The EMBER Rituals Are Approaching!!!

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Ember Rituals With Tommy Truthful and Doenut Factory 8/22/2024

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➡ The Truth Mafia, led by Tommy Truthful, is a group of researchers who explore historical, cultural, and ancient mysteries. They host a podcast where they discuss their findings and theories, often involving conspiracies and hidden codes. In their latest episode, they discuss their growing audience, their sponsors, and delve into the concept of Gamatria, a hidden code they believe exists in the world. They also discuss the importance of being prepared for emergencies, referencing survival gear and food storage.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics including the significance of certain numbers and their connections to events, the concept of ’ember rituals’ in the last four months of the year, and the symbolism of decapitation. They also touch on societal issues like demoralization, suicide rates, and addiction in America. Lastly, they mention the influence of secret societies and the use of symbolism in major events.
➡ The speaker discusses various conspiracy theories, including the idea of an impending alien invasion, the manipulation of reality through media, and the influence of various global agencies. They also touch on the concept of a ‘simulacrum’, a copy of a copy, and how it’s used in reality TV to distort our perception of reality. The speaker also mentions the potential for societal division and demoralization by influencers and governments. Lastly, they discuss the role of various global agencies in these theories, including the CIA, Massad, the Vatican, and the KGB.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories and speculations, including the idea that Putin has some sort of mind control, the possibility of a major earthquake in California, and the appearance of a ‘doomsday fish’ before disasters. The speakers also discuss the idea of history being reset every 138 years, the destruction of ancient artifacts to control the narrative, and the theory that there was a more advanced civilization in the past.
➡ The text discusses a variety of topics, including a series set in Yellowstone, theories about land ownership and wars, and the concept of people being controlled by artificial intelligence. It also delves into the idea of demoralization in society and the potential for a new religion centered around aliens. The text also mentions theories about secret societies, ancient banking systems, and the influence of entities we don’t fully understand.
➡ The text discusses a conspiracy theory involving interdimensional portals, aliens, shadow governments, and advanced technology. The speaker believes that elites are in contact with otherworldly entities, possibly demonic or reptilian, and are given advanced technology through these interactions. They also suggest that these elites are suppressing beneficial technology and manipulating people’s minds, particularly through the calcification of the pineal gland. The conversation ends with a call to action for listeners to support their work and a discussion about future content.
➡ The speaker encourages viewers to learn from their experiences and thanks them for their support. They also urge their audience to subscribe to Donut’s channel, support his Patreon, and purchase survival food and 5G protection products using a promo code. They mention that more information about these products can be found in the description.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories, including the idea of two different internets, one for ‘truth seekers’ and one for ‘sheep’. It also mentions the ‘dead Internet theory’, suggesting a new internet was created in 2016. The text further delves into symbolism, referencing the World Trade Center, CERN, and various pop culture figures. It ends with a theory about the calcification of the pineal gland potentially limiting human abilities.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics including the significance of the number 112 in different contexts, the influence of astrology on world events, and the potential for upcoming significant events tied to the Skull and Bones society. They also touch on conspiracy theories, the idea of living in a simulation, and the importance of unity among different religions.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories involving celebrities, politics, and secret societies. It suggests that events are being staged and manipulated by powerful figures, with references to numerology and symbolism. The text also mentions the idea of mind control and the influence of the music industry. It ends with speculation about future events based on patterns and signs in popular culture.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories and symbolism, including the number four’s association with death in Asian cultures, the significance of the number 32, and the symbolism of keys and portals. It also touches on the influence of religion and cultural imprinting on belief systems, and the power of collective belief, using the example of Jesus’s name. The text ends with a discussion on the use of symbolism in social movements and the potential misuse of religion for divisive purposes.
➡ The speaker discusses various religious beliefs, emphasizing respect for all faiths and discouraging arguments over religion. They suggest that arguing over religion only serves to divide people and create negative energy. They also delve into symbolism, color coding, and predictive programming in media, suggesting that these elements tell a story that isn’t explicitly stated. Lastly, they mention a connection between the release date of a song and significant events, implying a possible hidden meaning or prediction.
➡ The text discusses various topics, including the arrest of a man named Andrew Tate, the symbolism of handcuffs, and the significance of certain symbols in different cultures. It also touches on the Hindu monkey god, Hanuman, and its representation in various forms, including a statue in Texas and as a charm carried by former President Obama. The text also delves into the symbolism of the Iron Cross, its origins, and its use in various contexts, such as the Wuhan Biolab logo and the Umbrella Academy logo.
➡ The speaker believes that the elite are manipulating society, encouraging conflict and chaos. They suggest that the elite, who are far wealthier than the average rich person, are not loyal to any land and are willing to let societies destroy themselves. The speaker also discusses conspiracy theories about secret underground bases and the selling of souls, suggesting that these are part of the elite’s plan. They argue that society has already sold its soul, and this is being normalized.
➡ The speaker discusses various conspiracy theories, including the idea that McDonald’s was feeding children fake food, which he debunks. He emphasizes the importance of doing one’s own research and not blindly believing everything heard or read. He also talks about the potential dangers of nanotechnology, suggesting it could be used to control people’s minds. Lastly, he mentions a recent earthquake in Hawaii and speculates about its potential connection to the upcoming 47th president.



Three, a group of researchers formed the Truth mafia, a collective determined to investigate conspiracies and occult mysteries that have been buried for centuries. With a passion for uncovering the truth, they delve into the darkest corners of history, pop culture, and ancient mysteries, seeking answers to questions that have plagued humanity for ages. The truth mafia is led by Tommy truthful, a man shrouded in mystery and intrigue, dedicated to uncovering the hidden truths behind some of the world’s most perplexing and enigmatic phenomena. Their research has led them down countless rabbit holes, from deciphering ancient symbols to exploring the hidden meanings behind popular media and literature.

Despite the risks and challenges they face, the truth mafia remains steadfast in their quest for knowledge. Will their investigations lead to groundbreaking revelations, or will they unravel an even deeper web of secrets and lies? Only time will tell in this ongoing saga of conspiracy and intrigue. Welcome to another episode of Truth Mafia podcast. And today I’m with my brother from another mother, Bing Bong Factory. What’s up, brother Donut? We got a. We got a special. We got a special. What up? What up, Tommy Truffle. We got Tommy truffle up in here. And he just. He, he just left.

He just left. So everybody please smash the like button, share the video out. We gonna cover some crazy, wild topics today. How are you, Tommy? I got comments, links down below. Go subscribe to Tommy. We got a bunch of Illuminati news. Yeah, I didn’t leave Brother Donut. I just gave you the solo layout. So donuts on my podcast today, guys. So I’m in control of the things back here. I’m trying to give them the center of stage, you know? Thank you. Thank you. Yeah, it feels good to not, like, be all up at it. So before we get going, brother Donna, I know a lot of, there’s a lot of new people out here in both yours and my audience.

We just broke 300,000 followers on our Facebook Truth Mafia podcast. Shout out to all you guys. We wouldn’t be able to do it without you. We really appreciate y’all for that. And all the links are down in the description. Don’t forget to opt into our newsletter over on truth that way you get notifications and updates, not just from me, but people like donut Factory. The one on one podcast, be Dell Ania Soro. You know, our whole team, we got some of the biggest content creators in the world on and before we get going, just to make sure I don’t get in trouble.

This is called fair use and is allowed for purpose of criticism, news reporting, teaching and parody, which doesn’t fringe a copyright under 17 USC 107. And today’s episode is sponsored by Bodyalign and their energy wellness protection. That link is down in the description. Use promo code donut factory. Is it donut or donut factory? Donut. Donut. D o e n u T. Use promo code donut and get an extra 20% off. It’s amazing technology, guys. It protects you from the EMF and the microwaves that were bombarded with every day. It’s a bracelet you wear. It’s got the shungnite and all the elements ground up in the band.

It’s got a holographic disc that binds that certain frequency and energy that helps to just alleviate the effects from the phone that we’re holding in our hand all day. Now, for the new people here, we’re going to be decoding some things, okay? And in the movie the Matrix, there are several people who wake up from the system. They learn to read the hidden code, the green letters and numbers of the Matrix. This is not just a movie. We too have a hidden code behind everything, and it’s known as Gamatria. And if you want to follow along and use the calculator, you can follow along on

we have the calculator right up there. So, brother Donut, we’re getting ready for the ember rituals. Bro, are you. Are you ready? I am ready. And we talked about these ember rituals when we first started podcasting together. And that’s what happens when you tune into the truth mafia. Tommy truthful, myself, Ani Asaru, wana Wanda, all. Everybody shout out to everybody is that you get the information before the mainstream does. For example, Candace Owens now is trying to do work on talking about the sabbatian Francis cults. We’ve been talking about that months and months ago, probably a year ago or so.

So we covered the topics now that the mainstream is starting to digest way before. So that’s important. And also, I want to give a shout out to USA survival videos are being also sponsored. Got them links down below. Get your food storage and bug out bags with the same promo code. Donut. About that donut, because I was thinking about getting one myself, bro. I know they’re. Yeah, yeah, yeah. For sure. You know? Yeah, yeah. Like so right here. Oh, it’s food, right? So this is. Yeah, this is. I think this is a. Let me see. Oh, wow.

That’s a big one. Yeah. I think this is a month’s worth, right? So it’s just survival food. And how’s it taste? Bag is got all survival gear for two days, so if I need a yo, there’s a fires or something, I dip out for the ember rituals, you know, if Dan Bazarian flies in with all his pedal friends, you know, I mean, I’ll grab that bug out bag, and I could get out of here, you know, keep. Keep the butthole tight, you know, from. From them. So, yeah, I got those links down below them. Links are down below, guys, check that out.

And how does it taste, though? Not, is it decent tasting? I mean, you don’t really worry about that. You know what? I’ve never had to use it. Um, the thing is that when the grid goes down, and it will, because they’re going to reset the system, that’s been talked about by the mainstream. Yep. If we just look at Haiti, the cannibalism going on there. Just look how crazy people are when they can’t get food. Freud set talked about it. People go crazy in the supermarkets. They, as we saw with the toilet paper running out. Food also runs out at the supermarket.

There’s not enough food at the supermarkets. Costco sells these because they know that there’s not enough for. So you want to be prepared. So I’ve had this stuff. It’s just a new one I got from USA survival, but I got plenty. You know what I mean? Yeah, no, it’s always good to be prepared. Donut and each other, that’s all. And check this out. So the new season of Evil, um, I did a members only decode for my people, and I broke it down. The new season of Evil, season four. I think it’s episode ten or. Yeah, it’s episode ten.

Um, there’s all these storms going on, and they’re talking about the veil is thinner when the storms are happening, so entities are, like, starting to manifest in our reality, which I think is connected to CERN. Rose Burn is activated right now, I heard. Yep. Yeah, they’re doing some weird things with CERN, and it’s all in all the new movies, bro. Look at Deadpool and Wolverine. That’s what it’s all about. The merging of the timelines. The new, they’re going through different dimensions because Wolverine’s timeline, he died in his timeline. He’s like an anchor character, so he’s a.

A very powerful first player character that when he died, it started to unravel his timeline. And you know that we talk about the 128 code all the time guys, which is the key to the abyss. And CERN is built on the temple of Apollo, which is revelations 911 releasing a polyon. You know, there’s certain energies attached to these numbers. They hold an energy of frequency of vibration. Now you’ll have a grounding number and then you’ll have a charging number. For example, 128 is your grounding number. Okay. During 911, the, okay, so look, this is, this was the charge on 911.

At 846, the plane hits, right? And then we had George Floyd, the Neil on his neck for eight minutes and 46 seconds. I’m not going to mention the one in the middle, you can read that. But one, two, eight spelled out equals 846. So 128 is the grounding number, 846 is the charging number. That’s your energy. This is all part of ancient alchemical magic. They’re bending and manipulating reality to their will using forms of masonic number magic and different manifestation magics and chaos magics on us on the world stage. So I didn’t know if people really knew that connection there.

Donut, you really brought that to my attention. Honestly, bro, you’re the one who taught me about this one two eight code, then me and you’ve been talking about for years now. And the, the twin towers, they collapsed at 1028, 128. And so there’s just so much with the number. It’s wild. And tomorrow. Yeah, yeah. So think about this real quick. I didn’t mean to cut you off, but the plane hits at 846, right? That sets the charge of the spell that they casted, and then boom, the tower collapses at 1028. That grounds the spell. You get what I’m saying? Both of these numbers are connected.

When you spell it out, you have the connection there. And these are two numbers that are used a lot in society on the world stage. So apologize about that. But I didn’t mean to. Speaker one. Oh, bro, no, you’re good, bro, because you’re who taught me about this 128 number. So the bridge collapsed at 128 in the morning, and then you’re the expert on Gematria. And bridge collapse in Gematria equals one to eight, you know what I mean? So that’s crazy right there. That’s some crazy numbers. And also we were just talking about the 33rd parallel.

Donald Trump’s going to be speaking out here in Arizona on the 33rd parallel. And we, you know, with the whole JFK thing that took place on the 33rd parallel. Even though when you Wikipedia, which Wikipedia is run by the feds, it doesn’t say the 33rd parallel, it says. And that’s what. The guy who created Wikipedia, he says that it’s controlled by the feds 100%. The guy who created it says that, you know, and I saw him speak live over at a bitcoin conference years and years ago with the Apple guy who created Apple. He was speaking there, too.

He was like the head guy. It was so boring. But I was there and I listened to their, their boring asses talk just because they like super nerd, you know, there’s no excitement in what they’re talking about or whatever, but not, not a diss to dumb or I’m okay, I’m going off on. What the, what, what’s going on here? What was I talking about? 33rd parallel. You were talking. Trump going to be speaking at the 33rd parallel tomorrow. I looking out for ritual because it will be the three two two day of the Middle east war.

Tomorrow will be the three two day of the Middle east war. So right there, you got just a bunch of wild stuff. Look out for more ritual. What we’re going through is a demoralization campaign from foreign entities trying to get rid of the west, trying to get rid of capitalism. America, really, that America, they trying to demoralize everybody and make us have no more hope in America. And you can totally see that. You could totally see that. At least for me today, and not just me. The suicide rates in America are so high, it’s ridiculous. And this is a big problem.

Even Trump was speaking on the Theo Vaughn show, and they were breaking. Bringing up alcoholism, which I thought was dope, that they bringing up that, and because this is a huge problem is addiction, alcoholism and all that. So there is hope. So remember, there’s hope, but that, that’s part of the story. And even jelly roll and Eminem, this is trending. Number one today is their song. And then at the very end, it’s like, if you need help because you’re going, going a little cuckoo, call this number. So people are definitely, you know, crazy. And I could feel it myself.

I could feel myself, you know. Oh, yeah, the energy is nuts right now. Is your Wi Fi dialing down or something? Your image keeps going in and out. That’s what she said. You might have to cut your image off and see if that works better. I don’t know. Is it doing it on your end, too? No, no, I’m good. It’s probably on your end, but as long as the audio is working, it’s good. But I got also some, some slides if you want to share on the screen that we can talk about. Yeah, but before we do that, let’s just tell them a little bit real quick about the ember rituals.

But yes, tell us about this. So these ember rituals, guys, they do in September, October, November and December. These are called the ember months. And if you look at the words, they all have ember in it. Right. September, October, November, December, they’re the ember months. This is when the sun goes in its ember state or its amber state of orange. And it’s when the year is decapitated in half along that equinox point. And September really means seven. If you go by the julian calendar, it’s the 7th month. So it’s really a 711 ritual, the ember rituals.

And it’s all tied to orange and the fires. Why we’re going to see major fires coming up in these next couple months. And in gematria, orange equals 33 and reduction, which is also called pythagorean. You have different ciphers. You got to figure out kind of where they hide the code at and what using this is connected to. Decapitation. Yes, decapitation. Fire the fires. It’s, it’s tied into all that, you know, false flag is 33. Yeah. So I did a whole blog on it before the. Yeah, it’s a great blog that you did this. Like, this is one of our first videos that we did, Tommy.

We talked about the ember rituals. And can you tell us more about how, because at the Olympics we saw how the head was chopped off of Antoinette. Right. This is very, very symbolic to secret societies. I got a bunch of slides like a show of the decapitated head. Can you tell us a little more about that? Because isn’t, don’t people decapitate people around this time too? Yes, yes. I’m going to show you something real quick. Hold on. Let me share my screen real quick. And it’s all connected to like we’re in orange. Like it’s wild. It’s wild.

So here’s one me and donut did back in August 17 of 2023. And we’ve done numerous ones on this subject. But if you guys remember, member all this was going on where the. We don’t, we don’t see it yet. We don’t see it yet. Oh, you just, we just see that cool thumbnail. Oh, hold on 1 second. Oh, okay, here we go. Smash that like button for that thumbnail. Okay. Okay. Yeah, we gonna get into some wild stuff with the. What, what you have to say so you don’t forget. So the monkey. The monkey, right? We were told about it.

We were all, there’s some priming going on. You gonna hear a first this. Oh, that’s why Tommy and I’ll bring you the information first, the disturb song. Down with the sickness. They do, they do the monkey sound. They. You. Down with the sickness. Ooh, ah. It’s the monkey sound. And now the monkey. So right there is some priming for everybody. We’re gonna get more into that, right? Yeah. And that’s why we use the monkey on the thumbnail. You know, I’m saying. You’re not supposed to say that word as a dirty word. Oh, I’m sorry. I forgot.

Yeah, yeah. The secret to that word. My apologies, man. I. That totally slipped my mind. But anyways, is the. The k is silent. You know, I’m saying it’s. Oh, money. Yeah, money box. That’s. But you’re probably right. It’s probably some type of algorithmic wipeout when you mention that freaking word. Just like other, other psyops that they’ve used before. So remember this donut? Remember when all, all. Everything was bright orange? Everything was orange. Yeah, like all the skies, dude, this is. Oh, well, this story is not available anymore. They took that story off. That’s. I know what you’re talking about, though.

It was Canada. That was up in Canada. And this fire that they’re hiding, them stories that. That story ain’t even available to find anymore. That should tell you something there. But, um, orange is 33. Matching false flag. And at this time that the fires were raging, we had Dora happen, which Donuthenne kind of really broke that down with the mountain dew decode Maui blast, which had priming and predictive programming of some major hurricane event. And that was. They said it was fanning the fire. Right. So during. What I want to remind you is before the Heinea, do you guys remember Tiffany Gomez? She was the one that flipped out on the plane.

Well, she was 38 years old when she did that. Now, fire equals 38, and so is guillotine. And it’s on the COVID of murder by number. See it right there? The three and the eight. The three and the eight means murder. Yes. Murder, death, rip is all 38. So this 38 year old flips out on the plane, guys, 38 days later, Lahaina happens. The Maui massacre, which is one month and seven days. Well, kill is 17, right? And, um, you see that she was. She was in front of the 23. And that murder by numbers isn’t there, like the 23.

Nevermind. They got the movie the number 23. Yeah. You’re thinking of. Yeah, I’m probably thinking the tripping. I’m tripping dog. But even here, Trump says in that video, he mentions 711 and not 911. He, he’s talking about 911 and he calls it 711. So, you know, he knows that’s what it represented. Top building seven. There’s two. Eleven’s New York City. Eleven, it’s the 11th city and then New York City. Eleven letters, we invade Afghanistan. Eleven, flight eleven hits 200. Eleven’s in the sky. I think it was World War one. Ok, so building seven in the the two pillars, 11711, 711.

Yep, that’s a great slide. And the two, the two pillars fell in the one World Trade center was erected, which that has to do with the merging of the two realities. What they’re trying to do with CERN, bring all this together. But ember with them arresting Andrew Tate since he’s the top seven, right. If that building, his building of his brand in his image collapsing and being arrested. If he is seven, he’s the top he seven. So who would be the two pillars affiliated with him? Ought to take a look at that. That because. Yeah, I bet you there is something though.

I bet you you’re on to something with that because it’s always symbolic. Donuthenne, you know, the average person, a lot of people don’t have eyes to see, but there’s almost 1000 people in this live right now. I guarantee the majority of them, they’re here for a reason. You know, they do have eyes to see or they wouldn’t be attracted to this type of content. They’re not the sheep that that the government is trying to program. And I honestly believe they created a different Internet. That’s for a whole nother show though. But if you look up the research, this guys, everybody that’s watching research the dead Internet theory, and it seems like in 2016 they created another Internet.

So it’s very easy. It’s like if you would clone a website, like if you clone truth and made truth Mafia slash shop or something, right? The original truth Mafia is still there, but then you could also put people on the new form of it. So you could have true seekers on one version of the Internet and all the sheep on another version of the Internet. That way we’re not even able to communicate with them. So they’re not hearing none of our breakdowns, none of our decodes what’s going on. And they got AI doing all this guys.

Now, ember month rituals is 63, matching all the worlds of stage masonic puppet. This is the year they killed John F. Kennedy. Non player character 63. That’s an NPC number. So all these NPC’s out here. And then you got ISIS wears orange and they decapitate. And. Yes, they decapitate in September. You have Cali rearing, holding the head there. So what’s. Oh, so Cali. Yeah. Okay. And that’s who Kamala represents. Cali. Ma. Calima. That’s Kamala. She represents calimo. That’s what. Well, so there was a. There was a secret society of thuggies, right? That’s where we get thug life from, with snoop Dogg wearing the baffle met chain.

These are all secret societies controlling the simulacrum. Like what, the dead Internet theory? It sounds like a. Like, pretty much almost a simulacrum of a copy of a copy, as we are. Kind of got the matrix stuff going on in the. In the background. But the thuggie decapitated people for the Cali goddess with the decapitation. They were just, I think, half a million people. They killed the secret society. Just tourists and people, uh, out there. Yeah, they were slaughtering people. Yeah. For. It was a religious thing. It was for their God. And it was definitely a ritualistic thing, too.

You know what I mean? Very ritualistic. And that’s what the Olympics were all about. It was the torch bearer. The Illuminati torch bearer was an assassin. Going back to the assassin order and the Templars with the baffle met of the thuggie. It was like paying homage to the reign of terror and just terror. It’s also the Promethean torch of Freemasonry, which is a rep, you know, shout out to, um. Uh, for sure. It goes back farther. Yeah, yeah. And Jordan Maxwell used to teach us this member. Shout out to Jordan Maxwell, a legend. But Statue of Liberty, that’s really Lucifer, guys.

It’s the Promethean torch, the light bearer. So, yes, there. There’s a connection to assassin’s creed with the Olympics, but it’s. It’s also a representation of Lucifer. They did a whole play in that Olympics. It’s the coming of this Antichrist. And they don’t care whether you’re religious or not. It’s not about that. They’re playing a script out of the scripture. It’s all part of ancient magic, bringing manifestations into reality and stuff like this. Now, here’s a perfect example of priming. Dark Knight returns, 1986, page 89. Gunman shoots and kills at the movie theater. Right? And then in real life, we had this happen.

Remember, Dark Knight Rise. We had the gunman at the movie theater, Andrew Holmes. So we’ve seen all that from a comic book. Which one? Yeah. Yeah, that’s from Dark Knight Returns. Comic book from 1986. Damn. Tell me that ain’t crazy, brother. Page 89. I mean, come on, dude. Life imitates art just like one more time. Because that’s just. That was too much information all at once in 1989. On page 89. Is there an 89 connection to that? MP Ultra scumbag? 86 is a big connection. If you remember in the one, what’s the Batman show where they’re.

Where the Coliseum collapses. Donut. Right? Yeah. They show three, two, two. Then a football that doesn’t game. Number 86 is running with the football, brother. He’s the one that is running as the fields collapsing behind him. Number 86. And then you see three, two, two up on the wall right as they’re in that one with vein. Vein has the mask on. That’s all tied because Batman’s grandfather founded skull and bones. Six was when they did the law that they passed for the v’s. The people that took the. You know what, they passed the law to allegedly protect children, but it wasn’t protecting children, it was actually protecting them.

Companies so they couldn’t be sued. So that was passed in that year. There’s a big connection to that with 86. But even the new stranger things, the last season we seen, season four, it all took place in 86. I want to tweet out something. Everybody go follow me on. No, I hate Twitter. Never mind. But anyways, I’m gonna tweet something about then about. Let me. Let me finish this part because we’re almost done with the. So I can bring it full circle and tie the amber rituals in. So Judas symbolizes the house of Scorpio and stings the sun, bestowing upon him the metaphysical kiss of death.

This act betrays Jesus, leading him to his demise, to the realm below, which is the ember months of the amber month. So Judas is the embodiment of God’s son, the real sun, which signifies the autumn equinox in September, marking the division of the annual year. Similar to the scales, we see the scales of justice wielded by the egyptian goddess mat. It represents the year’s onset, both the initial and the 7th month, denoted by Matthew’s biblical chapter seven, one which also has that same symbolism, the scales, the libra symbol. George Floyd was a libra, too, by the way.

Judge Judy, we see that same symbolism. It’s all about symbolism. Clockwork orange. We have that same orange symbolism. It all ties to decapitation, mind control. Even CeRN is connected to the orange code, guys. And down here, just to show you that it’s 100% tied to Cali, you have Beyonce right here she is as a representation of Cali. She even has it on her shirt. And what’s that for? Well, it’s a video shoot called 711 for album 711. And Cali is seven in chaldean and eleven in seven tree. Right? So Cali symbolically divides the year in two parts during the Libra equinox, which occurs on 711 September, marking the start of autumn or fall.

Libra meaning separation or liberation of one’s head from the body. It also is depicted in the Bible through the Romans beheading of John the Baptist. Right. And John represents January aligning with the winter solstice that besets the year. So it’s really tied to decapitations and I think the coming of certain camps and detainment centers, which. Now, let me show you this, guys, which now if you go on truth mafia, we have a trending section up here, if you click on. And we let our trending section trend organically, whatever’s trending trends. But where is that one? Just right here.

My audio, like, stopped working for a minute, but I’m back. Oh, you’re back. Good. I was breaking stuff down anyways. The whole time. Yeah, my audio. I got to get a new microphone. But anyways, guys, so here’s the video you come watch in. The video he did is even a hour and 28 minutes. That’s just some organic synchronicity when you start noticing a number. Right? That’s why when I do the decodes over on my other website, truthful, to see if you’re a non player character or you have the NPC code or a first player character.

And 128 is neo code. It’s actually a very powerful code. That’s why they use it. These are powerful archetypes. They’re. They’re very powerful first player characters that usually have photographic memories, certain, you know, abilities. Telekinesis is one, two, eight. This is why they calcify our pineal gland, too, I believe, guys, I mean, this is just a theory I have. I don’t have no real evidence to support it except the gematria lines up with it. And I believe they calcify the pineal gland because we used to speak telepathically, and we actually might have had certain, um, abilities at one time, you know, that they.

They have suppressed a matter of fact, Ania Soro just did a podcast with, um, a Juan, and they was talking about the twelve strand angelic DNA. So maybe that’s something you guys should check out and take a look at. And I. This is the site, truthful, where I do all my booking and everything like that if you want to get a decode. But anyways, donut. Yeah, man, it’s, it’s. It’s some crazy stuff going on, bro. And, and I wanted to show you this. So I’ve been noticing, brother, this 112 code, right? And first time I noticed it, this article went out.

Gluten’s prize, 293 million supersonic nuclear bomber explodes after takeoff 112. Then the other night, nightmares for Putin as he loses two thirds of the russian forces with 1120 dead in a day. 112. And I noticed it’s at the end of King Kong, Godzilla, the new one. You’ll notice when King Kong goes into the coliseum at the end of that movie, the car pulls up, the police car with 1112 on ithood, you know, which is, I think, King Kong and Godzilla. That’s like a monkey King Kong in a way. And Godzilla is the dragon. So we’re in the year of the dragon and you got the monkey King Kong.

And that’s been all, like, predictive programming probably for what’s happening. That’s crazy. And, brother, it ties into America because guess what, America. Guess what? America was founded under monkey energy at all times. So we need to look into the eastern astrology. Like, Israel was born under goat energy, right? And the goat and the monkey are best friends in astrology. That’s why they get along good. Yeah, yeah. And then, you know, you have. So that’s what the whole monkey narrative to it, too, because America was founded under monkey energy. Just like, like, right, this year is the year of the dragon.

So imagine if you would build a country this year. And I’m. I like, I like monkeys. Like, I’m. I’m a dragon, and dragon and monkeys get along. Are you a drag? I’m a pig. I’m a pig. Or a dog, dude. It tells me sometimes I’m a dog, and other times, bro, I’m a dragon. Like, that’s like the dopest one out of all. Like dragon. You know what the most intelligent one is, though? The pig. Oh, for sure, for sure. You know, I’m not. I’m not intelligent at all. The whole jewish IQ thing is. I don’t think it’s true because I’m so stupid a lot of times, like, I did numerous things.

You’re definitely not, brother. You’re not stupid at all. You’re very highly intelligent. Um, and so check this out. I was, I was checking out this article about, because I seen the bridge. So the bridge caught my eye and it says, seismologist sound alarm over southern California earthquakes. And that was on page one out of twelve. 112. And what to say? We had 13 earthquakes in southern California that had 4.0 or greater magnitude. By comparison, the last 20 years only had about five earthquakes. So look, we’ve had 13 already. Something is not right, guys. And then with that, this story right here, this next slide goes with this story, this one right here.

So that’s from that story with Putin. And it says, in response to the conflict, Putin has bolstered his forces, issuing a decree in August of 2022 to recruit an additional 1330, 7000 troops. 137. And that when you add the 47 by 90 degree free masonic compass, that’s what you get the number 137. 137 is the 33rd prime with this 37 number. Because I’m looking at disturbed, like down with the sickness, the. Ooh, ah, right, the 30 because I see the 137. That’s the Trump assassin assassination attempt for the 47th president. Right. We could just see it symbolic.

It’s also like you mentioned before, it’s tied to the Eiffel Tower, brother. 137 years ago, that was a record 137 years ago, bro. I still think that the Eiffel Tower thing is going to happen. Oh, no, you’re. I think you’re right. And I’m going to come right back and there’s going to be like decapitations and stuff, probably, yo, they’ll use Islam, though. They will. And shout out to all the Muslims out there, shout out to all the jewish people, Christians. I’m non religious, but I believe in the creator. I just have a direct relationship with source consciousness.

Yes. And Yeshua. Jesus, I think so. If you read gnosticism, he was pretty much the whole story of Neo is based off Jesus Christ, which actually neo code and Jesus Christ have matching gematria. He was that archetype in gnosticism. They say Jesus came back to expose the false God, y’all, the baal who enslaved humanity and is harvesting our energy, that loose energy. And Jesus was teaching. Yeah, that’s the demoralization campaign happening. For us to feel hopeless. That’s Lucian. It’s like there. They just want Muslims and Jews divided. It’s for their bloodshed rituals and all that. And like, yeah, for sure.

It’s all divide and conquer. It’s or in Jesus. That wasn’t his message. His message was we could change the world through love and empathy. And again, I’m not, like, I’m saying I’m not religious, but when I read gnosticism, it made me really love Jesus because I’m like, man, this dude is like a, he’s like a freaking hero. You know, he’s, he’s pretty much like Neo from the matrix. And it just gave me a whole new relationship with them. But I’m not going to read this part, donut, because, you know, it’s bad, but you can read it, guys, and see what they say about our children, what they will do to our children.

And the Jesuits were really, it was, it was to counter the christian movement, right? So the catholic church is the resurrected roman empire. And I mean, these people are some of the evils people in the freaking world. And you see what they say right here, what they will do to the infamous heretics. Well, I’m making them. I’m making the Twitter post right now. Oh, are you listening? I’m listening. So I didn’t read. I don’t see what you’re saying, but continue. Yeah, yeah, no problem. The audience seen it. So 112, I got a little glimpse of it.

I got a little glimpse of it. It’s just that they want to divide everybody. They want to divide all the religions. And the thing is, is that everything will eventually pass and we will all be friends. So, like, that’s just, uh, look what they’re responsible, dude, when I did the research, I was like, wait a second. This one organization, they’re responsible for the big Bang theory evolution hoax, challenging the calendars. They changed us from the julian. Well, first of all, we went by a 360 day a year solar calendar. That’s what we’re really supposed to go by.

And if you go by that 2012 is like really like 20 in between, it’s closer to 2040 area to the real 2012. But then they also did the heliocentric ball, right? And I’m not a flat earther, but I believe that we live in a simulation. That’s why the numbers work. And it is an enclosed simulation. So it’s, it’s probably in the shape of an egg. That is what’s spinning is the Taurus field. That’s the, the firmament is what’s spinning, not the earth. That’s my opinion, anyways. I’m not saying I’m right. I don’t know. You know, none of us have ever been there, so how do we really know this is just my theory on it.

But here’s a bunch of news stories with the 112. Look, guys, and I could have put way more. There’s so many of them. Just go type in 112 and click on news and you’ll see there’s something with that number. And now coming up, guys, on October, on August 26, mark this day on your calendar, August 26, they’re going to pull something. I know it. That’s the 322nd year and 322 days since the formation of skull and bones. And if you remember, last year was the 322nd year. Right? So we’re coming up to the 323rd year anniversary, but October 9, so, yes, bro, August 26 is the day that we’re at 322 years and 322 days.

That’s August. And then what it is, is that Yale will turn October 9, 323 years. Yeah. So on this day. Yeah. And that’s skull and bones. That’s a secret society out in Yale, which has been in existence before the founding of America. Right. In a sense, like before 1776, Yale stood there, not skull and bones, but that could probably be arguable. And it’s. Yeah, that’s where Bill Clinton. That’s where Hillary from, that’s where George Bush is from. That’s where, uh, even the new guy, Vance is from. And, uh, it just, it’s, it’s a, it’s very connected to, uh, the Third Reich as well.

There’s been tons. There’s the Anthony Sutton’s work on it. Um. Where is my buck? Yeah, but he’s right. It’s tied to that whole movement. And so last year, guys, on October. So last year I did a video, right? On October 7 or 6th, the night of October 6, I was doing this video with me, paranoid american and J dreams and Saddle Jay and talked to him in a long time. I don’t know what happened to him. But we was doing a video on they live. And that night at the end of the video, I said, I guarantee October 7, 8th to 9th, they’re going to do stage events.

And I showed the numerology on the calendar that showed that they were going to do staged events. And if you remember, the very next morning, the war started with Israel. And also I do find it a coincidence that seriously, one year, pretty much to the date, October 8, the year before Kanye, one of the fame most famous people in the entire simulacrum with the Kardashian clan as they are a married satanic couple who love the fashion industry of the, you know, the. What’s it. I don’t know, fashion. Too, too well, but they were promoting that fashion line anyway.

Balenciaga. Balenciaga. Yeah. He goes to war on jewish people. People, me, not, not the crazy mkultra can like out in Canada, not the mafia connections to, you know, what was going on. That there’s truth elements too. He went after me, people. And October 8, one year exactly to the date October 7, pretty much the Middle east, things happen. And it’s funny because it’s this whole, like Candace, for example, she got promoted, rose to the top, fired on three, two, two. Promoted by Kanye west and Eminem to the biggest celebrities in the hip hop world. Eminem. Kanye west, hands down, the biggest celebrities in hip hop.

Unarguable. Unarguable. Not saying that they’re both the greatest or anything. Those are the two most famous hip hop celebrities ever, period. Oh, they both promoted Candace, so she was promoted and by the music industry. So there is something definitely going on uh, that’s bigger than just jew versus Muslim versus Christian versus Catholic. That’s all for us. There’s something going on that’s satanic to divide everybody. I don’t know what is going on because we’re not part of the elite. We don’t know their plans. But they’re definitely planning something way further in advance then we are in today because we live, I got to pay my rent, right? I got to go and go do something so I could go pay my rent.

That’s we live in today. And they’re planning hundreds and hundreds of hundreds of years in advance because these are ancient orders that been around probably since the Hammurabi code, you know, these are orders that probably been around for thousands and thousands of years. Maybe they were doing the telepathic communication that you were talking about, Tommy, you know, and they calcified our pineal glands. But to the date, bro. To the date one year. That is Illuminati celebrities. Kanye was very connected to politics. He got so close to Trump that he was hugging him, you know what I mean? Very close.

I believe he was under MkUltra at that time and he didn’t accomplish his agenda for the because it’s been proven. He showed the text messages that he was under MK ultra flip out on the stage when he said, jay Z, don’t send your killers at me. Right? Yeah. Then he comes out with the, with the freaking blonde hair. There’s something up with that, bro. They gonna. Blonde hair? Yeah, the blonde hairdouse. No, there’s a bunch. They send them in to the mind control stuff and then when they come back out reprogrammed. You’ll notice they have the blonde hair.

It’s so bizarre. Then Kanye had the blonde hair. He dyed his eyes too, like he was going through some stuff at that. This is the craziest thing. Is this 911 that you’re showing on the screen right now? Yeah, yeah. So here’s an example with the orange code. So they. Yeah, okay, continue. She’s got the glass of orange juice holding up by the twin Towers look. And that’s a warning. They’re warning you symbolically right there. And World Trade center. Three two, 2911, terrorist attack. Orange juice on World Trade Center. OJ Simpson. I mean, it’s, it’s right in our faces, brother and bro.

OJ Simpson’s court trial. Right? How we got Andrew Tate, he just got in big trouble for like, sleeping with allegedly, you know, little, little ones or whatever, trying to walk around that, that right there. But if he goes to court, the most famous man on Google, also promoting like, the vision on a huge level and anti semitism as well, on the mainstream level, because he’s a mainstream asset, not for the CIA. There’s no real connection. He says he’s from his daddy, CIA, but there’s not any proof of that. But he is from the Navy. And there’s these programs for children of the Navy.

Like the doors. Right. For the counterculture. And he’s the counterculture movement, kind of like Jordan Peterson to make. It’s the anti, anti anti counterculture, which there’s a strange connection where they want people to be in order. They don’t want the chaos. They want the order to make your bed, go to the gym, workout. They want society to go in that direction as well. Like the Laurel can. I think it was. Yeah, yeah. The. All the people from Laurel Canyon area, they’re all military intelligence. And you know. Yeah, yeah. Created that whole counterculture. Yeah. You know, you’re right, Donut.

And you’ll notice a lot of these celebrities that are agents, their family have military ties. Ariana Grande right there, satanic witch. She is connected to the telephone, all that. It’s all milt, every other. They’re all connected to the feds, the military, these government agencies. Absolutely crazy. It is all the people that get up on the world stage promoted Snoop Dogg. Nobody goes to a Snoop Dogg concert. When’s the last time you were on Spotify and played Snoop Dogg? Never. I’m gonna go play some snoop Dogg today. That don’t happen. But why is he the leader of the Super bowl in the Olympics? We’re in a baffle mat, unless you’re well, because him and Kamala Harris have the same birthday, October 20.

And that’s why when she was on the breakfast club recently, when she went on there and lied, she was like, she said, yeah, I smoke weed. I inhaled. And they were like, no, I swear. Charlamagne was like, who did you listen to when you were smoking weed? She said, you know, to snoop Dogg. That’s the first person she mentions, which they share that same October 20 birthday. I think they’re going to do something on that day. That’s why they keep. And that’s October 20. That’s right. In that timeframe, guys. So October 11 is 187 days after the eclipse.

If you remember, when everybody was saying, something’s gonna happen on the eclipse, I said, it’s not going to happen on that day. It’ll be a certain amount of days from it. And back then, I’ve been saying October since then, you know, and I still believe we’ll see something in October. And now I’m starting to think December 2, guys, because first of all, we’re going to come full circle to donut. Talking about the Eiffel Tower. I’m going to show you in the new series called the Umbrella Academy. Season four, not really a new series, but the new season came out.

Season four, episode one. And you’ll notice all the predictive programming is always in the season four. Predictive programming, it’s always in season four. So watch this, Donuthenne. They’re sitting here playing Euchre. This is how it opens up, right? And he says, nothing wrong with a good spanking. Spanking a monkey just slip a sable under the tree. Santa baby, that’s playing. So it’s a Christmas theme. She says, trump smashes the trump card down. And then you see the nine of hearts. Well, in Destiny cards, the nine of hearts is connected to certain birthdays, right? Like, donut is the queen of clubs.

I’m with ten of diamonds. Our cards are sister cards. That’s. That’s why we get along so good. So the nine of hearts is tied to August 30, which last year, the blue moon was on that day, August 30. I think these are all going to be dates that we have events September 28, October 26, November 24, and then December 22. Could that be the dark winter? And so I see this right in the opening scene. That could be anything. But then this happens. The next scene, some guy comes in and gets them. They go out to the car.

And in this episode, there’s like these parallel timelines. Right. So the Mandela effects happening, where different versions of reality are showing up in this other reality, and they’re from some type of cult that is trying to expose all that, but it turns out to be like a cult. So they’re trying to buy artifacts that show the difference, you know, like Berenstein bears or the different Mandela effects. And you’ll notice when she’s looking at the artifacts, you see a reelect Kennedy sign. Then back here, it said, if Kennedy’s alive, right back here, you can’t read the alive part, but that’s what it says.

And then he shoots the guy in the head. He says, look, shoots him in the head. He falls on a blue car. Remember, blue didn’t burn in Maui. The blue cars were there. That’s symbolic of the blue bloods are untouchable. And he dies in front of pillar four. Well, four is the number of deaths. Look what he said. I knew he’d be a bleeder. Head the size of Jupiter, you know, head the size of Jupiter. So he’s invoking Jupiter. Rose, you know, stern is trying to communicate with the alien octopuses on Jupiter. Oh, that’s pretty crazy.

Their next project, they’re putting CerN on Jupiter or something like that. I don’t read too much into it, but there’s a. That’s where they’re saying that aliens are coming from, is from Jupiter and their octopus. Aliens. But right there, bro. Like, come on, dude, they’re planning something. But King kill 33. I haven’t figured out if it’s trump or Biden, but something is up with it 100%. Like, you would have to be crazy not to see the connection there. And then after that, she says to him, when they’re walking away, you knew I had that. You knew I had trump.

And it doesn’t even make sense. I guess she was talking about when she had the card there, but, you know, so much time had went by for her to mention that. I was like, why did she say that again? And then, you know, it’s a. It’s a assassination type thing. I mean, it. Four is the number of death. The number four is often associated with death in many asian cultures due to the linguistics, which is similar to the word Psyde, which is the same as death. Just like we’re in here in America, people are scared of the number 13.

Well, it’s that way with the number four in asian cultures. And then donut, let me show you one last thing, and I’ll let Donut do his slides. This stop screen share. I just made a slide and posted it on Twitter. I’ll show you all. So look at this. All right, let me go frame by frame. Guys, look at this. Guys. The new Umbrella Academy. It says, when the hell did we save the Eiffel Tower? So look at this. They’re invoking the Eiffel Tower in the umbrella, the season four. Watch this. And he says it was in his daughter’s car.

Jennifer, guys, Jennifer equals 32 if you pause it. Posit. Yeah, pause it again, because I bet you look, it says, receives key to the city of Paris. So right there, you got the key. Remember the key bridge? Yeah, yeah. The key is a big part of the symbolism because the key opening the gateway portal. Yep. Oh, the gateway portal is tied to the number 32, right, Donuthenne? It is, yeah, it will. At least on, in Vegas. We saw that there on the 32nd floor with the portal. But yeah, it’s. It’s connected to the monoliths. All the monoliths that we see and all that because there’s Polaris, the eight pointed star.

The monolith, like on top of it right there. Las Vegas. You got the. A pointed star. Yeah. All that portal symbolism. Yeah. So, so, okay, so look what he says. He says, I found the moon key. Yeah, we’re talking about the monkey. The moon key, too. Yeah. He says, where’d you get that? My daughter’s car. And then he says her name, Jennifer. Guess what? Jennifer equals 32 in Chaldean. And what is 32, guys? Well, it is drunk. His real last name. Let me remove this from the screen. Nephilim is 32. Fallout. Remember the series fallout? Supercell? That was a series that was trending.

All them have 32. They all got nuclear programming, some type of major nuclear event, and fault and supercell, they were getting powers and special abilities that. These are the ones I’m talking about. And then Trump is 32. That’s Trump’s real last name. But that’s. That’s really what I had, brother. And again, if you guys want to get your own decode and find out your role in the simulation, that link is down in the bio. I also create you a custom image based on your decode so you can use for your social media platform. And it’s. It’s only $26, guys.

Not. It’s all done via email. But go ahead, donut. What do you got on here, brother? Let’s see. Which one do you want me to add? Oh, oh. For show. For show. So first off, let’s smash that, like, button. And Tom, because we stream in on this is Tommy show. We on hit. But I streamed it on. On my channel as well. And everybody make sure to go subscribe to your boy Tommy truthful. I got his links down below. Go to his YouTube and also support us. We got all these links. We got the EMF protector link down below with the promo code.

Do no, do n u t. And also get your. Get your food storage. Get prepared, yo. Yeah. Bag. And it supports the channel. We are not monetized like, these big anti semitic platforms. They’re. We ain’t monetized. Sorry. I’m very. I’m very sensitive. I’m. No, it is true, though. I mean, everybody wants to blame it on jewish people, and it’s just not what it is. I mean, if it was guys, I would say it. But that. That’s at the surface level. That’s for freshly red pill people. Don’t you notice? They promote that. They push that on social media.

Promoted in the conspiracy field forever. It’s like the, like, conspiracy and like. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It’s really. If you really knew what it really was at the top, you would be looking towards the Vatican, let me tell you. The resurrection. I mean, just like, with the whole religious, religious thing, this is. The thing is that this is used by the satanic elite behind the religious institutions. So the religious institutions. And I never wanted to talk about this, but it’s mainstream right now and being pushed by celebrities. So I’m kind of forced to talk about it because it’s what’s happening right now.

It’s very important that the satanic elements that hide behind all the three major religions of Islam, Vatican Zionism, so, you know, people that hide behind movements, so they know this because of our imprinting. So once we’re born into a culture, like me, I’m in America. So I’m like, murka, baby, murka. You know, because I’m born here. But if I was born somewhere else, I’d be like, oh, yeah, France. Yeah, France. You know what I mean? It’s our imprinting. And religion imprinting is super into the belief system, and the belief system is a real thing. So when, let’s say, black lives matter comes out, right? If you go against that, think about the term in the words, like, black lives matter.

If you’re against that, that’s. That’s effed up. If through the words, I’m not talking about the communist socialist thing with the fist that is actually behind these movements. That’s one thing, is through symbolism. You could see who is who through the symbols. And the fist is a communist symbol. And the rose. And I’ll show the fist that Trump threw up after he got the assassination of this. I’m talking about it more on. No, I don’t think so. Cuz I don’t think he threw it up. He did throw. He did throw it up. But I’m talking about something, dude.

I don’t like, I don’t like Biden, I don’t like none of them. And I mean, that said, we still believe in religions. No, we don’t mean neither me or donut are religious or just talking about religion. I’m pro. I think. Yeah, I think I believe in freedom of expression, freedom of religion, but I don’t subscribe to it. I think it’s used to divide and conquer. With that being said, they are definitely scared of Jesus. For some reason, though, I do know that. I think what it is with the divine and conquer because people can live with each other, been proven that people can live with each other.

A different. I think that it. It’s. Yeah, I don’t even want to get into it. It’s too deep for me. I’m talking about symbolism, right? You’ll see the same symbolism. So with the. With the. Here’s the rose and the roses connected to symbolism. If you get rid of my screen and then share it back. I’m just gonna. Just get rid of here. Yeah. I’ll tell you when to bring it back. What I’m talking about the fist. If I look up socialism logo, I’ll show you what I mean by symbolism. Okay, you can pull up my screen and Donna, I think there’s power in Jesus’s name, brother.

Because so many people believe in it, bro. There is, bro. Think about the. It makes it powerful. Like, if you guys believed in the name Mickey Mouse and said, hey, I. I cast this demon out in the name of Mickey Mouse, if enough people believed in Mickey Mouse, trust me, that name would work. But no, people believe in Jesus, so it works. You know what I mean? And I think I. Personally, after I read gnosticism, I think he did come back and try to save us. And that’s why he’s caring regardless of his name was Jesus or something else.

They. They didn’t have no j’s in the aramaic language at that time. So his name was probably more like Joshua or something, but still. I’m gonna be right back. I’m just gonna pour a drink of coffee for me and then I’m gonna break down the symbolism. Yes, sir. Hold it down, dog. I got you narcissism. Guys. Jesus, Yahshua. Yahoo. He exposed Yahweh. Yahweh is a false God. He is y’all, the baoth. And I’m not saying. Look, that’s just what it is. Go on his own, Wikipedia. And look who Yahweh is. He’s the dragon. He’s y’all, the baal, the God of the Old Testament.

It’s. It’s. It’s the one. Remember Jesus when they was gonna kill him? What he said, your God is not my God. He said that clearly. You know what I mean? So I think the real God, the true God, sent him to try to help us because we have that divine spark in us. We have the godhead. So. And somebody mentioned in the comments about it’s in our DNA through genetic manipulation to want to worship. I think that is true. Because the archons, these entities, reptilian Archon, demons, whatever you want to call them, fallen angels, they kind of manipulated the genome, right, and took the original creation.

And just like they’re doing today, guys, without me getting myself in trouble, we see them doing it on the world stage. And look, anybody that worships Yahweh, as your father, that you’re allowed, I respect that. And you have the right to worship Yahweh. And if you think he’s God, that’s cool. You know what I mean? There’s nothing wrong with that. I just think it’s y’all, the Baoff. I think he is the demiurge. That’s my opinion on the matter. But it’s just my opinion. I mean, if you go on his own Wikipedia, though, it clearly says who Yahweh is, and it clearly says Lord.

Go look up what Lord means. Lord means ball. Baal. That’s what it means. So we should never call them ball, you know, our Lord Ballin. There’s power in words, guys. There’s power in words. Words matter. What word you use, you’re putting energy into that word, word, word. Word up. Oh, no. My camera ran out of battery. That’s okay. But yeah. Anyone out there, whatever your religion is, we respect it and honor it. I don’t care if you believe in Yahweh, Jesus, whatever, it doesn’t matter. You could be a gnostic. You could be a muslim, you could be a jew.

Like, what does it matter? Like, why do people care so much, you know? Oh, I know why is because there’s a campaign, twenty four seven to divide everybody. That’s why. Um, donut is not scared of Jesus. Donut actually prays to Jesus and pray. You know, it’s funny, I do the Lord’s prayer every. I gotta pray for my enemies. He prays more than I pray. If I don’t. Like, why, like, I mean, you could just stay miserable. Like, why pray when you could be miserable? Yep. I mean, I don’t think religion something to argue over. I think if you have your, you have high intelligence, high iq, you can have that conversation without having to, you know, argue with the person or saying, oh, this is what I believe in.

Your God’s evil and you’re going to hell. That’s all. A psyop. They want us to do that, guys, because when we’re arguing, it’s producing loosh, which is energy that is harvested. It’s demoralization campaigns. So this is what I’m saying when I say the fist, it is the symbol of socialism international. The rose as well. I. I break down symbolism. You know, that’s it. And if you see certain symbols that appear over and over and over again during a campaign, color coding as well. The red is for blood. The color coding as well is connected to the.

The symbolism. Onius Aru broke that down. So when I was talking about the fist right there, I’m very much interested in reading the story that’s being told to us because we’re not going to hear it. There’s going to be a lot of people who say they’re conservative, but they actually were put there for the same camouflage reasons of people that get put into, like, religions and whatnot. And you could just see through it, through the symbols. You just watch the symbols and then there. And this was interesting right here, Tommy with the, the big monkey statue.

And I just made. Oh, I tried to watch it. It was terrible, brother. Oh, yeah. So I won’t watch it. But I love that guy. I think he’s so funny, Vince Vaughn. Yeah, he’s very funny. But we broke this down in the last video. But if anyone who hasn’t seen it, this show was released the same day. This has become an emergency. And here’s some more predictive programming with sickness and which is the monkey sound. It’s predictive programming, bro. It is priming, that is. And donut just figured this out right before we went live, guys. Like, he was just joking around with me and I was like, yeah, we’re getting ready to go live.

And he was back there singing, singing that song out loud. And he said that part and he’s like, wait a second. Yeah, Mike. So, yeah, that’s isn’t it crazy how we come across stuff, though? It is by just talking. So I bet you there’s something. This was released on Devil’s Night. I wonder if. Down with the sickness. And it was also released the album on three. Lyrics up on that. The lyrics up on that real quick donut. Oh, look at that weird cover. It looks like it’s crazy. It’s 47 minutes long. Three seven is the date that it was recorded.

November and December. In the ember months. Yeah, that’s when it was recorded. Oh, so check this out. Their 20th anniversary, bro. The 20th anniversary. Their tour was canceled because of the sickness. Wow. Yeah, just like the song mask on. Mask off. They released that song the same day that they told us we could release. Hey, go back to that real quick. That down sickness. I want you to do something that released on March 7 of 2000. Go to the date calculator and see how many days from that date till 911. Because 911 was connected to the Rona, you know, the 19 hijackers.

Then 19 years later, we had the Rona 19, and that’s when the whole George Floyd thing popped off, and he. His ritual happened in on. On the corner of 38 street, guys. Go figure. And, okay, so what? Day three on the anniversary of the twin Towers. Remember, he had two bald twins standing on each end of his coffin. Three seven to what? March 7 to 911. I want to see something there. 911 2001. Yeah. And then we’re gonna check from that day until the pandemic was declared that happened in 2001. Yes, yes. 911 2001. So from March 7, 2000.

Okay, so five five. Three days. 47 million second. 47 million second. The length of the song is 47.36. That’s interesting. Yeah. Let me see. I guarantee there’s a weird connection there, you know? No, I think there is. Here, I’ll pull up what I got. I’m gonna, um. I’m gonna play around with it back here in the background, too. Yeah. So I don’t know. Five, 5313. I don’t know. But so what was the date, real quick? Three seven of 2000. Right? Yeah. Okay, so let me go to that. And then the pandemic was declared on 311. Oh, I wouldn’t say that word either.

Oh, sorry. No, I’m probably saying some crazy, crazy stuff, too. Yeah, bro. So maybe, brother, guess what. Yes. Weeks. It was 1044 weeks exactly. With one four four jesuit order. One four four from the release of the down with the sickness. Here, let me show you my screen. Guys, let me show you this. Show us that screen. Show us your screen, calculate date. Show us your look, guys. Right here. One. 1444 weeks, which is 144 like the elect, 144,000. But when you look at the numerology of that. Let me go to my calculator. Second jesuit order.

Look, so we got over a thousand people watching over on. On my YouTube. Please smash the like button. I mean, that’s their signature number right there, bro. The one four four. Because they try to pervert anything sacred and holy. Oh, you know, you couldn’t see that because I only shared my screen to. Hold on. Let me show you guys. Sorry about that. Forgot I did that. Stop. Screen share screen calculator. Boom. 1446 jesuit order. Yeah, it’s their signature number. So down with the sickness. Yeah, there is a connection there. Who would have known? So this Andrew.

Andrew Tate was rash. Did Tommy truth. I don’t know if you heard about this. The first 144 decimals of pie adds up to 666. That’s what one of your. One of our people said in the comments. Yes, and maybe we go to. We’ll go to some comments as well. So what about Andrew Tate? So Andrew Tate, he was arrested on the 128 day yesterday, which was the great american eclipse, eight to one, which is. Yeah, he was arrested for real. He was arrested on the eight to one day. Anderson. Yeah. Is that a bad accident? So I got the image.

You could pull it up. I shared it out because. Okay. I didn’t do a good job. I got, you know, whatever. So here’s Andrew Tate. He was arrested and he’s doing the. Well, he was handcuffed, right? I thought when you were handcuffed, it goes behind your back. I’ve been arrested many times, but I wasn’t eight over 18. And it wasn’t to the point where they put me in the cop car or whatever, but all I know is that you and you get arrested. It’s from the back. So why is it in the front? Unless there was a reason to show off the symbol that he’s showing off.

I don’t know what. Tell me about this. Oh, well, first of all, 100%, you’re supposed to have your hands in the back. I have been arrested, been to the federal penitentiary and state prison. And I’m telling you right now, they put in mine. Wasn’t nothing for with kids like him. Guys I had participate in organized crime activity and trafficking metric to tons of narcotics. But, you know, I was a young dumb kid at the time. But right here. What’s he doing? He’s throwing down the sacred feminine, which is the challenge. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So it’s.

It’s. It’s that sacred feminine energy. If you remember the first person over in England that took the. You know what, the lady in the wheelchair with the penguin shirt on, all that penguin symbolism connected to it. She was throwing down that same symbol on 128, bro. I think that was on 128. I don’t know. Was. It was. Yeah, you can look it up. And Coventry. She was. That was in Coventry. Over in England and Coventry. If you look up the definition of it, it’s pretty much like. It’s. No, it’s pretty much like how we were on lockdown.

Like, look up the definition for Coventry real quick. Okay. Just everything. Everything means some sexual thing all the time. I look into stuff. Covid. I never even heard of this word. Well, that right there represents woman’s. The woman’s chalice, brother. And that’s what the attacks on right now, the sacred feminine. They’re trying to destroy the woman’s womb. Wow. It goes into, you know, certain other things I’m not gonna mention, but interesting. Yeah. Coke. Coventry. Nice. Yeah. So interesting stuff there. Did you look the definition of Coventry? I looked it up, but the only thing that popped up was a town in England.

Yeah, but you. Here, I’ll do it. Go ahead, finish your thing. I’ll look it up. Yeah, I looked it up, and that’s all I. Oh, you want me to look up the etymology of the word I got. Let me. Let me pull up the etymology of the word. Whenever you’re looking into a word, you want to look up the etymology of that word, the origin of the word, the root of that word. Okay. I got you, dog. I got you. I got you. I got you, playboy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Is this it right here? Yeah. Did I spell it right? Event.

Um, Coventry, I believe. So old English, if it’s correct me. Is that why people called it the coup? The explanation that is named after the Coven lady of Coventry on the wife? I thought it was tied to something else. No, I think it is. I think you’re onto something, because people were calling it the coof. And this is from a kufa tree. Yeah, I think there’s something there, something to it, like, um, with. With the lockdowns. But I’ll have to go back and look through my notes. I have it somewhere. You know, we’ll do that on another show.

Go ahead, brother. Sorry, bro. So I got just a bunch of different topics, different slides to show up. Something I really want to show up. I mean, since we’re talking about some monkey stuff that Obama right here is holding the hindu monkey. That statue that was built, he’s holding it up right here where he carries it around with him is a good luck charm. Oh, wow. Does he? Yeah, right here. He’s showing it. What is it? A little monkey? Know that? No, no, it’s a. It’s a. It’s a sacred hindu symbol. It’s a. It’s a God.

Yeah, but they just built it with all the monkey like stuff happening. Hold on. Is that Shiva? No, it’s not Shiva. It looks like Shiva. It’s the. It’s where they built the statue. The. Show us. Show us, because I. I gotta pull it up. I just forget the name. Oh, I think this is it. Oh, here it is. Hanuman. Hanuman, the monkey God. Yeah. And they built this. The third biggest statue in America is dedicated to him. They just built. Built it. And that’s what Obama carries as a good luck charm. No way. Yeah. That’s crazy.

And that’s all. It’s all tied to the collapse of America, which is under that monkey energy. I’m telling you, bro, is that culture? And. Yeah, yeah, right here. Oh. Texas gets a 90 foot tall Hanuman sculpture. Third tallest statue in the US. Texas. Is that. That’s on the 33rd parallel where they did JFK Cam, as with Texas. And it was August 14. You said it was also in Black Panther, too. They censored out the word. In the, in the movie Black Panther, they censored out the name Hanuman. So, so this, this God you’re mentioning, he works for Lord Rama? He is.

His primary purpose is to serve as a loyal devotee to Lord Rama, assisting him to his quest to rescue his wife, Sita from the demon king. Rape, Ravana. Sounds kind of like raven characters. Embodies virtues like courage. Well, I mean, this is more ancient then Judaism, Christianity and all that. This is even, like, older. Oh, of course it is. This is before any of the three abrahamic religions, right? Uh huh. That’s what Jordan Maxwell said. I’m not a historian, though I don’t primarily seen as a positive figure in hindu mythology. Mythology. Some negative associations are still connected to him in certain cultures.

His strength and power might be linked to aggression and destruction. Oh. So this is what I wanted to show. So he, every God has a positive and a negative aspect. And the negative side of that monkey God is chaos and destruction. Go figure. I’m not pissed today. Someone asked me if I’m pissed today. I’m doing good. Today. I prayed first thing while I woke up. I prayed and I’ve been working on just letting go of. Letting go of shit. Done. It’s in a great mood today. We’re both well. I was. I’ve been in a very cranky mood, Tommy, on my channel.

I like. You like it, though? Yeah, it’s fun. I like more cranky donut. You know, not always, but once in a while, it’s refreshing. Cranky donut. I do not like it. I know you go through a lot, though, bro. People probably don’t realize out there, being from the jewish background and having to be in the conspiracy community and dealing with all the negativity and people saying you’re an agent. Oh, bro. Yeah. Nobody can have done what I’ve done. I couldn’t even imagine, brother. So, I mean, I know you personally. You’re one of my real good friends.

I know him in real life. He’s a great person. He’s not an agent 110%. I wouldn’t even associate myself with him if he was an agent. How could. Yeah, that’s crazy. I’m not that cool. Well, you’d be a lot more rich to the agents they’re paying. I would not be. I would be. I would not be tripping. I trip way too. So check this out, bro. This is crazy. This is crazy symbolism right here. You got at the. Oh, my cat might. At the. At the socialist convention. The left they’re wearing. This is the Iron Cross.

This is Knights Templar Theosophy as well. Ani Saru broke it down with the Mary Poppins. You can see this on the knights of Malta as well. The Rothschilds are a part of knights of Malta. That’s why the whole jewish thing is. Pull up Wuhan biolab. They have the same symbol. Exactly. So right there that you’re talking about the. Also the video game resident evil. Yes. Thanks, sir. So right there comes from donut. That goes back to the Anunnaki. The elites believe their descendants of the Anunnaki. And that. That symbol, the Iron Cross, it goes back. The.

The ancient symbol for nibiru was a cross just like that. Right. And it goes back to that lineage, which. That’s what they believe in Christianity, you would call them the watchers of the fallen angels. Yeah, it’s hijacked. Like, these symbols get hijacked for sure. Like the. The Third Reich, they stole it from the Knights Templar Titanic order. So, I mean, it just. It always gets hi Jack. And in the Umbrella academy, they pretty much have that same exact logo right now. And then the umbrella is the symbol of the Jesuits, it wreck, it represents that they can only be brought down from within because how do you bring down an umbrella, guys? From within you, you know, so there’s a lot of symbolism always attached to it there.

And then that blue and yellow color is the standard color of Freemasonry. Blue and yellow. So, yeah, so I thought that was huge. I mean, this is he huge celebrity here at the DNC. You also had Lil John at the DNC as well. And I mean, it’s all connected to this kind of psyop. We’ll just hold the whole leftists, eat the rich, get rid of America. And in the west, like, it’s the mob rule. It’s not that they’re trying to like, so this is what I think. I think they want us to get out in the street and go against each other.

Oh, yeah, for sure. 100 martial law. And, and they don’t care if people go after the alleged rich people here in America because they’re not part of the elite. If you go after the people that are millionaires, they’re not part of the elite. Guys, you’re tripping. You know, they’re just like us. If anything, the elite hate them the most because they don’t really need them. Well, that’s, yeah, they hate the rich. They hate the middle class because they’re way above the rich. Like, what me and you think of rich, 10,000,007, even $100 million. We think that, that it’s obviously, it’s rich, but dang shit compared to the money that the, the elite mess with because they own, like, more than.

Oh, my goodness. That they’re the common wealth. Why do you think it’s called the common wealth? Because they got the common wealth, which is real estate. We’re not allowed to own real estate. You still can buy your house. It’s like good investment kind of stuff like that or whatever. But you don’t have a lloydy old title because we’re monsters. And so we don’t have the commonwealth, but, and the elites aren’t connected to where they’re at. So, example, you got England, where the british empire is like, ruling stuff with the queen and the king and all that.

They’re the commonwealth. They own everything. But they’re allowing their country or city to be burnt down to the ground because they’re not connect. They don’t care. They’re not loyal to a certain land. They’ll let everyone kill each other. Then they’ll come back in later after the AI drones clean everybody up and we could see this, like the. Like. I mean, what, the catacombs is weird, too. I was watching a video. I don’t know how true it is. You know how a lot of videos are fake, but. Yeah, they’re talking about, like, the Nephilim Anunnaki kind of stuff eating all the people, and that’s where the catacomb.

Bones, it was fun in my head. Hey, it might be real, though, bro. These people, dude, you never know, bro. They’re using CERN, opening up all kinds of portals and stargates that we don’t fully understand. You know, who knows what type of entities they’re working with. They say down in them bases, them dumbs or whatever the hell they are under there. And, you know, that’s not a conspiracy. The government’s put trillions of dollars into that shit. So they say down in there, though, you can’t say the name of Jesus. You have to sign some down in.

No, down in the domes, bro. Like these military bases underground, that. That end Times matrix news did a breakdown on it and shout out to him. He’s got a phenomenal channel. But he. He went down there and interviewed a couple people, and they said you had to sign some paper or something that if you would say that name, because the Nephilim, that’s. That’s the story anyways. I guess the Nephilim really don’t like that name too much. But, you know, you could see what I’m talking about. You can watch on a end time Matrix news is channel.

And, guys, let me tell you a little something real quick. Let me show you this. Yo, guys, let me tell you. Show you real quick. Yeah, let me show something donut, because I don’t think they realize. Show us. Show us the homoculus. I’m gonna show you guys what we’re dealing with here. These people, they worship Lucifer. You can’t deny it, right? They worship Lucifer. They’re in all their shows. They’re always showing. Paying homage to opening some portals, some Stargate technology. And of course, this bottom one, that’s not really Nas. It should say little Nas X. But, you know, whatever we see them all paying homage to, which is really, y’all, the bailiff, it’s the archons, guys, that.

They’re from this other reality, Dimension X. That what they’re using CERn for, to open up the stargates. And that’s what 911 was. It was a major ritual and an honoring of opening these stargates. Just like with the eclipse that we just had recently. Another really big ritual and honor of that. But, yeah, man, these people, they’re. They’re into some dark stuff. Donut. And there’s this video going viral, brother. Um, yeah, let me show you. Well, also, Nas, he gave the okay to Lil Nas X and did a video with them promoting the Illuminatios Doritos. They’re all part, probably, of the whole socialist campaign as well.

Watch this, bro. So this went viral all over the Internet. It said, we buy souls, right? And the number adds up to 42, which the beast rules for 42 years. And then you see number 777 down there, which is Crowley’s number. That’s not tied to God, it’s tied to Saturn. So, um. And it’s called rabbi towing. But listen to what it says when you call. Here, watch this, guys. This is all over Hollywood. So this is how they’re normalizing. I’m about to call it on my phone. I’m not gonna. Obviously, you don’t want to sell your soul, right? But listen to this shit.

Listen to this. Thank you for calling Rabbi toy. We buy souls of all shapes, sizes, and color. Purchase. Please listen to the following options. For black souls, press one. For asian souls, press two. For white souls, press three. For all other inquiries, please leave us a detailed message about what kind of person you are and what you think your soul is worth. Please be honest. Our associates are standing by. All the other final. Either way, it’s still normalizing the. The selling of souls, bro. That’s like. It’s a rabbi. Come on. With a. Well, that’s just what the name of rabbi towing is.

The name of it. You know what I mean? Yeah, it’s probably some. So, yeah, there’s definitely an anti semitic undertone to it, but it’s this. Who cares about that part we’re talking. I didn’t even bring that up. You know, the connection that matters is the normalization of we buy souls. That’s what matters, bro. You know what I’m saying? They’re normalizing that. This is. They control what goes viral. They’re letting this go. This is viral on every freaking platform right now. I’ve seen it with millions of. That’s because anything anti jewish goes viral and they allow it to go viral.

Nobody. Nobody that shares it mentions the jewish part. You know what I mean? You don’t need to. It’s right there in the beginning. Hey, this is Israel. We’re going to buy your soul. And it doesn’t say that. Just says, this is rabbi towing. You know, it’s the name of the site. Yes, there is a definite jewish undertone to it, but that’s making us lose focus of the real message year. And what it is, is the faustian bargain, bro, which is a real thing. You know what I mean? The Faust. Yeah. And western man has already taken the Boston bargain.

Huh? But I get what you’re saying with the jewish towing shit. You know what I mean? Come on. That’s. No, I get it. So western man has sold their soul. All of society, all the people are complaining and changing to religion right now. It’s because they were living in debauchery for the last 20 years or so. You know what I mean? All these figures who are like, oh, they care so much about religion now is because they were satanic for the last 20 something years. And even further back, the west. The West. And Spangler wrote about this.

Spangler said that the west took the faustian bargain. And this is who Henry Kissinger wrote his master thesis on. So the elite do know where the psychology of man is heading. And they know that the deal with the devil that America took and western civilization, that they’re going to be disenchanted from it and want to move into a Doi Stojevsky Christianity. This what he wrote about a long time ago, and we see that happening today. That’s why all these main truther channels all picked a new religion that they weren’t part of. But they picked it because they understand that’s where the conscious of the masses are in.

But the elites knew that that’s where it was heading before it happened. Like, it’s. It’s crazy. Ah, so the faustian bargain, for sure, that’s selling the souls. Bill, the people have already sold the souls. Could. Could you pull that up on your end? The Faustian bargain, sure. Show the people where it comes from. Yeah, it’s a real thing. That’s the only thing I was going to connect with that because. Yes, donut, they control what goes viral. So, yeah, you. You call it. You hear the rabbi toeing. They’re definitely going with the whole anti semitic. It’s just like the rabbi Finkel stain everybody brings up.

Oh, that was just a k. That was a KKK radio show. Everyone’s like, ooh, it’s like, come on. I don’t know, bro. I’m just like, saying, guys, is 100% true. That video that went viral where they said McDonald’s was, you know, feeding us our children, that was all fake. It was a part of a radio show that’s not even a real guy. But that’s how dumb people are. They just take anything and go with it. You know what I mean? It’s so important, brother, that we do our own research and don’t believe. Don’t. Don’t even believe us.

Go do your own research. And then people will try to turn it around on me, saying I’m promoting some political agenda. When anybody who’s tuned into me knows that I’ve never promoted a political agenda. I’m just calling out shit how I see it. And I. And that’s what it is. It’s not. It’s not truthful at all. There’s. Even if it is truthful, even if there’s elements of truth, which. There’s always elements of truth. The thing is, is the. What’s happening now with, with everything happening on the world stage is intentional. It’s absolutely intentional. But anyway, here, I pulled it up.

The faustian bargain. Faust. I’m sensitive, Tommy. Oh, no, dude. I mean, look, bro, it’s in it. You’ll see that they got even anti semitic bots, bro, that they send in the comments that I know I’m not joking. They really know you’re not joking up that come in the comments and they’ll say real crazy shit. It’s all just so discord and cause us divide and conquer. Who cares if jewish is or donuts jewish? And guys, you think every jewish person in the planet is in on some conspiracy. You’re out of your mind to believe that. That’s crazy to even think, like, come on, man.

They’re. They’re just normal people that. Yeah, they’re just trying to survive. Now, you can’t blame them that they were smart enough to keep the money in their own community. I take my hat off to them for that. We need to start doing that. We need to learn from them, you know? So deal with the devil, donut. Yeah, it’s just. I know. It’s. It’s. It’s all. It pissed me out, bro. Like, the. A lot of the stuff and a lot of these, like, bots and people, I know they’re paid government agents from foreign entities as well. And I know that they’re there to sow division, and I’m not about that division at all.

And then there’s, like, even there’s little truth or channels that are just blatantly just say stuff that are, like, evil and racist and they ain’t about that life. Like, they. You know what I mean? Like, they, gosh, I gotta get out of my. So let’s. Let’s move on to something. Yeah, yeah, let’s move on. We got a couple of them bots in the comments now. Yeah. What is this little dolphin looking alien? Oh, bro. Did you see the new alien, Romulus? Bro? That’s so that’s what I’m pulling up is it’s connected to my dolphin research as well, of the Illuminati dolphins.

So that thing looks like a dolphin? A little bit. Doesn’t it look like a dolphin? A little bit? Because all the alien stuff is. I broke down how the Mars attacks brain is a dolphin brain from my John C. Lilly Illuminati dolphin research, why they were communicating with the dolphins, so they could learn mkultra and mind control generation through LSD and whatnot, that the dolphin brain was very similar to the human brain. And this is what a dolphin brain looks like. And that’s what they connected to. Mars attacks. The Tim Burton film, fantastic film, but also aliens.

The alien skull is based off of a dolphin right there. It looks. Doesn’t it look just like a dolphin? So this dolphin connection, go hard with more alien stuff for the research. Yeah, no, it’s crazy. And in that new. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to. In that new, um, alien, Romulus, which. Romulus and Remus were the founders of Rome, guys. So of course they had invoked Rome in it. Right. But, um, it’s all about Rome. Yeah, I agree with you, too. I think they’re the real. These. These type of entities. That’s what I think they are.

But in. In the new series, guys, um, the xenomorph breeds with the woman, and it creates the engineers from Prometheus. They show you how the engineers were born. So it is crazy. And when it’s born, when the engineer things born, it mutates into this, um. It mutates into a full grown entity, like, really fast. And the mother, she has black goo coming out of her, you know, instead of milk. Well, also the word xenomorph, we are hearing about all the people addicted to Zen or zin. So the Zen. And then everybody who’s addicted to zin is xenophobic.

So I’m sure the xenomorph is connected to the simulacrum as well. Oh, yeah, yeah. And. And also, like, the alien movie shows, the v right here. The egg, the grid. That’s the real, bro. That’s a hundred percent the real. That’s exactly what that symbol you’re showing is. This right here, bro. Well, also the. Yeah. Oh, exactly. In the show, V. Right. Jordan Maxwell talked about how an ancient religion going back to Pharaoh seeing a UFO in the shape of a v going over to bring a new religion of the sun going over the mountain, which would bring in world communism.

And that’s. Oh, yeah, that’s what the v is. So you see them throw up peace signs and all that? Yeah, and plus with the real thing, that’s why we see them with that black eye. And, you know, they got this new adobe shop ad. It’s about a year old now, though. But it has the reptilian brain worm going in there and this reptilian brain worm, guys, I think it’s the, the goo. I’m just gonna call it the goo so we don’t get in trouble that you see crying from their eyes. I think it’s nanotechnology that is some type of consciousness there.

It’s some type of, like a brain chip, but it’s, it’s liquid, and it’s nanotech that goes in through the eye socket, wraps around the optic nerve, and takes over the consciousness of the host. Now, Donald Marshall said it was a lizards probiosis. I think that’s the psyop. That’s what that, that’s what they want us to believe. Right. But I do think it’s tied to the archons, these reptilian entities. I just think it’s technology that they’re using, um, to drone them. It’s called droning or soul scraping, where it takes over the consciousness of the host and get the black eye from.

Yes, sir. And all the brill when they’re throwing up the peace signs and all that. It all ties to these entities, which is ultimately archons. Bro, that’s a sick. Did you make that? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I did. Somebody shared this. One of my followers shared this in my telegram group. Shout out to them. And, um, the Florida project, which I highly recommend. You read that donut, you. Yeah. Okay. You’ll be like, what the heck is going on with this? But that all ties back to World War Two with the little mustache dude, that we ain’t allowed to mention his name.

You know what I’m talking about, right? It goes in, right? Yeah. Oh, you got my screen up? I got. So this is the earthquake, the 4.7 earthquake that rattles Hawaii. That just happened as we’re coming up on this 47th president. But Hawaii had the 47 banyan tree. I was hanging out here just a month or so before, bro. This is where I was at. I’d be kicking it, dude. All right. You said you had a bad feeling. Out there, all you wanted to do was come home. I remember talking to you. I had a bad feeling from the tsunami because I’m scared of the ocean.

Yeah. Yeah. So. Yeah, well, okay. And it was only when I. Tommy, it was only when I was here. It wasn’t when I was in other places because I was staying way away from here, but I was hanging out down here. They had an aa meeting around here as well, and they had this little bar right here where they played live music, and I would hang out there. So I was right here just hanging out all the time. Ain’t it sad that they did that to that whole community, brother? It is my heart, man, because we.

Come on, mandy. I was mean all the people there, too, bro. There was little kids swimming in that ocean, trying to survive, man. And I think this is part of putting the nanotech, like, in the chemtrails, where we’re breathing all them heavy metals in. And the. All that technology, it’s the nanotech that’s in it is binding itself. It goes into your lungs, burrows down into your lungs, then binds itself to your central nervous system. And then we have these heavy metals in our body. And imagine if they went over with, you know, energy situation and hit your city with it.

Well, just throw aluminum foil in the microwave and watch what happens. It’s not a good situation. So all them people can bust in flames, you know? I mean, dude, you had people in the car doughnut that were literally, like, just blazed in their seat. The kids were still in the car seat. And, you know, you as a parent, if you’re seeing a fire around you, bro, the first thing you’re gonna do, I’m a dad. I would go back there and hug my child. I would. You would find a lot of the parents embracing their kids, you know what I mean? But it happened so fast.

No one had a chance to do any of that. It was like, just, boom, quick. And, bro, there’s all these videos going viral right now of green lasers mapping cities. You know, I think it’s time. That’s what happened, bro, right here. Just like a month or so before it, I was. When I was out there, I was talking about it, how they were mapping with the green lasers, the city and Paris Olympics, they had a bunch of green lasers. And with this 47, we’re coming up on this 47th election. And here’s Kamala with the Masonic Templar tweet with the 47.

She at 47 on one, two, 8. February 18 182. Like, blink 182, the 128 code. Come on, man. Even I noticed the one two eight code in the Greta Thunberg Andrew Tate tweet. Because it can be one two eight right here. Eight one or eight two one. Guys, these are different expressions of the same number. So it’s just the same vibration and energy free frequency rearranged. So. Well, his 33 cars, he had the. The 812, and that’s when he was arrested on 821. So it’s the same, like, numbers or whatever? Yeah, yeah. It’s the same exact numbers.

You’re right. Up with it. For show. For show. All these 33 is tied to cast spells. Cast. The spell was 33, I think, in PI. So, you know, it’s all part of ancient alchemical magic, bro. Yeah. Here’s the 33 billion for. Oh, won’t play it too long. But this whole hyper reality of the simulacrum, what a simulacrum is, is a copy of a copy where you don’t even know the truth. Like this meme right here through these viral mimetic magic is coming from the matrix scene as well. Isn’t that funny? Like, wow. It’s the same exact thing, bro.

That is crazy. How’d you figure that out? That’s weird. I don’t know. That is crazy. And you know what it is? It’s the AI that they’ve released. That’s why it’s mimicking shit. It’s the AI, dude. It’s a 110%. We got the AI creating new news stories, all of this. And with the what they’re going to do, guys, I’m going to tell you their ultimate plan. Mark my words. They’re going to do an alien invasion. They’re going to say it’s aliens. And the aliens use laser beams and destroyed cities, and they already know who we are, the people that they deem a threat or said no to their you know what.

And boom, they’re going to have these aliens come in. They’re going to hit us with them, and then they’ll blame it on an alien threat, which will bring them all in under that new world order, which Reagan told us they would do. That’s their ultimate goal, Brother Mark. So, an interesting thing, since Andrew takes the trending topic as well in the news right now, talking about the Matrix. He blocked David Ikev for talking about. He’s like one of the guys who talked about Matrix. First off, Jordan Maxwell wrote a book called Matrix of Power, right? Nobody gives that guy a shout out.

They all steal stuff. Kanye stole stuff. Connie saying that. The semitic thing, the semi thing that went viral, that was Jordan Maxwell’s work. Yeah. You know, hands down, I’ve known about all this stuff and the recycling. It’s like, they killed Jordan and stole his work. Right. For show. For show. I don’t like that. I don’t like. Jordan was a hero, man. He taught us about so much. You know, we got to keep live and honor him. Yeah. And everyone talking about. It’s all the topics that all these fake asters are talking about are just stealing his stuff and pretend they don’t know who he is.

It’s so. Right. Here’s fight club. Fight clubs. Very interesting. But because it was about. And they were just showing you the simulacrum in fight club. They were showing the Gucci with the men and how they had a dress up and look all sexy. And then the next clip is like, seriously, Brad Pitt, like, half naked and in, like, he’s, like, known for, like, having the best abs. You know what I mean? So interesting film. But it’s all. There’s a theory that it was to turn men into same sex attracted because it’s all. Yeah. So it’s all about, like, what we kind of see happening.

Even with people who talk about the matrix, like Andrew Tate, his new meme has been that having intercourse with a female is same sex attracted is. It’s very, you know, gaining guy. Like, there’s this big division between man versus woman happening. Just like they’re trying to divide jew versus Muslim. They do not want that friendship. The. The power elites, that’s why it’s all about, you know, promoting, you know, they don’t. Right. No, this has been in the heartland research that you can look at, look it up, and how to control the world is to destabilize the Middle east.

So the. You know what I mean? So the agenda being pushed, there’s no, like, nobody’s asking for peace or anything. Everyone’s picking a side and, like, let’s go to war, kind of. You know what I mean? That’s. That’s about it. And that’s what. But anyway, the simulacrum is a copy of a copy. So reality tv. Andrew Tate comes from reality tv. Reality tv is the simulacrum to a point where you don’t know that reality tv, you think it’s real. So what we’re seeing right now with the operation of Andrew Tate and everyone else affiliated with him is that we think that he’s a real character.

But we’re watching a movie of Hasan Asaba, the Assassin, old man on the mountain. So what we’re seeing happen is the first movie script, in a sense, that is not taking place in a movie theater. It’s taking place on your phone in different news channels. So it’s the scripted reality that we’re living in. So the simulacrum is a copy of a copy. For example, you know how Las Vegas has New York, New York? Yes. So you think it’s New York. But let’s say you never knew about the real New York on the east coast. And your whole life you were taught that that was actually New York.

So that is a simulacrum where you actually believe the copy of the copy because New York’s actually a copy of York going back to Rome. Yep. That’s a simple aquarium. And so reality tv serves that purpose and that in the day, remember New Amsterdam, it was called. Then it went to New York. Oh, for real? I did, yeah. It was New Amsterdam first. Oh, interesting. And then they changed it to New York. Yeah, I’m pretty sure. Almost 100% sure that’s right. Anybody in the comments, if I’m wrong, please let me know. But I think I’m right on that.

Yeah, I’m pretty sure it was New Amsterdam back in the day. I’m sure you could check. But, yeah, so Andrew Tate, he was released the day the matrix was released. And here’s the simulacra simulation. So this whole simulation theory, and it’s right here in the chapter where he stores his money, right, the moon key. The money is on nihilism. And that’s pretty much what these influencers answer. Society and governments are trying to demoralize everybody. They’re trying to make us lose hope, divide us all. So we beg for the. The war, especially in America. The whole thing is, a lot of people that talk crap about America, they don’t live in America.

I know. Like, they’re not. What? Like, come on. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It’s so funny, actually, to destroy America if, like, you. If you ain’t grounded, like, out here. You know what I mean? There’s a whole. There’s a whole russian KGB element to it, too, that’s heavily ingrained in the truth or movement. All. All guys, all the big agencies are involved, right? You have the CIA, Massad, the Vatican, KGB there. They all are playing a role in it. And some of them are going against each other. Some of them are working together. But, you know, you kind of can’t blame Putin because, I mean, look what America’s done.

But at the same time, I’m an american, so I love my country. And I don’t want to see it destroyed from within, you know what I mean? But there’s a huge russian element to the truth that weird that, um, a lot of these people work for donut, bro. I’m reading the book on Tavistock. I’m like, man, this is amazing. I’m reading the book about how it’s all mind control and all this, and it’s all factual, and then at the very end, it’s like. And Vladimir Putin broke free from the mind control. He accessed the keys that put into the computer to unlock his brain of the MKO.

And they really, like, hyped him up as he’s, like, the most magical being in the world. And I’m like, that was weird. It’s like, I read this whole book and then goes into a mythology of Putin, just like the mythology of the Illuminati. And I like, I like him, bro. I like him more than either one of our presidents. He’s riding grizzly bears with no shirt on, you know, I mean, crazy. But he see, to think that he’s not out for his country and their thing. Yeah, you would have to be nuts, you know? Oh, yeah.

Weird. I don’t know the full, like, extent of it. It should. It’s just weird. Everything’s propaganda at the end of the day. That is weird, though, that they mentioned Putin. Like, what was the context? Why they said so out of context? It was so weird. It was like, I’m learning about Tavistock, and then it was like he got the computer code password. He put it into the USB and unlocked his brain of the mind control, which unlocked the brain of the army because, like, his brain and the army’s brain were connected to this key passcode. And I’m, like, reading this, like, book that’s all very, like, scientific, kind of, like, research documented and that it was just so out there, it just makes you think, like, there’s something wild going on.

So that is very weird, dude, I got to read that book now. I know you’ve been talking about it for a while. Is that all Russian connected to Tavistock Institute? I have no idea. I forget. I will tell you this, though. It seemed like the last russian royal family, the czars, that family that was murdered, it seems like they were good, bro, and they were against all this new world order shit. And then they got killed and murdered. So I think there were some kings and queens that weren’t evil, but they wouldn’t go for show. For show.

But. But then the Vatican replaced them, right? They killed them and put in these puppethe once. Yeah, that’s just my theory anyways, because they’ve always tried to demonize them. And anytime they demonize something, it’s usually the opposite, because everything in this reality is inversion. It’s always inverted. You know what I mean? Everything is crazy for show. There’s a lot of invert inversion. Inverted. Yeah, for sure. A lot of symbolism, a lot of earthquakes. So you’re thinking, I’m with you here, though, donut. I think something’s gonna happen with Eiffel Tower. You brought that to my attention. I wouldn’t even have thought about that without you.

And then I also. I’ve been saying this for three years. I think. I think California is gonna get hit with an earthquake. And they’ve been predictive programming it. They’ve been leading us up to believe. So I think it’s going to be something crazy, bro. Like the biggest one we’ve ever seen, you know, way bigger than the 1906 one. Was that 1906 the one that took out San Francisco? The great earthquake. Remember that one? Oh, for sure. Yeah, there’s something going on there. Shine going on. Oh, yeah. Donut, pull this up. Type in end of days, fish shows up off.

Oh, yeah, the doomsday fish. Doomsday fish, bro, these doomsday fishes are showing up off the freaking coast of California right before the earthquakes. Yeah. So the doomsday fish showed up before Fukushima happened? Yep, on 311. That 311 day, the date the pandemic was declared. When did I. Sorry, the p was declared. And with the Spanish. The spanish situation, uh, that took place. You know, the spanish flow that happened. The first death of it was on March 11, back in 1918, or 1919, whatever year that was. I think it was 1918. So this is the doomsday fish, huh? Yeah.

So whenever this doomsday fish pop up, is it really that big? Bro, they’re usually bigger than this one. Like, wait till I show you a picture of how big. Holy cow, look at this thing. And they show up before, like, something like an earthquake happens. Yeah, they’re very rare, dude. Like, you never see them. If you ever. I think it’s because, like, they, like, it’s just a. Maybe it was created by God to come be like, yo, doomsday fish, get out of there. Like this donut. Um, birds, they have some type of thing in their brain that helps them find the magnetic north, right? This thing is probably tapped into the earth grid, the ley lines and stuff.

And it can sense that coming, bro. Isn’t it weird how, like, they’re using. They use animals, like, through the symbology of learning about decoding and the occult, that during the bird stuff, there was. The bird flew, there was the bird being poop, pooping on Joe Biden. Then you got the bird Twitter being purchased by elon. All the birds aren’t real was released all at the same time. And right now it’s all this monkey stuff. Yeah, well, there are archetypes and different motifs that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It’s a hundred percent, bro. It’s crazy, but it’s all part of it.

You got the colors connected, you got the numbers. It’s all part of the spell that they’re building. It’s. It’s all ancient magic. You know, it’s part. They have certain laws that they have to follow that, like universal law. So that’s why they tell us things. The form of predictive programming known as revelation of the method. It’s a. It’s actually a form of magic. I known as lesser magic, and it comes into manifestation magic when you’re trying to bring things into a manifestation. So that’s all it is. It’s all ancient magical practices. Bro, remember that article? Remember that thing I sent you before we went live about the key of Solomon? Oh, yeah.

Did you get to look at that at all? I did. I did not. But somebody in the comment brought up the York thing. Like, how is it connected to Rome? York, the city of York was the headquarters for Rome, the Roman Empire. And that’s why you got New York, the Empire State, because York, like, it was in that series, the Vikings. Member. Vikings? They. That’s where Ivan the boneless, he conquered the city of York. And then they said, man, the Romans built this city, and underneath they built a sewer system. So that’s where they went underground and then came up and that all the european kings thought that the Vikings left, but really they were under the sewers waiting for them to come in the city, and then they came up and killed everyone.

But, yeah, that whole city was built by the Romans. The architect, like, it’s. It’s. It was crazy stuff that even today, you know, rivals. That’s what I’m saying, bro. We had. We had to have a more advanced civilization back in the day. Oh, yeah. There’s no way we’re. How do we build such beautiful structures and now everything’s so ugly, we can’t even build that stuff no more, you know? Yeah, yeah. Kind of strange. It is strange. And we can also go to comments as well. Yeah, yeah. Let’s definitely go to the comments. We are at 2 hours and two minutes.

We still. Bro, we ain’t went under 1100 people during this whole live. Oh for real? Let me see how many people we got. 1184 in here right now and it’s been that the whole way through. Through. Oh what’s up? Shout out to everybody. Make sure to smash that like button. Smash that like button. Guys, where the video out? Yep. Support the sponsors. So uh yeah let’s. I think we should go to comments. That’s comments. Um. You point one out and I’ll show it. I would just point to up anyone you want. I’m going to refill my drink and I’ll be right back.

Alrighty. Let me take a look here what we got on. Does anybody got any questions or anything you would like to say? But yeah, probably what I’m talking about the mud floods that could have been remnants of one of these global cataclysms. And they’re kind of like resets to Ricky right. Where they reset history, reset all the information. It’s. I think that’s one thing. Archaics is on to them 138 year cycles which that 138 code is crazy when you look into that. So he’s definitely on to something with there. It seems like they reset history every 138 years which the previous that generations would have died off.

So they can change the narrative, right? And look at all these countries they went and had war with. Guys, what did they do? Why did they destroy all the statues in them countries? Why did they destroy all of the ancient artifacts and stuff? It’s to control the narrative. That’s my opinion anyways. I really think it’s, it’s to all control that narrative. And the victor of war holds the end to history. You know what I mean? Oh, there’s major land grabs going on right now too. All you got to do is watch Yellowstone. Watch Yellowstone and you’ll see their true agenda there.

The whole thing. In Yellowstone they’re trying to steal the land from them people. Yellowstone goes with 1883 I think is it, that’s when it started when his family traveled out there to Yellowstone and then 1923 is another series which is like his great grandpa or something on the actual Yellowstone farm. But that’s a really good series guys. And it shows you first the land was stolen from the Native Americans, then, now, then it was sold to our Americans and now it’s being stolen from them. So they’re restilling the land, right. It’s crazy. It’s like they do it every so often.

Major land, grass. And during these mud floods or these global resets, we always see a major war. Like some typo. Yeah, 1883 was good. I cried. I’m not gonna lie, Julie, I cried. Oh, dude, when that girl died, I loved that girl in 1883. She was such a great actor. And when she died, I cried like a baby. I did. I made it. Oh, yeah, I think that happened to me too. She’s a great actor. Ozarks. Maybe it wasn’t those arcs. I think it was though. Or he was a great actor. I don’t know these days, you know, I don’t know what the hell, you know.

A movie make me cry is that leave the everything everywhere all at once. That’s like a mind control breakdown. What? Which one? And since we were speaking about the one donut, so the leave the world behind, right? That came out on twelve eight. And remember when the New York City got nuked in that movie? We seen the bridge collapse. They were priming us in that. And then that came out twelve eight. But also that’s the first time we ever seen White lion. The white lion programming, which is now in all the shows. It’s in that new show, those about to die, which is all about Rome in the favian dynasty in 79.

I did a whole decode on this you can find on my YouTube. But yeah, that’s when it first came out. Remember the white lion boat smashed into the shore? The ship in the beginning. And white lion is 128. Like power grid or unboosted or key to the abyss. There’s a lot in that nuclear blast as part of that code in the first D wave. Quantum computer, which they have plugged into all reality, was a freaking 128 qubits. You know, the first D wave, 128 qubits. CERN is 128 smart cities. All the smart cities are plugged into the D wave, plugged into Cerna, feeding that energy of what they’re trying to do.

Open the pit, open the dimension of Cern. But like I said, every number has a positive to it too. 128 is the neo code in that same cipher. Reverse ordinal telekinesis. One, two eight. Tartaria. 128. The tartarian mud floods. The survivors of these global cataclysms, I believe are the ones that their DNA mutated in them. Survivors. Even with the first player characters. Guys, first player character is 64, right? Well, you have one planet. Jupiter is the one planet with 63 moons, allegedly, right. That’s what they tell us. Which equals 64. That’s Zeus, that’s Jesus, that’s Jupiter.

And first player character, 64. Phoenix power planet. X the destroyer. All the worlds stage, all 64. Then you have Saturn, one planet, 63 moons, which is the total of. You got the 62 moons on one planet. My apologies. Total of 63, which is non player character. Black cube of Saturn, 666. So you see, the non player character arc archetypes are all controlled by Saturn. The Saturn computer, this. That’s running this reality. And then the first player characters, the ones that actually have souls. Oh, I think everybody got soul, bro. No, I do not. I do not believe there’s a lot of people around here that do not have souls, bro.

Oh, damn. A hundred percent. We’re surrounded. A matter of fact, I believe there’s more. More people without souls than they actually have souls. I don’t. I look at it more like there people that aren’t under a spell. I think people under a spell. There’s NPC’s, bro, that are completely AI. They’re. They’re not even real people. I believe that with all my crazy. Now check this out. Pineal gland open is 64, which is first player character represents the awakened avatar. Anything I say is backed up through Gematria, which is a form. It goes back to ancient times, like Chaldean.

This goes back to the Acadians, guys. So pineal gland sleep is 63. Matching non player character. Yeah, bro. I think the NPC’s. They’re completely controlled by the construct, by the simulacrum, as you like to call it. I don’t. Yeah, I don’t think they’re real people at all, bro. I. But that’s just my opinion. Just my opinion on the matter. What do I know? So that. Yeah, um. It was there in. No comments. That’s fine. Oh, yeah, no, there was. I just was, um, doing that for a minute, but I didn’t. Oh, you went to my screen.

Okay. I was just going through some pictures that I had pulled up. I just think that the. The court cases that happen, that’s big money, you know, think about how long they played these court cases for. It’s all over television, and people are glued to it. Just like Rittenhouse. Right? Ridden house. Everybody was watching that court case. And the. The courts are masonic and maritime law. So this goes into the world stage of secret societies and banking systems that are very ancient. Greta Thunberg. Like, here’s the checkerboards. Greta Thunberg, total socialist. That’s the same birthday as Kyle Rittenhouse.

One’s for the left, ones for the right. But their agenda at the same day is for secret orders and the demoralization campaign happening right here is, is absolutely crazy. Demoralization is to leave you feeling hopeless. And that’s the loosing, right? So this movie life force about the aliens, they take the life force out of you. And that’s what demoralization is, is they’re working on taking the life force out of each culture. So they target, they’ve been targeting different cultures to lose them. So every culture is hopeless. And that’s what they want. They want. It’s so like, if you think it’s okay, good, we’re gonna just target this group of people.

We’re safe now. Well, that, that, that same hand is going to get switched on to you eventually. We see it happening. It’s the loosing and the alien stuff is part of the new religion that they’re setting up. So we’re going to be so miserable. Right. And scared and fearful and hopeless. Then they’ll give us a little hope to believe. I want to believe is the alien thing, right. Because they’re setting up a new Scientology type religion connected to Rayleigh in ism, aliens and all that, especially theosophy and stuff like that. But they’re gonna keep on telling us some scary stuff and then after like a month or two of it, they’ll be like, oh, there’s nephilim, aliens at the mall.

Oh, there’s this alien just showed up in Las Vegas, 10ft tall. Oh, this girl just saw an alien on the plane. Oh, like, so this, we’re gonna be demoralized and then once in a while we’re gonna give some hope that the aliens are out there. This is all a setup. We’re all going through a psychological operation and being pinned against each other. And it could be through, who knows? It could be through some like alien forces, right? Some demonic type forces or whatever. Yeah, they’re definitely falling. Some type of disembodied spirit. And I just want to clarify out there to everyone, yes, I do believe God is in control.

Source consciousness, the creator of all things, the one that sent Jesus back to wake up humanity and save us. You know, that God, the real one, not the false y’all, the baal, not him, the demiurge. I, you know, that’s my opinion. But anyone out there, if you worship yaldabaoth or yahweh or whatever, I respect that, and you have the right to do that. But we should, that’s how we should be with everyone. You should never tell someone, oh, your beliefs mean you’re, you’re going to hell or who are we to judge? Anyone. That’s a sin in itself.

No, it’s what America used to be. Live and let live right about. Everybody has want it. Everybody is a power freak. Everybody wants to control. And that’s why they’re. Most of the world is satanic. Yep. They are there and they’re work. And they’re working with some type of entities. We don’t understand what they are. Right. Maybe alien. I think that’s a new word they made up. It literally has a lie in it. So I think they just changed the name of these entities. And let’s. Let’s think about this donut. Okay, so you had Alistair Crowley, right? He was manifesting up that, that entity named lamb and then some other entity name Iowa during these magical performances, which happened to be during the exact same days that CERN cranked up.

It started April 8, 9th and 10th and three days. That was the eclipse and all that stuff. So he manifests this entity up that looks straight like a gray alien. Then he teaches Jack Parsons, who was the rocket scientist. Jack Parsons carries out the Babylon workings in 1946. They say this is the conspiracy anyways. They say he opened an interdimensional portal, some type of Stargate. And after that, bam, aliens show up. Roswell happens. The majestic twelve set up the shadow government. I think they were. They were, they were corrupted by whatever they tried to. The Collins group and all them, the Collins elite, all that stuff that they were messing with.

I think it possessed them and took over our government. Whatever it is, if it’s demonic, alien, extraterrestrial, don’t fully understand, but it’s something I’m leaning more towards demonic myself. You know what I mean? Some type of reptilian archonic consciousness that these elites worship. And ain’t it kind of funny though, right after. And Trump was born three months after that ritual, they were trying to birth the moon child. Trump was born with the blood moon over Jerusalem. I’m not saying he’s that, but it. It’s something weird. And then Crowley dies in 1947, right after Roswell. So he died 116 days later, to be exact, I believe.

And that’s 911 flipped upside down. Ogdoad equals 116, which are the eight primordial creator deities with heads of serpents and heads of frogs. So they’re worshiping some type of reptilian conflict consciousness like donuts talking about, is it alien? Is it subterranean? It could be subterranean doughnut. What do you think about that, brother, than being from inner Earth? Oh, I think there’s something to it. There might be something to it. I mean, there’s evidence of it. They got them friggin out in California. The catacombs out there. They’re. Yeah, I like, come on. I did. The world is stranger than fiction.

And think about how advanced we are with technology, movie scripts, AI, all that. It’s. We’re on next level, controlled by the technocrats that we can’t even fathom. And Jordan Maxwell used to say that the truth isn’t something about imagine where he says we can’t even imagine how strange it actually is. Like, yeah, he was on point. He was on point with that. I agree with him. And then, so all this technology that donuts talking about, I believe it’s tethered to these archon entities. And I did a decode. Tethered as 34, matching alien agenda. And 34 was the day the CDC released that whole zombie apocalypse thing that they scrubbed off their website on three, four of 21.

Which zombie is 34? It’s tethered to the archons. It allows them to interface from whatever dimension God or the creator binded them to and casted them to. It allows them to interface from there. You know, it’s all tethered to them. And how did. How are. How are the elites getting this technology? Well, they tell you they micro dose with DMT, they stop their hearts and they go into meetings with some type of entity where they’re given technology. They come out and it actually works. And with that 34 code, even the ancient tech that we look at Tartaria and you know that ancient tech that they had back then, you’ll see a connection with that as well.

With the 34 code, red Mercury. They were using red Mercury to power up the free energy grids. But you know this. So they suppressed this technology. That was good technology to push this new technology which is tethered to. To them entities, all the free energy. That’s why they suppress all that technology. I believe truly to brother, but yeah. Oh, sorry. I got Angie tape in the news right now. Well, like, yeah, it’s crazy. Everybody’s connected to the military. The doors are connected to the navy. What’s the thing about connected to the navy? What. What’s the thing they’ve always showed us? Donut and all the symbolism, brother.

That they’re. They’re pretty much warring over the pineal gland, right? The. This, the. They called it the soul stone or many different things. But the Vatican has third eye. Yes. The crown chakra. They’ve calcified our pineal glass with fluoride. Using fluoride to calcify it which is your spiritual antenna. That is your connection to the creator, your third eye, source consciousness. Right. Which you see again, eye of Horus. 49. 49 equals 38 matching first player NPC or FPC code. First player character code is also in that. So again, when the calcification of our pineal gland. They’re trying to turn people that are first player characters into puppets, non NPC’s or at least that type of arc, that type of archetype they’re trying to turn us into symbolically.

Right. Where they control our minds. Right. Yeah. Some crazy, crazy stuff going on. Yeah, it’s crazy. What you got planned for coming up, donut? I’ll be doing, posting something on Patreon later tonight. Everybody go over to my Patreon. Got them links down below. Catch that video. And that’s about it. What have you done? New on Patreon? You got some amazing stuff over there on your Patreon, bro. Thank you. Well, this, what we’re doing now is we’re doing Zoom calls over there. So you get a hangout, ask questions or add on to the research as well. So that’s a new feature on the Patreon.

I’ll be dropping a video tonight there and just, just put out stuff, you know, that’s where a lot of, a lot of the research I’ll be doing. I could upload a video or something that I did. Yo, on Patreon? Yeah. Yeah. You want to show clip? Yeah. And a lot of the stuff you show over there, some stuff you can’t. You can’t show on YouTube. Oh, you know what? I’ve made all. I made the all public actually. Which ones? The ones that I was gonna upload but they’re already public on my rumble. I don’t know. Yeah, that’s okay.

Well, he’s got some great stuff over there, guys. Me and in, you know, maybe me and donuts got a couple members only. Not a couple. Got a lot of members only videos that we’ve done. I also have my membership mines on truth and we just did a new one on dream walking in the series evil where I break that down, you get to watch the episode with me as I walk you through it and break it down. It’s pretty cool. It’s a new format we started doing where you get to watch it with it. Tell me this thumbnail ain’t tight though.

Donut. That’s nice. I made that. Yeah, I thought it was pretty cool. Dude, that’s a stom into that. Weird. You know, I like the weird stuff that a lot of people don’t, and I don’t. I’m not one of these people that think I know everything. I just like to look into things and try to figure it out. Just like you guys. I’m just trying to figure it out. I don’t think I in for anybody that asked me what God should I believe in. Tommy, that’s something you got to pray to. Pray on your own, ask for discernment and look into that, you know, I don’t want to be the one to tell you the wrong thing.

I’m still learning things myself, guys, so. Good, man. Good man, Tommy. Good, good man. I try, brother. I try. But, yeah, all the links are down. Yeah, I got Tommy’s links down below. Go subscribe to his YouTube. And that’s about it. And, you know, if you want to book a deal that links down there, too, it’s all done via email. You know, it takes a little time for me to get it to you. It’s really right around seven to 14 days until it gets back to you because I have to do the whole decode. But I send it back to you through your email, and it is very detailed.

It breaks down everything. All I need is your first, last name, and date of birth, and I’ll break that down for you. So I really enjoy doing it. I thank you guys for rocking out with us today. And, donut, if you don’t have anything else, brother. I mean, we’re at 2 hours and 25 minutes. Still got a 1048 people in here. Smash that, like, button, guys. Thousand people in here. We only got 129 likes. That’s. We need to make that go up, please. That’ll help us get an algorithm and help the video get out to the people.

So we really appreciate you guys. And remember, most of our content mining and donuts is 100% free. But we are not funded like most of these agent anti Semitics out here, like donut mentioned. So, you know, we’re funded by you guys. Well, and even on the other side as well, they’re also funded. I’m just pointing out what’s happening now, you know? Yeah. Yeah, for sure. We’re not. Yeah, for sure. Thank you, Tommy. Yes, yes. And thank you for coming on, brother. I really appreciate having you. We can’t. We got to make sure we do. We got to get back into doing our Thursday member only shows, too, bro.

Dude, today’s Thursday. So we did it. So we kind of did do it. Yeah. Yeah. We just didn’t. We did it for the free sample of what we do on the thirsty Thursdays, Thor’s days. Well, well, donut, I think on Thursdays, me and you could start doing like movie breakdowns where we can watch it with them, watch the clips with them, and then see what you catch, see what I catch and show them kind of how to decode in real time. You know what I mean? Oh, yeah. I think that’d be pretty fascinating for them, too.

I think they’d like to learn that. But everybody in the comments, thank you guys for watching. To all my people, please go over and subscribe to Donut. Go check out his patreon. Show him some love, get some survival food. And don’t forget to get your energy protection, 5g protection links down in the description promo code. Donut, all your illuminati news.

  • Tommy Truthful

    Hey guys, Tommy Truthful here, leader of the Truth Mafia, CAPO DEI CAPI. I built one of the biggest alternative media conglomerates in the world, brought together some of the biggest names in the game in the truth-seeking community to combat censorship. People ask all the time how they can join the Truth Mafia. You can't just join; I have to notice you. My team and I research to ensure you have no government ties before we bring you into the family. If you'd like to get your personal decode done by Tommy Truthful and find out your role in this simulation we call life, then links are below.

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