Skynet 2030 Tommy Truthful Live 11/8/24 In Downtown Canton Ohio

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Reality is a Code – I am the glitch that reveals its secrets.
– Tommy Truthful




➡ Tommy Truthful from shares his thoughts on the future of smart cities, where everything will be digital and transactions will be done through phones. He also talks about his concerns over the increasing use of 5G and upcoming 6G technologies, and the potential for these to be used for population control. Tommy also discusses his belief that natural disasters are being used to clear land for these smart cities and to access valuable minerals. Lastly, he expresses his worry about the disappearance of community gardens and the potential negative impact of this on local communities.
➡ The speaker discusses potential scenarios that could disrupt the presidential transition, including staged events or the death of a president-elect. They also mention their website, Truth Mafia, where they post videos and blogs, and their personal website, Truthful TV, where they offer personal decodes. They mention a sale on their products, which are based on Nikola Tesla’s technology. The speaker encourages vigilance and awareness, emphasizing that knowledge is power.



Most of these people just get their information from the internet, not us at Every day I go down to the library. Right before I do my walk I pick up certain books on secret societies and other topics that I want to investigate because there’s a lot of disinformation on this internet so we have to be very vigilant and really study. You’ll find a lot of this true hidden knowledge within these books. They have certain books in the library on secret societies that you can’t even check out. You’re not even allowed to take out of there.

What’s up guys? Tommy Truthful here at Just out getting my little walk in this morning in downtown Canton, Ohio. Beautiful day out. Beautiful 5G towers just radiating all the people. You know, nobody even knows that they’re getting blasted with these frequencies and now with them getting ready to roll out 6G to integrate all that into these smart cities that are coming everywhere. Everything’s gonna be digital. You’re gonna walk into a store and how the technology will start, it’ll register your phone first. Right? So your account will be on your phone.

All that info will be right on your phone. So you just walk into Walmart, grab what you’re grabbing. When you walk out the door, boom, it’ll take the money right off your account. Oh she’s tripping up there on the Wilson Point. What’s wrong baby girl? Why are you tripping up there? What? Me? I’m just saying what’s up. Oh yeah they’re fucked up ain’t they? Wilson Point, I imagine so. I said at Wilson Point, is that like a halfway house? Yeah. What does that mean? Oh shit. You got it. You got to get up out of there.

I hear you girl. I hear you. It’s gonna be alright. Keep your head up Shorty. Alright. Oh me and Canton huh? And she’s up there tripping on top of the building. Yo what is wrong with these people? She’s still going at it. That’s what I was talking about before we seen this lady on the roof right? That was nuts. You’ll walk into one of these stores in the smart city. Everything’s gonna be recording you. You grab something and I know they’re trying to get that house out of there. They don’t want no houses downtown no more but you’ll walk in there and it’ll just take the money off your phone so that’ll eliminate all the shoplifting and stuff like that but we’re being monitored on such a level.

These damn towers are everywhere and then eventually that will go to the chip or which it’ll probably be like some type of digital chip guys some type of nanotechnology that’s already in people or the ones that took the you know what they probably already got that in them ain’t right they ain’t telling us the truth all these fires we’re seeing everywhere all the flooding what just happened all these tornadoes like what hit Oklahoma a couple days ago I’m telling you guys they’re using geoengineering technology it’s a form of population control so they can roll out these smart cities around the world you know they’re going in like what happened down the Carolinas look they went that that was all full of lithium right so now they got in there and robbed them people of their land they wanted that lithium is what they wanted just like in Hawaii what did they want there the coal bolt oh you got to look you there’s a site you can look up and see the minerals that are deposited in the grounds around the world you know and then you can figure out where they’re next where their next area is gonna be hit and I’ll tell you what Arkansas they’re gonna smack you because you guys got too many minerals that they need for these smart cities so just get ready is the Ozarks in Arkansas I wonder because wherever the Ozarks are I’m not sure about that but it is full of many of these elements like lithium and cobalt that they need to pull from the ground for the batteries for their smart city and their smart grid so that’s what happened to Lahaina let’s just be honest guys when you go into a city right like all these houses downtown can so you want to roll out the smart city some of these people will sell their properties but others are gonna be like nah man I lived here forever my grandmother lived here my mom lived here I don’t want to move right and downtown can’t and they want all this to be a smart city so you have a lot of houses down here going this way we’re getting into the hood hood and um they’re gonna wipe it out watch guys I guarantee we’re gonna have some crazy fire or some shit because then what do you do you come in I’m pretty sure that was a school before if I remember correctly and I got out of prison I think I went there and did a speech for the youth to try to keep them out of trouble I’m not sure though I think that was a school but it looks rough now don’t it looks very much like it the kids were actually yelling at me and telling me to get off stage they were so bad which I just laughed and you know couldn’t help it but so if you if you were a billionaire evil person and you had to get all these people out of their cribs now they’re probably gonna think I’m the feds walking around with a phone like this but I don’t do a shit you could you could we only deal with them which most of them are gonna tell you to get lost I’m not getting rid of my stuff right or you could do what they’re doing in Oklahoma and use harp and some geoengineering technology to cause a tornado and just devastate this whole area how are they ever gonna blame that on the god they can’t say oh yeah the government I mean we can say it we have been saying it we’ve been screaming it at the top of our lungs that the government is using geoengineering to call cause these natural disasters to get people out of their homes as a form of population control and to steal their land so they can steal the minerals out of the land but nobody’s really taking us serious on the mainstream see how the Sun’s bright white now we’re going through a solar maximum and that’s not that’s not that’s not good either many civilizations and empires collapse during these solar maximums we have massive droughts earthquake so some of it could be natural some of this stuff happening due to the Sun and the solar flares but I don’t think it’s all natural guys like I’m not one of these people that think every earthquake and every hurricane is controlled by the government but when I see them being hit in certain areas and targeting certain communities that are full of these minerals that they need to get up out the ground these elements like lithium and stuff like that well then it makes me question what the hell is really going on here and they’re gonna they’re gonna get rid of all this they don’t want this here at all this is the type of stuff they want up out of here community gardens right now you see they try to our community garden looks rough though but it looks better when it’s garden season not too much better but um you see how they try to raise the bed a little but what they didn’t do smart is you put good soil in there to grow your crop so it doesn’t get into this soil that’s been polluted with the chemtrails and all that there’s toxins heavy metals in it but then it’s just gonna grow the roots are gonna grow down into the other soil so when you do a lifted bed like that you got to put a stone like stone slabs bottom or something at the bottom stopping the roots from growing through because then it defeats the whole purpose you know what I mean you have some healthy soil on the top but the roots will grow down into the polluted soil and they should also put some copper in here ground all this if they grounded this the chemtrails from above it all that stuff would stay away from this area and it would improve their crops by so many folds maybe I’m gonna try to get myself involved in this next year and teach these people how to do this right eat real food I mean people are trying people are trying to teach people and I mean this is right in the hood so that’s a beautiful thing I love it I love it we need more of these but it’ll be gone within the next couple years mark my words guys I’ll be doing a update video on this and this will no longer be here I promise you that that’s that’s part of their their plan all this that this whole block’s gonna be gone that’s why I wanted to walk you through here and show you so in a couple years when I come back through and they tell us we had some crazy tornado or fire or you know who knows what they’re gonna say with the election and all that we still got months until Trump gets in and all they got a deal is one staged event to postpone everything say we got hit with a nuke or we’re at war now once we’re under war presidents can’t change you know whether they put us under martial law I mean they could do so many different things they could say Donald Trump or not Donald Trump they could say Joe Biden died and out of respect for him we got a postponed the inauguration and that would put Kamala Harris if he died tomorrow or today Kamala Harris would become the 47th first female president just like on House of Cards the 46 president died his wife became the 47th first female president of the United States which is like a form of predictive programming known as lesser magic now I’m not saying that’s gonna happen but it is something that they could do so we just need to be vigilant and stay aware of this type of stuff but I want to do this real quick video for you guys while I was taking my walk out here in this beautiful day getting my little sunshine in and you know my vitamin D3 trying to get my miles in but um I’m out here my freaking house slippers too but I got them thick socks on guys you know them warm socks out here but um yeah so to go to go check out all the new videos over on truth mafia calm and don’t forget to opt into our daily newsletter that’s on truth mafia calm the link is in the description down below it’s a hundred percent free guys and that way you get notifications and updates when I drop new videos when I do blogs that are too real for social media that there I can’t put on there cause I’ll get taken down if you’re on Instagram this link is in the bio and then we also have a sale going on just for today because we’re a hundred percent self-funded right we’re not funded by these major media conglomerates with billions of dollars behind them everything we do and we have a whole team behind us I got over seven employees that I pay monthly to create this content load videos do stuff like that for the truth mafia but I have my own site truth mafia calm is my site as well I own that and I build it for a bunch of us content creators just tons of people over there some of the biggest content creators in the world like B Dell donut factory paranoid American you know there’s so many I could keep naming and untold libraries library of done told I’ve caught a month old library slinging stone my boy neftali which me and him are gonna start doing a weekly show shout out to my that platform is to put my blogs up my podcast and for all the whole team’s work and then truthful TV comm is my personal website where I do all my bookings that so if you’re trying to get a personal decode to find out your role in this little simulation we call life whether you’re one of these NPCs non-player characters you can get that over on truthful TV comm that link is in the bio and we have amazing sale going on right now guys and it ends tomorrow it’s only a one-day sale cuz I can’t afford to do it no longer than that it was for the election but I forgot to put it out so I just decided I’d do it today promo code is Tommy capital T O M M Y me for all one word and you get an extra 28% off with free shipping worldwide and that’s over on truthful TV comm if you’re on Instagram the links in the bio on all other platforms YouTube and Facebook it’s in the description and remember we have some of the best products in the world necklaces bracelets all based on scalar wave technology free energy technology Nikola Tesla’s technology that protects your bio field we have these oscillators over there these discs that pull energy out of the atmosphere and bring it right to you right to your bio field right to your energy field and everything is frequencies and vibrations with that being said I love y’all knowledge is power truthful out here watch your life slip away drag back home down in my troubles away it’s a damn shame what this world’s come to for people like me and people like you wish I could just wake up and it not be true


  • Tommy Truthful

    Hey guys, Tommy Truthful here, leader of the Truth Mafia, CAPO DEI CAPI. I built one of the biggest alternative media conglomerates in the world, brought together some of the biggest names in the game in the truth-seeking community to combat censorship. People ask all the time how they can join the Truth Mafia. You can't just join; I have to notice you. My team and I research to ensure you have no government ties before we bring you into the family. If you'd like to get your personal decode done by Tommy Truthful and find out your role in this simulation we call life, then links are below.

    🔮 The Ultimate Reading- Just $26! 🔮 For only $26, you'll receive an extensive Email Decode from Tommy himself. Just a click on the link below! View all posts

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