Plasma Event EMPCOE

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Plasma Event EMPCOE


During the plasma apocalypse, a peculiar phenomenon occurs where some individuals shift from carbon 12 to carbon 7, endowing them with extraordinary abilities. Fascinatingly, ancient texts, such as the Bible, hint at a connection between the bloodline of David and the powerful beings known as the Elohim in the imminent final days. Surprisingly, it seems that receiving Vaccines containing graphing oxide prevents the activation of dormant angelic DNA within us. Curiously, it appears that the government wishes to suppress the potential emergence of superhumans. In a remarkable experiment, researchers exposed test subjects to frequencies emitted during the plasma apocalyptic event, resulting in astonishing outcomes: telekinesis, levitation, telepathy, and even elemental control. This captivating revelation uncovers a world of possibilities beyond our imagination.

Plasma Apocalypse

This is the birthplace of superhero movies, where iconic characters like the X-Men originate. It centers around the activation of the extraordinary X-Gene, which is possessed only by the chosen few.

Dna Upgrade

It is essential for us to overcome the barriers hindering the activation of our 12 strands of angelic DNA. Unfortunately, the COVID vaccines, containing graphene oxide, interfere with this process, preventing our desired transformation. Furthermore, they introduce us to their Nephilim technology, resulting in permanent entrapment in an endless cycle of life, death, and rebirth within a complex matrix. Let us break free and seek our unique path toward liberation.

Introducing the Plasma Event, also known as EMPCOE, a cataclysmic theory that captivated Brian Austin Lambert (alias “BAL33”) as its most outspoken advocate. However, tragedy struck on March 10, 2021, when Brian and his partner, Kimberley (alias “Mia”), met their untimely demise. While Brian’s death was ruled a self-inflicted gunshot wound, the cause of Mia’s passing remains undisclosed, leaving unanswered questions and speculations that she may have been suffocated with a towel.

Plasma Event Plasma Event

In the midst of the plasma apocalypse, an intriguing phenomenon unfolds – the resurgence of the vapor canopy. This remarkable occurrence leads to the extraordinary growth of both animals and humans, akin to the ancient tales recounted in the Bible, where the presence of giants, known as the Nephilim, roamed the earth. And here’s an extraordinary connection – could it be a mere coincidence that the enigmatic Bigfoot and the Nephilim share numerology with EMPCOE=32? I propose that the Bigfoot, in all their elusive glory, are remnants from the past era of the vapor canopy. The numbers don’t lie.


Plasma Event Empcoe

As we delve deeper, we encounter Brian Lambert’s poignant last videos, published shortly before his unfortunate demise. These unveil a hidden realm of numerous enigmatic plasma events, often referred to as “resets.” These resets, some shorter and minor, others longer and major, cast doubt upon the historical narratives we have long held as truth.

Consider the significant shifts that wove their threads into the very fabric of our history: The Great Flood of Noah (Moon), The Tower of Babel (Mercury), The Hebrew Exodus (Venus), the Assyrian Captivity (Mars), The Christian Epoch (Jupiter), the Industrial Revolution (Saturn), The American Revolution (Uranus), the enigmatic Mud Flood (Neptune), and the cataclysmic World Wars I and II (Pluto). Remarkable resets, indeed. It is as though the book of Revelation itself acts as a script, capturing this cyclical pattern.

Yet, there is more to uncover. Illuminating the shadows of history, we unearth the “Mud Flood,” a mysterious event purportedly transpiring in the early to mid-1800s, obliterating Tartaria—the last great world empire. From these buried remnants of Tartaria, our modern world civilization emerged, repurposing the ancient buildings, adorned with domes and spires, that now grace the realms of our revered institutions.

But what lies ahead? Ponder the notion of an impending reset, vaster and more pivotal than any preceding it—the Plasma Apocalypse or Pole Shift. Plasma, the enigmatic fourth state of matter, underpins the very essence of air, water, and solids. It reveals its true form between worlds, possessing an electromagnetic nature. This force, both creator and destroyer of worlds, akin to the mythical Shiva, will shape the forthcoming End Times—the conclusion of the Kali Yuga, dissolving our current world to birth a new one.

Enter this vortex of ancient tales and cryptic prophecies, for unraveling our past holds the key to a future yet unknown.

Our protective dome shields us from the hazards of pure plasma, allowing only the gentle light to filter through. This swirling illumination, skillfully concentrated by the dome’s lens, serves as our radiant Sun suspended midway between the dome and our flat Earth surface. Its mesmerizing motion gives rise to the cycle of day and night and orchestrates the shifting of seasons. But the dome offers more than celestial guardianship; it fortifies us against extraterrestrial intrusion, while its electromagnetic composition, adorned with layers of ice, sustains the gossamer firmament and safeguards our atmosphere. This celestial canopy diligently keeps the waters above, in the depths of “outer space,” separated from the waters below, embracing our oceans, lakes, and rivers. The enigmatic Moon, perhaps a mere projection or perchance the crown of an alternate Earth beside us.

Yet, the dome extends not only above but below, embracing us like an ethereal bubble. Below the flat plane, lies Tartarus, not to be mistaken for Tartaria, a labyrinthine realm with its own array of tiers or planes. Often spoken of as the Inner Earth, it houses a reddish or pinkish Sun at its heart, sometimes referred to as Apollon, The Black Sun, The Anomaly, or even Mercury by Martin Kenney. Olaf Janssen, in his intriguing tome, The Smoky God, proclaims this as the celestial throne of Jehovah or Yahweh, also known as Yaldabaoth, the Demiurge, or the King of this World. Millennia ago, Jehovah departed the Inner Earth (by ship, perchance?) and guided the Hebrews out of Egypt, leading them back into the Inner Earth Promised Land.

Jehovah, it is believed, will once more vacate his cosmic throne to assemble his faithful followers during the impending Plasma Event or Great Reset. Furthermore, this auspicious occasion may coincide with the Great Day of the Lord, as foretold in biblical texts. The true nature of Jehovah—whether he is the genuine deity or a counterfeit—is a profound question that many must contemplate (with compelling evidence suggesting the latter). According to the teachings of Jesus in the New Testament, the End of Days might transpire during the winter season, possibly on a holy Sabbath day. To be precise, it could occur just after the winter solstice, eliminating the proposed years of 2019 and 2020 anticipated by some. JayDreamerZ suggests that the year 2024 may hold greater promise for fulfillment.

Dive into this captivating narrative of cosmic wonders and eternal questions, where truth and revelations coalesce.

From the Carrington EventThursday, September 1, 1859
To, but not including Saturday, December 21, 2024= 1983 months,

Calgary Herald Newspaper Mentions Nibiru/Planet X in 1983?

Nibiru was Confirmed By BBC, CNN, Popular Science, Hubble/CIA Insider, And Even The Russians! ASTRONOMERS DIE MYSTERIOUS UNTIMELY DEATHS!

Plasma Event Empcoe

Plasma Apocalypse

Have you ever wondered about the possibility of a pole shift in a flat earth model? Let me explain it in a fascinating way. Picture this – imagine two fields of energy, one negative and one positive. During the plasma apocalypse, something incredible happens – the negative energy transforms into positive energy, and vice versa. This extraordinary phenomenon is commonly referred to as a pole shift.

Plasma Event Empcoe


After this Pole Shift Event, the world will be changed once again! This was a Leaked map of the world after this Solar Event!

The year 1963 marked the publication of Chan Thomas’ remarkable book, which delves into the captivating realm of cataclysm theory. What distinguishes this work from its peers is the intriguing fact that the CIA took the unconventional step of classifying a text already in the public domain, later releasing a sanitized version in 2013. Despite this, the original uncensored narrative has remained accessible ever since its initial publication.

Interestingly, Thomas appears to have derived a significant portion of his insights from his knowledge of the classified Project Nanook (1947), documented in Ken White’s World in Peril (1994). The striking resemblance between certain aspects of Adam and Eve and White’s book is quite notable. Thomas’ limited citation of sources can be attributed to the classified status of Project Nanook at the time of Adam and Eve Story’s 1963 release, which would have subjected Thomas to prosecution under the Official Secrets Act had he disclosed his source. This plausible explanation potentially sheds light on the CIA’s decision to classify The Adam and Eve Story in the first place.

The Adam &Amp; Eve Story The History Of Cataclysms Part 1 Of 4 By Chan Thomas (1963)

The Adam And Eve Story After This Pole Shift Event The World Will Be Changed Once Again! This Was A Leaked Map Of The World After This Solar Event!

Chapter 1: The Next Cataclysm

In a time long forgotten, like the tales of Noah’s Ark 6,500 years ago and the legend of Adam and Eve 11,500 years ago, there existed a prophecy of another catastrophic event, unlike anything witnessed before.

The world trembles with an imperceptible rumble, steadily growing, pulsating, until it erupts into a deafening roar. But this is no ordinary earthquake, for it defies the records of history.

In the vast landscapes of California, the mountains sway like delicate ferns in a gentle breeze, while the mighty Pacific Ocean rises and surges, creating a towering behemoth of seawater that reaches heights of over two miles. And then, with a surge of unstoppable force, it begins its relentless journey eastward.

As if possessed by the strength of a thousand armies, the wind attacks with unbridled fury, tearing apart everything in its supersonic assault. The colossal wave of Pacific seawater follows the wind’s path, engulfing cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco as if they were mere grains of sand.

Nothing, absolutely nothing, can halt the unstoppable onslaught of wind and ocean.

Across the vast expanse of the continent, the wind ravages at an incomprehensible speed of one thousand miles per hour, bringing forth its endless wrath, sparing no living being in its path. The very land quakes under its merciless touch, revealing the molten sub-layer of the Earth, spreading a sea of scorching hot liquid fire amidst the chaos. Within a mere three hours, the colossal wall of seawater surges across the continent, burying the wind-lashed land beneath two miles of churning water, from coast to coast.

Note: The revised text now incorporates a more engaging narrative structure and unique language while maintaining original content.

The Adam &Amp; Eve Story The History Of Cataclysms Part 1 Of 4 By Chan Thomas (1963)

In a fraction of a day, civilization crumbles, and the magnificent cities of Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Dallas, New York, and Boston fade into legends. Barely a trace remains of the bustling streets where millions once strolled.

A fortunate few seek refuge from the howling winds at the foot of towering mountains, as the mighty Mt. Massive. They bear witness to the molten fire consuming quaking valleys below, as furious waves surge forward at supersonic speeds. The waters rise, steam mingling with the scorching earth, almost reaching their very feet. Only the grandest and highest peaks dare defy this cataclysmic onslaught.

North America suffers, but it is not alone. Central America endures the same bombardment, assaulted by wind, fire, and floods. South America, despite the mighty Andes, succumbs to nature’s frenzied wrath. In less than a day, Ecuador, Peru, and western Brazil quiver under the devastating tremors, as the Pacific’s ferocious assault buries the Andes beneath its surging waves. The continent becomes a blazing inferno, drowned under countless cubic miles of violently raging seas, and then transforms into an icy abyss. Everything freezes—man, beast, plant, and mud alike—solidifying within a mere four hours.

Europe finds no escape from this relentless assault. The roaring Atlantic crashes upon itself, mounting higher with every passing moment as the shrieking winds sweep eastward. The mighty Alps, Pyrenees, Urals, and Scandinavian ranges tremble beneath the merciless onslaught, rising ever higher when the wall of seawater strikes.

Even the western reaches of Africa and the sprawling Sahara succumb to nature’s fury, as the savage wind and relentless ocean devour everything in their path. The region encompassing Zaire, South Africa, and Kenya is spared from the floods but is left to endure violent earthquakes and winds. Amid the destruction, survivors stand in awe as the Sun lingers motionless in the sky for nearly half a day.

The Magnetic Field Is Shifting - The Poles May Flip

Eastern Siberia and the Orient bear an extraordinary destiny indeed. It is as if a colossal subterranean scythe sweeps away the very foundations of the earth, accompanied by the wind in its screaming symphony of supersonic loathing and devastation. The Arctic basin forsakes its polar abode, subjecting eastern Siberia, Manchuria, China, and Burma to the same annihilation experienced by South America: a merciless onslaught of wind, earth-fire, inundation, and freezing. The wind mercilessly shreds jungle animals, piling them into mountains of flesh and bone beneath avalanches of homogenized seawater and mud. Then descends the sudden, seemingly boundless supply of terrifying, instantly paralyzing temperature drop of 180 degrees F. Man, beast, plant, muck, earth, and water alike freeze solid across the entire eastern Asian continent, most of which remains submerged below sea level.

The frigid grip of Antarctica and Greenland, adorned with ice caps, propels them to the Torrid Zone on their rotation around the Earth; and the rage of wind and inundation marches on for six days. During the sixth day, the oceans start to settle in their new abodes, streaming off the high grounds.

On the seventh day, the horrendous rampage comes to an end. The Arctic Ice Age concludes, marking the commencement of a new stone age. The oceans, the great equalizers, lay down another profound layer of mud over the existing strata in the great plains, bare for all to see in the Grand Canyon, Painted Desert, Monument Valley, and the Badlands.

The Bay of Bengal basin, just east of India, now finds itself at the North Pole. The Pacific Ocean, just west of Peru, resides at the South Pole. Greenland and Antarctica, now spinning equatorially, witness their ice caps furiously dissolve in the tropical heat. Vast walls of water and ice surge towards the oceans, consuming everything in their gushing, heaving paths—from mountains to plains—while creating immense seasonal moraines. In less than twenty-five years, the ice caps vanish, and the oceans around the world rise over two hundred feet with the newly found water. The Torrid Zone becomes cloaked in fog for generations, given the colossal amounts of moisture introduced into the atmosphere by the melting ice caps.

New ice caps emerge in the fresh polar regions. Greenland and Antarctica bloom with lush, tropical foliage. Australia transforms into the unexplored continent of the North Temperate Zone, sparsely populated by a mere handful of survivors. New York lies on the ocean floor of the Atlantic, shattered and melted by earth fire, concealed beneath unimaginable amounts of mud.

Amidst the remnants of ancient Egypt, as it emerges anew from its Mediterranean inundation, the timeless allure of the seven cities of Cibola beckons. From the enigmatic Baalbek, now shrouded in mystery, to the dawn of a new era, the cataclysmic forces at play have irrevocably altered our world. In this brave new stone age, where the population has been decimated and nature has taken charge, we find ourselves in the company of legends. Noah, Adam and Eve, Atlantis, Mu, and Olympus – their stories intertwine with Jesus, Osiris, Ta’aroa, Zeus, and Vishnu. Here, amidst the echoes of forgotten civilizations, a unique and mesmerizing narrative unfolds, weaving together the threads of the past and the possibilities of the future.

Plasma Apocalypse The Phoenix Event

Chapter 2: The Great Floods

Noah, Adam and Eve, Vishnu, Osiris – what connects them all? Despite belonging to different eras, they converge in the face of the next cataclysm, walking hand in hand with us.

But they are not the only ones who accompany us on this journey. Among them are forgotten men of science, the pioneers who recognized the rhythmic dance of earth’s cataclysmic upheavals. J. Andre DeLuc, Georges Cuvier, Dolomieu, Escher, Forel, J. Andre DeLuc Jr., and Von Buch agreed that sudden revolutions of the earth’s surface caused these cataclysms.

Cuvier, the founding father of comparative anatomy, laid the groundwork for his Theory of the Earth through unparalleled research in stratigraphy, comparative anatomy, and paleontology. In 1812, he asserted, “Every part of the earth, every hemisphere, every continent exhibits the same phenomenon. There has been a succession of variations in the economy of organic nature… the various catastrophes that have disturbed the strata… have given rise to numerous shifts of this continental basin… These repeated irruptions and retreats of the sea have neither been slow nor gradual; most of the catastrophes have been sudden. This is particularly evident in the last catastrophe… I agree with DeLuc and Dolomieu that if anything in geology is established, it is that our globe’s surface has undergone a great and sudden revolution, dating back no more than five or six thousand years… At least one preceding revolution submerged the continents… perhaps two or three marine incursions.”

Embark on this engaging journey, where ancient legends intertwine with scientific unveilings. Discover the unique and original content that unravels the mysteries of our turbulent past.

The enigma now unveiled before my eyes is clear: a geological enigma of utmost significance. In order to fathom its depths, discovering the root cause of these cataclysmic events is imperative. These thoughts have persistently haunted me, and one could even say, tormented me during my exhaustive investigations into fossil remains. These investigations, though limited in scope, relate inextricably to a grand tapestry of phenomena that predates the momentous global revolution.

Countless endeavors have been undertaken to address the challenge posed to geologists by Cuvier, beseeching them to elucidate these abrupt transformations in the wrong direction. Velikovsky, Hapgood, and Hugh Brown, among others, embarked on their own quests, amassing colossal collections of geological evidence. Yet, whenever the notion of cataclysmic forces reared its head, it became the target of scorn, persecution, and merciless suppression. But still, it refused to succumb. Each time, it emerged from its metaphorical tomb, uttering ominous words: “You will perish before I do.”

The most recent contender to accept this daunting challenge is Professor Frank C. Hibben. In his publication, “The Lost Americans,” he declares, “This was no ordinary demise of a vaguely defined geological era, slowly petering out to an uncertain end. This was an all-encompassing and catastrophic extinction event… What caused the demise of forty million creatures… The ‘corpus delicti’ in this grand mystery can be uncovered almost anywhere… Their skeletal remains bleach beneath the Florida sun and rest amidst the gravelly soil of New Jersey. They emerge from the arid deserts of Texas and exist within the unforgiving tar pits along Wilshire Boulevard in Los Angeles… Evidence of this universal death is strewn across the land… We find them in thousands, together – the young with the old, foals with their dams, and calves with their mothers. The muck-filled pits of Alaska bear witness to this swift and brutal eradication… It paints a vivid picture of abrupt annihilation… Any hypothesis regarding its cause…. must encompass North America, Siberia, and Europe in equal measure.

The Adam &Amp; Eve Story

There once was a time when mammoths and bison roamed the land, their massive bodies torn and twisted as if by the hand of some cosmic force in a fit of divine rage. In the Alaskan muck, bones and debris lay scattered like leaves, forming a blanket that held the secrets of ancient times. Mammoths and mastodons, bison and horses, wolves and bears, and even mighty lions were frozen in a moment of cataclysmic catastrophe. Fantastic winds howled, volcanoes spewed their fiery wrath, and the muck swallowed all in its path, preserving them in an icy grip.

The challenge to unravel this consuming mystery would not let me be. Like a hunger that gnawed at my subconscious, I could hear the echoes of Cuvier’s call ringing through the hallowed halls of science, demanding the cause of these events. Hibben’s challenge echoed later, urging me to answer all the facts. And so, I embarked on a journey to seek the truth, to verify or refute the concept of these cataclysmic ends that visited our planet time and time again.

The first step was to gather data from a multitude of “earth” sciences, from stratigraphy to archaeology, anthropology to paleontology, radiology to oceanography, seismology to glaciology. Through careful correlation and analysis, the pieces of the puzzle began to reveal themselves. Though each science alone held fragments of the truth, it was in the between-science correlation that the concept truly came alive. Not only did it confirm the occurrence of these cataclysmic events, but it also unveiled the timing of the last five cataclysms and the ever-shifting positions of the Earth’s shell over the past 35,000 years. After years of research, spanning from 1949 onwards, Cuvier’s challenge found its answer: Yes, these cataclysms do happen. And the most recent cataclysm, 6,500 years ago, was none other than Noah’s Flood.

But knowing that cataclysms occurred was only part of the puzzle. The true challenge lay in understanding the process – what unfolds during a cataclysm – and the trigger – what sets it all in motion.

And so, the quest for knowledge continues, fueled by an insatiable curiosity to discover the untold stories hidden beneath the layers of time. The journey is far from over, but with each step, we draw closer to unraveling the mysteries that lie within our ever-changing world.

Noah's Flood.

What an incredible journey! Picture this: the mind-boggling tales of ancient civilizations, surpassing even our wildest imaginations, and the myths from Greece, Egypt, India, and South America that turned into historical realities. Let’s not forget the enigmatic lost continents in the Atlantic and Pacific, vanishing without a trace but leaving behind intriguing explanations.

And here comes the mythical Vishnu, a man who endured a cataclysm 70,000 years ago – ten cataclysms back! Today, he’s revered as the Hindu god of ten resurrections from the waters. Meanwhile, Osiris, the Jesus of his time, emerges from the sands of Egypt some 15,000 years in the past. And who could possibly overlook Noah, beaming at us from the ancient pages of the “Epic of Gilgamesh”? This remarkable figure was none other than Utnapishtim, a Sumerian hero who lived 6,500 years ago. His legendary ark? It’s more than a mere fable.

Prepare to unravel the mysteries behind cataclysms, as the secrets of their mechanisms have been unveiled.

Plasma Event Empcoe

The Earth’s cross-section reveals two molten layers, represented by orange hues. The vital layer lies approximately 60 miles thick, positioned between 60 and 120 miles below the Earth’s surface. The other molten layer, residing at the bottom of the mantle, commences 1800 miles down, extending 1300 miles deeper, and forms the outer core.

Although both molten layers are liquid, the inner magnetic and electrical composition of the Earth leads them to behave as though they were near solid or plastic. As long as this magnetic and electrical structure remains ordered, our beloved planet continues rotating on its axis in a regular fashion.

Now, let’s talk about the growing ice caps in Antarctica and Greenland. These ice caps aren’t centered on the Earth’s axis and, due to their rotation around the poles, attempt to swing down toward the equator. The only plausible way for them to achieve such a feat would be by dragging the entire 60-mile-thick shell along with them.

As long as the shallow molten layer retains its plasticity, the shell remains unaltered. However, once every few thousand years, the magnetic and electrical orderliness within the Earth is disrupted, allowing the molten layer to behave as a free liquid, which it essentially is all the time. This new state acts as a lubricant for the ice caps, enabling them to pull the Earth’s shell from the inside.

In a span of ¼ to ½ a day, the poles make almost a full journey toward the equator, triggering chaos. The atmosphere and oceans do not shift with the shell; instead, they continue their normal west-to-east rotation, which happens at a whopping speed of 1000 miles per hour along the equator. This speed is necessary for one complete rotation per day. Hence, while the shell moves with the poles inching closer to the equator, the winds and oceans travel eastward, sweeping across the Earth’s surface with supersonic velocities, engulfing continents with water that reaches unimaginable depths.

The trigger, oh, the elusive trigger. It was like searching for a needle in a cosmic haystack. We couldn’t rely on some mystical explanation, violating the laws of nature. No, it had to be something ordinary, a part of nature’s intricate tapestry, that disrupts the Earth’s inner electrical and magnetic structure whenever it pleases.

We once believed that Sun spots held the key, as they do have a knack for stirring things up inside our planet. Alas, we were mistaken.

It turns out that nature’s power plant is a magnificent motor-generator system, existing in varying magnitudes. It’s the very fabric of our universe. The energy structure of an atom mirrors that of a whirling planet, a dazzling blue-white star, or even a grand galaxy or super-galaxy. As a neutron flees its parent atom’s neutral domain, bursting into particles, a star releases neutral matter through sunspots, which explode upon gaining energy. Similarly, a galaxy births an exploding star when a “dead” star escapes its neutral zone at the center. And just as a “dead” galaxy detonates upon breaking free from its parent super-galaxy’s central neutral zone. Is it not reasonable, then, to assume that a planet shall act in the same manner at its own energy level?

Thus, it appears that every few thousand years, neutral matter manages to slip away from the inner core, with a radius of 860 miles, into the molten outer core, spanning 1300 miles in thickness. And that’s when atomic fireworks begin deep within the Earth. The explosion in the high-energy layer of the outer core wreaks havoc on the electrical and magnetic structure, turning both the molten outer core and the outer 60-mile thick molten layer into chaos. Finally, the ice caps take charge, tugging at the Earth’s shell around its core, with the gentle layer of molten lava slickening the way. Brace yourself, for ice ages, are not a simple affair of advancing and retreating ice. Oh no, it’s a cosmic dance of different regions assuming polar positions at various times, for varying durations, with these shifts occurring within the blink of an eye. The history of our world silently testifies to this grand spectacle.

During the period of December 25th to December 31st, an extraordinary event known as the Plasma event takes place. It involves the opening of a part of the dome, referred to as the Galactic Rift, which may potentially reveal a celestial object called Nibiru. To understand more about Nibiru and its relation to the Galactic Center, check out my article titled “Is Nibiru the Galactic Center” in the Astro Articles section.

When this opening or portal occurs, it allows plasma to enter while causing a simultaneous release of air, resulting in the depressurization of our atmosphere. This occurrence triggers a series of cataclysmic events, where different realms or dimensions intertwine. It is during this time that stars appear to fall, the Sun darkens, and the Moon turns blood red. Known as the “3 days of darkness,” it signifies the influx of otherworldly entities and bizarre creatures. Humans, unfortunately, are pulled out into the vacuum, as a thick fog or mist engulfs everything, accompanied by devastating earthquakes and colossal tidal waves.

Moreover, this transition ushers in extreme weather conditions, such as ice, snow, and great fires, painting the skies red. With the blending of dimensions, people’s sanity starts slipping away, while plagues reminiscent of the Hebrew Exodus further intensify the impact of this plasma event.

It is crucial to note that the elites are well aware of this impending plasma apocalypse. They plan to exploit the temporary Rift opening as their escape route to other planes of existence. Despite their underground bunkers being constructed as a failsafe, the incinerating effects of plasma on metals, wiring, and high-tech systems render their protective measures useless. Therefore, avoid being in your car (due to its metal structure) or around wiring and electrical equipment during this critical time. Instead, stay indoors with an adequate supply of provisions until the plasma event subsides.

It is anticipated that cities and structures on unstable foundations will face severe consequences. Conversely, individuals residing in rural or warmer environments are likely to fare better. Practicing fasting, prayer, and maintaining a pure diet can offer some solace amidst these challenging circumstances. Above all, ensuring a strong spiritual connection with God is of utmost importance during this extraordinary occurrence.

Imagine this: after seven days, when the Rift or portal closes again (around Jan. 1st), brace yourself for a three-month recovery period. Get ready for a whole new Earth experience. Picture this: the magnetic poles will have reversed, causing the Sun to rise in the West instead of the East. As the ocean water evaporates, it will form a beautiful canopy over the Earth, creating a balanced and pleasant climate of mid-seventies Fahrenheit throughout. With this cloud or ice canopy, there won’t be extreme darkness or brightness. Say goodbye to traditional seasons, day, and night as we know it. No more strong winds to worry about either. Instead, expect a stable climate, and refreshed oxygen levels, leading to a mesmerizing garden paradise and enhanced health and longevity. And guess what? The survivors of the plasma event will embark on a brand new age or epoch, all under the guidance of the lords of heaven.

But wait, let’s talk about the Coming Great Plasma Event. Here’s the deal: you better stay away from conductive materials like metals if such an event were to occur. Safety first, right?

Here’s a thought: are the seemingly familiar symptoms of “COVID” actually the effects of cyclic electromagnetic changes in our terrain? Hmm, could the controllers have chosen to profit from this event rather than inform us? And what’s the deal with intravenous electromagnetic adjuvants and microwave frequencies? Is there any link to graphene? Interestingly, the production of graphene oxide relies heavily on plasma production processes. So, would there be any effect or interaction between a widespread plasma discharge and graphene in our bodies?

Get ready to be amazed by this video sequence of a ‘blue jet’ transient luminous event (TLE) captured from the ISS, along with some incredible photographs of similar phenomena taken from aircraft and the ground.

Hold onto your seat, because things are about to get fascinating!

Imagine this: after seven days, when the Rift or portal closes again (around Jan. 1st), brace yourself for a three-month recovery period. Get ready for a whole new Earth experience. Picture this: the magnetic poles will have reversed, causing the Sun to rise in the West instead of the East. As the ocean water evaporates, it will form a beautiful canopy over the Earth, creating a balanced and pleasant climate of mid-seventies Fahrenheit throughout. With this cloud or ice canopy, there won’t be extreme darkness or brightness. Say goodbye to traditional seasons, day, and night as we know it. No more strong winds to worry about either. Instead, expect a stable climate, and refreshed oxygen levels, leading to a mesmerizing garden paradise and enhanced health and longevity. And guess what? The survivors of the plasma event will embark on a brand new age or epoch, all under the guidance of the lords of heaven.

But wait, let’s talk about the Coming Great Plasma Event. Here’s the deal: you better stay away from conductive materials like metals if such an event were to occur. Safety first, right?

Here’s a thought: are the seemingly familiar symptoms of “COVID” actually the effects of cyclic electromagnetic changes in our terrain? Hmm, could the controllers have chosen to profit from this event rather than inform us? And what’s the deal with intravenous electromagnetic adjuvants and microwave frequencies? Is there any link to graphene? Interestingly, the production of graphene oxide relies heavily on plasma production processes. So, would there be any effect or interaction between a widespread plasma discharge and graphene in our bodies?

Get ready to be amazed by this video sequence of a ‘blue jet’ transient luminous event (TLE) captured from the ISS, along with some incredible photographs of similar phenomena taken from aircraft and the ground.

Hold onto your seat, because things are about to get fascinating!

There’s a secret behind the Corona Discharge, and I’ve cracked the code. Forget what you’ve heard about weapons or conspiracies – the truth lies in the natural world. Curious, isn’t it? Even the elite have taken notice, sealing off their fancy organic food stores before the outbreak even happened. Makes you wonder where they’re hiding, doesn’t it?

Let me introduce you to something fascinating: Corona Discharge. It’s an electrifying phenomenon that mirrors the symptoms of the infamous Karona Vye Russ. From the worst cases to the mildest, it’s an eerie coincidence. But here’s the twist: I believe these discharges are a result of a shift in our planet’s atmospheric electricity, called the global atmospheric electric circuit. In my next article, I’ll dive deeper into this electrifying research and prove my theories.


It gets even juicier. As the global atmospheric electric circuit evolves, our precious electrical grid is becoming more vulnerable to Corona Discharges. It’s a hair-raising reality because the very air we breathe is changing. Contagion? Think again. It’s not just the grid at risk – even everyday devices like air purifiers, industrial-grade air scrubbers, and electrostatic precipitators are on the edge.Walking through walls training system

So, my friend, prepare yourself for a mind-bending journey into the heart of Corona Discharge. The truth is out there, and it’s shocking.

  • The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth;
  • The age of the gorges below Niagara Falls and St. Anthony’s Falls, both about 6,500 years;
  • The sudden end of the Laurentian Basin ice cap in Canada, about 11,500 years ago;
  • The uninterrupted years of evolution on the Galapagos, over 11,000;
  • The geological datings in the Murrumbidgee River Basin system in Australia, show the end of an
    ice cap there about 11,500 years ago;
  • The age of fossil bones taken from the Wilshire Boulevard tar pits, is over 11,000 years;
  • The sudden end of all work in the prehistoric city of Tiahuanaco, Peru, 9,550 B.C., or 11,500 years ago;
  • Leonard Woolley’s great work in the Holy Land, dating Noah’s flood at about 6,000 years ago; – The end of the Wisconsin ice cap, about 29,000 years ago;
  • The sudden 200-foot rise of the oceans all over the world 6,000 to 7,000 years ago;
  • The sudden rise of the St. Lawrence River bed 6,500 years ago;
  • The changing levels of the shoreline in the Hudson Bay;
  • The granite blocks from the Alps, sitting on the eastern slopes of the Jura mountains, at 4,000 feet above sea level;
  • The great legendarian Fraser’s uncovering of over 8,000 separate inundation survival legends in the Malay Peninsula region;
  • The Pejark Marsh in Australia shows a quick extinction of a civilization 11,500 years ago;
  • The Piri Reis map, showing the North Pole in the Sudan Basin;
  • The Egyptian water-clock, showing agreement with the Piri Reis map;
  • Granite on top of the mountains around Death Valley in California!
  • The great stratifications of the Grand CanyonPainted Desert, and Badlands, each layer homogenous, showing it to be deposited there suddenly by fantastic amounts of water;
  • The computable age of the Antarctic and Greenland ice caps, is about 6,500 years;
  • The present growth of the Antarctic ice cap, is about 293 cubic miles per year;
  • The legends from a primitive man in Tierra del Fuego at the southern tip of South America of the day the Sun set in the wrong direction;
  • The legends from the primitive man in Peru of the day the Sun stood still;
  • The legends from Malayan and Sumatran aborigines of the long night;
  • The varve (earth strata) counts in Wrenshall, Minnesota, and Hackensack, New Jersey, which agree;
  • The prevalence of jade in the Orient, which is materially heaved up from the mantle, near-equatorial pivot points during a tumble;
  • The fantastic evidence of a burgeoning tropical population in Arctic Siberia and Alaska, completely wiped out in a fraction of a day;
  • The similarity of languages the world over, from Polynesian to Greek, to Egyptian, to Mayan, to Eskimo, to Yakut, to Oriental, and more;
  • The correlation of ice ages and quick extinctions the world over;
  • The survival of primitive life at equatorial pivot points – the last two being the Malay Peninsula and the Galapagos, now rife with lizards;
  • The existence of a coral reef on the floor of the Arctic Ocean;
  • And more, and more, and more, and more, give us a historical picture of the Earth’s shell during the past 35,000 years.

The overwhelming evidence, when put in order, gives a dramatic picture of which areas have been at the North Pole, when they moved to the pole, and how long they were there:

  • Tommy Truthful

    Hey guys, Tommy Truthful here, leader of the Truth Mafia, CAPO DEI CAPI. I built one of the biggest alternative media conglomerates in the world, brought together some of the biggest names in the game in the truth-seeking community to combat censorship. People ask all the time how they can join the Truth Mafia. You can't just join; I have to notice you. My team and I research to ensure you have no government ties before we bring you into the family. If you'd like to get your personal decode done by Tommy Truthful and find out your role in this simulation we call life, then links are below.

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6 thoughts on “Plasma Event EMPCOE

    • Avatar Of Tommy Truthful
      Tommy Truthful says:

      Thank you so much took me awhile to write this plug and get everything together all the research so I appreciate that because anytime I research an article I never copy and paste that article I always rewrite it in my words to make it mine I’ll cite the source. I feel real journalists should do this.

  1. Avatar Of Taylor
    Taylor says:

    Wow, I knew some of this stuff, I had read Hapgood and Velikosky and a few others. This article was very comprehensive and informative so thank you Tommy for all your hard work, I understand better what the Earth itself goes through🌸💚

  2. Pingback: Factors to Consider In Understanding Mandela Effects and Quantum Phenomena – The Quantum Conundrum

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