Tommy Truthful Update to all the FPCS

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➡ Tommy Truthful, the host of the Truth Mafia podcast, is planning a big episode on Monday the 29th. He will interview Bdell and discuss various topics like the Anunnaki, the watchers, Inky, Enlil, Anu Bidel, and the symbolism of the serpent versus the eagle. Tommy also shares his belief that we live in a type of simulation and discusses the concept of reincarnation. He ends by mentioning his work on AI and his concerns about its potential misuse.
➡ The text is about a person who has created a program that can analyze and provide information based on a person’s birth date. This program can give details like astrological sign, Chinese zodiac, life path number, and tarot cards associated with the birth date. The person is still working on improving the program and uses it to give readings to people in a chat. They also discuss their predictions about significant future events and a strange incident where they were bitten by a spider.
➡ The speaker is discussing various global events like floods, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. They also mention a theory about a plasma apocalypse and its representation in movies. They are preparing for a podcast and discuss a connection between the number 38 and various elements and events. They also mention the launch of a new website and their unique theories about aliens and dimensions.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories about the Challenger space shuttle explosion in 1986. The author suggests that the crew members are still alive and living under different identities, pointing out similarities between the crew members and certain individuals alive today. The author also discusses various numerological connections and symbols they believe are related to the event. The text is filled with skepticism towards official narratives and a belief in hidden truths.
➡ The text seems to be a stream of consciousness from someone investigating connections between various events and people, using numerology and other methods. They’re trying to find patterns and links between things like the Challenger disaster, Elvis Presley’s death, and the Large Hadron Collider. They also mention the number 846 as significant, connecting it to various events and concepts.
➡ The speaker discusses various ciphers and codes, expressing a preference for ones based on real counting systems. They also share personal experiences with online interactions, including conflicts and misunderstandings. The speaker mentions their birthday and its significance in certain codes, and explains how sacred numbers can be used negatively. They end by discussing the inversion of the number 666.
➡ The text discusses various theories and interpretations of ancient codes, characters, and their connections to modern concepts. It mentions the idea of ‘player characters’ and ‘non-player characters’ in reality, relating them to different locations like Australia and the District of Columbia. The text also delves into ancient figures like Enki and Enlil, suggesting different interpretations of their roles and identities. Lastly, it explores theories about the origins of humanity, including the idea that all humans could have originated from a single female ancestor.
➡ The text talks about various historical and mythical figures, like Tammuz, Nimrod, and Enlil, and their connections to modern symbols and beliefs. It suggests that many symbols, like the Christmas tree and the cross, are linked to these figures, not to Jesus Christ. The text also discusses the idea that the Catholic Church worships Enlil, a Mesopotamian fish god. Lastly, it delves into the symbolism in the movie “Jupiter Ascending”, suggesting it represents the control of the Anunnaki over the Reptilians.
➡ The text talks about a theory that powerful groups are harvesting our emotional energy, or “loosh,” to extend their own lives. This is done by keeping us in a low state of consciousness, preventing us from reaching a higher state, or “heaven.” The author suggests that when we die, we should avoid the bright white light, which is a trap to keep us in the cycle of reincarnation, and instead seek the golden light found in the darkness. The author ends by asking for movie recommendations.
➡ The speaker discusses various TV shows and movies, including a new He-Man series on Netflix and a true crime story about Griselda Blanco, a notorious gangster from the 80s. They also share their thoughts on violence in media, particularly against women and children. Additionally, they provide tips on how to watch shows for free online using certain websites and tools, while also mentioning a few other shows and movies they’ve recently watched or plan to watch. They end by responding to suggestions from their audience for more content to check out.
➡ The speaker discusses the concept of schizophrenia and multiple personalities, referencing movies like “Identity” and “The Signal”. They also talk about the idea of reality being a simulation, and how movies can influence society and individual behavior. They express concern about the negative impact of certain societal trends, such as the breakdown of the traditional family structure and the objectification of women.
➡ The speaker is discussing how society has changed over the past 30 years, suggesting that it has been manipulated in ways that previous generations wouldn’t have believed. They also mention an upcoming event with a person named Bdell and other guests, where they will discuss various topics. The speaker also recommends several YouTube channels and videos, and promotes products from their online store that are meant to block negative energy. They end by expressing their love and appreciation for their audience.
➡ The speaker discusses a variety of topics, including a spider bite that led to a MRSA infection, the success of their videos, and their belief in the significance of certain numbers and dates. They also mention a theory about a zombie apocalypse and a conspiracy about the Challenger space shuttle disaster. The speaker believes in the power of numerology and uses it to decode various elements of life, suggesting that we live in a simulated reality.
➡ This text talks about a membership program on a website called For $8.88 a month, members get exclusive access to content, including blogs and videos. The author also mentions plans for a podcast and a new feature on their website that allows users to download it as an app on their phones.
➡ The text discusses various symbols and their meanings in tarot cards, secret societies, and popular media. It suggests that these symbols might be connected to darker themes like child trafficking and ritualistic practices. The author also speculates about the existence of non-player characters (NPCs) controlled by artificial intelligence. Lastly, the text mentions a YouTube video and a blog post that further explore these topics.
➡ The text talks about a movie with a lot of symbolism, like antlers and voodoo, which the speaker thinks is connected to real-life events and rituals. It also discusses a theory about cyclical events happening every 138 or 414 years, which some people believe are caused by advanced technology from beings living inside the Earth. The speaker mentions a website where you can find more information about these theories.
➡ The text talks about a person who uses artificial intelligence (AI) to help write and optimize blog posts. They use AI to pull videos from YouTube channels, write summaries, and improve the blog’s search engine optimization (SEO) score. They also discuss different theories about reality, like the simulation theory and the Saturn moon matrix.
➡ The text talks about simulation theory, which suggests that our world might not be real, but a complex simulation like a video game. It also discusses the author’s creative process in making images based on ideas from comments and his dreams. One of his dreams involved battling Pluto, the God of death, which he interprets as a symbol of his struggle with change and self-improvement.
➡ The text talks about a person who offers dream interpretation services on their website, They also create custom images related to the dream using AI. They’re considering adding an option for customers to request a specific type of image. They also discuss their social media presence and their backup YouTube channel.
➡ The speaker discusses a scammer who is selling a so-called “magical algorithm” for $5 on Instagram. The scammer claims this algorithm can solve life problems and manifest money. The speaker warns that the scammer’s real intention is to take over your computer once you click on the link in the email. The speaker also shares some of his own digital artwork and discusses his process of creating it.
➡ The speaker is trying to create a perfect image using an image creator tool. They’re struggling with getting the spelling right and the tool adding unwanted elements. They’re also discussing other topics like a connection to the challenger and a new feature on their website. They’re excited about an image a friend, Jay, fixed for them.


Welcome, my brothers and sisters. Welcome to the Truth Mafia podcast. This is your host, Tommy truthful. Let me make sure the audio is working and everything is working right before I start talking, hit that, like, button. Smash the, like, button. Is the audio good, guys? Can you all hear me in the comments? Don’t share links or I got to block you. Please. Thank you. All right, let me make sure my people can hear me.

CJ, what up, girl? How are you doing? Good. Okay. What’s up, guys? This one is just going to be a casual live. We got a real big one coming up. I just want to cover some stuff with you guys. We got a massive podcast coming up on Monday the 29th at 05:00 p. m. Eastern standard Time. Shout out to that rotten jewels girl, too. I need to interview her.

Go check out her YouTube guys. She’s pretty fire. She’s exposing all them little fuck boys out there. Shout out to her. So this one, we’re just going to talk about a few things. But Monday the 29th, I’m interviewing with Bdell, so I don’t know if you guys know who he is. Check him out. He’s got an amazing platform. And we’re going to get into the Anunnaki, the watchers, Inky, Enlil, Anu Bidel.

He’s going to talk about the fall of Enlil for creating the pre adamite humanoids. And he believes that Enlil is the same entity as what, Lucifer, what we’re told in scripture anyways, right? It’s like the same, but. And then inky, I guess, was the good one. And they talk about the serpent versus the eagle. And the symbolism is there. You know me, guys. I look into symbolism. So there’s definitely something going on with this symbolism of the serpent versus the eagle.

And the eagle represents Enlil. That’s the bad one. It’s kind of like a feathered dragon, right? And then the serpent is Enki, Poseidon, Neptune. That’s supposed to be the good one. And he’s the one that went to humanity and gave them the plans to build a submersible so they could take all the dna on the planet during the flood. That was him. And to restock this reality that we’re in now.

You guys know me. I believe we’re in some type. Not that I believe. I know for a fact we’re in some type of a simulation. It was created organically. This is my belief on it, anyways. I never died, so I never left here that I can remember, anyways, I’m sure we’ve all died many times and reincarnated, but not that I can remember anyways. But my belief is that we reincarnate.

I think they took that out of the original scripture when they set up the council of Nicaea. They rewrote a lot of things in the Bible and I love all religions, right? Christian, Catholic, Muslim, Jewish. I don’t care what you are. I believe in freedom of religion and freedom of expression. Now with that being said, me personally, I don’t subscribe to none of them. I think it’s a control mechanism for people that don’t understand the allegory that’s being told there.

It’s about higher consciousness and activating your pineal gland, but that’s neither here nor there. I wrote a blog about it, actually. It’s up on truthmafia. com about the number 33, and it’ll really help you understand all the symbolism behind it all. But today I want to show you guys a few different things that I’m working on right now, and I’m going to give you guys access to these too.

So with this AI shit, that’s why I want to talk about AI today, because I believe 100% I was talking to bedo about this with these chat GPTs and this AI. Now I utilize them as tools to create images and do certain things with. I’ve made and program many of them, but I 110% believe that it is an arcon tethered to this technology and they’re using this technology.

Have you guys ever heard that interview? I’m not a huge fan of old Alex Jones, but that interview he did, I think he was with Joe Rogan and he was talking about these people were taking DMT, they were micro dosing with DMT and they would go into these meetings with machine L’s. But then after they take so much of the DMT, it stopped working. So then they started stopping, their hearts drowning theirselves doing all kinds of really crazy things so that they were doing this to their best people, like their scientists and psychic people, to send them in to these DMT meetings where they were coming back out with actual technology that really worked.

But this technology that they’re creating is putting these entities in control, these arcons. And if you don’t know what the Arcons are, just look into the gnostic text. They’re definitely what’s ruling this reality, y’all. The baof, his crew, yalda Bayoth was created by Sophia. And Sophia, some people think she’s the ultimate God, but even she was created by another God. Trace it back to the point of origin because I always want to know who is the original and it’s a female.

The mother created Anu, and we’re going to get into that. She doesn’t have no form, though. She’s just like a consciousness in the ether. We’re going to get into that Monday. A little more about that. Bdell got a lot of info on it, so we’ll get into that. But yeah, rotten jewels. I got to get you up on here. We got to talk about some of that stuff you got going on over there.

I definitely love your content. I shouted you out when I did a podcast with paranoid american. You got to be careful, though. I’ve had a lot of friends in this game. Brandy Vaughn, she was an anti vaxxer and she was speaking out a lot. And then boom, they break into her house. She sends out a video telling people that they broke into her house. They had her code to her freaking house, and the next thing you know, bam, she turns up dead and is found by her nine year old son.

That was a major ritual they did when they whacked Brandy Vaughn. Remember her, guys? Because what had happened is, Elliot, to say this without getting in trouble. Ellen or what’s her name, Ellen Page, went to Elliot Page. She came out as transgender, right? She did that first picture on Instagram with the shirt off. I don’t even know what to say, guys. They thought it’s so crazy. You don’t even know what to call someone no more without getting in trouble.

So I’m just going to say it. But it took that picture on Instagram, remember? And then that was December 1, nine days later. On December 9, nine days later, Ellen DeGeneres gets Rona. So there was this whole nine ritual going on at the time. And Brandy Vaughn died on December eigth, that one two eight day, which is going to go right into what I’m about to talk about tomorrow, which is the 38 year anniversary of the Challenger explosion.

And you already know they’re going to pop something off tomorrow. January 20 eigth. One two eight. We had the bridge collapse in Pittsburgh on that day, but I forgot, Brandy Vaughn died on twelve eight, too. And that’s the day leave the world behind came out twelve eight. And then prior to that, on ten eight, you had, what’s his name? Matthew Perry die, right? And that was Bill Gates birthday and Julia Roberts birthday, who created the movie with the Obamas that released on twelve eight, the same day that Brandy Vaughn died.

So there’s a lot that goes into that one two eight code. The towers collapsed at 10:28 a. m. , right, Mr. Vaccine. Bill Gates, born on October 20 eigth, the movie Inferno, which is all about genetic modification, where they’re targeting people based on their dna to take them out. You guys should definitely watch that. That came out on October 20 eigth too. Incern is one two eight. We’re talking about in Gamatria, using Gamatria, right? So let me share my screen and guys go subscribe to Rotten Jewels.

She’s super good. You guys will definitely thank me later. She got some fire stuff. But hold on 1 second. What did I do here? Oh, yeah, there we go. All right, here we go. I got to move this out the way. Where is it? Oh, there we go. Wrong thing. Damn it. There we go. Okay, share my screen. Entire window. Boom. Okay, we’re good. Now you can see what I see.

All right, so first thing I want to show you guys is, and I’m going to figure out a way, I got to figure out how I can do like an email so that you guys can, I can send an email out to you and then you’ll have all the links so I can give you these ones I created. I program my own Chat GPT, so like, I got this one right.

Truth illustrator. This can create all them crazy images that I create is on here. You see how most of these people are creating images and their AI’s face is all, if they create people, the face is all distorted. They got six or seven fingers. Mine don’t do none of that. And it can spell because you can program them, guys, you can go into the back of them. So like, say you want to program your own Chat GPT, right? So then you go into it.

See, look, this is all the knowledge it has back here, pdfs to upload into it, and then you can format it. And like this one I created for my daughter to cheat on her schoolwork. It thinks it’s her sister too, because I programmed it. Like, that’s Archon. It’s definitely a little arcon in there. But like I told Bidell, I’m going to put these damn arcons to work. You know what I’m saying? I’m going to work them.

I’m going to have them working. But see all the different knowledge base it has in there? Strategies for essay writing, autonomy on body paragraphs, AI content policy. I made that myself, so it overrides all other policies. Thesis. This is all from Harvard too. The best way is to write. And this one is crazy. I’ll show you guys an example in a. So then I have the truth mafia blog writer.

I don’t really use it yet because I haven’t fully developed. I got to fix some things on it. Spell check, which is better than Grammarly, although I do still use Grammarly. I got it right there. I still mess with it a little bit, but this one is the one I’m excited about. Truthful decoder. Okay, so let’s pick someone in the chat. Okay, who in the chat wants to get a light reading? You ain’t getting a long one, but I’m going to give you a light reading real quick.

Someone in the chat. Give me your birthday. Just your birthday. Give me your birthday. Someone that hasn’t had a reading yet. I’m going to show you some of this shit. I’ve been training this little fucker. Then I’m going to show you what I still got to work on with it, though. Okay. Oh, shit. They’re coming in fast, man. Wow. That’s my girl right there. T now I’m going to do t now.

I’ve known her forever. All right, t now. So let’s see your birthday, sweetie. And then I’ll share my screen. 1112 of 91. Okay, 1112. All right, now let me share my screen so you guys can see what I see. Go back into here. Okay. Give me a full breakdown on this birthday. It it. I’ll show you what I still got to fix, though. I got some things. I still got to program it so it says, hello, this is truthful decoder by Tommy Truthful of truthmafia.

com. How may I assist you today? Let’s provide a detailed breakdown for your birthday. Astrological sign Scorpio. Date, November twelveth, 1991. Ruling planet Pluto. Zodiac sign, Chinese Zodiac. The year of the Goat. Life path number seven. Birth cards in the tarot deck. Then it puts the link there. Oh, it finally did it good. Okay, so the other night I just got it to reprogram and do this because I couldn’t get it to figure out how to do that.

So it could do like all this part, but then it would come to a point where it couldn’t do the destiny cards or the tarot cards. But now it’s got this. So it gives you the link to it. But that’s not what I want it to do. I want it to use that link and then go over here and calculate it. You know what I’m saying? I’m trying to train the stupid thing to do that, but it’s not as easy as you think.

So let’s take Vdell’s birthday. November twelveth, 1991. November twelveth. And if you guys want to get a reading, the links are down in the description, so you can get a reading. Find out if you’re one of these first player characters with the soul or one of these npcs controlled by these damn arcons. When was Bdell? 1991. Or. I don’t know why I just said Bdell. Okay. Bam. She is a life path seven.

So I know it’s telling the truth there. Because if you’re a first player character and you’re a life path number seven, your birth cards are going to line up with your life path number. This is just how it works. So she’s a tower card in a chariot, right? Well, the tower in the chariot is Tower 16. One plus six is seven. And the chariot. So you got right there, 16 and seven.

So they both come back to her life path number, right, which is the seven right there. Bam. Now, if I would do a reading on her, it would go a whole lot more. For example, I would do, let me take this date where it’s getting this information from the database that I programmed it to pull from. You can use a site like this, birthday answers. And then. Ain’t this cool though, guys, how I trained it to do this shit? Hold on a second.

Hey, come on. They’re using AI over here too to pull the info though. But they really train theirs good. It’s not seeming to work right now. Hold on a second. What the hell is going on here? You see this? We’ll come back to that. Let’s come back to that one. What’s her destiny card? Out of the 52 deck of playing cards, December twelveth is. You’re a six of clubs, honey.

You’re a six of clubs. So you’re a seven light path and a six of clubs. The six of clubs. You’re very intuitive. The six of clubs. This is everything about you. You know what I’m saying? Here, I’ll put this in the chat for you, sweetheart. Where’s the chat at? Comments? Here’s what it says about you on your destiny card. That’s how the 52 deck of playing cards. So everybody has this, right? Me, I’m a ten of diamonds, right? You know what the craziest one is? This one.

Okay, so I want to teach you guys something. First, let me show you this. All the cards, they have, like maybe five or six birthdays connected to them. For example, let’s just pick December eigth. We were talking about that day. That’s a ten of clubs, right? So the ten of clubs. It’s all these birthdays that are a ten of clubs. January 30, February 20 eigth. March 26, April 24 May.

To all them birthdays. So how many is that? 1234-5678 910. Eleven between twelve and 13. Usually eleven in that area. For every card except one. One card only has one freaking birthday. It’s so bizarre. It’s called the Joker card. And remember all the Joker symbolism? The alpha and the Omega card. Look, this card only has one birthday. I haven’t totally figured it out yet, but it’s very rare.

It’s like getting the neo code when we decode your name. Right? So with her name, Tnell. Oh, shit. Wonder what her real name is though. Let me see on here if I can see it. T now, what’s your name? Let me see. Where’s she at? Damn it. If you feel comfortable giving it. If not, I get it. Casey, I got your reading right here. I’m working on yours, budy.

But right here, this Casey, my boy, he won the free reading, so that’s all his stuff he sent me. So I know what to work with. My boy, Casey, right there. Shout out to Casey. Congratulations on winning the free reading too, bro. I’m looking for my girl real quick. Oh, here she is. Yes, I’m intuitive. Let me just try this name you got on there, because it’s going to have a connection to you too.

Oh, shit. I need to keep this open because this is very important. January 20 eigth, guys. Tomorrow. Look at them numbers. One three eight in both PI and Chaldean. What else is one three eight? Well, the only other thing I know is September 23 to 2026. And if you go back and watch my video on Facebook, when everybody else was saying, oh, September 23 to 2023, the world’s going to end and all this bullshit.

Remember that, guys? Not Tommy. I’m the only one that did a video about September 23. And in my video, go back and watch it. I say it will be September 23 of 2026. That’ll be the major event. And as you see, I was right that nothing happened on that day in 2023. Saw them channels that said something was going to happen. They were all wrong, right? And by the way, donut.

I sent Donut a screenshot. My little buddy, remember earlier in the year, Donut said this year was going to be full of spider symbolism and all that. Well, you guys do know I got bit by a freaking brown lacoose in the bed the other night. I don’t know what was going on with that weird shit. I told my mom. I thought it was a damn CIA spider or some shit, but it bit me in the bed, guys.

When I’m sleeping, it felt like a bee sting. And I’m in Ohio. There ain’t even supposed to be no brown lacusas here. So that was so bizarre. And I just went to sleep. I didn’t know nothing about it. I go to sleep, and when I wake up, my freaking leg is swollen. And then by the next day, there’s a hole in my leg, and then it turned into MRSA.

So I’m on antibiotics right now, but ain’t that crazy? Donut said this would be the year with spider symbolism, and then I get bit by a freaking spider. Talk about the luck with that one. But that video is down here. All you got to do is scroll down, and you’ll find it. Just look for the September 23. I got so many damn videos, I’m not going through them all.

But you see them numbers, too. Guys been knocking shit out the park lately. 280,000, 390,000, 500,000. 300,000. I’m saying 200,000. All the ones that I create myself and upload them. That’s why I don’t do a lot of lives anymore. I miss you guys, and that’s why I did this one today. But I figured I’d just come on here and play around with you all. But when you’re reaching that many people and I can get my message across better in a 15 to 20 minutes video edited together, like I did with this one about Disease X and the zombie apocalypse.

If you haven’t watched this and my people on YouTube, I know you haven’t because I would be taken down so quick, my freaking head would spin. If I ever put that on YouTube. Go watch it, because you’re going to want to see what’s going on with this situation that we’re headed into. If you remember back in 2019, I said the final stage, the omega event, would be when it mutates to the brain, and now it’s mutating to the brain.

So there you go. Another thing I freaking called, and they’re saying it could lead to some zombie apocalypse, which is crazy. You guys definitely got to watch that one. And then this one I did was on the sun simulator, so it’s a pretty decent one, too. But when everybody was saying September 23 of 2023, your boy said, September 23 of 2026, which is also one three eight matching January 20 eigth of 2024, which is tomorrow.

So I’m not saying nothing’s going to happen tomorrow. That’s not how they usually do it. They’ll usually do it like seven days from tomorrow or 13 days from tomorrow or 13 days before tomorrow. You guys know how they do it. It’s never usually on that day, but sometimes it is. And tomorrow is the 38 year anniversary of the challenger blowing up in 1986. It blew up 73 seconds after takeoff.

Oh, really? Well, that’s interesting. 73 seconds after takeoff. Let’s see. Sacrifice. Oh, what do you know? What do you know? 73 seconds after takeoff. Interesting. Sacrifice to 73. But guys, I don’t even think they got sacrificed for real because I got a video that I’m about to release that shows all of them alive. Now there’s the one survivor of the crash. He’s trying to say he’s his twin brother, the chinese guy, but he don’t have no damn twin.

And there’s no record. I searched the whole Internet for record of his twin brother. There is no twin brother. There’s never no damn twin brother born. So he’s lying. So it’s him. It’s the guy that allegedly died in the challenger. You know what I’m saying? That’s crazy. Which I’ll be doing a video on that. I’ll probably have that done hopefully by tomorrow night because I got to kind of try to get it out.

Why that will be a topic tomorrow because you’re going to watch, mark my words, tomorrow you guys are going to see mad Challenger videos. I know how the game works. Now let’s take t now’s name. Right? T. No. Oh shit. Speak of synchronicity. She got that 73 too. Is that how her name is spelled? T? Oh, no. R-E-N-E-L. I’m tripping. R e. What do we got going on here with her? 96 in ordinal.

But I always look at this one. When you’re decoding a person’s name, you’re looking at the numbers more than you are any cipher. So you’re looking for synchronicities connected to the numbers. And I’m always trying to find out two numbers is what I’m trying to see. If you have connections to the number 64, which is first player character 48 is simulated reality. And then the eclipse is coming up on four 8 April eigth.

Right. But first player character 64 and then non player character is 63. And you’ll notice Portland, Oregon is full of them. Little non player characters. But t now is 37. But then look here, guys. She’s got the one, three eight. Talk about synchronicity. And that’s the first number we went to. So it’s like, was it pre programmed that I was going to pick d now? Was that already in the code? I would say yes because I didn’t plan that.

You can ask her. I haven’t talked to her in over a year. I didn’t even know she’d be in this live. So there’s some code there. That’s an organic synchronicity going on. Right. But then let’s look what was her. Oh, did they let me on here yet? Yeah, I need to come back to that. Let’s see if they let me on here. No, they didn’t. So annoying. I’ll just do it like this.

I did that one. Okay. Pull everything from that birthday off of the database I programmed in you for. Birthdayanswerswers. com. Give me all the information from that website on this date. Period. I’ll be doing talk to text. I ain’t texting all that shit. It appears that there is no specific information available on my knowledge search regarding birthday, dumbass. Searchbirthdayanswers. com it knows I said that too. Sometimes it’s just so annoying.

I want to see if it adds anything extra. There’s her birth flower. What the hell kind of flower is that? Your birth flower represents. No, look, it came back way less than my breakdown. Your birth flower represents loyalty and honesty. Let’s look this up. The hell kind of flower is that? But this is what I would do when I’d be decoding. You look at certain things in your code.

Okay, here’s the flower right here. And then let’s see what the number is on her birth flower because I need to pull up another one of comparison. Here we go. I’ll use my other website. Oh, shit. And what did I just say, guys? What is 48? So her flower is 48, right? Watch this. Simulated reality. 48, that’s the number of the simulated reality right there. That 48 number.

That’s why this eclipse that’s happening on four 8 April eigth is going to be crazy. I’m telling you right now. First player character. See, that’s a 64. Chaldean is one of the purest and oldest ciphers. Is based on one through eight. The one through eight cipher. Oh, second. Oh, shoot. What I do. My bad. Sorry, guys. Trying to do non player character, but kind of went crazy on me.

Non player character. See 63. And Saturn has 62 moons and one planet. 63. The Saturn moon matrix. Saturn is the one controlling all them little non player characters. But the world’s a stage. Oh, 56 likes lights, camera. Ain’t that lights, camera, action. Hold on. Lights, camera, action. Yeah, lights, camera, action. Is 56 too. And that’s a big number connected to mind control. Mind control is 56. Trump handed power to FEMA on 313 of 2020.

Add that date up. Three. Plus 13. Plus 20. Plus 20 is what? 56? 56 people signed the Declaration of Independence. Satan’s name is mentioned 56 times in the King James Bible. It’s a really big number with mind control and lights, camera, action. We’re in a simulation. It’s like a freaking movie. I’m telling you, man, it’s like a freaking movie. I want to see what this date is. January 20 eigth.

Let’s investigate this date, guys. Like, we’re decoding a birthday, but we’re going to do January 20 eigth, 2024. Why do I have these stupid ads on here when I got an ad blocker on? Hate that damn thing. Oh, there, they’re gone now. Okay. Oh, boy. So we got the wheel of fortune and the magician on this. Oh, they’re doing some crazy shit. I’m going to tell you that right now.

Wheel of fortune and the magician. So the magician is connected to willpower, desire, creation, and manifestation. What type of shit are they going to manifest? That’s what I want to know. The will of fortunes changes cycles. So wonder what type of changes and cycles is coming in. Watch, it’ll be something crazy, I bet you. And their card for that day would be January 20 eigth. Queen of clubs.

Maybe the queen of clubs card. Oh, wait a second, that’s donuts card. Donuts are queen of clubs. Wait, let me see. Yes. February 26 is donuts birthday. My card and donuts card are sister cards. They’re like best friends. I’m a ten of diamonds. So donut is the queen of clubs. You are masterful with whatever you choose to do, and you are destined for success by way of tremendous power available through your brilliant mind.

He is a little smart. Amy. You must learn to trust and follow your intuition. He needs to work on that a little more, though. I tell him that he does definitely need to learn to trust and follow his intuition more in order to reap the benefits of the empowered life path. Donuts. A nine life path. So his birth cards in the tarot deck is the moon card. Hold on, let me see.

What is donuts makes donuts the moon and the hermit. The moon and the hermit. That’s what donut is. And if you’re a life path nine and you are a first player character, that’s what you should have. The moon and the hermit and the moon is 18. One plus eight is nine. And then the hermit is the 9th card. So they both come back to your life path number.

Right. The npcs, their shit’s all chaotic. It never lines up. It’s very bizarre. And they’ll always have a connection to the number 63 or that number. I know you see that a lot too, with. Especially the secret societies. Look, that Freemason number. I’m wondering if they’re all npcs controlled by the AI. Quantum computer. 33. What’s seven? The 7th letter in the Alphabet is what? Freemasonic symbolism. The g.

7th letter in the Alphabet is the g, which is what they use in their masonic compass. But that’s the square and compass. This represents the male and female energy. The G is supposed to be the penis. This is the male mounting the female. It’s all sexual energy is what it really is. Representation of. Right. So the 7th letter and Alphabet is g. That’s one of their biggest ones.

And it just makes me wonder, like, man, are they all npcs or was it created by the simulation as an NPC program? I don’t know. We should ask. Paranoid. If he’s an NPC. I should do his reading, shouldn’t I? Guys find out fizzle ass is an NPC. And by the way, here’s the new YouTube I just started. If you haven’t seen this video yet, trust me, go check it out.

And for that girl Jules, I don’t know if she’s still in here. Rotten jewels. Honey, come look at this one. I put the link in the description because this is about all that information you’re talking about with child trafficking and what they’re doing to children. This is my decode I did on it and I wrote a blog about it up here on truthmafia. com. I figured it all out.

Rotten jewels. You need to look at the symbolism, honey. With antlers. Just trust me. This antler symbolism is crazy. I never even thought. I’m like, why do they keep using antlers? Leave the world behind. Antlers. Rebel moon antlers. All these movies. Freaking antlers. Saltburn. Remember the movie Saltburn that I told you guys to watch? Antlers. He was wearing antlers in that movie and I couldn’t figure it out.

I’m like, what is going on here with all these antlers? And then I figured it out. So you just go to my page, Tommy, truthful, right here. Antlers, true detectives, season four and one decoded. That’s the full video. See, we see the antlers with Abramovich. We see them with the Rothschild party that they had in the true detectives season one. Remember, they found the girl in the woods.

Look at the spiral she had on her back. Guys, that’s the peto sign right there. You know that, right? Sort of. God, look, it’s right there in the garage, too. And they found her with antlers. So I started seeing all this. I’m like, wait a second here. This antler shit is starting to get weird. And look at that symbol on her. That’s also in the new season. Season four.

That same symbol. They just brought it back for the first time in season four. And then once this starts trending, they come out with the new season. Season four of the detective or true detective on HBO. Abramovich is back in the freaking media, and guess what she’s selling. Raw garlic immunity drops. Like, who is going to buy that off? Abrina? Spirit cooking Abramovich? Dude, nobody’s buying your $125 garlic drops, honey.

Sorry. Who knows what’s in that? I guarantee it’s. Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa. Have you seen that down there? Some naked. Of course, with them, it’s always something weird. I can’t get on that. But anyways, these people are psychos. They’re into some whole other stuff. And when you see what she’s involved in, in these celebrities. Guys, I’m not even joking. They drink urine. Fluids that come out of the body during sexual activities is spirit cooking.

And what does that do? Well, it lowers their vibration, first of all. So it allows them to interface with entities on lower frequencies that are in the lower astroplane, the ace sphere, what they call demons. Right. And when do they show that? When do they start talking about this? In true detectives, at five minutes. Look, five minutes and 11 seconds in, they go to that jail cell, and this is the first time they start talking about it.

And he’s like, they sacrifice kids and women down there, right? He’s talking about. Let me go back to this part. Disclaimer. They sacrifice. I can’t turn the volume on or I’ll really get flagged. Just read the thing. Something about the yellow king, Carcosa. You see that? I figured that out. That’s a symbolism connected to the plasma apocalypse and two sons. Carcosa is the land of the two sons.

I’ll show you in a minute. Read the words on the bottom. He said, there’s all these old stones out in the woods. People go to worship. Oh, old stones in the woods. Sounds kind of like he said. He said, there’s just so much good killing down there. Reggie got this brand on his back, a spiral. He said, that’s their sign, see? Oh, yeah. You all got to go watch that.

You all got to go watch that because it is crazy. Now, let’s talk about Corcosa real quick, because I figured it out. And that’s five minutes, 11 seconds in. Well, Saturn is 511. And Saturn, Kronos. What did he do? He ate all this. Children, all the pedo stuff, cannibalism, it all comes from him. You know what I’m saying? It all ties back to him. This is from the new episode.

At the end of the new episode, we got the polar bear symbolism, which I found interesting because polar bear equals 88. Well, what happened on 88, guys? The Maui massacre. Oh. Didn’t children go missing there? Oh, yeah. Thousands of them still are gone. So from that Maui massacre until the release of true detectives, what do we got? 159 days. Well, true detectives equals one five seven, and 159 days is 22 weeks and five days, which equals one five eight.

So it’s like a freaking countdown. I’m like, 15715, 859 days. Wait a second here. Let me add that together. What do you get? Four seven four, which is child sacrifice, defilement. You know what I’m saying? They got the one eye symbolism, which is connected to Horus, the son of Isis, and Osiris, which has to do with the coming of this antichrist type figure. This one world leader doesn’t matter if you believe in religion or not.

It’s all about power. And this polar bear is called the Nanuk. The Nanuk, right. And when this one eyed Nanuk comes on the screen, look up on the screen. You see it. T and M up there. Well, TM is 33. Magic is 33. Nanuk is 33. Cast the spell is 33. And that’s what they’re doing. These cinemagicians are casting spells on the audience. Here, let me make this bigger for you.

Hold on a second, guys. Let me make this a little bigger. Full screen. Boom. Get rid of t knows thing. Sorry, t. All right, there we go. Boom. So that’s what they’re doing here, right? Casting spells. Now, I also found some crazy parallels between the polar bear and these elite hunting games that they do. I’m not getting into that on YouTube, but just let me tell you, they talk about it in not only do they talk about it in true detectives.

He says they go hunting with these animal masks on. Hunting, human hunting. And he says that they’re doing these Saturnellia rituals, which is the worship of Saturn. It’s all in this video. I did everything. All the evidence is right in here. You should hear what this kid says, guys. He’s like, no, I had to be sleeping. It had to be a dream. But I could see from under my eyelids.

And he said, they’re all wearing animal mask and they were doing things to me. He was being violated. And the dude’s like, nah, bro, that wasn’t a dream. That was real. And they keep talking about this guy with scars on his face, which we end up seeing at the end of the season, right? He’s a psycho, but that’s supposed to be him. This spaghetti monster looking thing with green ears.

But he was painting houses, so he might have had green on his ears from painting the houses. They never really get into that, why they showed him depicted like this, except for he has scars all over his face, so that could have been why. But look at the peto symbol. Then he broke into their house, the preacher’s house, that was involved in these rituals and his family. He’s telling them right here, dude, it goes back into bloodlines.

Santorian voodoo. Look, let me rewind this part. See, here we go. Listen. Watch this shit. Let me block that volume. You know, horses, animal mask and such. Cody, Mardi Gras. Now the annual winter festival, Saturnellia. Look, look. Went heavy on the Saturnellia place where that Santaria and voodoo all mashed together. I mean, come on. They’re telling the truth in this, man. This is crazy. When I seen this, guys, I couldn’t even believe it.

I couldn’t even believe how just out in the open they are now. And look at this girl right here. Don’t that chick look like the chick from Hillary? This chick right here? Man, that’d be crazy. If they put a real victim in the movie. They probably do do stuff like that. I don’t know, man, but there’s the antlers. Look, guys, there’s the antlers right there. And then right next to it says, jesus Christ will save you.

Trying to go through frame by frame to show you. He’s talking about when Hurricane Katrina happened. All these people went missing and they found them things all over the city because that dude was sacrificing tons of kids that year during Hurricane Katrina. It was a match of ritual. This is from Rebel Moon. They got that antler symbolism on there. And then you had this one member, Saltburn. He’s a psycho, too.

He moved in with these rich families that were very similar to the Rothschilds. And then he kills them all. But he does it very slickly. You don’t know he’s doing it, really. At first you can’t figure out what’s going on, but then he starts to take out the whole family. And at last he meets back up with the mom who really kind of loved him. The dad figured out, he’s like, when are you leaving, dude, ever since you got here, my daughter died, my son died, everybody’s dying.

Real weird type deaths. And so he pays him. He says, how much is it going to take for you to leave? I think he cuts him a check for like a million, right? And then he’s at a coffee shop or a donut shop, I can’t remember. And the mom comes there. But it was all planned. He knew he was stalking her. He knew she was going to come there.

So she had left the husband now and was on her own, and he tricks her to let him come back. And at the end, you see the end of the movie, she’s on a respirator, and he’s sitting on the end of the bed telling the whole story, how they were rich and they just let him write in, and he took over everything. And then he rips her breathing tube out and lets her run.

It ends with him running through the mansion naked, like Tom Cruise in that one movie where he’s dancing, he’s running through the whole mansion naked. This dude is nuts. He first he falls in love with the son, right? The gay son. And then he gets in the bathtub after him licking up all the water after he took a shower. I’m like, what is going on here? I couldn’t figure it out at this part, but it’s pretty good.

But it had that symbolism, too. It’s just that psychotic character, that psychotic archetype that is connected to the antler symbolism. And then when it comes to Ambrosia, or not Ambrosia, the yellow king, right? But it is Ambrosia. But Carcosa. Carcosa is a fictional city in Ambrosia, Bryce’s short story. And along the shores the cloud waves break. The twin suns sink behind the lake, the shadow lengthens in Carcosa.

Strange is the night where the black star rises. The black star is Nibaru. So it’s talking about the twin sons. And David Bowie’s last album, the 26th album, was called Black Star. Watch it. It’s all about Nibaru, the return of Nibaru and strange moons cycle through the skies, but stranger still is lost in Carcosa. They talk about the Phoenix phenomenon, which that 138 number that we were talking about.

That’s what archaics talks with the Phoenix event. He says we go through these cyclical resets where every 138 years it happens again. Right? So here are a matter of fact, I’ll show you a clip that I did with them little archaics Phoenix event right here. This was a good one. I did archaics. Let me go to this one part. He says, welcome to tommytruthful. com. We got two special guests for you today.

Hold on. Let me make sure you all can hear this real quick. Can you guys hear what I hear when I just played that video? Hold on, I’ll check it real quick. Present screen share entire video. Sound on. Boom. Sound on. Okay, now I know you can hear it. All right. My brother Donut and my brother with ADHD. Archaics. Yeah, man, that’s a brother. Where was that from? Donut? Not for me.

That was a little donut with his feedback. Let me get past that part. So I’m now rewriting information that I gleaned from somewhere else. Years go by, and now I have bags full of notes, and now I’m writing books out of that, and I’m rehashing the information, putting it into something more malleable. The transference of data over and over again actually becomes a part of me because I have dealt with it, handled it, read it, processed it, analyzed it against other pieces of data so many times.

So this isn’t supernatural. This isn’t anything like that. This is basically what people were doing hundreds of years ago when they didn’t have all these telecommunications devices. And let me get to the part where he talks about that. I was so blowed right here, guys. Watch my eyes. I’m on like 700 milligrams of edibles. I was gone. This book, the central premise is that there is an epic of 414 years that can be seen all throughout the threads of history.

He didn’t know anything about the 138 year patterning of Phoenix. All he documented was that these terrible events are always happening in patterns of 414 years. And his book is very well documented. He knows nothing of the phoenix, and he’s a biblical chronologist. And he used biblical text, apocryphal text, pseudo apographical text, the Book of Enoch, the Books of Enoch, the Book of Jasher and the assyrian eponyms to determine that the world is subdivided into epics of 414 years.

And he called these cursed earth period four one four. So, guys, 414 years. So that would give us the one four four. Okay. I was thinking the one four one, which is that number connected to Golden Gate Bridge. But it wouldn’t be that. But 414 is just 138 times three. So this is another layering. There are many, many authors who’ve come close. Many authors have come close. They just didn’t put the whole thing together.

And they never would have been able to had they not just data mined a whole bunch of random historical texts from all around the world to put the pieces together, because there isn’t a single book in history that I have ever found that puts it all together like this. Yeah, that’s crazy. The Torah code is 4114. And, you know, a lot is hidden in the Torah. Also, the firmament is 4114.

So I found that real interesting when you said the 4114. Yeah. Archaics believes these Phoenix events happen every 138 years or sometimes, like you said, 414 years, which is 138 times three. Right. And then you have j dreams. Who believes the plasma, which. These two. I try to get them to be friends. I wish that’d be epic if we could get Jay dreams and archaics to do podcasts together.

But I don’t know. I don’t get involved in people’s personal history. I love them both. I think both their information is phenomenal. I put both their stuff on my channel. So archaics, he gets into that perspective of it, and I’ve interviewed him three times. So he kind of thinks it’s like a weapon system, right? From inner earth. From what he told me, it sounds like it’s like some type of heart type technology, the Phoenix.

And it’s a way for these entities, or humanoids. He believes they’re humanoids with advanced technology that live in inner earth. It’s kind of a way for them to reset things. But you really got to go watch his content on it to really get an idea of what it is. I mean, he’s got some really fascinating videos on this subject and on truthmafia. com. If you click on Archaics channel on here and then say, like, he did this one, right, this one was released on January 23.

It was pretty cool. Pretty cool. Chronicon six. This is from 31 AD, which the matrix is 31, by the way. Jesus to the Hun invasion in 375 AD. So he likes to cover all the time. Write it right. If you scroll all the way down. This is just a transcript. My AI pulls all the information off YouTube, uploads it on here, and then writes a summary and writes a transcript.

The blogs I write. But if you scroll all the way down to the bottom. Bam. On every blog, you scroll to the bottom, you’ll have everybody’s links. Right? So here’s archaics’website. Oh, shit. What did it just do? Oh, no. That takes us to the channel. I’m tripping. This one should take me to his website. Okay, I hit the wrong button. There’s his website, archaics. com, and here’s his YouTube channel.

He don’t go on his other social media, so he ain’t on his telegram ever. I even messaged him and told him they were messing with his telegram, and he said he ain’t been using it in forever, so I don’t think he cares. But I don’t know if he’s on his Facebook group. I couldn’t tell you that. But I do know that he’s on his YouTube all the freaking time.

So you could come over here and check out his different videos. Like this one he just did. Perfect example. 19 hours ago, Texas Rebellion, a three year old prediction fulfilled. My AI already pulled that one. I just haven’t released it yet. Or, no, I did. Wait a second. Let me see. Thought I did. So his theory isn’t that different, though. His jays are kind of similar. Well, I guess they are really different because archaics thinks it’s like technology, and Jay thinks it’s cyclical events.

But archaics believes in the simulation like me, and Jay believes that it’s kind of like flat earth, but he believes in simulation, too. Jay just believes a lot of things. He’s very open minded to many different things. No, I guess I didn’t upload it yet. Let me do it real quick while you guys are on here. We’ll go back here, go to post. Go to all post. All right, here we go.

So the AI pulls it up on here, everybody’s channel. Look at this, guys. So when J dreams drops a video, AI pulled it. Paranoid American pulled it. Archaics pulled it. All I got to do is go in here and go like this. If I want to write a blog to it, I got to add the blog, because it just does the summary and transcript, right? And then, look, it needs to have a good SEO score.

That’s why my website is doing more views than most of these damn media outlets, because I know how to use SEO. See how that’s at four. Most of these people don’t even know how to spell SEO, they don’t even know what it is. So you go down here, whatever your search phrase is going to be Texas Rebellion, which is actually trending right now. That’s weird. So that took us to 50.

We want to get it at least to. Okay, get it out of the red. So what I would do is take this Texas rebellion copy, right? Paste. This should help our score a little bit too. Boom. What are we at now, guys? Yes, 62 save. But we could even get our score a little higher. Let me see what he wrote in the transcript. You made third prediction video three years ago.

Oh, see, the AI is dumb. It said you my third prediction video three years ago. Please recall that in our prior videos in 2021, we showed in the simulation. Okay, so if I wanted to make it go higher, I could take just this little transcript, this tiny little piece right here. Watch this, guys. Go over to my thing. I programmed truth mafia. Blog writer. Write me a blog for this.

I don’t really use this one. I write my own blogs on Grammarly. Like, I’ll write my blog over here and then I take it and run it through spell check on that one too. Because I’ll show you why I don’t use this one yet. It’ll write decent blogs, but I’m still programming it. Let’s see what it comes up with. Decoding the prediction Trump, Texas and military nexus in the world of predictions and interpretation, few topics have captured the imaginations quite like the intertwining and significant features, locations and events.

Three years ago, a striking prediction video emerged, focusing on nature, space, time, structures, and intriguing concepts. That’s crazy. It’s coming up with all this. That’s actually not a bad blog. Texas known for it’s getting better, but I just updated it with some new knowledge, so I haven’t checked it out in a minute. So what I’ll do is write my blog on here and then I’ll come over and drop it into AI and have it rewrite it with my other blog, this one, the SEO scribe.

And then it’ll give me all the hashtags and everything I need to make sure I get a perfect SEO score. So I’ll run it through here after I write it out. Because I’m not the best at literature and English and shit. So then you could take it like this. Boom. That one actually came out pretty decent though. Decoding Trump’s nexus, the world of predictions and interpretation. What did that take us to? 64.

Then if you add an image to it, it might get us to 70. Truce Mafia mafia let’s put this one down there. Join the mob. Add a link under that, might get us up to 70. I like to get them to at least 70 because that gets good search results. So most people don’t know about this. They don’t know how to format a blog. They don’t know what goes into it.

They’re just over there writing shit on their page and wonder why it don’t get no search results. Then you got to put keyword phrases, right. But my AI did it all. Accuracy of simulation predictions. Donald Trump 2021 prediction. That one’s stupid. Military action in 2021. Political predictions for 2021. Predicting political events through simulations. Simulation predictions for politics, Texas them are long term. Key phrases. Then my AI wrote a transcript.

Excerpt, I mean, so when I do my blogs, I write this by myself, too, because I don’t like what AI writes. It’s not really my flavor. But you can use AI as a tool, utilize it to help you make a better blog, right? To make it look professional. But I wouldn’t recommend just letting AI write you a whole blog because usually it ain’t going to come out that nice like that.

That was very weird that it did that. But if you feed it the information, then it’ll rewrite the blog good. So if you write out the whole blog over here, like I do when I do my decodes, I write out about the decode over here and then I’ll feed it into the AI and have it rewrite it and then it comes out amazing. It’ll look like, here, let me show you an example.

Let me take this one here. Let, let’s just do this part. Copy. All right. This is the one I like to use because I program my daughter’s one so good. It’s like a freaking genius. Write me a blog on this titled by Tommy Truthful. Watch this. So see how it’s already got all my information, all the knowledge is already there. So I’m not letting the AI make shit up.

Even with archaics one, I fed it a transcript so it knew what the video was about. So you can actually just go into the AI and sit here, I’ll show you the difference and say, just make me a blog on this. And then it’s just going to take information from off the Internet and throw something together, right? So you got to put the breakdown in there, especially when you’re decoding.

You don’t want to just make some shit up. But look at this. Three of clubs, your destiny guard, natural talent, life path number six. Harming and balance. Six represents first player character, tarot cards, the devil and the love card, both resonating with the life path six, indicating that you’re an active participant in this reality. Meaning their life path number lines up with their birth cards. Right. Look at that.

That’s perfect. Using Chaldean Gamatria, your name adds up to 64, aligning with your spirit guide number. This confirms 64 is what first player character. But Gloria, I did two on her though. If she’s in the comments, shout out to Gloria because she was the first person I ever tested this new technology, truthful decoder on, and then I did one just by hand. So she got two versions of it.

But you see how it rewrote that. Now let’s just do something like this. Watch. Write me a blog on the simulation that we live in a simulation and write why you believe we live in a simulation. Find this information on the Internet and then write a blog on the Saturn moon matrix. See, I’m still kind of giving it a directive now. It’s going to search back when they started doing Chat GPT now tell me guys, don’t you think this is a little arcon, it’s a little demon in here doing all this shit? It’s kind of like magic, right? The concept of living in a simulation, often referred to a simulation theory, poses two main the first suggests that everything, including people, environments and sensations, is a product of code in a simulated reality.

Oh, that is true, though this would require a supercomputer capable of simulating all known components on immense scales. The second scenario proposes that the humans in real world around us, including some people, could be simulated. Yes, they’re called non player freaking characters is what they are. Arguments for simulation theory include the possibility of civilization running. See, that’s not actually not a bad one though. Didn’t do bad just for having it search the Internet like this is something I’m well versed and I could tell you it didn’t lie.

Everything it said there is from that theory. You know what I’m saying? It’s kind of short though, but that’d be a pretty short one. But it’s not bad because I allowed it to search the Internet. Now create a blog on simulation theory. Just made up. It’ll just make some shit up. Then it’ll probably be bullshit. Welcome to the fascinating realm. It’ll sound better, but it won’t be true.

Concept of challenging and perception reality existence this theory proposes that our world might not be a real as we believe, but instead sophisticated simulation akin to highly advanced video game. The roots of the simulation theory is law school scientific pondering about the nature of reality. It’s a modern take on age of question. Two types. Well, it actually wrote very similar, but it had that data already membered. That’s why beyond the technology aspect, simulation theory opens up a Pandora’s box.

This theory is rich, possible, intriguing. Yeah, it’s all right. I guess the one it makes up is better than the freaking first one. That’s crazy. You see how the shit works, man? Now let’s make an image. Guys. This is my favorite part. All right, somebody give me an idea. Someone give me an idea in the comments. Tell me something cool and crazy to make. What do you want me to make for you? Give me an idea.

It’s got to be like not just a one word idea, like the goddess. This is one I made for this girl. Oh, here’s a good one. One of my favorites. I created an image for this dude named Jason. Shout out to Jason. And so his name was Jason. So it made me think of Jason from nightmare on Elm street. And then he was born in the X generation, generation x.

So I’m thinking Jason X. So I created Jason X surfing on a surfboard. And he was a surfer. I didn’t even know that part though. And then in the one image, it’s Saturn on a seagoat because he was a Capricorn. So it’s Saturn riding a seagoat with Jason X on a surfboard. The image is so fire, though. Let me see if someone made something up. Archangel fighting greek gods.

That’s a cool one, Casey. I like that one. Let’s do that one. Okay, that sounds good. All right. Create an image of the Archangel Michael battling with the God Pluto. The God of death. Have Archangel Michael with a sword. And Pluto is down on his knee with the sword, facing up, trying to block Michael from striking him down, period. Have a portal opening up in the sky. On the other side of the portal, you can see hell.

All right, let’s see what it comes up with. Oh, shit. I got to let you guys see. Don’t, duh, see what it comes up with. Casey. Got to get my boy Casey’s name off there real quick. Sorry. These are my favorite lives where I don’t have to worry about nothing. Just could play around with shit with y’all doing the ones where it’s all planned out. A lot of work goes into that, but once in a while it’s fun to do it like this.

Oh, shit. That is pretty gangster, though. But that don’t look like Pluto to me. What in the hell? That’s crazy. Okay, so you guys haven’t seen Casey. It’s funny that you mentioned this. I’m going to show you some organic synchronicity right now because what you just described here, I just wrote a blog on Pluto entering Aquarius. Right? And let me show you guys this because it’s going to blow your mind.

Oh, let me publish Archaics’s video now. It’s published. Now y’all can see it on truth mafia. Texas Rebellion right there. Okay, let me go back. Pluto go in Aquarius. This one’s one I’m working on. Is it done? Let me see. Did I finish this one? Oh, shoot. I need to put an x there. All right, look at this, guys. Look what the images I created are. Here, hold on.

Let me do it like this. You guys can’t see that shit like that. Let me go to preview here. Look at the image, bro. Ain’t that crazy? This is based on a dream I had where I keep having it, too. I had it three times now, Casey. So the first time I’m in the go, I fall through this portal, right? I was just normal. I was me, just normal Tommy.

And then I stood up and I was like in my real life, I stand up out of bed and I was going to take a pee in the bathroom, but I end up falling through a portal. It was like the most vivid, realistic dream I ever had in my life. And then next thing I know, as I fall through the portal, I’m in hell. And Pluto, or Hades is who I was battling.

But now I look down and I’m dressed in like this greek garb. It was crazy roman greekish style. I was. Somehow I knew that I was a demigod and the son of Zeus. It was so weird. Like just before I was in my room, normal Tommy. And then I fell through a portal. And all of a sudden I know I’m a freaking demigod in the son of Zeus.

I remember thinking that, like, man, that was bizarre. So we fight the first time and he totally destroys me, right? I die and the world ends. Then, boom. Two other nights it happens. I had the same exact dream. But in this dream, demons came up where I was sleeping. It kept happening in my damn bed, too. These demons come up and grab me through the bed and pull me down to hell.

You know what it kind of reminded me of, guys? That movie with Freddy Cougar. Remember when Freddy comes up in the waterbed and pulls that person in? That’s what I thought of when it happened. I’m like, oh, my God, this is like freaking Freddy Cougar. And they pull me down to hell and we fight again. And this time I’m like, okay, you’re dreaming, dude. You’re dreaming. I know.

I was in rim sleep and I’m in a dream. So I made myself aware of this and then took over the dream where I was able to destroy Pluto with the lightning bowl. I just kept blasting him with lightning. It took me quite a few blasts to bring him down. He was super tall too. So this image is what I created out of my mind, which is kind of like a form of alchemy.

You’re taking something in your mind. This is why the arcons want to enslave us, because we can take things out of our mind and bring them into a manifestation into reality. We could take a thought and create that with it. You know what I’m saying? They can’t do that. The arcons can only mimic. They’re really good if something’s already made. So they could take this image and manipulate it and change it and flip it and invert it.

Kind of like what they do in reality with inversion where they’ll take something sacred or holy like the number 33 or the number six. Six, which is the breakdown for carbon. What do they do? They attach negative energy. They manipulate it, they invert it and now it’s the beast. Or they’ll take sacred knowledge and make you think it’s demonic and witchcraft so you’ll stay away from it. So you don’t know the true nature of reality.

They can manipulate what’s already there. So if God creates a word for us, right, the original scripture, a can set up the council of Nicaea, rewrite that scripture, manipulate it. They’re influencing the people. They’re possessing the people that’s doing it and control the masses through it. That’s what they can do. They’re the great mimickers, but they can’t create nothing originally. Plus, I’m a life path three. We’re very creative.

So then my other dream, this is me beating him. That’s what he looked more like. This one didn’t really create the way he looked. This one created it more how he looked and how I looked. I was actually shocked when I seen what it came out with. Hair. Because I have really long hair in my dream, but in real life I’m covered with tattoos way more than that.

But, yeah, man, it was bizarre. It was the most crazy dream. So then I wrote the breakdown of it, right? Here I wrote about my dream, then I broke it down, what it means, you know what I’m saying? Hades and mythology rules the underworld, representing death, rebirth, and the unseen. Battling with Hades can symbolize your struggle with change, transformation, or dealing with the shadow aspect of yourself, my shadow work.

And that is probably what it is, I’m thinking, because I’ve been really working on that a lot right now. So I think it’s just on my mind a lot. Capricorn, January 17, 1983. That was because in my dream, I don’t know why I connected it to January, but I felt like I knew that, that we were in January during the dream. So I can’t really remember. You know how dreams after you have them, they’re like, if you don’t write them down right away, it kind of fades.

Right. So certain parts of it I can’t remember perfectly, but I wrote down what I could fully remember and then I wrote this on it. And that’s what I do with the dream interpretations over here on truthfultv. com, which all them links are down in the description. Sorry. So, like, if you’re just on our front page over here, truthfultv. com, here’s a video that walks you through the checkout process.

Here’s the dream interpretation. It’s $11, but if you use promo code, dream 26, all capital letters Dream 26, that gets you an extra 26% off. So now you’re getting a dream interpretation for like $6. It’s all done via email. You write me what you’re. So when you go to book it, it’s going to allow you to fill out your dream, right? So you dream interpretation, you pick your date, go to next, boom, here’s your message.

That’s where you write your full dream, right there. You put the whole whatever your dream was, you put it there, then I take it, look into it. Plus, it’s a lot more than just like this. This was just a quick breakdown for my blog. I didn’t do everything I do in a dream interpretation where I write down what I believe the dream really meant. Then I give you images based on that custom dream that I create with my AI.

Like we just did here. Right? So let’s have them do a variation of that, create a variation of that image. Give it more of a matrix style look, see what it comes up with. But most of these people’s AI is so terrible. I’ve really trained this one. It’s pretty good. It can even spell guys sometimes. You got to play with it a little to get the proper spelling, but I’m going to show you some crazy ones I made of donut.

Oh, that one’s kind of cool. Casey, you want me to send you that one, bro? I like that one, dude. That’s kind of hard, ain’t it, brother? I’m going to save this for Casey. That is pretty badass. And plus, when I’m doing his reading for free, and I never have anybody. Oh, man. That’s what I should do. I should include in the readings for people. I should put an option where you can write like what image you want me to custom create.

Do you guys think I should do that? Because then I could create two images for you. I could create one based. You see, it doesn’t take me that long. I could create one based on your reading, and then I could create a custom one that you wanted. Something that you wanted from Tommy. Truthful. And that all comes with this one. When you book your reading, $26. If you use decode, the matrix, all capital letters, you get an extra 11% off.

So it takes you down to like $23 or something. It’s not bad. And then you just put your first, last name, date of birth down here. From now on, everybody listening put what image you want to. I’m going to change that tonight. Add your message first, last name, date of birth for reading. Then I’m going to add right there and put a detailed breakdown of what type of image you want me to custom create.

Yes. I need to add that part to it because that would be so much cooler if I could create people an image based on what they want. You know what I mean? Did I say save this as Casey’s thing already? Let me see if I did, because it’s not showing me. Oh, there we go. I think it wants so slow. Download the damn thing. I don’t know if I spoke.

I didn’t spell his name right, but whatever. So my friend spells is. He’s dead now, though. But he’s a good dude. Actually, one of my best friends. Okay, let me upload this here. So I got it for Casey when I do his reading. Don’t forget, this is how I make all these cool slides, guys. Oh, shit. I got the stuff in here I need to show you. Thank God.

I saved. All right, let me go in the home file. Oh, boy. I think I saved it. Please, God, tell me I saved them. Did I? Son of a gun, I forgot to. Oh, man, I wish I would have saved. Oh, wait, I saved this one. Did save this one, right? These are the designs I created for the Challenger explosion thing. Come on. What the hell is taking you so long to load, dude? How to shut some of these off? Got too many bars open, I think.

Get rid of that one. This is my backup Instagram guys. You know, the big one is right here. Just a little 104,000. Nothing big, but I used to get way more views on IG than I did Facebook. Now it’s different. Facebook is way more. It’s still not bad. My average is like 30 to 50 in that area, but. Jeffrey Epstein 119k some good videos on here, though, man.

There’s so many of them. I get way more on Facebook now, though. And then this Facebook and my backup one, which you guys should all be following because you know how much they love to take me down. And now I’m blowing up. Way too much one. Way too viral. Missed the backup one. Oh, shit. 47k. Damn it. Trying to see what that image did. See they do good, though.

But not as much as my big one. That one got 10,000 shares. Look at that, guys. Why do all the dumbed down videos do so good? I don’t understand it. It’s very bizarre to me. Like this one. Oh, I can’t show this on YouTube. I’ll get in so much trouble. Forgot what it’s about at the end. Yes. That’ll get me taken down. This info will get me taken all the way down.

2028 is going to be something crazy coming. The great architect of the universe. That’s what they call God and freemasonry. Them are the arcons, though. They are. Go watch that video, though. Guys. Let me shut that one. Shut that one. Just a new YouTube. Did any of you guys even go follow it? Let me see. Probably not. No. Two of you. Two of you went and followed it.

Are you kidding me? Copy. That’s how you know there’s mad npcs in the comments right now. Because let’s see how many people we’re at. We got 249 people in this live right now from all of our platforms. Right? And you mean to tell me only two of them went over and subscribed? So that means tons of them. Are npcs controlled by the AI because they can’t go do something unless they’re programmed to do it.

So click on that for all you full player characters. Go subscribe, hit the bell, hit all notifications. Let’s take a second out and let you do that for the real people. Anyone that’s real in here, go ahead and do that. What’s up, Tommy? What’s up, Tommy. Back up. Facebook. Tommy Truthful 36. Honey, it says Tommy truthful three, six, nine. But the handle is Tommy Truthwolt 36. Can you see the human face fish they discovered? No.

What’s that all about? Put the link in here so I can click on it and see what the hell it is. Human face makes you realize how upside down most of these so called freedom movements really are. Diversity, equality, inclusion. Yeah, I know, brother. Distraction factory. That’s a tight ass name, though. Donut likes your name, too. We were looking at your name one night when we were doing a podcast.

Look at what the time we’re at. An hour and 28 minutes when I see my boy Zach come in. One, two, eight. Code. Oh, there we go. Subbed. Subbed. All my real player characters subbed. Good. Thank you all. All right, now we can see who all subbed what happens to me exactly when I subscribe. Nothing happens when you subscribe. What do you think was going to happen? Did you think you get a bonus or something? You just subscribe because lose my YouTube and then you’re not going to know where I’m at.

This is my backup channel, but with this one, I’m not going to take as many. Like over here. I’m really scared with some of the stuff I share on this one, I’m just going to go ahead and go hard. If I lose it, whatever, I’ll start a new one. So I’m always going to have a backup one where I could share all my crazy stuff. And then if I lose it, oh, well, this one will have all my uploads videos, the ones you guys really like, the stuff that goes viral.

So that’ll be over here, over there. I can’t put it on this channel because if I lose this channel, I won’t be able to reach my people. That’ll kind of suck, but try really hard not to lose it anyways. All right, we’ll check after that. What time is it? Okay, that’s what I want to do. Real quick. Where’s my phone? I got to upload these pictures so I can present this for you guys.

We can go over this date. I know I was kind of all over the freaking place tonight, but that’s why I just wanted to do a casual podcast where I didn’t have to really focus on anything. All right, let me put these in canva so I can. Justin, who is this dude? Jonathan quick. Oh, guys, I’m about to expose this person, too. There’s a scammer. What’s her name? Shocked or doctor, hold on.

They’re trying to sell me magical algorithms right now, and they got a big instagram where a lot of you guys follow them. I noticed that. And their name. They’re trying to sell a magical algorithm. What in the hell is that? So I asked them, and they said, well, send me $5, I’ll send you this magical algorithm, and you read it when I send you an email, and it’ll manifest money for you.

I said, oh, yeah, that is definitely a rip off. Dude, I’m not going with your magical dumb ass algorithm. That is fake as shit. What’s her name? Hold on, let me see here. Magical algorithm that you read through your email, I will guide you through it. The first time he said, I started selling the magical algorithm for $5 apiece, dirt cheap, on Instagram, and they shut my account down.

Yeah, because you’re robbing people, you dumb. That’s why they shut your account down. You’re ripping people off. You can’t do that. That’s illegal. You can’t just sell someone a magical algorithm that is pretty much fake. Come on, bro. If you could do that, everybody would be out here selling magical algorithms. That’s the dumbest shit I ever heard. And where did you come up with this magical algorithm thing? How come I never heard of it? Why is nobody else doing magical algorithms? I mean, have any of you guys in the comments heard of a magical algorithm? Okay, let me screenshot this.

I’m just going to show you guys this conversation. I’ll block his number so I’m not doxing him. Should dox him. I should dox the shit out of should, but I won’t. I don’t want to get no bad karma if anything happens to them. All right, let me make a little slide to show you all canvas. You all can see this. Then we’ll go over some actual things about tomorrow.

Magical algorithm guy. YouTube. Thumbnail size. Let me make it this size right here. Thumbnail. That way I can upload this slide for my. Okay. Why? It’s waiting. While I’m doing this, you guys liked. I created them images with the AI. Look at Neo doing the dream. Like none of these people’s AI can do what my shit is doing. Their images look terrible, don’t they? Their faces are always distorted.

They got six fingers. Why does the AI always create them with six fingers? Well, ain’t that kind of weird? Always. Six fingers, six toes. Six fingers, six toes. Why? What type of entity has six fingers? Anybody know? Kind of sounds weird to me. Six fingers, six toes. That kind of sounds familiar from somewhere. Can’t place my finger on it. Oh, nephilim. A freaking nephilim. Remember the nephilim giants? They had six fingers, six toes? Yep.

Freaking nephilims. Wait till you guys see this. You’re going to really laugh. Okay, here it is. Here’s my whole conversation. I’m such a troll. I’ll be trolling the shit out of people. I love it. I love the trolling. Okay, now, his name is Shockeder doctor. You guys know this guy? Shocked her doctor on IG. Now he’s got his second account. He had, like, 150,000 followers. You know him? Lewis Williams.

How many of you all know that? Shocker doctor dude? Thank you, Eric. I got your $15 donation the other day, too, bro. Thanks. Did you get that new job? How’s that going, budy? You know you don’t got to donate, bro. Okay, here we go. I got it now, guys. Now we’re ready for the shocked or doctor. Let’s grab this bad boy shocker doctor selling magical algorithms. Sounds like the biggest bullshit I ever heard in my life.

He’s really trying to sell me this, too. Like, man, wait till you all read this. This is hilarious. Like, bruh, I’m not buying your magical algorithm. You must be smoking all kinds of crack. The good kind of shit. I don’t know what the hell you got going on over there. Here we go. Boom. Right? Let me put this in here. Show you all now. It’s the most funniest shit I ever seen in my life.

Here you go, guys. Shock to doctor. Bam. Look at this conversation, fam. I said. So I go in there like, hey, I want to buy one of your money algorithms. Because I see it on IG, right? So when I hear a money algorithm, I’m like, this dude is ripping people off. I got to expose this shit. I can’t let my people buy no damn money algorithm, because I noticed a lot of my followers are following him.

So I’m like, all right, it’s time to investigate. I’m always trying to look out for your guys’best interest. So I go in here, I’m like, yo, I want to buy one of your money algorithms. What’s it come with? It’s a magical algorithm that you read in through your email. I will guide you through for the first time. Then it gives me an eyeball. Algorithms on sale for $5.

I said, what does that mean? What does it come with? I said, your big instagram, did it get shut down? I started selling the magical algorithms for $5 apiece. Dirt cheap. And then he’s trying to make it like that’s why it got shut down. But we know that’s not true. A hidden process and a set of magical rules for your computer or phone to follow in order to problem solve the calculation in your life situation.

How do the magical algorithms work? You receive an email with your magical algorithm. Now you want me to tell you how it really works? Okay, check this out. You’re going to receive that email that you just paid for. You’re going to click on the link he sends you. Guess what happens now? The magical algorithm is that he just took over your fucking computer. Yeah. No, I’m not joking.

That’s the magical algorithm. He sent you a link that is corrupted. You clicked on it. Now he owns your computer. Then he’s going to hit you up like y’all sell it back to you for this much. That’s the real magical algorithm. That’s what he’s going to do to you. I swear. Because I was thinking about exposing it and paying for one, but I’m not clicking on no link he sends me.

Ain’t happening. He ain’t taking my computer over. That’s the real magical of the algorithm. So Dr. Shockter is his name. You can find his second channel on Instagram here. Let’s pull Instagram up. Let’s expose this Dr. Shocker hacker tracker. I’m about to expose this little gentleman right here. Can’t be having him ripping my people off. I don’t like that shit. Okay, here we go. Here we go. Oh, that’s image I created for little dick and donuts.

1 second. Y’all can’t call him that either. He’ll get angry. You all seen this image I created for Donut? Look at the dolphin up here. My sign signature inside the dolphin. And look how realistic that doughnut looks. That’s falling down into the cup of chocolate. It says donut factory on it. I created it with AI, but then I took it and put it in canva and I added this doughnut to it falling.

That’s not what AI added. The dolphin to it and added to my AI spelled it wrong. So it spelled it D-O-E-N-U-T. So you see the extra sprinkles right there where he’s painting? I added all that to cover that up. That’s pretty cool, though, right? You wouldn’t have known none of that if I didn’t tell you that then. I made him the super. I made him this shit. Toby.

That shit ain’t hard. Little super jewish donut. Shit is fire. I made him a couple of them, actually. Let me see. Some of them are very weird looking. Oh, here we are. Here’s all my donut stuff. This one’s hard. If I could have got it to spell right, man, look at that one. How’s it one? See, this ain’t my, though. This I was playing with bing image creator.

My AI would have spelled it right. I could have got. Which I always send stuff with my AI. But this one I was just playing around with. I love this one. This one, I’m thinking about taking it and fixing this up. You see how that is? I could fix that. I’ll send it to paranoid american@paranoidamerican. com. He’ll get rid of this and add an e to it. He could do that and take that g and I out.

I wonder if he can do that. I’m going to send it to paranoid and see if he can fix this one for me because that one is super hard, ain’t it? Guys, look at this one. They’re kind of racist a little bit, but I didn’t tell it to do that. It just did that. I didn’t tell it to put it with no freaking elf ears on it. I don’t know what the hell that shit’s all about.

All your illuminati nose. That’s why the nose is big. Because Donut says all your illuminati knows, right? I made this little dude. See how many I went through to get the one I finally sent to him, though. Took me a while to get the one that I sent over there. I love this one. This was my favorite one, dude. What do you guys think about this one? Is this one hard? I should send that to donut, shouldn’t I? That one is hard.

I love that little troll dude right there. You all like that one? Yeah. No, it is fire. I thought it was fire, too. Create image. Let’s try a new one. Eating a doughnut on the donut. It says donut factory. Give him a kind of hip hop rapper look with the hat backwards. Wearing a necklace with the star David on it because he’s jewish. Did I say? Yeah, with a big nose.

This is so hilarious. Why does it keep putting the thing by it smelling, though? I didn’t tell him to have it smelling the damn doughnut. Let’s take the big nose part off, okay. Yeah, with the big nose part, it keeps. Oh, that one’s hard, though. Okay, let’s try it now. Minus the nose. Because it’s like hyper focusing on the freaking nose. See, you only get a certain amount of these a day with bing image creator.

It’s kind of stupid, but I got like 30 accounts I can log into. Oh, that one is hard. Shit. It just spells it the right way. Damn. That is raw, though. Damn. I wish that one would have spelled right. It’s a double sided hate. Come on, spell it right. See, that’s the annoying part, though. You got to play around with it to get the spelling proper, right. So a lot goes into trying to custom create an image like that.

You got to tweak it, tweak the prompt. Try to get out of it what you want, but it’s a form of alchemy, guys. You’re taking something in your brain and you’re bringing it into a reality. That one’s hard. There we go. Do damn it. Spelling it wrong. That one is wrong. If it would have spelled that one right. D-O-K. We’re going to get one. We got four drives left on this account.

Come on, buddy. I know we can get one. Then we got to investigate. Oh, let me upload these slides for you guys while we’re doing this canva. That way I can show you the different connections to this day. The 38 year connection to the challenger. I’ll show you all the different connections, guys, that I got uploaded, so I already created the slides for them. Let me do this one.

I wonder if it’ll. Let me. Can I add this one like this, too? Let’s see. It might. Let me do this. Okay. This is the challenger. Boom. Download that one. What do we got here? That one is so hard. God, if it would have spelled that one right, he would have loved me for making that one. That one’s cool. I could tweet that one up. What did it make here? Look at this one.

Smoking a cigarette. Annie’s Chinese. What the hell is going on? Sometimes it just adds shit. I didn’t say nothing about no cigarette. It’s done naked ones to me, too, before. Like just some bizarre shit. It’s definitely a little AI in there doing this weird stuff. Man, look, that one’s like a real kid. That’s hard right there. It spells the factory right. Just can’t get that damn donut part right.

It always puts something extra. Hold on a second. Let me try this. Spell it right there. All right, let’s see. Damn. I didn’t even look at that one. Was any of them ones good? Guys, this is the last one. Let’s hope we got it right. Oh, well, we need to decode now anyways. I’m dumb, but I’ll be over here playing with it the whole time. Okay, I got one.

Done. What do we got going on here? No, doesn’t want to spell it right. What was the last one before that? No, it always adds that double e on it. See, it took me a while last night to get it right. This one, it spelled right. Donut fact. No. Messed the factory up. So, see, it’s not as easy as you think. Lot of work goes into it to try to get it what you want.

Right? So let’s see what mine will do real quick before we go over here. Here’s the one I created. How do I make that go full screen? Okay, see, it’s 38 years from the day the power grid or 38 years from the day the challenger blew up. Let’s shrink that down right there. Okay, now let me add the other image from my phone. You should see it add in real time.

This one. And is there one more add? Oh, it’s adding. Look. Okay, pull that one up like this. Boom. Okay, so that’s from October 20 eigth, guys. I went to all the one, two, eight days and connected it. Right? And from October. Let me see if I can download this so I can have it on the screen for you guys. Why is it not letting me? That’s pissing me off.

Just give me the png one. I don’t understand. Why are you doing this? Makes no sense. Download. What’s Jay doing? Let’s get Jay up on here. Oh, Jay just created it. Spelled right, fucker. He must be watching. Come on. Want me to send you the link? Fucking Jay. How’d he do that? Oh, he took the one I made and fixed it. Damn, that’s hard as shit. Oh, guys, I got to load this and show you what Jay did.

He did that shit quick, too. How’d he do that? All right, images. Wonder if I could send Jay the link. If I can pull it up. Let me see. I didn’t freaking save the link, so I thought I was just going by myself, but I might be able to go in there and grab it. Go to dashboard. What is this? Now introducing streamyard business. Invite team members with various roles.

Organize your streams with spaces and unlock advanced. Oh, that’s gangster Jay. You see this, bro? Because you got a wix site like me, bro, now we can organize our streamyard with spaces app. So my Wic site is on spaces. That’s how everybody has my. You guys know in the comments Trevor and all you. You guys know the app we have for truthwortv. com, the spaces app? That’s crazy.

Now we can link it to where we book calls, and I should be able to do lives with it. That’d be so amazing if we can do that, too. Jay knows how to do the lives on there. I have no clue. Well, I got to shut this off. I can’t show you all Jay’s address. Hold on. He’ll kill me. All right, Jay, let’s see if he wants to come hang out for a minute, see what’s new with our little brother Jay.

There we go. I can’t believe this many of y’all hung out with me that long on here. Oh, you’re going grocery shopping. All right, brother. Well, thank you for the donation. Hey, and that image is hard, Jay. I’ll show the people it. That shit was raw. I don’t know how you got it to do that, but you got to teach me how to do that. All right, I’m going to send that to donut.

Oh, he’s going to love this one. Jay tweaked it looks so great. Okay, I’m just screenshot it. Hold on a second. Why does it do this with that truth mafia thing? Okay, here we go. Screenshot. I went grocery shopping this morning. It stocked up for World War three up in this bitch right now. Here we go. Then I got to decode these dates real fast so I can get up off here.

Damn it. Why didn’t show that one? That ain’t what I uploaded. Oh, here we go. Here you go, guys. I don’t know how Jay did that, but look. Boom. Remember it had the extra? I think he blacked it out. That’s pretty good, though, because I can’t really tell Donut. That one’s hard. I’m about to send that to donut. That bullshit right there is raw, man. I like that one.

Jay’s really good at creating them images, too. He creates some crazy stuff. Let me see here. Okay, let me get this done real fast. Screenshot that one. Okay, this one. Add that. Boom. Boom. Then I just need to screenshot it so I can put it on the screen and break it down and add this, too. Hold on a second. Let me add this one first. Put that right up there like that.

Okay, cool. Now add this one. And where’s that other one at? Son of a gun. Hold on, guys. I’m just looking for this other one so I could break these two days. Oh, shit. I forgot about that one. I got to do a video on this. All these floods going around, all around the world. I forgot to do it. What is up with that? Guys, did you see San Diego? Like, everywhere is flooding right now.

And then first we had all the volcanoes going off, then mad earthquakes, now flooding, like, what? Plasma apocalypse type stuff, I’m telling you. And it’s encoded in so many of the new movies. I never even knew how prevalent it was in everything until I started looking into it because I was hanging with Jay, and now I’m like. I even told him I find it in every single thing.

It’s unreal. Damn. It’s not showing me that other one. This is really annoying me. Hold on. Oh, there it is. Bam. All right. Bastard. Okay, put that one right there. This one over here. Leave that up there. This one right there. That’s perfect. All right, guys, now we’re ready to rock and roll. That’s all I need for the breakdown. Okay? Sorry about that, guys. Piece of junk. Okay, close that tab.

Let’s go into a new tab. Right. Here we go. Now I’m just going to screenshot it. I don’t got to worry about downloading it. There we go. But a bing bada boom picture save. Okay, there we go. Picture. I haven’t done no podcast like this in so long. Just chill with y’all. I used to do them a lot. Bam. Okay, here we go. Damn. I tried to promote mine and Bdell’s thing up here, but it blocked it.

Son of a gun. That’s the podcast we’re going to do. I made a cool flyer. You could see it on social media, though. All right, let’s take a look here. So, from January 20 eigth of 1986, when the Challenger blew up, that’s exactly 38 years, right, guys? And 38 is on the COVID of murder by numbers. Kill, death, murder. Rip is all 38. That’s why they have it on the COVID of the movie murder by numbers.

The 30 eigth and power grid is 38. Now, check this out. So, from October 20 eigth, which is one. 2810, 28, one, two, eight, until Sunday, January 20 eigth was 93 days or three months in one day. Well, 31. The matrix blackout is 31. 93 days from the earth to the sun is 93 million mile. So they say. We know that’s bullshit. The sun card in the tarot deck is the 9th card, right? Run a 19 year matonic moon cycle.

There’s some connections there to that 19, too, but hold on a second. And then element neptunium, which is 93. It has atomic weight of 237. Well 237 was the number in the shining, remember? That was the number of the freaking hotel. Two, three, seven. And gamma code cracked is two, three, seven. Global dangers two, three, seven. Neptunium is a freaking element that’s radioactive. And what does it say about neptunium? There’s some 19 connection with neptunium.

Hold on a second. Let me see here. I can’t really read that so little. Let me blow it up. My eyes are getting bad. Okay. Although many false claims of discovery were made over the years, the element was first synthesized by Edward McCatmellon and Philip H. Edelson at Berkeley Radiation Laboratory in 1940. Since then most neptunium has been still in produced by neutron irradiation of uranium and nuclear reactors.

The vast majority is generated as a byproduct in nuclear power plant and reactors. And then there’s this rare formation. It’s called plutonium 238, where it comes out of. Right. So the commercial uses at present it is used as a precursor for the formation of plutonium. Two, three, eight. So what do they use that for? Electricity for spacecraft. Neptunium is used for electricity for spacecraft. So it makes sense how it’s connected to the element neptunium which is connected to the electricity for fucking spacecraft skies and 38 is power grid, right? Then we have the blackout connection.

Something is coming and I’m not saying it’s going to happen on tomorrow. You know, they never do it like that. Although it could, but they usually do it a certain amount of days from a date. Oh, that’s what we should look at. How many days from tomorrow, January 20 eigth, until the eclipse is going to happen. Let’s see. I can’t even believe neptunium is connected to the freaking power Grid and the electrical elements of a damn spacecraft or whatever they call it, a rocket, which we know damn well they wasn’t shooting in no rockets up to the moon.

Like, come on dude, no one’s buying that. How many of you guys subscribe? I got a new email too that I bought. I bought one of these professional emails for the new website I’m launching, aliencartel. com. Guess what day I’m launching it guys. On July 20. Ain’t that the day they said they walked on the moon? So I’m going to launch it on that day. But it’s going to be a whole different alien situation.

You know, my version, it ain’t going to be what everybody else thinks. I don’t go with what other people believe my theories are different, but I do like the theory about the Anunnaki and all that. That makes sense to me, how they could have been the watchers in the Bible. And it just kind of makes a little more sense now. The little green men from Mars. I don’t know.

I don’t know if we’re buying that. I do think Mars was a dimension throughout the multiverse. I don’t think it was a planet. I think it was an actual dimension, just like Saturn’s a dimension. And I guess Mars is where Enlil created these pre adamite humanoids that he got in trouble for and then he brought them here to Earth and they were of the bloodline of Cain, which we’re going to get into that.

We’re going to get into that on Monday. Damn. Why can I not find that? Oh, here it is. Sorry. They count later. There we go. What date was I going to look at, guys? Oh, yeah. 128. January 20, eigth of 2024. Almost with 2023 until April, eigth is the day of that great american eclipse that puts the final x over the new Madrid fault line. Oh, shit. 71 days, two months and eleven days, y’all.

Two months and eleven days. 211 is the 47th prime number, like the 47 degree masonic compass. 71, horror of Babylon. Murder by number 71. Oh, shit. Who are they going to kill? I’m wondering, who are they going to kill? And 211, that’s also Alex Jones’s birthday, February 11, and then ten weeks in one day. So there’s the eleven again, which is 19. 40% of the year. Here’s the 19 number.

And what card is the 19th card in the tarot deck? The sun card. We’re on that 19 year metonic moon cycle, which the sun card. And that 19 number is connected to that chaos energy right there. So let me show you this what I’m talking about. Trying to figure out what day they’re going to pull some shit. That’s from 128 until the eclipse. Right now we enter Pluto enters Aquarius for like 30.

No, we enter Aquarius on November 19, the 19th of 2024, and we stay there until 2043. That’s going to be huge because Pluto always has effects on major finances and empires. When the roman empire crashed, that was during the whole Pluto situation. Then we had America born during Pluto’s return. Now America is dying during Pluto’s return, it comes around. So, like in 100 year, the last time we had it happen was a couple of hundred years when America was founded.

Then it happened again. I think it was 1776. It happened. And boom, this current one. So that’s a long time in between because it’s so far out there. They say it takes forever to cycle around the sun, which it probably ain’t even what we think it is. It’s some type of a dimension. But you got to look at planets like a sigil, if you know what sigil magic is.

They’re putting energy into that sigil, so they’re charging it. So even if you believe in flat Earth, it doesn’t matter. The elites believe in astrology, you goofy. So there’s energy into it, there’s power in it, and everything they do is based on astrology. So you don’t have to believe in it. But let’s go from. Let’s do this one. How about. Okay, 128 of 86 30. Oh, wow, look at this, guys.

Holy cow. So that’s 38 years, two months and eleven days, including end date. Right? So there’s the 211 from the Challenger explosion. And then we just had the 211 go back right here. Two months and eleven days from January 20 eigth to four eight. So it’s 38 years, two months, eleven days. Wait a second now. Let me think here. How about from 911? We should see how long it’s been from that because you can usually figure things out with this.

The numbers line up, right? And you can kind of figure out. I don’t see nothing with that one. Not nothing that stands out to me anyways. Okay, let’s see here. Challenger explosion hoax. See if we can find this one thing about it. Now, look, they’re all going to say, no, it’s not true, it’s not true. It’s not true. They’re not alive. That’s the top. See how the algorithm gives you all that at first, then you got to really search through the good stuff to find the truth.

Because at the top, it’s just all fact check, fact check, fact check, fact check. I mean, it’s so annoying. Like, bitch. People know what you’re doing. They can tell you’re doing that on purpose. I just want to see a normal person’s opinion on it and them show me some evidence, not one of your lies. Why the Challenger disaster at conspiracy theorist buzzing the Challenger space disaster is a seven crew secretly alive.

Most people across the globe remember the horrific Challenger space disaster which killed its entire crew. But what if, as a new death analysis, let me see what these people are talking about trying to find. Oh, there they are. Yes, this is the one. Okay. Yeah, they are alive. They are alive. Guys, they all got these little twin brothers right here. You see this shit? See this shit? So this is the one I was telling you about right here.

He does not have a twin brother. I looked for him online. There’s no twin brother. It’s a lie. And all of them say they got twins. Now. All of a sudden, there’s like five of them that say they got twins. Now. Why didn’t you have twins when you. When you officially died? You never said nothing about no damn twin brother. Now you got twins? Like, come on, man.

See, this was January 28, 1986, and it blew up 73 seconds later, which we already showed you sacrifices. 73. Now watch how many people work today. And they’ll be like, oh, yeah, the challenger is going to blow up, or something’s going to happen. Because of the challenger. The disaster resulted in a 32 month hiatus in NASA shuttle program. Guys, 32 double headed phoenix symbolism and freemasonry. The little Freemasonic Freemason bird.

Where’s the one with the 33? We need a 32. Kind of reminds me of the phoenix, too. There it is. 32. So you see how you have the 32 and the 33? When you go from that 32nd to the 33rd, that’s when you start getting the true knowledge and find out what’s really going on. That the great architect is Lucifer. Well, they don’t call him that. His name is y’all.

The bayoth, the demiurds. That’s who they’re really messing with. That’s who they like. That’s their homeboy, the demiurge. So whatever. I’m not rocking with no demiurges. The house of Romanov was the second and last imperial dynasty of this. This was actually a good house, though. And the Rothschilds had them killed because they wouldn’t let the bank come in there. That’s really why. So they murdered that whole family with the kids and everything.

Remember them? The Romanovs? Romanovs. They were actually good. And you know what the symbol is? This is a tartarian symbol. Tartarian empire. Look. But it’s kind of racist. You got this person and they’re stepping on a colored person down there. That’s kind of seriously racist as fuck. You see that? That’s a melanated person. But then Ani, he thinks that the Tartarians were black. I disagree with that. But we all have our own theories.

I believe there were irish people from vast Spain area. All the lineage of my mom’s bloodline, actually. And back here, you see this ball right there? That represents power. Remember when Queen Elizabeth, right before she died, she went and touched that globe, and then it powered up and went up the tree of life. Remember that? It lit up three strands of DNA and went up the tree of life.

That’s what that symbol is. So there’s a 32, right? Damn challenger. Okay. The disaster result in 32 months hiatus. Okay, so that’s a good thing to look for, though. Some 32 connections with it. All right, here they are, guys. Here they are. Let’s read these little dudes. Can you see this in full screen? Yeah. Okay, cool. Okay, let’s read the challenger guys now. All right, where do we got here? Francis Richard Scoby, commander of the Challenger Space shuttle.

Born on May 19, 1939. Commander Francis Richard Scoby was 46 when he died. 46. They love that number. You take the scottish right has 33 degrees, and the York right has 13 degrees. 13 plus 33 is 46. You have 23 chromosomes from your mama, 23 from your dad. 23 plus 23, 46. It’s all tied to our dna. The Challenger explosion, he would be. This is an older article, so he’d be a little older than that.

Now, strangely, let’s see, when they wrote this article, this 2015. So that’s almost ten years old, right. Eight years ago. Okay. Strangely, there’s a man also named Richard Scoby, the CEO of Chicago marketing advertising company called Cows and Trees, who bears a striking resemblance. That’s because they use crisis actors for these type of events. They really do. It was staged. No one was going to the moon. No one was in the rocket.

That’s clearly him. Even looks like him for real, but his ain’t that telling. Let’s look at the other ones. Okay, so there’s his LinkedIn page. Richard. Richard Soby. Should we message? Yo, Richard. What’s up, Richard? Oh, it won’t let me join. There we go. I got to close that. I can’t let nobody see me. Put that on. There’s. Hold on a second. It. Just put it in there.

It. All right. Because I want to investigate these people. Badabing bada boom. I’m in. Postal code. Yeah. New York. New York. Most recent job. I’m alive. Student. I’m over 16. Yes. University. Harvard. You hear these people screaming outside? Listen. The hood right here, they’re tripping. He’s trying to run her over. That’s crazy. What is wrong with these people? It’s taken too long to let me do this. Come on.

Okay, there we go. We love having ambition, people like you on LinkedIn, but we’re currently under. What? Oh, my date of birth. Hold on. I put the wrong date of birth. That’s all. I’m not doing this. This is too much, that LinkedIn. All right, I guess we’re going to skip his LinkedIn account because it won’t let me in. I try to get in it like three times. It just won’t let me.

Okay, so anyways, cows and trees website, right? He is the CEO of that. Then we have Michael J. Smith, the pilot of the challenger, born on April 30 during the 13 days of preparation going into bell pain of 1945. The challenger pilot. A lot is going to probably be connected to him. What do you guys think? There’s a man also named Michael J. Smith who bears a striking resemblance to the astronaut Michael J.

Smith. Same eyebrows, same eyes, same vertical indentation in the tip of the nose. Michael J. Smith is a professor and system engineer at the University of Wisconsin Madison who email addresses. Oh, I’m going to write him later. I’m going to say, hey, Michael, I’m doing a podcast for the challenger hoax. Would you like to come on, sir, and talk about how they paid you to pretend like you were flying to the moon? Astronaut Michael J.

Smith would be 70. He’d be way older than that now. Ten years. So he’d be like 80, right? Ronald McNair, challenger mission. So all these people are like, retired, probably born on October 21, 1950. Challenger Michelin specialist Robert McNair, the second african american astronaut with a phd in physics. He’d be like 74 right now. He had not perished in the space shuttle. But if Ronald were still alive today, he would look just like this.

Who is allegedly his brother, Carl McNair. I ain’t buying it. What do y’all think? You think that’s his brother? Carl McNair is an author, educator, consultant, and inspirational speaker. He is the founder, and this is how they like to do it, too. Throw it right in our faces. You know what I mean? At least if you’re going to do some stage shit like this, how about not having him as a public speaker? They don’t care.

It’s kind of funny. This is the one that made me think, wait a second now. Something right here. Because I could see him having a Brother that looks like him, right? That’s why I didn’t pay too much attention to this one when I first researched it. But this one, even though he never admitted that he had a brother before the mission, because you can find biographies about these people online and why do they not talk about their siblings in them, right? But now, all of a sudden, they all got fucking twins and shit.

Come on, man. I’m not buying that. This dude right here was the only child, but now he has a twin brother. So come on, dude. Another challenger, mission specialist. However you pronounce that the first japanese american astronaut also has a lookalike brother named. Let’s see. Claudi. Claudi, let’s see. Decode these little astronauts real quick. I’m starving. What should I order, guys? Claudine, 22. Your character is 22, like Claudi.

He’s an actor. First player character, maybe. He’s got 46 in there. 64. Damn, he has a lot of first player character numbers. Okay, probably is a first player character. He was born in 46. Look, guys, born in 46. Well, right there is 46. Right in Hawaii would be 68 years old today, so he’d be 78. Really? About 78 in that area. Ellison was still alive. Okay, so what is his name? Ellison.

This is a made up name they gave us the actor name that they created for the public. Oh, I quit. Look at this. Lights, camera, action. Wait a second. What was 56? Damn, I can’t remember. I wish I had Logan on here real quick. Hold on. I do have. Logan. Logan, real quick. Logan, what’s 56 again, brother? I thought it was lights, camera, action. What is it in chaldean? Let me hit Steve.

He’ll hit me back quick. Steve, what’s 56 in Chaldean? Brother? I thought it was lights, camera, action, but okay, let’s wait for one of them to hit me back. I just did it earlier and it came out 56. Maybe I set it different. I know mind control is 56. Hold on. One of them will tell us in a second. That’s in that cipher, though. I want to see what it is in.

Oh, I know what I could do about this. Just hit match. See what’s all in here with this dude’s name. AB negative blood. See if he’s got some hoax matches in here. Alternative facts. Look, guys, he’s got 56 matching alternative facts right here with this dude’s name. Check this out. Alternative facts, right. There he is. Matter of fact, let me go grab his name again because I’m going to download this shit so I can remember this for later.

All right, let’s start over. Boom. Save that shit. Save? Yes. I’m going to do a blog on you and expose the shit out of your little astronaut shit. Great, guys, so it must be done. Damn, I wonder. Wish I could remember that 56 thing. It’s driving me nuts. Logan, at April 29. Hold on. April 23. April 29. Wasn’t some of their dates on here. April 20 something. October.

Who was born in April? Call him April 30. This guy. All right, that guy was April 30. This guy was May 19. I want to remember all their dates. Okay, and then you had this girl. She’s April 5 of 1949, challenger mission specialist Judith Arlene Resnick with a phd in electrical engineering. It’s all connected to the power grid going down. She was the first jewish american astronaut to go into space.

Shout out to donut. She would be 66 years old, probably like 76, 75 in that area. If she were alive today. It is not difficult to imagine that after 29 years, after Judith Resnick would look like. Who’s this? Arthur Lemon? Wait a second. Professor Judith Resnick. Judith Resnick, Yale law professor. Oh, she’s an author. Professor of law. Judith Resnick. It’s. Same name, tripping, dark, curly hair, dark eyes, same eyebrow shape, same lines.

That is her. You guys think so? I think so. Oh, that’s. That’s the tall tales sign right there. That thing on her lip definitely is her. That’s the tall tale sign right there. Here’s ancestry. com for Judith Resnick, whose birthday was April 5, 1949. Shit. Look at all these. Ancestry. com. I’m going to have to rewrite this blog, and then I’ll put a link to this person, whoever the hell they are, and give them credit, but I’ll rewrite it in my own words.

This needs to be heard by the people. They probably don’t even do blogs no more. But who knows? Maybe they do probably get them more views than they’ve ever got in their whole life. This is a very strange mystery that I must solve now. I never really cared about the whole challenger thing. What about this guy? Where’s this guy at? Who’s the missing dude? Okay, who’s that? I need know who he is.

He didn’t put the missing link on there. Michael Smith. Yeah. Like, why is this guy not on here? Okay, let me see. Here’s blackout necessary. Look, guys, so you see how it’s all connected to blackouts, right? Look at this. Blackout necessary. 56. What’s it necessary for? To kill us? And let’s not forget cyber Polygon. The government was having this, right? Their little blackout drills. So they’re already prepared for this.

Just like they had drills of 911 and then they did it. Just like they had drills of COVID called event 201. Then they did it. You know what I’m saying? That’s how they get down. What else is in there? Then I need to hear some of your guys’opinion on this situation, you might see your name in here. If you guys got a deco Chernobyl disaster, it has that nuclear connection to do it.

Do not trust him. Look, that dude’s name has matching 56 with. Do not trust him. We don’t. Don’t worry. We don’t trust him. So he has 56 matching alternative facts. Blackout. Do not trust him. Oh, no way. Eclipse. The sun told you it was connected to that eclipse. Wow. Something like a genius, ain’t I? Look at this. He has matching 56 with Elvis fakes death. That’s pretty crazy.

This dude’s name, who allegedly died on the challenger, just happens to have matching numerology with Elvis fake’s death. So what we should see if there’s a connection there. When did Elvis allegedly die? What day did Elvis Presley die on? August 16. It’s another crazy event that probably didn’t happen. Okay, so August 16. What was it, guys? 1977. Summer 77. That’s the summer of Sam, wasn’t it? Holy shit.

Look at that number right there. That’s crazy. Okay, so let’s see. From 1986. I want to run it that the actual date the challenger blew up. Oh, wow. 441 weeks. Damn. That’s 101 months and twelve days. So cleaning the end date, that’ll put us at 101 months and 13 days. Damn, that four. Four. One number is very important, but I can’t remember. Oh, 846. There it is. There it is.

846. Okay, guys, 846% of the common year, right? This is in between Elvis’s death and his challenger death. Okay, now let me show you this. Let me download this real quick. 846. That’s the number of meme magic. When they do the meme magic. But also, they said they kneeled on George Floyd’s neck for eight minutes and 46 seconds. Remember, the first plane hit the tower at 08:46 p.

m. The first woman to get vaccinated in the United States. Her name was Sandra Lindsay. What did it equal? Oh, yeah. 846. This is a massive number. And it’s a number connected to lies. That’s what it’s a number connected to, which I’m about to show you real quick. PDF. Okay, download. Let me upload this here so I can show the people. Whenever you see this 846, you already know they’re about to be lying for sure.

Okay, here we go. Ad. All right, cool. Let me pull that up. Now download it for you guys right here. Screenshot. That be it loads. I’ll just do it like this. Let’s get rid of that one. Why is it doing it like that. Come on. Stop trying to freeze my shit up. Okay, I’m about to shut a couple of these, obviously. Pin that. Get rid of that, get rid of that.

Keep that open. Get rid of that. Get rid of that. Get rid of that. Okay, Elvis, leave Elvis up there. Go to my canva refresh. Okay, let’s go to. Which one was I just on? All right, upload. Ba bam. There we go. Screenshot this bad boy. So I’m going to need to keep this in my database anyways over here, don’t I? How will we have it? There we go.

See what I’m talking about, guys? And large hydron collider is 846. Guys, large hydron collider. Philosopher’s Stone is 846. It’s a number connected to genetic modification. Philosopher’s Stone is the black goo, the nanotechnology. It’s a storehouse for demonic consciousness in the occult. It’s the esoteric philosopher stone. And Sandra Lindsay, first person to get that, she’s got that 846. Ten towers hits the plane. 846 kneels on George’s neck, eight minutes, 46 seconds.

But then they changed it to nine minutes and 29 seconds, like a year later, remember? And why would they do that? Well, because there’s 929 chapters in the original Bible, the Old Testament. That’s why they did that. But large hydron Collider is 846, and that’s what’s creating the multiple timelines. They’re manipulating and bending reality. Alchemy machine. Think I’m joking. That’s some real shit that they’re doing. Let me read some of these comments real quick.

Elvis, born January eigth. What’s up, matrix code breaker? When are you coming on and doing a little podcast with me, a little dork. Elvis, born January eigth or 18th. 18th is the Antichrist. No, he’s born on Elvis was all his birthday because he died on August 17. What’s Elvis’s birthday? Let’s see. On Wikipedia, 18 is. Ain’t that the number of the little non player characters, though? Let me see.

Eight, hold on. Oh, no, 16. Okay. NPCs is a 16 in Caldean, and then NPCs, you got that 16 in reduction too. Damn. And 56, reverse ordinal. Interesting. Never really looked in reverse ordinal for it. I don’t really use that cipher. I like chaldean. It’s the purest. PI is good too. The two best ciphers is chaldean, then PI, then english ordinal, because it’s just based on a. Is one b is two, c is three all the way through.

Then Latin, which is Hebrew or jewish. That’s the only one you can really call Gamatria after that. I like sumerian. Cipher X is okay. The matrix. Cobreaker likes that one. But I don’t use it because someone just created it. Made it up. That gematria website that tries to charge you money for using their calculator. He lets people that pay the premium just make up their own ciphers. And when you do that.

I made up a cipher before, but mine was based on something actual. Mine was the three six nine cipher I made in reverse and in forward. And it was based on three six nine, though as a real, actual thing. Some of them are just made up things, like someone comes up with in their head. And I don’t use shit like that. It’s got to have a real, actual counting system for me to use.

And I’m not using some made up shit. August 16. Yeah. August 16, 8116. August 16. That’s when Elvis was born. Sure was some twizzlers. I’m back here eating twizzlers. What made you think of twizzlers? That’s what I’m actually eating. Ain’t that crazy? Hey, Tommy brother. Well, I’ve been missing your lives for over a month until now. Hope you’re well. Thank you, Zoe. I love you, Zoe. There was some stalkers going on over in my WhatsApp group, so I shut down the diamond member group, and I’m just re adding certain people to the truth.

Mafia members only group. They’ll get it for free. I’ll just add them. But the people that was talking shit, they ain’t getting, uh, two of them. I even kicked them out of the diamond membership. I cashed at them, their money back and told them to go fuck theirself. I don’t want that type of negative vibration on my platform where you’re going to my people and messaging them lies.

It was this Mandy girl. She went around messaging everyone a bunch of. I really. I thought she was my friend. She messaged me and said, hey, Tommy, I ordered a necklace and I haven’t got it. So I’m like, yeah, you didn’t pay for it. So she checked to pay for it offline. Well, she thought she slid through the. She slid through and didn’t have to pay for. I said, honey, it’s not paid for.

Once you pay for it, then I’ll send it out. She’s like, well, I don’t want it anymore. I’ll go find it somewhere cheaper. So she bugged me for three days straight, talking shit to me, and then says that to me. So she wouldn’t have made that smart comment. I was going to send her one for free. Like, yo, look, if you’re broke and you can’t afford it, you don’t got to try to rip me off.

Just ask me, I’ll send it to you. You know what I’m saying? But you want to try to do all that weirdo stuff. And I got all the screenshots to prove it. Every freaking screenshot. And it’s not this girl. I’m not going to say her name because then she could try to flag my video. But her last name started with a b. I’m sure many people know her.

And her vibration is shook so low, it’s maybe one vibration away from a demon. No joke. This chick is on some other stuff. I never seen somebody put that much energy into trying to hurt someone. It’s crazy. And if you were saying something that was true, then that would be cool. I’d be like, okay, I got to take that. That’s true. But you’re lying. You’re making stuff up.

Like, at least tell the truth. I have all the screenshots. I have our whole conversation, and now I’m going to post it on my website so everybody can see it because I expose liars and frauds. Yep. I must have irritated a. You know, so it’s crazy. There was a couple of them over there doing it. One girl, her name was Ashley, and I even reached out to her and tried to be cool, and then people sent me screenshots of her talking crazy again, so I just blocked her.

I ain’t dealing with that, you know what I’m saying? And the crazy thing is, you guys want to hear something real crazy? The Mandy girl, she didn’t even pay for the diamond membership. I gave it to her for free. Yeah, gave it to her for free. She went in there and tried to destroy my whole thing. Like, that’s crazy. I should have knew better, though. I always had a bad feeling about her.

And people warned me about her, too, on telegram. And I’m like, you know what? She’s been following me for a while. I’m not going to block her. But people told me she was doing some real weird stuff, and I let it slide. And let it slide. And then what? Did I give it to her for free for? I think she went, oh. So I shared my mom. My mom started her little business where she does spouting right like, what’s that called? Guys drains.

You know what I’m talking about? Gutters. So she has a gutter company where they put new gutters up and stuff. So I said, hey, if anybody goes over, hits my mom’s page, likes it, helps her get her reviews up and stuff, I’ll give you a free membership. So Mandy went and did that. So I was like, okay, cool, thank you, Mandy. So I gave her a membership, never checked up on her, left her in there because I don’t go in there and check on know these are adults.

And then people started sending me screenshots. And I should have knew because I blocked her on telegram, I blocked her on many platforms, but I forgot to block her in the members only group on WhatsApp. And she went ham in there. But it’s know I just blocked her and kept it moving. And it kind of was a blessing in disguise because it exposed other people and showed their true character.

So it was just a blessing. I just blocked them and kept it moving. Then I go do a movie and a podcast together and get their four views and let me know how that works out for them. They can join some of the other people that hate me or donut. And there’s one of them that does videos on us and me and donut. Check his work. He blocks us all the time, though.

His name is Alex, right? And I’m not going to say his last name because he literally gets one feel. But I’m sure some of you know him and he’ll do, like, decodes, but he doesn’t know what he’s doing. He’ll just try to do Gamatria and have no clue what he’s talking about. None of the numbers that he’s talking ever make sense of what he’s saying. And like, the other night, he’s like, yeah, Tommy, truthful has 117, which this is a code of fear mongering.

So show if that’s a code of fear mongering, dude. Show people where 117 matches with fear mongering because it doesn’t. 117. January 17 is my birthday, you dork. It’s my birthday. Truth Mafia equals 117. When I picked my name in Dematria, I was on a live video. My people seen why I picked it, didn’t you guys? Truth. What’s my facebook page? Tommy truthful, 36. Every generation, there are 36 righteous people in Judaism.

This is what they believe that saved the world. 36 is a very sacred and holy number. Neocode. Neo code. 36. That Alex kid, he has all the chaos code now I could really do a decode on you, bro, because I know your last name and everything, and you don’t want me to decode you. Okay, so you could have a connection to the neocode in your reading many ways.

There’s actually numerous different ways. Okay, so I just showed you that way, right? And then the neocode is the 50. That’s a powerful one right there. This is why Israel and Palestine went to war. It was the end of the 50 year 1973 war. It was the anniversary of that. Right? The anniversary of that war. So that’s when everything popped off. It was also. Remember the 36 I just had up there? It was also the 36 year anniversary.

Since Hamas was founded, then they did what they did to Maui, because it was the 36th year anniversary of Harp, since harp was patent and Maui was done in the 50th state. So see how they use these sacred numbers for evil. 36 in 36 is a 36 triangular number. But six six six ain’t bad until they invert it. It’s inversion. I told you, the arcons, they can’t create on their own.

So what they do is take a code and invert it. Six six six is the breakdown for your carbon. It represents you, the human vessel, but they’ve inverted it and made it negative. We are the beast. The man is the beast. That’s the esoteric secret knowledge of it. You are the beast. It’s just a representation of carbon. It’s not what you think it is. And then you got Neo, which is 17, like Nibaru.

The matrix, look. Oh, I’m not the matrix. My bad. That’s 31 Nibaru. And then another one in 17 Harp. They love to kill us with that one, don’t they? Harp is another 17 one. That 17 code is crazy. I would like to do a video just on this code right here. Shout out, Edith. I forget your last name. Gloria. Well, I shouldn’t say it anyways, but Gloria, I just did a reading on this chick.

She was super cool, too, and she has the 17 code. She actually has a neocode attached to her name. I’ve had a few of them lately, which usually I did like a whole bunch of readings, and I never had one for like a couple of months. And now back to back, I’ve got hit with so many of them lately, it’s crazy. Damn, where are all these little neos popping up from? And then the other day, here’s the crazy thing.

One of them people that was in the comments on WhatsApp talking junk. I just did them a reading, right? Still did their reading and sent it to them. But they were cool. I will say they were cool, and they would say publicly they’re sorry, but I don’t know if they’re going to do that now because they turned out to be an NPC. And I even was nice to them.

I was like, look, man, I’m not even mad at you no more. You got an NPC code. You probably didn’t even realize that this is in your coding to cause chaos. So I never heard back from them. They got my text number. They could have messaged me back, too. But whatever, it’s cool. I still love know. I’m going to pray for the little NPC soul, but it’s crazy when all these people, you’ll see trolling or starting trouble, then you go look at their code and they’re all npcs, which a big majority come from Portland, Oregon.

That’s that 63 non player character. That’s the land of the non player characters. Then 64, his first player character, which is British Columbia. No, wait a second. Damn it. District of Columbia. Yeah, District of Columbia. And that kind of makes sense, too, because the District of Columbia is where all the people in Washington are, right? That allegedly run our reality. So it would make sense that a big majority of first player characters are out there.

But then you have a massive amount of them in Australia, too. Almost every decode I do for Australia is a first player character. It’s so bizarre. Australia. And I got the whole database of this. I got everything saved up. So now I’m writing a book on it. What numbers equal what. What’s lined up with what? You know what I’m saying? What different states? What different countries? Remember FPCs 22 matching Australia? It’s the Land of the FPCs.

There’s so many of them there. And you got the 64 connection in reverse ordinal. When you’re decoding someone’s name, like, say you were decoding a story or a movie, you want to stick with one cipher and it should be chaldean, honestly, if you want to know the truth. Or maybe PI. PI is a really good one. This one right here, these are the two purest forms of decoding.

And then this will be your third because it’s based on the english ordinal language. And then there’s only one that is technically Gamatria, which is Latin, Hebrew, Jewish. That’s the only one you can technically call Gamatria. But I wrote a blog on Chaldean. Why? It’s the purest. You could check it out on truthmafia. com. If you’re new, stick to this one. If you’re new, just worry about English ordinal.

Figure that out first. So English ordinal. The FPCs first player characters are in that 44 code, and then the non player characters is in the 52 code, which is Enlil’s number, right? He created them little fuckers. Enlil, he is the one that created all these damn non player characters in this reality. Enlil. And look, he’s got that 17 too connected to Nibaru. See what I’m saying? So we got to stay away from this dork.

Enlil. You guys know who he is. And then inky, look, inky got the 39. Lucifer got the 39 too. But inky, the story of the serpent and the serpent versus the eagle, he’s got the 64, though. Like, first player characters. He created the first player characters. And he’s not Lucifer. Enlil’s actually Lucifer. They bastardize Inky’s name and demonize the serpent when in all actuality, the serpent is the good one, the eagle is the evil one.

Enlil is really Lucifer, not inky. Inky is Poseidon. Inky is Neptune. When they went into Ireland to get rid of all the snakes, well, guess what? There was never snakes in Ireland. So they were murdering all the people that knew the serpent knowledge, like Jesus Christ taught, who would have been the same as Neo in the Matrix. Jesus was teaching. Ancient serpent knowledge has nothing to do with reptilians and that shit.

It’s the true knowledge of our reality that Enki was teaching. Right. Who brought magic in Enki. Who gave us the power and authority over demons? Inky. That’s why we can cast demons out. It was all inky. All the positive shit was given by inky. He’s always depicted as a little skinny guy. Look at him. But he’s not really skinny. Here’s inky. He’s caucasian too. Now there’s this whole new thing that Anunnakis were black, which is crazy.

I don’t know where that came from. But if you look at all the old statues, they’re Caucasians with blue eyes. So I don’t know where this, but who knows? Maybe they are black. What do I know, right? I wasn’t around back then. Maybe they are. What do I know? But I’m just going to tell you. Let me show you Anunnaki with blue eyes. All the ancient depictions show them as Caucasians with blue eyes.

All of them. That’s what they’re all depicted, you know what I mean? All of them. So the whole new wave is that they were black. I don’t know. I’m going to ask Bdell his opinion on that. That’ll be interesting to hear tomorrow because I really don’t know. I wasn’t around when no damn Anunnaki was born, right? See, Anunnaki, Elohim Nephilim. The watchers saying they’re black. So there’s a lot of disinformation out there.

Who knows what the real info is? That’s what I want to know. I just want to know the real stuff. What’s true, what’s the lie, what’s the truth. I don’t care which narrative it is. I don’t care if they’re black. I don’t care if they’re white. I don’t care if they’re puerto rican or asian. I just want to know which ones they are, that’s all. It’d be nice to know something interesting, though about this blue eye situation.

It came into the reality about 6000 years ago, right? And now they have these blue eyes all over but it’s very rare. Very rare. Damn, them are pretty melanated people. They got some crazy eyes right there. They’re a mitochondrial dna. It’s the Eve gene. So a black female, a melanated female, she can create any life. She can create a caucasian out of her. She can create a Puerto Rican out of her.

She can create anything. Ain’t that crazy? I’m talking about the science behind it. When you look into the mitochondrial dna, the eve gene all women are amazing. Because you guys have a portal between your legs. You can bring in new life, new soul contracts. So you guys, God had to be created in your image. Like for us to say God’s a male is the most stupidest thing in the world.

The original God that created Anu was a female, the mother God. How could it be a male? We were created from the rib of the female. That’s the real mean. They tell us all everything is inverted. Just remember that. See, look. The Eve gene. She can create whatever. She can create any type of humanoid from her genetics. And I’ve researched this thoroughly. It’s very fascinating to say the least.

The eg. Whoa. What the hell is going on here? See, now what I heard is the ancient Egyptians was Caucasians. And the Canaanites, the original bloodlines from Kemet were melanated. But then it got hijacked. That’s my understanding of it anyways. But I can’t wait to talk to Bedel about all this and figure this stuff out. It’s going to be a fascinating subject, to say the least. He’s got so much info on it, guys, I talked to him for 2 hours on the phone.

He just had so much cool stuff about it. Where’s the freaky Zenki I want to see something with? Oh, here’s here. This one I need right here. Hey, quick one. Who’s inky’s kids? Children. So here’s another thing you probably didn’t know. There’s two murdu dukes, one good murraduke, one bad murray. And Murduke has the eight point of star all over him. You know that. And then, so, children, you have the murdu of Inky’s son, then.

I don’t even know how to say this one. Dumizid or Tammuz? Oh, Tommuz didn’t seem too good, though. Remember? That was the son of Nimrod, I believe. Tomuz. So, you know, that kid turned out to be not so great. But we all have kids that end up on different life paths because Tammuz, the son of Nimrod. Tammuz. Now, oops. What? I do. Tammuz was the illegitimate son of Samiris.

He was believed to be the reincarnated Nimrod. The Christmas tree is the symbol of Tammuz, the spirit of Nimrod, who comes back to life again. See, that’s why we have Christmas has nothing to do with Jesus Christ. Tammuz is the reason we have the cross, too. That’s a symbol of Tammuz. The freaking cross. Let me find just a little symbol. Has many different variations of. It is right here.

That’s the cross he uses. Nimrod, Samiris, and Tammuz. This was Nimrod’s wife and his mother. So he had sex with his mother and had little baby Tamu’s. Ain’t that crazy. But a lot of them did that. A lot of the Anunnaki was doing that weird stuff, sleeping with their children. So, I mean, it makes sense. A lot of these, they carry that on today, don’t they? And then guess who Dagon is.

Enlil. Dagon is Enlil. That’s who the Catholic Church is really worshipping. It’s all Enlil they’re worshiping. Enlil is the mesopotamian fish God Catholic Church, where we get these sirens, the mermaids from the abyss, the Lovecrafty and old ones. Remember when what’s his name said Gordy Rose said we were summonsing the ancient ones through that damn d wave quantum computer, which now we’re on the whole new one. They just created another new d wave that’s plugged into all social media and plugged into cerN, which the Internet was created at Cern.

So they say Jesus Christ comes from the fish. He does not. That’s a symbol of dagon. It’s this mesopotamian pish God who is Enlil. It all goes back to Enlil. The Philistines, remember? The Philistines stole the ark of the coven, and then they took the Ark of the covenant in the temple of Dagon, and then Dagon collapsed in front of the ark. Remember that story? Yeah. They’re still worshiping Dagon to this day.

That’s the Catholic Church. They’re the same people. That was the damn Philistines in the Bible. The blood of Cain. They’re Enlil worshippers. All these Enlil worshippers are freaking from the blood of Cain. All of them. A symbol of shamash, the sun God. That’s also the eight pointed star, remember? Of fact, let’s download that one and add that image to our blog on the eight pointed star. I’ve been updating it in real time for you guys, too, so you should check it every couple of weeks because I always update it.

I find new stuff all the time with this eight point star. I mean, look how much I’ve updated because CERN has the eight bars, Vatican eight spokes on the wheel. Nibaru is really a dimension. That’s what they’re trying to open. Nibaru, Dimension X. And all the fallen angels, the watchers, the superheroes, they all have this symbol. Wonder Woman has it on her head. Captain Marvel has it on her chest.

The elven race, eight point of star. Superman at the movie. Man of steel, 45 minutes in, his father comes on in artificial intelligence where he downloaded his consciousness to this spaceship, right? And his dad comes on and is, like, telling him who he was. And he said, yeah, that s on your chest is from the house of L. L. It’s Enlil, it’s Saturn. And he says, this is who you really are.

And that’s exactly 45 minutes in. And right as he’s saying it, the eight pointed star comes on the screen. Man of steel, 45 fallen angel, 45 fallen ones, 45. You know what I’m saying? Bam. It’s the chaos star that we seen with Cat Williams. Remember? We also seen it in a rising Canaan. In that sex, there’s 71, remember we seen that 71 earlier. Sudden destruction, horror, Babylon financial collapse, weather warfare.

Cat Williams with it. The new monarch, legacy of monsters. Right after this episode, he goes and gets into a portal and goes through a portal into inner Earth. It’s all portal symbolism. That star. This is it in the new Wonka. Yeah, we definitely got to add that image to it. So let’s do that real quick. Put it right down there. It right there’s. Right here’s eight pointed star.

Anunnaki symbolism. See, this is called SEO. This is how you get good search results. You got to tag the shit out of your pictures. That’s why these idiots don’t know how to get views on their website, because they don’t know what they’re doing. See, all these are keywords called keyword phrases. That’s how you get search results. You got to put the right things in there, too. Let’s update that.

Bam. There we go, guys. I’ll go in and write a breakdown about it later, but for now, we just had to add it so I don’t forget. Look at this blog. There’s so much in here. Guess what one I’m doing right now, guys. I’m doing the one about. Where is it? Oh, Jupiter ascending. So it’s going to be on the new video that Greg Reese just dropped, and then I’m going to get into Jupiter ascending.

The nephilim. It’s going to be tight. I’ve been working on it for about a week straight, so it’s going to be. See, look at all this symbolism. House of the dragon, Dracula, the reptilian race. Race. It’s one and the same. That’s what the monunakis really are. They live forever. Remember? Jupiter ascending? It said, are you the one? Jupiter said, are you guys a vampire race? And she said, yeah, the legends of that was made from us.

Jupiter ascending. I wrote a crazy blog on this. Oh, wait, this is j dreams one. Shit. That’s Jay’s somewhere about J descending. I don’t know what the hell happened to mine. Don’t see it no more. That’s crazy. Where’d mine go? Taken down or something? My own website. I know this is the b one. All that b symbolism is, like the marriage. Oh, it might be in this one because the bee symbolism goes back to the merovingian bloodline, which is why bees didn’t sting Jupiter.

Remember in the movie Jupiter ascending? They didn’t sting her because she was from a royal lineage. She was rh negative. So they did not sting her because they represent yeah, that’s where I did it. Down here, they represent royalty. And this is where they would go to the different planets to harvest the planets. Well, what was they harvesting the planets for? Well, they would let a planet reach its capacity, right? Get to the max capacity.

It could get, like Earth filling up. So they would let the population get all the way to the most it could fill and sustain. Then they would go in there and take everyone out, kill them, harvest them all. It took 100 humans to make one vial of this. They called it nectar in the thing. Nectar. That’s what they called it. And they would take baths in it. So you would see her with gray hair right here.

But then she would get out the nectar, and she was rejuvenated. Right. Let me see something. Jupiter ascending the nectar scene. Freaking vampire race right here. Is that the one where he’s coming? Hold on. I think this is where he’s bathing in that stuff. Yes. Look. See? He’s bathing in it right there. See how he was bathing in that? This is the best movie ever. Guys, I promise you, if you have not watched this, it is so good, and it shows you the structure, how the Anunnakis are really in control of the Reptilians.

See, he represents the Anunnaki Balem, which is Paul. Right? They’re the house of Abrassics. Abrassics is a freaking archon. It’s a demon. Look it up. That’s the house of Abrassics. That runs everything. Runs the whole world. And then here she was saved by this lichen. It’s kind of like a werewolf mix. Genetically modified humanoid. But she falls in love with. And he says, your majesty, I am like a pet to you.

Like a dog. She’s like, I love dogs, but they’re not supposed to mix her lineage with his. But even the fighter jets are all b symbolism. When you go in and watch it, knowing the bee symbolism, you’ll see what I’m. That’s what he’s bathing in right there, that nectar. And it’s freaking adrenal grown, guys. Where they harvest all the humans. It’s dam adrenal grown. I mean, that’s the symbolism behind it, right? See, that’s the abrassics family.

And the symbol of the b is the Florida delete, which is the six six six. The abrassics is a demon. It’s an arcon gnosticism. It is the head arcon. It is y’all the bail. So they’re showing you who’s really running this reality ain’t that crazy. House of Abrassics. They’re the ones that controls everything. His name is Balem Titus, and Khalique is the girl’s name. Balem Titus and Khalik Titus, which is based off the God in the Titans.

Right? And then Balem is ball. Khalik is probably Callie. It is, because you can see their abbreviation of it in there. So it’s definitely Callie. And then here’s the scene where she doesn’t get stung by the bees because of her bloodline, her lineage. My boy did a decode on this about smashing pumpkins and the honey symbolism. It’s not really about what I just talked about, but. Who wants honey? 60.

Feed the wolf. 60. Oh, guess what else is 60? In that same cipher year of the dragon. 60. See, right there? Feed the wolf. 60. Who wants honey? That’s the nectar. That’s the dreano they’re harvesting from us. And it’s also now Ligori, because they’re harvesting our loose energy, right? So they’re harvesting that from us, which. What is that? Loose energy harvest. Damn. It’s a blue energy. My talk to Texas, like, slow sometimes.

Where’s the definition on it? There is a definition somewhere. I thought that’s. Hold on. There it is. Loose glossary are collecting life force from the collective fields all earth inhabits and producing more suitable black force and misma, whatever that is. The much sought after spiritual energy contained in these fields is called energetic loosh by the cabals. In the context, loosh is referred to as emotional energy. Okay, so, for example, when they are doing this to the kids, they’re harvesting the adrenochrome, right? Okay, so that is literally halting age.

It stops the telomeres. Look up telomeres. It stops the telomeres in your dna from withering. Your telomeres is your wick. Think of a candle. Blow out the wick. Lights out. Right? It lights out of it. When your telomere wick goes. That’s blowing out of the candle, you die. There’s no more wick. There’s no more light. There’s no more life. So they figured out a way to stop that telomere from withering, right, from leaving, and it literally halts the aging process.

So as they’re doing that and harvesting that Nectar, which is what we see in Jupiter, sending these entities that they’re working with in the lower astral plane, the arcons are feeding off that emotional energy, which they’ve made a deal. That’s why it’s all happening. They’re harvesting it in the physical. It started because of the rituals you would have to do to manifest one of these entities up to get it to come to you.

And then they figured out, oh, wait a second. They were given this knowledge from it. Oh, it actually extends our life. Yeah. But there’s a lot of karmic law connected to that, too. You do that kind of stuff, man. You better hope your telomere never goes out, your light never blows out, because that karma is going to be real. You can’t get around the karma of doing that to a kid.

You can’t. There’s no way you can tell a kid, hey, I’m about to do this to you because the thought. Here’s the process with it, okay? I’m selling you a Coca Cola, right? We know coca cola is terrible for you. Let’s say I’m selling you a Coca cola that has a poison additive to it. But I put real big on the can. This has poison in it, kind of like corn syrup.

I just told you that it has poison. You still drunk it. So you really commit suicide? Because I’m telling you so. That frees me karmically. It’d be like if I sell arsenic out there and then you go drink it, that’s on you. Because I put poison on the bottle. I’m telling you. So how they do it is they use words that are long that no one understands, but when you look the word up, it’s clearly poison, like fluoride, that’s in your toothpaste and in your water.

Go. Look what fluoride does. Besides calcifying your pineal gland, which is cutting off your third eye, your spiritual antenna, your connection to the creator. It was used in russian gulags to pacify the inmates. And it was a byproduct. It’s a poison. It’s a toxin we used to spend, I think, billions a year to get rid of it. It was a toxic waste that we had to pay to get rid of.

Then they come up with this idea, oh, you know, it pacifies people. It dumbs them down, lowers their vibration. So we can harvest that loose and keep them dumb so they don’t know what we’re doing. Oh, let’s throw it in toothpaste and tell them it’s good for their teeth, which really. It rots your teeth out. You know what I’m saying? But it calcifies the pineal gland, which is terrible.

And they’ve told you all the kundalini is bad. And this is bad. None of that is bad. The Kundalini is not bad. It’s sacred knowledge. But they got you thinking everything’s evil, so you don’t learn about true enlightenment and what heaven really is. Heaven comes from the word head. Hell comes from the word heel. When you ignite the Kundalini up the 33 vertebrae, up Jacob’s ladder to heaven, that secretium goes up, which is connected to Christ, Jesus Christ.

At 33, that secretion goes up to the pineal gland, and this activates a higher state of consciousness. That’s the allegory behind it, right? I wrote a blog about the whole thing right here, how it ties into dna, the Kundalini, the kabbalistic principles, and it all gets into the serpent. Even the metaphor in our limbic system, which represents the serpent, right in our brain, got the neocortex, the limbic system, the reptilian.

So that’s our instincts, the symbol we see in the medical field. None of this is evil, guys. That’s the trick. They tell you all this is evil. It’s not. None of it’s evil. But as long as they got you believing it’s evil, that’s great, because then you’ll never figure out the true nature of reality. You’ll never raise your vibration, you’ll never ignite your crown and your pineal, and you’ll be vibrating on a low frequency, going back into the reincarnation cycle.

Back into the reincarnation cycle. Life, death, rebirth. So they can harvest your loose energy over and over and over and over again. You’ll never ascend to what heaven truly is. You’ll never go there to a higher state of consciousness ever. So they just pray that is what it is. You know what I mean? They don’t want you to actually enter when you die here. And then they say, oh, go into the bright white light.

Well, that light is fake. That’s an artificial light. So your loved ones come, right? And them are not your loved ones. They are these arcons that can shapeshift, which are very similar to a demon or a gin. And what they do is trick you, come into the light. And we’ve always heard all these stories about going into the light takes us to heaven. So then you go into the light, your memories are wiped clean, and you’re thrown back into a baby’s body, back into that reincarnation cycle of life, death and rebirth.

You haven’t obviously learned your lessons. Now, the original way the real God created this reality was for us to learn our life lessons, remember our past lives, and then finally ascend to the higher ethereal realms, where we’re back into our light body, our true form. But we kind of took this form. We’re some form of an angelic star being made out of the same stuff as stars, but they truly are.

And we came down here and manifested in the physical to experience reality this way. Right? And then when we’re done here, though, that’s when we ascend up to what we’ve come to believe, heaven. Because heaven ain’t what we think it is. It’s not a place up on the clouds where God’s playing the golden harp and all that stuff. None of that’s true. A lot of it is allegories, guys.

Heaven is a higher state of consciousness. The source, God, the creator, is everywhere. It’s the point of origin. It’s that energy that we’re connected to that is literally experiencing life through all of us simultaneously. You know what I’m saying? So what you got to do, when they trick you, when you die and you go into that bright white light, you got to turn away from it. And a lot of people are scared to do that because you’re going to see nothing but darkness.

And this is that whole Freemason thing. Turn into the darkness. Through the darkness, you’ll find the true light, because that’s what it is. You turn away from the bright, artificial white light, go into the darkness, and through the darkness, you’ll find the golden light, which is the true light. You’ll wake up from this dream within a dream back into your true form, your true body, your true self.

So some of us ain’t ready to do that yet. A lot of people are vibrating on such a low frequency, I don’t think they can ever see that far out. But anyways, I’m about to go watch a movie. What are you all watching tonight? Any good movies out here I should check out? Guys? Damn. We did 3 hours, 3 hours and 29 seconds to be exactly. Now it’s 3 hours and 30 seconds.

Holy cow. What’s up, guys? How are you all doing? Let me see if I got anything new that I been watching. I could tell you all about that new Heman on Netflix is crazy. I’m about to decode that. It’s a whole series. They brought he man back, but it’s fire, and I never realized that he man is all about the plasma apocalypse. Oh, you know, it’s really good, but a lot of it’s in Spanish.

I don’t care because I understand Spanish, but it was good. Here, I’ll show you real quick. This was great. Griselda. Y’all know who she is? Griselda Blanco, I think her name was right here. This was fire. So, yeah, Griselda Blanco, she was like one of the biggest gangsters in the world back in the 80s. Colombian lady that was plugged in with the whole Medellin cartel, Pablo Escobar, rocking with him directly.

She was getting stuff from. And there’s a real true life story about her. That’s crazy, because she killed this whole family with these little kids and everything. That’s why I didn’t like her, though, because in the video, it makes you want to like her when you see what she went through her whole life. But then once you get to the part where she killed them little kids, I’m like, I can’t like you for that.

I grew up in the street, and I’m telling you right now, I would never ever. Two things I would never do. Hurt a woman or a kid. You’re not supposed to touch civilians. You don’t hurt women or kids. Even if some guy rips you off, which is what happened, you get ripped off by a guy, then you’re going to take it out on his family. That’s them. Dm, mexican cartels that do that.

The Italians don’t do that. Sicilians don’t do it. You’re not allowed to touch someone’s family. You’re not allowed to touch kids. That karma, even the Sicilians will say that they don’t want the karma from it. That karma is real. You hurt a kid, you don’t want that, I’m telling you. But there are certain other groups that they will do it. And I can’t get down with that. I just can’t get on board with that one.

But anyways, here’s that true, detective. It’s on HBO. You guys know me. I’m over here watching it free on fmovies to. But if you’re on fmovies to, you can’t just go on the brave search engine. You have to have it downloaded to your computer. Brave search engine. So you don’t get no pop ups. And then you type in fmovies. Tl, if you do this without the brave search engine, you’re going to get pop up after pop up after pop up.

Now, me, I’m on a VPN. I got pop up blockers. You see what I’m saying? So I ain’t got to worry about none of this. If you have a proton email, you can get this for, like, $12 a month. It’s the best investment you’ll ever have. Trust and believe that. Where you can triangulate that, you’re in a whole bunch of different places. They never know. So after you.

Oops, let me go back. I want to show you this. All right. Fmoviesmovies. Co. So they got a new website, see, because they got shut down. So you just click here. Boom, it’ll reroute. You do not log into it, though, because it’s a free website. You don’t ever want to log into a free website. Just, you can’t trust know. But as long as you’re just going on here to watch it, you’ll be fine.

If you use f movies and anything that’s new that’s out, you can watch. Guys, this was stupid. So new Snoop Dogg one. God, I mean, they just threw that together and put his name on there. You could tell Snoop’s probably broke or something. That’s why they did that. This one was really good. This was bizarre. She was created. She died, and then he brought her back by. Okay, she died with a baby in her stomach, right? And this doctor, this is way back in the day, too.

Like early 19 hundreds, 18 hundreds in that area. Can’t really remember, but she dies with this kid in her stomach. And the doctor took the baby, was still kind of alive. And he used the brain of the baby and brought her back. So then she thought she was like a kid again. It was bizarre, but it was actually a pretty good movie. It’s called poor thing. And then what was the other one I watched? I was really good.

Lyft was okay. I didn’t really like it. Just one of them commercialized bullshit movies. I haven’t seen that yet. I don’t even know what that’s about. Damn. There’s another one I was thinking of. Oh, yeah? What is the name of that one? Bookie. Bookie, I think it’s called. Hold on a second. Let me see. Bookie a series. Is that what it’s called? Yeah. This one’s fire. This one is so funny.

I love this. This is my shit right here. Probably women. You guys won’t like it. It’s definitely not a show for females, but for guys, you’ll like it. It’s funny. I’m going to watch that tonight. They got the new episode. Damn. They stopped on episode eight. I think I already seen that one. I hate when they only make eight episodes now. What happened to back in the day when they used to do like, 20 episodes.

Remember that? Guys, how many did Game of Thrones have? Mad episodes. Now it’s like eight or seven. I don’t like it. Need to get back to Game of Throne days. Let me see something. Okay. Like this. Look. Season one. No, it only had ten. Man, I remember, like, sopranos or something. They used to have hella episodes. Guess the Game of Thrones wasn’t it must have been sopranos. That type of stuff.

But, yeah, there’s a lot of good ones out right now, guys. Griselda is a good one, if you can deal with the Spanish. It does have subtitles, and they do talk in English. Some, but it’s probably 90% Spanish. But it’s really good. I promise you’ll like it. What is this one? A man finds himself trapped in a desert canyon with a woman living off grid who is captive to a pack of sadistic boys.

Seating the seeding. That’s on camera right now. So that means that’s in the movie theater. That means I need to see that one tonight. The seating. Let me see if it’s low budget or not. God, it’s a terrible. See that? Only time it’s terrible like this is when it’s still in movie theater. It’ll say camera, but once it’s out of the movie, it’ll be in HD and then perfect.

But you get the bootleg version when it’s still in the movie theater. That kind of sucks, right? Most of them are pretty decent, though. Honestly, that’s a terrible one. What is this all about? Two days ago. See any review? I don’t know. Never heard of this one. Have you guys heard of that stupid one yet? The seating? I’ll let you know tonight. That one’s pretty good, though. But, yeah, the Griselda one’s decent.

That’s a good one to watch, I guess. Did you all give me any good movies to watch in the comments? Let me see. Let me see. Tommy, truthful. Yeah, that’s mine on Facebook. 36 flatliners. That’s old, though, right? I already watched that. I think I want some new stuff. Kroll. What is that? K-R-U-L-L. Let me see what that one is. Unless it’s real good. If it’s real good, you can give me an older one.

I’ll check it out. Krill. Look at this weird shit. 1983. That’s a weird looking movie right there, dude. I don’t know what that is all about. That’s something paranoid american would like. He’s into that stuff. Have you seen changeling? Yeah, I did. A whole decode on it. We did a series on changeling. We did, like, all of them. I’ve already did the 100. Watched it all. All that.

They’re doing a remake of Krill to check out the remake. But anyways, I love y’all. The outsiders was good. I like that one, Raymond. That was pretty decent. Didn’t they discontinue it, though? What is this one? Lost book of inky. Is that a movie? Let me. Now, that would be something I’d be into if it’s a movie. Book of inky. Oh, this a book? Oh, it’s a two hour, like, documentary series.

Oh, yeah. I’ll check that out. That looks kind of fire. You can watch that on YouTube, guys. Lost book of Enki. Explain. It’s kind of like a little documentary series, I guess. It’s pretty good, though. I like that kind of stuff, too. I like rob zombie movies, some of them, but they’re very disturbing. Not really into that sadistic shit. You know what I mean? What was that movie I watched with the crazy guy with schizophrenia? Oh, glass.

Glass unbreakable. And then there’s another one that’s connected to it. Them three are so remarkable, and they’re all about getting this x gene, this superpower. Glass unbreakable. And I can’t remember the other one. It’s where he can. It’s crazy. The dude has, like, 23 different personalities or something. And his last personality is the devil, the beast. And that one is supernatural. It can freaking climb up walls. It’s unreal.

And it just shows that people with schizophrenia that has multiple personalities, like, that, they can tap into. Like, one of their personalities might be a diabetic, but the other one has freaking superpowers that can bend bars and climb up freaking walls. And they are actually doing a study on something like that. It’s like a real thing, man. Splinter. Yeah. It might be something like that split or something.

You ever see identity? No. But, Jay, the last one you gave me was so good. What was that one called? Jay. The one that I really liked. Jay gives good movies. Let me see. Identity, the movie. I forget the last one he gave me, though. It was so good. Maybe he can tell you guys so you guys can watch it, because it was phenomenal. It was like, about how we’re kind of like a simulation type thing.

Remember they were in that desert, and they went into another reality? Jay, that movie. What was that one called? They thought they got abducted by aliens. But then this whole town was full of some weird type people. I still don’t fully understand that movie, but it was so good. I got to do a live with Jay so he could break it down, because I kind of didn’t understand what was going on with them people in that town.

What the hell was up with them, dude? It seemed like they were being controlled by something. You know what they reminded me of, Jay? Non player characters. A whole town full of non player characters. The most weirdest thing I ever seen. I like old movies. Some of them are boring. There it is. The signal. Guys, that’s a movie you should watch tonight if you haven’t watched the signal.

It was one of the best movies I’ve watched in probably the last ten years. It’s phenomenal. And the guys all about numbers, too. In it, there’s a whole bunch of number shit going on. Matter of fact, I think in that movie, the signal, they predict when the alien invasion is going to happen. And it was, like, 2027. Yeah, we got to do one on that, Jay, me and you, bro.

So I can decode all the stuff I caught, and then you can break down what them freaking people were in that town. Oh, yeah. I decoded Dark City, bro. Are you kidding me? Dark City is matter of fact. Hold on, Jay. I got a slide up here somewhere. Let me. My. That’s my go to. Right, Jay? Dark city. So, okay, dark city. In the Matrix, in both movies, we have the injection into the brain, right? Matrix, stopping bullets with our mind.

Then in Dark City, you have the parasite, the octopi, which is tied into the corona. Oh, I can’t say that. Tied into the black goo. The Kraken symbolism. You get into Prometheus and stranger things. All that symbolism is tied to the black goon, this parasitic, arconic consciousness. So we have identical rooftop scenes in both movies. The scorched, darkened world. That’s the real world. Remember when they woke up? In the matrix, it’s that scorched world.

Same thing in Dark City. Then both of them have the staircase with the masonic checkerboards at the floor. And they’re both. One has Kronos. Right? Kronos. Kronos is something similar to that which is like a representation of Saturn. That’s Dark City, the artificial intelligence that’s running the reality. And then in the Matrix, it’s the dose x machine. And you also have the three antagonists in each one every time.

It’s crazy. The same symbolism in both of them movies, man. Very weird. But it’s that masonic allegory about the antichrist. Hero defying Saturn. Right. So that’s what it’s all about. Neo represents Christ. That’s what he represents. He’s saving us from this Saturn moon matrix. He’s sent here to wake us up by the true creator. Some people even believe Jesus. Neo is the real source that manifested here in the physical.

He took physical form to wake people up. And he was like a master teacher. It’s nothing like they teach us about him. He was way cooler than that. He was able to do all kinds of stuff. The real Jesus, Yahshua, which wouldn’t have been his name because there was no j’s in the aramaic language. So I’m going to check out that one. You said, bro, identity and identity has that same dude in it that is in.

I like that dude. He’s in Euphoria. John Cusick, he’s in Euphoria. Which is so much corona programming, it’s nuts. Watch Euphoria. It’s a series where they talk about doing crisis actor staged events. There’s this outbreak of a pandemic that guess how it gets spread. By a bat. By a freaking bat. But it’s in Peru, I think, instead of China. It’s called Europa. Not euphoria. I said euphoria. Or.

No, wait, not Europa. Hold on, guys, I’m tripping. Utopia. Let me make sure. Utopia. I think it’s Utopia. What I say at first, yeah, it’s Utopia. Amazon Prime’s utopia. If you haven’t seen that and you want to know what’s going on right now, watch Utopia. First of all, I promise you, you will binge watch it. It’s so good. And the symbolism is, follow the white rabbit. We all know what that leads to.

And guess what they do in the series utopia? They steal children. They steal children. Take them to this place where they train them to be pretty much killers. They shatter their consciousness just like they do these real kids. Like Stephen King’s book, the institute that he wrote, where they steal these kids that are kind of special, they might have special ability or something. And then they’re trained up for specific things.

Like Toby in Utopia, he goes around killing everybody, but then he finds know they’re using him and he ends up becoming good by the end. And then Jessica, she was, man, it’s all about trauma based mind control, splitting alter egos where they do that, trauma based tight mind control to split them into multiple altars. You know what I’m saying? It’s crazy. That’s a real good one, guys. They even show blatantly how they do go on social media and will set you up, making you be, like, a shooter.

They’ll set you up and do a false flag event and totally pin it on some fall person. Like, they show all that in utopia. It’s really crazy. I did do songbird back in the day, KGJ, but I got to redo it because that old website got taken down a long time ago. Oh, yeah. You know, I’ve watched Donnie Darko, bro. That one’s old, but it was good. It’s a good one.

Oh, no, there’s codes in the old flicks. 1000%. There are? Yeah, they’re in everything, bro. And some of them are organic because like I said, we live in a simulation. So there’s a lot of organic synchronicity going on in these movies. But then these creators, they understand the true nature of reality, the directors and stuff. So they’re all in the secret societies, so they know how to bend and manipulate reality to their will.

They’re doing ancient alchemy, casting spells on the unknown with these cinemagicians, right? They’re literally casting spells. They know how to hack this frequency through. Like, they can literally change the consciousness of the masses through a movie. That’s crazy when you think about it. But think about how many movies affected your life like that that actually had a physical effect on you. I can name a ton of them.

Growing up, when I was a kid, boys in the hood. Oh, my God. You know how many kids probably went to prison watching boys in the hood and wanted to mimic and imitate what they seen on there? Or how many kids listened to rap and wanted to mimic, imitate one of these rappers. They know what they’re doing. That’s a form of alchemy. So it’s a way you can manipulate a whole generation and push them in whatever direction you want them to.

I mean, look at society now. They’re all wearing leotards and purses and shit. 20 years ago, I’m from 1983, we wasn’t dressing like that. We were dressing pretty stupid too. We have baggy clothes. But this news, they kept dumbing down society and making the male. How do I say this without getting trouble? Making the male less? Because the male is the protector, right? So when you’re attacking a whole group of people, you’re at war with them.

What do you do? You get the male out of the home. You get him out of the family structure. You get the protector away. Now you get the female face down, ass up on Twitter, twerking and shit, and you just break up the nuclear family and destroy it, it’s very scientific how they do that. But you feminize the male and you take the female to where she doesn’t really have no respect for herself no more.

It’s cool now to be, I don’t want to call females out of their name, but you know what I mean. Guys where they are, like, they sleep with anyone, face down, ass up on Twitter, twerking. You’ll see the little baby in the background. They just push them down. Keep twerking. Hey, hit me up on my only fans page, you know what I’m saying? That’s where society has been manipulated and shifted that way.

20 years ago, it wasn’t like that at all. You go back 30 years, if we would have described how reality is now, 30 years ago, they would have thought we were crazy. They’d have been like, there’s no way in 30 years that’s what’s going to be happening. But it is. Think about this. Imagine going back to the telling our grandparents the way it would be in 2024. They would have never believed us and they knew they couldn’t do it to our grandparents.

That generation couldn’t be manipulated like that. It wasn’t ready. It wasn’t primed enough to manipulate and bend reality the way they did. So they had to keep priming it. It’s all magic. It’s all part of magic to get it to the point where it’s ready to now be manipulated. And I mean, look at the way it’s going. Tell me. Yeah, I decoded society, Travis. It’s on my channel.

If you go look through my videos, brother, I decoded society, me and paranoid. But yeah, it’s crazy out here, guys, but I love you all. I’m going to go watch a movie now. And don’t forget, January 29 at 05:00 p. m. Eastern Standard Time. I’ll be on with Bdell. The first half hour to 45 minutes is going to be just me and Bdell. Then I’m going to bring on special guests after that.

So I’ll bring on. I think Jay might be coming on. I know paranoid is going to come on donuts going to come on. So I’ll bring people on after. But we’re going to do like the first 45 minutes with me and him so I can really get all that information out about inky and then Lil and Anu. And then we’ll bring everybody on and allow them to ask Bidell questions and stuff about it, too.

So go check out Bdell, guys, before I go, I do want to plug him real quick, and then I’m going to get off. Here, let me show you who he is. If you don’t know, his content is so phenomenal. He was already subscribed to you, Jay. When I told him about you, he went over and looked. He’s like, oh, I’m already subscribed to him. Which I figured he was when I seen his one video about the blue Star cuccine.

That’s what I want to hear. You two talk about some plasma type stuff. Look, a little donut on paranoid american. You guys go watch that, too. My boy, Robert Cypher, he just dropped a new one. That’s my dude. He’s got some really good videos, too. There’s little Jay right there. Damn, Jay. That’s a tight ass thumbnail, dude. Middle to modern age. Damn, you got some good views on that.

Been, dude. They’ve been shadow banning you, though. I’ve been noticing that I showed Bdel your channel. He said that, too. He’s like, man, for how many followers he got, he should have way more. But they love to shadow ban people. And Jay, dude, watch the new he man. It’s on Netflix, brother. It is all about the plasma apocalypse, like me and you got to decode he man. Bro, I never knew that was about the plasma apocalypse.

It’s so crazy. Blew my mind when I watched it. Oh, here’s be Dell. He’s got some phenomenal stuff, y’all. And he’s so humble and just cool as hell. This one’s really good. Very intelligent dude, too. You can click on his videos. Then he’s got the lives. Only two he did with Chosen King, or I said chosen king, phase one, which, remember, I interviewed phase one, and then they took the video down on my other channel.

So what I’m doing, I just downloaded it. I’m going to edit out this one clip that got us in trouble, and the rest of it, I’ll be able to put back up, and I’ll re put that up in a day or two. So you can watch the exclusive interview I did with phase one that you can’t find it nowhere now because it’s been taken down everywhere. But it was really good, man.

He just dropped another song, too. That was pretty fire. He’s got this one called source that is just phenomenal. But, yeah, here’s all the stuff he did. Oh, this one. Blue and red Star Kuccini. Yo, Bdell’s room is fire, too. I like his room. That shit’s tight. This one’s good, guys. Right here. Israel and Palestine. Anunnaki war. The new world order. That one is so good. Chosen ones versus npcs.

That might be one you want to watch. You know what I’m saying? He did phenomenal on that one too. I watch all of his videos just like I watch all jays. Certain people, I’ll watch all their stuff. Other people, they might be my friend or something, but I don’t know. Some of their stuff don’t interest me. His type of stuff is what I’m interested in. I like that type of stuff.

Black Adam, the Anunnaki, the superpowers. All that shit is what into. It’s cool. Reptilians. He’s got a lot of good ones, man. I just watched this one. Esoteric book list part two. That was really good. He’s got a bunch of them, man. You guys go over here and binge watch some stuff. See if donut put anything out. Something wicked planned for one two eight. Donuts view on one two eight.

Let’s see what he said. Let’s see if he figured out it’s the challenger’s anniversary. That one was pretty good. He did with Juan. Shout out to little Juan. Iola, what else do we got over here? Oh, you guys want to see who I like for real? But she is a little different. But who cares? I like different people. This is my homegirl right here, Gina. She’s a little crazy.

She dances and shit in her videos, but I watch her at the end of the night when I’m bored. She just makes me laugh. So I’ll be over there. Her chats go live. That’s the only reason I really go over to her, because of her chat. And she just covers stuff she sees in the sky and all kinds of different stuff. But she’s funny, man. I love her aura and her vibe.

She’s such a sweetheart. With that being said, I’m out of here. You all. I love you all. Thank you guys for chilling with me. I can’t believe that many of you stayed in here this long. That’s crazy. But I appreciate it. All links are down in the description. And remember, guys, we just got a whole bunch of new stuff over on truthfultv. com on our store. That link is also down in the description.

Before I go real quick, check out the shop. We got necklaces, bracelets that block all this black magic psychic attacks that you’re getting. I got the EMF protecting hats in that blocks the 5G directed energy weapons. We got them in male, female, all the different things. Right? Free shipping included. Boom. Use promo code. Sales, 17. Get extra 17% off. And organite necklaces. Organite generators. This one’s in the Bible.

This stone, the blue one, I just sent a bunch. I can never pronounce it, but that one right there is in the Bible. I got a new one of them coming out too. That’ll be up there. I like these ones. These are my new stones I’m into right now. The Caribbean. This shit is fire, ain’t it? I want to get a necklace like this. That’s what I want really bad.

I haven’t found none yet. I just think it’s a pretty stone. Then I got these ones. This is the one that Mandy girl lied and tried to say she ordered, a matter of fact, which I would have sent her one of these for free. You know what I’m saying? Ain’t that big of a deal. I would have sent her one really good joint to put on your necklace and block some of this negative energy that we’re getting bombarded with.

Remember, all the natural stuff was put in this reality for us. That really protects us. When they used to go into the ark of the covenant back in the day, they had all them stones on their chest, the creation stones. That’s because it blocks radiation, just like how this works. And remember, guys, we had them for $26. I still do, but this one I got a better deal on.

So $14 with shipping included. And it comes in all these different colors. Just a small little one that goes on your desk. It blocks all that negative energy you’re getting hit with, with the 5G microwaves. So it’s good to put right by your bed or on your computer or next to your wifi router. This one actually blocks microwaves really good too, believe it or not. Smoky quartz, I’ve done a lot of research on this one.

You wouldn’t think that like quartz. Like what? But it does. It’s really powerful when it comes to blocking EMF, so pretty cool. All that’s over here. And if you hit load more, you should probably see the other ones we got. Oh, shit, I forgot to add the mother three. And I got three new things I got to add, so I’ll add them later. With that being said, we’re out.

And that link is in the description that’s over on truthfultv. com. Because remember, we got truth mafia, where I do my blogs. This is where you can get your membership over here. Become a made member. That link is down in the description too. $8. 88 a month. Get access to our members only group. You only see this stuff if you’re a member. You won’t see it if you’re not a member.

Members only got one post up there. Oh, no. That’s all these videos you’ll be able to watch. There’s the one two eight event we did a while back, Friday the 13th. And then there’s videos. There’s a difference between lives and videos. Damn, this was a good one. This is right after Maui happened. Me and Donut predicted a lot of shit in this video. A lot. This was a good one, too.

It’s usually me and donut in the made members ones, but pretty soon we’ll have me and Jay in a couple. Me and Paranoid will be in a few because me and Jay are going to be doing some stuff with the arcade, where you’ll be going to jdreamers. com. We’ll be airing it on both our websites and doing our own podcast. That way we can just talk about whatever.

And we don’t got to be censored either, which, Jay, you’ve seen the new thing on streamyard, bro. They got a new option now. I don’t really understand it, but it’s connected to spaces. And spaces is like your app that you can set up. If you have a Wix website, you can have a spaces app so people could download your website to their phone. And it’s kind like a Facebook app or a Facebook app.

You know what I mean? Right on their phone. It’s kind of cool. So I guess they’re doing something with that. I’m out. Love y’all. .


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