Heresy of the Dark Magicians
[ai-buttons]Blo By Tommy Truthful.
Mysticism: A Journey Beyond the Ego to Attain Gnosis
Mysticism, a term often shrouded in ambiguity and mystery, is the spiritual pursuit of achieving union with or absorption into the divine. At its core, mysticism aims to bypass the egoistic consciousness and reach a state of gnosis, or divine knowledge. However, what is particularly fascinating is the myriad methods through which this union can be sought.
The Methods of Mysticism
From the rhythmic beats accompanying prolonged dances to the mesmerizing cadence of chanting, mysticism utilizes varied avenues to touch the soul. Meditation offers a silent path, leading the mind to profound depths. Meanwhile, self-hypnosis serves as a doorway, guiding the conscious mind into deep recesses. Moreover, the use of psychotropic substances has been embraced by certain traditions to blur the lines between the conscious and subconscious, aiming to achieve an elevated sense of awareness. Each method, distinct yet interconnected, seeks to bypass the ego and attain the sought-after gnosis.
Historical Roots
Delving into history, mysticism finds its roots linked to the ancient Aryan Magi. Their beliefs and practices reverberated through time, leaving an indelible mark on European secret societies. The Knights Templar, Rosicrucians, and Freemasons are prime examples, each echoing remnants of mystical practices interwoven with their doctrines. Additionally, the influence of astrotheology cannot be understated, adding yet another layer to this intricate tapestry of beliefs.
John Dee: A Mystic of Renown
A quintessential figure in the realm of mysticism is John Dee, an English alchemist, mathematician, and astrologer. His proximity to Queen Elizabeth accentuated his influence. Boasting an expansive library, Dee immersed himself in occult studies, encompassing the Talmudic Mysteries, Rosicrucian theories, and notably, Enochian magic. His relentless pursuit led to his monumental creation of the Hieroglyphic Monad. Yet, what stands out most prominently is his alleged discovery of the Enochian language, believed to be a pre-Hebraic language essential for Enochian magic.
Dee’s path, however, wasn’t devoid of controversies. Accusations of dabbling in Black Magic plagued him, leading to his eventual expulsion from the Holy Roman Empire. Undeterred, Dee persisted, furthering his research into the occult, continuously bridging the realms of the known and the mystical.
Mysticism, spanning cultures and epochs, remains a testament to humanity’s eternal quest for the divine. Through varied methods and practices, and influenced by historical figures like John Dee, it showcases the human spirit’s unwavering yearning to reach beyond the tangible, to touch the ethereal, and to embrace the divine knowledge that lies beyond.
Was his life really worth all that, I think not, anyone who dabbles in these types of activities will come to a bad end, lesson, keep your heart on the christos 🌸