WICKED: Evil FACTS You Should KNOW! #wicked #arianagrande

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WICKED: The Wizard of Oz Decoded: A Blog by Tommy Truthful

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Follow the Yellow Brick Road
“Follow the yellow brick road” basically means follow the money, which I’ve been trying to tell you for years. ♥️ Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain… The wonderful Wizard of Oz 🤔.

  • “The Wizard of Oz = Ounces of Gold.”
  • “The Yellow Brick Road = Bricks or Gold Ingot.”

The Straw Man represents that fictional ALL CAPS legal fiction — PERSON. The Straw Man wanted a brain but got a certificate — the birth certificate for a new legal creation. He was proud of his new legal status, plus all these other legalisms he was granted.

The Wizard Of Oz The Scarecrow

The Tin Man (TIN = Taxpayer Identification Number) is a robotic avatar who worked tirelessly until his body literally froze up and stopped functioning. The heartless and emotionless robot creature who worked himself to death wanted a HEART.

The Tin Man The Wizard Of Oz

The Cowardly Lion was a bully but was a true coward when someone stood up to him. He lacked true courage, which is what he wanted. At the end, the Wizard gave him an Official Recognition Award — authority and status.

The Wizard Of Oz The Cowardly Lion

The Wizard of Oz uses magic, smoke, flames, and holograms, but all of it were tricks and illusions to push fear and compliance into doing what he commanded. The truth is, the Wizard had NO real power and only used illusions to create FALSE power and authority.

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The Wicked Witch pushed fear through intimidation. She was after Toto and controlled the flying monkey police — the policy enforcers — the mischievous demons, which also represent the BAR Association attorneys who attack and control all the little people for the Great Crown Wizard, the crooked Bankers of Oz — gold.

The Wicked Witch Of The West The Wizard Of Oz

In the field of poppies, they were not REAL humans, so drugs had no effect on them, but Dorothy was drugged. The Wizard of Oz was written at a time when Rockefeller and pharmaceutical companies began taking over medicine and education — the DRUGGING of America.

Toto the Dog was what the Wicked Witch was after. Toto in Latin means “in total, all together.” Toto was the one who exposed the Wizard of Oz. Toto had no fear and was very small compared to the Great Wizard, so no one noticed him. Toto pulled the curtain on the Wizard and his magical scams. ‘Curtain’ also means the end of an act or scene — the end. He pulled the curtain and started barking until others paid attention and red-pilled the others. Toto is the truth-seeker Archetype!

Wicked Ai Fan Art

The curtain “VEIL” that hides the corporate legal fiction and its false courts is exposed. The jig is up. No matter how small your bark is, it can be heard. 🗣🗣🗣

The Real Meaning of The Wizard of Oz

  • Wizard of Oz = 50 in Chaldean Gematria
    • Matching “Bread and Circuses” = 50

In ancient Rome, “bread and circuses” was a metaphor for the way the ruling class kept the masses content and pacified. The phrase suggests that if people were given food (bread) and entertainment (circuses), they would not care about anything else and would remain under the rule of the elite.

  • British Royal Family = 50
  • Cashless Society = 50
  • A Central Digital Bank = 50

“The Yellow Brick Road” = 63 in Chaldean Gematria, matching “Non-Player Character” = 63. They killed JFK in ’63 for trying to stop the central banking cartel known as the Federal Reserve.

  • “All the World’s a Stage” = 63

“The Scarecrow” = 46 in Chaldean Gematria. The Scarecrow represents the straw man. The number 46 is connected to our DNA; you have 23 chromosomes from your mother and 23 chromosomes from your father. 23 + 23 = 46. Even the number spelled out, “twenty-three” = 46. “Double helix” = 46.

So, we are considered lost and dead at sea while they create this straw man version of us, connected to the Scarecrow symbolism.

After the Great Fire of London in 1666, when many people fled the country, got lost, or died, the UK government didn’t know who was still alive. So, behind closed doors, they decided to issue the Cestui Que Vie Act and call everyone “lost at sea.”

Cestui Que Vie Act 1666
The CQV Act of 1666 declared all men and women of the UK and the world dead and lost beyond the seas unless they provided evidence to the courts that they were alive. After seven years, if no evidence was provided, they were presumed dead in law.

The state took control of everybody and their property through trusts, holding titles until a living man or woman could claim them by proving they were alive. The state became the trustee, managing all titles and property.

People were reduced to entities created by the state, treated like shares in the stock market. Legally, people are considered fictions—a concept expressed through names on birth certificates or ID cards, written in CAPITAL letters, like a dead man’s name on a tombstone. People became chattel (slaves) to corporations.

History of the Three Crowns

  • In 1302 AD, Pope Boniface issued the first trust of the world, Unam Sanctam, declaring all people must belong to the Church to gain eternal salvation. This gave the Pope supreme authority over all spiritual and physical aspects of life, claiming all souls as property of the Church.
  • In 1455 AD, Pope Nicholas created the first Crown of the World. This first Cestui Que Vie Trust claimed all land for the Crown, leaving no rights to individuals.
  • In 1481 AD, Pope Sixtus created the second Crown, which represented the flesh—the human body—and was managed under the second CQV trust.
  • In 1537 AD, Pope Paul III established the third Crown, linked to the soul. When a child is baptized, the parents unknowingly give the child’s soul to the Church through the baptismal certificate.

By 1540 AD, King Henry VIII was awarded the Ecclesiastical Crown, granting him the right to claim all lost souls.

After 1816, the Crown was transferred to Temple Bar, now known as “The Crown.” Maritime law became enforceable globally, treating people as property of the state, subject to the laws of the sea.

By 1666, under Charles II, the CQV Act was updated and applied globally.

Maritime Law and the “Person”
When a ship BERTHS, it is given a CERTIFICATE at a DOCK. Similarly, the government issues a BIRTH CERTIFICATE for a baby from a “DOC.” This symbolizes that we are treated as ships owned by the government.

Words related to maritime and commerce include:

  • Ownership, dictatorship, membership, citizenship, fellowship, partnership, currency (“current-sea”), liquid assets, frozen assets, shark loans, etc.

Maritime Law Jurisdiction
This applies to the “person,” which in legalese refers to doing business with a corporation. The word “person” derives from persona (mask), symbolizing the false self—a taxpayer, license holder, or fine payer. The legal “person” has no consciousness.

Natural Law
Under natural law (Land, Air, Water), rights are inherent and undeniable for every natural being. This law is created by the divine, not by man, and recognizes individuals as living men and women—not persons or entities.

The Tin Man
The Tin Man = 34 in Chaldean Gematria.

  • A robotic avatar AI takeover” = 34, symbolizing the Tin Man as a robotic avatar.
  • Apple Inc.” = 34, at the forefront of AI innovation.
  • “BlackRock Inc.” = 34, representing the elite families dominating industries like media, pharmaceuticals, and entertainment.

These entities utilize artificial intelligence to control and enslave.

The Wicked Witch
The Wicked Witch = 54 in Chaldean Gematria.

  • “COVID BOOSTERS” = 54, connecting to the poisoning of society through pharmaceuticals.
  • “Child trafficking” = 54, symbolizing darker forces manipulating society.

Dorothy’s red shoes are linked to the Red Shoe Society.

Dorothy's Red Shoes The Red Shoe Society

They actually make the red shoes out of human skin. The Red Shoe Society makes these shoes out of little children. We see people like the Pope wearing these red shoes. This goes back to Egypt, where the high priestesses would make sacrificial offerings with these red shoes that were kind of high heels. I guess that’s where the whole “red bottoms” come from.

The Wizard Of Oz Scaled -

Another movie that prominently features trauma-based mind control is *Poltergeist*. In fact, the film’s young star, Carol Anne, underwent some disturbing experiences during production, which I have thoroughly analyzed in a detailed breakdown. You can read it through this link. Please be aware that it covers very dark subject matter, particularly regarding what was done to the little girl, so it may be challenging to read.

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Reality is a Code – I am the glitch that reveals its secrets.
– Tommy Truthful




➡ This text discusses concerns about the portrayal of witchcraft in popular culture, particularly in films like “The Wizard of Oz” and “Wicked”. It suggests that these films may be desensitizing children to magic and the occult, and even glorifying villains or ‘bad’ characters. The text also mentions the biblical story of Saul and the witch of Endor, suggesting it has inspired people in the occult. Finally, it raises concerns about Ariana Grande’s behavior during the press tour for “Wicked”, suggesting she may be using method acting to embody her character, which the author views as potentially dangerous.



Is there a sinister origin to the wicked film? Does it have ties to the bible? Is Ariana Grande a legit witch? Between being a literal witch, literal witch, I’m not kidding. How did we get to a point in our society where witchcraft is enjoyable? Where witchcraft is something that people tolerate, indulge in? And where the good is called bad and the bad is called good? And what is wrong with Ariana Grande? Something is not normal about her and her co-star in the film. They’re always holding hands. They’re always crying together.

There’s something diabolical happening here, and we’ll explore that in this video as well. There are so many millions of kids like me who find refuge in the witches, who find refuge in the witches. And I just want to let you know, I mean, I’m a nobody, but you did it. You did it. We love you. Mia. That’s beautiful. No, I’m not going to cry. I’m going to cry my glitter off. I’m going to get blind from glitter. Growing up in Puerto Rico, my dad never let us see the Wizard of Oz. My dad always said you can watch it when you’re an adult, but that film is diabolical.

You would hear of the film, obviously, because they would air it on TV and there was a good witch, a bad witch, and so forth. But my dad always said that he never liked the good witch because he said that she’s diabolical. Long story short, once you get older, you can move out of your parents’ house and see whatever you want to see. And in viewing the Wizard of Oz, I totally understood what he was saying for various reasons. In the original film of the Wizard of Oz, I never understood how this was presented to children as wholesome entertainment.

You had a house fall on a witch and everyone celebrating that she’s dead. And then all of a sudden, the other witch pops up because they’re trying to tell you there’s two versions of magic. There’s good magic and bad magic, which, again, it’s one of those things to desensitize children to magic. But then you have that witch that’s supposedly the good witch build strife and tension between Dorothy and the Wicked Witch of the West. By placing the red shoes on Dorothy and she immediately creates strife between them and it sets the tone and the story for the whole journey towards the Wizard of Oz.

Craziest part of all is that when you get to the end of the film, she tells Dorothy that she knew all along that she could just go home by clicking her shoes. Which then tells you furthermore that this lady’s a manipulator and evil. Why would she make Dorothy go through all these steps to get to the Wizard of Oz and all of these things? The whole film is an indoctrination of our youth. Fast forward to 2024 and we now have the film Wicked. And what’s happening in this film is kind of the same thing that you’re seeing in many other traditional films in Hollywood as of the last few years.

Where the villain, or in this case the witch, is glorified as a good character. It’s glorified as someone who’s really not that wicked. Someone who is glorified as if they’re really not that bad. When that movie The Joker came out, The First Joker, you had a lot of people sympathizing with The Joker. That song, Sympathy for the Devil, I remember that rock and roll song. It almost seems as if there’s this trend happening where the good is being called bad and the bad is being endorsed and called good. And in this film is no different as well.

It is glorifying the occult and glorifying witchcraft and tolerating as something good. And many of these films gain inspiration even from biblical stories. Like in 1 Samuel 28 when Saul decided to consult a witch, the witch of Endor. In the biblical story in 1 Samuel 28 verse 8 you see that Saul disguised himself and he put on other clothes and he went and he deceived the witch of Endor so that she can conjure up. He wanted to speak to Samuel and he turned to witchcraft to try to speak to Samuel. So there are many in wicked circles and many who take inspiration from the witch of Endor and say that she wasn’t that wicked.

You see because after Saul had done what he had done, he had fallen to the ground, he was weak, he was afraid, he was scared. And even though she was deceived, the woman in verse 21 decided to come to Saul and actually feed him. She took care of him. She helped him so that he can get on his way. In verse 23 it speaks of the facts so his servants together with the woman urged him and he heeded their voice. Then he arose from the ground then sat on the bed. Now the woman had a fattened calf in the house and she hastened to kill it.

Then she took flour and knead it and baked unleavened bread from it. So she brought it before Saul and his servants and they ate and they rose and went away. This story has inspired a lot of people in the occult. And once again you have the story of a witch who really isn’t that bad. Once again you have a story of a witch who’s really just misunderstood. Once again you have a story of a witch who yes she does witchcraft, yes she talks to spirits but she just isn’t that bad. She isn’t that wicked. The sad part about many of these films is the aspect that children are the ones consuming all of this content.

Ariana Grande aside from the fact that during the press tour for this film she is acting completely possessed and completely obsessed with the character that she played. A lot of these actors have to do something called method acting so they get into the role and they live that personality and a lot of them allow entities and spirits to come inside them. How are so many of Hollywood’s most famous actors and actresses able to be so amazingly effective and convincing in their performances? That guy was so electrified that it came through the television. How is it that they can move us to laughter, tears or anger at the drop of a hat? Are they truly gifted with natural talent as many suggest? You see this and you’re dazzled by their talent.

Do they possess a creative streak of genius that is unknown to most men? Or unknown to most men are they in fact possessed? Is it possible that these actors and actresses are possessed by demonic spirits who have a specific agenda to fulfill? Oscar award-winning actor Denzel Washington told 60 Minutes exactly how he brings forth his best performances. The one woman entertainment empire known as Oprah has strong affiliations with the demonic realm. The most familiar face on television says… Just become the vehicle for that character. Calling out for these entities to take her over so that she may become a sparkling puppet, Oprah admits of her work before the camera.

I tried to empty myself and let the spirit inhabit me. With her global influence, her shows have become a small export for the new age agenda. She even speaks of the fact that Saturn is returning inside of her, that Glinda is inside of her. She speaks of the fact that she is an astrologist. She reads tarot cards on set as well because she’s in the part of the character. And she even clarifies to the interviewer by saying that she is a witch. And she even says, no, no, no, I am a literal witch. She’s not kidding when she says the things that she is saying.

I don’t know. I said somewhere between being a literal witch, literal witch, literal witch, literal witch. I’m not kidding. I’m not kidding. I’m not kidding. And being like the most realistic cut dry, like, you know, I don’t know. I feel like the last day I had a headache from crying so hard. I just I couldn’t even get my makeup on. I couldn’t get anything on. Yeah. So special. Do you still feel like a part of hers within you? Yeah. Yes, I think I think we’ll be intertwined forever. Like, she’ll always be a part of me. Of course, she’ll always be here.

But also the reacclimating, I think, will take a while to, you know. What does astrology mean? And I was crying too. The role of astrology in your life has meaning, right? Yeah, for sure. I mean, even tarot cards. When I went to the studio, you gave me a reading. You’ve been doing readings on set. Yeah, yeah, yeah. What do you look to astrology for? Is it understanding of what you’re going through? Is it an understanding of what will be? Yeah, I think it’s kind of a tool to help us hear what we need to hear sometimes and kind of look forward with hope and awareness and also reads us for filth sometimes.

Sometimes we need to hear it. Just looking to something bigger than us to kind of help us make sense of it. Does that make sense? Literal witch. And if you look at a few years back, Ariana Grande had also spoken of the fact that she had seen an entity, a diabolical entity that almost got inside of her and attacked her. Her and her core star, the one that plays the green witch, the wicked witch, they’re always, they almost seem like they’re a couple. In public, they’re always holding hands, always consoling each other. They cry about everything together.

They’re in character. Or maybe it’s that the character is inside of them. Many of these actors are possessed by entities. This is why you see them operating how they’re operating out of control. But you see, Hollywood knows how to deceive children and families into witchcraft. They’re not just going to show up and tell you that it’s witchcraft. They’re going to call it good magic versus bad magic. They’re going to say there’s a good witch here to help you versus the bad witch, which is not here to help you. They’re also going to touch on different undertones of society and say that this is racism, this is sexism.

See, Satan comes as an angel of light in 2 Corinthians 11-14. And no wonder for Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. What’s the message that you want all your queer fans that see wicked to take away from this? That you deserve all the good things. That your difference is what makes you special. That your queerness is beautiful. That I love you. Elphaba is just like you and she understands what it feels like to be alone and to feel different. But that doesn’t make you any less special than you were born to be.

Beautiful. Ariana, you know, your brother and I, I’m glad, do a lot of work together. And I know supporting the community is top priority for you. Tell me a little bit about why that’s so important for you. I mean, I think it’s the most important thing in the entire world is how can we support the people that we love and how can we be our most empathetic selves. And, you know, not to be corny, but make the world a safer place, especially right now, you know. I think it’s the most important work that we can do is learn how we can listen and be there for each other and the people that we love.

And especially the most beautiful community in the entire world. And yeah, I love my queer brothers and sisters so much more than anything. We love you back. We do. Literal witch. I’m not kidding. Do you remember Bewitched, the show? Do you remember many of these shows that make light of the occult in light of evil? I remember when Harry Potter came on it. Harry Potter is pretty recent when it comes to history, but many churches even embraced it and did a Harry Potter Bible study. Because the church always wants to be like the world.

You see, Samuel, instead of turning to God, he turned to witchcraft. And many today, instead of turning to God, they do the very same thing. Beware of what your children watch. Beware of what they consume. Educate your children on these aspects because the devil is out there as a roaring lion. There’s no such thing as good magic. It’s all satanic diabolical to the core, which of Endor was operating in direct disobedience to God. There are two kingdoms. And if you’re born again, God has taken you from the kingdoms of darkness into the kingdoms of his dear son.

And if you reject Jesus Christ and his kingdom, then you belong to the kingdoms of darkness of this world. And the kingdoms of the darkness of this world are going to deceive you with good magic, bad magic. The spirits that are diabolical, they come as angels of light. This is the Bible literally tells you. Before you saw Glinda in the Wizard of Oz come as this nice little witch. Coming as an angel, coming to save the day. Scriptures warn you that Satan operates the same way. He comes as the savior to fix a problem that he caused and created.

Similar to Glinda in the Wizard of Oz, where she’s the one who made the house land on that witch to kill her and then placed all the blame on Dorothy. But then she has a solution to fix the problem. Many of these films just operate on manipulation on witchcraft. And even though they come as rated PG and G rated, they just filled with abominations. I pray that the church can wake up to many of these things because wicked is being embraced even by congregations nowadays. I don’t get it. Never understood it. I don’t understand how witchcraft is entertaining.

I don’t know. Maybe I’m old fashioned. I’m an old fashioned Puerto Rican here, but that’s just my thoughts on it. Let’s pray for a moment. Heavenly Father, help us be better parents. Help us train our children in the way that they should go. Heavenly Father, if we have been desensitized by entertainment, by the way of this world, then we are making light of things because we enjoy the things that you clearly warn us against. You warn us about these things so that we can be understanding and so that we can be recognizing of the attacks of the enemy.

But we like the entertainment, so we justify it. And we even try to study Bibles of it with Harry Potter and other bugs. May we be able to understand that what we tolerate becomes our standard in our house. And especially in the day and age, Heavenly Father, where our children are being bombarded with so many deceptive tactics of the devil. May we be able to stand for you, for your righteousness and be able to say, no, that is a cult. That is wrong. In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen. God bless you. God bless your family. If you enjoyed this content, please consider sharing this video.

This is a non-monetized channel. So your support goes a very, very, very long way. Just you taking a few seconds to press the thumbs up. Leave a comment whether you agree or disagree and share this video. It goes a long way. We truly appreciate you and thanks for those that are considering supporting this ministry. We truly appreciate you very much. We have weekly content on this channel. And we truly hope that this video at the very least provides you a different perspective of how I as a brother in Christ view these things. God bless you and your whole family.

Thank you. [tr:trw].


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