Fema Prison Camp
Unveiling Operation Jade Helm 2015: A Closer Look at Mysterious Events
Do you all recall the 2015 “Operation Jade Helm”? That’s when FEMA camps were set up, and numerous Walmart stores were shuttered. You see, empires don’t operate on yearly agendas; they think long-term, often planning 8 to 11 years in advance. Everything that happened in 2015 was merely the groundwork for the events we’re witnessing in 2023. Heading into 2025, it’s intriguing to note that “The Great Tribulation” equates to 225 in English ordinal gematria. Coincidentally, 2025 breaks down to 225 in numerology.
In the annals of intriguing events, Operation Jade Helm 2015 stands as a significant chapter filled with remarkable claims about artificial intelligence, FEMA camps, closed Walmart stores, underground tunnels, and a potential staged alien invasion. Let’s embark on a journey to explore this captivating narrative without passing judgment.
Artificial Intelligence’s Role:
Operation Jade Helm 2015 is associated with intriguing tales of the potential weaponization of artificial intelligence. This narrative hints at the use of advanced AI technology for various purposes, possibly linked to societal control.
The Enigmatic FEMA Camps:
Among the claims surrounding this operation are those related to FEMA camps. These purported camps are believed to have been central to the operation’s objectives, sparking questions about their true purpose.
Walmart Store Closures and Hidden Tunnels:
During Operation Jade Helm, numerous Walmart stores across the United States mysteriously closed their doors. Speculation arose about these stores serving as covert hubs, complete with secret underground tunnels that may have had clandestine functions.
Staging an Alien Invasion:
Perhaps one of the most sensational claims tied to this narrative is the anticipation of a staged alien invasion. According to this theory, this faux extraterrestrial event would be orchestrated using advanced directed energy weapons, raising concerns about potential consequences.
Lahaina Fires as a Test Run:
The Lahaina fires were a precursor, suggesting they were used to assess the effectiveness of weapon systems. Green lasers observed over Hawaii months prior to the fires were attributed to mapping activities linked to the operation.
Targeting Dissident Voices:
The narrative further posits that individuals who speak out, including alternative media journalists, would face grim fates. Some theorists believe that staged events, attributed to alien threats, would serve as smokescreens for these actions.
Unpacking Q Anon’s Role:
Q Anon, often associated with the operation, is said to have played a significant role in tracking and tagging individuals deemed a threat. The claim is that Q Anon was used to identify specific groups for the purpose of a takeover and the implementation of a one-world dictatorship.
The Advanced Underground Civilization:
This narrative introduces the existence of an advanced civilization living underground, equipped with technology so advanced it could seem alien to us.
Global Resets and the Phoenix Phenomenon:
Speculations abound regarding global resets orchestrated by an advanced human civilization. These resets are believed to employ weapon systems, potentially leading to dramatic consequences, referred to as the Phoenix phenomenon.
Fourth Reich and Advanced Technology:
The resurgence of a “Fourth Reich” is discussed, with parallels drawn to past eras. Advanced technology and the pursuit of a new world order are theorized as the primary goals.
From the commencement of Operation Jade Helm on July 15th, 2015, to the onset of the COVID pandemic on March 11th, 2020, a span of 1,701 days transpired. Interestingly, in Latin gematria, the phrase “Listen to your intuition” and “All of California US die in II weeks” both hold the numerical value of 1701, adding an intriguing layer to this timeframe.
Wow, I knew they were doing this, but the reality of it all is tooo much….fuck!
Dude the advanced underground civilization nephillum.. My wife worked at a building downtown Dallas called the Mosiac 2 towers 30 ish 40 floors. But they had 3 4 underground floors and the bottom underground floor was controlled by the government and the city. There was a loading dock down there you had to get reserved through the city to use it to move into an apartment there. The building was built in 20s Im pretty sure. Wild stuff, she said the vibes down there maid her hair stand up. Def nephillum vibes. Good work brother. Loved this.
Yeah, I believe you bro I definitely believe you.