D-Wave Quantum Computer
The D-Wave computer was created by Gordie Rose. And the Internet dates back to the late 1980s and early 1990s at CERN. Originally designed for communication with the deceased, it has since evolved into a powerful device. This “black mirror,” as some refer to it, can be found in our phones and computers, and has even been associated with supernatural activities like gazing into the realm of demons and witchcraft.
Believe it or not, this incredible technology is linked to the D-Wave quantum computer, which is connected to CERN and taps into the realm of the watchers in dimensions X aka Nibiru. These fallen angels, known for their parasitic nature, feed off our energy and life force. Shockingly, the elites have formed a pact with these entities in exchange for access to life-extension and cloning technologies, as well as advanced interdimensional crafts allowing them to travel throughout the multiverse.
Part of this disturbing arrangement involves sacrificing humans, particularly children, to the giant Nephilim offspring, the children of the watchers, who reside underground. It may sound unbelievable, but the statements made by Gordie Rose during the launch of the D-Wave quantum computer hinted at summoning ancient Lovecraftian beings, the so-called “old ones.”
If you’re intrigued by these unsettling revelations, I highly recommend checking out the video I did with Logan from Decoder Reality, where we delve into the decoding of the mysterious Cabin in the woods, the very place where these ancient giants emerge when deprived of sacrifices and subsequently wreak havoc on humanity.
Fire And Fury Hungry Alien Gods ‘Rise Up
The fires in Hawaii were purportedly an ancient ritual involving child sacrifice, attributed to the worship of ancient deities. Interestingly, on the day of the Maui fires, the school was canceled, potentially leaving more children alone and vulnerable. This is because children possess an exceptionally pure energetic essence, which these entities supposedly feed off of, known as LOOSH energy.
In movies like Monsters Inc or Doctor Sleep, we witness the collection of this mystical LOOSH Energy, where vampires feed on children possessing extraordinary abilities and gifts. Their aim is to strengthen themselves by harnessing the power of this energy, often referred to as “steam.” The idea of steam serves as a code word for adrenochrome.
This video keeps freezing and buffering on the live. But, all your stuff is wonderful, this is amazing. I’m going to have to rewatch it once it’s up in full. Your content is so widespread while being so LAZER lol focused and never goes off track on tangents.
The other dialing down your Internet is what they’re doing it’s a form of censorship watch it now the video plays perfectly fine. Thank you for your kind words.
Content not comment
i’m completely lost what are you talking about?
Must see Dark planet movie found by seeing code in 5 Element movie. The Macdonald packages on this film
Enter the Starz has decoded syringes all over the map-literally the way some NY streets are set up, and other places. 2021 he started seeing them. One World Tower is a syringe.
Lmao 🤣😂, Tommy everyone one of these guys I tried to get you look at a couple of years ago! I’ve been following Richard for a few years now. Yes he’s surly blessed. ☺️❤️🔥🙋🙏🕊️. Anyhoo! My FB page got hacked!! It’s been another few days I’ve been trying to get back shit I’ve lost on my FB account. I’ll leave you a message when I get back on Space!☺️❤️🔥🙋👋👋.
Great edit of Richards video
I believe with all my heart that god wanted me to watch this today
Your commentary was profound and agree with every word.
Thanks for sacrifice, your time and determination.
I will be signing up with truth mafia later today
God bless you and the crew at truth mafia
Jason Buhl
Thank you so much Jason I think Richard is phenomenal and I thought it was a good way to bring his channel out to my people. i’m really glad you enjoyed it