The mysterious Jekyll Island and The Nephilim

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The mysterious Jekyll Island holds a dark secret: it is where the Federal Reserve was founded. To add to the intrigue, Rockefeller’s house stands atop a monument believed to have been used for child sacrifices. This connection to the occult deepens the enigma surrounding Jekyll Island and its ties to the Federal Reserve. The plot thickens as we remember how those who opposed the Federal Reserve met their demise on the ill-fated Titanic. And now, the Federal Reserve was conceived in this very place, where the unbelievable acts of 8-foot-tall Nephilim sacrificing children, even beheading them, occurred. The truth is more chilling than fiction!

The Public Has Never Heard This Side Of The Story


Ancient Race of White Giants Described in Native Legends From Many Tribes

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Ancient Race Of White Giants Described In Native Legends From Many Tribes

Native American Giants of Myth and Legend


  • Tommy Truthful

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3 thoughts on “The mysterious Jekyll Island and The Nephilim

  1. Avatar Of Lynne
    Lynne says:

    I felt lead to share this video series with you and your audience. I heard u talking about planet nibiru or planet x amongstother things that this info covers. This man, Richard Montbleau, has blown my mind with what he discovered about that but also everything in between including why God would send us to this earth and our whole reason for being here. I thought he and Jonathan Kleck were crazy at first bc they say a few things that we didn’t learn in church but it’s all biblical. Just broken down from the Strongs Concordance. Bw that and God leading them,they have what I now truly believe discovered the secret to why we’re here and the proof and evidence he provides is undeniable. He has a whole bunch on his youtube page. Pls chk him out. Your mind will be blown away. First is his US and Them videos and then the Mystery of Life Video. It’s long but so worth it. This research and info is unreal! He shows how CERN is being used by Satan and the imp of the fluer de lis,pinecone,double phoenix,illuminanit owl,earth’s binary system,magnetism and list goes on. Jonathan Kleck has a ton on his website but I would start with this series. Nvr seen anything like it that’s made more sense. Richard Montbleau is a true watchman. part Two of US and THEM—Them-Part-One: Mystery of Life

  2. Avatar Of Valerie
    Valerie says:

    My thinking is the original painting switched out the Europeans beheading the babies to the Natives beheading the babies because you know how it is. The Europeans always hold themselves in the highest esteem while everyone else is depicted as savages. We all know history is written by the conquerors and invaders. We all know history books were altered along with paintings repainted to their lies.
    Think people…

    • Avatar Of Tommy Truthful
      Tommy Truthful says:

      Valerie, your perspective on the historical portrayal of different cultures in art is thought-provoking. It is true that history often reflects the biases and perspectives of the conquerors and invaders. Many historical accounts have been altered or rewritten to fit certain narratives. This manipulation extends to paintings as well, where the original intentions may have been changed to support the dominant group’s self-image.

      By suggesting that the original painting might have been altered to replace European figures with Native ones, you highlight a common tendency to depict European colonizers as noble and advanced, while portraying indigenous people as savage or inferior. This Eurocentric bias has been ingrained in historical and cultural representations for centuries.

      Questioning the accuracy of historical accounts and examining the motivations behind their creation is crucial. It allows us to challenge long-held beliefs and strive for a more comprehensive understanding of the past. By encouraging critical thinking and reflection, we can work towards a more inclusive and accurate portrayal of history.

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