Eclipse Prophecies: The Antichrist Emergence Marco Walks off Camera!!

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Welcome to another episode of the Truth Mafia podcast with your host, Tommy Truthful. I have two special guests tonight: Kris from Eyes To See Decode, a member of the Truth Mafia, and Marco from Being Justified. Now, you’ll notice that at 1:33:00 into the show, it took a turn—that’s where the vibe changed. Marco eventually walked off the show. I found that to be interesting. I was talking about Aleister Crowley and the number 777 right before that. Well, “Book of the Law” equals 133 in English ordinal gematria, matching “false reality” equals 133, and it just shows you the organic source code to it all. It’s pretty fascinating. I left a complete breakdown in the comment of the Rumble video. “One one seven” equals 133, and that’s what we started the show off talking about—the 117 decode, and my birthday is January 17, 1/17 #117. I think Marco acted very childishly, walking out like that. If you watch the video, you’ll see he’s trying to argue with me, trying to prove me wrong—why I was mistaken, in my opinion. He wanted to start an argument, and I was not having it. I was on another part of the show. If you watch it, he took up way more time. He was only supposed to do 10 minutes on who he thought was The Antichrist. He kept going and took up all the time. I had to actually to stop him. He intentionally used copywritten content, trying to get me taken down, it seemed to me. I had to stop him numerous times! And he promised me he would not do that before the show. He lied and said he owned all the rights to all the material. Well, the video got strike on Facebook, and I could only put half of it up. I’m starting to wonder about him—is Marco an agent of chaos? Everyone who’s ever tried to help him has gotten into a fight with him, and then he calls them Jesuit agents. I guarantee I’ll be the new agent in his story. I could’ve handled it better. I’m a man. I can admit that I should’ve just let him spew out his nonsense and moved on. But guys, I grew up in the streets; I don’t let anyone talk to me sideways. He started getting loud with me. I could feel it in his voice, and I was trying to stop it from escalating. In real life, he would never raise his voice to me. We all know that. The funny thing is, he used a fake account to comment on the Rumble video as some ninja channel, and does he not know that I and my whole team are hackers and coders? We pulled your IP address, you dumb fuck. I have screenshots of your address linked to your main Rumble and YouTube accounts. Are you that stupid? So don’t try that dumb shit again, or I will expose you! I still promoted his channel. And I still told people to follow him. All he does is yell during the whole show anyway; if you want to enjoy that, go ahead. I just tried to help the guy out. I wanted to give him a platform where he could get his message across, but he wants everybody to believe his theory and to be in an echo chamber, and if you don’t believe in his theory, then he wants to lash out at you, which, you know, that’s something you deal with with a child. I have no time for it.

I’m writing this from my heart and telling you how I feel. Like I said, I could’ve handled it way better. I wish I would’ve—lessons learned.

Sincerely, Tommy Truthful.

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➡ The Truth Mafia, led by Tommy Truthful, is a group of researchers who explore hidden truths in history, pop culture, and ancient mysteries. They have a podcast where they discuss their findings and theories, and they also offer services like personal decodes and dream interpretations. They recently released a long episode about ancient bloodlines and their practices, which is available on their website. Tommy also hints at an upcoming episode decoding the symbolism in the Wizard of Oz.
➡ This text is a conversation between two people discussing various topics. They talk about their experiences with social media censorship, their concerns about artificial intelligence, and their theories about health issues and potential conspiracies. They also mention their efforts to decode and understand certain events and phenomena.
➡ The text is a conversation about various topics, including a movie called “Summer Rental” and its potential hidden meanings, the significance of the number 169, and the upcoming solar eclipse. The speakers also discuss their personal connections to these topics and express frustration over a disagreement with a third party named Marco.
➡ This conversation discusses various theories and interpretations of celestial events, symbols, and their potential meanings. The speakers explore connections between constellations, whales, and the Akashic records, as well as the significance of the St. Louis archway. They also discuss potential links between eclipses, earthquakes, and significant events, and speculate about the possible rise of a significant figure. The conversation ends with a discussion about a fake YouTube channel.
➡ The speaker is discussing the concept of dream walking, reincarnation, and manifestation. They believe that certain people, often with a specific code (36), have the ability to control their dreams and even enter others’ dreams. They also talk about the significance of life path numbers and reincarnation cycles, suggesting that the number of reincarnations one has is linked to their life path number. Lastly, they provide a method for manifesting desires, which involves speaking, writing, and visualizing goals at specific times of the day.
➡ The text talks about the concept of lucid dreaming, astral projection, and remote viewing, where people can leave their bodies and see things in different places or even in other people’s dreams. It mentions how some people, especially those with special abilities, can attract entities that feed off their energy. The author shares a personal experience where a girl was able to tell him the color and numbers he had written on a wall, and the color of his boxers, through remote viewing. He ends by promoting his website and services related to dream interpretation and decoding.
➡ The speaker is having issues with his YouTube and Facebook accounts, suspecting that they’re being tampered with due to his large following and the controversial content he shares. He also mentions a strange experience during a sleep study where he felt paralyzed and believes something was implanted in his leg. Despite these challenges, he continues to share his views and encourages his followers to check out his content on other platforms like Rumble and Instagram.
➡ The speaker is concerned about changes on Facebook, like number sequences appearing above names, which they believe is a sign of tracking. They also mention a recurring fire motif in new series, predicting that this year will witness the worst fires in human history, which will be blamed on global warming.
➡ The speaker discusses various conspiracy theories, including the idea of a “phantom matrix” or a digital copy of reality. They believe that certain events and numbers are connected in a way that suggests a larger plan or conspiracy. They also discuss the idea of genetic modification and its potential implications. They encourage listeners to question the status quo and to stand up against perceived injustices.
➡ The text discusses a theory that a concert by Madonna in Israel hinted at future catastrophic events, possibly involving chemical or nuclear warfare. The theory is based on various interpretations of numbers, symbols, and words associated with Madonna and her concert. The text also suggests that these events could be linked to a collapse of the physical dollar and the introduction of digital currency. The authors believe that these interpretations are hidden in plain sight and that the world is like a stage where events are pre-planned and revealed through coded messages.
➡ The text discusses a theory about hidden codes and symbolism in the series “Halo”, relating to a potential future event. The author connects the number 187, seen in various contexts, to a date six months and four days after an eclipse. The series “Halo” is also analyzed, with the main character’s suit number and episode titles being linked to these codes. The author suggests these codes could hint at a significant event, possibly a nuclear one, and discusses the idea of a DNA war and the concept of sin.
➡ The text is a conversation about different theories on who the antichrist might be. The speaker believes that Prince Mohammed bin Salman is the antichrist, based on his interpretation of the Bible and a practice called Gematria. He thinks that the prince will make a peace deal with Israel, which will start the end of the world. He has made films and posts about his theory on his website.
➡ The text discusses a series of films that explore biblical prophecies and their potential real-world implications. The films suggest that a figure known as MBS is rebuilding a significant location in Saudi Arabia, which could lead to significant events, including the arrival of two witnesses, Moses and Elijah. The text also discusses the possibility of a global crisis, potentially a war, that could lead to a one-world government. The author believes these events are imminent and will culminate in the return of the Lord.
➡ The speaker discusses various symbols and signs they believe are connected to the end of the world, including references to the devil, dragons, and extraterrestrials. They also mention the significance of certain numbers and dates, such as solar eclipses, and how they relate to biblical prophecies. The speaker suggests that these signs are warnings of a coming apocalypse, and encourages the audience to be watchful of these signs. They also discuss the role of the Vatican and the Pope in these events, suggesting a connection to the biblical figure of Lucifer.
➡ The speaker believes that the world is nearing its end, with 70% of the population being deceived. They suggest that the second coming of Judas, seen as God on earth, is imminent. The speaker also discusses a complex theory involving the kings of Saudi Arabia, particularly Mohammed bin Salman, who they believe will play a significant role in these end times. They also mention various biblical and numerological interpretations to support their views.
➡ This text talks about various conspiracy theories and interpretations of symbols in pop culture and history. It mentions ideas about reptilian entities, ancient Egyptian deities, and the number seven’s significance. It also discusses the symbolism of leopards and chickens in recent movies and series, suggesting a connection to larger narratives or hidden meanings. The text ends with a discussion about the rooster as a national symbol of France and its potential significance.


Researchers form the truth mafia, a collective determined to investigate conspiracies and occult mysteries that have been buried for centuries. With a passion for uncovering the truth, they delve into the darkest corners of history, pop culture, and ancient mysteries, seeking answers to questions that have plagued humanity for ages. The truth mafia is led by Tommy Truthful, a man shrouded in mystery and intrigue, dedicated to uncovering the hidden truths behind some of the world’s most perplexing and enigmatic phenomenon.

Their research has led them down countless rabbit holes, from deciphering ancient symbols to exploring the hidden meanings behind popular media and literature. Despite the risks and challenges they face, the truth mafia remains steadfast in their quest for knowledge. Will their investigations lead to groundbreaking revelations? Or will they unravel an even deeper web of secrets and lies? Only time will tell in this ongoing saga of conspiracy and intrigue.

Welcome to another episode of the Truth Mafia podcast. You’re rocking with your host, Tommy truthful. And today we got a special episode for you guys. Make sure you smash that, like, button. Share this video, get it out to the people. Before we get going, I got a little song I made for y’all. For the intro of this video, we’re going to get into all kinds of stuff. The eclipse.

What we believe is going to happen with the eclipse in the rise of this one world leader. So let’s get it. That’s right. Yo, listen up. I got a story to tell about this group called the Truth Mafia. They ringing the bell. Let my tongue truth for the master of the code decoding reality. They never miss code. Your matcha Tom and his truth mafia team cracking the numbers, unraveling the scheme.

Marco and Chris side by side with Tommy, unveiled the secrets they always bring in heat. Come on down. The truthfultv. com. Let’s go get your personal decode. The numbers don’t lie. Tommy and the crew, they got the facts in their hand. Decoding reality, they’re taking a stand. That’s right. Yo, listen up. I got a story to tell about this group called the Truth Mafia. They ringing the bell led by tongue truth for the master of the code decoding realities.

They never miscome. Your matcha Tom and the truth mafia team. Cracking the numbers, unraveling the scene. That’s pretty hard, ain’t it? So I made that one for you guys. And make sure you check all the links down in the description. The special guests I got on today, their links are also down there. And if you want to get your personal decode and find out your role in the simulation.

Use promo code, decode the matrix for an extra 11% off. It’s $26. We go over your life path number, your destiny cards, your birth cards. We decode your gamatria. Everyone has a specific code assigned to them. We also do the dream interpretation. So if you keep having a reoccurring nightmare or certain dreams that you can’t figure out, I break them down for you. And I’ve been studying dreams for over five years now.

It’s something that really, really passionate about. I’ve read many books on it. So we’re going to get into this today. And don’t forget to become a made member of the truth mafia. Just click on that link down below. Join the mob. That’ll get you access to all our members only exclusive content on truthmafia. com. Our members only webinars. Me and donut do our members only post. And we just shared a new members only video.

There’s two new members only videos up on truthmafia. com right now. One is crazy, guys. It’s about 5 hours long. And it’s on the Bach saga, which is something so bizarre, paranoid American. And Juan from the one on one podcast did that episode. And it just gets into these ancient bloodlines that were into this ancient form of sex magic and drinking their own body fluids. It’s some crazy stuff, but it’s real and there’s real evidence on it.

It’s a form of witchcraft that they used to practice. They’re really into that type of deviant sex magic. So that is over on truthmafia. com if you want to check it out. There’s a lot of very informative information in that episode, but it’s definitely a parental advisory. It’s what I warned before. You watch that one and then remember, truthmafia. com and truthfultv. com are two separate platforms. Truthfultv.

com is where I do my personal decodes the dream interpretations. That’s where I do all my bookings at. And then truth mafia. com is where I have all my buddies over there like me, donut one on one. Bdell. Shout out to bdell. My boy Chris. Eyes to CD codes. He’s over there. He’s got his own YouTube channel. His links are down below as well. So I just wanted to let people know that.

And through the next couple of days, we have the spring equinox ides of March sale. Because we just went through on 315 was the ides of March. This is a huge roman festival celebrating stabbing Julius Caesar 23 times. And a lot of people don’t even know. That’s why all these rituals are going on on the world stage right now. So it’s from March 18 through the 22nd, and on three, two, two.

On that day, guys, that’s the day that new Ghostbusters comes out, too. So we’ve been waiting for that, remember? And on the COVID of it has all that portal opening up. And it’s probably something to do with CERN that they definitely have planned for us. But that’s around truthfultv. com sales up to 30% off for the next couple of days, so enjoy that. And before I invite these two on to the stage, I want to show you a little bit about this decode I’m working on that I’m going to do tomorrow, guys.

I’m supposed to do this one. Well, either tomorrow or the next day. It depends on how far I get with the slides. Let me take a drink real quick. My mouth is dry, so hold on. But it’s on the wizard of Oz, right? And I got this whole breakdown on it thanks to Rachel Christina. She got me hip to this new dude. And I was reading over on his page, reading all of his stuff, and it’s just phenomenal.

Some of the stuff he had up on the wizard of Oz, follow the yellow brick road. And his name is Mike Harrigan, and he said, follow the yellow brick road basically means follow the money, which I’ve been trying to tell you for years. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, the wonderful wizard of Oz. The Wizard of Oz. Ounces of gold. The yellow brick road represents them.

Bricks of gold. The straw man. The scarecrow represents that fictional, all caps, legal, fictional person, the straw man, which is what they create for us. This gets into the circumvey act, the act of 1666, where we are literally declared dead and lost at sea. So I got the whole decode. I’m not going to spoil it all, but it breaks down the Tin man, which is the tin tin, the taxpayer identification number, the robotic avatar.

And it gets into each character, what role they play, and shout out to Mike Harrington for that. And then I decoded Mike’s whole thing. So I show that he’s actually right on point with the numbers. Wizard of Oz equals 50 in Chaldean Gamatria, which is the neocode in that 51. The neocode. But more importantly, bread and circus equals 50. And in ancient Rome, bread and circus was a metaphor for how the ruling class kept the masses content and pacified.

The phrase suggests that if people were given food, bread and entertainment circus, they would not care about anything else. And this is really true, right? I mean, it’s going on still today. And then british royal family is 50 and it’s all about protecting the crown. The whole circumvay act was set up to protect the crown. And yellow brick road equals 63 in Chaldean. Matching non player character. Follow the yellow brick road.

All these non player characters. JFK killed in 63 for opposing the Federal reserve. And then all the worlds of stages, 63 as well. I’m not going to give away the scarecrow one, but it has to do with our DNA, the number 46. And we’ll break all this down in detail, explain what the circumvey act is of 1666, how it all ties into our DNA and that artificial straw man that they have created for us.

Guys, they literally, really do not look at us as a living entity. Until you claim that you’re a sovereign living person, you are literally dead and lost at sea. That’s just what it is. This is a fact. It’s all under maritime law. And then we’re going to break down Dorothy’s character and who she represents. We’re even going to get into Toto. And Toto is the best character. He’s the truth seeker.

So we’re going to break down Toto, Dorothy, her red shoes. You see, I made an image with her pointing at the kid. These shoes are made of you. And all I’m going to say is research the red shoe club because it’s a real thing where you think these missing kids go and these elites are all wearing these damn weird red shoes. Well, let me tell you what them red shoes are made out of, and I will tell you when we do the episode.

But for now, we’re going to introduce these two brothers and get into this episode here and talk about the coming of this Antichrist figure. So let’s get it. Marco and Chris, how are you doing? My. Yeah, yeah, of course. I’m super excited for this episode. Honestly. I was sleeping, so you guys were hitting me up all day, Tommy. Just trying to confirm. And I didn’t even see it until I woke up at like, seven, bro.

I was in the hospital for a couple days, so I got behind on all my decodes and they did a sleep study on me, which, by the way, I’ll talk about that later. I think some shady shit went on during this whole sleep study. I really do. Dude. I have flash memories of something taking place in that damn hospital because they said they wanted to monitor my heart and my brain waves when I was asleep because I’ve been having a little trouble.

I guess my heart’s perfectly okay, though. But my legs have been swelling up and retaining water. And that’s scary because they think that has to do with your heart. The doctor can’t figure it out, but I know what it is. It’s directed energy weapons, these bitches. I know it is, 100%. And you sound crazy when you say that, though. You tell someone, oh, yeah, by the way, I’m being targeted with direct energy weapons because I’m reaching 6 million people a month on my Facebook and my Instagram alone.

They just took down my YouTube. If you guys didn’t know that truth Mafia podcast is gone. They took it down. PI day 3. 14, which is all tied into Nibaru and Wormwood. But the new YouTube link is down below. So how many YouTubes have you lost, Marco, since your journey has begun? One so far. But it was always for medical misinformation. I never got striked anything else, but it was always medical misinformation.

Now, right now, I have two channels, the backup and also another one for being justified. And both of them are ready to be deleted because they both have two strikes for medical misinformation, man. Yeah, they don’t play with that one. That’s why the whole code red and all my people know what code red means. So if you don’t just go to occult decode. com, my boy, paranoid American put that site together and look on there, the banned word list.

So if you hear us say a word, you’re like, what do they keep saying that for? You just go to occult decode. com. You’ll see that word there. Oh, code red. That means this. Okay, now I get what they’re saying, but you don’t got to be too bright to figure it out. It’s why we were on lockdown for several that that good old gene editor that they want to get inside everyone.

I honestly think too, Marco. It was a psyop. As far as they’re using it to take down the alternative media, I mean, look, they just keep hitting us with medical. Then, you know, you go on their patents and just go on Moderna’s website and look at the patent. I mean, that’s all I’m going to say. I’m not going to touch on it. No more than that. But the evidence is there.

What’s in it? So the evidence is all right there in your face. You can go read it for yourself, man. Listen, I’ll be covering that teaser to an upcoming film that I got. But one thing that I was telling you is I had to use a song where they literally tell you everything’s in plain sight with these people. And I wasn’t aware of this song. But then I looked at this recommendation that YouTube gave me.

I listened to it and I said, wait a minute. I said, when did this song come out? And then I looked and I was like, oh, before it was distributed with the code red was distributed with that warp speed. So I said, man, look at this. They’re telling you what was in that thing. I included that in this particular teaser just so people could understand that. What I like to say about it now, just to keep it nice and simple, is 70% of the world is in a trap right now.

The trap is set. That’s all I’m going to say. Yeah, that pink venom. Venom. I made a slide. I was doing a decode on Heman and stuff, and I got skeletor standing there with a big giant syringe. Remember that one, guys in the chat? And he’s in there with a syringe full of that pink venom and it’s just dripping out. Dude, I love the one thing you can use AI for is to use it as a tool to create art.

Like, I made that intro to the thing and Marco’s like, damn, you would never be able to do that that quick. Marco, how quick did I make that song? I made seven songs. You’re taking advantage of it, man. No, it’s very good. And listen, even your thumbnail today. So when you have that at your disposal, I like how you’re using it creatively for making these episodes unique. So kudos to that.

Yeah, and it took me a while to get this one perfect. And I’ve learned a couple of tricks. So if AI puts out something that I don’t like, I know how to erase certain things on there. Paranoid American taught me some things. And all my slides, I use both AI and editing software, so these ones are both made from me and AI, they’re mixed. So is this one.

They’re not all just explicitly AI, but it can be used as a tool and it’s definitely tethered to archons. So like I say all the time, I’m going to put them little demons to work. You know what I’m saying? I’m going to have them in there. I don’t trust them. I don’t trust the AI. I don’t want it to replace humanity. And I think we should still support human made art 100%, but you can utilize it as a tool.

And you just got to be careful with it, because they’re going to roll it out regardless, Marco. They don’t give a shit what we say about it. It’s coming out. You know what I’m saying? No, most definitely. I always tell people, like, we’re seeing glimpses of it right now. And just before we got on, one of my brothers sent me the Drudge report. Front page right now, where it says Saudi Arabia wants to buy TikTok.

But also, as I mentioned, I already knew about this. And I told you right before we came on that Saudi Arabia plans $40 billion AI push. We’ve been covering that since 2020. But since 2020, we’ve been telling you he’s the beast. But you should be able to connect the dots now as to why he has global AI summits, global finance summits, global biotechnology summits. He wants to be the global biotech hub of the world.

Global biotech equals six six. But think about the name biotech. That is the mark of the beast in the right hand or forehead. It’s technology in the biology. So it’s very easy to understand why. Did you see that video that’s going viral? Now, listen, my mom’s a registered. Well, she retired, but she was Rn, and I got her testing this theory on people. Because one thing I will tell you, all them videos that went viral with people sticking magnets to their self is all lies.

Because I’ve tried to stick magnets to people and it doesn’t work. Okay? And I would tell you all the truth. Trust me. It don’t work. Try it. Go get someone that been hit with the code red and try to stick a magnet to them. It ain’t going to stick. If it did, I would be the first one to tell you. So there’s a lot of psy ops out there that they try to infiltrate in the truth or community.

So you’ll share that video and get taken down for medical disinformation or whatever. There’s way worse things in there than worrying about a magnet sticking to you. You know what I’m saying? That’s like a whole stupid thing. But there’s videos going viral about people that took that code red, their face turning orange under a black light, bro. And it looks like a digital. Like. It looks like. What’s it called, that one? ID.

It’s like a digital ID that they were creating. Gates was creating. You know what I’m talking about? Damn. I can’t think of the name of it now. It’s driving me nuts. But anyways, have you ever seen any of that where people’s face under. So I got my mom testing that out right now so I can find out if it’s true and then if it is true, she’s going to record it for me and then I’m going to share it to the people.

But who knows if that’s true? They’re hitting us with so many psy ops, bro. We got to just be careful, you know what I mean? We got to be careful. Someone said in the comments, it works. My friend did it. Well, I got to check it out, you know what I’m saying? But there definitely is luciferse in it, which is an illuminescent, so it makes sense. The science is there.

It definitely makes sense. That’s why I’m intrigued to see if it works. But I know you guys count on me to tell you the truth, and I’m not going to lie to you. I don’t care about views. I’m reaching 6 million people a month. I don’t need to come on here and lie for views. But I ain’t putting that in me, I’ll tell you that right now. What about Chris? No, not at all.

Yeah, it ain’t going in me, dude. What’s if they told you you would lose your job, Chris, if you didn’t do it? I’ve already been through mom. And you know what lost? I’ve lost pretty much everything as a result of that. Canada was pretty well here. Here in Ohio, they try to force you to do it. And then the nurses stood up to them and said, no, we ain’t doing it.

And guess what? It got overturned in court and no one had to do it. You just got to stand up to them, and that’s all. They’re going to try to push you. If they can push you, that’s because at the root of it is all that straw man stuff. Because that is at the root of it, all right? So they can’t push it. They have to be really crafty because that’s what’s in place.

Yes, 110% is at the root of it all. It’s so deep that people don’t even understand that they’re creating a digital avatar. And that gets more into the ten man part of it, too. But they’re creating a quantum copy, a digital copy of the human soul. That’s really what they’re trying to do. And then everybody that partakes in that gene editor, it’s all part of their smart grid, the smart cities.

Why all these fires are blazing? Because, look, if you’re going to build smart cities, why would you pay billions of dollars to have these cities tore down? So you can rebuild a smart city when you can just blaze them? Yeah. It’s diabolical, what they’re on, bro. That’s a perfect word for it. But it’s all connected to maritime law. And they’ve already created a phantom matrix, guys. A matrix within a matrix.

So I’ve explained this before. It’s like you have a website, right? The original website is there. You can take that website and clone it five times. So now you have these five variations of that website. The original one’s still there. The original Internet’s still there, but they’ve cloned it numerous times. When Facebook shut down and kicked everybody out with that logout, they put a bunch of us truth seekers.

Who? The ones that don’t want to go back to sleep on one Internet. And then all the sheep that believe the status quo and go along with what they say on another Internet. Just look up the dead Internet theory and you’ll see it. Yeah, it first happened in 2016. The first switch that I noticed, anyways, but they’ve been modifying it along the way. The whole Q shit, that Q situation, that was track, trace and tag certain people so they knew who they were, because they really needed to know who thy enemy was.

Patriots, conservatives, people that would stand up to this one world antichrist leader coming on the stage and to their whole digital system. They needed to know, okay, who is going to be the people that say, no, we are not going along with this? And that was actually brilliant, what they did. Q was the d wave, bro. The 2000 Q. That’s what it was, 110%. Now they got the advantage out.

And the advantage, brother, this slide here is from our boy Richard. Shout out to Richard. He makes the best slides, don’t he, Chris? He does. He does make great slides. But they’re on a whole nother level of the d wave now, bro. It’s creating that phantom matrix. It’s all plugged in to artificial intelligence, which is way beyond chat, GPT. And it’s plugged into CeRN, the Internet, to say, we’re not in that, right? Currently, like dreams within dreams, right? Who’s to say? Oh, we are, brother.

We are. Yeah, dude. I think they’re trying to hack the original, because God created this organic matrix for us to incarnate down here in our flesh suits and learn our life, whatever it is. And then we would eventually ascend to what is heaven, the higher ethereal realms. But they’ve hijacked it, creating a clone copy of it, kind of. And now they’re doing that with humanity, too. So anyone that partakes in that digital abomination, what they want you to put inside of you, it’s going to be bad, the DNA war, from the beginning, right? Yes, sir.

And, bro, they show us in the numbers over and over again. Just pay attention to that 846 number. The first person to take the code red in America, Sandra Lindsay, what’s her name? Equal? 846. Well, the first plane hit the towers at 846. They kneeled on George Floyd’s neck for eight minutes and 46 seconds. But then they changed it to nine minutes and 29 seconds, which is the original Bible, 929 chapters.

But they waited to do that for like a year later. And there was actually just a story with the tornadoes recently that the first tornado hit. We had like seven tornadoes, Chris, rip through the Midwest. Right, where the eclipses make that. Yeah, bro. And then guess what time the tornado started? 846. Yeah. And large Hydron Collider is 846, bro. I think genetic modification is 846, but I know for sure.

Philosopher’s stone is 846. And that’s the black dew, the programmable matter which they are trying to turn into that. What did you say was 846 there? I think genetic modification. Right, interesting. 846 in the Bible is a wall. Could you look on our calculator real quick and see if genetic modification is 846, brother. Genetic modification. Yeah, but that’s a big code, dude. That eight four six code. I mean, one of my reincarnations.

I was born in 847. Genetic modification in ordinal is 181, the 42nd prime. And it’s 72 in Chaldean for 72 demons. That’s interesting. But it’s 846 in one of the ciphers, right? Yeah, sorry, I only have the two ciphers on. You want all. Yeah, put them all on, because I want to know which one. It’s 846, and I think it might have been satanic or something, or I could have been mistaken on that one.

I’m looking 846 in Satanic. Yes. Okay, bam. So it’s 846 in satanic genetic modification. Philosopher stone, which is the black goo, the programmable matter. It’s an actual storehouse for demonic consciousness. So it’s quantum entanglement. It’s entangling your DNA with this entity that’s in another freaking reality, another dimension. And it’s using the human vessel as an avatar here in the physical because them entities are binded to another reality.

Right. It’s a lower vibrational frequency. It’s also 174 in Latin or no, which is tied to lutetium, loose frail element. Oh, is it? Yeah. That’s interesting. Yeah, that’s very fascinating, but yeah, man, you got to pay attention to them numbers, man. And that’s kind of what we all do. Me, Marco, Chris. If you guys don’t know who Chris is, he used to write for me over on truth mafia.

com. Here, I’ll show you his page real quick. And then when I first met Chris, he was just doing like, right. And not a lot of people was being able to read them. It was like a real select little group. And I liked his work. I was like, yo, bro, I’ll give you a platform on truth mafia. com where I’ll give you access and you could get all your work up there so people can see it.

And then he did that. He built his telegram group, and now he’s got his YouTube. So where are you, Chris? Yeah, it’s a process. Eyes to see. All right there. But you do some phenomenal. Appreciate that. Thank you, bro. You know, I could definitely tell when I first seen any of your decodes that you were a fan of Logan’s. Deeply. Yeah, that taught me a lot. That man’s a great teacher in Gamatria for.

Yep. Shout out to Logan. And Logan’s over here, too. Decode your reality, Marco. We got to get you up on truth mafia. So let me find one of your older slides because my first one, you have to go all the way to the very. Just like pages deep. You know what? I wish you still did. Okay, so when you do these slides, now that you’re video version, you should still put the PDF in.

Okay, yeah, I can do that. That way people have access to all your. You know what I mean? Yeah, that’s true. Eh? Yeah, that way, like, if I wanted to pull it up and show. I can do that. Yeah, I’ll do that. Definitely. If you go to the very deepest page, I think has nefarious on it, which was my first decode. I want to show the one where you did that quantum reality from black.

Yeah, black mirror. This one kind of touches on the X, don’t it? 100% it does. Yeah. She telegraphs the burning of America in her Israel concert. She did. Right before COVID Just say code red. Well, I meant the event, the pandemic. Maybe I should say that. No, don’t even use that word. Okay. I’m sorry. Yes. Because AI will flag the video, bro. It’s AI that listens for certain trigger words.

So just use code red. My people know. Fair enough. Yes. So hers, really? She did that event, a bunch of people fall down dead. Right? They’re wearing gas masks, too, which I think they’re going to hit us with some type of toxic sky event, like some type of a dirty bomb that they’re going to tell us is terroristic, but they’re going to do it, and it’s going to be some type of chemical weapon, I truly believe.

But here’s some of, apparently, Madonna just recently quoted revelation at her concert. So could you break the slide down for him, Chris? Yeah, I can’t read it there. I got to pull it up in a second. 27 one, that’s a huge number. Two, we got the 27 club, where a lot of these people die at the age of 27. Right. And that’s all connected to Saturn and witchcraft.

It can’t get no crazier. Yeah. How I usually do my slides is I’ll break them down with Wikipedia. I just try and use information that’s really available for everyone. And then her common name is Madonna, which is 62 tied to queen. 62 is a big queen number. And then that’s in English, but in Chaldean, it’s 27, which is. 27 is like a number that we all get. It’s entertainment and stuff like that.

Bullshit. Anyways. And then in the PR table of elements, 27 is cobalt. And that artwork features the demon sitting on the sphere with the double dragons behind him, the twin system. It’s pretty fascinating artwork. Did you want me to keep going? Yeah, keep going. Okay. And then Madonna. Her full name, Madonna Louise Chaconi, is a 79. 79 is tied to gold. In the periodic table elements. I always use the concept of turning our lead into gold.

And then. So that’s matching the end of the world the day after tomorrow. The great american eclipse, King Solomon’s temple. And then she was born on August 16, 1958, which is a ten of clubs card in the cards of destiny system. And the ten of clubs converts to the ten of wands in the tarot. And that’s the 31st card of the deck. And the two songs she sang on that concert was like a prayer and future, both 31.

And that matches world war. So I felt like what was showing up in the code was that her video, this Israel concert, was tied to the Israel war. And perhaps, like a nuclear. Maybe, like, it’s talking about a future nuclear war. 100%. They’re definitely on this nuclear war code right now, bro. And that’s what this decode kind of showed. Oh, I’m glad we looked at this. Okay, so look at this 64.

Shit. I got to show you something, bro. Break down 64 real quick, and then I’m going to show you what I found. Dude, I can’t even believe you got it connected to October, because it’s connected to October 11 of 2024, and it’s the number 64. And I’ll show you after you do this. Okay, so 27 is tied to that sort of concept of imagination and action. Madonna being 27 in Chaldean.

And then the ace of diamonds converts to the ace of pentacles, the ace of coins in the tarot deck, which is the 64th card of the deck. And that matches. On the periodic table, 64 matches gadolanium, which is the GD element. And you can see the artwork there is the concentric circles. It’s reminiscent of the Looney tunes orange concentric circles as well. And it’s also the squared circle.

And then you have the television in the middle of that. And you’d always imagine, the way I’m learning about this artwork is that the star in the middle of the. Like, that’s us in the middle of the circle. And so when they put these items in the middle of the circle, it’s like either superimposing it on the angel. So this is sort of the television is the mind control is what I’m getting out of that artwork.

And then 64 is tied to the crown serpent. The Vatican is a snake. It’s a crown serpent. So that’s where that artwork was coming from. The queen of heaven, which also shows up in a lot of the Vatican artwork. Madonna, they worship the Virgin Mary. So 64 matches the God of this world. The second coming order of the Illuminati, the Knights Templars, is a big number of new financial system.

The number of men, hidden knowledge, hidden in plain sight. All the worlds are staged when you must die. And, like, 64 is the number of squares on a chessboard as well. Right? Like, it’s a very big number. And 64 matches Israel in English. And it’s first player character and a first player character. You are in control of your own life. You’re moving them square. Yeah. You’re on television.

Look at the artwork on the PR table elements. Yeah. You’re on television. It is a TV show, and you are controlling your own reality. So then if you got that 63 code, that’s non player character. You’re being controlled, really intelligence. Yes. But in both ciphers, all the world is stage equals 64 in Chaldean. And all the world’s a stage equals 63 in Chaldean. So it’s in both of them ciphers.

And Chaldean is based on one through eight. I wrote a blog about it. It’s one of the purest ciphers. My boy Marco likes primes. I like that cipher. Two primes are pretty cool cipher. English ordinal is pretty basic. It’s a is one, B is two, C is three. Chaldean is a little more for advanced decoders once you kind of learn. But look at this one, bro. So I did this decode last night for this episode, and it was talking about this news article.

Whoa. Why did they do that? Wow, they broke that link. Good to know that. Now I got to fix that. Okay, well, I got other links down here, so. Hold on. Let me click on one of these ones. Let’s see if they broke these ones, too. They were talking about the Texas power grid going down due to the solar eclipse, guys. And. Yep. See? Right there. Let me fix that real quick because that’s going to annoy me.

I’ll do it after. Never mind. But, yeah, the power grid, there’s, like, so many articles that are saying the same thing. And no matter what article you read, they all have the same numbers in it. They’re all using the same 11. 7%. So it says. Soulcast projects suggest that should the skies be clear that day, because of the eclipse, will occur in the middle of the day, the solar production will suddenly drop from nearly 15,000, around 1000 MW before returning to normal.

So it estimates that overall loss to the grid will be 11. 7%. And that is where the first code starts that 1117. So let’s take a look at 1117. Well, it’s heavily connected to Texas, which is what they’re talking about in the article, right? And that’s where the path of totality of this eclipse starts. Now, a nuclear war is 1117 matching the Texas location. Market crash is one one seven.

So is World War Three, which is what their whole agenda is, to collapse the physical dollar to bring in this digital currency. And America X marks the spot. America is being offered up as the sacrificial lamb in this whole event. Now, another number you’ll notice in the article is the one six nine. So if you look at the article, you scroll down here and you can go on.

Any article, guys, I went through ten of them. That’s why I tried to link a bunch of them and probably why they broke that link. But don’t worry, I’ll go back and fix that tonight because I was trying to show you that they’re all using the same numbers. So here they say, Kutcher said that this would amount to a loss of 16. 9 gigawatts an hour, enough to power 1.

69 billion LED light bulbs. So they’re using the one six nine over and over again. And if you do the math on how many. Did you just say one six nine? Yeah. Which. Dude, that’s the number of how many first player characters there are. For real? 169,000 actual first player characters. The rest of them are all NPCs. Now, this one six nine number is huge, bro. Digital currency is one six nine.

FEMA camps in Texas is one six nine. And this is an English ordinal because I wanted to keep it simple for the new people, so I just did it in the basic English ordinal cipher. Now, what’s interesting is nuclear disaster equals one six nine as well, and October 11 equals one six nine, right? So October 11, I’m like, okay, let me go look. This is where it comes to that 64 number.

I said, let me go look. If there’s a connection from the eclipse until October 11 of 2024, and what do you know, bro? From the eclipse to October 11 is 187 days, bro, which is six months and four days. I think they’re going to do something on that day, brother. I really do. And brotherhood of death is one eight seven, right? In that one eight seven code, so is Fort Worth, Texas.

Truthmafia. com is one eight seven. They might be trying to kill me, guys. But no, it’s an organic source code. Like, I’m doing. Exactly. I was meant to decode this, you know what I’m saying? And just like Chris is meant to decode what he’s decoding, Marco is meant to decode what he’s decoding. We are all playing the position that we were created to play. Some of us are playing that position for light and some are playing it for dark.

So it’s pretty awesome to see how that all manifests. And then there’s this new series out, bro. It’s called Halo, right? And it’s all about this war that they’re in with this reptilian race. And look at the number on the main character’s suit, bro. His name is Master chief John one one seven. Dude, it’s all plasma apocalypse symbolism. So this reptilian race, they burn whole cities, I mean, whole planets.

They glass them. It’s called glassing them. And they use a plasma beam to burn. So the plasma beam comes from above, just like the plasma apocalypse symbolism that our boy J dreamers talks about. It comes from above, and it burns, petrifies everything. It glasses everything over. And this is why we see the petrified trees, the petrified giants, because these cyclical events happened over and over again. Now, John one one seven in season one, episode six, I was watching it last night, and it blew my mind right after I did this blog.

I had to update the blog and add this to it because I was shocked, and I was actually in bed already, and I got out of bed to do it. Season one, episode six, they were checking John’s health. John one one seven. And that one two seven is a big number, too, but I could break that down. But the episode is called soulless. Kind of reminds me of soulless, but it’s a different way of the word.

And solace is in the cipher. Marco likes primes. One six nine. And in Latin, one six nine. So there’s the one six nine code. John 117 in Satanic is one six nine, and then John 117 in keypad is one one seven. So you have a connection to both of them codes with this movie. Right? And I break it down here, the whole part about that. And then right here in the movie, it’s in the same episode, guys, you see 3116 on the door, and this is where he’s going in to talk to that girl.

She has a power like him where they can open these. It’s kind of like the Stargate type technology. What are they called in the movie? I think, like the holy ones or something. But there’s a girl version of it and a male version. John’s the male version. And they have these special abilities with this technology. So the technology. What I say down here, season one was released on March 24.

I wanted to explore any connection to the eclipse and the hidden code from the release of season one to Halo. And until April 4, from the day this was released on March 24, is 747 days. So mega earthquake. Sodom is seven four seven. Right. So is 316. And in that episode, John walks to that girl’s door with the superpower, and her door number is 316. Which megaquake? Sodom is 316, arc extinction is 316, and arc extinction.

Just think of, like, as in the days of Noah, it’ll be in the days of man, some type of an extinction level event. And there’s a lot of evidence pointing to the real holy land was in America, and Babylon, Sodom and Gomorrah’s area would be where I’m at, guys, in Ohio. So Egypt would be down by Texas, where they killed JFK, where the eclipse starts. And then it goes right over the 2116 in Babylon and Sodom and Gomorrah.

Right? Which is two one six. And I think I showed that in here a second. Did I talk about that? Oh, yeah, right here. So I said seven four seven is also two years and 16 days, including the end date. There we find the connection to the number 2116, the area code for Cleveland, Ohio. If you look on some of the maps depicting America as Egypt, the Holy Land is Sodom and Gomorrah were right where Ohio is, which is where I live.

And guess what? The area code is 2116. And that’s where the path of totality goes directly over that. So this whole article connects to that movie. It connects to some upcoming nuclear event. And maybe that’s what the whole plasma symbolism is too, bro. Maybe that’s really connected to a nuclear event, why we’re seeing all this plasma symbolism. Can I add something? Yeah, go ahead. Yeah. 169 in the Bible is unclean and impure.

It’s properly not pure because mixed adulterated with a wrong mix. And hence unclean because tainted by sin. Wow. Free from wrong mixture. Yeah. We’re talking about a DNA war here, right? And unclean things in a moral sense. Unclean in thought and life. Demons, bad angels and 23 passages and presumed derivative. Yeah. Impure, ceremonially, morally lewd, and specifically demonic. Foul and unclean. Wow. And guys, if you’re following along, you can use the Gamatria calculator.

We have the best database in the world. It’s right on truth mafia. com. So, like what Chris is doing, you could just put in one six nine and then you’ll never find a match in cal B, and it doesn’t go up that high. So you’re not going to find nothing there. But in English or. No, you can just go like this. Hit enter. No other calculator does that.

And it’ll give you every match in the one six nine cipher. Right? So arcons are satanic as one six nine. There’s a lot in that cipher, but it’s definitely connected to us, too, the actual first player characters. So it kind of makes sense that we are unclean because we do sin, right? We sin all the time. And on my other website, truthfultv. com, we got a calculator too, guys.

And that’s where I have my shop at over here. Where I do the decodes. Little quick plug. Real quick. We have all these new products over here. I got the Rikiki crystal nexus generators. So these are really good. If you guys are working on doing your astral projection, your dream meditation, you could set this by your bed. It amplifies your signal. It also is good to put by your wifi router because it transmutates that negative energy into positive energy.

And there’s many different kinds of them. They’re pretty cool. I like these little things, but I use it when I’m doing my meditation. And I don’t like them ones as much as I do the other ones. The first one is, like, way better, I think, but it just depends on what you like. And then everyone’s a different stone. So if you scroll down here, you’ll see all the different stones.

I break down the metaphysical and holistical properties of each stone. What they amplify, what they’re good for, what type of negative energies they block. Obsidian is really good at blocking psychic attacks and black magic. So we got the obsidian, we got the red mercury cinnabar rings, which is made out of cinnabar. Really? Red mercury. I just used that name because that’s what they say cinnabar is made, creates this red mercury, but our government tells us it doesn’t exist.

Although Tartaria powered their whole freaking cities with this element, so it does exist. We also got these amazing pyramids that are made out of tourmaline. All my stuff is holistic and 100% organic. And this blocks EMFs and microwaves as well. So God created all this stuff. There’s nothing evil about a freaking crystal or a stone. I hate when people say that. It’s the most ignorant thing I ever heard.

When they went into the ark of the covenant back in the day, the priest literally had a chess plate full of stones on when he went in there. The creation stones, which I’m pretty sure blocked radiation. You remember that chess plate they wore, guys, when they went into the Ark of the coven, with all the stones on the front of it? You know what I’m talking about? Yeah, I think I’ve heard something about that, but I can’t place it off top of my head.

Yeah, you can look it up, but, yeah, that’s what it’s for. And then these ones my dude makes in China. Yeah, dude, that’s made out of obsidian. And the copper is tuned to 7. 83 Hz, which is the Schumann resonance. This is putting out the same frequency. That is our alpha brainwaves. I like that one. Yeah, it’s pretty cool. But that was just a little quick plug. Real quick.

My apologies. Quick little plug. Sorry about that. So, Marco, what do you think? And I want to hear both of your version, because both of you guys think the antichrist is two different people. I have my own opinion on who I think it is. We all have different opinions, and that’s okay. It’s cool that we can all have that conversation. None of us have to be know. Marco’s got his theory, which.

I like your theory, Marco. I think there’s a lot of. I honestly agree with your theory more than I used to be. Full on board with Chris’s theory, which is Obama. But then I kind of just grew from that. I thought it was Obama for so long, dude. And I could be wrong. Maybe it is Obama, but I kind of think that was a psyop that was, like, dangled in front of our face to make us think that.

And I think it could be trump more than I do. Damn Obama. You know what I’m saying? Because Trump, Obama’s something. Oh, yeah, he’s something. He’s definitely an unclean, demonic ass spirit, whatever is going on in there. And him and big Mike, he’s giving Mike reach rounds and shit. But I don’t know what’s going on with that dude, bro. But go ahead, guys. I’ll give you the stage.

Marco, you want to go first? Yeah. No, what I wanted to do now, though, is share the screen. Let me share my. Let me share windows here. Now, I kind of want to set the stage with this, because let me know if you see it on the guys. There he goes. Okay, so what I have up right now is a short film that I made right after the war in Israel broke out.

And you got to remember when I was last on, if your audience may remember, it was about five months ago in October. I think it was October 2. And not too long after that, I came on talking about Prince Mohammed bin Salman being the beast, the prince of the Covenant, and the 7th king of Revelation 17. Things are going to get very interesting because, listen, I’ll get to that in a little bit, because that’s even, like a deeper, darker mystery on how it all culminates.

But the guy that starts everything is called the prince of the Covenant. He’s going to confirm the covenant with many. One of the many has to be Israel. And I told you last time that I was on. I’ve been reading the scriptures for over ten years, 14 years now. Really? And I’ve been knowing how things are going to play out. And after COVID, I should say code red.

Sorry. I was looking for israeli peace deals because I know that it’s not Code red. It’s not Russia, Ukraine. It’s a guy doing a deal with Israel, a peace deal. And that’s what starts everything. But that’s what set me off as to look for this guy. Then all of a sudden, I started coming across the practice of Gematria. Then I found this guy that was the driving force behind these Abraham accords.

That happened shortly after Code red. And then I placed his name into the calculator. I got the number of the beast to what the Bible calls the number of his name. Now, ever since then, since late 2020, I’ve been sounding the alarm that this is the guy we’re about to start the end of the world. What we got, spiritually speaking, with code red was a serpent baptism to prepare the way for the second coming of the devil’s son.

That is Judas Iscariot, the son of perdition. Judas Iscariot, the same one that betrayed the lord. He hung himself. He went to his own place in the bottomless pit, and he’s going to ascend from the bottomless pit in the middle of the tribulation. 42 months after MBS does the deal with Israel, he’s going to die as the 7th king of Revelation 17. And then Judas is the 8th king of Revelation 17.

That’s going to enter his body to rule the world as the islamic messiah. That’s all about to play out. The stage is set. But shortly after I came on your show saying this sort of stuff, there’s a war that broke out in Israel. Because now what I’m saying after 160 plus days of this war is, I’m saying we are working up some beast peace, and then the end of the world is going to really begin, which is a week of years, and it’s approximately seven years before the really real second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ inflaming fire, taking vengeance on them that know not God and obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

But shortly after that war broke out, I made this short film that I did want to play for your audience, so I’m going to shut up and I’ll let you see that. We’re just getting to some beast piece. Check it out. You own all the stuff in it? Yeah. Okay. Check it out. But the possibilities are real. And it also changes the relationship between Judaism and Islam, between the holy seed of Judaism, Jerusalem, the holy seed of Islam mecca.

And that radiates to a billion and more Muslims. That’s a historic shift, and I think it’s worth investing in. Am I confident? I believe there is a greater chance that we’ll achieve it. But I will say this. I think that we have a window of opportunity. It’s the next few months. If we don’t achieve it in the next few months, we might delay it by quite a few years.

We probably, in the end, achieve it because it makes sense. But I think if we want to seize the opportunity, this historic opportunity, we have to do it in the coming months. Allahambayani adult him wahan amanda him uma lobby mitsa lobby Slavin hama Aboka hamas pattanik negative medina soil and negative anakobitoxe office to the soldier could I let you show good off to the soldier sea everyone wants to be reach out for the things I need but is it all just a mirage? Is it just a mirage? Now there you have what I discovered in late 2020, which is Prince Mohammed bin Salman, equals six six six.

That led me to, since 2020, try to compile not only images on Instagram, because I think that’s how we met Tommy, for your audience that doesn’t know, we actually came across each other on Instagram first. So I was making a bunch of what I call Grams of truth, which are basically exploits, using the scripture and using the news. That’s all I’m doing. I’m just putting that together. And I think that’s how Tommy came across my work initially.

And since 2020, I’ve been making not only short films, but for your audience. If you go check out our website beingjustified. com, I have at least two films so far that are over an hour long that show you the following. Because in 2022, we came out with our first film called the Prince of the Covenant. Because in the book of Daniel, chapter eleven, that’s a phrase for the beast, which is the prince of the Covenant.

That is the person that will confirm the covenant of Daniel 927 and start the end of the world. And what we do with the film is we just show you scripture along with the news. And at the end, the practice of Gematria to show you the number of his name because he has to have six six. Six to the number of that name. So we show you Prince Mohammed bin Salman is the prince of the Covenant.

The Bible says, prove all things. That’s what we do. And I don’t have to tell anybody he’s a prince. He’s a literal prince. He’s a crown prince. He will be the 7th king of revelation 17. And then they’re literally going to kill him, like with a literal sword, like the book of Zechariah says, just like the sword that’s on the saudi flag. Now, in 2022, we came out with that.

In 2023, we came out. Let me actually see. Hold on, let me see here. I’m surprised it didn’t show you the actual screen. Here, let me do the window. Here we go. So in 2022, let me see if it just shows up here. Hold on a second. Let me make sure the window will show up. I don’t know. Are you guys seeing the window? Let me see here.

Let me see what you’re looking at. No, they’re not. Here, let me add it to this. There it goes. There you go, budy. Cool. Now, I did want to show your audience, our website is beingjustified. com. I recently put up a blog where I show you these are going to be the four films that I’m going to make for the whole thing, period. Because I don’t really think we got that much time left anyways.

But I call it the four for the end. And in 2022, we came out with the film called the Prince of the Covenant. This shows you who’s the prince of the Covenant, the beast, the 7th king of Revelation 17. This is the man that starts everything. So we’re going in chronological order as to how things are about to play out. It starts with one man doing one deal with one nation.

That is MBs. Now, in 2023, just last year, we came out with another hour long film where we show you he’s not only the beast, but he’s also a child of Esau that is Jacob’s evil twin brother that’s been wanting to kill Jacob Israel since he lost that birthright to him. And he’s rebuilding. This is very easy to prove, by the way, because the Bible says, like I said, you got to be able to prove your mouth with the book.

And I’m doing so. And one of the things that I could prove it with is the fact that he’s rebuilding a place called Neom today. That’s in northwestern Saudi Arabia, and that’s actually Edom in the book of Malachi, that the Lord tells us he’s going to rebuild it, and the Lord’s going to throw it down when he comes back. But another very interesting component that we talk about in this film is that in Niaom, that’s actually in what they call the Tabuk province in northwestern Saudi Arabia, which is actually in the land of the real Mount Sinai in Arabia that Paul the apostle talks about in the Book of Galatians.

Now, we also show you how there’s a connection all there between the beast Esau and also not only Mount Sinai, because we know Moses was there, but also Elias, Elijah the prophet. They all were there. And they’re also going to be the two witnesses that are coming up. So we’re looking at this chronologically, because, let me tell you, the beast is MBS. He’s going to confirm the covenant.

The end of the world will begin. Then the two witnesses, Moses and Elijah, are going to come to witness to Israel. So that’s actually what my second film talks about. Now, this year. I hope to get this done rather shortly, not too long from now. And I want to get done before the eclipse coming up. And because we’re talking about eclipse prophecies, as you could tell on our first film, what I have on the COVID is a total solar eclipse.

Because when I started listening to what they called the Code red, I mean, corona means crown. He is the crown prince, and around the eclipse is the stellar corona. So that’s why I included it. Plus, it looks very catholic. And I do have the pope, along with the Jesuit general in the background there. And then on the second film, I have Mount Sinai, which is in Arabia, along with the number of the beast and the beast behind it, because he’s rebuilding the land of Edom, which is in that territory.

And now, in this year, we’re going to be putting out a film where we’re looking at how we are going to be potentially transitioning into the kingdom of the beast, the one world government, religion and currency of the mark of the beast in the right hand or forehead, and talking about what’s already been laid out before us with the Code red. And I think it’s going to be leading to the reason why I call this film corona rage is just like the Jesuits told us.

They said that Code Red was a confirmation of their mission. Arturo Sosa said this, and he also said, if things don’t change, he said the next one will be worse. What I’m trying to say here is that 70% of the world got deceived to receive a bioweapon, and the next one will be worse. They don’t have to put anything else out. The trap is already set. And at this point, I’m just interested to see how they’re going to activate those people.

And with that being said, that’s our film called Corona rage. Coming as to how we transition to the kingdom of the beast, that’s going to happen. This is going to happen rather shortly. 42 months after the deal with Israel. Hey, Marco, make sure you don’t use certain words, buddy. Okay? Cold red. What I did want to mention here is chronologically how we’re going to get from where we’re at now.

When the beast does the deal, 42 months later. I’m trying to keep things simple because there’s so much confusion out there. And the Bible says there’s simplicity in Christ, and it is simple, but the devil has to work overtime to deceive people. But 42 months after MBS does a deal with Israel, it’s only going to take three and a half years. After that, they’re going to kill him.

He’s going to come back to life, and that’s when they worship him. And that’s also when the kingdom of the beast will fully come to pass. But we have to keep in mind what’s already before us. A lot of people like to talk about World War Three, which is a culmination of the great tribulation’s red horse Rider. 42 months after MBS does the deal with Israel, we’re going to enter the great tribulation, which is the last 42 months before the second coming.

But in the great tribulation will be the Red Horse rider that takes peace from the earth and people will kill each other with the sword. That is what I tell people is the climax of World War Three. World War Three is not going to be right now. The climax of it is in the great tribulation, but with what we have set before us. Don’t forget, a lot of people are talking about World War Three.

I’m telling you that we might get World War Z coming up. And with that being said, I do want to premiere for your audience here a teaser to this upcoming film that we call corona rage that shows you a song that tells us about the conspiracy in plain sight. Check this out. This ain’t going to have nothing getting us in trouble, is it? No. Now, sure, on this one, it’s got parasite.

But your audience has to listen to this, man. It’s an incredible song when you have eyes to see and ears. No, you can’t play that, bro. I’ll get flagged. Please don’t play that. You guys can go watch that on Marco’s channel. I got this streaming my big Facebook page. I’m not about to lose my Facebook page. It’s all good. All right, so that’s good. Let’s just say this.

Go check it out and watch it. Yeah, no. All right, so I’ll let it be at that. Now, that is a song that literally. I’m just going to give you the highlights of it. I’m going to give you the highlights. I’m just going to just speak it. So you guys understand that in the song that I used as a foundation there for that teaser, this particular rock band actually tells you, they say, I heard they need better signal.

Talking about most likely the. Then they also say right after that, they say, put chips and pins in the needle. That’s for the auto assembly. Nanotechnology, that is most likely in that crap. And eventually I think they’re going to cause these people to rage, just turn crazy. All right. And what I’ve been telling people is they most likely tested this out in Rwanda with the genocide of 1994, also the same year that the cranberries came out with their song zombie.

Zombie. I bet they did test it in Rwanda. They probably damn sure did. You remember that movie? Damn, what’s it called? Kingsman. Yeah, Kingsman. They use the same technology, bro, and activate everybody through the SIM cards in the movies. Kingsman. So they already show us the predictive programming of that and it makes them rage just like you’re talking about. You got to watch Kingsman, bro. Let me tell you, Satan is in the surprise business right now.

He’s got everybody looking over here thinking about nuclear war. Satan likes to surprise you. And this one is a good little surprise. But I’m telling you, that’s going to be our next film. That’s most likely how we’re going to transition into the kingdom of the beast, not with World War II, but with World War Z. And like I said on the last time that I was on your show, this might be all in line with that one other show from Netflix called Kingdom, where the crown prince is going to be the only hope against the zombie plague.

So think about how they might collapse everything with this, so that you need a mark to buy or sell and identify yourself if you’re not a rager. So this is just things to contemplate because the last days are at the door. They’re about to start, y’all. Otherwise, our last film that is going to be in the series here, chronologically speaking in regards to how things are prophetically about to play out at the end of everything, right before the Lord returns.

Right before the Lord returns, our final film is going to be called three unclean spirits. Because in Revelation 16, in two sentences, the word of God tells you what the whole purpose of the aliens are, these alien grays that look like frogs. Because Revelation 16 says, I saw three unclean spirits that look like frogs. Those are the aliens. They’re going to come out of the mouth of the slain and risen Mohammed bin Salman, the final pope, which is the false prophet, and the mouth of the devil, the dragon.

They’re going to come out of their mouth, and they’re going to unite the world to fight the Lord on his return at Armageddon. Talk about a deception. And that’s going to be the final installment that I hope to get these films done before the end of the world even starts. But these are the final two films. One of the things I did want to talk about is a gram of truth that I saw one of your audience members mentioned.

So I wanted to talk about. It was with that music video for the teaser that we included into the corona rage teaser. In the music video from that group, they actually show you all this imagery that I just wanted to describe a little bit, like, you actually have what looks to be like the alien Grays touching the humans. And in the Book of Daniel, it says, they most likely those extraterrestrials, let’s call them, because they are not of this world.

And it says here, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of man, but they shall not cleave, because we’re in the final kingdom of iron and clay before the Lord returns. And you could see here in the music video, they actually tell you they’re very blatant, man. They said, please remain calm. The end has arrived. They’re telling you, y’all, they tell you, wake up. And another thing that I wanted to point out to your audience that really has just, like, fascinated me and kind of also, there’s been a couple of moments that I’ve been a little bit discouraged.

The first one was when I found out about Prince Mohammed bin Salman equaling six six six. That’s when I. When I. When I looked at the screen and I saw his number there with the gematria calculator, my heart kind of sank. I said, all right, lord, I guess this is it. But another one that I saw recently, not too long ago, was how they position the code red apparatus, let’s call it straight in the middle, exactly in the middle of the two most recent total solar eclipses in America.

So you look at August 21, 2017, or 2017 was the last total solar eclipse. Then 1211 days after that, we get the code red apparatus, right? It gets distributed. And that was during the corona eclipse in Argentina. And you know what else happened, bro? Speaking of raging and zombies on that exact day, December 1413, years prior to that was when the movie I am legend released. Listen, I forgot to mention that last time I was on your show, but we did kind of bring up I am legend.

But another thing I forgot to mention to you, man, I think I might have, but I don’t know. I’m just going to say that I looked into the director and I forgot about the director, Francis Lawrence. I mean, first of all, he uses the name Francis, like Pope Francis. But at the same time, I looked at his education and he comes from Loyola Marymount Jesuit College in Los Angeles.

So I was just like, oh, man, again, man, this is. Listen, at the top, the Lord is very simple. There’s one. Look, we got to look at some biblical dynamics that are at play right now in this present evil world. The Bible calls this world right now a present evil world because the God of this world, little G, is Satan. He’s also the prince of the power of the air.

Think about 5g. That’s air. Now, Satan’s kingdom is not divided. He just has a very good show. All right. Called the mystery of iniquity. And he runs it temporarily in the earth from one city in revelation 1718, it says, and the woman which thou sawest is their great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth. And it’s on seven mountains. It’s arrayed in purple and scarlet for the bishops and the cardinals, and it’s full of names of blasphemy, like, holy Father, that’s the Vatican.

You have to be physically blind not to see. The Vatican is that city. And this whole operation has all been them at the top. At the top, it’s the Vatican and her militia, the Society of Judas. They like to call themselves the Society of Jesus, but I’m telling you, they’re the Society of Judas that has serpent baptized the world with venom to prepare for that old serpent seed coming back, which is Judas, the son of perdition, the 8th king of revelation 17.

In the sword slain body of MBs. They’re going to kill that man. He’s coming back to life with Judas in him. And what I wanted to show you here is this is a recent finding. And I said, okay, so how many days do we have between the last solar eclipse and the one coming up, when you include the end date? Well, there it is, 2423 days between those last two solar eclipses.

In America, the total, not the annular, but the total solar eclipses. But then you look at the number properties, and that is the 360th prime number. And that with the reverse satanic cipher is 360 for Lucifer. And another thing that tripped me out recently, and I must say, I knew this, like, maybe three years ago when I saw the symbol that they use for Lucifer. And I said, that looks like the penumbra right there for the shadow that the eclipse, the total solar eclipse makes.

And I said, look at this, man. I’d be surprised. All I’m going to say to your audience is, I’d be surprised. Nothing really happens. But another thing that I’m looking at also, it’s not going to happen on that day. That ain’t how it works. They’ll never do it on that day. It’ll be a certain amount of days from that day, like 187 days. Slow down there. Slow down, bro, because I’m not done yet.

Check this out. There’s going to come a time that I feel, yeah, they might get activated. So what I’m looking at and what I’m telling my audience with the Watchman report, I’m saying, listen, we need to look at, we need to be watchful and walk circumspect as to how we lead into the eclipse and go out of the eclipse. As far as any strange things happening with. There’s another song with the group that I used in my films teaser, they had another song called Follow you.

And it starts off with people saying that there’s reports of strange behavior happening all of a sudden. So that’s how we got to be watching for this stuff. And in that particular film, they also show the total solar eclipse and everybody going crazy. So I’m telling people, do you think that’s the one coming up or do you think that’s the one in America coming 20 years after that? So like I said, we got to be watchful.

Another thing that I’m looking for is, I’m saying the window of opportunity for me looks to be from the eclipse going into, like, May 6, which is five, six, which is also 28 days later. You all remember that zombie movie. And another thing that I caught recently was I do have another gram of truth here that I made with the best representation from the book of Ezekiel for what a cherub is.

Because a lot of people, they get it twisted. Satan, the adversary of God, used to be the anointed cherub that covered the throne of God. And that’s a cherub that wasn’t an archangel, wasn’t an angel, wasn’t a seraphim. Those are all different things. A cherub looks like what we have on the screen right here has a face of a man, a lion, an ox, and an eagle. That’s what Satan used to be.

He used to be the anointed one that covered God’s throne. Now, as a reminder, a lot of people should know why those four faces, that has to do with the Lord Jesus Christ and the four gospels. But one of the other things that I tripped out on recently is the name is Lucifer, and he is the son of the morning. That’s what he was. He’s now Satan, by the way, Leviathan, a fire breathing dragon.

But that also equals 99. And the eclipse is also on the 99th day of the year when you look at leap years. But one of the other things that I’ve been looking at, man, is I’ve seen, okay, what’s the Vatican’s position here with all the numbers behind the pope and the eclipse coming up? Because obviously, when you get the first Jesuit pope, man, one of the things that I wanted to show your audience that I know they may not know, because I just found this out, and I’ve never seen anybody else mention this Lucifer.

The word Lucifer is in the word of God as the 313th word of Isaiah 14. And you guys may know this already, 603 score and six equals 313. And that’s also when the pope started his pontificate. Some people may know that already. But I’m also telling you, from the time of his pontificate starting to the solar eclipse coming up is 4044 days. Well, just remove the zero value, and you got Lucifer again showing up there with four, four, four.

So those are just some interesting finds that I saw. But what I’ve been telling my audience is quite simply this. Listen, the stage is set. The trap is set. With 70% of the world receiving something. They got deceived to receive this, and we’re really building up to the end of the world. And it culminates with God’s strong delusion. God’s strong delusion is going to be the second coming of Judas as God on earth.

They’re going to see him as God on earth. For those not written in the lamb’s book of life, if you’re not in the book of life, you’re probably going to be worshipping this guy. Coming up and look at this. The Corona king is coming, y’all. And with the reverse cipher of the satanic cipher, you got six, six, six. The Corona king is coming. And in Daniel Eight, we see a reference to this.

A lot of people don’t know how to make this out, but this is by the middle of the tribulation. And it says here, and in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors, the sinners, are come to the full, a king, that is the 8th king of revelation 17, Judas, a king of fierce countenance and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up. He’s going to stand up in the body of MBS.

Because another thing that I want to show your audience here, this is a very deep, dark mystery that I know nobody else was saying before I stepped on the scene. So all glory to be to my father. This is a world exclusive from my father. He gave me this understanding in revelation 17 that I’ve been asking him for quite some time. I said, lord, whenever I read about Revelation 17, who are these kings? And let me tell you, they’re the kings of Saudi Arabia.

And it says here, and the beast that was even, and it says here and is not, that is Judas. He was alive, betrayed the lord, hung himself, went to his own place in the bottomless pit. The Bible says even he, Judas, is the 8th king of revelation 17. But notice what the caveat here is and is of the seven. Now, what I’ve been trying to show my audience is that there has been seven kings.

When you include Mohammed bin Salman, there has been five that have fallen as kings. Five kings of Saudi Arabia have died as kings. And then it says, one is. That is the current king, King Salman. And one is yet come because he’s the crown prince. But he’s going to start the end of the world as the crown prince, and then his father’s going to die as the 6th king, and then MBS will be the 7th king.

This is very intricate, by the way, but by the middle of the tribulation, MBS is going to die as the 7th king, to be the body, to be the vessel for Judas the 8th, because Judas is a soul. Right now. He needs a body. And that is the deep, dark mystery also behind that double headed Phoenix that you see with the scottish white masons. Basically, the white horse rider of revelation in the great tribulation is going to be the islamic messiah that gets a crown and goes forth conquering and to conquer.

And who better than the crown prince of the birthplace of Islam? And like I said, that is going to be the islamic messiah, because basically, it’s going to be Judas in the body of MBS as they rule the world. But here’s a very interesting finding. Mohammed bin Salman and Judas Iscariot equal nine nine nine. And that has 33 letters, just like you see above that thing right there.

33. And when you write out, just write out the words nine nine nine. Well, that equals six six two. There’s no playing around with this. Nine nine nine is also like an inverted six six as well. But that is who is coming to rule the world. You’re going to see MBS do a deal. He’s probably going to part God’s land with the palestinian two state solution. He’s then going to also allow the Jews to get on the Temple Mount to build the third temple that 42 months later, after he’s killed and risen from the dead, he will desolate it, because Judas is going to be in his body saying he’s God in the temple of God.

And now I wanted to show you this particular IPEg go clip here, because this is the lead figure of Ipeg go two. The main character of Ipeg go two is the seat of the serpent, which you can see right here. And that is Judas Iscariot with his coming kingdom of the beast. Check this out. It’s a real quick one on this one. Hey, after this clip, we got to let Chris.

Oh, I’m done after this, bro. I’m done after this. All right, brother, check this out. Don’t have nothing in it. That is copywritten, right? Hey, you can’t play that, budy. That’s copywritten. You can’t play stuff like that. You can’t play copywritten stuff on other people’s channel, Marco. It’s illegal, brother. He’ll get me taken down. The only reason you get away with it is because you’re not reaching millions of people.

Once you start reaching millions of people, you’ll have lawsuits coming at you and more shit. You can’t just play someone’s copywritten material without their permission, bro. That’s against the law, man. You know what I’m saying? Yeah, that was my spiel, though. That was my spiel, brother. All right, well, no, that was a long ass spiel, and I’m with, it’s. It’s definitely very interesting at this. You. Let me tell you, Tommy, no one’s going to have excuse to say they weren’t warned.

I’m not on the number six six, so that’s not my thing. I think they invert everything holy. I’m looking at the number seven seven, and I’m looking at a whole different person. But I’ll cover that. After Chris touches on what his theory, and then we’ll cover on a few things that I got that are going on in real time right now, and then we’ll wrap it up. So, Chris, what you think it’s.

Well, I agree that it’s Obama. It’s not my theory. It’s been shown by Jonathan Kleck, and he explains it very well. But I can talk about it. Hey, listen, shout out to Jonathan. I’m all on board with his. Listen, I love his bug theory, what he’s talking about with the bugs and stuff. It’s on point right out of the Bible. But I agree with, like, you look at Obama’s.

I can discuss it. I’ll say you can look at Obama’s presidential portrait, and what’s hidden in the imagery is the snake in the garden, his name in Hebrew, Barack Obama, is lightning from heaven. Luke 1018. There’s a lot of things that point to Obama. Him being potentially the clone of Akhenaten. If you remember, if your audience remembers when he went to Egypt, he’s in the pyramids there, and he points to himself.

There’s just tons come out with that, though. That’s been out way before. That’s been out a long time ago. Absolutely. But a lot of signs point to it. If you look at the akhenaten hieroglyph, also decoded by Jonathan Kleck, he shows an alien facing in the head of Akhenaten looking backwards. And if you look at Obama’s scar on the back of his head, it looks like that alien.

Yeah, it’s fucking wild, the bug shit. He is so on point with. And I think there’s many different forms of these, what they call extraterrestrials. To me, they’re very demonic. You got the ones that look like I’m. I’m not living in America, but it appears to me that it doesn’t look like Biden’s running the country. You know what I mean? So it looks to me like there’s someone else running behind.

Looks like I said, there’s just lots of things that point to Obama. Yeah, it’s definitely an interesting thing. It’s not the first time I’ve heard it. There’s a lot of people that believe it’s Obama that’s been going around since Obama became the president. You know what? Yeah, yeah. I was fully on board with it because I really thought it was him, dude. I thought hook, line and sinker.

But I’m just going to be honest with you guys now. I don’t think it’s him. I think it’s Prince William myself. Can I ask a be, is the antichrist different than Satan? Could there be an Antichrist on earth and then also have another embodiment of Satan on earth? What do you mean by that? An Antichrist? I always interpreted that the Antichrist would be Satan in flesh. But is it possible that there be an Antichrist and also Satan in flesh on earth simultaneously? I don’t know about that one.

That’s a good question. You know what saying? Like, maybe one person could be the Antichrist and one person can be, like, the embodiment of Satan on earth. I don’t know. Yeah, just a thought I had. I’m looking at Prince William. There’s so much with him. And his real name is not so. They lie anyways. They’re not even Windsors, guys. They’re sax, Colbert and Gotha. And Sax, Colbert and Gotha.

William. Sax, Colbert, and Gotha. Seven. Seven. Seven. Which I think they’re reptilians. I swear to God I do. I believe the queen’s a reptilian. He’s a reptilian. And it all gets into the ogdo, the eight primordial creator deities. This goes back into egyptian lore. And just like what Marco was talking about with heads of frogs, well, there’s the ogdote, or the eight primordial creator deities. And their females, I believe, have the heads of the frogs and they’re males, the head of the serpent.

Or it might be vice versa. But yeah, one sex is heads of frogs and the other sex is heads of serpents. And Crowley manifested up that little demon named Lamb, which looks a whole lot like a freaking frog. That’s what them gray aliens look like. And this number seven seven is connected to Crowley, who called the beast. It’s heavily tied in to Saturn, where we get the word sancton from.

And it’s a sacred, holy number, so they pervert it. And if you’re creating a false Christ, it’s going to be everything connected to the real Christ inverting it. So that’s why I’m looking at that number. The Bible we know has been rewritten, the council of Nicaea. They rewrote the whole damn thing, the New Testament. And the original number of the beast anyways was 6116. If you look at the oldest papyrus from papyrus 115 of revelations, it’s 6116 in that Bible, right? Which 6116 is connected to Nero and the number 13.

So I don’t know, man. It’s fascinating. But yeah, I’m looking at William. I definitely believe his family is something really powerful in this reality. And even their coat of arms, it’s everything that it talks about. All the symbolism is there with it. And another thing I want to tell people right now, there’s something very weird going on with all the new movies and all the new series that’s coming out with the leopard print.

You’ll notice leopards or some leopard type character is in all the new films. It’s in that new panda, Kung fu Panda one, which, by the way, if you guys watch that with your kids, the reptilian entity in it, she can shapeshift and take other people’s forms. They’re literally showing you that reptilian narrative in that. And it steals the leopard’s kung fu. The leopard dude, it steals his kung fu.

I actually did a video showing all the scenes. I can’t show it in here. It’s going to be for my maid members. But the new Netflix series, the gentleman, they got the leopard symbolism in it all throughout it. So does the regime. There’s this new series called the regime. It’s on their coat of arms, and then they have the eight pointed star on their coat of arms, which we all know is the star of Babylon.

But more importantly, it’s connected to Nibiru. And that’s why we had the Super bowl in Las Vegas, because they got the giant eight pointed star right on the front of it. It all ties into CERN opening the gates of hell. CERN has the eight bars going around 2024 is the year of the eight. Meta changed its logo to the eight. And if you add it up, two plus zero, plus two plus four is eight.

So we’re in the year of eight. You also see that symbol heavily connected to the Mormons, right? And they try to say they’re descendants of the bloodline of Christ and all this stuff. It’s the 17th card in the tarot deck, which Nibaru is 17 in Chaldean. So, yeah, it’s pretty fascinating. And all the X symbolism ultimately represents the cross of bald. It’s also Osiris. Right? And Osiris. The resurrection of Osiris is the coming of this new Antichrist figure.

That’s why we’re seeing all that x symbolism with the twin eclipses. Elon changing his logo to the freaking x. And, oh, by the way, we’ve had a lot of chicken symbolism lately. Right, guys, that new series called the Gentleman. Go look at the COVID of it. The one brothers dressed in a giant chicken suit. Have any of you guys seen this gentleman yet? No. Oh, it’s so good, guys.

Just to watch it as a program that you guys would probably like. It’s phenomenal. And let me see if I can pull it up so I can. Previously on Halo. What did I just do there? Previously on Halo 1 second. The M E N, the gentleman is that one. There’s also a movie called the Gentleman, and don’t get it mistaken by that one. It’s not the same thing.

Two different ones, most definitely. I know what you’re talking about. I did also want to touch on the whole leper thing, too, because that all has to do with Saudi Arabia as well, because they have an. What I found the connection to, and I’m decoding it, is the one three two number, which revelations the 13 two. And it’s all heavily connected to that one three two cipher. The leopard symbolism, which.

The beast rising from the sea with the body of a leopard. Right. I’m telling you, the beast from the Red Sea is Mohammed bin Salman. And let me tell you, Saudi Arabia declared February 10 national Arabian Leopard Day. It’s international now, by the way. But he is the arabian leopard. What, that’s his name or something? No, there’s just an arabian leopard in Arabia. Saudi Arabia. And they gave the arabian leopard its own day now.

So a lot of people. Listen, man, it’s becoming so obvious who this man is. What I tell my audience. Quit playing yourself. Quit playing yourself. I’m right. I have the full assurance of the understanding. I’m proving all things. This is the guy. He’s about to do a deal with Israel. Prince William ain’t. Barack Obama. Ain’t. I know your opinion. I don’t agree with it, but I respect it.

And you’re never going to convince me to make me think you know what I’m saying. I respect your opinion. I’ve listened to it numerous times, and I’m definitely keeping my eye on that guy. I just don’t agree, brother. But it’s cool. You don’t have to repeat the same thing you already just said. We’re on a whole different part of the show now. I’m trying to tell you about the arabian leopard.

You mentioned leopard. I’m telling you about the arabian leopard. Tom. No, I get that, but you’re going down the same hole you just was on talking about the Antichrist. I could also go down the hole of Prince William and showing you that he’s not by qualifying him. The Bible has qualification. Like I said, I’m off that part of the show. Marco, I’m not here to argue with you about who you believe the Antichrist is and who I don’t.

Go watch Marco’s channel if you want to. I don’t even believe in the same religion as you, bro, so I think a lot of it’s made up to scare people. Now, I’m on this part of what I’m talking about, the chicken symbolism, and it’s the gentleman. This is what it’s called, guys. The new series, the gentleman. I respect your theory, bro, but I’m not here to argue with you.

And I see what you’re trying to do, and it’s not going to happen on my show, so please respect. Later. See you later. And don’t do that. Yeah, later, then. Peace out. Here’s the chicken symbolism right here. Now, guys, I’ve been going down this crazy rabbit hole with the whole chicken. See, we got them on the COVID And what I found out with this chicken is that it’s connected to France.

I never knew that. Did you know that, Chris? No, me neither. Not at all. So the chicken, national symbol of France, is used as an unofficial mascot in their sporting events, the Galliac rooster. I never knew that in my. No, I didn’t know that. Rooster is 31 on his gallium, on the periodic table of elements, and also connected to the rooster crowing in the Bible with Jesus. Right.

Oh, wow. Yeah. I’ve been trying to go down this rooster rabbit hole lately because there’s definitely something there going on. And then there’s so many flags. Like, the Republic of Turkey is connected to the. Go back to that flag, the Republic of Turkey. The moon birthing a star. Yeah. It’s the flag of Islam there. Right? The moon birthing the five point of star. Saturn, moon Matrix. Yeah. That’s an ancient.

Yeah, dude. But, like, man, I couldn’t believe how many connections there are to this freaking rooster. Where’s that one? They got this. Hold on a second. I was looking at them all the other day. Jim Khan. No, that’s not it. Something connected to the big chicken. Oh, of course. We got Kentucky fried chicken, Belgium and Kellogg’s. Yeah. Brazilian, is it? No, no. Trademark Bourdain uses the rooster. It was something to do with.

I got. I’m keeping my eye on France because we’ve seen the chicken places burn down and there’s all this chicken symbolism going on right now, which. Yeah, I just found it interesting that that was on the COVID of the gentleman and the gentleman and dude, he kills the dude as he’s dressed up as a chicken. He blows his head off. So there’s a lot of symbolism in that movie.

I think you showed it. But the abraxics or whatever. Is the chicken handed God, too, right? Yes, brassic. It sure is. The chicken and gallium 31 is tied to PI 3. 1. Right. So that’s just it, man. That’s weird, because, you know, the day I started looking into all this and watching the gentleman was the day my YouTube channel got taken down on that pie day, started looking into the chicken.

Can I show you something cool with 169? Yeah, you can show me. I can’t believe. Can you look up the COVID for summer rental? It’s a John Candy movie. Oh, shit. Marco really did dip out on us. Oh, wow. Why’d you do that? What a little dork. Why would he do that? I mean, dude, I’m not here to argue with anyone. I gave him his time to break his stuff down.

Like, I’m not going to argue with you. What he wanted to do is segue and try to discredit why Obama’s not it. Why I’m not debating. I like this debate. I don’t care enough. I don’t care enough. I’m trying to give you a platform to get your stuff heard. I’m promoting your channel, which, by the way, all Marco stuffs, all of his links are down in the description.

Go check out his website, beingjustified. com. I still love him. Let him go. Cool down. That was very childish. And I’m not here to debate you, bro. I’m not going to do that. And I seen where it was going, and I have no interest in it. You know what I’m saying? Yeah. I came across this the other night and I wanted to show it to you. Just look it up.

Share your screen. I don’t know how to do that. How do I do that? You just go down to the bottom. Hit present. Yeah. Okay. Full screen. And then I’ll add it to the show. It’s pretty easy. All right. But, yeah, hopefully Marco cools down and I’ll still promote his channel. I still think he’s doing a good thing. I’m not one to hold a grudge, so I really don’t give a shit.

I just have no desire to debate, especially a person that is supposed to be your friend. I’m not trying to get in that thing, and someone’s going to get mad and it’s going to go sideways. You know what I’m saying? I know my temper and I’m not going to tolerate it. So I just cut that quick. Okay. I don’t know what you can see. Can you see anything? Are you sharing anything on my screen? Yeah, the screen is up there, buddy.

Okay, so can we see this poster? The summer rental poster? I see your bing images. You have that screen up. Okay, let me do it that way then. Yeah, just go on there. So I came across this movie the other night, and it was potentially a future decode, but it ties in with number 169. And I thought you’d appreciate. Oh, look at the X symbol, budy, buddy. This goes deep.

This is fucking deep. That’s the first thing I notice is the X. 100% the X. But also. Okay, so in this movie, the plot of the movie is he gets fed up with work. They tell him to go on vacation. He rents a house with his wife. They go rent the house. It’s beautiful. They hang out in the house for a bit, and then they get a knock on the door, and it’s a black family saying, you’re in our house.

It’s literally the plot of leave the world behind. Is it from 1985? Okay. They show the regatta. Like, the big date in this movie is the regatta on July 15. And that regatta is the 169th date of the year. And look at his jersey on the COVID It’s Chicago blackhawks. It’s Obama’s city. It’s got the snake around his neck, and it’s doing the wink and the mocking tongue.

It’s got the X. It’s got the cooler with the water pouring water, which is figuratively semen out of the Bible. And then you can see the camera with the coiled DNA. It’s all tied to the DNA war and the eclipse and leave the world behind. And it’s literally 14,000 days to the day from the release dates and 2000 weeks and 38 years. Sorry. I think it’s 38 years and 121, which 121 is Adam.

There’s definitely some sexual energy going on there, too, with the water. Well, the whole scene literally is a euphemism. He pours water on all the beaches, and it’s literally at the end, he steps on a tube of suntan lotion and squirts it all over. The whole scene is a euphemism for sex. Yeah, I can see it already. And it’s completely tied to leave the world behind. Wow. I got to watch it.

It’s 14,000 days apart to the day and 2000 weeks. Look at the numbers between. The release dates are off the charts. Now. What’s this movie? Summer rental. Summer rental. It’s from 1985. I just came across this the other night, like, randomly. Oh, yeah. I come across some of the best ones. Dude, I’m going to tell you. I’ve been trying to get Jay dreams to do it. I want you to watch Halo so we can decode that together and we’ll do a halo.

I’ll stop sharing my screen here. Anyways, so in the movie I sent you to your email, I sent you the screen capture for it. July 15 is the big day in the movie summer rental. And that’s the 169th day of the year. Wow. It came out on the 169th day of the year, the release of that movie. No, there’s a screen capture from the movie. There’s a big boat race in the movie.

And the boat race is on July 15. And I was researching th watching this, and I just came across the number 169. And you brought it up. But also the 169th day of the year is also leaves 196 days left in the year. So it’s a part of the year where the days mirror each other. And 196. Yeah. Nine and six are like mirror reflections of each other, which is also tied to.

Anyways. And also 169, again, being in the Bible was unclean and impure. It’s all tied to the DNA war. It’s wild. I wanted to show Marco this thing about the eclipse and get his opinion on that before he dipped out. Damn it. But yeah, dude, you’re going to see that number, bro, everywhere. Now watch. I promise. This one six nine number. It’s so crazy when it first came across me and, bro, it’s on all.

How do I say this without getting myself hacked on a lot of my cards? Let’s just say that number is connected to them on certain cards I own. And I showed donut. It’s so ingrained in my life and mine. And Donut and Logan’s name together equals one six nine. All of our channels. So that’s when I. Logan came on one day and I was decoding. I wanted to see what all of our names are together.

And that’s when I first started paying attention to the number one six nine. So ever since then, it was like I’ve been fascinated with it, and I just see it everywhere. It’s freaking unreal. Okay, so remember how I said it’s the one? So the movie came out in 1985. It’s not because of the leap year. It doesn’t have that 169196 connection. But it did in 1985. Yeah. And then you know what 196 is on the periodic table.

It’s gold like lead in the gold. Oh, wow. Yeah. Dude, what do you think about this eclipse? See, I don’t think they’re going to do nothing on the day of the eclipse. Yeah, I always just view the eclipse as marking time, right? That’s how I see it. It’s just like when the clock strikes twelve. Yeah, it’s lunchtime, but that doesn’t mean you eat lunch necessarily at, like, 12:00 you might eat it at 1210.

Right. I’m definitely keeping my eye on that date, October 11. But, like, bro, there’s all these biblical connections to the eclipse. This is what I wanted to show Marco. This one blows my mind. Is this the Nineveh one? Yeah. And I don’t even know who did this originally. I wish I did. No, I saw this, too. I think it came across telegram and it blew my mind. It went viral, though.

If anybody out there in the comments, if anybody knows who. Yeah, let me know. So I could shout them out, because I’ve shared it numerous times now, but one of my people just sent it to me. One of my followers, they’re like, tommy, look at this. And Marco mentioned that day. What do you say? May 6? I think he said it was 28 days later. And so I wanted to show him this, which is 20 eigth.

Lucifer and Keltian. May 18 is 40 days later. So check this out. And, Marco, if you’re watching, bro, this is pretty crazy. So the total solar eclipse that will be taking place on April eigth of this year passes through Jonah, Texas, and then through several towns and cities bearing the name Nazareth, which also passes through rapture, Indiana. And all this takes place under the constellation, which represents the whale.

And also the whale is leviathan. You know that, right? Is it? Yeah. Sea monster. It’s with a whale, the kraken. Well, and the whale is also tied to the akashic records. It’s another kind of concept. Interesting. No, you’re fine, buddy. This all goes through the ark in Wilmington, Kentucky, too. And then that whole decode I have with the arch, and I’ve shown in my decode that x is right over St.

Louis as well. When St. Louis has the St. Louis archway, which is, if you look at it from the sky, it’s a vagina. Like, it’s a female reproductive system. They’re birthing something with this eclipse. Oh, yeah, they’re birthing the figure. Yeah. Who he is. And look, Marco might be right. It might be the prince of Saudi Arabia. Well, that’s what I was trying to get at. Can there be different entities in this conversation, right? I don’t know.

None of us. No, I know. I don’t. We’re all truth seekers, right? Yeah. You would be arrogant and it would be complete ego. If you say, I have the only truth. I’m one of the best decoders out here, and I would never say that because I don’t know for sure. It’s just a theory of mine. And that’s it. That’s all it is. It’s nothing that I’m ever going to argue over.

I really don’t care enough to argue about it. I just do not. Whoever it is, we’ll find out when he’s here. But I do think we’re coming into that timeline where that type of character is going to rise on the world stage. This is interesting time to be alive, no doubt about that. Oh, it definitely is, brother. The point of this slide is. So it says this, and it was as in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of Son of man, Luke 726.

And an evil adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and no sign will be given to accept the sign of the prophet Jonah. So yet 40 days after Nazareth will be overthrown. Jonah three. Matthew twelve. What is that, Matthew 1239? Yeah. So then. Yet 40 days after Nazareth will be overthrown. So the eclipse starts in Jonah, Texas. Right. And then it goes through all these Nazareths, through rapture, Indiana.

And 40 days after that puts us at May 18, the eve of Pentecost. So there might be something where an event starts on the day Marco was talking about, like, May 6. That brings us right out of the 13 days of preparation, which. Look, dude, before we’re about to head into April 19 this year. Oh, it’s going to be crazy, bro. This whole month. So April starts out with all these planetary alignments, and if you’re looking at it from Israel, from the Holy land, they say, and if you believe in flat earth, that’s cool.

They don’t care what you believe. The elites believe in these planets, so even if the planets ain’t real, if it’s a sigil, they’re putting energy into it, so they’re charging it up, so therefore it makes it real. And they believe that these seven planetary bodies are aligning perfectly. We’ve never seen this before. It’s like once in a lifetime. And from Israel, you can see them all lining. If you’re looking to the bro, there’s a major Jupiter and Mars alignment that month, which Mars is the God of war.

Jupiter amplifies anything. It’s in. Whenever Jupiter’s involved at all, it amplifies that signal. So maybe they’re going to try. And then Aries is at the end of March, right into April. Aries is the greek God of war. So I’m thinking, man, I wonder if they’re going to try to pop some war shit off due to all this. Everything’s on the table that I look at right now. Remember we were talking about the marking time? I think if I’m correct, me if I’m wrong, but remember, it was 41 days after the first eclipse was Las Vegas, correct? Yeah.

And then 41 days before this eclipse, the Texas fires. Was it 41 days? I believe so, yeah. I was watching that date. Check that out. Make sure Texas fire started on what day was it? The 20? I think it was the 22. Two seven, wasn’t it? I don’t know. The 26th was donuts birthday, and that was the day Rothschild died. Jacob Rothschild. And it was the day after, right? I think so.

I think you are right. Two two seven, I believe, which is PI, which is 41 days. Oh, wow. That’s crazy, bro. Oh, wow, that’s nuts. That’s what I meant just to show, like they did 41 days after they did it 41 days before, which was a pie day, and then that was the Texas fires and 41. Okay, so Colby died. Colby died at 41. And then look at this.

Colby dies at 41. 41 days after Colby died, pop smoke, the rapper dies and gets put in ambulance number 41. And then the Georgia Guidestones blow up. Go back and look at the bomb truck outside of the Georgia Guidestones. 401. Oh, yeah, and Skull and Bones is 41. Aliens is 41. The 41st president. It’s also the 13th prime number, and they love the number 13. That’s a big one.

Wow, dude, that’s nuts that you caught that 41 connection. I’m have to do a slide on that showing how. Unless you want to do it first. Yeah, that would go viral, bro. If you show 41 days after 2017 eclipse, we had route 91 harvest festival shooting, and then 41 days before this eclipse, we had the Texas wildfires. Like, you put that slide together properly, that shit’s going viral.

I’m telling you right now. People are all about this eclipse info right now. But that’s why I think nothing will happen on the day of the eclipse. No, I agree with you. Eclipse days are usually non events. There was a whole thing I was saying about earthquakes being tied to eclipses, which I didn’t know about, but, I mean, I can’t. Yeah, they are, brother. And a matter of fact, that video I showed you on truthmafia.

com, guys, if you go look at that code I did about the eclipse with the 1117 code in it, there’s a video up at the top, and it’s this kid’s YouTube channel in the air. Shout out to him. He’s pretty cool, man. He’s got some really weird stuff on his channel, but I like him. I think he’s awesome. And he was breaking it down. And I like, too, that he broke down that some of the TikTok videos going viral are fake because they’re saying there’s a fault line running all the way down to Florida, and it’s not even real.

But there is the new Madrid fault line, and that is very real. And he breaks down in that video how the biggest earthquakes we ever had in America was connected to this new Madrid fault line. And that’s also where they’ve been doing the fracking, where that fault area is. That’s where they’ve been doing all that fracking shit. And that’s where that map, the future naval map of America, that leaked shows America split up the middle right there.

You ever see that? Yep. Yeah. Yeah, I think with the Mississippi or. Yeah, the one where the flood. Yep. So it shows it, like, split right up the middle and. Yeah, it’s pretty. I agree with Marco. Like, this is interesting times, man. I just keep praying every day, know I’m worthy. Yeah, that’s all. You safe, and everybody else is safe, too, man. These are tough. All you can do, brother, is pray on it and move that way.

Move accordingly. So, anything trending now that you’re looking at before we. Well, no. I mean, this is awesome. Thank you for inviting me on. This is really nice. Oh, yeah, no problem, brother. I definitely had fun with you. And if you want to go, because I got a few things I got to handle real quick before I end this. But thank you for coming on, guys. All Chris’s links are down in the description of this video, so go check them out and make sure you support and show love.

All Marco’s links are down in the description of the video, and Marco’s on beingjustified. com. He’s still my boy, guys. He’ll hit me up. Don’t worry about. You know, Tommy’s not one to hold grudges, but thank you. Good night, everyone. Much love. Much love. Take care. Hold on, guys. I want to show you my new. Who is this? Fake Tommy truthful channel. What in the hell? Oh, my God.

They already stole my YouTube channel. Are you kidding me? So I got a new YouTube, but now there’s this fake Tommy truthful channel. Oh, look at this. And that’s the one they’re promoting, the fake one. So they got my channel hid and they’re promoting this fake Tommy truthful page. Wow. Hold on, let me see what’s going on here. Who is this guy? Oh man, that really makes me upset.

So why does it not show? Hi. Let me try it like this. Tommy truthful TV. Hold on guys, I’ll share the screen in a second. I’m just going to have to do it. I’m just going to have to do it like this, I guess. Tommy truthful TV because that’s mine and now it’s not even showing it. Did they take my new channel down too? They might have. Hold on, let me see.

They might have got me already, guys. That would be pretty crazy if they already took my new YouTube channel down. Oh my God. It never fails. What in the heck? I think they did. Hold on. Please tell me. No. Please God, don’t do this to me again. How am I ever going to get. Oh no, there it is. It just don’t want to show. Okay, it seems to be here, but it’s not popping up when I’m putting that number in.

So they are hiding it. Okay, that’s weird. Hold on 1 second guys, let me pull up the actual physical link here. Oh my God, censorship. This censorship is something else. Hold on 1 second. Family, tell me truthful. Where is it at? Right here. Right here. Okay, so now if I drop this in, that should pull that up. And guys, I’m going to do a video here in a couple of days on dream walking and some exercises you guys can do for when you’re in REM sleep and you’re lucid dreaming.

How to take control of your dreams, what type of exercises to work on before you just jump into trying to astral projector. People can die doing that. Me and Chris, man, I wish I would have brought that up. When Chris was on here, we was just talking about Anton Leve and Chris brought up that he probably died during this astral projection ritual. Well, there’s rumors of it that his silver cord was cut and that’s how he really died.

And like I told you, certain people that are able to dreamwalk, usually all of them. I’ve never met someone that could dreamwalk that doesn’t have the 36 code. So you can have the neo code many different ways connected to the number 50, connected to the number four. Four six connected to the number one two eight. It just depends on what cipher you’re looking at. But in Chaldean, neo code is 36.

And the neocode with the word the in it is 50. But usually I see dreamwalkers in that 36 cipher, which Dreamwalker equals six six six in Sumerian. And six six six is the 36 triangular number. And then Dreamwalker is 36 in sepantry Gamatria. So, yeah, I’ve never seen nobody with that ability that usually didn’t have the 36 code. But that doesn’t mean that that can never happen, right? It definitely can happen.

And a lot of people that have the dreamwalking ability that I’ve noticed through when I do my decodes over on truthfultv. com, which you can get that link down in the description, are usually life path fives and threes. Them are the biggest demographic we see, people with the dream walking ability. And then the biggest demographic you’ll see with the neocode period is usually in life path ones, believe it or not.

But master numbers, you guys are something totally different. If you’re a life path number eleven, a life path 22, a life path 33. This is called a master number. And usually it’s a master teacher. Right. They’ve had many reincarnations. Now, the interesting thing about all this is I figured out the equation to it all. So, like, if you’re a life path one, we go through these reincarnation cycles, and they’re cycles of twelve, which we have the twelve tribes of Israel, the twelve signs of the Zodiac.

Twelve is a very sacred and holy number. And I’m talking. You can look at all these old texts that talk about reincarnation. They all talk about these cycles where you reincarnate six times as a male, six times as a female. That’s one cycle. So a life path one, you would have twelve total reincarnations. A life path two, you would have 24 total reincarnations. A life path three, like me, you would have 36 reincarnations.

Unless you have the neocode, then that doesn’t really apply to you. It’s something deeper than that. But old souls is 36 guys. And if you’re a life path number five, is it five? The one. Hold on, let me pull up life path five on my chart, I think, because I’ve been keeping track of all this so I can have the records for this book that I’m doing. Hold on.

Let me see. Life path five. Yes. Right here. Okay. All right. What I write down here. Okay, so here it is. All right, so if you’re a life path five, you’ve had 60 reincarnations. Five times twelve is 60. Guess what equals 60, guys? Reincarnation cycles is 60. And then if you’re a life path nine, that’s where you finish with 108 total reincarnations. Well, reincarnate equals 108. Swear to God it does.

Reincarnate is 108. So it’s not something I just came up with in my brain and I made up the numbers. Show it. It’s a fact. And the 108 is a very sacred number, right. The chinese astrology has 36 beneficial stars and 72 malevolent stars, which equals what? 108. So you see it over and over again, that number throughout our reality. In jewish beliefs, they use the number 18 a lot, which 108 is kind of a breakdown of the number 18.

But yeah, the life path five and also year of the dragon is 60. So if you are a life path five, this is your year right here. This would be a good year for you to start your own business. It will be a good year for you to get that raise at work if you’re looking for that. And just remember this, guys. With manifestation, what you got to do is, first of all, you want to speak it into existence, right? Because there’s a lot of power in the spoken word.

So say it out loud and don’t just say it. You got to believe in yourself with all your heart. Speak it out loud. Then pick that pen up and write it down. Don’t type it. There’s no power in typing it out. There’s power in putting pen to paper. So speak it into existence. Write it down. What I do is do these little exercises every day. So when I wake up, whatever goal I’m working on, I’ll write it down three times in the morning, say it out loud three times.

And then I meditate on it for three minutes, visualizing myself achieving that goal, whatever it is. Let’s say that day I wanted to book five readings, for example, right? I’m just using this as an example. I would visualize myself actually booking the reading. I would visualize myself how I was going to achieve that goal. Like, you’re not just going to book five readings because you thought about it.

You got to put energy into making it manifest. So I’m like, okay, I’m going to do this video and this video and that. I’ll promote my readings, and that’s my energy I’m putting out there. And then you visualize it three minutes in the morning. You write it down three times speak it out loud three times in the evening, probably around two to 3 hours later, maybe four. You want to do that six times.

So now you say it out loud six times, you write it down six times, and you meditate on it for six minutes, actually visualizing yourself doing it, seeing yourself doing the reading, booking the reading, transferring the money from your account to the savings account. You got to visualize all that. And you don’t want to dwell on it either, because if reality notices that you really think you need something, it’s not going to give it to you.

There’s too much urgency there. And then the most important part with any manifestation is the last exercise of the night. You will do that same routine, write it down nine times, speak it out loud nine times, visualize yourself achieving the goal for nine minutes right before bed. I’m talking right when you’re going to go to sleep, and then you go to sleep. And this is the highest state of consciousness when we bring our dreams into reality.

So that’s when we do all of our manifestation in the dreamscape. And trust me, it works 100%. And you just got to take that first step towards making that goal happen. And then reality catches up, right? Reality does the rest. So you just got to take the first step towards it after you do all the proper steps. But there’s some of us out here drunk all my drink.

There’s some of us out here that have the capabilities to bend and manipulate reality to our will. We really do. And number people carrying that 36 code. We also are what they call the dream walkers, who can enter other people’s dreams, pull people into your dreams. You could go like, say your child’s having a nightmare or something. You could actually enter your child’s dream and fix that nightmare for them or teach, show them how to stop it from happening.

And you just got to be careful, though, because when you’re in the dream state, if that silver cord gets cut and something else jumps in your body, you’re stuck out there, you know what I mean? And then it’s going to look like you. So this entity that looks like you, talks like you is going to be around your family, but it ain’t you inside there no more. It’s something else.

So you got to be very careful. Even when you’re lucid dreaming, you’re out of your body in that state of consciousness. You’re outside of your body. That’s where we go in the dream state. We go somewhere else. But the ones that shine, if you, any of Stephen King’s books that he wrote. What’s the other one called? Oh, the institute. It and Dr. Sleep. It’s all about them. Kids with superpowers, special abilities called the Shine.

And that’s the one the kids that they’re all after. And one thing about these entities, when they know that you’re aware of who you truly are and your true gifts, they’re going to come for you. So it’s like a freaking moth to a flame. They will definitely be attracted to you because of these abilities and gifts. Just like in stranger things. Eleven, right? She had that power to remote view.

And remember when she would always go into the other reality? Like that had water. It looked like black. Everything was dark, but it looked like water. And she could view people. That’s a form of remote viewing which a dream walker can do. So they can go into other people’s dreams, pull people out of dreams, pull people into their dreams. But they also have the ability to astral project and remote view, so they can actually view, say, you had somebody’s shirt or something, or something that belonged to them.

That’s all you would really need once you perfected that gift. And then you could see where they’re at anywhere. And I’ve had several people, guys, this girl, the first time I ever seen it done in my whole life before, I really knew that I could do it, or anyone. I never knew nothing about it. This chick told me she could do it, and she used to watch me podcast.

So I was like, yeah, that sounds cool, but I just don’t believe you. She said, well, tonight I want you to write a color on your wall. Take a piece of, what are they called, them little notes, them yellow notes, a stick it and put a color on your wall. Tomorrow I’ll come in the dream state. Tonight I’ll look, and tomorrow I’ll tell you. So before I went to bed, I’m like, this bitch is probably a hacker.

That’s what I’m thinking, guys. I’m like, she’s probably a hacker. She’s probably going to hack into my phone or into my freaking computer, and she’s going to see what color I put on the wall. So that night, I cover up all my computer. I cover the camera on it. I cover the phone. I put the phone, in this case thing that blocks the signal. I put it on airplane mode.

I turn the computer away, facing the other wall. I make sure there’s nothing facing where that is. So there’s nothing she can tap into if she was a hacker, to see what is on the wall. And this is the craziest thing. I put the color up there, which I picked red. I don’t know why I picked that color, but I did. And not only did she pick the color, I put some numbers on there.

Three numbers, guys. I swear to God, she picked the three numbers that color and told me what color my boxers were. And I was sleeping in my freaking boxers that night. A matter of fact, I wish that girl would hit me up if she’s listening to this. I haven’t talked to her in so long now that I’m aware of all this stuff. I would love to talk to her again.

I’m not going to put her name out there because I want to respect her privacy. But if she is in the comments, I know she knows who I’m talking about. It’s the only person I’ve ever done that with. But it scared me so bad, I kind of shied away from her and never really talked to her again because I thought she was a government agent. I’m like, there’s no way she knew what damn color boxes I had on and the number that was on the wall.

She had to either come in my house when I was sleeping or she tapped into something that allowed her to see. But no, she remote viewed. That’s exactly what she did. She remote viewed and how she did it. I’m pretty sure at that time I had these little pamphlet things that I did and I signed them. So I had touched them, pamphlets I had signed them and she could have easily ordered one off my website.

And maybe that’s how she had something from me. At least that’s what I was thinking. I couldn’t think of any other way she would be able to get something from me to be able to have. Because they say to remote view, you have to have an item from that person, right? Or at least that’s the easiest way to do it. I don’t know no other way to do it.

That’s the only way I know of how to do it is with an item. I guess there are people out there that are real powerful that just need a number like a longitude and latitude and they can remote view that way. But I don’t know. To me, all that stuff is so fascinating. What number do you guys think I picked just by knowing me? Tommy, what three numbers do you think I put on the wall? Because I want to see if you guys would guess.

So if it was something easy to guess, and I’m just going to tell you this right now, I try to pick numbers that I did not think people would guess. And plus, she didn’t even know I was picking a number. I did that just as an extra layer of security, but I still wanted to keep it. Something that she wouldn’t guess. Just off rip. I knew a lot of you would say that number right there.

Three, six, nine. And I definitely did not pick that number because I thought people would definitely go to it. I mean, look, a lot of you are saying three, six, nine, so no, it wasn’t three, six, nine, but I’m surprised one of you guys haven’t got it yet. Oh, someone just did get it right there. Three, one, four. That’s the number I picked, PI. It was between PI and 1117 because that’s my birthday, January 17.

One one, seven. So that whole 1117 code, truth mafia is one one seven in that English ordinal cipher. That’s my birthday. Before I even picked truth Mafia to be the name, me and donut just picked that organically during a podcast. I had no clue what it equaled at that time. I really didn’t care. I just liked the name of it. But yes, that’s what I picked. 3. 14.

Freaking pie. Ain’t that crazy? So if that girl is watching out here, let me. Hit me up. I definitely want to talk to you because now I know what’s going on, and I want to talk more about it. I also know they have dream technology where they can transfer our consciousness in the dream state. So we think we’re in a dream, but we’re not in a freaking dream, and we can be know they can do all kinds of stuff to us.

You keep having them reoccurring dreams where you’re getting chased by a demon or Fred Krueger. I’ve had so many Freddy dreams, though, or it the clown, something like that. Similar to that. They’re usually what’s called a dream demon, and they’re real entities, and they actually feed off of your fear and terror. They’re feeding off of that loosh energy. So all we are guys is pure 100% energy. So we’re giving off our energy in multiple different ways, and we got to make sure we protect our energy and are very careful.

But with that being said, that’s the end of my show for tonight. Make sure you guys go over, check out our stuff we got on truthfultv. com. That link is down in the description. Go book your decode. And usually it takes from the day of your booking, it takes about ten days to get your reading back. Unfortunately, since I had to do that dream study and that this month I’m actually running like three or four days behind.

So some people ain’t getting them to like 14 days. But if something like that ever happens, I always reach out to the people via email and just let them know and they’re usually pretty cool about it. That link is down in the description like I said. And use promo code, decode the matrix and then check out our shop over there. If you use promo code, sale 17, that’ll get you extra 17% off with free shipping.

So if you have a reoccurring dream or you just want to get a decode and find out your role in the simulation, that link is down below and the new YouTube channel here, I’m just going to drop it in the comments. All right. Is Tommy truthful TV? But there’s a fake one on there that it takes you right to. And he don’t have no thumbnail. My thumbnail is my same thumbnail from Instagram, guys.

So where the hell is my link? Hold on. Here it is. Right here it is. Copy. Okay, there we go. There’s the link for the new YouTube. Let’s see if it works. I want to see if they are trying to hide this on here real quick. What do they got going on? Nope. Right there it is. So here, let me show it that way. You guys know what it is really fast.

Take me 2 seconds. And don’t forget, guys, go check out Marco’s stuff too. He’s a good. Just. That was definitely a little childish what he did at the end. But no hard feelings. I still love him. I’ll still promote him and help him any way. Have no. I just don’t want to argue with people. You know what I’m saying? I’m not into all that debate. In and for what? To me, it’s stupid and it’s always ego.

It’s always someone thinks they can make you look stupid or something like that. And I have no desire for it because it’s going to make me mad and it’s going to mess up our friendship. Because I know me, I know my temper. So I’m not going to go for that shit. You know what I’m saying? It’s just better I nip that in the butt right away. Whoa. What is going on here? You see this? What in the hell? You try to click on my video.

It just does that. What is that all about? Wow. Now look, guys can’t reach the page. Do they do this to you guys too? When you try to search the Internet like, they’re attacking my thing all. Now it comes up. Let’s try it again. Shows them videos. What about if I go like this? Okay, here we go. Man, that is so annoying. There’s the playlist. I’m just trying to make sure everything’s working.

I wish they’d give me my old channel back. Makes me really sad. I worked so hard on that channel, and they just took it away from me. I didn’t break no guidelines. Facebook, that’s another thing. I was scared. Marco. I mean, he just, like, he talks a little too freely, and I’m not trying to lose my freaking page. You know what I’m saying? You got to be careful.

I’ve lost so many pages. I’m not just reaching one or two people. Where’s my rumble account? Probably the best way, honestly, to follow me. Damn. They sign me out of all my accounts. What is going on? Oh, wait, that’s not my page. What am I doing? Ruth? Mafia TV. That’s my page on Rumble. Yes, right here. Is it working right now? Says it’s live. Yeah, there’s people in there.

ICBU detected. All right, cool. So just come over. Oh, look, guys. Look at my followers. 711 right now. Oh, shit. Synchronicity 711. And all them good videos that they took down on my other YouTube, they’re all over here. So if there’s something you’re like me, and there’s a ton of videos over here that you’ve never seen. If you only follow me on that YouTube channel or Facebook, because there’s videos that I can’t put up on Facebook or YouTube that are just over know.

There’s a lot of really good stuff over here. Some of my older stuff I kind of wish I would take down because I sucked back in them days now from what I do now. But I’m too scared that if I take it down, people like, oh, he sold out. Now he’s taking down his videos, which means nothing. It’s just like, some of them, you grow after you do it for a while.

So it’s like, man, look at the quality of that video. I did terrible, but, oh, well. It was a part of my life, a part of my journey. I just leave it up there. But there’s definitely some ones on here that I’m not too proud of anymore. You know what I mean? But whatever. That’s just part of the way. Who cares? And with that being said, I love you all to everybody waiting on readings.

Don’t panic. I had a three day little sleep study thing. Oh, before I go, guys, when I was in there, I’m telling you, something weird happened in that freaking hospital. So what they do is monitor your brain and heart while you are asleep. You got to stay there. Right? Hold on a second. Let me grab a drink real quick because my mouth is too dry. All right? You got to stay there while they’re monitoring you.

And I fall asleep the first night, and I swear to God, I had some form of freaking sleep paralysis take place where I kind of thought I was awake. You know, like when you wake up, but you can’t figure out if you’re awake or you’re still sleeping and you feel paralyzed, you can’t move. That’s what I felt like. I felt like I couldn’t move. I didn’t know if I was paralyzed.

And I swear to God, they moved me out, rolled me out on a bed, and was doing some weird shit to me in this room. Like, I really felt like they put something in the bottom of my leg. And when I got home, I do have a huge lump there on the back side of where my kneecap is. Like that soft piece right there. Something’s back there. I can feel it.

And I don’t know what they was doing back there or if that even happened for real. Maybe I was tripping, maybe I was uncomfortable, and I’m in this place. So I had a bad dream. I don’t know, but it felt real to me. And I could only come in and out of it. And I felt like they even put something on my face that made me fall back asleep.

They put something on my face and realized I was waking up. And I asked the nurse that next day. I said, hey, did you guys come in my room or move me or do anything when I was sleeping last night? And she told me no, but I don’t believe them. It’s all Rockefeller medicine. My mom forced me to go there, guys, because I was scared, but she thinks I’m going to have a heart attack.

And when it’s your mother now I got to go to a specialist on April 16, too. Oh, great. That’s a very occultic day. I’m pretty sure that’s the day the Virginia tech shooting happened or something bad that day, but that’s the day I go to the doctor and, yeah, something weird went on that night. I’m telling you right now, I don’t know what the hell happened, but it didn’t seem right to me.

And what is it? They put something inside of me that’s what I was thinking. Like some type of tracking device or you got to think, guys, I’m reaching 6 million people a month. No joke. I’ve showed you my stats numerous times. Just my big Facebook. I’m over 200, I think like 250 now, 250,000 followers on just that big Facebook page. You guys are watching this on the Truth Mafia podcast.

We are reaching, no joke, 4 million people a month just on that page alone. Then you got the Facebook page, Tommy, truthful three six nine, which is reaching like another maybe 500,000. And I got the truthful TV. So I got several different Facebook because you see how quick they take my stuff down. Then I got my rumble channel. I’m not even counting rumble. My Instagram is where I get the rest of them other millions from because I got like 104,000 on Instagram.

And if you go look at my numbers, every single video I do hits minimum of 15,000 views. I mean, I could do a video talking to a dog and it would hit 15,000 views minimum. So with that type of power, you’re reaching all them people, most of their mainstream media. Go look at their Facebooks. Go look at CNN’s Facebook. Go look at MSNBC’s Facebook and you’ll see they’re not reaching no one.

Go look at Madonna’s Facebook. My Facebook’s reaching more numbers than Madonna. I’m not joking. Don’t believe me. Go look. Go look right now. You’ll be like, holy shit. Tommy is getting more shares than Madonna. She’ll drop a video. Madonna will get maybe 6000 shares. I drop a video. And that’s on a little side. Some of my videos might not get as many. But on average, if you look through the videos, quarter million, 300,000, 500,000, 800,000 views, 20 and 30 is little for me on Facebook.

So my point is, when you’re reaching that type of an audience and you’re showing them the truth, it’s my version. This is my truth. Because I’m not saying I have the only truth, right? This is my truth. It’s my reality that I believe is the truth. Yours might be a little different, and I respect that. I hate people that try to say they have the only version of the truth because that’s where they want you to be part of a religion and in an echo chamber where you can only believe what they want you to believe.

I’m not with all that. But when you’re reaching that number of people and you’re speaking about free speech and freedom and telling people to research things and you’re pointing things out, like how they threw us out of Facebook and everything changed. On Facebook. We come back in, when you share stuff, it doesn’t look quite the same no more. Another thing is how I told you guys, when you comment in the chat on Facebook now, ever since after QAnon, we have number sequences above our name, or it’s your phone number, or your email address, where only your name’s supposed to be, and it only shows that for a split second.

That’s because they’re tracking us in real time. They don’t want people pointing shit like that out or that we are under a huge fire motif right now. Any of the new series coming out? Yeah, there’s some leopard symbolism in there, but the main symbolism behind everything right now is the fires. And I think they got something planned really big. I think this year will be the worst fires we have ever seen in the history of mankind.

These summer fires, and it’s all going to be blamed on global warming. Mark my words, guys. And with that being said, I love you all. Knowledge is power. Truthful. Out. Bye. .


Spread the Truth

4 thoughts on “Eclipse Prophecies: The Antichrist Emergence Marco Walks off Camera!!

  1. Avatar Of Casey F
    Casey f says:

    T, listen to this. I found Marco channel through you when you first had him on. Would watch his stuff and like it because of the Middle East connections and everything that lined up with Muhammad Bin Solomon. I commented on his Facebook page after a live he did. I said “hey check out Last Days channel on YouTube because he is confirming God showed him in a vision that MBS is the actual antichrist, Last Days channel has 100k subscribers I’m sure he got jealous of that first of all. I was just trying to tell him hey he lines up with what Marco saying and is backing it up. Marco fires back a comment on FB saying Last Days channel (Brandon is his name) was a heretic and a blasphemer. Also tried to say he preaches a cursed Bible because he doesn’t only you the King James Bible. So I fired back at him, I was just trying to say hey he is seeing the same thing you are and it’s lining up. He got so offended that someone else was talking about MBS because Marco is the only person that can think and have that opinion, also you have to find out through him also. Then he is so stuck on the King James and King James Version only tried to say all other versions are cursed. So I said well if you think that then the Hebrew or Greek version is the only true word because the English translation can’t even sniff the true meaning of the original Hebrew or Greek text.
    He was so arrogant and egotistical to someone that was trying to be a fan of his work.
    After he tried to argue with me and say Brandon from Last Days is a blasphemer and saying anyone can pray there ass off even Jesuit pope. I told Marco he was just like a Pharisee in the Bible. Jesus comes back it will be right in his face but can’t see it because it can only fit into the mold and picture that Marco has created. It’s Marcos way or the highway. I also told him that, he is the type of person that always has to be right and you have to agree with everything he says and have to learn from him and only him. Acting like that is the exact reason why he doesn’t have any fans on his page and also why he has no Woman in his life there is NO WAY and woman would put up with that type of mentality, for real though.
    I couldn’t believe it when he came at me like that, of course after I told him he was a Pharisee, had no woman, is so ego driven and no one can be right besides Marco. That’s my experience with him just trying to be a fan of his haha. This was about 2 months ago, does not surprise me at all. You try to give him a platform to reach more people and he fucks it up.

  2. Avatar Of Casey F
    Casey F says:

    The eclipse break down and all the Nineveh cities it touches is from Steve Cioccolanti YouTube channel video is called 3 prophets or something like that. This wicked generation seeks a sign and the only sign God will give is of the prophet Jonah. It also goes through Jonah TX. So nuts God is trying to wake people up and correct them, to come back to him, repent and seek his face. Def check out Steve Cioccolanti video VERY detailed break down. Brandon from Last Days channel on there too. That’s who Marco argued with me about and tried to call him a heretic. He is Just jealous because God has blessed their platform with plenty of followers and Marco doesn’t have any followers because he bashes all of them.

    • Avatar Of Tommy Truthful
      Tommy Truthful says:

      Thank you, brother. I’ve been trying to figure it out so I could give that person credit. You see, a lot of these channels are just pretending like they figured out the information on their own. So sad.

  3. Avatar Of David Daniel Bergin
    David Daniel Bergin says:

    Hello I’m reaching out for a request to be deeply decoded. I’ve done some decoding, but don’t have the skills of say Logan. I’m a life path seven, my name David Daniel Bergin has some amazing matches, including my wife. Wrote a book called the Power Source of Love. It a match to my name and I wrote before I got into numerology. I’d love to join the team help out in whatever way possible. My email is Thanks a million for your time.

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