ROBERT SEPEHR Magicians of the Temple
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Blog & Decode by Tommy Truthful,
I want to give a warm welcome to ROBERT SEPEHR, the newest member of the Truth Mafia. I handpicked ROBERT SEPEHR. His information and research are truly top-notch. There are only a few content creators out there who can match ROBERT SEPEHR’s level. He has been in this field for quite a while and is one of the best researchers I have encountered. I am a massive fan of all of his work. ROBERT SEPEHR created the video, and I wrote a blog and decoded it. I want to express my gratitude to ROBERT SEPEHR for his dedication and hard work, and I’m thrilled to welcome him into our family.
The Knights Templar was a religious, military order established during the Crusades and is said to have attained esoteric alchemical knowledge during their time in Jerusalem. What were their origins and relationship to the Temple in the Holy Land, from which their name was derived? What were their occult beliefs and their impact on secret societies that allegedly succeeded them?
During ROBERT SEPEHR’s captivating video, around the seven-minute and thirty-second mark, he delves into the fascinating alchemical process of transforming lead into gold—the legendary philosopher’s stone. But here’s where it gets intriguing: could the enigmatic black goo, also known as graphene oxide in the shots, serve as programmable matter? Is it the ultimate mRNA code waiting to be uploaded into humanity?
Black Goo Programmable Matter is an intelligent and self-aware liquid crystal with the remarkable ability to self-organize. Emitting and receiving magnetic forces, it possesses the power to influence and disrupt the RF spectrum within the vast 5G network. Interestingly, in esoteric occultic beliefs, Black Goo holds a profound status as the mysterious philosopher’s stone, a tangible repository for elusive demons. Let’s explore its connections further: the gematria indicates that Magicians of the Temple equals 201, resembling the value of other significant phrases like “covid nineteen shot=201” and “demon possession=201.” Let’s not forget the Gates Foundation’s event 201, The Pandemic Simulation.
Prepare for an extraordinary journey into the intriguing world of alchemy, cutting-edge technology, and hidden revelations.
At around 8 minutes and 50 seconds, ROBERT SEPEHR discusses the AtBash cipher and its application in decoding the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Gematria, a mysterious and ancient practice, holds intriguing connections to various aspects of our world. By assigning numerical values to letters, gematria unveils hidden meanings and energies. From the divine symbolism of the number three found in different religions to the symbolism of Freemasonry, numerology holds captivating secrets.
Delving into the influence of gematria in Freemasonry reveals peculiarities in the lettering of passwords. Some theories suggest that even the word “God” could be an acronym rooted in Freemasonry and Hebrew. The intriguing connection between the Freemason’s symbol, the square and compasses, and the number seven within the cipher adds further complexity to the discussion. But amidst these alphanumerical correlations, we must wonder: Are they evidence of an undeniable creator or mere coincidences cherry-picked for significance?
What more can we glean from this code if it holds significance? Is there more to discover when examining your name through Gematria? The intriguing notion of an organic source code, where every letter holds a unique vibration and energy, resonates with the belief that the spoken word formed our existence. However, some people, like the black magicians described in Manly P Hall’s book “The Teaching of All Ages,” possess the knowledge to manipulate these frequencies and hack into the source code. They meticulously align astrological events and numbers and even perform rituals on specific geographic lines known as ley lines, charging them with energy. Contrary to societal beliefs portraying it as mere fiction, Magic is a very real force. These magicians pass down this knowledge from one generation to the next, ensuring the continuity of their art.
Unlocking the secrets of gematria requires an open mind and a recognition of the intricacies woven throughout our world. Exploring the connections, the symbolism, and the potential hidden meanings may bring us closer to understanding the mysteries surrounding us.
“In the symphony of numbers, the dance of numerology unravels the tapestry of deceit, revealing the hidden path to freedom’s revolution. Through this universal language, we decode the matrix, piercing the veil that conceals truth, and tap into the sacred source code of the divine. Embrace the numbers, for in their patterns lies the key to unmasking illusions. – Tommy Truthful, Leader of the Truth Mafia”
The Atbash cipher unravels intriguing connections between Baphomet, Sophia, and numerical symbolism. Sophia, often associated with wisdom as the bride of God, also wields knowledge that surpasses boundaries. Enter Yaldabaoth, the enigmatic worm created by Sophia without a feminine counterpart. As the god of madness and the architect of the material realm, Yaldabaoth deceitfully convinces humanity that they bear his image. But this is far from the truth! Baphomet, closely linked to Sophia, reveals hidden truths through the Chaldean cipher, unlocking the astral plane’s secrets. Journey with Gigi Young as she unveils the horrors of the lower astral plane, the dwelling place of nightmares, and the banishment ground of Yaldabaoth. The one true God punishes Sophia for her creation, while black magicians exploit the lower astral plane to hijack our organic matrix. Clinging to fallen angelic technology, they strive to breach the portal, connect Earth to hell, and unleash the worm and its legion of demons! Discover the historical origins, from the intriguing Seth with a donkey’s head to the Graeco-Egyptian tradition of linking Yahweh with this enigmatic deity. Let us embark on this unique and engaging exploration together, reimagining history and delving into the depths of mythology.
ILLUMlNATl-WORM: The Byte of the Worms… [Full Documentary 2023]
666 = 2 x 3 x 3 x 37. 666 is the 36th triangular number, the sum of the first 36 positive integers. Baphomet and the astral plane correspond to the number 36 in Chaldean matching. The connection between Baphomet and the lower astral plane, specifically the 8th sphere, is fascinating. I highly recommend watching GiGi Young’s phenomenal video to delve deeper into this topic. GiGi is a prominent member of the handpicked Truth Mafia, an organization close to my heart. Her teachings encompass esotericism and the occult, providing a refreshing and unique perspective on life.
Sophia, the divine feminine, is embodied by a trinity of powerful archetypes: Mother Mary, the Black Madonna, and Isis. Each of these representations offers a unique and engaging perspective on the essence of Sophia.
The Black Madonna is significant in the Chaldean cipher as it aligns with the Saturn Matrix. This connection is profound because the Black Madonna, or Isis Sophia, symbolizes the protective and nurturing qualities of the moon’s energy. Her role is safeguarding humanity from the influences of the 8th sphere, the lower astral plane.
Initially, the moon was not associated with malevolence. However, the frequency emitted by the moon has been manipulated by black magicians collaborating with entities dwelling in the lower astral plane, precisely the 8th sphere. Their actions have established a pathway between this realm and our own, connecting Earth to these dark forces.
The origin of this occurrence can be traced back to the days when Aleister Crowley dwelled in New York. Engaging in various magical experiments, Crowley conducted the Amalantrah Working, a process theorized to have created a deliberate channel for interdimensional entities to enter our universe. It is believed that, through this work, a portal was opened for what we now refer to as the gray aliens to visit Earth.
Crowley’s protégé, Jack Parsons, performed the Babylon Workings in 1946, further opening the portal. This portal had already been slightly opened in 1917, coinciding with the Armenian genocide, an event engulfed by chaotic energies. The intensification of the portal occurred during the Philadelphia experiment, followed by Parsons’s ritual and the subsequent complete opening of the portal in 1947. This year, the Roswell incident occurred, marking the arrival of these interdimensional entities, often referred to as the watchers, the fallen angels, or the Archons.
The term “Babalon” holds significance as it aligns with the number 116 in the Latin cipher, mirroring the number assigned to “Ogdoad,” a group of eight creator deities revered in ancient Egyptian mythology. These beings preceded the existence of any other beings and were depicted with the heads of frogs and snakes.
Ten minutes into ROBERT SEPEHR’s video, he delves into the intriguing concept of the Saturn Matrix. He proceeds to discuss the star of David, which has been debated among rabbis regarding its origins as a Jewish symbol. Interestingly, it is believed that the Rothschilds, who were part of a Jewish religious movement called Sabbatean-Frankists during the 18th and 19th centuries, introduced the star to the Jewish community. The movement, led by Jacob Frank, who proclaimed himself the Messiah, deviated from religious norms and moral boundaries, seeking to invert traditional Jewish-Christian values. Their apocalyptic worldview influenced their inclination towards destructive impulses, and they were known for worshipping Lucifer. Additionally, they possessed the ability to infiltrate various religious beliefs, leading some to view them as a death cult of Saturn. Contrary to popular belief, the star of David is suggested to represent Remphan, Moloch, and Chiun, which are alternate names for the star god Saturn. This deity’s symbol is a six-pointed star formed by two triangles.
It is important to note that Chiun and Remphan are also mentioned in the Bible, portrayed as the planet associated with the Jews. Following the infiltration of standard Judaism by the Rothschilds and the Sabbatean-Frankists, the worship of Saturn, known as Baal, was introduced. This deity was notorious for child sacrifices and cannibalistic rituals, drawing parallels to the god Cronus from ancient mythology, who consumed his offspring. The influence of the Rothschilds and the Sabbatean-Frankists extended beyond Judaism, as all three Abrahamic religions were affected and altered. Therefore, seeking discernment and praying to the true creator for guidance in search of the truth is crucial. Rest assured that my information is based on extensive research and exploration of various religions. Additionally, symbols’ significance in energy, frequency, and vibrations is worth considering as they have roots in sigil magic. To illustrate this point, let’s draw a parallel with clothing brands. Just as a brand like Balenciaga can attach a demonic entity to its symbol and strategically place it over chakra points, often the heart chakra, wearing such clothing can unknowingly invite negative energies. It is believed that these black magicians, who work with interdimensional fallen angelic entities, offer human beings as sacrifices, with these entities feeding off the energy called “LOOSH,” which thrives in lower vibrational frequencies.
“The Jesuits are the Jewish Sabbatean-Frankists of the Catholic Church. I’ve mentioned their infiltration across various religions. Notice the symbols they employ, akin to The Star of Remphan! This underscores my emphasis on the significance of understanding symbols; for symbols, not the laws of man, govern the world. As wisely stated by Confucius.”
“I want to emphasize our genuine regard for Jewish, Catholic, Christian, and all individuals. Our concern lies with those in positions of power who have covertly entered religious spheres and introduced elements of Satanism.” We love everyone.
“At the 12-minute and 40-second mark of ROBERT SEPEHR’s video, the speaker delves into the notion that Jesus Christ’s crucifixion is questioned, proposing an alternative perspective on his identity as a purveyor of forbidden knowledge. While I won’t debate this particular view, I can highlight an intriguing historical connection: the cross symbol originates in the tale of Tammuz. Legend has it that Nimrod’s union with his mother led to the birth of Tammuz, thus giving rise to the cross symbol that later found its way into Christianity.
Known as Yahshua Hamashai in his actual Aramaic name, he advocated love teachings and ventured into Gnosticism. These profound teachings stirred controversy, prompting the Catholic Church to destroy the Library of Alexandria and suppress Gnostic beliefs through persecution. Curiously, the Priory of Sion stands as the guardian of Yahshua’s bloodline, which traces back to the root of David—a revelation that challenges conventional narratives.
Yahshua never explicitly called for worship; he assumed the role of a prophet, relaying messages from the one true God. Understanding our past lives hinges on astrological alignments, which remain constant throughout our reincarnations. The belief in Yahshua’s repeated incarnations and the elites finding and killing him, over and over again is rooted in my extensive exploration of Abrahamic religions and esoteric and occult knowledge. Your belief system is a personal choice, and if devotion to Jesus Christ resonates with you, continue on that path while seeking discernment and praying for guidance. They fear his teaching to wake humanity to the truth.
Notably, even the term ‘God’ carries a specific energy and frequency, linking to ‘baal’—an exciting manipulation that channels our energy into a false deity. The genuine divine force resides in pure consciousness, the ultimate source of existence. The calcification of our pineal gland, often called the third eye, has been achieved through fluoride in toothpaste and water. This third eye serves as a spiritual antenna, offering insights into higher realms of consciousness.”
The depiction of a White Jesus Christ, ingrained in our consciousness, is not representative of Yahshua; instead, it portrays Caesar Borgia, the pope’s offspring. Notably, Borgia was involved in immoral acts, engaging in an inappropriate relationship with his sister. In stark contrast, Yahshua’s true identity aligns with a black man’s. This narrative underscores a pervasive pattern of distorting authentic teachings and infusing them with adverse connotations—an overarching theme of truth inversion.

And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.

Hey everyone, I just wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude to all of you for watching this video and reading my blog. I put in a lot of hard work and spent over eight hours researching to bring you this content. I always encourage you to do your research and keep an open mind. I always promise to be truthful and unbiased, letting the research guide me. The Truth Mafia is about seeking the truth, no matter what it takes. I would love to hear your thoughts, so please leave your comments below. Also, I have an exciting announcement! Every month, we will select a winner who shares the most videos and blogs from on their social media pages. The lucky winner will receive a free membership, granting access to exclusive content and the members-only group. Are you ready to join the ranks of the Truth Mafia? Let’s work together in this information war and share the blogs and videos that resonate with us. Remember, it’s okay if some content doesn’t resonate with you; we can still appreciate and learn from each other. Lastly, I want to send my love and respect to individuals of all religions and cultures. I am here to fight for your beliefs and truths, just as I hope you will respect mine. We are all adults and have so much to learn from each other. Thank you for being a part of the Truth Mafia. Sincerely, Tommy – Your Truthful Leader
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It’s all overwhelming! Wasn’t long after all this started. The fake virus. The play out the political parties started all their bullshit! I was lead to you, and a few others on YT! And this has definitely been a massive eye opening, experience. Still so much to learn. I highly believe that we are supposed to learn the knowledge of all!! There’s so much! We will never know it all as a human being. But we are supposed to be humble and learn as much as we can, and share with others!! It’s never ending! Got so much that was just told me to in the past couple of days. I’ll have to get the majority of it together and share with you. ☺️🙋❤️🔥👋👋.
Very good information, thank you Robert, was a pleasure listening to you 🌸🩵
I thought i had watched Robert Sepehr’s video’s again lately and yep we did.
Watched Magicians of the Temple and Celtic Origins, Bloodlines of the Chosen
so far. I like the video’s. Good to see Tommy that you include him.
Keep up the good info!