Fire Ember Rituals 33 Orange Code

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Military airlifts provide escape as wildfires sweep Canada’s far north.

Military Airlifts Provide Escape As Wildfires Sweep Canada's Far North

Military airlifts offer an escape as wildfires continue sweeping Canada’s far north. As the ember months loom ahead, it is crucial to be prepared. The color orange, often associated with warning signs in the occult, carries a significant meaning. Moreover, it is no coincidence that 33 appears connected to false flag events Orange=33.

Orange=33 In GematriaOrange=33 In Gematria

The unnatural fires raging around the globe and Hurricane Dora fueling the onslaught in Maui are evidence of this. Notably, the fires coincide with the incident involving Tiffany Gomes, a 38-year-old who experienced a sudden outburst on a plane.

Dora Equals 38

Thirty-eight days after her plane incident, the fire bloke broke out!

Fire 38Guillotine Equals 38 In Chaldean

Tiffany Gomas

Observing the number 38 on the movie cover of “Murder by Numbers,” it becomes apparent that it holds relevance in death rituals. It is imperative to acknowledge the correlation between unnatural disasters and the manipulation of our environment through practices like geoengineering and HAARP. These mechanisms are part of a larger scheme aimed at population control.

The elites follow a unique calendar distinct from ours. As a result, September, which falls as the ninth month on our calendar, is the seventh month for them. This unconventional aspect adds an intriguing element to their world. It’s fascinating to think about how individuals and societies can perceive time differently.

This Is The Illuminati’s Color Code:


911 is actually 711, and it’s mind-boggling how the Orange Warning Code, Trump, slipped up (intentionally or not) during a speech. He mistakenly referred to 9-11 as 7-11. Now, if you dive into occultism, you’ll discover that September was originally the 7th month (sept means 7th!). This is because the year used to kick off with Aries in March. Trump’s slip-up reveals that he’s merely a puppet, working hand in hand with the occultists. I’ve got some diagrams up there that are the foundation of everything I share. You’ll be amazed to learn how these diagrams tie into the Bible, the Devil, the rabbit-hole journey, and the cycle of life, death, and resurrection — essentially, the core of all religions. Fear not; I’ll explain how this fundamental natural cycle of Mother Nature has been twisted and morphed into a whimsical parable: the tale of a “pair of Bulls” or the Bi-Bull (aka the Bible).

Donald Trump Says 7 Eleven Instead Of 9/11 In This Video.

September 11th, also known as 711, represents a profound symbolic connection to the cycle of life, death, and renewal found in nature’s yearly cycle. It signifies the illuminating journey of God’s sun, akin to that of the traveling fool. This year marks the 22nd anniversary of the monumental event known as 9/11, or 711. From Tuesday, September 11, 2001, to Monday, September 11, 2023, it encompasses 8,035 days.

9/11 Was Really A 7 Eleven Ritual.

Interestingly, the number 835 holds significance, resonating with stories surrounding alien consciousness and alleged alien abductions in Peru. Such topics have captivated mainstream media attention. However, it is crucial to discern that these entities are likely evil and demonic, infiltrated through the realm of CERN, which interestingly intersects with the color orange.

As ALIENS Attack PERU (2023)

Furthermore, exploring the realm of gematria, we discover that the phrase “Once In A Generation Storm” aligns with the numerical value of 835 in the Latin cipher, connecting to the theme of alien consciousness. This year, our global landscape has witnessed an unprecedented surge in extraordinary natural disasters—a testament to the unnerving times we find ourselves in.

A significant event to highlight is labeled “Another False Flag Operation,” which intriguingly aligns with the numeric value of 835 using the Latin cipher. This notable event should not be overlooked, particularly in this 22nd anniversary year since the tragic events 9/11. Remarkably, 22 holds special significance as the “master builder number.” We have recently witnessed a prominent ritual in Hawaii featuring the utilization of directed energy weapons, resulting in the fiery destruction of the landscape.

9/11 Was Really A 7 Eleven Ritual.

Transitioning to another timespan, counting from Tuesday, September 11, 2001, to Tuesday, August 8, 2023, comprises 8,001 days. Ritual=81 Golden Gate Bridge=81, The destruction of the Golden Gate Bridge will be the next 9/11-type ritual. What’s the color of the Golden Gate Bridge? Orange! 8001 = 81 in numerology because the zeros hold no value.

Military Airlifts Provide Escape As Wildfires Sweep Canada's Far North

When the day draws to a close and the sun descends into the depths of the underworld, we are immersed in a cascade of vibrant red hues. The word “Red” begins with “Ra,” the mighty sun god. This color symbolizes blood, which represents sacrifice, encapsulating the essence of life’s eternal cycle, encompassing birth, demise, and rebirth, intricately woven through the sacred Tree of Life.

As autumn arrives, the season of transformation, we witness nature’s canvas adorned with shades of red. It is a vivid reminder of the profound shift occurring, where life surrenders to the underworld, and the sun god’s fiery radiance dwindles, gradually assuming its enigmatic “Amber State.” In this ember-like state, tinged with shades of orange, the winter months commence, bringing forth the cold embrace of death and subsequent rebirth. September, October, November, and December, collectively marking the ember months, contribute to this metamorphosis.

Orange Ember Rituals

Orange Code Ember Rituals 33

October and November bring the sun’s vibrant hue, painting the world orange and inspiring the color of Halloween. This lively shade is also associated with caution and danger, commonly used in warning signs.

That’s why we say, “Orange is the New Black”. It symbolizes the impending doom akin to the color of death. Even prisoners wear orange, reminiscent of the victims of ISIS – the beheadings and decapitations. These gruesome acts often occur in September, signifying a separation of sorts. It’s like the year being metaphorically decapitated. Think of it as the severed head of the goddess Kali.

Orange represents the foreboding caution before the sun’s demise into darkness, like the onset of night or winter.

Orange Code Ember Rituals 33

This is the Illuminati’s color code:

This Is The Illuminati’s Color Code:
Red represents sacrifice orange is a warning in the occult

That’s why it’s called an “Amber Alert.” Just like yellow on traffic lights means to slow down or be in danger. And did you know that the words “Emergency” and “Ambulance” come from here?

Guess what? The latest season of Orange is the New Black was released on 7/11. And guess what else? James Holmes was declared guilty on 7/20, the same as 7/1+1 = 7/11. It’s the same month and day as his shooting incident on July 20th, 2012.

This Is The Illuminati’s Color Code:

See how they depict Judas in orange below:

9/11 Was Really A 7 Eleven Ritual.

Judas, symbolizing the house of Scorpio, stings the sun, bestowing upon it a metaphorical kiss of death. This act betrays Jesus, leading him to his demise, to the realm below – the vivid, amber-hued months of orange.

Judas, the embodiment of God’s Sun, signifies the Autumn Equinox in September, marking the division of the annual year. Similar to the scales of justice wielded by the Egyptian goddess Maat, it represents the year’s onset. Both the initial and seventh months, denoted by Matthew’s biblical chapter 7:1, bear the emblem of scales and judgment.

Thus, the words Judas, Justice, and Judge derive from Libra’s scales – the pivotal point of the equinox. Just as Judas determined Jesus’s destiny, a judge in a courtroom holds your fate in their hands: to be released or banished to the underworld, forcing you to embark on a new journey from the beginning. This explains why imprisonment represents a prelude to rebirth, as captives clad in orange garments.

Judge Judy (Judas) with red hair.

Military Airlifts Provide Escape As Wildfires Sweep Canada's Far North

From Scorpio, we get the words “Scorch” and “Torch.” And on 7-11, we saw the towers scorched. And the maze runner movie: “The Scorch Trials.”

The Occurrence Of A Massive Fire Ritual, Engulfing Canada And Maui, Seems To Be No Coincidence. One Can Only Speculate About What Other Events Might Unfold.
The occurrence of a massive fire ritual engulfing Canada and Maui seems to be no coincidence. One can only speculate about what other events might unfold.

Do you notice how Judas Priest’s album covers often feature the color orange? It’s almost like a secret code, hinting at the hidden messages in these fiery rituals. These album covers predicted these rituals, which are unfolding before our eyes on the 22nd anniversary of 9/11. I told you this year would be significant, didn’t I? After all, what do you get if you flip the year 2023 around? 322, the infamous number associated with the Skull and Bones secret society. It’s all quite fascinating.

The Occurrence Of A Massive Fire Ritual, Engulfing Canada And Maui, Seems To Be No Coincidence. One Can Only Speculate About What Other Events Might Unfold.

Do you think the band manager knows about this secret code? Take a look at the blazing torpedoes, burning and scorching. And don’t miss the Biomech eagle, representing the sign of Scorpio.

Military Airlifts Provide Escape As Wildfires Sweep Canada's Far North

The connection between the fiery orange code, ember rituals, and the number 33 sparks curiosity. But what do these fires symbolize? Some say they are linked to the dark conspiracy of FEMA camps, where the government allegedly bought guillotines to round up and eliminate people secretly. It may seem like a farfetched cover story, but it ignites a sense of intrigue and mystery. Can you decipher the true meaning behind these enigmatic flames?

Orange Code Ember Rituals 33

Notice how in the 2010 adaptation of Alice in Wonderland, the Mad Hatter, portrayed with vibrant orange hair, performs the captivating Kali death dance. This mesmerizing act sees his head spinning off his body, reminiscent of Kali, a deity from Hindu mythology who ushers in the new year by beheading the old. This striking resemblance can also be found in symbolic figures like the grim reaper or Saturn with his sickle.

911 Is 711, And The Orange Warning Code – Truthiracy

Beyonce appears to have been chosen by the Illuminati to channel the powerful energy of the goddess Kali.

911 Is 711, And The Orange Warning Code – Truthiracy

Check out her shirt with the word “KALE” on it. Not only that, but that balcony scene is straight from the music video of a song called “7/11,” just like you guessed it.

Screenshot 2023 10 12 145653 -

7 Eleven Album Beyonce.

Kali symbolically divides the year into two parts during the Libra equinox, which occurs on 7/11 (September, marking the start of Autumn or Fall). Libra, meaning separation or liberation of the head from the body, is also depicted in the Bible through the Romans’ beheading of John the Baptist. Notably, John represents January, aligning with the winter solstice that bisects the year. This intriguing connection offers an engaging perspective on decapitation and celestial transitions throughout the annual cycle.


What is the common theme behind these ember orange fire rituals? They seem to revolve around decapitation, FEMA camps, and guillotines – a perfect pretext for beheadings. Let’s not forget the Bible verse that speaks of those beheaded due to their testimony of Jesus, refusal to worship the beast, and avoidance of the mark on their forehead or hand. They lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.

This is all leading up to the collapse of physical currency. That’s when we’ll witness the destruction of the Golden Gate Bridge, which is believed to be part of an Osiris ritual to restore him. According to the myth, Osiris was chopped up into 14 pieces. Some people consider Osiris as the modern-day Antichrist. When the Golden Gate Bridge collapses, it symbolizes the currency’s collapse. It’s believed that this event will pave the way for the birth of the Antichrist and the establishment of a digital currency-based beast system. This sets the stage for the deception and delusion that will befall those lacking knowledge. Some believe this will be accompanied by an alien invasion, actually fallen angels. The Antichrist will appear after the fallen angels to stop World War Three and Armageddon. He will present these fallen angels as good aliens here to help us. The Antichrist will perform miraculous acts, and many will be deceived. The rebuilding of the third temple will bring back human sacrifice, ultimately leading to the persecution of Christians who refuse to renounce their faith. Regardless of one’s beliefs about God or the Bible, it is believed that those in power are orchestrating a script from scripture to bring forth their false messiah, the Antichrist, and establish a beast system. This pursuit of power and control is carried out on the world stage.
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1 thoughts on “Fire Ember Rituals 33 Orange Code

  1. Avatar Of Aariah Singh
    Aariah Singh says:

    Thank you for the information

    I constantly post things trying to awaken humanity, I’m humbled to be part of this group.

    God bless you.

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