The Watchers The Tablets of Destiny
Be Frankie? Yeah, I’m striving for greatness? Trying to make it? I was stuck in the matrix? Yeah, I’m striving for greatness? Trying to make it? I was stuck in the matrix? Yeah, I’m striving for greatness? Trying to make it? I was stuck in the matrix? Yeah, I’m striving for greatness? Trying to make it? I was stuck in the matrix? Yo, what’s good is your boy Bdell? If you’re new to this channel, hit that, like, button, hit that share button, hit that subscribe button, hit that notification bell.
Today we’re going to be talking about how the aquarian age, which is the golden age under the sun cycle, is the epitome of the veil being uplifted by breaking out the Kaliyuka cycle, the infinity loop under the energy of the moon, the sleep spell of King Gu, the 6000 year curse that put a mental encryption over the minds of humans to where they can’t see beyond the illusion of the third dimensional piscion age of darkness.
But now we in the age of the true light to where when the sun reaches solar maximum, it has the ability to produce granulations and prominences that activates the sun heat genes to where you can tap into the quantum world in the higher dimensions, to where you can see these anunnaki, these draconian reptilians, the Elohim, or these watchers. So this is why the World Economic Forum wants to stagnate spiritual evolution by way of a totalitarian agenda that’s based on neurological manipulation, right? So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, I’m going to show you a few illustrations of what I’m talking about, right? Because we live in a time right now, you can’t just say stuff.
You got to show people in real time what’s going on, right? So when you’re talking about the end of the piscean age of darkness, right? That means that we’re going into the sun cycle. The sun cycle is the epitome of the great Awakening period, or the aquarian age, to where you have the end of the purification period of the Piscion age as we segue into 2024, 2025 and 2026, which is basically the end of the 6480 years of probation time as being encapsulated inside of a prison planet, right? Meaning that it’s the end of the spiritual cut off.
So this is where you have the inner dimensions start to lock in and work in tandem. And they all work in synergy, which creates an electromagnetic force field all around a planet to where you have the merging of the physical world and the material plane merging in at the same time, right? So this is going to be the inception point of the harmonic convergence, right? So, what you’re looking at right here, you got the age of Pisces, which was facilitated by the Iron Age, that was acclimated to the Clay age, right? Which was created by the foundation of mankind, because there’s a diametrical difference between man and mankind.
Mankind is the kind of a man that was genetically spliced. So we live in an artificial system that was facilitated by artificial people that was created by Yakub. So now when you in the age of the Iron Age, right? Under the age of Taurus, Aries and Pisces, now we segue into the sun cycle, which is the aquarian age, which is the golden age, right? Where you have supreme spiritual consciousness and the return of the gods.
And the return of the gods is the return of the Christ consciousness, right? To where you’re in alignment with the Syria star constellation, right? As we go into this master plane, right? As we segue out of the darkness of deception. That’s why you go to read Genesis, chapter five and revelation chapter 20, verse six. It’s all acclimated to this theological context because what you got to understand is that the Bible is actually a free masonic playbook talking about the end of their system.
And the end of their system is the end of the Iron Age. Under the age of Pisces, which is under the lunar cycle. Now we under the sun cycle, right? So we broke out of the infinity loop, because when you understand the sacred geometry, the geometrical shapes, right? It’s a form of witchcraft. This system is built on a form of witchcraft because you got to understand that the moon is the embodiment of a square, which is a cube, which is a representation of spiritual entrapment.
So a square is actually a force field around a circular beehive, which is a form of an object that propagates spiritual stagnation. So, when you’re talking about the Saturn moon matrix, right, the Saturn moon matrix is an accumulation of subatomic particles that are cube shaped, that creates the holographic projection to where you trapped in this three dimensional realm. Right. Now we’re going into the fourth dimension, the fifth dimension, because the fifth and the fourth dimension is when you have the destruction of the old world.
So now, when you look at this graph right here, you can see the infinity loop, right? We breaking out of the infinity loop because you have the solar transmission hitting the planet, and it’s activating the pole shift, which will be the precursor to the great solar flash. And if your body’s not in alignment with the great solar flash, what happens is you’re not going to be able to make it into the hereafter, right? So with that being said, we’re in the golden age right now to where no longer we’re trapped, we’re not entrapped by this cube, the cube of Saturn.
We’re not entrapped by the three dimensional frequencies, we’re not entrapped by everything that basically subjugates our dna to where our genetical disposition is not in alignment with. Right knowledge, right wisdom, and right overstanding. Right? So now, with that being said, you have interstellar vortex portals. That’s opening up to where we break out of the Kaliyuga cycle, right? We breaking out of the Kaliyuga cycle. So this is the precursor to activating the mind, which is connected to the brain being a holographic computer, right? So it means that you able to unplug from the simulation by way of the sun cycle.
That’s what this is all about. This is why the World Economic Forum, this is why these plistocracies, these oligarchs, they want to stagnate the spiritual evolution by creating many different Hengelian Dialectic principles to where you don’t be in a state of evolution, because they trying to hold on to the system. Because the system is basically phased out, right? So the electromagnetic energy in a force field around the brain has an interstellar vortex portal to take you into a different space in time, right? Because we in the sun cycle, when light breaks into a dimension, it reverses the polarity of time.
So that means that you’re not trapped by the infinity loop of time, right. Time is an artificial construct that was galvanized by the Iron Age, which is the age of darkness, the age of deception, under the energy of the moon. And the moon is a representation of the cube, the cube of Saturn, Saturn, moon matrix, you’re breaking out of it from a mental standpoint, right? That’s what this is all about.
So when you break out of the Kala yuga cycle, right, which we just did on January 15 of this year. So with that being said, we’re going through an ascension process. Everything is going to an age of fulfillment, spiritual growth, where you have deeper connections through a harmonic convergence. When you’re talking about the cultivation of the 144,000, right. It’s not only subjected to biological upgrades and things of that nature, you have to have the divine feminine and the divine masculine working in synergy like a machine in a factory.
We got to come together because the unity consciousness is what manipulates the grid systems to where we’re not spiritually entrapped into 3d. That’s what this is all about. That’s why they create all these diabolical plans, right? And create many different things to where they subjugate us on so many levels. So you have the closing of an age. You have the closing of a cycle. And when you close out of that cycle, right? This is the Kaliyuga.
This is why, when you look at the depiction of her, she’s stepping on the man, because the man is a symbology of patriarchal energy under the age of deception that subjugated the energy of a matriarch, which is connected to a sun cycle. And the sun cycle is facilitated by nature. So this is why she had the heads of man all around her neck. It’s the age of destruction.
The Kaliyuga is basically dismantling the metatronic overlay, right? The metatronic overlay is the material plane, and the material plane is facilitated by illusions, it’s facilitated by fallacies, it’s facilitated by everything that goes against the natural order of cosmic law. So what happens is the matriarch has to take back the planet because we all know that planet Earth is a feminine planet, and it was all facilitated by women at one point in time.
But because of patriarchy, right? When the draconian reptilian, they drugged the moon from planet Jupiter into our solar system, that’s when the artificial construct of reality started to take place. So that’s how you know that since the moon is not real, that means the material plane is not real, because it’s all being galvanized by illusions. So now when you wake up and break out the Kala yuga cycle with the activation of the holographic computer, which is your brain, right? When you break out of the simulation, mentally, this is where you can see beyond the visible light spectrum of the three dimensional world, right? So this is why we can only see 10% of the electromagnetic spectrum, because we was in the age of darkness.
As I was saying, you was in the dark. When you go to Luke, chapter eight, verse 13, what happens in the dark comes the light, right? So the age of darkness under the energy of the moon, Pisces, as we go into the sun cycle. The sun cycle is the aquarian age. When you’re in aquarian age, that’s when you see beyond the illusion, you see beyond the visible like spectrum of the three dimensional world that was facilitated by the moon and Saturn.
Saturn is Satan. So that’s why when you go to corinthians four four, they say that Satan is the God of this world, right? He’s not the God of the universe, the God of this world, the God of this world. Many that when you go to Genesis, right, when you’re encapsulated inside of a fermented dome, that means that genesis is basically talking about the creation of the simulation, not the creation of the world, because the creation of the simulation is where you were spiritually cut off to, where you can’t see beyond the visible light spectrum, as we’re basically encased inside of a dome, because it’s all based on false light.
And what is the false light? The false light is the personification of Lucifer, right? So when you see beyond the visible light spectrum, because, like I said, we are light bodies trapped inside of a light prism, which is a prison. We in a prison planet, right? So we break out of the Kala yuga cycle. It’s the end of patriarchy, because patriarchy subjugates nature by way of capitalism, classism, racism, all this stuff was facilitated by the Piscion age, right? So when you have the wavelength of gamma radiation and ultraviolet light radiation, it basically dismantles the false light.
Right? Now, like I said, this is all connected to the energy and a frequency of the brain, because the brain and the mind works in tandem. I mean, yeah, the brain and the mind works in tandem with the energetic frequency of the soul, which is the heart chakra, because the heart is the seat of the soul. So your brain interprets the various energies of the visible light as different colors, ranging from red to violet, right? Because violet is the personification of the hypothalamus gland, which is the master gland.
We’re going to get into that for a second. So, now, since we in a sun cycle, the aquarian age, we in the great awakening, right? When you have the uv radiation like spectrum, it basically activates the sun heat genes, which is a form of neuromelanin, which is activating the carbon. So that neuromelanin activates the dopamine and the dopamine activates the serotonin levels, and the serotonin levels activates the hypothalamus gland, which is the master gland, the crown chakra, to where you see beyond the illusion of the three dimensional piscion, age of darkness, right? So that’s why it’s all connected to our genetics.
It’s all connected to seeing beyond the illusion. That’s what it’s all about. You got to break out of the illusionary aspect. You got to break free from religion, even though there’s a little truth in religion. That’s why sometimes I propagate religious context because I know that’s where people’s, their consciousness is still acclimated to monotheistic culture. So I got to show people in real time where we at by way of theological context.
Sometimes I got to point out the scriptures because sometimes you got to use the matrix in order to pull people out of it, right? So that’s why I propagate the Bible sometimes, or the Holy Quran. So like I said, this uv radiation. Uv radiation activates the neuromelanin. The neuromelanin activates dopamine. The dopamine activates the serotonin levels, which gives an activation to the hypothalamus gland, the master gland, the crown chakra.
So that’s when you have your endocrine system in alignment. When your endocrine system is in alignment, that activates the seven energy cortexes, which is your chakra system. When your chakra system is in alignment, you break out of the prism planet or prism, right, because the soul is encapsulated inside of a meat soup, right? So like I said, you see beyond the soul trap mechanisms of the Saturn moon matrix, right? So now you have the third eye chakra, which is connected to the hypothalamus gland and the pituitary gland, right? So that’s why genetics and spirituality, the celestial bodies, they all work in tandem.
It’s a tethered connection to it. So with that being said, like I said, your sexual functions, your energy levels, blood pressure, all this stuff has to be in alignment. So that’s why they want to subjugate us on a neurological level and in a biological level that’s connected to their enterprises and their corporations. When you’re talking about these hospitals and things of that nature, we’re going to get into that.
So I got to speak carefully. So like I said, the light source, the visible light spectrum, uv radiation, the cymatic frequencies of light, hits the prism. We are the personification of a prism. Right? Because this prism is the personification of the fact that we live in a three dimensional world. The three dimensional world is comprised of three different domains. People, places and possessions. Reading, writing, arithmetic, and things of that nature.
Abcs, one, two, threes, everything. Gases, liquid solids, father, son and the Holy ghost. Brahma. Krishna, Shiva, all this stuff is acclimated to the three dimensional world. So when you break out of that prism, right? When you look at this triangle, this triangle is the prism, which is the body, carbon body, right? So when you break out of it by way of higher consciousness, the light source, the activation, that’s when you activate the rainbow spectrum of your energy cortexes, your chakra system, to where you see beyond the visible light spectrum to where it’s no longer at 10%, right? Because you have an emerging of dimensions we in the aquarian age, right? So like I said, the prism is the embodiment, the tetral anger radiation is the embodiment of the body, right? Because carbon is the building block of all civilizations.
So when you have ether merging in with the carbon, it starts to manipulate timelines, right? That’s what this is all about. Because like I said, spirituality and genetics work in tandem, right? Where’s my videos? Okay, now, when you’re able to break out of the piscion age of illusion, this is where you begin to see beyond the illusion. When you start to see beyond the illusion, things like this start to take place.
You know what I’m saying? It’s not only subjected to what took place over in Miami at the bayside mall, but like I said, you’re going to see a lot of stuff like this. Like this lady’s talking about, right? She’s going to be talking about an experience that she had when she was at the grocery store. Because like I said, we have the quantum world merging in with the material plane, the fourth and the fifth dimension merging in with the third dimension to where you’re going to start to see entities.
You’re going to see these watchers, you’re going to see draconian reptilians. You’re going to see a lot of different things that they told us that was acclimated to conspiracy, you know what I’m saying? It’s not going to be a conspiracy no more, right? This is why women like this is having experiences. I’m going to play the video. Listen up, y’all. There are beings that is walking this earth and they are not human.
I just came from Kroger’s. I just got off of work. I went to go pick up a few items, y’all. I go to the bread aisle. Now the bread aisle is super long. I’m at one end of the bread aisle. There’s a guy that’s about three, four of the way down in the bread owl. He got a cart, I got a cart. He’s looking at me, and you know how you can see out your peripheral that somebody’s staring at you? He ain’t just looking, but he’s staring at me.
I kind of look his way. He’s still staring. I go ahead and I get my bread. I go back around the other way, because I’m going to the international aisle to get some pasta and some other stuff. While I’m in the international aisle, at one end, this guy comes around, and he’s at the top of the same aisle. I see him still looking at me. Now, mind you, there’s a couple of things that I need to get out of that aisle.
So the first part of the aisle, I grab what I need to grab, and I go about midways down, he’s at the other end. So he’s staring at me still. So I kind of look at him, and I go, like, how you give somebody that type look? He’s still staring. So I’m looking for what I’m looking for. I can’t really find it because he’s throwing me off. Because he keeps staring.
Mind you, this man don’t have nothing in his cart. He’s not even turned to look at any food. He’s looking directly at me. By this time, I’m like, you know what? I’m not on it. I’m about to just stare you down. So I turned to look at him, y’all, when I tell you this man stared at me, and his eyes turned black. Everything in his whole eyeball, not just the pupil, but the white part, turned completely black.
He looked, it said black, and then he walked away. When I tell you I left that cart sitting in that aisle. I didn’t even buy nothing from Kroger’s. I left out, and I came home. There is stuff. There is beings that is walking in this earth, and they at the store, they at whatever. They look like us and everything else, but they are not human. I don’t even know what to say.
Listen up. So, with that being said, like I said, we have the quantum world merging with the material plan. So you’re going to start to see a lot of these things. And I believe her. You know what I’m saying? Her name is Sherry. You can see it at the bottom. Ain’t nobody named Sherry Finna be lying about no shit like that, auntie. Sherry Finna be lying. So, like I said, the truth has an energetic frequency to it.
You could tell when somebody’s lying. And with that being said, like I said, ain’t no woman named Sherry going to be lying about no shit. Like, you know, I don’t really think she’s cloud chasing. I really believe that she had that experience. Right? So now when you have the merging in dimensions, right, what you got to understand is that the Book of Enoch, right? That book was taken out of the Bible, right? Because it’s talking about the watchers.
These watchers are Elohim Anunnaki, or whatever you want to call them. Extraterrestrial beings, angels, whatever, or the seraphim. What you got to understand is that Thomas Arando, in 14 eight, he was appointed by the dark priesthood of the Vatican Church to take the Book of Enoch out of the Bible, which is actually the inception point of the Bible. And then that’s when he compromised the Book of Genesis, right, and turned it into a patriarchal standpoint that actually goes against the energy and the frequency of nature under a matriarchal order, right? Because you got to understand that the church and the state is not separate.
They all work in tandem through ecclesiastical law, which creates the corporate infrastructure of patriarchy through religion, the manipulation of religion, right? So what you got to understand is that because of patriarchy and that we in a sun cycle, you’re going to start to see these watchers just like that. Lady. I don’t know if it was a draconian, whatever, but it’s many different watchers. It’s just a different nomenclature title for a draconian, or it can be an archon, or it can be agreeable anunnaki or disagreeable anunnaki, right.
Watchers is just basically a holistic term that’s acclimated to the doctrine of whatever religion or whatever spiritual system that you follow. So the Book of Enoch is talking about the watchers. That’s why they took it out of the Bible, because they know during this time period, these watchers, you know what I’m saying? We’re going to be able to see them. So now what you got to understand is now we out of the sleep spell of King Goo.
The sleep spell of King Goo is actually acclimated to the energy of the moon, right. We are no longer in the three dimensional frequency. Right. Because now this is where you tap into the Akashic records, which is the personification of the scroll of all. The scroll of all is the tablets of destiny. The seven tablets of destiny is your chakra system. Your chakra system is going to activate the epigenetics.
The epigenetics is where you remember certain things that took place on the planet that’s far beyond the limitations of the three dimensional realm. Because I told you, the three dimensional world, there’s no evolution for it. Because everything as far as the three dimensional world, it operates in threes, right? So you got, like I said, people, places and possessions. The three little bears, three little pigs, reading, writing, arithmetic, father, son and holy ghost.
You got God, devil, humanity, home, job, money in a bank, religion, media and school. All these things is basically the three dimensional frequency, right? Meaning that there’s limitations, right? There’s no evolution. That’s why we got to go through a reset. Because you can’t evolve in the third dimension. You can only reset. It goes from regeneration to degeneration. And it goes all the way back to regeneration. It has to zero out.
It has to go through a process of zero point energy. So the reason I tell you that is because these watchers, they always come in threes. All the time. These watchers, they always come in threes. Why is because one is supposed to get you aligned spiritually. The other one is supposed to get you aligned mentally. And the other one’s supposed to get you aligned physically, right? Because I told you on Brother Rich’s channel, I had an experience, right? I had an experience with three bins that was in my room.
And I’m going to break it down another time, but I had an experience about that. I really don’t want to talk about it because I want to hear nobody talking about, he’s capped. So these three bens or the watchers, they always working on a trilateral connection of threes. That’s why when you go to the Book of Enoch, it tells you that the three anunnaki visited Abraham. So these beings, they not only subjected to a physical state, they can also not take comporeal form to where they’re in the ether state.
Meaning that they have a shadowy side, right? That’s why, just like in the bayside mall, they said they seen three shadowy beings, three tall, dark figures, right? So just because they at an etheric state doesn’t mean that they don’t have a physical state, right? They’re able to shape shift. So that’s why when you go to Dr. York’s publication, he talks about the Ethereans. The Ethereans is know you shapeshifting into a form of a gas, a spirit, and then you can take physical form.
So you have an ethereum and a risk in is basically the same thing, right? That means that you’re just merging in dimensions. You’re working through dimensions. So this is why, when you look at this right here, the ancient aliens, it talks about how those three shadowy figures, they always come in three, just like I had the three beings in my room and everything. And my experience wasn’t nothing male, nevolent.
It wasn’t disagreeable. I felt like it was something agreeable. I felt comfortable. You know what I’m saying? It wasn’t nothing to where I felt like they know going to castigate me on a spiritual level, right? So like I said, they always come in threes because they come in threes because that’s all connected to the ancient order of the spirit of Melchizedek. Because a lot of times when it talks about in the Book of Enoch, he got his edification from these three anunnaki when they came to visit him.
That’s why it’s based on spiritual alignment and spiritual evolution. That’s why every time when you see these three beings or whatever, you get an activation on a mental level, spiritual level, and a physical level, right? So it talks about the non ether etheric beings, which is also the personification of the watchers, right? So like I said, they come down, and like I said, they come down for spiritual evolution.
But you also have disagreeable ones, too. So that’s why I’m saying we have the merging in dimensions. You’re going to start to see shadowy beings just like you seen at the mall. You’re going to start to see entities like that woman seeing, right. Whether it’s agreeable or disagreeable, because we live in a time right now. You know what I’m saying? They all put it in the movies. This is in a Marvel movie.
They always come in threes because they post to raise up the vibration of the three dimensional world to where you see beyond the third dimensional Pisces on the age of darkness. That’s why when you go to this right here, you got to watch this by Dr. Delbit Blair. He talks about when he was at a UFO conference. In his video, he said after the UFO conference, three beings from a different star system, three extraterrestrials, humanoid, came and talked to him.
I don’t think he’s cloud chasing or whatever, because his work speaks for itself. He’s a legend. So like I said, man, he’s a legend. So I always show credence and veneration to the people who’s doing the real work, right? Even tells you in the book of Ezekiel, it tells you about the watchers, right? To where it activates a form of righteousness, because the watchers are actually here to warn you for what is to come.
Right. Ezekiel 33, two. And then Ezekiel 33, because like I said, it tells you about the Watchmen. The watchman is basically personification of the trumpet, the sound of the horn, to warn the people. Notice you see three, three three at the top. That’s spiritual alignment, because like I said, they all work in synergies of three. So I just had that download just now. So I didn’t put that there on purpose.
Everything to where you ascend out of the three dimensional state, they come in threes. A lot of you had these experience. If you had an experience, put it in the comments and put it in the chat or whatever, you know what I’m saying? Because people are trying to get clarity about what’s going on. You have the merging of the mentions. You have the merging of the spiritual world, the quantum world, and the physical world at the same time.
So you’re going to start to see things that you thought was acclimated to. Conspiracy is no longer going to be a conspiracy because the veil is being uplifted. Right. So this is where we get into play this one first. So, like I said, you’re going to see a lot of things. This is a whistleblower. He actually was a KGB member. He was also a CIA agent. And he’s talking about all these alliances of draconian factions and different extraterrestrial species.
So the truth is going to come out even more as we go into the sun cycle because they got to tell us the truth. They got to tell us the truth. Because when you see a draconian walking down the street, you see three beings, shadow figures. You know what I’m saying? They got to explain that. So they got to put all the truth out in the forefront to where certain things happen.
It’s no longer to where it’s basically not a conspiracy. No more. From chief of operations to all governments, militaries, and citizens of Earth. Subject reconnaissance mission over the Orion group bases in Antarctica, the moon and Mars, part two. Notice he said, the Orion factions in Antarctica. All right, now, I got to pause this video because remember those three bins or whatever, they went through an interstellar vortex portal in Antarctica from Antarctica and came to Miami.
Because all this works in tandem. All this is tether connected. Everything is connected. The further that you get into this spirituality, the further that you get into higher states of consciousness, you’re going to understand that everything is connected. I’m going to play the video with a Miami mall incident that was said that there was a portal that was opened in the mall that people had seen it. You can see it here on the screen and that obviously this is where the aliens had come out of.
I had just found this tweet here today that says Miami aliens incident antarctic base. They put the coordinates in backwards. Please try it and write where it takes you. So when you open up a portal, you have to have coordinates of where you want to go. So what we’re going to do is we’re going to go onto Google Earth here today and we’re going to look up the bayside marketplace.
I’m already on it here, but I’m going type it in again here for you guys so you can see that this is where it takes us, the bayside marketplace on the screen here. All right, so I’m going to right click on the coordinates here. We’re going to copy this, then we’re going to paste it over here. So what we’re going to do right here, it says north and west.
So we’ve got 25, 46, 42. So on the girl’s tweet here, right here. So here’s the tweet in the comments here, it says 25, 46 42 west. So we’re going to change that from north to west. And we’ve got 80, 1112 west. We’re going to change it. And she’s got 80, 1112 south. So let’s change the west to south. We’re going to hit enter now. It’s going to take us like, you can already see it’s taking us to the bottom here.
So we’re going to zoom out. Oh, Lordy, Lord, look at this. Look at that. This is the antarctic circle here in the south. How can we confirm that we’re in the south here? Because if we take a look here, here’s Argentina over here. Here we’ve got Africa over here, and here we have, actually New Zealand. So this is in the south here. So it seems like Gary did a bad job, did a bad job in putting the wrong coordinates.
Let me know what you think. So, like I said, it’s all connected to Antarctica because when you put in these coordinates, it’s an interstellar vortex portal. Right, an intercellular vortex portal. So all portals have coordinates, and those coordinates are basically to where you can merge in the physical world and the quantum world at the same time to where you can manipulate time dilation. From chief of operations to all governments, militaries and citizens of Earth.
Subject reconnaissance mission over the Orion group bases in Antarctica, the Moon and Mars, part two. This is an official SSP alliance release. The disclosures we have brought forward have been compromised. Fake secret space program veterans, super soldier imposters, and ET contactees have released considerable misinformation to keep humanity from fighting for freedom with a false sense of security. They are peddling the narrative that the Mars colonies mean and Antarctica bases have been liberated from the grey alien and reptilian forces.
To combat these counterintelligence campaigns, we are releasing a series of briefings straight from our highest ranking officers without intermediaries. We strongly recommend that you disregard information that is not coming directly from us. In our last briefing, we presented crucial background intel. We started debriefing on the reconnaissance mission over the Orion group bases in Antarctica, the Moon, and Mars by Corey Good, the Anshar, and the Mayans. The Orion group includes the reptilians, tall greys, insectoids, various Concord, ets, and numerous rogue federations.
Groups including a tall, attractive nordic race that seduces and deceives humans under the control of the AI God we describe. Basically, when he’s talking about the paladetian faction, he’s actually talking about Ashtar command. Ashtar command works in tandem with the Naji regime that is created by a totalitarian agenda to subjugate humanity under a crypto control system, which is a technocrat system, so it’s basically a form of cyber dictatorship.
So as we segue into the golden age, they’re going to try to implement this new world order system. And that new world order system is going to be facilitated by the Orion group, which is comprised of your draconian reptilian. Right. Your tall grays and insectoids, or Ashtar command. Right. So that is basically the rogue federations that is connected to the nordic race. So that’s why everything that’s facilitated by the Saturn moon matrix is based on a loose energy.
That loose energy is based on the extraction of neurons from the body by way of technological devices. Right. So that’s because artificial intelligence or technology, that is basically the third eye for the beast in the babylonian system. I’m going to play the video at the reptilian bases and how reptilians collect moosh for consumption and survival of their AI God, utilizing advanced technology. Good talked in detail about Antarctica for the first time in July 2016.
He revealed the cabal underground bases in Brazil and Argentina send supplies through tectonic rift systems connecting Antarctica, South America, Central America, and North America. During the reconnaissance mission, Good saw the ICC digging up the pre atomite ruins while flying over the ice harbor. The reconnaissance delegation observed giant submarines designed to carry cargo containers traveling through the tectonic rifts using electromagnetic sub engines. David Wilcock confirmed this intel through his insiders Boost and Pete Peterson.
Good also explained that the reptilians told the Third Reich Germans about the old pre atomite bases, which they then cleared out and utilized to build modern infrastructure. The Third Reich Germans and later the ICC built Antarctica bases inside underground lava tubes, ensuring comfortable ambient temperatures for humans. They also made bases on the surface under ice domes formed by the geothermal heat from volcanic activity and giant geysers, which melted ground layers under the ice.
When viewing the deep underground reptilian city in Antarctica, the reconnaissance mission delegation observed millions of reptilians in a city carved out of caverns. Reptilians, biodroids, and humans were seen actively and jointly working on high tech equipment and devices in a section of the city. Further down the cavern, they observed the area inhabited by other reptilian society castes. The look of this area was spartan and low tech. It looked like an old celtic castle with a red, black, purple, and maroon tapestries hanging over large doorways and statues placed in passageways.
Walls were adorned with death themed art, which looked like it was painted or tattooed on the skin from the torsos of humans and other beings that crossed paths with the draco soldiers. Good was told that each gruesome piece of art told the story of a battle or conflict. The statues were made of a plaster mixer partially covering mummified bodies of reptilians, ancient humans, and what appeared to be preatomites.
Nikka explained to Corey that these art pieces were commissioned at different times in our history to celebrate victories over other castes, the preatomites and humans, going back over 50,000 years. The statues were mummified leaders of reptilian enemies. Reptilians created the most recent statues around 11,800 years ago after the last solar event. Nikus stated that his people had discovered similar facilities on their planet. Notice he said, after the last solar event, so the same thing has actually take place.
So that means that, like I said, the bifurcation period under the lunar cycle, that’s when the draconian reptilians 12,000 years ago drug the planet. They drugged the moon, the artificial celestial megastructure from planet Jupiter into our solar system. Right? So that’s how they created everything, their whole infrastructure. So the last solar event happened 16,000 years ago, and now we in that age again. Deliberation. Pre Adamites are originally from the super Earth planet named Maldac.
Due to the misuse of ancient technology in a war they instigated, which destroyed Maldac and the atmosphere of its moon, Mars. Two political factions of the pre Adamites elite were forced to leave their home planet. The survivors were elite’s royals who took their last three motherships and escaped to the moon. And an already established colony in Antarctica, which they had already maintained for thousands of years. The current asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter is the remnant of the destroyed planet Maldek.
Following a pit stop on the Moon, their three motherships ultimately crashed in a temperate region on prehistoric Earth, inspiring our modern day fallen angel mists. By cannibalizing their ships, the pre Adamites made themselves at home and built most advanced city in our world, Atlantis. The preatomites also experimented with combining preatomite and early human dna to create hybrids. Chimera and gigantic humanoids. Their focus on these experiments, rather than spiritual evolution, prevented them from transitioning to a new, higher consciousness level.
The seismic Earth changes resulting from a solar cataclysm triggered an end times madness and unprepared preatomites who mentally self destructed. As they fought each other, a massive tidal wave sank and flash frozen their atlantean kingdom, which remains buried in Antarctica. The command and control area of the reptilian base is where they coordinate activities with extraterrestrial allies, ships, and various projects and missions. Good. And the reconnaissance delegation witnessed a quick, high tech coordinating zoom call among the reptilians, insectoids and tall grays.
Before the Zoom call communication started, the delegation saw a black triangle with a circle and a bent light beam floating in a holographic field. Only a particular reptilian caste is allowed access to this advanced technology. Due to the high probability of being discovered by the royal white Reptilians, the reconnaissance delegation shifted their observation to other areas. The delegation viewed one of the less technical areas of the reptilian city and found hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of reptilians in a hibernation state.
They were a different cast of reptilians, shorter and less muscular, but had larger heads like the pre atomites. Wood was told these beings could enter a deep hibernation while leaving their bodies in astral projection. As very tall shadow figures, hibernating and atrophied reptilians are stuck in the loosh factory. Like heroin addicts, they are vulnerable and dependent on our civilization’s negative energy for their continued existence. Each reptilian shadow figure had between three and eight shadow beings believed to be extra dimensional, which assume that’s in connection to what happened in Miami.
Like I said, they can be in a reptilian form, or they can not take emporeal form and be in a form of ether. So like I said, you have ethereans, which is the anunnaki, right? They can take form as etheric form. A draconian can basically take an etheric form. They have the ability, both of them have the ability to do that human shape. The reptilian shadow figures could project themselves into human military facilities, workplaces, homes, and even dreams while controlling the shadow and elemental beings and demons.
The primary purpose of the shadow and elemental beings and demons is to collect loosh. By affecting the people’s vibration and state of consciousness. Through influencing people in their family and social circles, either through direct control or possession, the demons were visible to the reptilians, who would attach to certain humans or groups and follow reptilian orders to create chaos, sickness, mental distress, and death in their targets. Buddhas described a group of reptilians from a witch doctor class wearing cloaks and performing black magic ceremonies among the hibernating Reptilians.
In some cases, they were sacrificing humans while watching holographic projections of other humans on the surface, executing a mirrored human sacrificing ritual. The sacrifices occurred simultaneously, opening a portal between the two locations. Like in some satanic ritual testimonies revealed throughout history, the cloaked witch Dr. Reptilians would walk through this portal and physically appear before the humans, who dropped immediately to their knees in worship. Because of these activities, this city was infested with mid to high level demons and negative polarity elementals.
Each reptilian base had a dedicated prisonlike area for human refugees and those in prison for consumption and sacrifices. Some humans were the former dark fleet operators, one of the secretive SSP factions that works mainly outside the solar system. These dark fleet operators had to flee the programs after Sigmund, a deceased double SSP agent, exposed their program. They were now refugees in these bases and assisted the Reptilians as manual laborers, taking care of prisoners who were to be sacrificed or as food resources.
In May 2018, Good released intel on human trafficking and this slavery business. So that’s how you know it’s all connection to the last video I put out when it was talking about the end of the de facto corporation of the deep state shadow government. Which is the shadow government. Right. So that shadow government works in tandem with the canaanite babylonian system for human trafficking, because they got to give a sacrifice to the draconian right.
Significant motivation for humanity’s war against reptilian oppression. Humans have been the object of this galactic slave trade for far too long. That the next big push in the battle of good versus evil would be the war on all forms of slavery and human trafficking. While good observed, some off planet human slaves rescued and liberated, many humans continue to be enslaved, while the off planet galactic slave trade continues.
The reconnaissance delegation also observed human looking bioandroids at the reptilian base. Anshur and Mecca explained that these biomachines were millions of years old and were built in the image of the civilization that designed them. These bioandroids were highly adept at designing and building technology. After the AI God sent itself as a waveform artificial intelligence signal across multiple galaxies, it took over their solar system, infected the bioandroids, and used their technology against them, wiping out their entire civilization.
The bioandroids became AI avatars, allowing the AI God to create technologies that the Reptilians could not. Additionally, the reconnaissance delegation observed hundreds of eight foot tall human looking beings. They were very muscular and had six fingers on each hand. The AI defeated their race with the Reptilians, infecting them with nanites. And assuming total mind control of their race, which succumbed to the service of the AI God. The process wiped out almost all of their soul group characteristics.
The eight foot tall human looking beings had spacecraft. They operated alongside the Draco, a humanoid reptilian race originally from the Draco star cluster, who abduct and experiment on humans for the Reptilians in a program shared by a few ET groups. At this point in their reconnaissance mission, one of the which Dr. Reptilians detected the delegation who subsequently moved to the ICC location in Antarctica. Worldwide corporations ruled the ICC, or the interplanetary corporate conglomerate, with representatives in a super corporate board which controls the outer space SSP infrastructure.
Additionally, the ICC controls former dark fleet facilities, which were active and working closely with their counterparts in three different bases on the moon. We will cover what was observed on the ICC bases in future briefings. In the next briefing, we will describe the reconnaissance mission delegation’s observations of the tall grade bases. Be patient, be strong. We are in this together. So, like I said, that’s a whistleblower that used to work for the CIA, and he was a KGB member, right? So now all that stuff is happening because you at the end of a system.
It’s the end of a Saturn time cube simulation. The Saturn moon matrix. The artificial time analysis mechanism. Right? So, like I said, they want to stagnate spiritual evolution for a totalitarian agenda that’s based on neurological manipulation, right? And that neurological manipulation is connected to this. Right. The so called, you know what I call it? The draconian juice. So this is why the World Economic Forum wants to propagate this, right? Holding simulations for it.
But that’s why, when you’re talking about the attack on God, because like I said, they know that God is the highest extension of my, which is the elements of matter to express itself. So God is the energetic frequency of the mind that works in tandem with the heart chakra, because the heart is the seat of the soul. So when you’re balanced on an energetic level, that is the precursor to alignment, right? So this is why they create many different things that attacks the brain.
They attack the brain because the brain is acclimated to the holographic projection of the Saturn moon matrix, right. They want to use another way to put you right back to their system. So that’s why this right here is actually the personification of the Sears disease, which is severe intravirus epidemic respiratory syndrome. Because that intravirus in the Sears is a direct emulation of the cube of Saturn, the hexahedron.
So the same thing that you see inside on top of the cube of Saturn is actually acclimated to the intravirus when you’re talking about, you know, know, because I don’t. Ain’t trying to get hit with no copy, no strikes or nothing like that. So like I said, this is all acclimated to the brain function because like I said, that intravirus puts an encryption over the minds of humans, right? And like I said, this is actually called the Sears disease.
Because like I said, it’s severe intravirus epidemic respiratory syndrome. That intravirus is a direct emulation to keep you spiritually entrapped in a form of a cube. You got to break out of the cube. You got to break out of the mind simulation, right? So that’s why when you go to Dr. York’s publication, he is talking about how in the sun cycle you’re going to have a lot of people become prophets and messengers and seers.
Because that intravirus that they going to try to put inside people is going to put a mental encryption, it’s going to connect you right back into the affinity loop, right to where you can’t see beyond the illusion, to where you won’t be able to see these entities like that woman was doing. Because they know that we live in a time right now where the quantum world is merging in with the physical plane, the material plane.
So like I said, the only way you can hide that. That we were going through a metamorphic shift on the planet, you got to create a hengillian dialectic principle that’s based on this from the World Economic Forum. So, like I said, they trying to stagnate your spiritual evolution with all these false flags. That’s why they got to attack your genetics. Because when you in the sun cycle, that activates the sun.
Heat, genes, prominence, granulations, right? Those gases are basically forms of ether. That’s been facilitated by coronal mass ejections. You get a biological upgrade. You get a neurological upgrade to where you can see beyond the illusion. That’s what they doing all this stuff for, right? It’s spiritual entrapment. So it’s not a coincidence that the antivirus, like I said, looks just like the Cuba, Saturn, the hexahedron, right? Not a coincidence, because they know, as we in the sun cycle, the veil being uplifted.
You know what I’m saying? What happens in the dark comes to light. Luke, chapter eight, verse 17. Right? So, for those coming in, I’m going to give a rundown of what’s going on. You can play the video back, get this video out there, because we live in at a time right now. A lot of stuff is going to be taking place. Now, you got to understand, we breaking out of the 6480 year probation, meaning that we’re no longer acclimated to having a cap consciousness, because we in the sun cycle.
So that means that the spiritual cut off is not acclimated to the Piscion age. So now you have an emerging in dimensions, in the electromagnetic ring of the merging of the third dimension, the fourth dimension, and the fifth dimension, which is why you see the infinity loop, which is breaking out of the Kaliyuga cycle. You see, the Iron Age was facilitated by Pisces, Aries, and Taurus. We’re no longer in the Piscion Age because now we’re in the age of Aquarius.
That is facilitated by the sun. The sun is basically the personification of return, spiritual consciousness, the return of the gods, and the return of the Christ consciousness, right? So now we in the aquarian age, to where you’re no longer encased inside of the metatronic overlay over the Cube of Saturn, because the cube is the representation of the material plane, which is connected to the energy of the Moon.
So you’re no longer encased inside of a prison planet by way of the frequency of the mind. So your genetics and your dna structure is not going to be manipulated by the system because we in the sun cycle. So that activates the hypothalamus gland and the pituitary gland, which breaks out of the holographic computer of the simulation that’s connected to your brain functions, which is acclimated to the energetic grid system.
So when you break out of this three dimensional state, that activates the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus gland, which are basically the master glands, that activates the crown CHakra, where you have the ultraviolet light that merges in with the cymatic frequencies of ether, that puts the seven energy cortexes in alignment, which is the personification of the scrolls of all. And the scroll of all is the seven tablets of destiny.
The seven tablets of destiny is your chakra system. That activates the epigenetics. Your epigenetics is connected to your akashic records, right? All this is happening because you’re breaking out of the Kaliyuga cycle. The Kaliyuga cycle was facilitated by patriarchy. So that is why you see her with the heads of men. She’s killing all the men, because the men is a representation of patriarchy, right? So now when you break out of the Kaliyuga cycle, you see beyond the visible light spectrum of the third dimensional energy under the energy of the moon, because, like I said, this is why you can only see 10% of the electromagnetic spectrum, because you’ve been spiritually cut off because of patriarchy under the energy of the moon, because we are light bodies trapped inside of a light prism, which is a prison planet.
So the brain is actually acclimated to a form of spirituality because you have to activate the endocrine system to activate your chakra system. And that’s going to happen due to the uv radiation like spectrum merging in with the neuromelanin that produces dopamine, and that dopamine is going to produce serotonin levels that activate the crown chakra to where you can see beyond the illusion, right? See beyond the luciferian agenda.
So this is why, like I said, you’re going to be able to see beyond everything. You’re going to see beyond the deception, right? So you have the dispersion of light. The source, the energy, is going to activate the prism. The prism, when you see that triangle, that is the personification of a tetrahedron energy that’s connected to the carbon body, because carbon is the building block of all civilizations.
So everything on planet Earth has carbon in it, right? So with that being said, the prism, right, which is the body, we are light body trapped inside of a light prism. So you have that light body, your soul, encased inside of a physical vessel. So when you break out of that Kaliyuga cycle, that’s when you activate the dispersions of lights and the components of colors. That’s connected to the energy cortexes of your chakra system to where it activates the spiritual eye, which is connected to your hypothalamus gland, the master gland.
Right? So this is what it’s about. You breaking out of the illusion. You unplug in front of the matrix by way of the sun cycle. The sun is giving off somatic frequencies and fractions of light. So when you’re able to see beyond the illusion, that’s when you start to see watchers. That’s when you start to see beyond people, places and possessions. You’ll be able to see beyond your home, your job, money in a bank.
You see beyond reading, writing, arithmetic, Father, Son and holy ghost. All these are three dimensional constructs. That is the sleep spell. The three dimensional construct is a sleep spell of king goo, facilitated by religion, facilitated by your job, facilitated by people, facilitated by anything that’s connected to the material plane that keeps you connected on an emotional level because your emotions is going to deceive you every time, right? Energy, emotion, connected to the moon.
That’s why they say don’t go into the white light. Because when you go into the white light, that holographic projection is a fallacy. It’s an illusion, right? So when you’re able to activate the spiritual eye, you’ll be able to see these entities, these watchers, right? So that’s what’s taking place. That’s what’s taking place. So, ladies and gentlemen, hold on for a second. So, ladies and gentlemen, with that being said, we live in a time right now.
You have to have a supreme spiritual eye. You got to be grounded mentally. You got to be grounded physically. You got to be grounded spiritually to where you can activate that Christ consciousness. That’s what it’s all about. It’s activating the spiritual eye to see beyond the illusion. So that’s why the World Economic Forum want to facilitate a totalitarian agenda that’s based on mind manipulation. Because when you attack the mind, you’re attacking God, because we are multidimensional beings.
So when you activate the spiritual eye, you could tap into the quantum world. You could see entities and things of that nature, right? Some people are able to do it when the planet was in a three dimensional state, but now it’s going to be one of those things where people are going to have a lot more experiences talking about, oh, I’ve seen a ghost or I’ve seen a draconian, or I’ve seen a zeta reticular gray, or I’ve seen a shadowy bin.
You’re going to have a lot more of these encounters, because like I said, that is basically your personification of a fifth dimensional civilization. The merging of the physical world with the spiritual world, new heaven, new earth, that’s what this is all about, right? Because the highest form of technology is spiritual energy. It’s not facilitated by things that’s propagated by mankind, which is based on a cybernetic dictatorship by way of a technocracy.
You know what I’m saying? Real spirituality is connected to the spiritual body, which is the highest form of technology. That’s why through the doctrine of signatures, everything is connected to their technological devices, is acclimated to who we are genetically, right? Because the spiritual body is the highest form of technology. Not that motherfucking man made AI shit, you know what I’m saying? So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, in order to activate your scroll of all the seven tablets of destiny within you, to activate the akashic records, right? Because this is important, because the Kala yuga cycle was all under deception.
Everything that know the great majority of stuff that was in the books as far as like monotheistic context of religion or whatever, all that stuff was based on fallacies historical context, was all based on a fallacy. We live in an inverted system. It’s a luciferian system. It goes against the natural law, right? Because it’s based on the law of polarity. Because when you invert things, that creates polarity, and their polarity is connected to capitalism because that creates a form of how they supplicate your emotions and they transmute it into a weakness.
So much to the point where they can create incentives that’s connected to their system. They can extract the energy from you, right? They can extract all the money, everything that’s basically diabolical to the corporate system. They’re able to do that. That’s what this is all about. Everything is an energetic warfare. It’s a frequency warfare, right? So that’s why you got to get your frequency up, because as the planet is going through a metamorphic shift, you know what I’m saying? These new energies is coming in.
They’re going to be very chaotic to the body. So you got to work out, go to the gym, you know what I’m saying? Run laps or whatever, eat healthy, get massages, get the endocrine system in alignment fast. Sit in the sauna, do something that’s going to get your body ready for this great awakening period. Because now we have Pluto in Aquarius, right? And there’s going to be a lot of things that’s going to be taking place and a lot of people are not ready for it mentally, physically and spiritually.
So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, end of transmission 1014. We were put an end of this matter. I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land. Calm is going to get to you and then you’ll have a cherry yet with only one less friend.
No, I had distant folks that are looking to my eyes to understand the wisdom he’s given and his wealth from disguise. So thanks for this meal that I’m about to receive and thank you for my help and all the good memories. Thanks for the courage. Taking on another day when I used to not believe but now I know about grace. Stay away from the fire because the flame does burn.
Go with your gut feeling when it’s wrong, you learn for every one step I take, the Lord takes two and do one to others if you want it done unto you. It’s me again, God, I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land it’s me again God, I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the just a completion the Sofish protein Emerindi infinitian.
I’m the last of the Mohicans, the bastard of the land, the pan melon and accretion and we just trying to get back to the fact that we were kings and queens of a lamb up of the avalanche seized it. I live on Turtle island with the rest of the disease better than the medicine for seven different treatments niggas try to ride away but end up getting seasick, asleep and feel my words like Brell and they’re awakened with the penmanship of hindu script written in them.
Vacant monastery honorary payments to the prototype. Tomorrow’s only a day away but nothing happens overnight the fuck’s wrong with going left when you know it’s right? Biting off more than I can chew that’s an overbite. Black on black crime is like watching two soldiers fight when all along they was on the same page. History. It’s me again God, I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land it’s me again, God, I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I open.
I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land. .