Nano Worms and Loosh Energy Harvesting by Tommy Truthful: A Decode.
As you can see here, nano worms = 666 in Reverse Sumerian Gematria. That’s one of the ciphers we don’t currently have on our calculator, so I had to use the opposition’s calculator, which charges $15 a month for access. You know ours is completely free, and we’ll be adding the Reverse Sumerian cipher soon. Right now, we only have the standard Sumerian cipher.
Down below, I included the full cipher for you. There are some major connections between this, CERN, dark matter, and the mark of the beast—all tied to that 666 Sumerian value.
They have weaponized technology, and they are in contact with entities known as the Archons. These beings are described in Gnostic mythology, which was one of the earliest forms of Christianity. The Catholic Church, over time, destroyed this belief system by burning their texts and destroying places like the Library of Alexandria, which they controlled. That library held critical knowledge about how reality actually works.
This is one of the main reasons many believe Jesus Christ was sent here, to expose the false god known as the worm or the Demiurge, also called Yaldabaoth. The World Wide Web was created by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN, and in one of the Illuminati card games from the 1990s, there is even a card labeled “Internet Worm.” This is not a coincidence.
The technology we use today, phones, computers, and more, was passed to us by the fallen angels. Many of us believe these fallen angels are the Archons, banished by God to another dimension. Ever since, they have been interfering with what many call the organic simulation. Their goal is to hijack it by placing an artificial intelligence overlay on top of the natural system created by our true Creator. That original simulation was designed for us to experience life in physical form, to learn lessons, and to evolve spiritually so we could ascend into higher realms, often referred to as Heaven.
However, these entities have trapped us in a cycle of life, death, and rebirth. They use humans who connect with them through satanic rituals or certain drugs such as DMT, ayahuasca, and LSD. Over time, after enough exposure, these substances stop working. That is when some of their top scientists learned how to intentionally stop their hearts and enter direct contact with these entities. When they return, they bring back advanced technology that works.
No matter how you feel about Alex Jones, he discussed this in detail on the Joe Rogan podcast.
These entities are giving humanity this technology not to help us, but to attach themselves to us. The screen on your phone or computer is called a “black mirror” for a reason. That term comes from witchcraft. The magic used to create it was taught to humanity by the fallen angels. While not all magic is evil—many use it to fight darkness—much of it is being used today for control and manipulation.
Through this tech, they have found a way to harvest something called “LOOSH energy,” which is your life force. Today, they rebrand these entities as aliens, but they are the same Archons. I always tell people, to just look at the word “alien.” You can see the word “lie” right inside it—A-LIE-N. These beings are demonic. They are trying to take control of the material world by creating what many call a phantom matrix.
Using nanotechnology and nanoworms, they are building a quantum digital copy of your soul. This allows them to use your body like a vessel, an interface in this world. It is a kind of demonic possession taken to the next level, and we see it happening in celebrities, politicians, and others in the public eye.
Between phones and computers, the average American spends sixty to eighty percent of their day connected to these devices. During that time, this technology is draining their life force. That is why so many people feel sick, tired, or mentally and emotionally exhausted.
I understand that most people probably do not know what LOOSH energy is, so let me explain.
When I say “alien,” I am referring to these same entities. The word has simply been rebranded. LOOSH is a term used for energy produced by humans and animals that these entities feed on. It especially refers to the energy created through suffering. This concept is mentioned in the writings of Robert Monroe, who studied out-of-body experiences.
LOOSH is also linked to emotional energy. The cabals refer to it as the subtle spiritual energy that radiates from humans and animals when they are afraid, injured, or dying. This energy becomes part of the body, mind, soul, and even the Earth itself. The Negative Alien Agenda, also known as the NAA, has used dark spiritual systems for centuries to harvest this energy. They share this knowledge with secret societies and elite institutions to control society through trauma, fear, and pain.
With the rise of artificial intelligence and transhumanist agendas, humanity is now being flooded with negative programming. This targets the ego and implants emotional triggers through media, social networks, and technology. The purpose is to create and collect emotional energy through fear, violence, and cruelty. This includes extreme forms of abuse, where the human body becomes chemically altered under stress. The blood and tissues become highly charged, and this is exactly the kind of energy that these dark entities desire.
This is why the suffering of the innocent, especially children, is at the heart of their agenda.
Robert Monroe, in his book “Far Journeys,” wrote about a being of light he encountered during an out-of-body experience. This told him that when humans die, their energy is harvested by trans-dimensional entities who use it to extend their own lives. According to Monroe, the universe is like a garden where these beings feed on emotional energy.
He was told that animals are placed on Earth to feed on each other and plants, which helps release this energy. The highest forms of energy come from violent and emotional situations like fighting to the death or defending loved ones. Worship is also considered a source of LOOSH.
According to this story, our creators, or “energy farmers,” even designed animals with traits like claws and speed to draw out these moments of high emotion and suffering. The more intense the struggle, the more energy is released. Monroe said this revelation sent him into a deep depression.
Interestingly, this idea is not new. Ancient texts like the Vedas and Upanishads describe the universe as being held together by sacrifice. Everything that lives is considered part of this eternal cycle. These writings say our bodies were created for this purpose, and they transform through the process of sacrifice.
Recent research in the spiritual community also points to large-scale astral manipulation. The astral plane, which connects to the soul level, has been used to enslave humanity with artificial structures. These structures are mirrored in the physical world. Large systems like corporations, churches, hospitals, and tech companies are designed to influence our reality and lock our consciousness in a lower state of awareness.
What we are seeing now is that the same control systems used in the material world also exist in the spiritual world, run by a mix of human and non-human forces that seek to keep humanity trapped.
If you want to watch the full first video I did on the Illuminati Worms, I break down the entire nano worm connection in it.
That video actually inspired Doenut Factory, also known as Alex, to create a mini-documentary with me, him, Ani Osaru, and Juan.
You can watch the full video below. Right under that, I’ve also included the complete mini-documentary that Doenut put together with all of us featured in it. The short clip you saw above was just a preview taken from that half-hour mini documentary series on the Illuminati Worms.