Simon Parkes CIA Agent

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Simon Parkes, CIA Agent

Simon Parkes is an intriguing figure with alleged connections to the clandestine world of the Illuminati. His experiences with extraterrestrial beings, from mantid entities to Draconis reptilians and grey creatures, suggest a deeper involvement in the alien agenda. As an elected politician, Parkes served as a puppet for the powers that be, subtly working to normalize the presence and influence of these otherworldly beings.

Military intelligence in Parkes’s family adds another layer of suspicion. Operating under the guise of working for the British Security Service (MI5), his mother was part of a joint effort with the National Security Agency (NSA) of America. Her role involved handling documents related to crashed UFO craft, strategically scattered across the Earth’s surface and subsequently retrieved by American special forces and recovery teams.

Parkes’s grandfather, a British diplomat affiliated with MI6, maintained a close association with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of America. This connection allowed him to navigate the intricate web of power and secrecy, earning him prestigious awards while rejecting a knighthood from the Queen. As a prominent Freemason and Britain’s diplomat to the United Nations, his role in shaping global agendas cannot be overlooked.

The alleged involvement of Simon Parkes, his family, and their ties to intelligence agencies suggests a more extensive narrative at play—one that seeks to manipulate public perception, control information, and advance the hidden agendas of the Illuminati. With his grandfather’s legacy still looming large, it appears that Simon Parkes and the mysterious Overy Teams may be part of a much larger power structure. It remains to be seen whose agenda they are advancing and what greater purpose they might serve. Only time will tell.

This issue must be taken seriously, as it has the potential to have a profound negative impact on global society if not properly addressed.  Simon is a Jesuit Agent he Is playing the Character of Simon Parks He was brought in to Push the Alien agenda when in reality they are fallen angels!

Simon Pushed the Q Agenda Qanon=666


Qanon was used to Track, Trace, And Tag The Christian Patriots that they knew would stand up against the New World Order & their digital cashless society! Qis a Quantum dwave computer plugged into the beast system.

Its purpose extended far beyond mere tracking and tagging; it was a sophisticated quantum D-Wave computer intricately linked to the beast system—a complex network designed to control and manipulate the masses.

Under the guise of identifying Christian patriots, Q was a strategic tool to identify those who posed a threat to the forthcoming Noahide laws. These laws, a sinister ploy to suppress freedom and faith, concealed a dark agenda—decapitating Christians who unwaveringly stood by their belief in Yeshua Hamashiach, commonly known as Jesus Christ. The forces at play are not limited to mere extraterrestrial involvement but encompass interdimensional fallen angelic entities, wielding their powers from unseen realms.

The convergence of biblical prophecies and current events reveals that we are undeniably living in the climax of the end times. The battle between good and evil, orchestrated by powerful and nefarious entities, reaches its crescendo as the world hangs in the balance. Remain vigilant and seek the truth amidst the chaos that surrounds us.

Part Of The Talmudic Noahide Laws –

Second Thessalonians 2:9-12 unveils a profound revelation about the end times and the forces at play behind the scenes. It speaks of a powerful delusion orchestrated by God Himself, intended to deceive those who have rejected the truth and embraced unrighteousness. This delusion is set in motion by the lawless one, who operates under the influence of Satan and wields immense power to perform false signs and wonders.

As the end times draw near, this strong delusion becomes increasingly prevalent, ensnaring those who have turned their backs on the truth. It is a manifestation of divine judgment, aimed at condemning those who have willfully chosen to reject salvation and instead revel in unrighteousness. This passage highlights the intricate workings of cosmic forces and the manipulation of human consciousness, as individuals are led astray by deceptive powers.

In the grand tapestry of the end times, the strong delusion plays a crucial role in the spiritual battle between truth and falsehood, righteousness and unrighteousness. It serves as a stark warning for those who fail to discern the signs of the times and succumb to the allure of the lawless one.

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Simon Parkes And Charlie Ward Exposed

  • Tommy Truthful

    Hey guys, Tommy Truthful here, leader of the Truth Mafia, CAPO DEI CAPI. I built one of the biggest alternative media conglomerates in the world, brought together some of the biggest names in the game in the truth-seeking community to combat censorship. People ask all the time how they can join the Truth Mafia. You can't just join; I have to notice you. My team and I research to ensure you have no government ties before we bring you into the family. If you'd like to get your personal decode done by Tommy Truthful and find out your role in this simulation we call life, then links are below.

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6 thoughts on “Simon Parkes CIA Agent

  1. Avatar Of Kathie Mc
    Kathie MC says:

    I followed Simon and Charlie Ward in yhe beginning of Covid but stopped Simon after he described sex with aliens in great detail. I found Charlie to be a drunken grifting liar. Then Juan O’Savin mysteriously entered the seen. His real name Wayne Willott insurance adjustor. At this point they all could be CIA its a bottom feeding agency.
    Glad to see MSeeker again 🙏🏻

    • Avatar Of Tommy Truthful
      Tommy Truthful says:

      You’re 100% right Charlie Ward is a pedophile Grifting thief. can Simon Parks is a total CIA asset. I’m not Perfect but I would never lie to you guys and never try to scam you the way Charlie and Simon do it’s sickening to me. I know that you guys count on me to give you the real 100% facts. And if I don’t have the real facts then I give you my best opinion and let you know it’s just an opinion. Unlike Facebook and their fake **** fact check that gives opinions and calls it facts. Some people just take pride and honor in their work. What I do is an art form being able to keep an audience engaged with me for hours that’s hard. But I love it my grandfather told me find something you love to do do that every day if you can turn it into your livelihood now you’re really living. Show I’m just blessed and grateful and I love all you guys.

      • Avatar Of Robin Beckler
        Robin Beckler says:

        Your grandfather was very wise… Those are the most truest words
        An adult person could ever say to a young child… ✨that’s what moments are made of✨😊

        • Avatar Of Robin Beckler
          Robin Beckler says:

          I’m speaking in reference to what Tommy’s grandfather told him as a child… Simon Parks is a joke. I never did get a good feeling about him or Charlie Ward I watched him just long enough to see if they was on the up and up and I’m just using my intuition! Except for Charlie he got caught cold turkey in front of me! 😳😏😂 Charlie Ward got called out by one of the people he was interviewing she said he she heard his voice as a child at one of the sex tanks they were holding her in. She called him out!!! As a pedophile and it was live! I thought his lip was going to drop!! Details! And people still believe them I can’t understand how people can’t catch on to them being scumbags 😏🙃🥴🫠

  2. Avatar Of Robin Beckler
    Robin Beckler says:

    Your grandfather was very wise… Those are the most truest words
    An adult person could ever say to a young child… ✨that’s what moments are made of✨😊

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