Major Earthquakes Are Taking Place All Around the World – DNA Connection!

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Powerful Earthquake Rocks Spain and Portugal

The Phoenix (1)


We periodically experience cyclical global cataclysms, and there is a theory suggesting that an advanced civilization from within the Earth possesses geoengineering technology, akin to HAARP, which they use to trigger these global resets or unnatural disasters—possibly a form of fallen angelic technology. According to Hopi tradition, they received technology and knowledge from an advanced race known as the “Ant People” from inner Earth. These beings are said to have warned the Hopi of impending global cataclysms, a prediction known as the Hopi Prophecy. This prophecy mentions the appearance of a blue and red star in the sky, signifying the final days.

Recently, China launched a solar simulator, raising the question: Are they attempting to obscure the Blue Star Kachina? Below, you can find a video that delves deeper into this topic, discussing these cyclical events. Additionally, I have included a comprehensive analysis linking current unnatural disasters with the recent activation of CERN.

The First Four Trumpets
…10 Then the third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star burning like a torch fell from heaven and landed on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water.

I came across a 2019 article discussing the possibility of Wormwood impacting Earth, and it mentioned that there’s a chance asteroid 2007 FT3 could collide with our planet on October 2, 2024. While I’m not suggesting this will happen, it’s intriguing that the article references this specific date, which coincides with the ’82 code’ involving October 11th and 10th. Although I don’t believe it signifies the end of the world, it does seem to indicate a cyclical event possibly driven by advanced technology.

Approximately ten days ago, there was a trending article discussing CERN, an organization with 23 member states and numerous cooperation agreements with non-member states, including Malaysia. This year marks the 23rd anniversary of 9/11. To understand the significance of the number 23, you can explore this blog post: The Number 23. I hope you find the blog insightful. Please feel free to leave your comments below and share your thoughts.

Click on the image below to watch the video, but don’t forget to read the rest of the blog; it’s very important.

Powerful Earthquake Rocks Spain And Portugal

The mainstream media is trying to keep our attention on stuff that doesn’t matter, so we’re not paying attention to these unnatural disasters happening everywhere. We just had another major earthquake in Spain. My personal belief is that they are using geoengineering HAARP-type technology as a form of population control. They want to roll out their smart cities throughout the whole world. So, if you were in control of this world and wanted to roll out smart cities, but you had to tear down the old infrastructure to do it, you could pay to have it torn down and then have to deal with each individual landowner—and some of them would not be willing to sell. Or, you could just hit that area with a major natural disaster, kill everyone, and take the land. It’s kind of like what they did in Lahaina with their directed energy weapons when they murdered those people and stole the cobalt that was in the ground. Cobalt is used in their smart cities, in their smart cars, for the batteries. Now, both places that had major fires—Maui and Chile—are rolling out some of the world’s first smart cities.

Powerful Earthquake Rocks Spain And Portugal

A freak earthquake has rocked Spain and Portugal during the summer holidays. The earthquake hit in the Atlantic Ocean almost five miles southeast of Portugal’s capital, Lisbon. The estimated 5.4 magnitude earthquake—meaning moderate on the Richter scale—was detected in the early hours of the morning, Euronews reports, citing the US Geophysical Institute and the Euro-Mediterranean Seismological Centre.

It was reportedly felt as far as the country’s second city, Porto, Spain, and Morocco. The earthquake epicenter was located 36 miles west of the town of Sines at a depth of around 11 miles below the seabed. That number 36 is in the article about the earthquake. Here’s the link to the article so you can see for yourself. These numbers that I’m using are directly from the mainstream media.

Remember when the Lahaina Maui fire started, it was three days before the 36-year anniversary since they patented HAARP, which is also why the war between Israel and Hamas started that year. It was the 36-year anniversary since the formation of Hamas. 36 is a very sacred and holy number. They like to take sacred numbers and invert them. These unnatural disasters are taking place on certain lines under certain astrological alignments; it’s all part of a major ritual. And we just had a major event in Alaska. What is going on with these natural disasters as CERN is up and running right now? If you remember, back in 2016, they caused all those earthquakes and had to shut the machine down.

When you spell out the number 82, it equals 36 in Chaldean gematria. You’ll see below this whole decode is connected to that number in the Pythagorean cipher.

Eighty Two-Chaldean-36 (

Landslide Hits Alaskan City, Killing 1; Mandatory Evacuations Ordered

Here’s the link to that story. Aug. 26 (UPI)—At least one person was killed, and several others were injured in a landslide that hit the Alaskan coastal city of Ketchikan on Sunday, according to officials who have ordered mandatory evacuations over the potential of additional landslides.

City officials said in a statement that the landslide occurred at about 4 p.m., damaging multiple homes. Third Avenue Bypass, Second Avenue, First Avenue, and White Cliff Avenue were all affected.

The city declared a disaster emergency, stating in the declaration that the landslide has also forced road closures and caused flooding.

Ketchikan Gateway Borough Mayor Rodney Dial said that in his 65 years, he has “never seen a slide of this magnitude.” The officials said one person was killed, and three others were hospitalized with injuries suffered during the slide. Of those injured, only one has been released from the hospital as of late Sunday.

“Friends, it is with a heavy heart we relay that a landslide in the city has taken a life, caused several injuries, damaged homes, and impacted our community,” Dial said in the statement. “As we work through this, please keep the affected families in your prayers.”

City officials are warning over the potential of another landslide and have ordered the mandatory evacuation of some residents. An emergency shelter has been erected and stocked with supplies at the Ketchikan high school, they said. Gov. Mike Dunleavy of Alaska said late Sunday that he has declared a disaster declaration and has directed all state agencies to provide the city with “whatever assistance is needed.”

With pictures online of utility poles that had been toppled by tons of earth and felled trees, local KPU Electric said the landslide had caused power outages in the city.

It said many homes and businesses had power restored by 8 p.m., but those without electricity would remain that way until the landslide was cleared.

“There are six poles down that cannot be repaired safely at this time,” it said in a statement.

“Praying for everyone in Ketchikan right now,” Sen. Lisa Murkowski said on X.

Located in the Southeast Alaska Panhandle, Ketchikan is home to about 8,200 people, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Do you guys remember I said there was gonna be a major ritual connected to the number 82? I said it would happen on August 30th because the Blue Moon last year in 2023 took place on August 30th, so I was 4 days off. I said we would have major earthquakes on August 30th; it happened four days before I thought it would happen. Not only did we have earthquakes, but we’re also having landslides. Now, the eighty-two number is very important, guys. If we look at reduction, also known as Pythagorean gematria, “A calm before the storm” = 82. “A Change is Gonna Come” = 82. “Active shooter event” = 82. Mark my words, that’ll be next, guys—the number of the computer program. We are in some type of simulation; I don’t fully understand it, but that’s why the numbers work. God spoke us into existence with some type of angelic technology. Every number holds an energy, frequency, or vibration, which is assigned to a letter. They are using Masonic number magic to bend and manipulate reality. Ancient alchemical magic is being used on the masses. That’s what they’re doing at CERN; it’s an alchemical summoning machine built on the Temple of Apollo, which is Revelation 9/11. Who are they summoning? The destroyer of worlds, Apollo.

“Computer program” = 82. Introduction gematria. Which is what we are in. This is also the number for Chicago, guys, where Barack Hussein Obama is from. I believe there’s gonna be a major event that takes place in Chicago with the twin eclipses that made that X over the New Madrid fault line.

Twin Eclipse Make X Over New Madrid Fault Line

“Chicago, Illinois” = 82. “Barack Hussein Obama II” = 82. Now, if you remember why I started looking at the number 82, it was because it was connected to the 11th of October of 2024, which is exactly 187 days after the Great American Eclipse that took place on April 8th of 2024.

11Th Of October Of 2024, Which Is Exactly 187 Days After The Great American Eclipse That Took Place On April 8Th Of 2024.

This is how the elites work—they never do rituals on the exact day. They do it a certain number of days from that day to harvest that energy. “Eleventh of October” = 82. They have a secret language of symbols and numbers just like in the movie The Matrix. Some of the first player characters in that movie were able to read the hidden green code of the matrix; well, this is that code known as gematria. “Esoteric knowledge” = 82. “Fourth dimension” = 82. They just had a trending story that aliens are coming from the 4th dimension, which these are demons or fallen angels that they have released using CERN. This is the title of the trending article: “Aliens From the Fourth Dimension May Be Invading Our World—And We Don’t Even Know It.” Here’s the link to that story. This is just predictive programming for some type of alien invasion that they got planned where they will use directed energy weapons like their Dragon Fire energy weapon they have just developed that they used on Lahaina during the Maui massacre to murder us with directed energy weapons and blame it on an alien threat. Mark my words; this is what they are going to do! “Gog Magog is here” = 82. “Hawaii homeless camps” = 82. These are FEMA death camps that are being used to murder the homeless population. A matter of fact, one of our truth mafia members just did a video on this, and here’s the link to that video. The following phrases also equal eighty-two: “Illegal immigrants” = 82. They are releasing military-aged men into our country because this is NATO; they are NATO soldiers they are going to use to overthrow this country.

“Illuminati card game” = 82. They’re literally playing a script from this card game right now, and we have seen many of the rituals that they brought into manifestation connected to this card game.

“Interdimensional” = 82. The entities that are being released through CERN, which the Vatican is working for, and who’s controlling the Vatican right now? The false prophet “Jorge Bergoglio” = 82 in reduction gematria. I can even give you some locations of where major events connected to these unnatural disasters are going to take place based on this eighty-two code: “Laurel, Mississippi” = 82; “Liverpool, England” = 82; “The Bronx, New York” = 82; “Somerville, Massachusetts” = 82. It could also be connected to some major shooting event in one of these locations, either some type of unnatural disaster or shooting event. “Manchurian Candidate” = 82. “Manufactured reality” = 82. “MASON BROTHERHOOD” = 82. “Order of the Jesuits” = 82. “Seventeen seventy-six” = 82. This was when the Illuminati was formed on May first of 1776 by Jesuit Illuminati Founder. And why are all these events taking place? Well, it’s the coming of the Antichrist. He is here, guys. He is on this earth now in physical form. “The Four Horsemen” = 82. All the horse symbolism we continue to see in the movie The Crow—we see it in the beginning of the movie, the new one that just released in 2024. We also saw it in the series Those About to Die. We saw the White Horse or the pale horse of death in the Olympics over in France. Remember, Beyonce was on the cover of Vogue on the Red Horse of death, and then her album Alien Superstar—she was on a silver horse, so we’ve seen this horse symbolism over and over again.


Chapter-49: Four Horsemen Return

Antichrist Reduction 49 - Cern Ritual Reduction 49 3 -

Horseman #1 (White/Bow/Crown/Conquer)

White Hore -

In the book of Zechariah, we were given a glimpse of the Four Horsemen as they relate to Alchemy and the Four Winds/Spirits of DNA…


Zechariah 6:5

“The angel answered and said unto me, ‘These are the four spirits of the heavens, which go forth from standing before the Lord of all the earth.’”

Now in the book of Revelation, we get to see more details added to the revealing of these beings. Since there is much to analyze here, we will narrow our focus to the basics of Alchemy and how they relate to the symbols that each Horseman represents.

Revelation 6:1-2

“I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, ‘Come and see.’ I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.”

“Corona literally means ‘crown.’ It is a virus that manipulates human DNA.”

Coronavirus Disease-Reduction-82

The ‘Crown’ is a Feminine symbol. This horseman represents the womb and the Ovum. The ‘Bow’ is related to ‘Birth’ or the process of giving birth as well as a ‘simple fabric’ like a ribbon. Some researchers liken this word to a rainbow. All of which can fit perfectly together…


Strong’s: 5115 – Toxon

From the base of “Tikto” (Simple Fabric)


Strong’s: 5088 – Tiktó

Definition: I bear, bring forth, produce, beget, yield (fruit from the seed); properly, of women giving birth: absolutely

Upon culmination, an Egg Cell, symbolizing birth, is accompanied by a DNA structure resembling a ‘ribbon’ of a multicolored rainbow (analogous to the 10 Stones worn by Lucifer, for instance). It is proposed to employ a visual representation of an Egg bolstered by an emanating DNA Ribbon for elucidative purposes.

Horseman #2 (Red/Power/Sword/Take Peace)

Red Horse Of Revelations

Revelation 6:4

“And another horse, red in color, went out. To him who sat on it, it was granted to take peace from the earth, and that men would slay one another; and a great sword was given to him.” This is the counterpart to the White Horse.

Horseman #3 (Black/Judgment/Balance/Measure)

The Black Horse Of Revelations Meaning

Revelation 6:5-6

“And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine”

The combination of the two previous Horsemen gives us our “Alchemical Wedding” and produces the Androgyny that will perform the task of separating the Wheat from the Tares. This is the “Golden Child” the Mystery Religions all wait for.

Horseman #4 (Pale/Death/Hell)

The Pale Horse

Revelation 6:8

“And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth”

Daniels ‘Fourth Part’ or ‘Fourth Kingdom’ is not a fun time to be alive. GMO foods and Beasts rule the day. There is much suffering when VITRIOL becomes the byproduct of Mankind’s Genetic tampering…

Note that there are ‘four’ measures just like there are four Base Pairs. One measure is different from the other three…

The Masonic Symbolism Of The Four Horse Of Revelations

The Cockatrice is mentioned in Scripture and represents what ultimately emerges from the combination of the Alchemical Elements of Salt, Sulfur, and Mercury. You should now be able to easily decipher the Ordo Ab Chao symbol.

Mason Horse 2 -


Even the word ‘Chao’ gives their agenda away. Chao means ‘Pit’… you know… the place where the Beast rises from Via CERN!

“Russia’s symbols match the Four Horsemen and Revelations amazingly well…”

Ezekiel's Vision Connected To Dna

Ezekiel 37:17 “And join them one to another into one stick; and they shall become one in thine hand” When the world sees through the eyes of DNA and Cell Biology… the Truth will be as plain as day.

Ezekiel's Vision

This is Jesus inside of a ‘Crown of Thorns’…
Take away Jesus, and you are left with the thorns.

Thorns represent ‘Sin’.

Sin = Moon

Moon = Day Star/Venus/Lucifer

IE… Star of David = Lucifer/Two Strands of Phosp-Horus DNA

It is worship of the flesh… Up Triangle/Down Triangle.

In DNA terminology it is called ‘Antiparallel’… look it up.

The Ark of the Covenant was made of Acacia… or ‘thorn’ wood.

Our spirits are ‘trapped’ inside the ‘thorns’…

Dna Jc -

See the thorns around Jesus? Looks like the Star of David symbol above?

Spirit Trap = Metatron’s Cube

Israel Palestine Saturn Symbolism

Said to be a way to trap a soul.

Take the cube in the middle and make it a “hyper-cube,” and the hexagram a merkaba. This is the start, and then one might have a “soul-trap,” most certainly a logic trap!

Metatron's Cube Unfolds Into The 'Crucifix'... The 'Death Machine'... The 'X Shaped Chromosome'.
Metatron’s Cube unfolds into the ‘Crucifix’… the ‘Death Machine’… the ‘X Shaped Chromosome’.

Look at the next verse…

“Come forth, and flee from the land of the north, saith the LORD: for I have spread you abroad as the four winds of the heaven, saith the LORD”

Four winds = A, C, G, T

 Look At The Next Verse… “Ho, Ho, Come Forth, And Flee From The Land Of The North, Saith The Lord: For I Have Spread You Abroad As The Four Winds Of The Heaven, Saith The Lord” Four Winds = A, C, G, T

“And many nations shall be joined to the LORD in that day, and shall be my people: and I will dwell in the midst of thee”


Dna5 -

“The king is coming” = 82. This is the coming of the Antichrist.  Some other days to mark on your calendar for some of the staged events on the world stage, guys, are the following: “Seventh of November” = 82; “Seventh of September” = 82. Also, the 10th of October is connected to this day as well, guys. “The Tenth of October” = 82.

Properties of the number 82: Symbolism: Represents the creature liberated of the karmic bonds, 80, incarnated in a universe of duality, 2, enjoying the material world without transgressing the Law of the Cosmos – 8 + 2 = 10. It is the harmony in the matter.

Occurrence: The Book of Genesis in the Old Testament uses a total of 82 different numbers, the greatest of which is 1000 (Gn 20,16).

The verb “to pay” is used 82 times in the Bible. “Generational wealth” = 82. They’re using these natural disasters and fires that are taking place all around the world to steal our land, to force us into these 15-minute smart super cities that they’re setting up, and to increase their generational wealth that they are robbing from us. They used COVID to crash the economy. It’s all to force us into a digital currency, which, by the way, the number 82 is the number of the coronavirus, so get ready for major lockdowns coming as we enter the ember months, which are September, October, November, and December, where the sun goes into its ember state or its amber state of Orange. These are when major rituals are done on the world stage. Here is a detailed breakdown of what happened during the ember fire rituals of twenty twenty-three—this will blow your mind. Here’s the link to that blog.

Screenshot 2024 08 26 182047 -

In the new season of “Evil,” they literally show people hanging by the power grids. The government had Cyber Polygon, and they are planning for a major power outage that could potentially kill most of America’s population. They conducted a study and found that if the power were out for over six months, almost 90% of the American population would likely be dead by the end of those six months. This is crazy to me.


“Reality is a code—I’m the glitch that reveals its secrets.”
– Tommy Truthful

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  • Tommy Truthful

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