll show you the true agenda behind why these bridges are coming down, why they burnt Lahinda to the ground, why they burnt chilly to the ground.

And I think you guys are smart enough to know. But before we get into this, what time do you guys think the bridge fell? Well, guess what time it fell at 01:28 a. m. , oh, yeah, it fell exactly one two eight with the little 48 seconds there, too. And 48. 48 the upcoming clips on four eight. But one two eight is the most important part of it because bridge collapse is one two eight.

Maryland is one two eight in the reverse ordinal cipher. So in English, ordinal, where a is one, b is two cs, three and so on. You have the 128, and then in the reverse of that cipher, it’s Maryland, and it’s over interstate 695, which is the matrix code 695. That’s the code connected to the grays, the Anunnaki. A lot of people believe we’re getting ready for a major alien invasion, a staged alien invasion.

I used to be a big believer in the whole project blue beam narrative, but now I’m pretty sure they’re actually working with real entities. They’re just not from a faraway star system. They’re interdimensional and demonic, and they’re releasing them with technology like CERN, which also happens to be 128 in Latin Gematria. You know what I mean? So, I mean, that 128 codes. Crazy. And another connection it had for family to leave the world behind.

Remember when the ship. We should have knew something was going to happen with a ship when the ship ran up on the shore. We got to go back and redeco this whole movie, because I guarantee there’s so much stuff in it. And if you haven’t read my blogs or watched any of my decodes, I did on it. I got probably the most out there in the truther community.

Just go up on truth mafia. com, type in leave the world behind. You’ll see I did them. I own that website, truthmafia. com, but it’s some of the biggest content creators in the game. You got people like my brother donut factory over there, Anya Soroo from the spiritual shade room, Juan from the one on one podcast. My boy be Dell. You know, just. Just a wealth of knowledge.

So it’s really awesome to be able to be friends with all them people and share information and do podcasts together and bounce ideas off each other. We did a big leave the world behind decode together. There was a bunch of us. Me, paranoid American, shout out to paranoidamerican. com. He’s another member over there. But, yeah, we just got a lot of people that all have the same goals, guys, and that’s just getting the truth out by any means necessary.

But that ship was called white lion, right? Which white lion is 128? 128. And if you go back and watch our decode on it. I brought this up during the decode because I’ve been on this 128 thing for a long time. We had Matthew Perry die October 28. In numerology, the zero has no value. You drop it. One, two, eight. That was also Bill Gates birthday, and that was the day his ex girlfriend, Julia Roberts was her birthday.

And he dies. He had all these weird subliminal messages about Batman and all this crazy stuff before he died, which I did a complete decode on him, too. And then we have Jacob Rothschild, which is one, two, eight in this same cipher as bridge collapse. You guys know that, right? So, I mean, there’s all these weird connections, and what they got planned is quite sinister. You know what? What the ultimate agenda is this 128 code, guys, it’s all about the smart cities and the rollout of these freaking smart cities.

So they collapse that bridge. Now, who knows what they’re going to do there as they trap them people in that location, because they want to get everything hooked up to this grid system, right? This smart city grid system, and you’ll have your smart house, your smart car, your smart coffee maker, everything will be smart. Which, when you look in that code, too, it’s all connected to the beast and the beast system, that 666.

Now, 666 didn’t start out as bad. It’s the breakdown for carbon and melanin, but they’ve inverted it and attached negative energy to it. They’re using it for evil. But that’s not what it started out that way. You know what I mean? But. But that, unfortunately, is what it is merging into now. So all the movies were decoding right now, Ghostbusters, the Kate Middleton situation, it all has a connection to both aliens and CERN.

And I think the eclipse that they’re getting ready to do, it’s like a once in a lifetime event where they’re going to open some portal, just like during 911, they opened a portal between them two twin towers, and the whole agenda is to get us to merge with AI, merge with machine. They’re creating this phantom matrix, a matrix within a matrix, to get us to have this quantum copy of our soul.

So when we die here in the physical, we are reborn in this other reality, this digital reality that they have created completely merged with artificial intelligence. That’s. That’s what it’s about. And back to the 128, the first D wave quantum computer that Gordy Rose released, when he said, we’re summoning the ancient ones, the lovecraftian old ones, well, guess what that was. It was 128 cubits. It’s quantifying in this reality and other realities.

So there’s some weird stuff going on right there. Which Q computer is 128 CERN 128. The mandela effect. They’re really manipulating our realities, guys. It’s an ancient alchemy machine. These people are bending and manipulating reality to their will, which we have the ability to do. This ourselves. If we could all work together and focus on one goal, we could actually change the energy of this reality and shift it.

But we couldn’t. We can’t get enough people to do that together. You know what I mean? And we got to get a bunch of first player characters, not all these NPC’s. We need a bunch of first player characters to focus their energy on one goal. And if we could get a bunch of them with the neo code, oh, boy, then we could really change the world. Which, by the way, neo code is 128 in reverse ordinal.

So there’s a connection there as well. And it’s also 50 in Chaldean, which is bridge collapse in that cipher. So there’s a connection in both ciphers, the one two eight with neo code. And then the neo code equals 50 in Chaldean where we do these decodes all the time over on my website, truthfultv. com. And I tell people, you know, I just show them the code assigned to their name.

So that’s what I’m talking about for new people, if you don’t know what I’m talking about. And if you want to get one of them personal decodes, the link is down in the description. And if you’re on Instagram, it’s in the bio. But yeah, it’s all part of their smart city guys. Divide and rule is one, two, eight. Jacob Rothschild 128 nuclear blast, 128 blood offering. Bridge collapse.

Collapse. I should have put this one up. I forgot this one. Collapse of the Golden Gate bridge. That one, I believe, is in the keypad cipher. And that’s the grand finale. If you watch my Kate Middleton video, there’s some slides on why they’re going to do it. I’m not going to go over it again because most of you have already watched it. But just go back and watch my Kate Middleton video that I just released.

It’s about Kate Middleton and Ghostbusters and that host video that came out on three, two, two. So we just had that happen, then we had this. And, you know, I never feel good to be right about something like this, guys, and everybody’s hitting me up like, yo, Tommy, you said there was going to be an event on three two two through 326. Well, yeah, I just knew because of the numbers, you know.

Plus it’s pattern recognition. Honestly, I pay attention very well. And I know every year they repeat certain things. So it’s not that I’m a genius or nothing like that. Just like when we come up in April, mark my words, leading up to April 19. Like, they usually like to start around the 11, April and through 511, that one month period is even worse than this month. That’s the month of sacrifice, the season of sacrifice.

So it all begins with the 13 days of preparation on April 19, going into Beltane for them. 13 days, right. But, um, yeah, you see Jacob Rothschild in there in nuclear blast. Just think of it like this. Guys with these smart cities, look what they did to Lahaina. Look what they did to, um. Look what they did to Chile. If your goal was to create a smart city and you had to pay all that money to, you know, tear down the new, the old city, the old structure, and you got to pay for people to move, these people are not going to move.

They’re going to like, no, I’m cool. I’m not giving you my land. I don’t want to sell. Well, then you got to deal with all that. Or you can just let off a nuke, blame it on a terrorist or a foreign entity. You know, they’re already blaming this bridge on Russia. Have you guys heard that yet? Oh, yeah. They’re already blaming it on Russia. And the power did go out on the boat twice before it hit.

Now, there’s a couple different options that could have happened there with the power going out on the boat. It could have been because. Let me pull up this slide I got. It could have been because they took the boat over like they did with Michael Hastings before they killed him, or he could have been in on it. There was 22 crew members from the last time I heard.

I’m kind of thinking they were in on it, guys, myself. I mean, you know, they had the 33 on the front of the boat right there, which is that Phoenix number, the double headed 33. And then this is a slide from my instagram. Tommy, truthful tv. I just want to show you guys how long I’ve been on this, and I got the timestamps to prove it. You see that timestamp down there? April 6 of 2022.

Yeah, I was. They took my page down for this. I was decoding the Simpsons, and this was connected because I think there’s going to be an event. And I’m not saying this April, but one of these April is coming up, but this one is kind of looking kind of good, ain’t it, guys? I’m thinking they’re going to bring these golden gates to the ground. And like I’ve told you before, it’s what it symbolizes.

The galactic center, the portal from heaven to earth, that connection that the messiah is supposed to come back through, so they will destroy it to bring forth this Antichrist figure. And it’s funny, all this is lining up with that whole red heifer ritual, and the red heifers came out of Texas. So. And in the eclipses, the ones that happened October 14, they make this crazy letter over the whole united states and especially over that Texas area.

And if we look, that is all connected to another interesting thing about the eclipse, is that if you take the eclipse of 2017, the full solar eclipse, take the full solar eclipse of 2024, and you take the annular eclipse of October, and you look at the path of what it makes over the nation and makes the ancient hebrew letter Aleph, which stands for the revelation and presence of God in the earth.

And so, you know, the Lord is speaking. Are we listening? That that’s the question. He is speaking, you know, and the interesting thing about Nineveh was that the one of the issues with Nineveh, Ishtar’s hub was in Nineveh. The main temple of Ishtar was in Nineveh. And what were they doing that was so egregious? Well, first of all, they had men dressing up like women in ceremonies for Ishtar.

That was first. Secondly, what they were doing is so egregious was child sacrifice. Wow. And so the Lord had seen these things, and the hub of Ishtar was there. It’s like I’m saying, it’s no mistake. They took that statue and they moved it from New York City now into Texas. But because that hub was there, that’s why God was judging it and warning them, 40 days and you’ll be destroyed.

So, you know, all of these things aligning are by no mistake, and there are no coincidences with God. This is the Lord speaking. Do you see an earthquake happening? Do you think one will? I believe when there are signs in the heavens, many times you see shakings on the earth, you do. They just seem to follow in tandem of each other. And so we are seeing siftings happening on the earth.

I call them siftings. In the United States of America right now, we see these siftings happening in the church. We see siftings happening. Political arena, you. Well, part of sifting is shaking, you know, so we’re beginning to see that happen. And it would not surprise me one bit if after this eclipse, there was a major shaking in the earth, another could be coming. Guys, that’s what I’m talking about.

I’ve been saying that the 2017, the full solar clip, the full solar eclipse of 2024. You take the annular eclipse and you look at what if the path of what it makes over the nation and makes the ancient hebrew letter happy with the state of which stands for the revelation and presence of God in the earth. And so, I mean, the Lord is speaking. Are we listening? Anybody knows? The question before he is speaking that I share.

And the interesting thing about Nineveh was that he’s a preacher, that one of the issues with Nineveh and Hub was a Nineveh before that ever came out was talking about. And what were they doing that was so egregious? Well, first of all, they had men dressing up like women in ceremonies for Ishtar, depending. If you just sacrifice 41 days after the Lord had seen these things and the 41, like I’m saying, it’s a mistake.

They took that statue and they moved it from New York City one days after 2017. Great American. Because that hope was there. That’s why God was judging it and warning that 41, you know, you know, there’s a bunch of things aligning. But, um, something else I found out, uh, was this 44 number. So, guys, do you remember the Rainbow Bridge ritual that we had? So check this out.

Fam from and including Wednesday, November 22 of 2023, to but not including Tuesday, March 26 of 2024, when this bridge collapsed. This is from the Rainbow Bridge event that took place in Niagara Falls, New York, until the collapse of the key bridge in Baltimore, which was exactly four months and four days. 44. Remember the new Netflix series about the octopus murders that the reporter Danny Casalero was reporting on? And then he was murdered and he was found.

That was just trending, right? He was found murdered in this hotel room in the bathtub at age 44. Joe Biden just lost the first presidential primaries in 44 years. And then the female victim from the Texas wildfires, her name was Cindy Owens, who was 44 years old. Guys. And 44 is Harp, okay? Kill is 44. Harp is 44. You know what I mean? And then you got kill in the prime cipher, 128.

I mean, you can’t make it up. And look, it’s four months and four days. Exactly. I got all these days up on my website on truth mafia. com, because I got two websites, truthful tv. com, where I do my bookings, my personal d codes for people. And then truthmafia. com is where I do my blogs, write my blogs, put all my podcast videos and stuff and the whole teams over there, right? But, yeah, man, that.

That’s pretty interesting in itself, the 44 connection. And there’s something with it. We just keep seeing it over and over again. But then the whole 41, like I just mentioned a minute ago. Okay, so from Texas wildfires until the bridge incident, from Monday, February 26 of 2024, but not including Tuesday, March 26, is four weeks and one day, guys. 41. So there it is again. You know, the wildfires happened exactly 41 days before the upcoming eclipse, like I told you.

And remember 2017? We went over that part. The Las Vegas shooting. After Colby died at 41, pop smoke was killed. Put an ambulance number 41. We talked about some of this in the Kate Middleton video, but some of these new people probably haven’t seen it, right? So I’ll touch on it in front of the Georgia guide stones. If you go back and watch that video, there’s a bomb truck out in front of the Georgia guidestones with the number 401 on it.

And the biggest cipher besides skull and bones is aliens. That’s the number of aliens, 41. So I think that’s what’s coming. I think it’s going to be a major event. Now, regardless whether it’s alien invasions, they’re real, or they’re coming through portals, interdimensional gateways, which is what I think if you watch my video this morning, you remember I broke it down. The Baltimore key bridge is 181, which is large, hydron collider, particle collider, rings of Saturn, subliminal messages, the morning star interdimensional state of emergency.

You know what I mean? 118, which. The matrix is 118, so. Yeah. And not to mention the bridge or the ship that hit the bridge has the eight point of stars all over it. In the eight point of stars represent dimension X, Nibiru. See, Nibiru is not a planet on elliptical orbit with our sun. It is a freaking dimension. That’s what they’re opening up with CERN. So everything’s plugged into that d wave quantum computer.

We’re not talking about the old one that Gordy Rose created. They got the new advantage. The one I got up on the screen here, that’s 5000 qubits or more. You know, this is. This is no joke. It went from 128 qubits to 5000. Now, as you see, all the mate pointed stars, the star of Ananna Anana’s name in cuneiform, the eight count, the bars going around inside Cern.

See them bars in there? There’s eight of them. Eight of them. And then you have this wheel in front of the Vatican with eight spokes on it. The 17th card in the tarot deck is the star card with the eight pointed star on it, Nibiru equals 17 in chaldean. This is the ancient symbol of Nibiru. This cross right here, which is on the side of the boat, a big iron cross.

And I’ll break that down in a second. The elites believe they’re descendants of the Anunnaki, and this star is called the Star of Anu. So where the 200 fallen angels descended to Mount Hermon, that is on the 33rd parallel. And guess what, guys? You see this un building right there? That un post? Well, you know what that is, right? That’s an eight pointed star. And that’s where the fallen angels allegedly brought all this technology to man.

That’s. That’s, um, forbidden. So it’s some type of portal right there, a star gate. That’s where they came through. And check this out. There’s a 33 right on the front of it. I mean, like, come on, seriously. So you see, we have the Iron Cross on Queen Elizabeth’s crown, the royal crown, whatever you call it. And then vlad the impaler’s father, the order of the dragon, they had the same symbol.

They pointed star. And the iron cross here. It’s right down here on the boat. Look at it, guys. Right down there. Right down at the bottom of the boat. See it? You can only see it for a second. Watch, it’s about to show. Right, right about. Now, hold on. Here it comes. Right there. Bam. The iron cross right there. And you see this symbol up here at the top? That’s the oldest symbol for Nibiru.

It’s never. Ooh, guys, it’s what it is. It’s never. Oh, so they’re opening dimension x. I don’t know if you guys know who Max Spears was. He was phenomenal, and they killed him when he tried to go. He was in the super soldier program. They put him through all this evil, heinous shit, right? And when he was young, but, well, right before he died, actually, I think he was, like, probably my age when he died.

He wasn’t that old. But right before he dies, he starts to talk about all these black magic cults and how Michael Aquino. Michael Aquino is that dude that went on Oprah with them stupid ass eyebrows that poke up looking like the Munster dude from Adams. I forget that guy’s name. The little dude from the Adams family that’s, like, half werewolf with some dumb ass eyebrows. I can’t stand him.

Michael Aquino was running the psychological warfare department for the government, and he was in charge of, like, stealing children. And, I mean, Stephen King wrote a whole book about it called the institute, where they would actually steal children with special abilities, telekinesis, and take them to these black budget sites and train them to be like weapons, psychic weapons, where they would give these kids, they would link them, bind them together, and then give them a picture or something or an item from a person to anchor them to that person.

Just like if you have remote viewing capabilities, if you’re a carrier of the neo code or you have dream walking capabilities, you can’t just dream walk a remote view somewhere. You have to have an item or know the location so you can be able to remote view. Or if you have an item from someone that anchors you to that person, then you can remote view. You can’t just do it without that.

So they would get, like, an item from the person and then they would focus their energy on that and cause that person to, you know, kill theirself, drive off the road. Now, Max Spears was exposing a lot of this black magic cult that was going on in the. With the kids stuff, kids coming up missing. And then the night he was getting ready to go do that interview, he gets found vomiting up black do.

Dead. Vomiting up black do. Like, what is that all about? But anyways, he said that during that, and if you go watch any of Max Spears videos, you could just tell this dude ain’t lying to you. Like, I don’t. I never. He never came across me like he was a liar. I mean, I can’t say for sure he’s telling the truth. This is just my opinion, but I truly believe that man with everything he said.

And they killed him. So there had to be some truth to it. I mean, they literally took him right out. But he said that 911, that’s when they opened this portal, this interdimensional Stargate. And he said he went to Mars in the super soldier program. But Mars wasn’t a planet like we think it is. It’s a dimension. And he walked through a Stargate, and he was instantly there.

And it looked like freaking Arizona. He said there was houses there and everything. It’s just like walking through a portal, but with these major rituals on, these major ley lines and energy points, like the one they did with the bridge hitting at 128. See how they made sure the numbers added up? And it’s on a certain ley line, a certain energy point. That’s all part of ancient magic, ancient alchemical magic, masonic number magic.

They’re charging things up, and then they can use that energy and manipulate it. So with 911, the twin Towers was the shit was the sigil. They show us all these movies with the towers being destroyed. We watch them put our life force in it. That’s putting our energy into it. Then when they destroy that symbol here in the physical, it releases all that energy. And that energy can be manipulated.

It can be used for different things. And Max said it was used to open a portal. And if you go back and find the old footage, I wish I would have my next podcast. I’ll find it for you guys. There’s footage going around of which I swear on everything. I love witches. At the 911 memorial, after ground zero is gone, they’re in a big circle, all dressed in black, doing some sacred chant thing.

Like, who even let them go there and do that? That is the weirdest stuff ever. But there was a lot of black magic going on with 911, and people don’t realize that that ritual is very ancient. What was taking place with them towers and why they fell? You know, this goes back, way back, guys, to Solomon’s temple and Harad’s temple, the twin Towers, it’s all connected when they sacked Jerusalem and all this.

But the name of the boat, it was 156 in sumerian matching lie. Why does that matter? Well, 156. 911 is the 156 prime number. So there it is, connected in 911. And, guys, go back and watch my Ghostbuster video and the mega. Well, they’re one in the same. The Megan, um. Why I keep calling her Megan. Kate Middleton. My apologies. I said Megan Middleton. Kate Middleton video. Go back and watch that in the Ghostbuster one.

I did. I just told you guys to watch out for the 156 cipher. And I’m so glad there’s video evidence out there to show you, because now that in that cipher, we were looking in the english ordinal, and it ended up being in sumerian, but it’s still there. It’s still the 156, which is the 911th prime. And this is connected to the twin Towers. And then, remember, I was showing donut that number that added up to 70 last night in the podcast, and Herod’s temple in Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 ad.

I forgot all about that when we were on the podcast. I wish I’d remembered that, though. But these twin towers, that. That’s an ancient. That’s an ancient symbol, too. It represents Jaqueen and Boaz, the pillars of Solomon. And then just like we have the star card, the 17th card in the tarot deck, that represents that eight pointed star. You have the tower card in the tower card. Even has people falling out of it, guys, just like when 911 member people are falling upside down.

One guy was hanging in the hangman pose. He was upside down in the hangman pose, no joke. Go back and look. So he was doing a tarot card pose on his way down. Like, you mean to tell me this guy just decided to pose like that? I don’t know how that happened. Some people believe it’s holographic. I do happen to know people did die in 911. I mean, I went to a funeral with my homegirl, and her dad was a firefighter, and he died.

I grew up with him. He used to make me eggs in the morning. He really died. So that whole conspiracy, no one died. That’s just so stupid. And unfortunately, they infiltrate the truth or community. Just because something is a false flag doesn’t mean no one died. They’ll really go into one of these places and shoot up a school guys. But they do do stage crisis actor events, too.

And 911 could have been a mixture of the two where certain people stayed home that day, certain people didn’t go, but some of the people that weren’t in the know, they definitely died. And people around the tower when it came down definitely died. Now, was there a plane involved? Absolutely not. And I was in Brooklyn, New York, that day. It was my last day of going to school.

I was a senior. I quit school that day. I said, yep, this ain’t for me. The world’s going to hell in a handbasket. I’m done. I had just got out of Dys. I did juvie life. You know, I was a bad kid, and I was trying to go back to school to finish, and then that happened. So I just figured, you know what? I’m done with this. And it was the best decision I ever made, because now, look, I build an empire on something that I love to do, you know, and I’m very financially well off, and I can take care of my family and my children.

And every day I get to do up, get up and do what I love doing, and that’s hanging out with you guys and exposing these demons and their lies. I just get so sick of them lying and lying and lying over and over again. I enjoy exposing them. It actually makes me feel good. But, yeah, you see the tower card, and if you were born. Okay, so, like, when I do these decodes, guys over on truthfultv.

com, you find out your life path number, your birth cards, your destiny cards, your destiny cards is out of the 52 deck of playing cards. But then everyone has a birth card. And just like numbers are not evil, tarot is not evil either. It can be used for evil. It can be used for sorcery, it can be used for witchcraft. I use it for decoding, right, because it adds another layer to the decoding.

So because the elites use it for as part of their sorcery and witchcraft. So it’s all connected to the code. But it’s not a card. It can’t be evil. It can be used for evil. I mean, that’s just ignorant to think, actually. But the tower card is a very powerful card. And that’s people born with the seven life path number, which are very psychic, very intuitive. You know, a lot of them have what’s like telepathy.

But this, the tower card is, is the 16th card in the tarot deck. Which one plus six? Seven. So if you’re a first player character, your birth cards line up. You know, you’ll say you’re a seven life path. Your both your birth cards that you’ll be born with will be the 7th and the 16th card. And they’ll both come back to your life path number. I’m a three.

I’m a life path three. That’s why I do what I do for a living. All the threes are famous people. If you go out there and look, check out Gary, the numbers guy. He just did a breakdown on threes and he brought this up. How most of the famous people we see on the world stage are life path threes were good talkers, were very charismatic, very artistic, creative.

All the mute, like music artists. A lot of people like that are life path threes. And with mine, I am the Hangman and the Empress. Well, the hangman’s the 12th card. One plus two is three. And the Empress is the third card. So as a first player character, your cards come back to your life path number. Now, the non player characters, the little NPC’s, all their stuff is very chaotic.

Nothing lines up. Their gamatria don’t line up. And they’re very disconnected when you talk to them. They really just don’t know what’s going on. And remember guys, we got two websites. We got truth mafia. com where I do my podcast and stuff like that. The only podcast that I have on truthful tv is conspiracy cinema. And that’s where we do all of the this movie breakdown. So you should definitely check that out.

My whole catalogs over there. It’s just called conspiracy cinema on the, on the menu. I think you guys will definitely like that. But that’s not all I have for you. I still got a few more. I just want to slide through here real quick. Hold on 1 second. Oh, yeah, I forgot about this one, too. Okay, so shout out to this person. You see their sign? There they are.

I follow them on Twitter. So go check them out. They got. I’m not even gonna try to pronounce their name and butcher it, but ar phas, c h ad. And they’re a really good decoder. They don’t have a huge following, but they follow me. And, you know, I just want to give them a little shout out. Now solve and coagulate. This is what’s on the baphomet’s arms, right? And that equals, in English ordinal, it’s 133.

Guys, did we not just talk about this number? Kate Middleton equals 133. We literally just talked about this. So two of the codes I warned you about have now manifested within this ritual. That’s Kate Middleton’s number. That’s the number connected to false reality. And 133 matches White House government beltway bridge, 603 score. And six is in that 133 cipher. And then so solvent coagula, is in 133. In English ordinal, 43 in reduction.

191 in reverse. And in reverse reduction at 65. These are like the four base ciphers. Chaldeans, probably the purest cipher you’ll find out there. And then next to it, I think PI. But these are like the four basic ones, right, that a lot of people use. So you’ll find codes hidden in different ciphers. So it just depends. They might have the code hidden in sumerian one time, and then it’s in a reverse reduction site for the next.

So it just depends, you know, just let the codes lead. You don’t get overwhelmed with it. Try to learn ordinal at first. But president is in that 133 election, and Biden, he released that post right there on February 12 of 2024. It says, just like we drew it up. And that was 43. That was on a date with 43 numerology, which freemasons, 43. And then Baltimore Key Bridge collapsed on March 26 of 2024.

And from that date, February 12, until that date is 43 days, which the Supreme Council mother. The mother council of the World, of the Scottish Reich of freemasons, was formed on May 31 of 1801. That was in Charleston, South Carolina. So if you go from their last birthday or anniversary of 2023, May 31, until this bridge collapse, that was exactly 43 weeks. You know what I mean? And then if you go from March 26, when the bridge collapsed, until this upcoming inauguration on January 20 of 2025.

Oh, guys, by the way, eight days after that is when we enter the year of the serpent, the year of the snake on January 28, 128. That’s when it’s going to pop off, because the great tribulation equals 225. In English ordinal. I’ve been talking about the year of the snake for a while now, and I think it’ll be way worse than any year we’ve ever seen. And that tribulation period will be 2025 through 2032.

Doesn’t matter if you believe in God or not. They’re playing the script out of the scripture to bring forth this Antichrist figure. It’s all about power and control. So from March 26, 2024, till Monday, January 20, of 2025, is 43 weeks, right? And then 191 is the 43rd prime number. And the ancient and accepted Scottish Reich is 191. And then you have the 65 connection, which is father of lies us election, because you see how 65 solve and coagulate 65 and reverse reduction.

So you have that connection to the 65. Then the 133 lines up with these connections. Then the 43 is connected to Joe Biden’s post, right on the 43rd, a date with 43 numerology, which was posted 43 days before the bridge collapsed. Then you have the connection to the Mother council of the world of scottish right freemasonry. And that was their last anniversary, was 43 weeks before the bridge collapsed, May 31 of 2023.

And then we have a connection to the upcoming inauguration on January 20, which is the 191 connection right here. The ancient intercepted scottish rite of freemasonry. 191 and 43 weeks 40. The 43rd prime number is 191. So that’s how that works. I know for the new people, they’re like, what the heck? But for my decoders, you guys get it. And this person’s a pretty good decoder. So go give them a follow.

That’s their appreciation. Sign on Twitter. Again, their sign is Arph A S C H A D. I just try to help anyone in the Gematria community, people that are smaller than me or don’t get as far of a reach, you know, I’m always trying to help them out because that’s what we should be doing. But a lot of these decoders out here, they’re very ego based, so they want to pretend like they figured it out on their own.

See, I don’t care. I don’t mind giving this dude credit, because, no, no one can be Tommy. You know, I present the information the way I do. My people vibrate with that because of who I am, how I present the info, you know, my comedic value and everything. That comes with Tommy truthful. That’s what makes me, me. A million people could come on here and try to do what I do.

I know it looks easy, right? Try it. Try it. Let me. Tell me how easy it is. Let me see you go viral. Now here’s the thing that nobody has mentioned. But watch this guys. After this video releases, you’ll see a bunch of videos talking about it. And they’ll all pretend like they figured it out. But none of them figured it out out. I’m about to break it for you right here.

And if you look at the color of the Baltimore flag, it’s the same colors of the Knights Templar. And it has that cross on it, just like the. The boat had the iron cross on it, which comes from the Templars. That’s why they picked that, um, flag. And then the mayor of that location, his birthday is April 8. I’m pretty sure Donut told me that part. I can’t remember who exactly who told me, but I think it was either donut or any asoru.

Oh no, it was oni. It was definitely on. He shout out to on you soro. Yeah, it was on he. I was looking at his post. He has the spiritual shade room on instagram. He’s a member of truth mafia and just an amazing decoder. So go check him out. He’s got some pretty good slides to guys. But yeah, that’s the color. You got the gold, the black, the red and the white.

And you see the shield there, the red, the white, the black laced with the gold. I mean it’s the same colors exactly so. And especially that red and white part with that cross. I mean that’s straight Knights Templar right there, you know, and you even got the masonic checkerboard. It’s just in the yellow and black color. But um, that color. Sometimes you’ll see a connection with Spain with that.

And um. What was the last one I wanted to show before we were. Before we all guys, you know what I did, Jill? I made a song for you. Oh yeah? I made a song for this. For this event right here. Hold on, let me play this for you real quick. Oops, that’s the wrong thing. Where is it? Did I download it on here? I might not have.

Hold on 1 second on the phone throwing bones and zones were known Tommy truthful with the tone cutting through the overgrown decoding symbols, breaking chains, exposing lies or remains certain bridge equal the same. It’s all a part of the numbers game. Once we wait the sequence gate, it’s a dimensional fate fallen angels can’t wait for the star gate to reactivate truth mafia’s fight in the night shining light on the flight censorship fights ain’t right Tommy’s decoding the exposing the darkness with the light through the veil, the truth prevails without fail, each of which unveil the eight dimensional tale.

Tommy, leader of the crew, teaching secrets you never knew the matrix to subdue, revealing what’s true find your role in the simulation scroll are you NPC? Your soul with control on truthfultv. com take a stroll. Link in bio, play your role. Yeah, you like that? I wrote the lyrics to music, made the music, and my artist sung it. Now check this out. You can join the mob, become a member of the truth mafia.

That link is in the bio on Instagram and in the description on all other platforms. We also got a sale going on over@truthfultv. com and that’s lasting till April 8, guys. So go over there. We got a bunch of amazing products that protect you against negative energy. And find out your role in the simulation. Are you a first player character or an NPC? You know, thank you guys for taking this ride with me.

I love y’all. Knowledge is power. Truthful out. .


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