Doenut and Paranoid American Live With Tommy Truthful

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➡ The text is a conversation about the show “Stranger Things” and its connection to the real-life Montauk Project. The speakers discuss how the character Eleven’s abilities are similar to the alleged psychic amplification of the Montauk Chair. They also mention the theory that the show’s monsters represent entities from another dimension, similar to claims made about the Montauk Project. The conversation also touches on the delayed release of the show’s next season.
➡ The text discusses a comic book series called “Time Samplers” that explores various conspiracy theories and secret projects, including the Montauk Project, which allegedly amplified telepathic abilities. The series also delves into psychological experiments like the daisy test and the Carney Landis experiment, which were designed to manipulate and break a person’s mentality. The text also mentions the use of special goggles that allowed soldiers to see entities not visible to the naked eye, leading to discussions about the existence of other dimensions and beings. The text ends with a personal account of a UFO sighting during an eclipse using military-grade goggles.
➡ The text discusses a UFO hunting tour in Sedona, Arizona, where people believe paranormal activities occur due to supposed portals. The conversation also touches on the existence of a crystal road and lithium hot springs in the area. The speakers speculate about potential major events happening in Arizona, possibly related to the state’s old structures and smart city developments. They also discuss theories about advanced humanoid races from inner Earth, underwater civilizations, and the concept of global resets.
➡ The speaker discusses various conspiracy theories, including the idea of government projects using people as ‘esoteric batteries’ to power a dark system. They also mention the significance of the number 128 in various events and suggest that a man they refer to as a ‘moon child’ is part of a government project. They also discuss the concept of quantum computing and its potential to surpass the speed of light, mentioning a new quantum chip called Willow. The speaker believes that this technology is connected to entities known as ‘archons’ that feed off human energy.
➡ The discussion revolves around the potential impact of quantum computers on cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. Quantum computers, like the newly announced Willow, are incredibly powerful and can solve complex problems much faster than traditional computers. This could potentially allow them to break into secure systems, including Bitcoin, causing concern among leaders in the tech industry. The conversation also touches on the spiritual symbolism of the sycamore tree, the origins of aspirin from the willow tree, and the advancements in AI technology.
➡ The text discusses the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on society, including how it can trick people into believing false information. It also talks about a mysterious “smiley face assassin” and the symbolism of the number three in various contexts. The conversation also touches on the influence of large corporations like Amazon and McDonald’s on the food supply. Lastly, it mentions the importance of numerology in understanding these topics.
➡ The text is about a live stream where the hosts discuss various topics, including a comic called “Illuminati”, a social media group called “Truthful Social”, and a website called “Truthful TV”. They also mention a decoding service for names and encourage viewers to subscribe to their channels. The hosts express gratitude for their audience and share some personal anecdotes, including one about a cat on medication.


Programming and all the conditioning can truly start. So here. I see that Tommy’s in here. I’m going to bring Tommy in. I’ll keep talking about this Time Samplers Issue three a little bit later. It’s a nice content that I don’t think anyone else has seen unless you bought the comic and which is available, by the way. You can add time samplers 3 to your order when you’re checking out with the Illuminati comic. Let’s get Tommy in here, though. Are you there? Yo, yo, yo. Hey, man. Welcome aboard. What’s up, guys? How y’all doing? Good. Don’t go nuts.

Feeding his cat drugs right now. So it’s just me and you for a second. Oh, is he? That’s what’s up. So his cat. His cat was peeing all over him the other day, so now he’s on drugs to stop that. Oh, let me. Let me. Sorry about that. Turn that off. My apologies. DM phone so needs no introduction. This is Tommy Truthful, the. The leader of the Truth Mafia. He’s the one that ended up connecting me to so many other people that I’ve done shows with now. Ani Asaru, J Dreamers. The list is truly endless. And we also have a really dope series that we’ve been doing together for over the last year, I think, called Conspiracy Cinema.

And that’s one of these sticker sheets. We’ll be doing a giveaway in a little bit here of a Conspiracy Cinema sticker sheet. It’s got Bigfoot acting as Jack from the Shining and Edward Scissorhands and the Obey Alien and all kinds of cool stuff. I like that. And I’m digging them glasses. I’m digging Slimer back there, spinning on the 360. I see him. Okay. Slimer. But, yeah, Conspiracy Cinema, you know, I’ve always had a lot of fun doing that with you. I’m, you know, I’m really excited about Stranger Things 5 coming out. Have you ever heard. Have you heard anything lately on when it’s gonna release? I.

I just heard 2025. I don’t know if that’s been shifting around or not. I. I intentionally. The shows that I really like, I intentionally remain ignorant about them. So when they come out, I don’t know a whole lot going in and I can just sort of be impressed by everything as a surprise. Yeah. I’m so excited about the Stranger Things one, bro. I can’t wait for it to come out. But, you know, they keep lying to us. They tell us 2020, it was supposed to come out 20, 24, wasn’t it? Yeah. I mean, who knows anymore? There’s so many shows that I fell in love with, and then they’ll go on like a two or three year hiatus and then come back.

And it is. It’s a little bit weird because Stranger Things, it’s all about kids. Right? But you can’t skip like two or three years and have the kids come back like they’re adults at that point. I know, right? And Stranger Things, a lot of people don’t know this, but it was based on, like, real life events with the Montauk Project. They were actually going to call the show, if I’m not mistaken, Montauk, weren’t they? Yeah, they were. They were going to name it after the actual Montauk Project, which was a book series by Preston Nichols. And I can’t remember everyone else’s name in it, but he was the one that claimed that he had invented this Delta T antenna and that if you put someone in what they called the Montauk Chair, which was somewhere in Camp Hero, this is at the.

The eastern tip of Long Island, Camp Hero, that when you go there, you would sit in this chair and if you already had some sort of telepathic ability, the chair would sort of amplify, it would add, you know, electricity to whatever you were doing telepathically. And just like 1000 exit. And this is represented in the show as 11. 11 basically straps into this chair and they put a helmet on her and stuff, and she does this remote viewing, trying to find, I think at one point early in the show, it’s like a Russian general of some kind, and she sees this Russian general and she can kind of identify what he’s wearing and maybe where he’s at.

But as she’s doing that, something notices her, like there’s some sort of evil entity. And that essentially is the Gorgon. Right? Isn’t that what they. They call it in the show? The Demigorgon? The Demigorgon. The Demigorgon, Steve. And Demigorgon was leveraged from a Dungeons and Dragons sort of vernacular, but that’s the analogy they give, is that as she’s in this astral plane and spying on our Cold War opponents, this Demogorgon sees her. And now because the Demigorgon notices that a human is breaking through this. This like, membrane between reality, it comes into our reality. And this is all.

This is all 100% based on the Montauk Project book series, where they claim exactly this happened, that someone sat in the, in the Montauk Chair, they pumped up the Delta T antenna and it literally created a rift in space time. They invited this huge monster to come in that destroyed like all neighborhoods. This is also linked to the Philadelphia Project, I think, where there was claim that people got fused into the side of a boat because the boat sort of like transitioned through time. This was also one of the things that the Montauk Project thought to explain.

They said that the reason people got fused into this boat is because it literally like, like dematerialized it and rematerialized it in the future. And it had shifted just inches and that was what accounted for people getting stuck inside of it. Yeah, the Philadelphia Experiment. And they said. So that’s when these entities came in that they called the others or the walk ins. And they were. This is the theory on it anyways, that them entities are what are possessing people. Like when we see shape shifting, you know, when people think someone’s a reptilian or something, they’re really possessed by one of these entities.

And these entities are from, you know, if we live in a multiverse, they’re from a world like ours that’s already came to its end. So they’re trying to experience the life, life again and get back into that life wave. You, have you ever heard of this theory? No, I haven’t heard of life wave before. Yeah, yeah, Gigi Young talks about it. She believes they’re from the Mars timeline. I’m not really into Mars, but if it, if you were looking at it as another dimension or another reality in the multiverse, I could get into that. But a planet that I shoot in a rocket too.

I don’t know about that one, you know, but the Montauk chair, yeah, bro, they said that Montauk monster got around. It was like running around inside there until. And they brought it out. So a lot of that show, yeah, it’s based on. It seems to be some real life events. And, And Montauk. That’s Montauk, New York, which I grew up not far from there. Paranoid American. Yeah, my. I. My grandparents were on. In Long Island, I think somewhere in the center of the island. So we had been to Montauk a few times. I, I mean, this was way before I knew what the hell any of this was going on.

I was like 6 or 7 years old. But yeah, I mean, like, I grew up in that same area. Yeah. Yo, what up, Tommy Trufall? What up, Donut? How you doing? Paranoid Donut. That’s what I call you now. You guys been doing so many damn shows together, you two are starting to look like him. Starting to look like him, bro. It’s like you’re twin now. Yeah, look at that beard. I mean, he. We was over here talking about the Montauk Project, the Philadelphia Experiment, you know, because I seen you. You titled your thing Strange or something.

And I use the Stranger Thing thumbnail. So just one of my favorite shows. And they’re supposed to be coming out with season five. And you know, me and Paranoid American did a couple episodes on it. We were supposed to do a whole series on it. But what do you think about the whole Montauk Project? And did you know, Donut, that that was based on the show Stranger Things? I didn’t. I. I did not know that. I love Stranger Things, as you know. And we also got Mommy Asaru at the Spiritual Shade Room joining us. Total Truth Mafia.

What up, what up, what up, what up, what up, Bonnie? What’s up, brother? Heavy hitters right now. We got the MVPs in the house. Know an’s got some stuff on Stranger Things. Anie, did you know about. You knew Stranger Things was connected to the Montauk Project? AB and they were gonna originally actually Donut name Stranger Things Montauk instead of Stranger Things. Yeah, the eleven character, how she was able to remote view and look into other realities and stuff. Like Paranoid America was explaining before you came on, they had this thing called the Montauk Chair. And if you were psychic or had telekinesis, whatever you sat in this chair, it would amplify it.

It was sending some frequency through probably some type of electromagnetism. Who knows what the hell they were using, but it would amplify their abilities. And this entity seen this person, remote viewing, spying on Russia, and that’s when it came into our reality. And, you know, there’s all these stories about it that it. It got out and ran around the building and you know, what book was that from? Paranoid. It was called. It was called the. The Project Montauk. It was actually. That was the name of the series too. And this is. This is from issue 4 of Time Samplers that was based on this.

So here is Camp Hero. You can see by this iconic radar tower in the background. This is the main milestone of Camp Hero. And then once they get inside of Camp Hero, I also have a depiction of this Montauk chair so that you would sit inside of this Montauk chair. And then if you had existing telepathic abilities like this character does in the bottom, it would just amplify those abilities and then you can project yourself into. In my case, she goes into like this Akashic Records, which is like this huge astral library that gets all this sort of arcane information from.

But in the actual book of Montauk Project, this is what we were talking about like tr Traversing like interdimensional barriers and inviting these. These sort of monsters from different realms into our world. Yeah. I didn’t know you had a freaking comic on that, bro. What’s that comic book called? Yeah, this is. This is Time Samplers, issue four. It’s a. Sorry, so far it’s a five issue series. This one is called Blowing out the Candle. I haven’t read that one yet. You sent me that though, but I haven’t looked at that one. I have that behind me.

I didn’t know that was in there. I gotta check. Yeah, it’s all. It’s about Nikola Tesla, it’s about Project Monarch, it’s about Project Montauk. This one right here is actually talks about the daisy program. This is also from Fritz Spring Meyer’s book. And he talks about the daisy test was a way that they would line up these Monarch children that were in line to be programmed. And what he would do is as like a little kid. I don’t know if you ever did this where like you would pick a flower and it was like, he loves me, he loves me not.

Or it be like, I’m going to get, you know, a new dog, or I’m not going to get a new dog, or I’m going to get a new dog. And by doing this called the daisy test, if a. The person holding the flower, if it ended on he loves me not, you would be basically like Xnade. You’d exit stage left early. And what this did is it mentally told all of these programming sort of subjects was that your life or death is completely arbitrary. That there’s nothing you can do. No merit, there’s no excuse, there’s no special skill you can show off that’ll save you that really.

It’s just about whether or not the last petal that gets pulled in this flower you’re holding. And that determines whether you live or die. And this is another thing that would just break somebody’s mentality because it’s hard to rationalize that it’s completely arbitrary. Right. That yeah, it would shatter them into programmable altars. Just like you would hear stories about them letting that these kids raise a pet. And then, you know, like how Donut loves Chan and then making them take the animal out or something like that. You know, a lot of the Russian were doing this.

The Russians were doing stuff like this, or maybe they had a best friend in the program, and these are just stories I’ve heard, but they would have their, you know, have to take out their friend and just crazy stuff, man. But it does. It splits that. It splits their. Their mind into a bunch of programmable alters. There’s also something really wild. I don’t even know if I want to bring it out. It’s called the Carney Landis experiment. And the Carney Landis experiment did something very similar where they. They would introduce a kid to, like, a little mouse or something, and they would let it bond a little bit, but then they would tell the person to exterminate this little mouse that they had just bonded with.

And if they don’t do it, then the researcher would come and do it for them. And the whole point of the. The Carney Landis experiment was to record their facial expressions to see exactly how their body changed when a. When they were asked to do something they didn’t want to do and then when they saw it happen anyways. And they use this to then judge if someone else. If you can just see someone’s facial patterns or this concept of reading micro expressions and determining someone’s emotional state. A lot of this was based in this Carny Landis experiment.

Well, that’s what the Oculus is. That’s what the Ready Player one is doing. It’s reading your eyeball movements of different scenarios. So you get the free VR goggles that comes with the free games of Jurassic park that scares you. So it’s absolutely like studying you and even the phones and whatnot as well. So I never heard about this Carny Landis exper. It’s really, really wild. It’s crazy what they did. I mean, it was just like they would just bring kids in and be like, hey, make friends with this mouse. Okay, now kill it. And just record the facial expressions.

That was the entire experiment. That is so crazy. I gotta say that. We got almost at 2,000 people watching right now. And I know it’s because Tommy and Anie are here. The Truth Mafia podcast up in here. That’s why it’s crashing record numbers right now. So I like to remind everybody when we pass a thousand, two thousand, three thousand to smash the like button. Share this video out and make sure to go subscribe to Tommy Truthful’s YouTube and an Asaru’s YouTube. Very grateful for all three of you here. I love all three of you. And we.

And we love you too, brother. One more thing bring up real quick. Did you guys ever hear. Actually Rhonda brought it up in the comments. Shout out to Rhonda for reminding me. Have you guys ever heard of the goggles that they did a test on the night vision goggles that they ended up seeing demons in? Oh use the red spectrum. But I believe it. I’ve seen with the night vision goggles. I’ve seen different UFOs going through different portals. You can pull it up donut the dinosin goggles. Yeah, yeah, Donnie, you know about it, brother. Yeah, yeah, I seen.

You can see people auras and stuff through it. Yeah. So they stay experimented with it in Vietnam and it was a certain spectrum that when they were looking out of the helicopters and stuff in Vietnam, they allegedly were seeing like freaking demons because you know, a lot of people are dying around there. So they’re seeing all these entities flying around and down on the ground they’re like, what the hell is going on? The people are shooting at stuff that wasn’t there in real life. But they could see them through this, these version of goggles. Pretty interesting, you know that I, I believe there’s something going on around us and we just can’t see it with, with our light spectrum.

But you know, maybe through this. But anyways, they took that specific type of goggle, they don’t use it no more. I was just looking this up and one of the reasons it says they don’t use the goggles anymore is because they were giving them to pilots. But the pilots kept seeing demons and were shooting at the demons and ended up causing them to like get into the crossfire. So it actually became a potential safety issue. Like they didn’t want the soldiers to see the demons because all sorts of other accidents would happen. And that’s one of the reasons they took them back away.

Well, plus they probably don’t want us seeing that either, knowing any of this is around us. You know what I mean? But yeah, I mean that would be a big problem. Paranoid if you’re at war and your pilot is seeing freaking a dragon or a demon in front of them shooting at it. You know, I was in Sedona and I went on a UFO hunting tour where you go and they give you the military grade green goggles. You look up in the sky and I did it around an eclipse or some sort of large astrological event and you could see mother ships.

These weren’t satellites. I Don’t know what the heck they were. I’m just using UFO terminology that you could see them enter this. Like, they call it an intergalactic highway, where it would appear, right. And then it would disappear. But these were the size of. Them were the size of stars. So, like, they would be the size of a planet. You know what I mean? And so, I mean, with these military goggles, I was able to see that. Wow. That’s pretty cool, man. And that was during an eclipse. You said it was during an eclipse in Sedona.

Anybody can go on it. I’m not, like, making this, like, up like it was some weird thing. It’s like you go on the UFO hunting tour in Sedona, they give you the goggles, you look up, you see it. That’s pretty cool. In Sedona, is. Is they. They talk about Sedona being like a area where a lot of paranormal stuff happens, and they believe that there’s portals out there. The ancients, the Native Americans, used to talk about it. That’s. That’s not around the Four Corners area, is it? No, but it looks like that sort of. I lived here for two years, so I know a lot about it.

It’s, I believe, on the same leyline as Kauai. Oh, as well. Yeah. Is that where the Crystal Road is? Is it in Sedona or another place in Arizona? You know, I’m not sure what is the Crystal Road? I could Google it, too, and see where it’s at. It’s like a road of. It’s like a full road of crystals somewhere near that area. Looks like it might be near Sedona, but it looks like a Grand Canyon. Canyon ish era area that people go to. And there’s a bunch of crystals on the ground when you walk. Oh, nice.

Like quartz crystals. I’m not sure which type of crystals. I’ve covered it about three or four years ago, years ago. I can’t remember what type of crystal it was, but it’s a bunch of them. Well, we got lithium hot springs out here, too. Like where the lithium goes right through the. The water, and then you go Jacuzzi in it. Don’t say that too loud, bro. You keep saying you got lithium out there. They’ll be sending a freaking hurricane your way right there. I think. I think they’re going to be sending a fire out this way because the astrological alignments.

One of the astrologers that I’ve listened to said her name’s Fiona Edgar. She said that around January 2nd, which is 201 backwards. I’m not sure if she said of like fire stuff but she said looking for like some sort something to happen around that time. And then Jacob Israel was just on talking about fire. So I’m in Arizona and we got Paradise Valley. So I’m looking out for Arizona. I mean we do got all that, that good stuff like that. Well, well, me and you’ve been talking about this for a while offline donut that we think something might happen out in Arizona, you know, a major event.

So I think so because. No, I agree with you. Just because I live in a smart city with the self driving autonomous vehicles and like 15 minutes I can get anywhere. I don’t have to talk to anybody. I just go in and self checkout at the Circle K. Like I already live in the, the smart city but there is old buildings, I live in a very old building and a lot of owners of these old buildings that I live in and a lot of people do it’s not functional with the smart grid. So I’m sure they would want to some sort of plus if, if, if it’s true what people discuss about these global resets and you know, tartarian, all that stuff.

I’m not saying it is, but if it is then it would make sense. They, they, the theory with that is they go in with these wars and you know, just bomb these places to oblivion. Like World War II, it bombed Europe and what they did to the Middle east to get rid of a lot of these old structures. And Arizona definitely has some more structures. So they would like the San Francisco earthquake that happened in the early 1900s. They believe that was really tied to that. And people are like well how could that happen? I believe we’ve had geoengineering type technology way before then.

You know, my personal opinion, this is just my theory guys. I can’t prove it, but I believe there’s some advanced humanoid race from inner Earth that has technology that we couldn’t even fathom, you know, and they’ve had it. We go through these global cataclysms and they could be the ones causing them too with some type of heart technology. But that’s just a theory. Well, when Jamie was on here we were kind of hinting at that same thing that it ties into John C. Lilly research about echo and solid state intelligence and these like underwater extraterrestrials that are actually in the ocean and not in outer space.

Oh yeah, I, I seen a video the other day about the real space is the ocean and that’s it was fascinating. Did you. So they, they have a concept too, bro. Like they’re building these domes underwater. Paranoid American. Super, super deep. You would have to take some type of submarine down there, but they’re completely enclosed. And I think someone made the original video with AI to tell you the truth. But it was really cool anyways. And it was a cool concept in theory. And the theory was that they would raise these people in these domes under the ocean and never tell them about, you know, up here.

So they would just think their whole world was inside of this dome. And I’m like, Brendan Fraser movie, wasn’t it called Blast from the Past, where they, they basically Fraser in a bomb shelter or Plato’s Cave. Imagine that though, dude. If they. And. And then my homeboy was like, well, maybe that’s what we’re in. Because he’s into, you know, the whole flat earth and the firmament. He’s in the waters above, waters below. He’s like, man, that sounds like what we’re in. I laugh. I’m like, yeah, it kind of does though. You know, maybe we are in something like that.

The Truman Show. Blast from the Past. Why do I feel like I seen that one? It’s a good, it’s legitimately a good movie. And that concert, talking about building these underground domes, that’s one of the last things that Howard Hughes had worked on. Howard Hughes was involved in this top secret military project. Can’t remember the name of top my head, but they were. They basically said that they had found a sunken German submarine and they were trying to figure out a way to like investigate it. And one of those ways, I’ll oversimplify this, was that they would build this dome around it so that they could sort of work on it in an isolated environment where the rest of like the currents wouldn’t affect them.

Now I think that was probably a cover for something else they were doing because the submarine also happened to sink at one of the lowest points on the ocean floor that they had access to. And if you wanted to drill into inner earth, that’s the way that you would basically do it. You would find a low point that’s already on the ocean floor and then drill from there. Instead of drilling from much higher and just having to go down, why not just take a submarine and get down there? So Howard Hughes seems directly linked to these same, these same claims of like deep sea exploration.

Yeah, it’s totally fast. Has anyone seen Sealab? What was it, 2021 or. Yeah, hell yeah. It was based on. Was an Adult Swim thing, right? It was on Adult Swim. And they’re talking about that they have these civilizations, these glass dome civilizations on the water. And basically they. They’re growing these kids that only see. Seen these underwater civilizations. They don’t know that on the surface or that that there even is a surface. And all they know is these. These dome cities underwater. And there was a lot of videos coming out about them cloning people and keeping them doing experiments on, you know, the.

The psychological aspect of the people that just live inside of the water dome. So Sea Lab was, is what came to mind. This is what. This was one of my favorite Adult Swim shows. I never even put that together, man, because sea level is just like a silly show. But I had. I never even considered the fact that it was more disclosure. Well, Ani, the. The video. The video I was talking about, like I said, somebody made it with AI that. But it was so well done, like the domes and stuff and the storyline. They were reading it.

I bet you they probably watch this, right? Sounds exactly like what you’re talking about, the way this video described it. But I usually think like this, brother, if they thought it up in a cartoon or a movie, they probably tried in real life, right? Me too. So what is everybody looking at, Tommy? Ani, a lot’s going down in the. In the news. And anyone who’s on this channel that doesn’t know any Asaru and Tommy truthful, they go deep into the occult research just like I do. And I mean the fines that they find are absolutely incredible.

What are some of the things that you are looking out for right now or what’s like on the forefront of your thoughts right now? Moon children. Oh, I think I need to do a book on them Moon children. And I believe the Lu Luigi character is. Is one of them. I don’t even know if this guy’s real. Somebody showed me article where they said in the. When they were talking about what they uncovered from the evidence, they said a 3D gun, a 3D printed gun and a 3D silencer. A 3D silencer? What does that mean? Somebody help me.

Help me understand that. Look like that’s AI. Yeah, yeah. Oh, look at that right there. AI Damn. Is AI. That’s what I think is. This guy’s a moon child. Yeah, this is a moon child right here. I don’t think. And what I mean is that he’s a government project. They got a lot of these projects out here and they use them. They’re out in. In civilization and they’re all all across the world. Not just a government project. They’re the, the world government projects. They, they use these people for esoteric batteries to, to empower the, the black.

The dark system that they have. The dark hole they have over our, our civilization right now. And I don’t even think this guy’s a real character. If he had 223 friends on Twitter, I believe that’s two, two, three. I’m like, how did. How do they always do this, man? Like, wow, it’s always a weird number. I think you pointed out Donut, the guy had what he lived at 128 something. 128. Yeah, Maverick shared that with me. He. At the 128 address. And I learned this 128 stuff from, from Tommy and I just like took it and ran because it’s.

It blew my mind that the, the towers collapsed at 10:28, which is 1:28. Then bridge collapse equals 128. And then at 1:28 in the morning a bridge collapsed. Or on January 28th a bridge collapsed on 128. Yeah. So this guy’s a moon child. And AI Tommy. Not Tommy Parent. Thomas. You got Tommy Anna Thomas showed that this guy was obsessed with AI. Yeah, he was. One of his last posts was an AI post. Like this guy, he looks crazy. Yeah. I think he’s an MKUltra project just like we were talking about. Cam Hero. He probably grew up in one because they said he went to Ivy League school.

He’s. He’s gonna inherit like this big real estate property. I think his grandfather owned like one of the first real estate monopolies in America. Forgot his name. I think they have the same middle name. Nicholas something. Nicholas, whatever his last name is. Look at, look up his grandfather. So he’s a trust fund baby. He’s a. He’s a big trust fund. So what is a trust. Yeah, I don’t trust these trust fund babies like they like Dan Bazarian is a trust fund baby. And I, I just, I don’t trust any of these. Right, Right. And I don’t even.

What is a trust fund baby doing assassinating someone? I. It doesn’t make no sense. And when it doesn’t make sense, it’s a ritual. More, More than likely it goes back into the books on the butterfly rituals or the, the moon child rituals with the butterfly rituals. MK Ultra. And I also noticed the theme of the Olympics was, was Assassin’s Creed. And he wore the, the hoodie. He wore the hoodie. Yeah. Just like In Assassin’s Creed. Right. What did you think, Tommy? About what, sir? The. The killer, the dude, this guy. Honestly, I haven’t looked into it too much.

Okay. It’s very. It’s an interesting story. Oh, I see the 128 there. I. I have been working on something with 128. I could show you in a minute. I got a screenshot of it. It has to do with Mount Hermon. And that’s where the 200 fallen angels allegedly descended to Mount Hermon on the 33rd parallel. And right now there’s a big story with Israel, you know, good winning Assyria in the fall of this regime. That happened on 12 8, which is the same day Leave the world, Leave the World behind came out that 128 that Donut was talking about.

Matthew Perry sacrificed. On October 28th, the tower collapsed. 1028, like Donut said, the bridge in Pittsburgh collapsed January 28th of 2022. Then we had the Challenger blow up on January 28th of 86. And this year, on January 28th of 2025, we entered the year of the Serpent, which I think will be a really big year. And I, I’ve been looking in. Yeah, that story there, I got a whole slide also. Not nobody, nobody really knows this, but the Israeli flag was created on 12 8. Oh wow. I never knew that. So check this out. That story released on one today.

Stay right there on that, that picture. Can you go up a little more? Just a tad more. Okay. Oh, why? To do that? Make it bigger. I’m trying to make it bigger. It’s cool. I can see it. Okay, so the story was December 8th, guys, which is a variation of one two eight, right? Mount Herman equals 156. Now 156 is the 911th prime number. And on 9 11, the tower collapsed at 10 28. So Mount Herman, 156 triple sixes is 156, 33. Where’s Mount Herman at? On the 33rd parallel. And you got a giant eight pointed star on Mount Hermon.

We see that eight pointed star with Pazuzu, the Mesopotamian demon God. It’s the star of Anu, the star of Ishtar. It ties into Nibiru and portals. And this is, you know, allegedly the port portal where the fallen angels descended and brought man this forbidden knowledge. So yeah, I found that story quite fascinating that this is happening and they’re saying it’s fulfilling some prophecy. Donut, with Isaiah. You know, I, I don’t know too much on that, but yeah, I wrote. And then the other, the other thing I was looking into besides that, brother, I’ve been really into quantum computing right now.

And did you guys. I mean, Paranoid’s probably heard about this. They just released this new quantum chip. Did you hear about Willow yet, Paranoid? You have to refresh me. No, I don’t think so. So this just released. They got this quantum chip. It’s a quantum processor known as Willow. And quantum computing has the potential to do much faster than classical computing because it leverages properties of matter that emerge at the smallest of scales, quantum bits or qubits. Right. It’s supposed to surpass the current limitation of the speed of light. So like right now, in any sort of circuit board or in your computer, no matter how fast it can get, it theoretically cannot go faster than the speed of light because that’s how fast the electrons travel.

But quantum computing is support is supposed to sidestep speed of light because it uses quantum entanglement, which is nearly instantaneous superposition and quantum entanglement. So you. Yeah, you took it out of my mouth. So they got this new chip, Willow, that I believe it was Microsoft just released this and bro, it’s. It’s crazy what this is going to do. This is just another step towards this quantum reality that they’re trying to create, right? And I believe it’s Google. Google. It’s Google. Google reveals Willow’s quantum computing chip. Look it up. Donut. Released December 10th and it released at 1:02pm Brother, that 102 number, which 102 is Art of War, it’s the reverse of 201, the, you know, Demonic Possession 201 event.

201. That’s a huge number in. In the truth seeking community. A big number about ani, you know, but yeah, this quantum computers, man, it’s doing stuff that we can’t even fathom. They can run these crazy simulations with them. And yeah, I’ve been really looking into that a lot because this thing. Willow, Willow, the numerology of Willow, just the word, right? In Chaldean, which is based on the ciphers one through eight. Guys, it goes all the way back to the Acadians. They didn’t use the number nine because they looked at it as a divine number. So it’s like not saying the name of God.

So it’s 1 through 8, which adds up to 36. And Willow equals 26, which is the number of what the archons. Archon is 26. And I’ve said this for a long time. I think this technology is tethered to these archons. And if you look into the Gnostic beliefs, these archons are these entities that created the material world and they kind of feed off of us. They feed off of our energy, the loose energy. And it kind of makes sense because they’re always keeping us in a state of fear, terror. Every other week we’re having food shortages or an asteroid’s gonna hit and you know, it never comes to pass.

But they love to keep us in that state. It seems like they’ve definitely learned how to harvest our life force or that loose energy with technology. So yeah, that’s what I’ve been looking into a lot right now. Quantum computing and quantum entanglement with superpositioning. I think it’s quite fascinating the, the developments they’ve made with it, brother. Well, as bitcoin hit an all time highs, the only thing that’s really going to disrupt that system is the quantum computing. And that doesn’t mean that quantum computing actually works. The word quantum, according to Ken Wheeler, it just means I don’t know what the heck this is.

So when someone says quantum, it’s like, I don’t know what I’m talking about. What is this thing? Quantum computer. So that guy’s wicked smart. He goes over the whole toroidal magnetism fields and whatnot. But listening to base camp, Malcolm and Simone, they were talking about cryptocurrency and bitcoin. Yeah. Where? How? I mean, it’s all time high. Sure, you got Tudor Tail and the Bilderberg staring committee. You know, that’s where it’s all heading towards is the second layer of the Internet with the blockchain technologies. But the thing that bitcoin and the bitcoin price is the quantum computers.

And that doesn’t even mean that the quantum computers need to actually work or be able to hack bitcoin. It could just be some of the top leaders, like a Peter Till is scared of quite quantum computer. So it’s interesting that you got this new Illuminati of that new money rising into power through Trump, bringing all these people up like Elon and Peter Till, you know. And what did you think, donut of the theory of Elon Musk dark Maga hat, meaning the black hats. Well, that’s what I was thinking. I was all like, is the Pope the white hat like? Because they always say the white hats.

And I’ll be like, what’s that? And I’m part, I’m part of the, the tiny hats. But what is the black hats? The bad ones they’re the hackers. They’re hackers. The term black hat is a, is a hacker. And they’re saying they’re able to basically get information, get access to information, any information that you want, secret information. So briefing that happened with that quantum thing you were talking about too, Donut, with the financial system and this, that quantum chip. And then, you know, willow equaling $26 equals 26. And I’m wondering, man, is it, is the quantum chips or the quantum computers tied to the quantum financial system? Is this going to be part of that whole digital currency? I mean, I, I don’t know.

I was just thinking. Yeah, and they’re able to take your crypto too. That’s what black hats are paid to do. They’re, they, they can hack the most sophisticated systems. Well, bro, them quantum chips, it can break any code, like any code out there. It says if you read that article, it’s smarter than any freaking computer. So let me just tell you what it says here. I don’t even know what the hell this means, but it says the company has announced a new quantum processor known as Willow, which it claims is capable of solving problems in five minutes.

That would take the fastest traditional computer 10, septillion years. That’s one followed by 25 zeros. So this thing, I mean, it can break into anything. Probably that’s why they fear it. With Bitcoin, like Donut was talking about, stuff like that. Right? Well, because, because one of the limitations, like one of the things that, that black hat hackers do, and the difference is black hat is typically someone that does something illegal, and white hat, they do the exact same things that black cats do. Except white hats are usually doing it for a corporation or for a government or like, like a legal reason.

But one of the parts that makes Bitcoin even work, and also cybersecurity in general, is that what you would call a brute force hack. A brute force hack just means that if I’m trying to guess your password, I just run a program that just starts with A and then it start, does a B and then abc. And it just does every single combination of uppercase, lowercase letters, special symbols, all that. And that the reason why that’s not feasible right now is because of that limitation of how fast our computers are now, because of how fast electrons move.

But if you can bypass that, that’s what Tommy’s talking about. There was another example that Google had a quantum computer, I think, called Sycamore in 2019, and they were able to essentially do this, I’LL oversimplify, but they basically were able to do a brute force hack that was originally estimated to take 10,000 years. So therefore it would be, like, secure. Like, oh, if it takes a supercomputer 10,000 years to break my password, then that means my password’s pretty good. The Google sycamore supercomputer broke it in 200 seconds. So we’re talking about something that would absolutely change the entire landscape of what we consider cyber security.

Yeah. And there’s. There’s also. With that sycamore, there’s a connection to the sycamore tree. You know that too, bro. What’s the connection there? It’s. There’s some spiritual connection. It’s been. Okay, so the sycamore tree is viewed as a bridge between the earthly realm and the divine realm. If you look into. Wow, I never knew that. Yeah, yeah, yeah, the sycamore tree. So it’s a very interesting. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know about it. I mean, so it’s very interesting that they used that name. You know what I’m saying? Right, right. That’s kind of fascinating. And it’s Kabbalah.

Anything pertaining to trees. Yes, it’s kabbalistic. Everything’s Kabbalistic. You know, in the Kabbalah is. Is showing you the world of emanations. And what is a digital realm. It’s an emanation of. This realm is a virtual realm. Yes, sir. It’s still. Kabbalah is still pertaining back to the cabal and what they’re doing. The gateway, the sycamore tree. There’s. There’s a lot that goes into that tree, though. But it’s. It’s quite fascinating. Yeah. I remember when I first read that article about that, that. That’s when I did a breakdown on it. That’s why I knew that about the sycamore tree.

That’s the only reason I had that in my brain. But the. The queen in the willow tree, I remember there might be something there. I know she’s connected to the oak tree, like all the different elite. Part willow tree. Well, that’s what they make aspirin from, right? The willow. Oh, I didn’t know that. Yeah, yeah. That’s where aspirin comes from. The willow. It’s a form of pain reliever. I bet there’s a bunch more that goes into it. And for all my people, because I’m streaming this to my people too. That’s watching. Make sure you guys get the comic book donut imperative.

Paranoid American drop. You know, Ain’t this your Guys’s last day for your book. Yeah. If you’re interested in grabbing the Illuminati comic. Last day, super success. I appreciate that, Tommy. We did just cross over the 49k mark. About to hit the 50. Let’s get it to the 50. Oh, my goodness. I want, I want that 50. Yeah, let’s get it there, guys. Let’s help them. You know, their pledge goal was 1776. And that’s because, you know, paranoid Americans and Illuminati member is that Chan growing fat from eating kitty treats. Well, every time someone does grab a comic, you get to feed Champ like kitty cat.

And look at Alex Jones. You guys got all these. This is hilarious. Oh, look at Bill Gates. He’s supporting it. Shout out to Bill with his. You know, I’m gonna leave that alone. Elvis Presley, who made this paranoid, obviously. Yeah, I just, I just conjured it. I didn’t make it. Conjured it up. Yeah, yeah, you, you’re doing amazing, bro. And you should look into. I think I told you this on the phone last night in. In video AI, you can do five minute videos now where the AI is creating the full video instead of sourcing a bunch of source videos together.

You know what I mean? Yeah, it’s getting crazy, man. There was one release recently called COG X Video that lets anyone run these, like on their own equipment at home, which is a fairly new thing most of the time. These didn’t work on commercial grade hardware, but also that they can just generate real time video. So we’re already there. We’re already at the point where someone can generate an entire movie in real time without having to pre render or anything. There’s. There’s obviously like some dead giveaways now that’s really the last. The last gap is to just smooth over any like, weird anatomical oddness that.

That spurs that uncanny valley look. Yeah, yeah, I get what. And dude, it’s generative AI. So I did one, I’m gonna send it to you later. And it’s. It. I was just playing around. I did a war between dragons and robots, bro. And you should see how good it came out. It’s like a cinematic film of this war between these dragons and robots. And it came out pretty freaking crazy. They had a prompt for it on Nvidia AI. So I was like, okay, let me try that one. Try that prompt. And I ran it through and yeah, it came out pretty, pretty nuts, bro.

But, but like you say you’ll see these weird anomalies, like the dragon’s mouth opens Funny or something, you know what I mean? But once they fix that. And bro, you know the. The AI they’re showing us, the government’s got. That’s 50 years ahead of that, I guarantee it. I mean, I can’t prove that, but I would. I would suggest so. I’ve noticed this a lot too, that people that have not used AI to generate images or video themselves or audio, they tend to fall for it a lot easier than someone that has. Like, if, like, me and you, it seems that, like.

And this isn’t like, like patting ourselves in the back or anything. This is just that once you’ve generated it, you’ll be like, oh, man, I wish that, you know, that eyeball didn’t look so wonky there. Or that was weird how that person’s, like, body shifted or like, a little detail on their shirt will change in a way that doesn’t make any sense. But you only really notice some of that stuff when you’re the one making it and you’re the one that’s getting annoyed because, like, oh, I want this to be perfect. But then what happens is you start seeing other people’s AI generations out in the wild not labeled as such.

And, like, we’ll see those dead giveaways. But for most people that have not actually experimented with on their own, they don’t see those weird anomalies. So they. It’s a lot easier to get tricked by all this AI stuff if you’re not actively doing it yourself, bro. And you’re. You’re not lying. You know, I’ve been seeing these stupid AI videos that are going crazy viral. Like, 300, 000 views, and people think they’re real. I’m like, this is obviously AI. Like, now you. All of a sudden, since AI’s out now, they’re discovering all these Nephilim giant bones. And I’m into that stuff, like building the pyramids and they’re like, lifting rocks and stuff.

Yeah. Oh, we found. We found these pyramids and Antarctica. And I even believe they have pyramids in Antarctica. But what I don’t believe is you got these perfect images of them now. Like, come on, man, you know what I mean? You can clearly see it’s AI, but so many people’s fallen for it, bro. It’s. It’s scary. It’s. It’s scary to see. Shout out to Jacob Israel too. I gotta get a hold of him. We were supposed to do a podcast. He actually called me, but. And when he messaged, he always messages me on freaking X and Then I’ll see it like three days later.

And I never get back to him in time. So, Donut, who is this guy that you got on the screen with this 1, 2, 8 address? This is the smiley face assassin. This is the smile. What’s he up to? He assassinated a top CEO during a meeting for the top shareholders in broad daylight. Like an American gangster right there at the dawn. And he left three bullets. If you look at the symbol of the healthcare logo, there’s three steps because everybody’s going through a third degree initiation. We can see this with the Jake Paul fight. Oh, they had the third degree right there.

It said C, which is the third letter and the degree symbol. And though those steps, that’s so important. But this guy, this is a signal to the world, but mostly a signal to the top people. And look, at the end of the day, we know who runs the world. It’s the. It’s not even put the words together quickly, but it’s the. It’s has something to do with farm. And that’s all I’ll say. But it’s all connected to this story line. Well, you know what’s funny? Donut. So they really called him the smiley face killer. He’s a smiley.

I mean, that’s hilarious, considering they just came out with that new film, part two of that freaking, freaking scary movie with this girl smiling on it, remember? So they kill people and they’re smiling at you. What was that called? Yeah, smile. Smile. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that. Man, I watched part two. That thing freaked me out. Well, and. And plus, when Jacob was on, he pointed out that the smile, the smiling assassin, was linked to this grimace lookalike McDonald’s contest, and that the assassin himself, he only got caught because he went to McDonald’s and bought a hash brown.

And one of the McDonald’s workers there noticed him. And McDonald’s also has a smile campaign where that was. Their entire campaign was just a word. Smile. So you can see how. And shout out to Jacob, man, he’s really like. He’s vibrating on such a high level right now. That dude’s seeing everything. You know, I. It’s been awesome to watch him grow since I first met him. And now he’s like, he’s into numerology too. He’s dropping numbers. And I always love to see people grow in their decoding. And he’s. He. He’s just doing a phenomenal job. So that’s cool that he.

He connected them dots there. Don’t. So Donut, you. You already knew about that. Movie smile then I. I know you did. Right, right. We just talked to Jamie Handshaw a little bit about it. I never watched it, but Jay Widener, I guess, who did the movie with Ryder Lee, said it was, like, very highly recommended. So all the, you know, top researchers are all recommending this. Look at the hands. What’s going on there? Yeah, that’s bizarre. The girl. So there’s a story that she has a drug problem and she goes to her dealer’s house and then he bugs out.

Dude. He comes out the freaking room and he must have got possessed by that thing. When he is in there, he’s seen something that scared out of him and he came out and just bashes his own face in with the weight, picks it up, and he’s smiling the whole time he’s doing it, dude. And I’m talking. He does it until you can see his freaking, you know, bones and stuff. I’m like, whoa. But honestly, after that, that’s where I turned it off. I’m like, okay, this is disturbing. I watched a comedy after that. Yeah, yeah. You know, I’m like, you, bro.

At the end of the night, we look into so much difficult stuff and hard topics. I want to laugh at the end of the night. I don’t want to see someone bash their freaking face then. You feel me? Well, the elections. The stage was a smiley face. Wow. Good catch. Yeah. So the whole smile stuff is. Something’s going on with that right now, huh? Yeah, yeah. I think it’s this Prime. I’ve already covered it, but I think that it’s. It’s all connected with McDonald’s prime, Berkshire halfway, for example, that. I mean, large holders of the. The McDonald’s shares.

Not. Forget McDonald’s. What is McDonald’s? It’s not a food restaurant. No. It’s a real estate company in Amazon Prime. What is Amazon Prime? Well, it’s. Who sells the food? They’re actually in the food business. Jeff Bezos purchase Whole Foods, for example. What’s going to happen is Whole Foods will be opening up next to all the bigger shops. So everyone who supported Amazon, Walmart and all these things and destroyed small businesses, now Amazon, Jeff Bezos, Berkshire halfway, Billy Bob, all these people, they’re going to be moving into, totally monopolize and move their Whole Foods in front of, like, the sprouts and other Albertson Smiths and all that, because this is to control the food supply.

It’s not profitable now. It probably is. I. All of them became super, super wealthy during the lockdowns. This Is all. All plan. And this assassination that went down is a signal coming from the the Berkshire halfways. Look into the insurance company haven and then you’ll see that three connections of the three bullets and the three steps. This is all symbolism to the elites. Well, that three gets into sex too. Sex, you know, everything. Sexualized sex. The three letter word which equals 48 and 4 plus 8 is 12. One plus two is three. It breaks down the.

The mother, the father, the child. There’s a whole connection there. I’ve been doing a presentation on sexual retention and how they program us from a young age to sexualize us. But. Smile, Ani. Sonia. How to roll out. So everybody, I’m gonna drop Ani’s link right now. Comment. Yeah, he. He had a role but he. Maybe he’ll come back. He had to take care of his son. Oh yeah, yeah. I was gonna tell him though. If you look at the numerology of smiles, it’s in English ordinal, which is the one donut likes. It’s 77 in 19. It’s.

It’s. It’s 19 in Chaldean, which is chaos, right? That’s the number of chaos. And on 911 there was 19 alleged hijackers. And we’re on a 19 year Metonic moon cycle. 19 is tied to AI. There’s a huge rollout of AI but 77 guys on 911 flight 77 hit the 77 foot tall Pentagon on the 77th meridian 77 minutes after takeoff. So yeah, smiles. That’s the numerology of it. So here gotta point out Donut, we just passed 50. No way. Get out of. Here we go guys. Good job. That’s incredible. Thank you so much everybody. And everybody please go subscribe to our good friend Anya Saru.

He was just on going to pin his YouTube channel right now in the comment section. Make sure to go overwhelm him with follows. You’re gonna be very happy that you did he be breaking down so much symbolism of the occult as well. Here, let me post it. I just posted his YouTube link and pinned it to the top. So make sure to go follow our friend Ani. Click that link. Go hit that subscribe button. You’re gonna love his research. His Patreon is wonderful too. You look this one right here, I’m in this video. So I’m in a lot of these videos as well.

That one next to it with the cross on, that’s a phenomenal video. And Ani’s like our secret weapon guys in the truth Mafia. We bring, bring him out. I mean, he’s on another level. Too bad he couldn’t stay longer because when you get him warmed up, he, he’s, he’s amazing. The knowledge he has, you know, he really, really does good. Yeah, yeah. You very creative as well. And he’s interviewed a lot of guests as well. So go subscribe to his channel. You’ll be happy you did. And thank you everybody. Did we pass? I want to see it live on the camera.

Go to 50. Damn. Oh my goodness. I gotta get. I gotta give the cat some medicine. Give the cat some food. This is incredible. Let me give the cat some. Let me give. Thank you everybody. That’s what’s up. Russian blue king stuck in his ways. My cat’s on drugs. Yeah, my cat’s on drugs. Paws moving slow, vision thick with the buzz. One pill, two pills. Now he’s up above cats and get it. Wow, that’s incredible. Look everybody, today is the last day to get your Illuminati comic. Time is running out. Make sure you go click that link down below.

Grab your copy of the Illuminati comic. Limited time only. Get the VHS block. Unlock the secrets of the Illuminati. Learn everything there is to know about it. And if you’ve already purchase the Illuminati and you want to upgrade, upgrade into the VIP box grade. Because we keep on hitting these stretch goals. These stretch goals keep getting unlocked. All the secrets getting unlocked. Crushing through it. Go join the Illuminati Yacht Club. The Illuminati Yacht Club is the most baller Illuminati club out there. So thank you so much. I mean, absolutely incredible. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Paranoid. Any updates on the comic? I mean, I don’t know, can we get three? Over a hundred people sign up in the last couple hours. I don’t know if you’re up to freestyling that many games. We’ll have to figure out a scalable way to start shouting all these names out. I’m gonna freestyle all the names, you know, gonna be freestyling all my people. Go sign up. Go get that. Go sign up. Go show some love and support, man. Thank you. Thank you. Appreciate that. Tommy, we doing these live stream. It’s the, the loud. We’ve been live streaming every day for I think like 40 days or something.

And this is 40 days and 40 nights. 40 days of 40 nights. Like Jesus. Today’s the last day to get your Illuminati comic. That’s dope. That’s. That’s incredible. That is Dope. That is tight, man. I’m proud of you guys. Congratulations on that. And after you get your Illuminati comment, guys, shoot over to truthful and get yourself a gematria decode and find out your role in this simulation, whether you’re an NPC or maybe a first player character. We do the decodes over there. And that’s on truthful that’s my personal website. Truth Mafia is where our boy Donut is.

Paranoid American Ania Soru be Dell. You know, we. We probably got the best team in the game. I don’t think there’s no one with the bigger lineup than us, right? We got the squad out there. You know, we do got. We roll deep and we. We just pop up with all sorts of knowledge. Show the truthful one real quick. It looks like I just revamped it too. It’s got a more subtle color now. It’s not black no more. It’s now kind of like a. I don’t know, I wouldn’t call it pink, but it’s kind of like a.

A beige. I was trying to go for the. The earth tone. It looks like I lost my stream on Facebook. My Facebook streams down. So anybody. I don’t know what this dude says we’re having trouble streaming on Facebook. They did that to me before Donut and it just would not go back up. And it was when I was doing a long one. I was on like a four hour stream. My YouTube one stayed going, but my Facebook one went off. Can you scroll down a little on that one real quick? Bam. Right there. You see that, guys? You just click on that and you’ll get your gematria decode.

And it’s all done via email. I break down your first, your last name. It’s pretty cool, you know, you find out because we all have a source code attached to us. So I’ve done donuts. Like me and Donut, we share sister cards. He’s the queen of clubs. I’m the 10 of diamonds. Diamonds is connected to the manifestation world. We break all that down for you. But yeah, that’s all. I just wanted to plug a little bit, you know. Nice. Yeah. What, what YouTube would you like us the link so I could pin down in the comment right now? Oh, the one my.

My one I’m on now. The Tommy Truthful TV. The one you have. I’m gonna pin Tommy Truthful’s YouTube channel. Make sure to go subscribe to his YouTube channel. Tommy Truthful TV. Yeah, that one. That’s okay. I got you. I got you. I’m gonna pin that. Everybody go subscribe to our friend Tommy Truffaut. Got that? Let me post. This is my homegirl, Pia. In the comments, shout out to Pia. I’ve talked to her. What’s up, Tommy? With the four day laws of power. I see that up in there. What’s. Yeah, it’s pretty. It’s pretty fascinating. It gets into strategies, political strategies and different strategies.

I recommend it for everyone. But even more than that, the book on eating right, I mean that’s more important. And then we got the grounding clogs. I’m gonna send you a pair of them donut because you know, we used to walk around barefoot and them keep you grounded. They’re made out of a special material. I’m wearing mine right now. So they have us wearing these big souls because them soul goals, they cut our. Our energy off from our biofield, our energy body which connects to the earth’s magnetic field to earth’s frequency. And it pulls all of our heavy toxins out and lets the energy flow freely.

So yeah, we got a bunch of different products on there. All my products are holistical. Another cool thing we got, brother, that you might not even have seen. If you go up to more and then go down to groups, I build a whole social media part. So we have our own social media. You see up on the, on the menu where it says more by the Gamatra account, it says Gamatra calculator. Then more up there, it’s in orange and green. Yeah, go down to groups at the bottom. Ba boom right there. And we got our whole social media group.

So truthful social, we got over almost 2000 people in there now. And you can share videos. You have your own little area. It’s just like Facebook. Like on Facebook you have your own page, you know, matrix, code breaker donut. But I wouldn’t scroll down that too much because we might see something that’ll get you in trouble because we don’t censor. So don’t scroll down it. I had a feeling. I had just. Yeah, I’m glad you didn’t. Yeah, it looks like paranoid now. The Instagram yours got disconnected from the stream. It’s probably because we crashed through. It happened at the eight hour.

We have a whole eight hour day streaming live. That’s what it is, I’m sure. Right. Well, Instagram actually does automatically disconnect after you do like a really long stream. So we got to keep adding it back on there. Okay. Yeah. That’s why everyone should be following this on Rumble or maybe secondarily on YouTube, but definitely be up on that Rumble. It’s still on my Facebook Donut. You said it went down on yours. Let me look. Let me see if. Well, we’ve been streaming for eight hours, so. Well, my. My rumble’s down, too. It’s wild doing these long streams.

It’s to see, like, how frequently all the different streams get taken down. Yeah, that’s weird. Donut. Yeah, it is down donuts then, too. Well, I mean, you still got it. It went down at exactly 8. And, you know, that’s synchronicity, guys, because guess what? We’re in the year of the 8. 20, 24. 2 plus, you know, added up, adds up to 8. So a little synchronicity for you there. But if. If we’re good now, brother. I just got done doing one with phase one, so I’m pretty beat. Yeah, yeah. No, we appreciate you. We’re gonna go to an intermission.

I got Tommy’s links all pinned up right now. Go subscribe to his YouTube channel. We are going to an intermission. Thank you so much, Tommy. I love you, bro. Thank you, guys. I love you, too. Thank you for having me on. Thanks for the plugs. Tall Donuts fans out there. Thank you, guys. I love y’all, and you guys have an amazing day. Thank you, Tommy. Appreciate you, man. Hey, thank you. Paranoid. Hit me up, brother. Peace. Peace.


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