Hotel ZaZa Room 322 with Doenut Factory and Tommy Truthful of

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Hotel ZAZA Room 322 Blog Click the link. 

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➡ Host Tommy from laments the commercialisation of holidays and talks about potentially suspicious features of Hotel Zaza in Texas, suggests strange potential links with secret societies because of its Room 322. He also promotes items on his site for a discount and offers personal readings to analyse if you’re a “first player character”. He discusses how experiences in specific places, such as Mexico, can affect individual’s health and wellbeing, and plans future podcasts revolving around conspiracy theories.
➡ The speaker discusses feeling a shift in mood depending on his environment, noting the adverse effect of returning to a gloomier Arizona. He speculates about the occurrence of an Omega event predicted between 2026 and 2027 based on symbolism and scriptures, despite contrasting opinions that it may transpire in 2024 or as soon as next month. He believes this period, starting from 2025 (Year of the Snake) to 2028, will be challenging, contrasting with an anticipated peaceful 2024 (Year of the Dragon). The speaker also discusses being affected by external negativity and “blastings” keeping them on guard, and unexplained paranormal activity related to a peculiar room in Hotel Zaza.
➡ The speaker is discussing the symbolism of the eight-pointed star, connecting it to multiple contexts like movies, superstitions, entities of power and its historical significance, such as linked to the goddess Ishtar. They also discuss their theories about symbolic references in various contemporary situations including movie symbolism, billionaires buying bunkers, the significance of certain dates and presumed predictive programming about events like the collapse of the dollar.
➡ The text discusses the intricate interconnections between various symbols and how they might signify hidden knowledge or rituals to the initiated. It looks specifically at the imagery of two towers seen on currency and their multiple potential meanings, from a collapse of physical money to a shift to digital ones or as representations of other symbols like the pillars of Hercules. It also touches on connections to sex magic, occult practices, and historic figures or entities such as the Nephilim.
➡ The speaker discusses various theories and concepts touching on topics like money, class divides, moon cycles, the manipulation of reality, reincarnation, and energy harvesting. They also delve into theories about ancient times, stargates, and multidimensional travel, stressing the importance of being open-minded and not confining oneself to a single narrative or belief system.
➡ The speaker discusses his belief in the power of crystals and stones, offering them as gifts and products on his website,, for their supposed abilities to block frequency and protect from psychic attacks. He also offers readings to determine if someone is a “first player character” or a “soulless NPC”, connoting a person’s spiritual status according to his beliefs. The speaker feels unwell and suggests it could be due to negative frequencies in his environment. He also promotes a future discussion about whether America is really Egypt.


Welcome to truthmafia. com. You’re rocking with your host, Tommy Truthful. How’s everybody doing? I hope you guys had a great holiday. We’re coming up on this New Year’s Eve, another other amazing pagan holiday that they like to make us celebrate, like Christmas, which I’ve seen so many people wishing Jesus a merry Christmas, but it’s really not his birthday on that day. That’s Nimrod’s birthday, but that’s neither here nor there.

I hope you guys did have a good know. It’s been so commercialized. The whole thing is connected to Saturn and materialism, and that’s all it is anymore. People really don’t remember anything to do with Jesus. It’s just what do I get or what do I got to get for other people? But I came across this hotel, guys, and it is fascinating. So I wrote a blog on it.

It’s called Hotel Zaza, room three two. Two. And this is down in Texas. Now. It’s kind of strange, too, because they hide this room like a normal guest. Can’t stay there. The bed is chained to the wall. It reminds me of something out of a straight mkultra scene. But we’re going to get into that. Go over all that with you here in just a second. Before we get going, this is brought to you from body align energy wellness.

That link is down in the description. Use promo code truth mafia and get an extra 20% off. It’s amazing technology. We’re getting bombarded with these frequencies, so we got to make sure we protect ourselves. We also have a holiday sale over on our store, truthfultv. com, where we got some amazing products over there, too. Guys, we just got some new stuff in that blocks psychic and black magic attacks.

We’re being hit on multiple levels. And if you use promo code sale 17, all one word, then you get an extra 17% off. Also on truthfultv. com is where we do our personal readings to see if you’re one of these first player characters. I did the math, guys, and there’s 169,000 actual first player characters. That’s why that 169 number is used over and over and over again. Look how many people is here.

Billions. But most of them are npcs. We’re surrounded around these npcs. So that’s why you haven’t seen me in a couple of days. Guys, I’ve been catching up on my personal decodes and we go over your life path number, your destiny card, your birth card, your gamatria. It’s very detailed. So let me go to the comments real quick, and then we’ll get into this. What’s up, guys? How y’all doing in there? Travis, what’s up, brother? Hit them like buttons, guys.

Smash the likes. What’s up? What’s up? What’s up? Okay, so I’m going to share my screen with you now, so we can go over here to this blog I wrote on Hotel Zaza. I got to show you guys this because you got to see it to understand what I’m talking about. So let me share my screen really quick. Boom. Share screen. Okay, here we go. Now. Oh, you know what? Let me do this full screen layout.

There we go. That way you guys can actually see. I actually created this one, that image with AI just for the blog. So I’ve been getting good with this AI guys. And down here, let me show you this real quick. I created this one with AI, too. Tell me that ain’t pretty cool. And here’s something very interesting about Hotel Zaza. Hotel Zaza equals, well, hotel Zaza, room three two two equals 1717.

And that’s a huge number. That’s the year the premier grand Lodge of England was founded in 1717. And I’m wondering, it crazy how AI just comes up with the weirdest things. If you look on the wall and everything that’s on here, its brain is. Sometimes I wonder if it’s a demon doing it. It might be guys. Who knows? I don’t trust it, that’s for sure. Now, this room, because after the story went viral, and this was years ago, a couple of years back, right, when I originally heard about it, but I didn’t look into it too much.

And then recently, someone sent me a post about it, and that’s what made me relook into it. Shout out to vigilant citizen. He wrote a blog on it, like, years ago, but the story started to go so viral that the hotel, the PR team had to say something, and they were claiming that room three two two is titled hard times. Right. Well, that’s interesting. Hard times equals 29, like, demonic.

And it was designed to mimic a prison experience. However, this room isn’t promoted publicly and definitely doesn’t look like a prison cell to me. Take this from someone that’s been to the federal penitentiary. It looks more like a torture chamber, guys. So we’re going to go by this step by step, picture by picture. Okay, let me start up here at the top. This is the most bizarre room in the world.

And if anybody stayed in this hotel, my email address is truthfultv. At proton me. So if anyone has even newer images, I would love to see them because I guess it’s really hard to get in here. But, yeah, look at the floor. It’s the only room in the hotel. It’s like a high end hotel. And this floor is concrete, right. And then the bed is chained to the wall.

I don’t like that. That’s where I’m out. When I see the chains on the wall, I’m dipping. And there’s a two way mirror right there, too. Look. That’s another thing. New. No, thank you. Chains on the wall. So you could be sleeping in bed. Next thing you know, you wake up, your feet and arms are chained up. Then they can watch from the other side. I just get a terrible vibe from this hotel, completely.

Like, why is the bed chained? Prison beds ain’t chained. You know what I mean? They are anchored to the wall, but not like that. And say it was just a number, right? Oh, it’s just hotel room three two two. It has nothing to do with the secret society skull and crossbones. But the whole hotel room is all skull and bone stuff. That’s all that’s in there. I mean the whole thing.

So, yeah, I find it pretty fascinating. You couldn’t say that it’s just a coincidence. They even got the skull and bones clock in the bathroom. So now I’m going to bring on my brother from another mother donut factory. He’s feeling a little under the weather. Know me, I’m not feeling that great either. I’ve had this cough for like a week. You know, it’s funny because donut told me when he was down in Mexico, he felt the best he’s ever felt in know.

He just immediately started breathing better. No heart papillations. And then you come back here and it, boom, you’re getting hit again. Because we’re being bombarded with these frequencies. I need to move down there, or maybe to Dominican Republic. Brother. Donut? Yeah. What up is donut? Yeah, it’s crazy, bro, that I think it was a lot of things like the airplanes in the sky, chemtrails. Yeah. You got the towers.

I won’t even say that. But the emfs, there’s not as much of it maybe out there. So that’s what I was thinking. But also my understanding of bioenergetics. How everybody has their own sort of plasma biofield around them. America. I’m pretty certain that it’s like Babylon, you know? Well, Donna, you want to note, as a matter of fact, brother, Saturday we’re changing the podcast up on Saturday just for this one week.

And we usually do conspiracy cinemas on Saturday. But we’re going to interview a special guest, my boy Dominic. I’ve interviewed him before with the King Kong and all that theory, but he’s going to talk about how America is really Egypt and where I live, Ohio and Indiana area, where Dom’s from. That’s Sodom and Gomorrah. That was Sodom and Gomorrah of the ancient times, bro. And I know it sounds crazy at first, but not at all, dude.

There’s so many connections to it. I was thinking like, North Carolina sounds a lot like Cairo, right? North Cairo lineup, but the etymology doesn’t match up. But like you got. But the thing that I’ve noticed corners area was the aztec empire. That was the whole aztec empire. Really what I noticed, I’ve traveled to other countries and what I noticed this time was that from my research on bioenergetics and just people, like, just having people around you affects you in a sense.

And out there you say hello to mean because I got like the Uber driver, the shuttle driver just dropped me off in the middle of Mexico and I’m like, where am know he dropped me off at the wrong spot and I had no idea where was. And like, people would help me. Like, they stopped what they were doing to help me out. That don’t happen out here in Scottsdale, Arizona, and probably maybe in the midwest, but I’ve never been to the midwest, but people are in their own little bubbles here and pissed off.

And that affects individuals. I don’t know. I feel like I’ve been ostracized my whole life from society in so many different ways that just like, I don’t know, I’m going through, I’m all cranky and I feel under the weather. I felt so good, bro, because I’m like, outside in the sunshine and there’s just so many elements. I talked to you, you seem super happy. Then I get back here, and then all of my psoriasis comes back.

Like, the day I get back. It’s just crazy, bro. And I think all it’s going to take is just one event, the Omega event. People are just like, miserable out here, bro. They’re over. And maybe I’m just focusing on the bad, but this is my experience. Yeah, no, I’m with you, brother. It’s going to take. They’re going to do some forever purge type event. I’m looking into that.

The forever Purge movie was crazy and loaded with symbolism, too. When they took them to the bus, the bus number was nine two three. And remember all that nine two three stuff? So I’m like, damn, I wonder if they’re going to pop this off. I was trying to figure it out, and when I looked into that 917 date from the movie leave the world behind, that led me down a whole alley.

There’s definitely going to be a major event in September, but from what I’ve done with the dates and stuff, I’m thinking it’s going to probably be between 2026 and 2027. Probably 2026, though, because that’s just how a lot of the numbers line up perfectly with. And that will be a year after 2025, which is the great tribulation equals two two five. So it doesn’t matter if you’re religious guys.

They’re playing a script out of the scripture. I think the mega event is going to happen in next month. Yeah, that’s what I think. From listening to astrologers. I don’t feel that happening at all. I don’t either. But that’s the thing, though, bro. If you watch a good film, because this is all scripted, you watch a good film, it’s called shit hits the fan. So out of nowhere, like, you don’t expect it.

That’s how a good movie, well, people are expecting it. Like, everybody’s talking about it, you know what I mean? So. I don’t think so, bro. If you want to know my true opinion, the year of the Dragon is a prosperous year. I think they’re going to maybe let us have a good year, and we’re like, oh, everything’s going back to normal now. I mean, we’ll still have some rituals and stuff.

The summer solstice is going to be crazy from March to June in that area, but especially, like, April, May, right in that area. 13 days of preparation going into Beltane web, major events. But the big finale, I don’t think it’ll happen in 2024. Honestly, brother, I think it will happen. Pop off between 2025, that three year period from 2025 when we’re in the Year of the Snake, which starts on January 20, eigth of 2025, all the way through 2028.

Them three years are going to be crazy. What I’ve noticed is through my filmmaking, I love filmmaking, and I’m an observer. And when I went to Mexico, there’s a community. People are nice, people smile. People help out. And when I come back here to the rich part of town in Arizona, nobody’s smiling. Everybody’s pissed off. If you say, hey, what’s going on? People are going to get, like, why are you talking to just.

And I look around at the audience reaction, because the people, they’re an audience. So when all the crazy stuff’s happening in the world, instead of looking at the news, I’m looking at the people and how they’re reacting because they’re watching a movie on the news station right out and about. Right. And if you watch people who make movies, they have a test audience where they’re not watching the movie.

They’re watching the audience sit down watching the movie. Oh, they laughed. Like, every time I edit a music video or a video and I show someone, I’m never watching the video. I’m watching their reaction, like, oh, they laughed right here. Oh, they’re bored. I should take that part out. And what I’ve noticed, yeah, what I’ve noticed, at least here, maybe it’s different where you’re at, but here, people are pissed, and they just walk around like little cranky, pissed off people that just one little shake up, they’re ready for whatever.

That’s my opinion. I’m negative today, bro. Whatever. Listen, dude, down the road from me, they just caught, like, some 14 year olds and 15 year olds, and they had more guns in one house than the whole police force has. They ain’t playing around here. You know what I’m saying? So, yeah, it’s going to go bad when it does happen, but it never happens the way we think it’s going to happen.

I’ve looked into it deep, bro, the astrology of it, everything. And I really believe that I could be wrong, though. I’m not perfect. I don’t know everything, but I really believe that they’ll get us to drop our guard in 2024, the year of the dragon. Now, we will have a major event, like I said, during that. It starts about right around 314, March 14 through usually about 522 in that period.

And April eigth is the great american eclipse. So that’s going to be crazy. Which that dude that they just sacrificed, he’s connected to that. I’ll go over that in a second. It’s only a couple of things, but, Donna, I want to get your opinion real quick, because I don’t want to keep you on here too long, brother. I know you don’t feel good. I’m feeling better, bro. You’re making me feel better.

And for people, like, I’m not feeling well today, bro. I’m not feeling well today, and I’ve been feeling great, bro. Like, I’ve been hitting the gym. I’ve been feeling great. They blasting us, bro. They blast. Yeah, no, they really are. He’s right. They are blasting us and it’s sickening. And especially people like me and donut that are trying to put out the truth. I mean, we’re getting bombarded.

My neck right now, I can feel it tingling, but I’m surrounded by my stuff so it barely gets through. But I still get hit with it when it’s military grade. I mean, it’s crazy. I think you’re right about 2024 being prosperous, but the year of the dragon doesn’t start until February. So that’s why I was like, I think next month, like the first couple of days, it could be.

Yeah. Maybe it won’t be the Omega event, but I think it is going to be. They’re definitely going to do a ritual within the first eleven days of January. They do it every year. A major one, bro. I wish I got some slides, but my computer is not even working. I have to shut it off and turn it back on. But if you want me to show some slides here in a little.

Yeah, well, I want to get your opinion real quick on this hotel. Three two two. Yeah, it reminds me of cool Keith. He’s got apartment two two three. And then the Mary Tyler Moore show had a room two two three as well. Oh, wow. So in this room, donut, let me show you this. First of all, there’s these distorted people on the freaking wall and they just look so lifeless in their eyes.

I don’t know if that’s some representation of doubles splitting personalities. Then you have this one here. He looks very unfriendly and not happy. And then for some reason you got this guy. Why is this dude in the, you know, he’s president of Stanford Group Company. I’m thinking he’s a skull and bones member. He’s got to be, because why else would they put that guy in the room? It makes no sense.

This room is just so bizarre, bro. Stanford Financial Group? Yeah. Is that what it is? Global financial services in Texas? Yep. He was known to do a Ponzi scheme, it looks like. So maybe it’s like a funny thing. That’s what it looks like. Well, them skull and bones members are always ripping us off. Remember right before 911, they stole trillions of dollars? They love doing Ponzi schemes and robbing the american people.

It’s like their favorite thing to do. But yeah. I found this hotel room pretty fascinating. I’m thinking someday donut me and you should book it, dude, and see if we could stay there and see what’s cracking in it. Now. I wonder if there’s any deaths related to this, because I just started looking into it. Maybe you could do a quick search on your side and see if there’s any deaths related to.

Yeah, sure. It’s called Zazzo. Zaza. Hotel Zaza. Zaza. And there’s a lot of strange stuff with hotels like Hotel California that’s got a weird story behind it. And I live in a hotel. Actually, this is an old hotel I live in. It’s an apartment, but it used to be a hotel. And there’s ghosts and stuff. They don’t bother me, though. My new apartment, I’m pretty sure it’s haunted, too.

I’ve seen some weird shit. The other night, it was like a black shadow figure entity, and it went into the closet, and I felt the worst, most terrifying vibe from that thing. But I’m always seeing some crazy stuff. Yeah, I’m on their website. It looks actually like a pretty cool place. Everything’s very fancy and nice, but this one room is, like, satanic. And now that I’m looking at it some more, I don’t know, you should hear.

I’ll drop the link to the link. They got the 36 in there. They got a lot of symbolism in this. Here, let me drop this real quick to you. I’m already seeing a ton of stuff, dude. I also did this crazy breakdown on the eight pointed star. And, dude, it’s connected to so much weird stuff. Donut. It’s always connected to superheroes and entities with abilities and powers. Very bizarre.

What I found out with that, too, because me and you’ve been looking into the eight point of star forever. Yeah, and I’m still looking into it because I just did a deep dive on the mexican pesos and looking into symbolism with that. Well, I don’t know if you ever seen this yet, but this one right here, you should check it out, dude. And look, I put views on the post, but some weird is going on.

When you’re on the phone version, it shows, like, one view, but when you’re on the computer version, it shows the right amount. So I got to figure that out. What is going on there? Well, I guess back in the day, I’m not sure how true this is, because I’m not a historian, especially of the ancient times. I more look into the symbols and I do my research to get better at the ancient stuff, but that’s like a whole study on its own.

But I was reading a book on the plane connecting this eight pointed star to Ishtar. And this is kind of where money started stemming from, because the fertility goddess Ishtar, that’s why this year you had Rihanna, Anana Ishtar being pregnant and fertility, and then all the guys, like, dry humping her at the Super bowl. That was a fertility ritual where money actually stems from. So it was sacred prostitution, according to this book, where you would give up a lot of your wheat or whatever, and you would get a coin, and then you would get to sleep with the prostitutes for the fertility of the land, and they would give you a coin in return.

And I was like, that’s weird. I just notate it, highlight it. Cool. But then I’m looking into the dollar sign, the ISIS dollar sign. Well, it’s got the two pillars, bro. I mean, I got some crazy connections, bro. You’re making me feel better. Thank you. Look, when I woke up, you called me. I was just waking up. I was sick all last night, but now I’m feeling better, bro.

I’ve been finding some crazy stuff connected to the collapse of the dollar and the predictive programming of stuff. It’s, like, all over the place. You know that famous Bart Simpson predictive programming that everybody knows, even on Wikipedia, they’re like, yeah, it’s predictive programming. It looks like it, yeah. Which one was that? One where he has the issue that says 911, and it was released on nine one. It was like, season nine, episode one.

There’s other symbols in that that nobody has broken down and I’ve been breaking. Wow, look at that ish star right there. Yes, dude, it’s on Mount Herman, where the 200 fallen angels descended to give forbidden knowledge to the people. There’s the eight pointed star, and it represents portal because people think Nibiru is a planet, but it’s not. It’s a dimension. Dimension X. Everything’s interdimensional. We see this star all over.

The Mormons, they know something about it. You got the star on the 17th card in the tarot deck, right? Which is one plus seven is eight represents eight. We see it on Pope Francis’s coat of arms. Vlad the impaler. The Dracula family. The order of the dragon. I call him Vlad the implayer. I want to show you this r1 thing. That’s Murdu. He has it all over him.

But check this out, bro. Did you know it was connected to Chaos magic? It’s the chaos star, right? The chaos magic. Chaos theory. A chaos star features eight points coming from the central point. While fictionally it originates in the writings of Michael Moorcock. It has now been adopted into various additional contexts, including magical and religious ones. Chaos is a powerful force led by many demonic and strange chaos lords who are, as often as not at cross with one another as symbolized by the eight directions of the chaos arrow.

So it’s heavily connected to witchcraft. And, dude, every superhero movie, you’ll see it just for a split second or something. The man of steel, 45 minutes in, you see it right on the screen. There’s also the seven point stars up there. So 45 guys is man of steel, fallen angels, fallen ones, and it’s heavily connected to the anunnaki, which they call the fallen ones. Captain America has it on her chest.

She gets her powers from the plasma. Wonder Woman has it on her headdress. I mean, it’s crazy. And then, you know that one donut Cern has the eight bars going around inside. The vatican has the eight spokes on the wheel. And that’s what they’re opening up. They’re opening up dimension x, alleged Nibiru. But it’s interdimensional, not what people think it is. I made these with AI. You think that’s pretty cool? Yeah.

There’s just so much crazy symbolism. And I think it’s connected to the dollar. Like, why is the deer all over the place, right in the leave the road behind? Because a deer is a buck, and it’s like, dollars, bucks. And this new civil war movie is coming out, right, and it’s by the guy who made 28 days later. And 28 is according to how the ancients counted the clock.

It was the cycle of the new moon to the full moon. Like, 28 was an important cycle. I thought that was kind of interesting, just looking into these stars and all. I did a new breakdown on leave the world behind because there’s a lot of stuff I didn’t cover. So you guys can check that out over, you know, at the end of it, I connect it to all these rich people are buying bunkers right now, not just Mark Zuckerberg, but Zuckerberg bought a bunker.

Did you know that? That’s what this map was, bro? Because remember, we were trying to figure that out. The poster above the bed is called the United States of Attica in 1971 and was created by the painter and activist Faith Rigold. Ain’t that weird? Yeah. Every single thing in this movie has a meaning to it. So, like, you know that date that you called out, that 917 date? That’s when the constitution was signed.

Oh, wow. You found that out. Good job. That’s interesting. Yeah. Mystery man showed up and was all like, you all need to sign it. And then he disappeared. There’s another thing we didn’t catch right away. So we knew about the white lion being connected to the first slave ship. Right. But then there was a scene where, in the car, they showed this number when they were talking about the cyberattack in 1619.

This is when the white lion, english privateer, operating under the dutch letter of marquis, brought the first Africans to the english colony of Virginia in 1619. So anyone that thinks, oh, that was a reach. Well, come on. You think they put that on there on accident? No. And that’s when they’re talking about attack. So what if that’s symbolizing that it’s going to be a punishment for some of these events, like what they did to Haiti.

Haiti was one of the first places that broke away from slavery. Right. And they rebelled and won at the time, but they’ve been paid back so much because of it, the earthquakes and them using hearth on them, all kinds of stuff. And there’s a lot of theories that that might happen on a massive scale here in America. But, yeah, right here, Mark Zuckerberg is reportedly building himself a $270,000,000 survivalist compound in Hawaii.

And then there’s another dude, he’s right. Building one right next to Zuckerberg there. And for the last two weeks, though, nut if you could just type in billionaires building bunkers, and you’ll see all the stories for two weeks straight. They just keep talking about it, keep talking about it. In the day before leave the world behind came out December 7, they released a story talking about you could buy bunkers for $55,000 in South Dakota, I believe.

Really bizarre, dude. Really bizarre. So that’s a lot of symbolism and what they’re programming us for what is to come. Right? And then there’s just one more connection I want to show you, and then I’ll let you show your slides, brother. I know probably nobody knows who this guy is, but he passed away. And tell me, guys, what do you guys think in the comments? Does this look like George Bush? I swear, I felt like that’s like a clone of George or something, but this guy passes away, and there’s a crazy connection with him.

If you look into. Well, first of all, this is the post that went viral right on Twitter. And if you start the first word, this one really hurts. The first phrase they say, and then it’s a period. Then she said, I love Tom dearly. So that first phrase, this one really hurts, equals 237. Well, that’s interesting, because that is the famous number connected to Stanley Kubrick and the shining.

Remember room 237? And he was found in his room, dead, this guy. But, yeah, there’s a whole bunch. You guys will have to come read it. And it’s all connected to this code about Obama dying. And I was telling donut, what if that’s going to be the king kill 33 ritual? They had us looking at Trump, they had us looking at Biden. But what if it was Obama, guys? And then he comes back surviving a head wound or something, and he might be that Antichrist figure.

Just saying. You never know. But Tom’s name equals 48. Like simulated reality, human sacrifice. So when I seen that, I said, okay, let me trace from the day he died, December 26 until April eigth, when we have the great american eclipse. And look what it was. Three months and 14 days, which is PI, right? Found dead, 3114. Obama’s fake death. Three one four. Big tech pharma, 3114. He allegedly had cancer.

And nine times out of ten, they don’t die from the cancer. They die from the chemo. And we were warned in revelations 18 through 23 about their sorcery, known as pharmacia, which translates to witchcraft. They’re definitely building up something big for this coming eclipse, that’s for sure. Well, there was another person who passed away, and I was doing a live stream, and I was like, this is the last full moon on the 26th.

Look out for some people to pass away, because that’s what usually happens on these full moons. There’s this three day window. Yeah, you said that about him. He died on the full moon. Yeah, and so did someone else that’s connected to money. One of the stars of parasite in Snowpiercer also passed away. Okay, wait a second. Donut, you were telling me something about. I can’t remember what you were saying.

You said they were launching a rocket on December, like, December 26 or something, and then it lands in January. You remember that? Yeah. I think it might have been canceled, though. They were saying they’re going to go back to the moon. Oh, now they’re not doing it. Well, I’m not sure, because remember, we figured out it was like, what? Wasn’t it? 33 days in between the two dates, right? Yeah.

I got to go back and check that out. We find a lot of crazy stuff. Yeah, we do. We definitely do. But that makes sense because it’s, like, very masonic rituals with the moon landing stuff. They know ain’t going to no moon, but it’s a funny story anyway. You want to show your slides, brother? Well, I got to shut my computer off and then come back on if I do show some stuff.

It’s up to you if you want to do that. Yeah, do it. Okay. I’ll be right back. Okay, cool. Okay. Take some comments in here while we’re waiting on Brother Donut. What’s up, guys? How y’all doing today? Missed everyone. Where’s some of my normal people at? Travis, I see you. Hey, Travis, did you ever get that thing fixed on my website? That’s so bizarre. I can’t even find your name in my what? Database no more.

I don’t know what happened. Dude. I see Julie on there all the time. Shout out to Julie. How’s it going for you, Aussie girl? Shout out to Australia. I’m trying to come over there and ride alligators with y’all. Ride me an alligator. Not alligators, crocodiles. Crocodiles will kill you, won’t they? They got them big sharks there in Australia, too. I think they’re the great whites. I don’t know, but they got a lot of stuff that’ll kill you in Australia.

Like the most poisonous snake in the whole world. I forget what it’s called. Maybe a brown snake or something. Can’t remember. They got the most poisonous mean. It’s like a freaking death trap over there. But I have a huge following from Australia, so I’ll ride one of them kangaroos now. 100%. Hey, guys, what happened to, damn, what’s his name again? The crazy guy? Hold on, let me think.

Santos Bonacci. I heard Santos Bonacci’s YouTube got taken down. Well, I mean, I couldn’t believe they left it up as long as they did. He literally was threatening the life of officials. You can’t say stuff like that. But they just kept it up. Kept it up, kept it up. It’s kind of bizarre. Here we go. Here’s brother Donut. Yo, what up? Yeah, let me just share my screen.

Give me a second. Oh, thank you, Amanda. I appreciate your love. The Kaluminati days, that’s my parent company that I own all my other companies through Kaluminati media. So I know you’ve been with me for a long time then, because that was what I started out as. All right. It wouldn’t let me patent it, though. I tried to own that name, and they wouldn’t let I just use it as a parent company to everything.

I got the. Oh, here you go, brother Donut. What do we got? No World War II soldiers, nothing like that. Okay. Okay. Yeah, no, this is fine. So, in the book, symbol, sex and the stars, there was a quote I wanted to start off the presentation with. The use of symbols to convey knowledge to the initiated and to conceal it from the uninitiated is old as civilization. And this book is just about pretty much the game telephone with symbols.

And all the symbols that we have today, it goes back further, and only the initiated really understand what they are. And a lot of it goes into sex magic kind of stuff, as life is based upon reproductive forces. And this is what I wanted to point out, because I’m like, everyone knows this image, right? Yes. This is like the one on one of looking into predictive programming, right? Has anybody pointed out the money at all? In the dollar, we see the 911, and that’s all we focus on.

But you got the money in there and the dollar. And if you go back in time, the two pillars, the eleven, is right here on the dollar bill, and it is connected to, as I was just in Mexico, the pesos. Right? So this was called the plus ultra. And of course, these symbols go back even further. Like I was saying that right now, we don’t even know what the symbols are, but they all go back to some sex stuff.

We can go back to the 18 hundreds and what it meant. And we got the johin and Boaz, or the two pillars right here for the plus ultra. Now, this is what circulated in the US, this currency, and I believe this is water, because it’s like maritime law. And then you got the Vesica Pisces right here. This is the Mastercard logo. But as you can see, the plus ultra has got the little snake going around it, kind of where we get the dollar with the two towers on it.

Now, although we can go back even further, but this is just going back to the 18 hundreds and 17 hundreds when the country was first founded, where they showed the two towers fallen in the federal edifice. So we see this symbolism of the two pillars. They’re Hercules pillars, the pillars of Hercules, which is, I believe, connected to some sun God stuff. It all goes back to sun and moon worship cults connected to the tower card in the tarot deck.

Right, the tower card as well. But I thought that was interesting. Looking at this symbol for more than just this, you’re thinking it’s symbolic of the collapse of the physical dollar, which will flip us into some digital currency. Probably. But this is just kind of like, how many times have we seen this? And nobody’s really connected the dollar stuff, because these two pillars, no one was even thinking that.

They’re focused on the 911 symbolism. You know what I mean? But it could definitely have a second undertone for the second collapse. Right. Be the money. Yeah. And they had the plane in it. And then you even had the ishtar right here, the eight pointed star. And that eight pointed star we can see right here. Maritime law. Right? Yeah. It ties back to these nephilim. Well, call them whatever you want.

Anunnaki. Nephilims, watchers. It ties back to them and all the people running the country, they say they’re descendants from them. So you’ll see it with them over that and the Iron Cross, both of them, symbols. Yeah. And then you got this right here. Looks like a star. They got the eight pointed star. And there’s a connection to Jupiter with eight pointed star as. Yeah, yeah. It’s all connected.

It’s all. So like in Ghostbusters, you have the key master, and they have to have sex magic to open the. About that. Yeah. So it all goes into the key opening the portal. And this book that I was talking about in the beginning of prostitution, the oldest profession going into money, and even the word cane sounds a lot like coin. And Cane is to acquire or possess something.

That’s what I’ve been looking in. I got a bunch of slides. But this guy just passed away on that date of the full moon, and he was known for the two movies about money, like this movie, parasite. And Snowpiercer is about the elite class and the lower class. Yes. Snowpiercer was amazing. They had a series about it and they had the movie. I highly recommend watching the movie first and then watching the series, and it’s like the collapse of society, and the only way to survive is that train has to keep going, because if the train stops, it’s so cold outside, you freeze instantly.

You’re done. Yeah. So, like, moon cycles is kind of how you keep track of time with this 28 days later. So the Economist magazine is all about time, and they show in the moon cycles because that’s how they keep track of time. There’s this theory, it goes back to, like, Atlantis and Lemuria, and that we have all these stargates. So everything, they travel interdimensionally. And with this theory, they say it happened, like, 200 million years ago, but there was humans at that time.

They lied to us. And I’m just saying this a theory, but they believe that they blew up Stargate eleven, and that’s when this reality was hijacked from the organic simulation it was created for with 15 different dimensions, and then it was hijacked and brought down to the seven dimensions it is now. So it’s like a cut out this time matrix. It’s kind of not supposed to be there, but it’s these reptilian entities that are in control of it.

They’re called omnicron reptilians. Swear to God. Omnicron reptilians. And where do we get that word from? And it’s kind of fascinating, you know what I’m saying? It’s not really up my alley, but I was listening to this lady talk about it, and it was definitely fascinating story. So I was thinking about putting a video out on it just to see what my people think. But, yeah, I definitely believe this reality donut has been hijacked.

I think God created it for us to learn our life lessons. Right. Source consciousness. And at one time, we would reincarnate, but we would remember our past lives. And then they hijack it. Now they tell you, go into the light, the bright white light, and all your loved ones, your grandmother, your mom, they all are there to greet you, right? But them are not your loved ones. They’re these arcons, these reptoid entities.

And they trick you. When you go into that light, you get your memory wipe clean, thrown back into a child’s body, and then you reincarnate back into the life wave, where they harvest your energy all over again. It’s all about the harvesting of the energy that loosh. L-O-O-S-H. Energy. So there’s a lot of truth to that theory, like, as far as the energy part of it goes. So that’s what interested me, because I knew that part was true.

But I don’t know about if 200 and some billion years ago there was a stargate or nothing. But it’s interesting. I always try to stay open minded to anything. Yeah. Just to check it out, I’ve been looking into, I had a good comment saying, connecting the states to the one two eight code. Like Delaware is the first state. So it’s the one in Texas would be the 20 eigth state, one two eight.

But New York, I think, is the 11th state. So it’s like that 1128. So I’ve been looking into that, kind of like, to expand my mind. In Delaware, where I guess Biden is from, was created, admitted to the union December 7, which is like right before the one two eight day. But it’s that one two seven that you. That’s a more important day. That’s the day of Pearl harbor.

That’s Tesla’s birthday. You know what I’m saying? One two seven is way more important than one. Yeah. So, I don’t know. I’ve been really expanding my mind and looking at different things. This one person said, where else can I go if I don’t go into the white energy? Well, it’s called you turn away from the artificial white light, which is the white light of lucifer. It’s the false light.

You turn into the darkness. And through the darkness, you’ll find the true light, golden light. And then you wake up from this dream within a know back into your light body that you’re supposed to be in. Here’s another thing I wanted to point out as the new year started for 2023, with Miley Cyrus performing underneath the royal arch as gangsta boo passed away on this day. And Miley Cyrus is now dating a guy with the double x.

Right? We see this double x all over the place. Here’s 50 cent. He posted on the one two eight day, December eigth, the double cross of Lorraine right there. But Pete Davidson, he’s got the two x’s on his neck. This is Knights Templar symbolism. And she’s dating this guy who has, like, YouTube. Yeah, his. Like, I think I almost have more subscribers than his YouTube. Oh, terrible. My facebook does.

No, it’s close, though. Here’s their shapeshifter video with the checkerboard floor and then this video with the checkerboard floor. So I’m just seeing that. So that’s someone to look out for. The regrets band for New Year’s. And I’m thinking if jelly roll gets invited to New Year’s in Nashville, like a big Nashville New Year’s thing, bro. I just seen him doing a podcast and he was talking some real.

I did a. I edited a video of him. He’s a real dude. He’s tight. Yeah, he was, like, talking conspiracy stuff and breaking stuff down. Like, if he was an agent, he wouldn’t have been saying the stuff he was saying. No, he’s not. He’s not an agent. Some of these people don’t sell out. Most of them. Yeah, a lot of them do, but. Or get killed and get cloned if they don’t sell out.

Like Stylebender. They got him. He was talking all that crazy stuff about monster energy drinks and throwing the cans. He wouldn’t sit next to him telling people they sold their soul, and the next thing you know, he starts acting all weird painting his nails, and they get him every time. They’ll take you, clone you, and bam, that’s it. This 28 days later, where this guy who made the Civil War movie, Alex Garland.

Yeah. The importance of 28, looking into these moon cults and sun cults and all that. Just like Sol Victus day, which is like, for the sun is. Where is that? It’s right here, which is, for the sun is December 25, just like Christmas, but it’s sold invictus day. Now, 28 days later, they picked that number. As you can see, the egyptian scarab, or Beetle, like you had the blue beetle rolled itself into a ball like the moon and emerged in 28 days with renewed life.

So you look at the moon. It does. From full moon to full moon was a cycle of 28 days. So there’s that in with all this. An a 24 is x or omega, the 24th letter, omega. So I don’t know. It’s all adding up for something crazy, right? Golden gate or something. Well, the scarab represents the galactic center, which is the golden gate above our head. The golden gate is a portal that opens from heaven to earth.

They call it the galactic center. It’s ancient. Look into the silver gates. The golden gates. That’s what it’s all about. And that’s what that scarab represents. It’s crazy symbolism. They’ve been using it since way back in the day. But before we wrap this up today, I got a little promo I got to do. Did you like that presentation? Yeah, I was going to keep that for my Patreon members, but no, I liked it.

I always like all your stuff, dude. It’s cool that when we come together to donut, because you got your theories, I got mine. And then when we come together, we find things out together. Me and donut don’t agree on everything. Me and Ani don’t agree on everything. Me and paranoid American don’t agree on everything. But would you guys want us still? You know what I’m saying? It’s good to have your own opinions.

It’s good to be able to have a conversation with your buddies, and nobody get mad because you have a different point of view. And plus, donut will tell me something that I might disagree with, and then I’ll go back and think about it, and I might end up looking into it more because of him. Ani. Me and Ani, we’ve had many things where we differed in opinions, and then after I researched it, I ended up finding out he was 100% right.

So it’s fascinating. We just can’t stay closed minded is my point, guys. You got to be open minded. You got to be always willing to absorb new information and not be stuck in an echo chamber listening to people that only mimic what you believe, because if you do, you’re never going to excel. You’re never going to go to that next level, but. Okay, let me show this real quick.

Cops are everywhere over here in the little projects. I’m going to stop my screen. Oh, yeah, you’re fine, brother. Let me go back. Yeah, I don’t know, man. I hope I feel better. I really think that. I hope you feel better, too, bro. It’s got to be this, like, dude, I’m about to send you some stuff for Christmas because I got your box, and it’s got all this cool stuff in it.

I’m going to send you a couple of necklaces, some of these pyramids that block the frequencies. I’m going to get you hooked up, bro. I’ll send it for free to you. And this one’s really good because it has the organite and it has this other blue. I can never pronounce it. Lapsis luzla. I can’t say it right, but it’s. Where is it? Lapis. Lapis, yeah. It’s very powerful, and they use it to block psychic attacks and witchcraft, so that has some EMF blocking to it, too.

But the organite is what’s really doing that. And we have different stones. Each one has a different effect. So you got to know what the stone does. When I do my readings, I always send people over here because we usually carry one of their burst stones or something. And I’ve researched it heavily to understand what each one does. And there’s nothing evil about crystals or stones. They were put here by the creator source.

So there’s a lot of disinformation out here to keep us on a lower vibrational frequency. I had a dream about freaking. Like, I just remember it was like these cool crystal gems in the dream, and it was like an ant farm, but they’re like, these are where the crystals are. They got the magic powers or something. It was like, in my dream, just remembered it might be something to that brother.

You know, the Aztecs and the Mayans use this obsidian, which it’s an amazing. It’s a grounding stone, and it’s one of the best protections against black magic attacks. And look, guys, when you are a real truthr, they know who you are, okay? They know who you reincarnated as. They know who you were in your past life. It’s all on your birth chart. They know exactly who you are.

That’s how, when we do the readings, to tell whether you’re a first player character or one of these soulless npcs. And it’s hard to tell people that they’re an NPC, but I have to do it every day. I’m always booked out on the readings and it’s crazy. They never respond back. But they pay me to tell them the truth. So what am I supposed to do? Say no, you’re good, bro.

But there’s quite a few non npcs out there, too. About 169,000 of us. But yeah, man, there’s some really good stuff over here, guys. And you use promo code sale 17. That link is in the description below. This is on truthfultv. com, the shop. So if you’re on your phone, you’ll see the. This is a really good one donut for blocking the EMF, the microwaves and aligning your chakras.

It’s called smoky quartz. It’s a really good one. I like the way it looks, too. It’s kind of a pretty stone. But I’m surrounded with this stuff. I’m getting some, I can’t pronounce it, torlamine pyramids. They’re massive. They’re going to be huge ones. But yeah, all these prices, guys, include shipping, so that’s what you pay. This obsidian one is 1375. When you put that promo code in, you take another 17% off.

You’re getting that shipped to you for under $10. Can’t beat it. That’s all over on truthfultv. com. And if you want to get a reading or a dream interpretation donut, if you ever have a crazy dream, send it to me, brother. I’ll do a dream interpretation for you. I’ve been studying books on it and everything. I’m so fascinated about it, and I can usually get them back to you pretty quick.

So if you have a dream, you can book that right here. Or if you want a reading, to find out if you are one of these first player characters. And I tell people that book a podcast. Just because you book a podcast don’t mean I’m doing it with you. I got to look, see what you want to talk about, see how many followers you got, stuff like that.

And then I’ll decide if I’m going to do the podcast with you. But here’s the video that walks you through the checkout process. Because you don’t have to have a PayPal account, you just check out as a guest. And you just hit book now on here, it’s a very simple check availabilities. We’ve been getting them back pretty fast now that I’m getting caught up. When I was in the middle of moving, there was a delay.

I felt bad for some people. I had to throw in some free dreaming interpretations. But yeah, you just pick whatever time you want, hit next and then it’ll tell you right here you got to put the name you were born with, put your email, put your phone number. I don’t really need that. That’s for the checkout. And then down here is where you’re going to write your message.

Date of birth, time of birth. Don’t forget this part because I can’t do the reading without that part. And then you just hit book now. Boom. I’ll show you real quick how to check out as the guest. It says 11 hours and ten minutes. That’s how long it takes me straight to do one reading. But usually I get it back to you within four to seven days from the date of your booking.

And it’s all done via email. Lately I’ve been getting them back within three days the last week. So that ain’t too bad because I just been sitting at home catching up on everything. But right here, PayPal. If you pay offline, do not forget, you got to screenshot it, send it to me so I know that you paid for it so I can add you to the reading. Right.

So the easiest way is just do it on PayPal. Put your address in. That’s not for me. They need that to make sure your card’s not stolen. I just use PayPal because it offers a secure checkout. That way I have nothing to do with it. It’s going through PayPal. See here, pay with debit card. Click on that, put an email in there, continue to payment. Boom. I don’t know why it’s doing that.

Trying to get me to log in but shouldn’t have to do that part. But you get the idea. You just check out like that. Oh, thank you for that, Colin. I appreciate you. Appreciate you, brother. Yeah. You got a plug, donut. You know what I’m saying? Got a plug, bro. But I appreciate you coming on today, donut, especially not feeling good. I’m sorry. Thank you. Yeah, I think there’s something up with where I live.

I think you’re getting bombarded with frequencies and stuff, budy. You really should that. But it’s just like there’s so much more to it too, probably. Is that’s crazy how you went down there. Your psoriasis went away, your heart papillations went away. And then the second you come back, bam, everything’s back and you’re sick, bro. Yeah, it’s crazy. Come on, man. But listen, guys, we love you all, all donuts links are down in the description.

His link to his patreon where he’s getting people, wicked smart, his YouTube link, his website link, everything is down below. And yes, he does need some vitamin D that helps your body absorb all the other vitamins. So great idea there, brother. And we are out, guys. We will see you next time. Saturday we’re on at 09:11 p. m. Eastern Standard time. Talking about is America really Egypt? With a special guest, Dominic.

See you guys later. .


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