Predictive Programming Unveiled: CERNs Gates of Hell in Evil Season 4

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➡ In this episode of the Truth Mafia podcast, the host discusses the first episode of “Evil” Season 4, where the characters visit a particle accelerator. He draws connections between the show and real-life events at CERN, a real particle accelerator, and discusses theories about hidden codes and unseen entities. He also mentions a historical figure who allegedly created glasses that could see beyond the normal range of light. The host ends by recommending the show and offering personal decoding services.


Welcome to another episode of Truth Mafia podcast. This is your host Tommy Truthful from Today we’re going to be talking about the new season of evil season 4 episode 1 where they go to this particle accelerator. This is called fair use and is allowed for purposes of criticism, news reporting, teaching, and parody which doesn’t fringe of copyright under 17 USC 107. So it’s season 4 episode 1 and they’re at this particle accelerator. Well a CERN portal equals 41 in Chaldean Galmatria matching God particle. Switzerland where CERN is and Eye of CERN is also 41.

Season 4 episode 1 and you notice the main color codes in this episode is orange. Well orange is a warning in the occult. Orange equals 33 matching cast the spell. This is in pi and the pi cipher and at turn 33 in the episode guys that’s where the gates of hell are. Well a third of the angels followed Lucifer which is 33% and where did they take this forbidden technology like CERN right which is Stargate portal technology. Well they took it to Mount Herman on the 33rd parallel. So that 33 number is a huge number tied to the fallen angel technology right.

We also see it tied to false flag events in the Pythagorean cipher reduction. Now they hear screams coming up from this portal at turn 33 which it just opened up after they were doing some construction there and they concreted over it in the episode. Well why David’s looking at that and everyone else is looking at the particle accelerator Ben gets hit with the beam in his head and you’ve seen all them demons go through his mind there. There are things that exist all around us guys on a light spectrum that we cannot see and they’re releasing things that right now you can’t see with the physical eye but you will start to see it manifest here pretty soon with the physical eye.

People think oh a portal is gonna open in the sky. No there’s things happening all around us on the spiritual level from what they’re doing at CERN and then right here in evil season four episode one they are at that particle accelerator and they have this mock ritual. What’s crazy about this ritual that they’re doing this they’re saying it was a mock ritual right that it was all a hoax. Well this actually happened at CERN the particle accelerator the people were in the same robes they had a same victim the same victim in a white dress a virgin right here it went viral and then CERN came out and said oh it was all a hoax just like in this season evil art imitating life and I’m gonna tell you this guys use your brain how do you think people would get into CERN to be able to carry out an elaborate hoax like this it would never happen I believe what took place in that video was very real and they try to cover it up you’ll see he walks up in the black robe and he stabs her oh just like in evil they show you the truth what happens in evil and that girl they couldn’t find her they said well if it’s just a hoax we should be able to find her well no one could ever find her because they threw her in that hole now in the movie The Matrix there are several people who wake up from the system they learn to read the hidden code of green letters and numbers of the matrix this is not just a movie we too have this hidden code behind everything it’s called gomatria now let’s see if evil has any matching gomatria with CERN in the caldean cipher evil equals 15 matching CERN matching alien that’s what they’re releasing these entities interdimensional that they’re working with awake is 15 well CERN had the awake experiment remember and then element 15 is phosphorus which represents Lucifer the light bearer the atomic weight of element 15 is 30 well algorithm is 30 alien hybrid is 30 and so is boosters and through the boosters they get that nanotechnology in you that black goo that graphene oxide which allows these entities that they’re working with at CERN to use the human vessel as an avatar but check out all this stuff that exists around us what’s behind the story of these weird-looking blue goggles and this is a subject which has the least amount of search results on Google that I’ve ever seen for any other theory or conspiracy well in the early 1900s a guy named Walter Kilner who you can’t even find a picture of him on Google developed a sort of die from coal tarp so he took this caldean coated die treated glass plates and put Dysonian die that’s the thing from the coal tarp in the middle of this glass and the story goes that with these glasses you can see outside of the normal range of visible light all of a sudden your eyeballs can detect different wavelengths and frequencies of light and it’s said to have enabled the user to see people’s or us and you could see how strong or how weak someone’s aura is which is the electromagnetic field that we all emanate at least normal humans do but where this gets a little crazy it’s said that Walter Kilner when he wore these glasses in public not everyone had an aura not just a weak aura but no aura at all remember the movie they live when he puts on glasses they can he can see the aliens in the crowd that’s that normally without the glasses just looks like normal humans some say this movie was actually based on the events of Dysonian glass and then of course Walter’s place gets raided and all of his equipment confiscated and this gets totally buried and no one knows anything about it to this day so yes there are things that exist all around us that are just out of the color spectrum so we can’t see them but when you start to raise your vibration and frequency you begin to have eyes to see and you can start to see a lot more things that are going on around us that most people are unaware of now in that episode Ben after he got hit with the particle accelerator we seen that all these demons went through his mind well when he gets home he starts to hear voices and it’s this entity that you know describes itself to Ben as this gin so the gins are kind of like demons in the Islamic religion and Ben does this test where he can’t see the entity but he reaches out and touches it and it’s there so you know again things existing all around us that we can’t see CERN is releasing these type of entities and the more the veil begins to thin the more we’re gonna see these entities manifest herself here in the physical that’s the entity now in that episode the Boston dynamic robot dogs start attacking people at first they think they’re attacking just melanated people black people but then they find out it’s just Christians so that’s season 4 episode 1 of evil I highly recommend checking it out and if you like to get your own personal decode how I decoded the series we do that all via email you can get a personal decode by me Tommy truthful that link is in the bio on Instagram and in the description on all other platforms only for a limited time you’ll get the reading within a few days of your booking date because we have some openings right now usually it’s 10 to 14 days from the day of your booking date so I love y’all hit that like button share this video and book you a decode truthful out


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