When Stars Align: The Hidden Eclipse Code Behind Taiwans Earthquake and NFL Sacrifice

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➡ The Truth Mafia podcast discusses various current events and conspiracy theories. The host, Tommy Truthful, talks about the recent death of former NFL player Vonte Davis, a major earthquake in Taiwan, and an upcoming solar eclipse. He suggests that the eclipse might cause earthquakes, based on historical events and the alignment of a comet. He also delves into various conspiracy theories, including the idea that the eclipse and other events are part of a larger plan by secret societies to bring about a new world order.
➡ The text talks about various conspiracy theories, including the idea that certain events and dates are connected through hidden meanings and rituals. It suggests that the CERN particle collider might open an interdimensional portal, releasing a demonic entity. It also discusses the idea that certain deaths, like that of football player Vonte Davis, are sacrifices tied to these rituals. Lastly, it speculates about the destruction of bridges and the potential for chaos and disaster.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories and interpretations of events, suggesting that these are signs of an impending collapse of physical currency and a shift to digital currency. It also mentions the significance of the number 49 in various contexts, and speculates about potential disasters, such as a bridge collapse or a Yellowstone eruption. The author also promotes their membership site, where they share more of their theories and interpretations.
➡ The speaker is promoting their personal websites, TruthMafia.com and TruthfulTV.com, where they offer exclusive content and services. They provide a platform for content creators, host interviews, and offer personal “decodes” to help individuals understand their life path. They also mention a delay in service due to high demand, but assure it’s worth the wait. Lastly, they express gratitude to their audience and encourage them to engage with their content.


Welcome to truthmafia. com. This is your host, Tommy Truthful, with another amazing episode of the Truth Mafia podcast. Breaking news. Former NFL player Vonte Davis, 35, found dead in his Florida home. We’re going to cover that today. We’re going to get into the connection to take off all these bridges, collapsing, the upcoming eclipse and this 7. 4 magnitude earthquake that just hit and rocked Taiwan, causing blackout. So once again, Tommy was right.

My last video, if you go back and watch, I told you people was asking me what to look out for and I said earthquakes. And there we have it now, recently, my brother Greg Reese just did a video on the eclipse and you can find him over guys on truth mafia. com. He has his own channel over there. He also has videos up on Bandot video and on his channel on truth mafia.

com. All his links point back to his website. So here’s the video he dropped. Phenomenal. The solar eclipse on April 8 is becoming a major event. The National Guard is being deployed and the people are being advised to have two weeks of food and to fill their fuel tanks. This could all be explained due to the fact that tens of thousands of visitors are expected along the path of totality.

But many people believe that they could be preparing for possible earthquakes due to the devil comet aligning with the April 8 eclipse and due to the fact that in 1811, a comet also appeared in the skies during a solar eclipse on the same path and was followed by the biggest earthquakes in american history. Known as the new Madrid earthquakes, around 10,000 earthquakes occurred in just three months time, the biggest being measured at 8.

8 magnitude. They were the most devastating series of earthquakes in recorded history. But it was a different comet. And while some claim that a solar eclipse can trigger earthquakes, this scenario seems unlikely. This eclipse season is, however, a very rare event. The recent eclipses in August of 2017 and October of 2023, along with the upcoming one on April 8, forms an Aleph and Etav over the United States.

The Aleph and Tav are the first and last letters of the hebrew Alphabet, the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. These eclipses mark the end of the great year, a 26,000 year period that starts anew with the dawning of Aquarius and a new golden age. Manly P. Hall wrote that high level masons designed America for a peculiar and particular purpose, a secret destiny to bring about a new Atlantis or a new world order wherein a king, descended of a divine race, will rule over all.

In rituals, this king is symbolized as Apollo, Horus, or Nimrod, the father of Freemasonry and is thought to be a descendant of the biblical nephilim or the sumerian Anunnaki. According to Thomas Horne, this will happen in 2025, which corresponds to several documents published by intelligence agencies such as Global Governance 2025, global trends 2025 and the 2025 Deagle forecast. World population. NASA is notorious for performing masonic rituals based on the egyptian mystery schools.

Apollo being the same character as Horus, Sirius representing Isis, and Atlantis being the new golden age they hope to restore. And during the eclipse on April 8, NASA will fire three rockets named after Apep, the egyptian serpent God, whose goal was to devour ra, the sun. And when the sun re emerges after three minutes of darkness, it will be likened to the rebirth of Horus, their new king of the golden age.

Cern, known for practicing occult rituals at a statue of Shiva, the hindu God who symbolizes death, destruction and the end of an age, will be firing up their large hadron collider to full power during the solar eclipse. And Israel, who is in the midst of committing genocide, is preparing to sacrifice a red heifer, a ritual sacrifice to prepare them for taking back the Temple Mount. Red heifers, to be precise.

Some Jews and Christians believe they’re the key to rebuilding the historic jewish temple in Jerusalem and to beckoning the Messiah. To understand, you have to go back nearly 2000 years when the ancient Romans destroyed the last temple in the city to rebuild it, these believers point to the Bibles Book of numbers. It commands the Israelites to sacrifice a red heifer without defect or blemish. And that has never been under a yoke.

Only then can the temple rise again. Those sacred cows were showcased in Washington at a recent prayer gathering. Many evangelicals believe these red heifers will usher Christ’s second coming. We need the messiah to come, right? So for me, the red heifer is red for the blood of Jesus Christ. A massive altar already awaits where the heifers are to be burned. According to some believers, the ceremony needs to be performed right here on the mount of olives, looking directly into where the temple once stood.

But something else now stands in its place. Once they forcibly take the temple mount away from billions of muslims worldwide, it will predictably thrust the world into the peak of chaos that these secret societies have been designing for centuries. And their plan is to bring order out of this chaos with their divine king to rule over the world. But these are just rituals. And fear is an illusion.

We can always choose love. The solar eclipse on April 8 is becoming a major event. So, yeah, you know, pretty crazy. These rituals are happening as the earthquakes are taking place. 7. 4 magnitude earthquake rocks, Taiwan, dropping these buildings, guys, I’m talking bringing whole buildings to the ground. And another thing we were right about, we just had a tsunami warning, which we’ve had so much predictive programming for that event.

Now, Greg Reese dropped that video today, and I did this blog two days ago, which is talking about the April 8 eclipse. You got to check this out, guys. It’s up on truth mafia. com. And this gets into all the occult connections to why they’re choosing this day for all these rituals, what that x eclipse really represents, the resurrection of Osiris and how CERN is firing up the large hydron colliders, which.

Remember, on April 8 of 1904, Alistair Crowley made contact with an entity, demon called Ayahuas. And Ayahuas was described what? Blonde hair? Lamb is the little gray dude. So there’s a couple different demons Aleister Crowley was messing with. But if you read the description of Ayahuasca, the ancients worshiped him. He had a face of a falcon, and he came to people sometimes with blondish hair, real light skin.

But his true form was the. With the head of a falcon. And the Egyptians worshiped him as Horus. That’s who it was. Horus. Right. So this is going to be a major event, guys. Um, and he did this ritual for three days. It was April 8, 9th and the 10th. And on that 10th day, the entity named Ayahuas, who was identified by him as Satan, on April 8, 1904, they.

That’s the day it started. And then three days later, on the 10th, he was told to draw an x. That’s what this demon told Aleister Crowley, to draw an x. And we have the great american eclipse making an x over the new Madrid fault line, which Horus father Osiris, he’s represented by this x symbol. And I told you 911, it represented Isis and the destruction of the twin towers.

That was in representation of the silver gates, which man reincarnates through. Then on the west coast, this will represent the golden gates, and that’s the galactic center, the portal connecting from heaven to earth that the Messiah is supposed to come back through. So they’ll destroy that because what it symbolizes and them two rituals, the one on the east coast, the one on the west coast, will birth Horus in the middle at that 88 point where the eclipses make the x over the new Madrid fault line.

That’s where the Antichrist symbolically will rise. And that’ll be Horus, you know, Horus or Ayahuas. So it’s very interesting that Crowley did that ritual. And now CERN is firing up their hydron colliders, and we have three rockets being launched at the eclipse. And the one rocket is named Apophis, which was the God of chaos. Apophis, also known as Apep. And he was always trying to. His role was to eat the sun, so he was always chasing Ra.

Remember in that movie, what was it called, gods of Egypt, where you seen Ra up on the. It showed, like, the firmament of the earth. And Ra is up there on that boat, and then that big serpents coming, trying to eat the sun. That’s apophis. That’s apophis, the God of chaos. So I don’t recommend going to this eclipse, guys. And don’t look at it. Don’t look up. Literally like that Netflix movie.

They might have been trying to tell you something there. Please don’t go. Because they’re using your energy and harvesting your energy to open these portals. And it’s not like a giant portal is going to open up in the sky and everyone’s going to see it, just like on 911. Portals open between them, doing towers. See, this is going to affect everything in the astral plane in around us.

A lot of people ain’t going to be able to see what really happens, but it’s going to have a major effect on us. And then again, we might see something open up, but I don’t think nothing will happen on the day of the eclipse. You guys know how I feel. It’ll be a certain amount of days from the eclipse. That’s just how the get down. Now, CeRN’s proton and I’m going to butcher this.

Synchrotron boosters will be reactivated on the same day, and that’ll be reactivated on the 10th, which was the last day of Crowley’s ritual. And now, guess what? CERN started warming up on March 22, 322. That was the day frozen empire came out. The Ghostbusters, where they opened a portal and this demon entity came out of it. Watch my decode on Frozen Empire. It’ll blow your mind because it’s exactly what they’re showing us, and they have to show us what they’re going to do before they do it.

They believe it frees them karmically. Now, another thing the physicists just discovered, a four dimensional entity within the collider. You can look this up. And the antimatter factory. CERN will also deliver anti protons. On April 22, the first day of Passover, a jewish holiday associated with sacrificial lambs. And you know us, we will be the sacrificial lambs. They’re already doing major rituals, like this one with the football player and many other people.

People are dying left and right right now. I mean, it’s crazy. So will there be three days of darkness? Are they trying to open this interdimensional stargate to release this demon, four dimensional demon that they just found? I mean, what is that all about, right? And Cern is built on the temple of Apollo. Revelations 911. The fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from the sky to earth.

The star was given the key to the shaft of the abyss. When he opened the abyss, smoke rose like smoke from a gigantic furnace. The sun and the sky were darkened by the smoke. So you see how it’s all the sun getting blocked out. Um, and then the king of this. This, uh, abyss, his name is Apollyon. And they had a king over them. The angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the hebrew tongue is abatidon, but in the greek tongue, his nameth.

Apollyon. And Cern is built on the temple of Apollo. Shiva is. Horus is the destroyer. That’s what Nibiru is. Nibiru. Wormwood. Revelations 811. It’s the destroyer, the destroyer of worlds. It’s not what people think it is. It’s not a planet. It’s a dimension known as dimension X. And they’re trying to merge these realities. When they do this, it’s gonna unleash totally chaos, my brothers and sisters. Total chaos on us.

So, you know, all we can do, really, is prepare, get ourselves ready, and make sure we have water, food, supplies. Now, let’s take a look at this gentleman who I believe was totally sacrificed. Vonte Davis, 35, found dead in his home. Well, football is 35, and so is takeoff. Now, he was found dead on April Fool’s day in the Broward County Office of Medical Examiners and Trauma Services, investigating the death of the 35 year old Vonte Davis of southwest ranches, Florida.

According to the statement obtained by NBC News from the medical examiner, they said that there was no foul play. That, um. But the first, they say. The statement noted that it could take up to 90 days to complete the investigation. And then they say, oh, yeah, um, he was found dead, but there was no foul play. Well, how do you know that already when you just said it could take up to 90 days to complete the investigation? You know what I mean? But this is how dumb they think we are, guys.

Now why am I looking at takeoff, right? What does he have to do with anything? Well, Davis assistant found him dead Monday moon day, Monday morning at the home in the 6000 block of southwest 178th Avenue and called 911. Well, when I seen that 178 number, you know, guys, I got a photographic memory. So I have all these ciphers memorized. I do this so much, I was like, oh, wow, that’s kill half the globe cipher which is tied into the Georgia guidestones that they destroyed so they could get rid of that evidence that showed they wanted to get the population down to 500 million, which is 13 out of 14 people dead on this planet.

Let me light this blunt, guys. You know, I always got a light up to take this ride with you. So what do we have in this, this 178 cipher and the Latin, which is Hebrew, also known as Jewish kill half the globe. 178. Take off 178. America end America 178 in a form of number magic, which this is masonic number magic. They’re doing these rituals on certain ley lines under certain astrological alignments, making sure the numbers lined up because when you’re doing a manifestation ritual, you have to make sure the energy is going in the proper place and that’s how you do it with these style of rituals.

So I’m like, man, is there any connection to take off? So I go look at the day takeoff died November 1 of 2022 until this football player dies. And guess what it is, guys, 17 months, which is a huge kill code. Q was 17. If you watch that movie songbird, they were taking everybody to the Q zones to kill them and kill equals 17. Now that was 73 weeks sacrifice 73 and America 73.

That’s in the english ordinal cipher. It’s 17 in reduction, matching the 17 months. And then that is 141. 64% of the common year. Well, that’s interesting because 141 is one of the biggest numbers tied to the sacrifice of the Golden Gate bridge. And 141 and 128 both them numbers. Now, sacrifice equals 141 and fibonacci, which is like the fingerprint of God, the Fibonacci sequence and end America is 141 in that same cipher.

And then we find one, four one in the string of PI, as you see right there. So there’s a definite connection to take off. I mean, I showed you in every cipher, right? I haven’t totally figured out why the takeoff connections there, but they like to build on these rituals so they’ll string them together because they’re building on the energy so they’ll have one connected to the other, connected to the other, connected to the other.

And then part of manifestation, magic, it’s making this happen. Right? Just like with that. With that event. We just had guys right here. Did you guys see this yet? California highway falls apart. Yeah. So guess what? This was right down the road from Rocky Creek bridge. So there’s a bridge connected to it. Rocky Creek bridge equals 49 in chaldean, matching April fool’s day. So we had the Oklahoma Bridge, then we have the Rocky Creek bridge.

And if you don’t know what the Oklahoma bridge was. Yeah, we had a barge strike, Oklahoma Bridge. And that was at Robert S. Carr reservoir four days after the key bridge collapsed. Guys, Baltimore’s 148. Robert S. Carr is 148 brainwashed. 148. It didn’t knock this one down, but it sure did hit it hard. And I got a video. I forgot to upload it. I’ll upload it tomorrow. Man, I wish I would have uploaded that.

It’s showing from my friends in New York. Sent me a video. The George Washington Bridge, guys, is falling apart. It’s going to go. I mean, the whole bottom of it’s falling off. So are people going around destructing these bridges and trying to take them down? Are they trying to trap us in these cities? Now, we all remember Jade Helm in 2015 when they did that drill and shut down all the Walmarts.

And then there was all the rumors going around about them building FEMA death camps underneath the Walmarts. You guys remember that? Well, this is how empires work. They’re not just going to do it the next year or the next year. No, no, no. Empires built. They plan 20, 30, 40 years in advance. So that that started back then, which really, JD helm even started further back than that, all the way back in 2001 with the Patriot act and the weaponization of artificial intelligence.

I know what you’re thinking. Artificial intelligence, 2001. Oh, yeah. They had AI in 2001. This AI we’re using now is old. It’s real old, like 25 years old. You know, they’re so far advanced beyond this, whenever they give it to us, guys, they’re always 2030 years ahead of that. They don’t let us see that technology. Right? We’ll get it later when there’s some way better technology. But back to that 49 number connected to the Rocky Creek bridge, April Fool’s day.

And by the way, April 9, that’s the day after the eclipse. That’s little Nas X’s birthday. And remember, DMX died on that day. And so did Prince Philip, whose coat of arms is the x. Don’t look it up. I am not joking. We just had the 49 ers in the Super bowl, remember, guys? Yeah, and collapse of the Golden Gate bridge, 128. San Francisco, 49 ers. 128. Bridge collapse.

One, two, eight. The bridge collapsed in Baltimore at 128. I mean, you can’t make it up. 911. The tower collapsed at 1028. Matthew Perry died October 28, 1028, which is Jacob Rothschild. 1028 in Latin. So, yeah, I mean, when he died, that that’s. That’s a representation of the coming of the collapse of the physical currency. And bridges go over currents. Me and donut talked about this years ago.

So when the bridges start going down, it’s a representation of the collapsing of the physical dollar to flip us to a digital currency. Everything with water is tied to our financial system and maritime law. Now, the 49 ers, that 49 number. Well, what do we got in that number, guys? Let’s take a look. Aliens at are coming for nine. Death by numbers is 49. EMP weapons, scripted news, homicide code, manifestation.

Make it happen. Which is also tied to manifestation. Keystone Bridge. And that. That’s different than the key bridge. There’s a Keystone bridge which I’ll get into in a minute. Nemesis, cataclysm. 49, which is the destroyer Wormwood. Dimension X, planet X, as they call it. Right. Sorry, guys, I have a cold. I can barely breathe. Let me light this blunt. Or they’re blasting me with some type energy weapon.

I don’t know what the hell is going on, but my whole heads clogged up. It just clogged up right before I started doing this too. So check this out. What is the Keystone bridge? Well, there’s many of them. And we see Keystone bridges is tied into this 49 code, which is tied to the Rocky Creek bridge, this ritual we just had. So when I seen that, I’m like, man, I wonder if there is a real Keystone bridge.

Is this what they’re trying to manifest? Another bridge destruction, EMP, power outage, death by the numbers, fake alien invasion, um, it could very well be, and I think that is what they’re doing now. The Keystone Bridge, there’s three of them guys that we should keep our eye on. We got the one in Michigan, we got the one in Iowa, and then we got the one that I’m looking at.

This is the one that red flag is going off. That’s the one in Pennsylvania. And the last bridge collapse before the Baltimore one was because the rainbow bridge didn’t collapse. It was just a ritual there. The last bridge collapse before that was in Pennsylvania. The land of the 446 bridges. So this one’s called the Keystone Viaduct, right? And Keystone Viaduct is 57. Like law of attraction, another energy connected to manifestation rituals.

So that bridge was built in 1911. And this is why I think they’re probably gonna hit that one, guys, because that 1911, that’s the number for the ancient and accept the scottish rite of freemasonry. You know, and I know how you guys hate how I say that, but. Sorry, that’s just my lingo. But that’s that 1911 number. So that’s another one I would definitely, definitely keep your eye on.

And let me pull this one back. Hold on one sec, guys. I got this slide here I want to show you back to. Oh, right here. Here we go. So with this football player, right? Why are they got. Why is all these connections going on with football right now? What is that about? Well, it’s the eclipse. You see that football in his hand? You know what that represents? It’s the Vivica Pisces.

The Vivica Pisces, when an eclipse happens, it creates. I call it the Vivica Pisces. The Vesca Pisces. My apologies, I’m terrible at pronouncing stuff. The Vesca Pisces when the eclipse is happening and then two discs are overlapping. What’s in the middle of it? The shape of the football. That’s where we get the football from, the Vesca Pisces. So, you know, it’s just tied to the upcoming eclipse. That’s really what it is.

And speaking of that football player that was killed, he’s from Washington, DC. Now Lincoln was killed in April at age 56. In April equals 56. They are both from Lincoln and the football dude Davis from Washington, home of the commanders. Washington DC is 56 and 61, which is Society of Jesus, 56. And then Jesus is 61 and cross is 61. He died at the age of 35. Well, that’s the number of Satan.

The Baphomet football Super bowl take off. You know, he died 50 days after the Super bowl ended. Washington 50, America 50, Jesuit 50, and Maui, the the fire massacre that happened in the 50th state. Oh, and by the way, go on truth mafia. com and look at the new video where Joe Biden’s talking about their new weapon. It’s. I ain’t even gonna talk about it cuz I’ll get my video taken down.

But just to let you get a little hint, hashtag energy weapons. That’s all I’m gonna say. So go check that out. That’s up on truth mafia. com and he dies. Right on. For one. Well, four one, guys. Four plus one plus 20 plus 24 equals 49. There’s that 49 number again. So he died on a date with 49. Numerology. I mean, you can’t make it up. You can’t make it up.

And we just had that 49 number right here. Right there. You know what I mean? These are all rituals by the numbers. That’s totally what they are. Another one I was looking at, this is an older one I. Did you know how Gregory said in this video about the Alpha and the Omega, that shape that it’s making, that looks like an a over America? Well, the Joker card out of the 52 deck of playing cards, this is a destiny card.

So, your birthday, you have a life path number assigned to you. You have a Destiny card, and you have two birth cards. Your birth cards are in the tarot deck. It doesn’t matter if you don’t believe in that. It’s assigned to you. That’s just what it is. So the Joker card is one of the most rarest destiny cards. Most destiny cards, like, mine’s the ten of diamonds, which mine’s all about financial blessings.

I’m able to manifest money very easily, which is true. Mine’s the luckiest card in the whole deck. But this Joker card, the Alpha and the Omega card, it only has one birthday assigned to it, and that’s December 31. So the end score in the Super bowl was 22 to 25. A Yellowstone eruption is 22 25, and that is December 31. Abomination that causes destination from February 11 of the Super bowl until December 31 of 2024 is 325 days, which is green comet, the devil horn comet.

So maybe Yellowstone is gonna blow. Remember that movie 2012? That’s how the. All the event started, was Yellowstone. And if Yellowstone blows, guys, we’re talking about, like, a thermonuclear winter. It’s gonna be crazy. It’s gonna be crazy. And that would definitely. Man, that would. That would definitely destroy America. I don’t know if we would ever come back from that one, because that. That would be bad. So I’m hoping that does not happen.

But, um, it very well could be that. That could be the case. It sure could. So now I’m working on this new video, guys, and you’ll be able to watch it tomorrow. I was gonna release it today, but then all this stuff popped up, so I had to do this. And over on truthmafia. com, we have a maid members area. You know, 99% of my content is 100% free, and we have our maid members area.

It’s $8. 88 a month. This gets you access to our members only catalogs on Truth mafia, our members only group, which you have access to me, our WhatsApp group. It also gets you access to our members only post, our members only webinars. And these movie decodes that I do now. Tomorrow I’m releasing this new movie, decode I just did on three body problem and the three body problem Netflix series.

It’s all about the coming of these aliens that are trying to kill us because they want to take over our world. And there’s three sons. So it has that nibiru symbolism. There’s three suns in the three body problem. That’s what it’s all about. Their world keeps being destroyed from cataclysms from these three sons. You know, it’s very similar to the Hopi prophecy pole shift, the plasma apocalypse, all these different things.

The Phoenix phenomenon. And if you want to join that and be able to watch that video tomorrow, and our back catalog, which is tons of amazing videos, me and donut do members only videos. Like I said, I do my own. And when I do the movie decodes, I’m showing clips of the movie. So you’re seeing exactly what I’m talking about. The one for three body problem is over an hour long.

It’s phenomenal. I’m gonna point out every Easter egg in that series. So if you want to see that, it’s definitely worth it for that might. I might offer it too, on truthfultv. com for like $5. So people that don’t want to join the membership, they can just pay a one time fee, or I’ll do it maybe a little cheaper so people could afford it. But what do you guys think? $3? I’ll do it for like $3.

And because I put a lot of work into it, it’s a way to help fund our movement. And all the content creators out here have their YouTube membership or their Instagram membership. I just do my membership on my own website because I don’t want to pay Patreon or YouTube, you know what I mean? So I’ll think of different ways to give people access to it. And I’m also putting up tonight the new David icke video.

My boy, paranoid american, he did an interview with David Icke, and that’s on his Patreon. He gave me the link to it. He always lets me put his videos up, so I just got to tag his pages and stuff. But, um, I’ll put that up on truth mafia. com tonight, too, so you’ll have access to watch the new David Icke video, which paranoid said. They attacked his microphone.

It was crazy. He said all the stuff kept going out when he was trying to talk to David. And I guess David’s going to come back on again. I asked paranoid if he shape shift or anything. He said no, he didn’t see him shapeshift. But I would love to interview David Ike. I mean, you gotta admit it, guys, he is a legend. So that’s pretty cool. And don’t forget, find out your role in this simulation.

Just like I do these decodes. I do personal decodes. And that’s over on my other website, truthfultv. com. So we have two websites. Remember that they’re totally separate from each other. Truthmafia. com, where I do my blogs, my podcast. That’s where all my friends are, all the whole truth mafia team. And then over on truthfultv. com, that’s my personal website where I do my bookings. And if you want to find out your role in this simulation, whether you’re a first player character or an NPC, we do that.

We cover your birth cards. We cover your destiny card. We cover your life path number. We show you the code assigned to you so you know what to look out for, you know what synchronicities to pay attention to. And it’s not just about dropping your name in a calculator. That’s not how the decode works. So, you know, I’ll break it down for you in full detail from the day you’re booking.

Say you went and paid for a reading today, right? And your booking was tomorrow, April 4. You would get your reading ten to 14 days from your booking date. That’s just how it works, guys. I’m so booked. That’s just the process. So it’s never going to change. I mean, it’s worth the wait. You know, it is a little weight, but sometimes I do it a couple days later.

It depends on how busy I am. But on average, it’s ten to 14 days. Just so people know. I always like to be honest and transparent with you, but it’s only $26. And when you get it, trust me, you’ll be like, man, that was the best thing I ever did. Because it’s going to tell you everything about yourself. And then you’ll know what your destiny card is. You’ll know what your life path number is.

You’ll know what energies vibrate with you. So that link is in the bio, just like the link for truth mafia. com and joining the mob. That link is also in the bio. I just want to thank you guys for rocking out with us tonight. I really appreciate you all. Smash that like button. Please share this video and leave comments down below so I know you was able to see the video because they’ve been censoring us.

Truthful out. Bye. .


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