Saturn. Gematria and Numerology are ancient systems that assign numerical values to letters and words. They believe that these numbers hold unique energy signatures and can reveal hidden meanings. Some people think that this knowledge is the key to manifesting our desires and understanding the mysteries of the universe.
In addition, there are beliefs that Gematria and Numerology can help us see beyond the surface of reality. It is said to unveil the hidden puppet masters who control the world and even enable us to travel through time and between dimensions.
According to these beliefs, when God created us, He used the power of spoken words. Each letter in the spoken word has a numerical value and carries its own special energy. Although we don’t fully understand the angelic technology behind it, some suggest that our existence in this current reality might be like living in an advanced AI simulation.
Once we become aware of this simulation, it is believed that the AI changes its behavior. Instead of merely feeding off our energy like a parasite, it becomes a powerful predator that seeks to eliminate us. It may try to erase our memories and force us to start over as newborns. That’s why learning the secret language of the gods is seen as a great responsibility.
In occult and esoteric beliefs, Saturn is sometimes associated with deeper symbolism and interpretations. It’s important to note that these interpretations vary among different occult traditions and individuals. Here are some commonly mentioned aspects related to Saturn in occult symbolism:
- Time and Chronos: Saturn is often connected to the concept of time and represents the passage of time and the limitations it imposes on the physical realm. In this sense, Saturn is seen as a symbol of discipline, responsibility, and the need for structure.
- Authority and Control: Saturn is associated with the archetype of the wise old ruler or teacher. It is seen as a symbol of authority and governance, highlighting the need for rules, boundaries, and order. Some interpret Saturn’s energy as both restrictive and necessary for growth and development.
- Karma and Lessons: In occult beliefs, Saturn is also linked to the concept of karma, which refers to the consequences of one’s actions. It is believed that Saturn brings forth the lessons and challenges that individuals need to learn and overcome in order to grow spiritually.
- Shadow and Transformation: Saturn is sometimes associated with the shadow self or the hidden aspects of our psyche. It is believed to represent the transformative power that comes from facing and integrating our deepest fears, limitations, and inner conflicts.
It’s important to note that the association between Saturn and Satan is primarily linguistic, as both words share etymological roots. However, in mainstream religious and spiritual traditions, Saturn is not equated with Satan or considered inherently evil. These connections are more prevalent in certain occult and esoteric interpretations.
It’s worth mentioning that interpretations of occult symbolism can be highly subjective, and individuals may have different perspectives and beliefs. If you are interested in exploring these topics further, I encourage you to research various occult traditions and their specific teachings to gain a more comprehensive understanding.
Tommy Truthful.
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