Truth Mafia Podcast #117: Joe Rogan Katt Williams and Updates!

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Joe Rogan Katt Williams

🔍✨ Diving Deep into the Joe Rogan Experience with Katt Williams – Episode 2111 ✨🔍

In the latest episode of #JoeRoganExperience featuring the incomparable Katt Williams, we hit episode #2111. Now, this number might just seem like a sequence to most, but it opens up a world of intrigue when you dive a bit deeper. 🧐💫

For those in tune with the subtleties of communication among the elite, the practice of #Gematria—a form of numerology where numbers are assigned to letters—sheds light on fascinating coincidences. Using the Latin cipher, often associated with Jewish or Hebrew traditions, we find some startling alignments:

  • World Government = 2111
  • Fake World News = 2111

Quite the coincidence, right? Or perhaps a peek into the layered complexity of messaging and symbolism that threads through our media and societal narratives. 🌐🔮

But hey, maybe it’s all just a coincidence… Nothing to see here, or is there? 🤔 Let’s keep our minds open and our conversations richer. Dive into the episode, and let’s decode the world together.

🎧 Listen to the thought-provoking episode here: [Episode Link]

What are your thoughts? Coincidence or a coded message? Share your insights! 🗣️✨

#JoeRogan #KattWilliams #Episode2111 #SecretLanguage #Numerology #DecodeTheWorld #StayCurious #OpenDiscussion

Joe Rogan Experience #2111 - Katt Williams


➡ In March 2023, a group called the Truth Mafia, led by Tommy Truthful, started investigating old mysteries and conspiracies. They explore everything from ancient symbols to hidden meanings in popular culture. They also host a podcast where they discuss their findings and theories, often featuring special guests. The podcast includes promotions and is sponsored by various companies.
➡ The speaker discusses a variety of topics, including the significance of the number 128, the importance of aligning with personal frequencies for manifestation, and the controversial approval of a bill allowing the Satanic Temple to participate in Florida’s school chaplain program. He also mentions the Rothschilds and their alleged involvement in moon rituals, suggesting that they may use cloning technology to extend their lives.
➡ The speaker in this podcast discusses various conspiracy theories, focusing on powerful families like the Rothschilds and their alleged connections to historical events. They also talk about the Orsini bloodline, suggesting it’s one of the most influential families in history. The speaker mentions a video on that delves deeper into these topics. They also discuss the significance of certain dates and numbers, hinting at possible hidden meanings or connections.
➡ The text discusses the potential future of self-driving cars and their possible use in controlling traffic or even blocking escape routes. It also talks about the idea of society resetting itself after major events or disasters, and the possibility of a nuclear event happening soon. The text also mentions various cultural and historical references, such as the Roman festival for the goddess Juno, and the significance of keeping sacred fires burning. Lastly, it discusses current events like wildfires in Texas and their potential connection to these historical and cultural elements.
➡ The text discusses a theory that major events, often tragic, tend to occur around the same time each year, specifically in April and May. Examples given include the Boston Marathon bombing, the Virginia Tech massacre, and the Deepwater Horizon explosion. The text also mentions the founding of the Illuminati and the announcement of Osama bin Laden’s death. The speakers speculate about future events and discuss their personal experiences and observations.
➡ The speaker discusses witnessing a chaotic event involving Jake Paul, which he believes was organized. He also talks about a series of towns with biblical names that the eclipse passes through, suggesting a symbolic connection. The speaker then mentions a follower who shared this information with him, emphasizing that all information should be free. Lastly, he talks about his video editing work and how it helps him reach a wider audience.
➡ The text is a conversation between two people discussing various topics, including their personal experiences, their views on certain individuals, and their interpretations of symbols and numbers in different contexts. They also talk about movies and their perceived connections to conspiracy theories, such as the plasma apocalypse and Planet X. They mention a movie called “Constellation” and its symbolism, and discuss their experiences with online hate and misunderstandings.
➡ A thrilling TV series explores the concept of quantum entanglement, where a character exists in two places at once – alive and dead. The show also delves into the idea of returning from space to a slightly different Earth. The series, which is still unfolding, is highly recommended for its fascinating exploration of these complex ideas. The speaker also mentions a range of other topics, including a popular product from their shop and the process of fulfilling orders.


March 2023, a group of researchers formed the Truth Mafia, a collective determined to investigate conspiracies and occult mysteries that have been buried for centuries. With a passion for uncovering the truth, they delve into the darkest corners of history, pop culture, and ancient mysteries, seeking answers to questions that have plagued humanity for ages. The truth Mafia is led by Tommy truthful, a man shrouded in mystery and intrigue, dedicated to uncovering the hidden truths behind some of the world’s most perplexing and enigmatic phenomenon.

Their research has led them down countless rabbit holes, from deciphering ancient symbols to exploring the hidden meanings behind popular media and literature. Despite the risks and challenges they face, the truth mafia remains steadfast in their quest for knowledge. Will their investigations lead to groundbreaking revelations, or will they unravel an even deeper web of secrets and lies? Only time will tell in this ongoing saga of conspiracy and intrigue.

Welcome to another episode of the Truth Mafia podcast. This is called fair use and is allowed for purposes of criticism, news reporting, teaching, and parody, which doesn’t infringe of copyright under 17 USC 107. This episode today is brought to you by body align and the energy wellness band wear in mind. Right now, the link is down in the description. Use promo code, truth Mafia, and save an extra 20% off.

We got an amazing podcast for you guys today. We’re going to be getting into the new episode. Well, we got a bunch of things we’re going to get into, but one of the topics we’re going to talk about is this new episode that Joe Rogan just released, episode 2111 with Kat Williams. And it was their first time ever meeting each other, Kat and Joe. Now, they dropped some jewels on there.

And if you remember correctly, guys, everybody was saying, oh, his necklace means this or that. And people told me I was crazy for what I said, but he even admitted it in the episode. It’s exactly what I said it was. It represents the eight pointed star. It represents their Stargate technology. He said he created it to represent the Anunnaki bracelet, which count the things on the bracelet, there’s eight points.

It represents the eight pointed star. That’s the star of Anu. So, yeah, they got into some really cool stuff. I got a special guest I’m getting ready to introduce in just a second. All the links are down in the description right down below. Also, check out my special guest, Patreon. I’m going to introduce him right now. Little donut. What’s up, Donut? Yo, yo, what up? Is donut tuning into all your illuminati news.

Yeah. And how can they get. How can they get wicked smart, brother. You get wicked smart by turning in to the Truth Mafia podcast. And donuts does his Patreon, where he got all kinds of really cool stuff going on over there. He don’t just do the podcast with me and him. You get that when you’re a member on the truth mafia. Made member. But then Donut does way more stuff.

He does interviews with a ton of other people and a bunch of his own stuff over there on Patreon. You got anything special coming for him this month? Oh, absolutely. Thank you so much, Tommy. We just talked to Christopher Knowles, Rick Spence. Rick Spence, Nick Bryant. Nick Bryant’s the guy who released the black book of you know who. I ain’t even going to get into it. We dropping wicked smart content over there.

Thank you for having me on. And shout out to. Yeah, yeah. I’m happy to have you, brother. So what did you think about this? Dude, they were talking about some of the craziest stuff. I could not believe Joe Rogan brought up Michael Hastings. Do you know about. I swear, bro, yesterday, I texted. I told him. I said, michael Hastings, look him up. He crashed into a palm tree.

I swear. And now they bringing them up. Yeah. And I just talked to Juan, too, because I had to call him when I heard about the homunculus in this podcast. Who would have known? Kat Williams is a fan of the Homunculi. That’s crazy. Yeah. He watching Juan. He’s watching truth Mafia. He’s watching donut because we be bringing that wicked smart content. He brought up the Illuminati right in the beginning.

And the podcast he did right before, he said he’s part of the 201 comedians. Like, come on. I know, dude, it’s so funny. The homunculus thing, you got to be wondering, like, dude, are you watching Juan? He might be watching Juan because I never heard no one talk about, you get millions of views when you post something on Facebook, Instagram, millions of views. Juan posts stuff. He goes on, like, mine unveiled, talking about the homunculus.

He comes on my channel before that, talking about homunculus rising. We get a lot of views. We powerful. Yeah, yeah. No, you’re right. I mean, the last couple videos I dropped did go crazy viral. And it’s funny, Facebook tried to demonetize me at three in the morning, guys, the same day my video went viral. And I had a bunch of these bracelets sell that they’re tuned at the same frequency as the Schumann resonance, which matches your alpha brainwaves.

And if you click on the link down in the description shop, you’ll see what I’m talking about. I try to make it real easy for the older people. It’s just one link. You click on truthfulsocial. com, and it takes you. You’ll see my readings and the bracelet I’m talking about. But anyways, yeah, I got one of them bracelets, too. I got a couple of them that I rock.

And it looks like this Anunnaki got that same bracelet you got. Yeah, but who knows what they really were for? They said these anunnaki bracelets were teleportation devices. And it’s fascinating that they say that, because I believe it represents that Stargate technology, which we’ve talked about so many times. So in a sense, you were kind of right when you said it represents Polaris, because the eight pointed star, it does represent Polaris, too, though.

You know what? Right there, it’s right. Well, it’s not that one, but, yeah, but you see that man, Juan? He’d be bringing the heat with stuff, and you be bringing the heat. They’re absolutely watching us. We’re breaking down the symbols. We’re breaking down the rituals. It’s absolutely fabulous. Fabulous. It definitely is fabulous. And we have the eight pointed star going into Sin City, which we’ve seen the star in Babylon.

Right? And if you guys look at that thing that cat Williams had, what he made this necklace of, he even said in the interview, it is the same as the wristband the Anunnaki wear. And just count the spokes on it. There’s eight of them there. That’s a representation of Anu’s star. They also call it the star of Ishtar. Oh, man. If you go back to that thumbnail, it’s also the yellow submarine of the Beatles right there.

You see that image? That’s the Beatles yellow submarine. Speaking of submarines, donut, they brought up the submarine today in the podcast, too, dude, and it was so weird. So I’m watching this. This girl, Jessica. Shout out to Jessica K. She sent me the video. I know she’s watching right now because she’s. WHOOP. Shout out to WHOOP. Yeah. Shout out to her. She’s awesome. But as I was watching it, dude, I’m like, wait a second.

Why did they mention Ocean gate? And then Ocean gate is trending right now. There’s a story about that submarine. You guys remember that? And Juan’s video went viral. Juan did an amazing presentation on this. What did he connect it to donut, to the like. So he be connecting these symbols. Go, know, it’s the Shamir. What was the shamir? What was that thing? It was something to do with Solomon, right? Yeah, it was biblical.

Oh, man. It does look like that thing. Juan said it looked like. Guys, you could check him out, the one on one podcast on Facebook, YouTube. Look at his ocean gate video that he did because it was fabulous. But now this is trending again in the media, and Joe Rogan and them was talking about it in today’s episode. So it’s kind know weird that that happened. It makes me wonder, are they part of the script? Most likely they are now in this, um.

Guess what they’re talking about, bro. That people, they’re trying to say people were knocking on the damn sub. Like, they’re trying to kind of say they was alive down there. But then they said this guy in the British Navy or something, he told them, no, it’s just metal makes these kind of noises on the bottom of the ocean. And what do you think about all that? Well, I’ve been looking into that 128-12-8182 connection that you taught me about, and they were listening to the blink 182 music.

The family was. And you got that one two eight in blink 182. And if you go to Google today, because today is a leap year, you’ll see the one two eight code right on Google’s homepage. You just go to Google, you’ll see it says one two eight. For real? Yeah, you just go to Google and then it’s there. It says, one two eight, google. Let’s see why they got the one two eight on here.

Google. No, like you’re on Bing. com. Yeah, Google. Right there. You’ll see it. Google. Oh, hell, no. Are you kidding me? Look at that. The one two eight. Guys, this one two eight code is connected to the neo code, the first player characters within this simulation that we live in. Let me show you a little something real quick. I don’t even know if I ever told you this.

Donut. Oh, shoot. This is the new site I set up for people. It’s like a landing page. Truthfulsocial. com. So I didn’t mean to click on it, but it’s easy to find all my products. These are the bracelets I was telling you guys about. You can get them the links in the description, which they are at 7. 83 hz aligning with the Schumann resonance, the earth’s natural frequency and the same rhythm that pulses within our alpha brainwaves.

Them are the ones that went viral. And I literally sold $4,000 of these donut on one video, over half of the dude’s inventory that he had, swear to God. And at that time, PayPal shut my. They froze my account and Facebook demonetized me. Now, I had my lawyer reach out and thank God, I think they thought that, oh, we’re going to freeze his account. He won’t be able to fill them orders and it’ll ruin his business.

Well, I’m not dumb. I got a business savings account. I had about 20 stacks in that bitch. So thank God I did. I was able to fill all the mortars, and now my account is fine. But they never gave me a reason why they did it. They just decide to do it. It’s pretty crazy when they just decide to do stuff. But I want to show you this one two eight code real quick.

Yeah. They always want to block progress, right? They want to stop the momentum. It’s the big mo. It’s one of the biggest. Compliments of leadership is momentum for anybody. An artist, a business, a person going to the gym. They want to block the momentum of anybody doing things. What is that all about? It didn’t let me pull up my calculator. Oh, there it is. Okay, let’s say. What are you talking about? Not enough memory.

Here we go. So neo code. And this is the same cipher that was the one two eight with that movie leave the world behind. Remember we had the one two eight code in reverse ordinal in that movie with the ship that crashed up on the shore. So that one two eight is just huge, man. That’s the neo code, dude. That’s why we see it over and over and over and over again, too.

We’re supposed to see it because you are that archetype. Donut. That neo archetype. I mean, dude, you have so many crazy. Like the matrix. Yeah, hold on, right here, which is 31 and donut. 31 matching with the donut factory. What I just do there? Donut. Well, just donut factory, probably. Oh, yeah, I think you’re right. It. Yeah, 57, that’s a huge one because that’s the number of law of attraction, bro.

Mmm. Right. So we have certain numbers that vibrate with our frequency and vibrate with our specific code, just like these people out here that are non player characters. What am I supposed to do? Knowing the 57, what can I do with that? Well, you can do a bunch of different things with it. But, like, one, for example, you know how you do your short videos? Do them at five minutes and 7 seconds or seven minutes and 5 seconds, because you can do the reflection of that, too.

So you start to implement that number in your life and it’s part of manifestation. You’ll be able to bring things into manifestation much easier than if you’re using a code and doing it for a certain amount of minutes that doesn’t vibrate with your frequency. It’s actually doing the opposite. And the elites, they know. That’s why the numbers always line up with their rituals. They’re literally manipulating reality. Dude dropped something on May 7, which will be okay.

And tomorrow, three one. Tomorrow. Oh, tomorrow is three one. I’ll drop selling. I’m going to drop that. I’m doing a live stream tomorrow. Drop that shit tomorrow. Yeah. And I would do it. I would do your podcast tomorrow. I would try to do it for like, 31 minutes. Try that. 31. That’s how you do it. Shout out to Ireland. Dublin. I ain’t irish, but my money. Dublin. Yeah.

And another thing. Donut. This really is stressing me out because I’m a father, brother. Happy Father’s Day. It’s not Father’s Day, is it? Every day is Father’s Day. Okay, cool. I didn’t know that. Satanic Temple looks forward to participating in Florida’s school chaplain bill passes. So now they’re allowed to recruit our children after school. What? Crazy. Oh, no, I’m not crazy. The bill. No, you’re not crazy. That’s crazy.

Yeah, they already approved it. Look at that. This is just a crazy title you got the whole satanic connection to. I mean, just look at the bafflement with the two little kids. Yeah, but ain’t this nuts, bro? And then. No one’s talking about this. Nobody’s talking about this. Never heard about it. Who is that? Is that Moloch? Look at him. He’s throwing up. And, guys, notice how he has his thumb inwards.

So if he would have his thumb outwards, that means, I love you. But see how his thumb is connecting to his middle finger, right? That’s casting a spell. That’s casting a hex on you. That’s that devil comet about. Go past us, and then they got some little baby demonic baphomet goat. And it has a little tiny micro joint. I don’t know what’s going on with that thing, but this is just crazy.

They’re always weird looking people, too. You ever notice that? Yeah, it’s just. I’m all about grown ups being able to do whatever they want. They want to worship little satanic goats. Cool, as long as it ain’t hurting nobody. But don’t target the children, dude. That’s the part that really just. Begone, Satan, be gone. Look at the robes, dude. So what do you see there when you look at this robe? That’s a Knights Templar color.

I was thinking straight. Knights Templar, right? Dang. It’s got the merovingian symbol, kind of. That’s kind of a Florida delise, right? Wow. Which Florida delise equals six six six guys. And it represents that 13th bloodline, the merovingian line. But them colors right there, you couldn’t get more Knights Templar. Damn. Which. Why would they pick that color? Well, let me show you why. Let me show you why they would pick this color.

Yeah. Why they picked that color. Because they’d be using that at the Super bowl every year. That’s why. Right there. Six six six wasn’t originally bad. It’s a breakdown for carbon and melanin, but they’ve inverted it. They take anything sacred and holy and invert it. Santa has the red and white saint in it. All comes from that Saturn energy, really. But, yeah, that’s red and white. The six six six.

Well, you know, they’re in front of a Christmas tree, and Kat Williams brought up the homunculus, and the Smurfs being a homunculus, and the Smurfs go into the cult of Mithra and drinking the mushroom, the red and white mushroom that grew underneath the Christmas tree. So the smurf is based off of Mithra. You can see it with the mithraic cap that they wear. But the color coding of the mushroom that they would eat, or would they drink it actually in wine? Red and white.

Right. Do you see them, like, on people’s yards? Like them yard gnomes? They’ll have that red and white mushroom. What was that mushroom called? Something madora? Amanito mascaria. Yeah, something like that. That’s a crazy sounding name. Oh, donut. So I haven’t been able to talk to you. What do you think? On your birthday, brother Jacob Rothschild passes. Know the Rothschilds, they sacrifice them on the full moon rituals.

It’s a money banking ritual. I don’t even know if he really passed away, because they’d be cloning and living long through some secret technologies that they be using. Probably. But he passed away on a moon day, Monday, two days after the full moon, just like Evelyn day Rothschild, a year or two prior, passed away the day after a full moon. And he’s the guy who made the Economist magazine.

And then you got young dolph Illuminati paper route, passing away the day after an eclipse. So you can see that the money is connected to the moon rituals because it’s the mooney and all that. I was born on a Monday, a moon day. But, yeah, it’s very fascinating. He died at the age of 87 years old. And Jacob Rothschild literally equals 87. That’s crazy. Good catch. Yeah, look, I’ve been keeping track.

I’ve been keeping track, dude. I’m keeping track. We only got a couple left to go, dude. We only got a couple left. Yeah, but there’s a whole new. Get rid of one tyrant, you’re going to have another. And these bloodlines go deep. And the Rothschilds aren’t even the most powerful families as they’re portrayed to be through the media. You know what I mean? Like, they married into a family.

They were awarded to be into a bloodline. What bloodlines are those? Well, you know who the Rothschilds really are though, right? Orcini’s. Yeah. I don’t know too much about the rose line, but it’s very important. Yeah, the Orsini bloodline, which is one of the most powerful families ever, their bloodline goes straight back to Nimrod. And if you guys. Obviously, I can’t share this video on Facebook or YouTube because you guys know how YouTube is.

But after this podcast, if you guys want to go over on truth Mafia. com, watch the video that I did about this. I shared a clip of my boy Sam Tripoli and Santos Bonacci talking about the Rothschilds and their true lineage. And it’s the Orsini bloodline. This was back when Santos was on fire, dude. Yeah, he’d be breaking down them bloodlines, too. Yeah. Now I don’t know what’s going on with him.

He got kicked off YouTube. I hope everything’s okay with. Know. He kind of seemed like he was flipping out there for a while, but we just got to keep him in our prayers. I mean, these people will make anyone go crazy. All they do is torment us and gang stalk us and try to ruin us financially. I did a podcast with Santos. I know it’s fire. That was phenomenal.

That’s Logan’s boy. Shout out to Logan from detox, your reality. But Logan knows Santos personally. Shout out to Logan. Yeah, he just did a really good one, too, called prison Planet. And you can watch that on truthmafia. com, too, under Logan’s channel. Now, see this donut? He dies at 87, which Jacob Rothschild is 87, and a third world war is 87. Well, guess what? His family played a role in every world war since Napoleon.

Not every world war. Every war, period, since Napoleon, dude. Just crazy. Yeah. Look, this is what I’m thinking, okay? So September 23 has that same 87 connection. 23 September is 87. And. Hold on. Let me make sure my screen is on full screen so our people can see what we’re seeing. Good. We got 518 people in here. That’s not counting my rumble, because I’m on rumble, too. Smash that, like, button, please, and thank you.

Smash that, like, button. Probably got 600 watching right now. Shout out to everyone. It’s not too shabby. But anyways, look at this guy. So September 23 is 87, right? And everybody back in 2023 was like, oh, yeah, September 23 of 2023, the world’s going to end. And comments are coming, and this is happening. But if you watch Tommy’s video, I clearly tell you, and that video is up everywhere.

You can go watch it on my facebook. I said, no, guys, nothing’s going to happen this year. I was looking at September 23 of 2026, to be exact. If you watch my video, that’s what I say in it. But I’m starting to wonder about this year because I’ve seen that in his code. So I’m like, okay, I wonder how many days from the date he allegedly passed away or transferred his consciousness, is what I’m thinking, till September 23, that nine two three date, that Osiris date.

Guess how many days it is. 211, bro, which is a freaking huge number. 211 is the 40. Isn’t that the name of the cat Williams two one one. Well, an extra one. Yes, with one more in it. But 211 is the 47th prime number. So when you’re looking at prime numbers, like the 47 degree masonic compass, and 211 equals 10 87 in triangular matching Jacob Rothschild in that cipher, and then I’m not going to say that v word.

What would the two one one Kat William podcast mean? Do you know? No, I haven’t ever looked at that cipher with the extra one. How would someone look into it? How would you look into something like that? Well, there’s many different ways you can do it. Our calculator. This is the only calculator in the world. You can type in the number and then hit enter and it’ll show you all the matches in them.

Ciphers. Okay. If you wanted to look at 211 in English, one more one. Do the two one one. Because that’s the podcast. Yeah, and there’s only three phrases in that one, so that’s like nothing. And it’s all dates September 23 is in there, though. Look at that. That’s a big day of 1985. I wonder what happened on that day. Let’s see. Right. Isn’t September 23 the day the world is supposed to end? And that’s the day we just had with the Rothschild code.

And then when you type in the 211 in ordinal. I bet you there’s a lot more in the latin cipher. But I don’t have a huge database on this one. In Latin. Yeah, but it could also be five, right? Two one one. Yeah, but you would want to look at this. Another way you could do it is like this. Check this out. Just a little cheat code for you guys.

Two one one in the montre. Okay, so that’s the cipher you want to look at. Now this website been around forever so they probably have a big database in the two one one cipher. And let’s see, look. This is all Latin. So that’s the only one you can really call Gamatria. The other ones are just like numerology. Right. When you’re talking about actual gamatria, that’s jewish Hebrew. Hey, look at this.

Fake World news is two one one, bro. World government. Holy cow. Can you believe that? I’m going to put that in my cipher. So we have that over here. See? Watch. All I got to do is do this. Boom. I want to see. Oh look, it’s 57 doughnut. Fake world news. Well, that’s why I’d be covering. Yeah, you do. Law of attraction. Look at this. So there’s fake world news in that cipher.

Let’s see what all we can get and then I can store it. So we can build it up. So let’s hit store, add to say. Okay, down here is where we’re building this. Got to build it up. Got to build it up. Wasn’t I just on. How did it move? I don’t see it now. The hell just happened? Hold on a second. Oh, I know what happened. Let me move this back.

Okay, so two one one. All right. What else did you say was in there? World government. World government. Okay, let’s see what we got. That fake world news. I wonder if there’s anything like the Phoenix phenomenon or pole shift in here. World government. John F. Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe. Code of life, whatever the fuck that is. Defining symbol of the Rapture. But yeah, this is how you would do it.

So there’s 34 matches. You would just go through each one and look see what all you come up with. Council of twelve. What is that? Donut? I don’t know. Council of twelve. Let’s see. And here, let me get rid of a couple of these that way. Shut this group. Oh, there we go. Close group tab. Yes. Get rid of that one. Ha, now I can see it. Shut that one, shut that one, shut that one, shut that one.

Okay, now I can see the damn thing. There they are. And I want to see what this is. We got hundreds of people up in here. Make sure you smash that like button, please, and thank you. Council of twelve, quorum of twelve, the community of Christ. The Council of Twelve Apostles is one of the governing bodies and churches hierarchy. Oh, that’s weird. It looks like a damn strange group right there, don’t it? Council looks like school and bones.

I know it don’t look like no church leadership that I ever seen, but yeah, that one is the biggest right there. Fake world news. I mean that’s huge. I’m actually going to add that to the article that I wrote on it, so I’m glad you brought that question up. Let’s see on the third page. But what I would really look for in here is like any connections to the stuff they were talking about, you know what I mean? Like pole shift, emerald tablets, stuff like that, which I bet you there is if we look through all of it.

I bet you there is. I mean that’ll take forever though, but I definitely will do it later. Now pause that. Pause. Okay, hold up, hold up, hold up, hold up. Let me go. Where is it? Wait a second, how do I get to that one part? Here we go, pause. I want the transcript. All right, here, more transcript. Here we go. Show transcript. Okay, so here are some of their talking points.

Let me get down to this one part. I need a drink. Where is that part at? He even said at 847 in like right around the 846 mark. He said that they killed Tesla. Did you hear that part? Yeah, I did get to that part, but I haven’t watched the whole thing. It’s so fascinating. Like I recommend this to everyone. It was one of the best podcasts I watched in a long, very, very interesting.

Oh, they were also talking about in a couple of years we won’t have like the cars will just all drive their self. Yeah, that’s stuff I’ve been talking about for minute now, right? I mean that’s nothing new, right? And like if you have a warrant, it’ll take you to jail. Yeah, we’ve been talking. What’s really going to happen is that these cars, their surveillance systems, like the waymo they’re surveilling everything.

And what will happen is they’ll be utilized to block traffic off so people can’t escape through the highway systems. This has all been orchestrated a long, long time. The highway system is a defense system, and the whole highway system doesn’t go through any grounds that are survivable. You know what I mean? The whole highway system is sketchy, and these cars will block and gridlock the place they’re going to be used, like in a crazy scenario.

Hopefully that never happens. But it could happen. And they could do that. Yes. Just like on the movie, leave the world behind. Right. Just like in the movie, leave the world behind. But they won’t be, like, crashing into each other. They’ll just park two of them, and then it blocks the whole street. You don’t need 100 of them. And then all those Teslas, automatic cars, can just be used to block all the streets, so nobody can drive or get around anywhere.

Yeah, they was talking about Michael Hastings, and Michael Hastings when he died. That was in that volcano was going on, and the volcano caused all them flights to be grounded in Europe. So there’s that connection to it, too, to cataclysms. That was the main thing I took out of this, that Joe Rogan kept talking about, these cyclical resets know these events would take place and then how society would reset itself.

And he believes that we are the survivors of a great cataclysm. That’s what he even said in the podcast, which I totally agree with him on that one. Right, one part. But anyways, like, all the stuff going on, bro, with these fires, have you been paying attention to that? Because I’m telling you right now, maybe it’s dues, I don’t know. But it also could be the Phoenix phenomenon or this plasma apocalyptic thing.

That’s what Logan said. He said that it’s the wood dragon. So the dragon breathes fire, and the wood catches on fire, the trees and whatever. So it goes into the fire rituals. And you could even see, like, Beyonce’s new music video, or elon, it’s all showing Texas and fires, and that’s exactly what happened. Yes. And you’re 100% right on that. And hold on, let me pull this up real quick.

It might make me re add it. I want to show you this, because tomorrow is this ritual to Juno, the goddess Juno. Juno Manetta. Yeah, Juno, the goddess Juno. And what they would do is in the roman culture, they would give, the male in the home would give gifts to the woman. But then in the temple of Vesta, I believe it was the Vesta virgins had to keep the sacred fire lit.

And if the fire went out, there would be great cataclysms for Rome. So it’s very interesting that these Texas fires are blazing right as this major roman festival is taking place. You know what I mean? Wow. Juno Manetta is where we get the word money or monetize Manetta or Manero. Juno Manetta, even the movie Juno. Okay, yeah, I’ll talk over it and break it down so we can have the conversation.

But right here, out of control wildfire scorches Texas panhandle and briefly shuts down nuclear weapons facility. Well, bro, I said going into March, we’re going to have some type of nuclear event. Now, I was thinking something different, but still. It’s still nuclear. And this is just a stepping stone to what they truly got planned, bro, with nuclear, which might be donut knocking the power grid down. Them nuclear things are power us up.

Right. Well, that’s in the news right now. They’re talking about the nuclear thing with Putin. But, yeah, you’re right. Right here, they had the nuclear thing. Yeah. I always think that for some reason, my gut keeps telling me it’s going to be some sort of nuclear thing that’s going to happen next month. I don’t know what that means. I’m not saying, like, a big thing, but something to scare everybody.

And then for a brief time, I don’t think it will be a long time, but something scary for a brief time, and then people will just stay in fear. Yeah. Okay. Continue. Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt. I want to hear what you. No, you’re good, buddy. That’s what I want to do. Have the conversation. Is that a 33 76 on the storm, bro? You don’t see the storm? I see it.

Yeah, I see it. So this goes viral. I did a video Monday night. Everybody in the comment probably remembers it, so I do this video. I only shared it on my new channel, guys, the truthful tv Facebook channel. Donut shared it to his Facebook. So you can follow it over there. And it’s only on that page. If you’re on one of my other facebooks, you’ll see that page.

I shared it to my other ones. But, dude, exactly what I said was going to happen. We had happened. Tornadoes happened. And the fire. I didn’t even plan for the fire. But Texas is in the path of totality, where these twin eclipses make the x over that new Madrid fault line. It all starts in Texas, right? So this comes out Monday. It goes viral. It’s shared on this weird Twitter account, and there’s not much context about it, except there’s supposed to be storms from coast to coast.

And they said the main area that was going to get hit was right in that area where the twin eclipses make the x on the new Madrid fault line. That was like the red area that they were showing. And I think a couple tornadoes happened there. But I’m like, man, where did this image come from? At first I thought it was AI and made up, but no, it was an actual image shared by an actual weather place.

Hit. 76 is harp agenda. Not to mention the Illuminati was formed in 1776. The Georgia guidestones blew up on 76. Remember, guys, 18 hours after CERN broke the world record in energy. I’m looking out for that date, too. It’s $0. 50 birthday, George Bush’s birthday. And it’s connected. The helical rising, the dog star and all that. 4 July. I bet you there’ll be something crazy with that day.

Yeah. Because what you should do, donut, is take that calculator app I taught you about the date calculator, and count from big events leading up to that. Like from 911 to that date, from the Super bowl to that. You know what I’m saying? Different events always got a six. Six days in between, usually, I’ve noticed, with other people talking about it. Oh, yeah, that’s another thing, dude, let me pull up this.

Thanks for reminding me that. Hold on. Speaking of six six six. But, like, you were talking about Juno, and March 1 will be the Juno celebration, and it’s about who brings children into light. It’s about motherhood. And they named that movie about getting pregnant Juno. Oh, yeah. And also we have civil war coming out donut during the 13 days of preparation going into Beltane. Here, I’ll finish this up real quick, and then I’ll bring the six six six thing up.

I know I’m all over sometimes. So right here, this is talking about the roman festival where they would gift these gifts to the female in the household. The men would. And the temple. Yeah, it was a temple of Vesta. And the Vesta virgins were the ones that had to keep the sacred fire burning. Always vesta stood for fire and hurt, whatever that means. I mean, I don’t know what the hell that means, but if these fires died, a great horror would befall Rome.

Oh, shoot. And we got the fires happening now. And if they burn it out, it’s bad. Yeah, if they burn out, it’s bad. So they’re blazing them. I mean, it’s the worst ever in Texas history. So they got to keep them burning all day tomorrow. Are they still burning right now? I don’t know. Look that up real quick, okay. Because that’s my guess, that they’ll keep them burning until this festival is over tomorrow.

The best of, you know what saying. Mm hmm. And remember, guys, if you go back and watch our episode where me and Donut did on the fall of the house of Usher, this is the time frame I warned you about way back in 2023, when we did that fall of the house of Usher decode, I said the season of sacrifice, 311 to 511. In that period, the real highlights of that will be it’s only 3% contained for real.

So I don’t think it’s all out yet. 3% ain’t nothing. That’s terrible. Damn, 3%. So, yeah, they’re going to let it burn out till tomorrow. The highlight of them days, guys, will be during the 13 days of preparation heading into the Beltane festival. That’s April 19 to May 1. That’ll be, like, where we see some craziness, right? And probably, actually, truthfully, probably the whole month of April, because all the astrological alignments.

But for anybody that wasn’t here the last time, we did a podcast, all the days leading up to April 19 through 51, we’ve had some major events, right? Like, these are certain events that took place during this time frame. April 15, 2013, the Boston marathon bombing, resulting in three deaths and hundreds of injuries, including one child. And this is the 13 days of preparation is sacrifice. It’s the biggest child sacrifice event of the year, and it’s to ball.

So April 16 of 2007 was the Virginia Tech massacre. 32 students lost their lives. April 18 of 2013 was Texas Waco fertilizer plant explosion. At least five to 15 deaths and hundreds of injuries located 20 miles north of Waco. Then you had April 19. That’s the beginning of the 13 days of preparation, actually. But they always start early. They always start doing them, like, around the 13th, always.

So April 19, the battle of Lexington and Concord, a key event leading to the Revolutionary War. Then April 19 of 19th. That was 1775. In 1993, on April 19, government forces raided David Koresh’s compound in Waco, Texas, resulting in the death of 25 children. April 20 of 2010 was the deepwater horizon offshore drilling rig explosion in the Gulf of Mexico, causing eleven deaths. And just think how many kids died from the pollution of that water.

That’s probably the biggest ritual they did right there, connected to kids. And then you have May 1, 1776, obviously, the founding of the Illuminati. May 1, 2003, was George W. Bush’s mission accomplished speech on the US Abraham Lincoln declaring the end of major combat operations in Iraq. And May 1 of 2003 was also the invasion of Iraq under iraqi freedom. And then May 1, 2011, was the announcement of Osama bin Laden’s death by the United States.

Mission accomplished. Beyond the US Abram. Hold on a second. Let me double check this one about Iraq, guys, because I’m wondering. Hold on. Let me just double check this r1. Quick. Make sure that one’s right. All the rest I know are right 110%. But this one might have been the wrong date. Let me see. Oh, no, that was. That day began. Okay. The invasion phase began on March 19 of 2003, air and 20 March.

So, yeah, that one was the only one wrong, guys. I thought so. It wasn’t May 1. It was March, which we’re actually coming up to the anniversary of that. And if I’m not mistaken, march, I believe, is Aries, is it not? Donut, can you hear me? Yeah, give me one moment. I’ll be right back. Sorry. Oh, you’re fine. I think. If I’m not mistaken, march is the month of Aries, and Aries is the roman God or the greek God of war.

Yeah, I think it’s Pisces. And then I think it goes into Aries in April and at the end of March. So you’re right. Time frame? Around the 20th. Yeah. So March is Aries and Pisces, just like February is Aquarius and Pisces. For sure. March is the. And. Yeah, I think you’re right, though, too, that March is the think. Yeah. Sorry. But, yeah, you’re. Yep, yeah, it is. So all the other dates were right, but the person that actually written that up, I’m glad I knew that.

So I checked that real quick, because I hate to say the wrong thing on accident. And what made me catch it is I’m like, wait a second. How was May 1, 2011 the announcement, or May 1, 2003, the invasion to Iraq? If May 1, 2003, was George W. Bush’s mission accomplished speech, why that wouldn’t make sense. It’s like Mars, and Mars is the God of war. So maybe, Elon, who wants to go to Mars? Maybe there’s some connection to him.

Yes. So the part of that that is true is May 1, 2003, was the speech. That was the televised speech. Okay, so that was the speech that launched the US. Okay. That’s why. Because that was the speech that launched us into the invasion into Iraq. Oh, I thought it was like a speech ending the iraqi situation. That’s why it’s good to research things, right, guys? So anyways, now the season of sacrifice, and I think all the dates I put in this video actually are pretty much ones we just covered.

Let me see. Let you know here in a second. Okay, here we go. Yeah, these are pretty much all the days we just covered. So you guys can just see them on your screen now. There’s a couple of extra ones in here, though. See? Like March. There’s a bunch of them that happen in March, too. Like heaven’s gate cult suicide. That was March 26. Then we have the west side middle school massacre.

And that was out there in my boy donuts situation out there in Arizona, March 24 of 98. What else do we have? Port Arthur massacre. I don’t even remember this one. There’s so many now. Dude, you want me to do a prediction I’m pointing to? Yeah, let me hear, hear. In Arizona, there’s a place called Paradise Valley. And my prediction is they’re going to set that place on fire.

Paradise Valley. That’s my guess. That’s my prediction for the fire ritual. For the next one. Do you think you know around when it’s going to happen or you know they’re going to do it there? You don’t have to know the date if you haven’t figured that out yet. I don’t know the date, but if I was just going to throw out a guess next month or. But. But you think it’s going to blaze? I think it’ll be controlled because Arizona, I live pretty much in Paradise Valley and donuts going to go start that joking.

I’ve done that once before when I was a kid. But no, just a prediction. We’ll see what happened. Yeah. And dude, I don’t even care if you get today, right? Like, if that ever happens in the next year or two, I give you props because no one can pick a place like, yeah, they’re going to burn. That place is going to burn. This is my reasoning around. It is.

I was at my mom’s and I smelled smoke. And I was like, it smells like smoke. I hope there’s no fire. And right there was sort of like a little gut feeling. I was in Lahaina right before, a month before those fires and I had a weird gut feeling the whole time I was there. I know, I thought it was the tsunami kind of thing. I was like, I’m scared of a know.

But I didn’t get that same gut feeling when I was in Mexico and I was on the ocean. So I’m sure they were planning it while I was there. Now, Arizona is the new Beverly Hills. A lot of people are coming down here, and it’s also spring training. Very popular. All baseball people come out here. Baseball is super masonic. But this is like a very popping time for Arizona.

Arizona will be building the new smart cities as well as you got the Waymo Google’s self driving cars that I’m talking about, like, all the time they’re out here, they’d be following me around and stuff. I’d be on walks. And you got these freaking AI cars following right there, the smart grids. And I was talking to ole Demagard over on my Patreon yesterday. This dude, you would love this dude, bro.

Tommy, his stuff is Ole Demaguard. Shout out to ole Demaguard. But he was connecting paradise to fires. California. Paradise, California caught on fire. All these events that happen in paradise, Nevada. That’s where the Las Vegas event happened. The Super bowl and then Hawaii. They kept saying paradise on fire. Right? Paradise on fire. And then you got Paradise Valley in Arizona. So that’s my reasoning behind seen. And I’ve seen sketchy stuff out here, bro.

Where I live, I’ve seen the police stand down so Jake Paul can have a mob of people destroy the mall and steal stuff. I mean, so you got Disney assets working with the police department out here. Wow, dude, they really did that? Yeah, I got on, got. I got, like cat Williams says, I got the. So wait a second now. What was Jake Paul doing out, bro? So the world’s locked down.

I’m not allowed to be standing there someone. Right? But if I wanted to go riot at the mall and break windows and steal stuff, that was okay. Right across the street, it’s all over the news. I watched the whole thing. I was there. I live in the neighborhood that happened in, and all these people all showed up. It was a strategic thing that happened, bro. I’m telling you, dude.

Oh, man. So I pull up to the gas station to get some gas, some chipotle, and there was this rich white girl on the phone freaking out in her mercedes. It must have been Jake Paul or Logan Paul, one of them girlfriend. Because this was like a baller ass Mercedes. And I’m in Scots, though, baller cars. This was balling. And she must have been 20 or something, very young.

And she’s on the phone screaming, we go into the mall and we go into La riot. Remember the La riots. We go into La Riot, I’m like, why is this 1920 year old rich white girl talking about going to the mall in La rioting? Do you even know what the f you were talking about or what the f that was? Right? So right there, red flag. I’m like, that was weird.

I just notated it. Then I’m driving home, bro, and when I’m driving home, the police have everything blocked off. I’m like, why do you have everything blocked off? And then what happened after that? All these cars popped up. All these people hopped over the fence. It was an organized George Soros attack and Jake Paul was leading it. It’s all over the news. He broke into a restaurant and he stole.

He never got in trouble for it, but he broke the law. And you should go to jail for he. You seen it happen, bro. I witnessed this whole thing. I had to go home and had to get all protected. I actually think he follows me on Instagram. That’s my dude’s boy, but I don’t know him personally. Well, maybe it was his brother. Maybe it was Logan. Yeah, it was one of them Paul’s.

Well, who cares which one? It mean they work for Disney. Wow, dude, that is so not. You should have put that footage out, bro. I got it, bro, I got the footage. I don’t got the foot. The news filmed it. You could just look it up. Oh, for real? Yeah, you could just look up fashion square Jake Paul or whatever. Did you try to interview him? No, I don’t want to go near that guy.

I’d have went up there like, yo, yo, what up, dude, this is Donut. Well, I had all my friend, a lot of my friends, they were up in there. They were there. Oh, they was. Yeah, because it’s like in the neighborhood, so they just outside. Damn, that’s crazy. Dude. You were right in the middle of a freaking false flag event. Now, donut, let me ask you a question.

Do you know about the eclipse and all the towns it goes through with the biblical, like. Yeah, listen to this. It goes through Jonah, Texas, Nazareth, Texas rapture, Indiana, Nazareth, Indiana, Nazareth, Ohio, Nazareth, Pa, Nazareth, New York, and then Nazareth, Nova Scotia. Dang, dude. So what’s Nazareth Jesus of, huh? You know what? Nazareth also. Okay, yeah, I got to read about it. I’ve heard it. I’ve heard the name.

I mean, that’s where they say Jesus was from, right? It’s a city in Israel with biblical history. So. Yeah, for. Yeah, it says Jesus studied and prayed in the Nazareth village. Total eclipse. Yeah, it’s pretty weird. There’s also, like, Luke, 1726. There’s a connection to Jonah as well, and that biblical connection with the whale. And I guess the constellation that it’s under the eclipse that’s taking place under is.

And just to connect it to the whole biblical stuff, you can see the eclipse and all the stars line up in Jerusalem. Yep. Remember I told you that? Yeah. I’m just reminding you. That’s from the east. Yep, from Jerusalem. And then it goes over all these towns with that name. Weird. Weird. And then the devil’s comet is going to be visible that day. It’s like, is this a battle between Jesus and the devil? Is that what it symbolically represents? Great find, you know what I mean? Marinate.

Sometimes I got to let things know when I hear about something. I didn’t find this. One of my people actually gave it to me on Facebook. I can’t remember who. One of my followers, they found it. That’s a good find. I wish I could remember their name so I could give them credit. I’m going to screenshot it so I can remember. Yeah, go ahead, bro. You’re more than welcome to use it.

That’s what I hate about people when they get mad. If you use their stuff, all information is free. You know what I’m saying? Nobody owns information. But if I can remember who gave me something or where I learned it, I always give credit. Everybody knows that. But sometimes you just kind of forget. Like right now, I can’t remember. I wish I could. But a lot of times, your followers, they don’t even want you to give them credit because they’re kind of scared.

They’re some of the most schizophrenic type people I’ve ever met. They get nervous. I shouted out this one kid, and he got so stressed out about it, he thought the feds was going to come to his house. Oh, yeah, I’ve done that to a couple of people that’s got a little stressed out about it. The one dude, I understood his point of view, but this other dude, he was like, you could tell he was extra.

He probably was on some serotonin or whatever they call that shit. Serotonin inhibitors. Is that what they’re called, the psych meds? Yeah, man. Definitely needs them. So before we close this out, I got something I got to show you. And you guys are going to love me for this, because I bet you guys are wanting to have something new to watch, ain’t you? So I found the best series right now.

Dude, hold on a second, let me put this back. I’ll send you that too, donut. So I’ll email it to you. Let me let this finish because then we’ll get to that real quick. I want to show you guys this new. I like the fire you got with the little ashes, dude. My videos, they’ve been going so viral, bro. And it’s just because I put a lot of time into the editing process of it.

I try to make them look really cool, you know what I mean? Yeah. I’m going to get back into editing one day. You do really good at it. Yeah. You’re better than me now, though. No. Remember when we first started talking? I didn’t know shit about that type of stuff. I just would go on camera and kind of one take it now, that’s all. I love doing the edited version.

I think it’s just a better way to express yourself artistically. And it helps to get your point across better because you reach a much broader audience when you take a little extra time. So, like, everybody else is doing videos every day, but I can do a video once a week and reach more people than them because I put the time into making that video go viral. You know what I’m saying? Yeah.

I’m going to be releasing some video editing starting next month. I’m going to start dropping some podcasts. What I’ve been doing is over on the Patreon. I’ve been doing all these podcasts and then I’m going to break them down in short format. So that should be coming out all next month. It’s going to be crazy. I like when you do it like that. You make some of the best edited videos.

Like you just did one not that long ago on Instagram that did really good. It was a short edited one. You did remember? Yeah. I’m going to get back into it. I took a break because everyone got to remember I worked for AMTV for ten years, editing for him. And then I also did music videos after I got off of work. So that took a lot of time.

And then I built the donut channel editing a lot. So, I mean, I haven’t taken a break from editing in over twelve. It’s longer than that, but I haven’t taken a break from editing in a long time. So this last year I’ve been doing a lot of live streams just so I can take a little break. But I’m about to get back into it next month. This video right here, you did because, dude, I guarantee a big chunk of your views came from my website.

Look at this. Just on my Facebook alone. That shit got so many fucking shares, bro. And it was because you edited that one. That’s the one I’m talking about. Yeah, you did really good on it, bro. And it showed. Let me go over. Oh, guys, here’s the new page. Just so you guys know. Real quick, right here, the truthful TVC. I’m live on it right now. Any of these fake pages out here, they can’t go live like me and donut camp from our page.

Last time I counted, there was no joke about 30 fake donut pages. So don’t be falling for that shit. We don’t do airdrops, guys. No. Ain’t it annoying, donut? Yeah, super annoying. They just steal our picture, steal our stuff. And they’re lazy with it too, dude. They’re not even that smart. Dude. Look there. I’m at 232. I’m coming for you, brother. I’m like a couple away, man. Yeah, I’ve been super.

Like if my Facebook share it out to anybody only. But whatever. This is the one I was talking about with the storm. If you guys watch this one, I literally did this Monday and then everything I said started to happen. The fires popped off, the tornadoes popped off. So that’s the person that shared it originally. And look, guys, they shared at eleven p. Look at this part. So they share it at 11:00 p.

m. . Right? Hacking the Matrix 711. I mean, 07:11 p. m. My bad. And then they shared it on February 23, which is two two three. Well, high active Aurora research program is two two three. That’s harp. And it was patent on 811, the 223rd day of the year. This was the place that shared it. Weather track USA. What the hell just happened there? That was weird. Okay, I want to show donut this little thing real quick.

Yeah, bro, here’s the one. Donut. Oh, that’s the 6661. That’s crazy. I’m going to screenshot that. Go ahead, brother. Yeah, use that in your podcast. Help make sure you educate our people on this shit because this is serious, man. That’s from Monday, October 2, 2017 till Monday, April eigth. That’s so from the massacre that took place in Vegas until the upcoming eclipse was six years, six months and six days.

And you should follow this guy. He used to be one of my writers, bro, on truthfultv. com. Ani follows him now. He’s just a really good person. And he actually sent me a video the other day. It was somebody that’s kind of big. Talking crap about me and you. I’ll tell you off air. It’s hilarious. It made me laugh, but he always keeps me up to date on that stuff.

This is his page, though. Matrix code breaker. He’s really cool. I don’t know how you can hate on us, man. Yeah. The dude that did it is such a dork, bro. He’s one of them gematria people that don’t get no views, so he’s so mad at life. Whatever. I’m going to just pray for him. But, yeah, he does all these different little breakdowns and he’s got his own style, but he’s pretty cool, man.

He’s a real humble dude. Pretty good dude. I like him a lot. He was one of the mod. Oh, there’s my post. This is coming out, guys. On three, two, two. I’ve always had haters, though, like in my personal life because I was always cool. So just being cool. I can see that all the haters are older than me and they were popular, so it wasn’t like any of my friends or whatever.

It was always some older cat, grades higher than me that was mad. Probably because his girlfriend probably liked me or something. I don’t know. I don’t know what it was. Yeah. And then he got all salty. That’s just why I remember back in school, I’ve gained so many fights, and I’m like, why am I getting all these fights? It was always bigger older kids than me. It wasn’t like picking on a little kid, you know what I mean? It’s weird.

People are weird, man. Yeah, people are so weird, dude. People come in my comments almost every time I do a podcast with me and you and ask me when I’m going to denounce Zionism. I’m like, what are you even talking about? Donut is not a zionist, you moron. But people are. So. I don’t even know what that means. You know what I mean? I don’t push any religious or political agendas at all.

I would just be like, I’m jewish. Because if you’re jewish, if I would, let’s say, convert to another religion, it don’t matter because it’s like a race, it’s a blood. You know what I mean? Yeah. But I’ve never pushed any kind of agenda ever. I’ve always been honest with everything. And I’m like, yo, I’m jewish just because of that. Yeah. People are like, I don’t trust donut. I like his content, but I don’t trust them and whatever.

That’s fair. I was ignorant in the beginning. I thought that, too, bro. But then I got to know you, and it’s definitely not the case. I wouldn’t socialize with you if it was. You know what I’m saying? If he was an agent trying to. He’s definitely not. And I put that on everything, love. So, yeah, an agent, it’s pretty simple to see what they just. Because they do the same thing over and over again.

It’s called COInTElPrO, and you can see what they do. They’re agitators. They go into a movement and agitate it. So they’ll go into, let’s say, a peaceful protest and then start fighting people. You know what I mean? That’s what COinTelPro is. Yes, 100%. Have I ever done that? No, never. And also, you can tell agents, too, because they’ll try to. Okay, for example, what happened with paranoid American when the Q dude came on his podcast? You see how he just said things to get paranoid American taken down that agent stuff? Now, we all make mistakes on accident and might say something accidentally, but you can tell when a person’s doing it intentionally, right? You know what I’m saying? And that’s what he was doing.

That’s nuts. Now, donut this new Bob Marley, bro. It was pretty decent. It wasn’t the best movie, but it was okay. I actually know his grandson personally. He’s a good friend of mine on my instagram. He’s been following me forever. And he’s one of the biggest truth errs in the world, dude, he’s cool as shit. But in this movie, you’ll just see 17 popping up everywhere. And right after this dude shows Bob Marley the COVID of Exodus.

Bam. Look what’s behind him. The number 17. And it’s an orange, which is a warning. Then when he gets. They try to kill Bob and shoot him up when he’s driving away from the compound. You see it again on the sign, which 17 is Nibaru and Chaldean. Now, that’s not enough. That could all be coincidence, right? It’s just a number until you see the symbolism of the album cover that he was showing him.

And let me show you that. Oh, that’s called the Winged Planet. That is literally what Nibiru is described as, a winged planet. Let me get past this part. I got a clip of. Oh, here we go. I think I shared a thing of Nibru. I’m working on a blog on this one right now. Where’s that Nibru thing somewhere in here. Oh, maybe I didn’t put it on this one.

I guess I got to go back and do that. But, yeah, that’s what Nibrus depicted as the winged disc, the winged planet. Which is another interesting thing about them bringing up thoth today and Joe Rogan in them’s interview, because thoth, if you look at his depiction, he has Nibiru on his head. He has the red disc on his head. Thought does. It’s Nibaru. That’s exactly what it is.

It’s what it depicts. Nibaru. Now, the one I wanted to show you, donut, before we go, this new one I did on the eight pointed star, I updated it. Got a thing down here I want to show you real quick. Here’s another movie that’s all about the plasma apocalypse and the eight point of stars all through. It’s called love and monsters. And in this movie, an asteroid hits, and it causes all the bugs to get real big.

And remember, when J Dream says the plasma apocalypse happens, there’s giantism. Now, the comet that hits is called Angartha 6116. And guess what? Planet X Destroyer is 64, matching love and monsters. The name of the freaking movie. I’m telling you, that’s what’s going on right now, dude, we are in a serious government drill that is connected to Planet X. And look at this donut. He was trying to contact his girlfriend, dude.

This is actually a pretty good movie. It’s older, but he’s trying to contact his girlfriend, and her camp was 30, 22, bro. I’m like, are you kidding me? Yeah, that’s skull and bones right there. Three, two, two, right? Which two sons? I was reading about the CIA and these two sons, and there’s all this crazy things connected to the CIA with two sons. Here’s the one, guys. Watch this tonight.

You can watch it on that free movie site that I taught you guys about. That’s where I watched the Bob Marley. And this one is fmovies to. But make sure you have the brave search engine, or you will get pop ups. It’s a free movie site, fmoviesz to. And it has everything in the movie theater. See, I’m on a VPN family, so I got firewalls, and I can’t get pop ups on here.

The new dune is out, bro. All about the plasma apocalypse in the brew. Too crazy. It’s really good from the first dune. I don’t know if you watch that, but, oh, man, the second one is phenomenal. I can’t wait till you guys see it and see all the programming in it about Nibru. It’s going to blow your mind. But this one is what I’ve been watching, donut. It’s called Constellation, bud.

And it’s on Apple movies, right? And it’s so fascinating what it’s about. First of all, there’s the eight pointed star in it right there on the Christmas tree. And that’s not even the part. This is the fascinating part. This is what I want to talk to donut about. So check this out, bro. In this movie, it starts out with they’re all up in space on this space station.

And next thing you know, boom, something hits the space station. And they start losing oxygen, life support, their head pilot, something stabs him. He starts bleeding out. So, dude, blood looks crazy up in space. It’s, like floating around. But who even knows if that’s true in real life? So this thing hits the space station. They don’t know what it is. She goes outside. The head character, she gets on her space suit to go outside and find out what hit them.

And when she goes outside, she finds this astronaut that’s in a cosmonaut orange jumpsuit. And it smashed right into them. Well, that’s what it looks like. It looks like this mummified, dead cosmonaut. The interesting thing about it is it’s this lady. So it’s quantum entanglement. She’s existing two places at once. One place, she’s dead. She hits the comet or hits the space station, that causes the accident. The other place she’s existing is from the control center, where she’s talking to the astronauts through the accident.

She’s the one literally telling them, do this, do this, do this. You know what I’m saying? To get them through what just happened. So she doesn’t even realize that that’s her. And then when you come back from space, it’s called quantum entanglement. This is what they’re doing with the black goo, the nanotechnology. They’re entangling your dna with that of another entity, demon, Archon, whatever you want to call it.

And it allows that entity to use the human body as a vessel from this other realm. So it’s quantum entanglement. And the funny thing about it is, when they come back from space, there’s like a secret amongst all these astronauts. When you come back through space, you might come back to a different earth. So instead of coming back to the earth, you remember everything’s just slightly different. You remember when you went to space, your car was blue, but she comes back, or no, she went to space.

Her car was red. When she comes back, it was blue. Her daughter’s slightly different. Her husband’s slightly different. So there’s all this craziness going on. I haven’t figured it all out yet because it’s only on episode three, but it’s so fascinating, bro. It’s one of the better series I’ve watched in a long time. And yeah, it’s definitely exploring that whole thing with quantum entanglement. But ain’t that kind of weird, bro? Like, how could you exist alive and dead at the same time? I have no idea.

It’s fascinating to ponder. Yeah, I don’t know, but that’s what’s behind it. You don’t know what quantum entanglement is? You never heard of that? I’ve heard of it, but I don’t know about it, though. Like that? Yeah. If you look into it and read about it, it gets into the whole observer effect too. Like, is something really existing unless we’re observing it, and how the same particle or the same entity can exist in two places at once, the same exact thing.

So it’s definitely fascinating, bro, but it’s really good. Real good. I think you guys should check it out. And it’s definitely amazing. It’s one of my favorites, so check it out when you get a chance, brother donut constellation on Apple TV. I think you’ll like it, bro, for show. That’s all I got, really, for tonight, guys. Yeah, there’s a bunch of new good ones over here. I always give you guys a good movie to watch.

That’s my two recommendations. The constellation from Apple. And if you are using f movies, check out that new Dune Halo is also phenomenal. They’re on season two. It’s all about the plasma apocalypse. When you go into it knowing that, it’s crazy, the symbolism you’ll see there. But anyways, that’s all we got. And before I go today, did I save that thing open? Hold on a second. There’s a link down in the description which will take you to donuts, Patreon links down there too.

Let me put the HTTP. Damn. Why does it keep trying to take me there? There it is. Bam. So that’s the link you’ll click on which you can get your reading. If you want to find out your role in this simulation, there’s me, donut, and Juan down know. Get your reading, find out your role in the simulation. We also do dream interpretations. We get a custom image based on your dream.

I just sent out a bunch of readings today and say you book your reading and your appointments next Tuesday. Right? So the day of your appointment, it’s all done via email. The day of that appointment, you will get your reading exactly ten days from that appointment date. I’m just so booked out. That’s how long it takes. It’s a lot of work that goes into it. So if your appointment was March 1, you’ll get your reading for sure, 100% by March 10.

That’s just how it’s done. You get it ten days from the booking date. And if you’re interested, you can go over to our shop. I made this new thing, too. It’s pretty cool, my new shop page. But we got a bunch of cool stuff over here, guys. We got the things that go on your phone. This is made out of that shug night, and it goes on the back of your phone.

It’s like a little disc. Protect your phone. Everything on my site is free shipping, so you just. Whatever it is and also use promo code sale 17. You’ll get an extra 17% off with the free shipping. But this is the thing everybody’s buying. This is the one. We sold over $4,000 in sales in one video. One of them videos that went viral. And that’s the one tuned at 7.

83 copper on it, so it’s pretty cool. You don’t want to wear it in the water though, because it’ll mess up the elastic band that’s inside there. It’s all copper, but there’s elastic band running through it. And then this is made out of obsidian, which obsidian is amazing for blocking negative attacks, psychic attacks, all kinds of different stuff like that. But anyways, check that out, guys. And you got anything you want to plug before we go, brother? No, you got the Patreon link down below.

That’s where I’ll be putting out. Put about eight new videos up there. This. Yeah, some new ones going up on Donuts Patreon, so make sure you check that out. Jane Hartfield, shout out to you, thank you for buying with us. And yeah, I actually got all the mortars filled, so that took me four days to do to get all them damn orders filled. And just check your order, guys.

When you first purchase it, I fulfill it and then it takes maybe a day or two, and it’ll update you with your tracking information. That way you can track it in real time. Now, one thing I’m going to tell you, we offer free shipping, so it takes between usually days on average, until it gets to you because it’s coming. Free shipping. But hey, you can’t get everything fast free, right? And with that being said, I love you all.

We’re out of here. All links are in the description. Truthful and donut signing off. Peace. Bye. .


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