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Hellboy The Crooked Man—Unveiling Witchcraft, Black Magic, and the Antichrist by Tommy Truthful 9-29-24

By: Tommy Truthful
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Hellboy The Crooked Man—Unveiling Witchcraft, Black Magic, and the Antichrist 

Written by Tommy Truthful of

Hellboy, a character deeply embedded in the world of dark mysticism, portals, and the paranormal, has always been more than just another comic book anti-hero. It’s a narrative that directly taps into the occult, witchcraft, and black magic—no doubt reflecting a deeper, hidden truth about what’s really happening behind the scenes of our world. Hellboy isn’t just a character; he represents something much bigger. Specifically, the coming of the Antichrist and the release of the Nephilim, ancient fallen beings that some of us truth seekers have been warning about for years.

Hellboy Ai Fan Art
Image created by Tommy Truthful

Now, the latest adaptation, Hellboy: The Crooked Man, pulls from one of the darkest Hellboy stories to date. It’s no coincidence that the themes in The Crooked Man feel so deeply rooted in ancient occult practices. What we’re really witnessing here is another form of predictive programming—Hollywood’s way of conditioning the masses to accept the release of demonic entities and the rise of Hellboy, a clear representation of the Antichrist. But, let’s break down this story and how it taps into these hidden truths.

The Comic and the Film: The Crooked Man (Spoilers Ahead)

Hellboy: The Crooked Man originally came out as a three-issue comic mini-series in 2008, written by Hellboy creator Mike Mignola and drawn by the legendary Richard Corben. This particular arc is set in the Appalachian Mountains in 1958 and follows Hellboy during his early years with the BPRD (Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense) as he investigates a coven of witches. The symbolism here is thick—witchcraft, blood pacts, and the occult are all key themes. These elements, of course, aren’t just fictional fluff; they reflect real-world occult practices that some of the world’s most powerful elites are rumored to partake in.

In 2008, CERN’s Stargate portal technology went online, coinciding with Barack Obama’s rise to power on the world stage. There is a connection between the two, which will be explained below.

Bureau For Paranormal Research And Defense Chaldean 144 -

The number 144 is considered very sacred and is tied to the 144,000 elect. In occult practices, there are attempts to invert these sacred numbers. In wars, it is evident that both sides are funded by the elite, similar to the actions of the Rothschilds. It is not their children who die, but rather our children. This can be seen as a form of population control and a large-scale occult ritual sacrifice. And they are definitely preparing for a major conflict that could lead to a thermonuclear war in the United States, potentially sparking World War III. In the movie Hellboy, he was summoned through an occult ritual by the Nazis, bringing him into our reality through a portal.

When The Rich Wage War It S The Poor Who Die Chaldean 144 -

In this scene, not only are they carrying out an actual occult ritual by the Nazis to summon Hellboy, the cinemagicians are also casting a spell on the audience. They are participating in the ritual without their consent. Once you become aware of this and how this magic works, it holds no power over you. That’s why it’s so important for us to deconstruct these spells that they’re casting on the audience.

137 Hellboy The Crooked Man


Hellboy, along with Tom Ferrell, a man who once struck a deal with a local demon known as the Crooked Man, sets out to unravel the mystery behind the witchball—a cursed object tied to the coven. The deeper they go into the investigation, the darker and more sinister things become. Tom’s past is laden with occult imagery, as he recalls a time when he was tempted by the seductive Effie Kolb, a local witch who aligned herself with the Crooked Man. The Crooked Man is a demon who collects souls through blood pacts and witchcraft—a classic reference to the Nephilim, who are said to return through dark rituals and portal openings.

Tom, Hellboy, and Cora—a woman tied to the curse—find themselves entangled in a battle against witches, spirits, and demonic forces. At the core of this tale is a struggle for Tom’s soul, as the Crooked Man attempts to collect on a pact made years earlier. But it’s not just about one man’s soul; it’s about opening a portal for dark entities to enter our reality—a narrative that reflects the end-time prophecies many of us truth seekers are familiar with.

The Symbolism of Hellboy as the Antichrist

Hellboy himself is the key here. Born of hellfire, summoned by Nazi occultists, and carrying the potential to bring about the apocalypse, Hellboy mirrors the role of the Antichrist in so many ways. He walks the line between good and evil, constantly struggling against his destiny to bring about the end of days. The Crooked Man arc just heightens these undertones. It’s no accident that the storyline involves covens of witches and demonic contracts. We’re being shown—through fiction—what is happening in the spiritual realms. Hollywood isn’t just entertaining you; it’s revealing the playbook for the dark forces operating behind the curtain.

The Crooked Man: A Demon for Our Time

Hellboy Ai Fan Art
“Image created by Tommy Truthful”

The Crooked Man himself is a fascinating character, representing a demon tied to the soul-pact lore found throughout history. Mignola’s version of this demon speaks to a much deeper truth about the entities pulling the strings behind the scenes. The Crooked Man tempts people with power and immortality, but what he really wants is their soul—exactly like the modern-day elites who use the occult to secure power and wealth while feeding off the spiritual energy of others.

At the climax of the story, Hellboy faces off against the Crooked Man in a church surrounded by witches who have renounced God. The symbolism is undeniable: the battle between good and evil, light and dark, Heaven and Hell. As the Crooked Man tries to tempt a blind priest with gold, youth, and love, the truth becomes clear—he represents the same fallen spirits that have been corrupting mankind since the beginning of time.

The Comic and Its Impact

Hellboy - The Crooked Man By Mike Mignola And Richard Corben. Dark ...
Hellboy – The Crooked Man by Mike Mignola and Richard Corben. 

There’s a reason why Hellboy: The Crooked Man is often hailed as one of Mignola’s finest works. Not only does it tap into deep-seated fears about the occult and witchcraft, but it also lays out, in plain sight, how dark forces are working to manipulate our reality. The upcoming movie adaptation promises to bring these themes to an even wider audience. But for those of us who are awake, it’s obvious what’s going on here—Hollywood is laying the groundwork for the arrival of the Antichrist and the opening of portals to release the Nephilim.

Now that we’ve touched on the dark mysticism and occult practices embedded in Hellboy: The Crooked Man, let’s dive deeper into the hidden code that the elites use to communicate their plans—Gematria. As truth seekers, we know that just like in The Matrix, some first-player characters learned how to read the green code of their simulated reality.


For us, that code is Gematria, rooted in Jewish Kabbalah mysticism, tracing all the way back to Babylon. This ancient system allows the elites to encode messages in plain sight, embedding their plans for a cashless society, the rise of the Antichrist, and the release of the Anunnaki—those fallen angels, or Watchers, who mated with human women to create the Nephilim.

Breaking Down the Name “Hellboy” with Gematria

Hellboy = 26 in Chaldean Gematria


Chaldean Gematria is one of the oldest and purest ciphers, going back to the Akkadians, based on the numbers 1 through 8, which add up to 36, a sacred number often inverted by the occult. Here’s a link for more on Chaldean Gematria: Understanding Chaldean Numerology and Its Origins.

Matching Hellboy = 26 in Chaldean is Anunnaki = 26 in Chaldean.


The Anunnaki are the Watchers, the fallen angels of the Bible. In Gnosticism, they were the reptilian Archons, and guess what? Archons = 26 in Chaldean as well.

Archons-Chaldean-26 (4)

This links Hellboy directly to the Anunnaki and Archons—entities that control and manipulate humanity from the shadows.

We’re seeing the type of energy attached to Hellboy—cinema magicians casting spells through symbols, binding certain entities to the film. Every letter has a corresponding number, and every number holds a vibration, a frequency. This is all part of Masonic number magic that binds certain frequencies to the movie, inviting these entities into your home.

Bath Salts = 26 in Chaldean

Bath Salts-Chaldean-26

Screenshot 2024 09 29 150838 -

Zombie Chaldean 26 -

This synthetic designer drug has one less oxygen molecule than methamphetamine, making it legal in some states. But more disturbingly, it’s tied to demonic possession—users have been known to lose control, turning into cannibals or acting insane. Down in Florida, it’s referred to as flakka or α-Pyrrolidinopentiophenone, which equals 311 in English Ordinal Gematria.

α-Pyrrolidinopentiophenone = 311

This number holds significant energy. The pandemic was declared on March 11th, 2020 (3/11), and 100 years prior, the first death from the Spanish flu occurred on that exact same day. Not only that, but Fukushima happened on 3/11 as well. 311 carries a dark frequency tied to major events, and it’s no coincidence that Portal = 311 in Latin (Jewish) Gematria.


These drugs open portals within our bodies—vessels for demonic consciousness.

March 11 = 26 in Chaldean

March 11 Chaldean 26 -

And we see Portals = 26 in Septenary Gematria, further showing the link between this number and the release of entities. Dark Angel = 26 in Chaldean is exactly what Hellboy represents—the release of the Dark Angels from the abyss.

Political Figures and the Number 26

Now let’s dive into some political players tied to this demonic energy.

  • Joe Biden = 26 in Chaldean
  • Kamala Harris = 26 in Chaldean
  • Barack Obama = 26 in Chaldean

Akhenaten Obama Sumerian 666 -

Some believe Obama could be the Antichrist or a clone of Pharaoh Akhenaten. Akhenaten Obama = 666 in Sumerian Gematria. Could they be tied to the rise of the Antichrist? Absolutely. This entire crew carries the energy of the fallen angels.

Barack Obama put the U.S. in more debt than all previous presidents combined. In 2012, he legalized propaganda on the American people, and now we’re living in a society engineered by lies. But the elites aren’t just Satan worshippers—they’re part of the Saturnalia Death Cult.

Kronos = 26 in Chaldean

Kronos is the god of Saturn, and they are trying to open Stargate 11 to Saturn, or Dimension X, also known as Nibiru. This is the dimension where the fallen angels were banished by the Most High God.

Obama also made it legal to declare martial law outside of wartime, which is dangerous for our freedoms:

  • Martial Law = 26 in Chaldean
  • Even Obamacare = 26 in Chaldean, which has been used to murder millions
  • Murders = 26 in Chaldean

Manchild Chaldean 26 -

The manchild’s connection to the rise of the Antichrist is found in the dualistic struggle between divine authority and counterfeit authority. While the Antichrist rises as a global ruler who seeks to deceive and control through false miracles and power, the manchild represents the true power of God and the eventual overthrow of Satan’s dominion. The narrative sets the stage for the final battle between light and darkness, where the rule of Christ or the manchild will ultimately prevail over the temporary reign of the Antichrist.

Ancient Entities and the Ogdoad


The number 26 shows up even in ancient mythology. Ogdoad = 26 in Chaldean refers to the eight primordial deities worshipped in Hermopolis. A depiction of the Ogdoad from a Roman-era relief at the Hathor temple in Dendera in which some have frog heads and others have serpent heads

In Revelation 16:13, three unclean spirits like frogs are mentioned. This ancient symbolism ties directly to the elites, who still practice these rituals today.

Sheep = 26 in Chaldean

Sheep Chaldean 26 -
The masses, enslaved by the elites, are sheep, being led through this socialist society:

  • Socialism = 26 in Chaldean
  • Socialist = 26 in Chaldean

The Connection to Sex Magic

The elites of today are carrying out the same ancient forms of sex magic as those from Sodom and Gomorrah. Sodomy = 26 in Chaldean. If you look back to Baal’s wife, Astarte, her high priestesses would castrate themselves, turning into Shemale = 26 in Chaldean. This connects to why they have Gay Pride Month, tied to ancient rituals.

Straw Man = 26 in Chaldean

Straw Man-Chaldean-26
The Straw Man concept is crucial for understanding how we’re being controlled through legal fictions created at birth. Governments and financial systems use your straw man to bind you to laws and debts. We are considered “lost at sea” legally, but by reclaiming our sovereignty, we can break free.

Tammuz: The Rebirth of Nimrod

Tammuz = 26 in Chaldean
Tammuz is believed to be the reincarnation of Nimrod, positioning him as the first Christ impostor. The cross symbol originates from Tammuz, representing the elites’ occult worship.

Tubalcain: Master of Metallurgy

Tubalcain = 26 in Chaldean
Tubalcain, a descendant of Cain, is the master of metalwork, a symbol of control and manipulation. The elites continue to worship him through occult symbols like the Facebook logo, derived from Tubalcain’s symbolism.

Vaxxed and the Military

Vaxxed = 26 in Chaldean
Nanotechnology in vaccines turns the body into an avatar for entities controlled by military intelligence. The U.S. military, US Military = 26 in Chaldean, is part of the breakaway government truly controlling the world.


So now you see the kind of energy attached to the name Hellboy and why this character was chosen. Every number, every symbol has a hidden meaning, and the elites use this to manipulate the masses. Hellboy’s Gematria reveals much more than meets the eye.

Watch My Full Decode on Hellboy: The Crooked Man

For those of you wanting to dig deeper into these revelations, I’ve put together an exclusive, members-only video where I break down every Hellboy movie, game, and comic, with a special focus on The Crooked Man. The last half-hour of the over-hour-long decode is dedicated to uncovering the truth behind the latest Hellboy installment, including how it connects to real-world occult practices and the rise of the Antichrist. Trust me—you don’t want to miss this one.

If you’re not yet a member of the Truth Mafia, you can join for just $8.88 a month and get access to this full video and our entire members-only catalog. But if subscriptions aren’t your thing, you can also watch the video by heading over to my Patreon for just $3. Here’s where to check it out:

Watch the Full Hellboy Decode:

Hellboy: The Crooked Man – I Broke Down All the Hellboys in One Video

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Stay vigilant, and remember—the truth is out there, but only for those with the eyes to see it.

Reality is a Code – I am the glitch that reveals its secrets – Tommy Truthful

Here at Truth Mafia, we’ve uncovered layers of hidden truths that suggest reality is more than meets the eye. Codes, patterns, and synchronicities all point to one undeniable fact—reality is a code. But here’s the twist: not everyone is living the same game. Some are Non-Player Characters (NPCs), simply programmed to go through the motions, while others are First Player Characters (FPCs), the ones who can bend the rules and unlock the deepest secrets.

🔍 Are You an NPC or an FPC? Decode the Truth 🔍

What if we told you that a simple name and birthdate reveal whether you’re an NPC or FPC? For just $26, I’ll personally decode your Gematria to reveal your role in this cosmic simulation.

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Gematria Decode

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  • Tommy Truthful

    Hey guys, Tommy Truthful here, leader of the Truth Mafia, CAPO DEI CAPI. I built one of the biggest alternative media conglomerates in the world, brought together some of the biggest names in the game in the truth-seeking community to combat censorship. People ask all the time how they can join the Truth Mafia. You can't just join; I have to notice you. My team and I research to ensure you have no government ties before we bring you into the family. If you'd like to get your personal decode done by Tommy Truthful and find out your role in this simulation we call life, then links are below.

    🔮 The Ultimate Reading- Just $26! 🔮 For only $26, you'll receive an extensive Email Decode from Tommy himself. Just a click on the link below! View all posts
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137 Hellboy The Crooked Man Anunnaki-Chaldean-26 gematria gematria decode Hellboy - The Crooked Man by Mike Mignola and Richard Corben. Hellboy - The Crooked Man by Mike Mignola and Richard Corben. Dark ... Hellboy The Crooked Man breakdown Hellboy The Crooked Man GEMATRIA DECODE Hellboy The Crooked Man Movie review Hellboy The Crooked Man review Hellboy-Chaldean-26 Hellboy: The Crooked Man Kronos-Chaldean-26 magic magick occult Straw man-Chaldean-26 Tommy Truthful truth mafia WITCHCRAFT

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