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5G Danger


➡ Tommy Truthful discusses the Purple Sky Prophecy, linking it to Prince’s song ‘1999’ and suggesting it’s connected to biblical prophecies. He also mentions theories about purple lights being used for mind control through LED lights and nanotechnology. He ends by discussing scientific experiments where light-sensitive genes were inserted into rats’ neurons, suggesting this could be used for manipulation.


Welcome, guys. This is Tommy Truthful from Today we’re going to be talking about the Purple Sky Prophecy. These auroras were seen as far as Australia. Skies turning purple, and they’re saying it was due to this aurora borealis, due to solar storms. What I found out, though, is in Prince’s iconic song 1999, there is a lyric that mentions the sky being purple, and he says, was dreaming when I wrote this, forgive me if it goes astray, but when I woke up this morning, could have sworn it was Judgment Day. The sky was all purple.

There was people running everywhere. Trying to run from the destruction, you know I didn’t even care. My boy Matrix Codebreaker 88, he actually found that lyric. Shout out to him, and here’s some clips from the mainstream media, what they found with these purple skies. So it’s heavily tied to prophecy. As we see right there, even Prince mentioned it in his 1999 song, and guys, remember Prince was connected to the whole geoengineering thing. He was killed after he exposed chemtrails, which they said he died from a fentanyl overdose, and it’s kind of funny when you look at fentanyl in its raw form, it’s kind of a purplish color.

So there’s a lot of purple connection to Prince, but I believe they killed him for exposing the chemtrails. You guys remember that video, and there’s all this purple coating going on right now, which ties into biblical prophecy, and that’s what we’re gonna get into today, and it kind of reminds me of the purple streetlights. Now, remember the purple Nikes, and my boy Ani Asuro decoded this. Nike Purple Sky is 201, which remember Event 201, the pandemic simulation, and Black Hole Sun is 201. That’s the number of demonic possession. I think it even ties into CERN, and them opening up these interdimensional star gates, trying to open up the false Saturn matrix.

This video here was a couple years ago at the Grand Canyon, so this has been going on for a while, them opening up these interdimensional gateways, and you can see here the atmosphere is charged with this energy, because this ain’t something that just happens overnight, guys. These elites have been working on this for quite some time, and many biblical prophecies have already been fulfilled. We were warned to look up in the sky in the final days, and if you remember, back in 2017 when we had that great American eclipse, the Revelations 12 prophecy was fulfilled, and there appeared a great wonder in the heaven, a woman clothed with the sun and moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of 12 stars, and she was bearing the child that she was going to deliver.

Now, interestingly, 3.5 years before this took us back to 2014, that’s when we were having all them blood moons, remember, and then 3.5 years after it took us to 2021, Agenda 21 and all that rolled out, and seven years would take us to right now, 2024. Now back in 2014 when we were having all them blood moons, remember that was the last time we were gonna have a blood moon until 2032, and I told you the Great Tribulation equals 225 in English ordinal. I believe that seven-year period will be 2025 through 2032 when we have these four blood moons again, so we’re seeing all these biblical prophecies being fulfilled in the skies, all these signs were told to look to the heavens in the final days, and during the eclipse we just had on April 8th, remember all the videos that were going viral of all these strange phenomenons going on in the sky? They were opening up portals, we seen crafts, all kinds of really strange things happening in the sky during that eclipse, and that’s because we were able to see things which we couldn’t see before.

Now a lot of these prophecies and rituals have already been fulfilled, like the sacrifice of the red heifer, which was a purification ritual, setting the stage for the coming of the Antichrist in the building of the Third Temple. In Chaldean Gematria, purple skies equals 41, matching CERN Stargates, and remember that 41 number is very sacred. 41 days after the 2017 Great American Eclipse, we had the Las Vegas shooting. 41 days before this eclipse was the Texas fires. They loved that 41 number, and the street lights, the purple street lights, all this plays a role in what they’re doing.

Greg Reese just dropped a video on orthogenetics and the secret worldwide nanotechnology experiment. That’s up on Now Donut Factory, my brother, he did a video a couple years back on this exact subject, and it all plays a role in what’s going on. In control via the LED lights, we’re seeing purple lights pop up all over the country in America right now. What’s a conspiracy theory was coined by the CIA to make anybody who talks about the JFK assassination and an alternative outlook on it look like a nutcase that needs tinfoil on their head.

But these purple lights showing up all over the place, the interesting thing about purple lights in blue violet is that it can hold the most data, the most data for mind control. There’s scientific experiments with LED lights as we see the LED lights being rolled out all over the world. Not only for the Internet of Things, but these LED lights, they’re scientific experiments proving that they can place false memories in the people’s brains and also control nanoparticles and the behavior of mammals and bacteria. Movia Clockwork Orange exposed the MK ultra mind control techniques and had a famous quote, a bit of the old ultra violence.

Violence and violet sound very similar. So here’s a little bit of the old ultra violet lights for the mind control. That was a terrible joke. But this movie showed how MK ultra could use strobe lighting effects to put people under mind control. There might be nanotechnologies for a solution to this that the government wants to push. But what if those nanotechnologies were already in the virus? There has been scientific experiments where scientists can control algae via lights by placing a virus into the algae, which created new proteins so they could control the host via LED lights.

Light sensitive microbes communicate the same as neurons. Using lights allows the organism to be manipulated in actions and emotions. This could switch brain cells on and off. This is an experiment that has been proven to work. Scientists inserted into the algae opsin a virus and added that virus into a rat’s neurons and successfully delivered the light sensitive gene. It’s the first time anyone had managed to control brain cells with lights. So this virus that a lot of people say could have been created in a lab. Could it have these light sensitive genes in them? The Smithsonian magazine says telepathic communication with lights implanting thoughts into people’s minds is within reach.

And this has been successfully done decades ago on mice. Using lights that control the brain is called optogenetics. Triggering or implanting memories via light. Scientists can activate or shut down neural pathways altering behavior. This is mind control via lights. These new advances are going to be rolled out through the Hegelian dialect of problem reaction solution. The problem is going to be diseases like Alzheimer’s where the president is talking about how the next pandemic after the cyber pandemic the next pandemic all the hospital beds would be full of people with Alzheimer’s. The solution they’ll roll out is these LED mind control techniques plus Elon Musk’s neural link that they were going to put chips inside your brain.

This is the transhumanism agenda and this is being pushed by the Illuminati celebrities like Elon Musk’s wife Grimes who’s an artist and her best friend Lil Uzi Vert which is short for Lucifer where they’re going to get brain chipped together and they’re rolling this out on a massive scale via the arts. Optogenetics stimulation can activate fear memories. A specific memory is encoded by neurons which can be manipulated stimulating them with light to control them by implanting memories just like the neuralizer we saw in the movie Men in Black. Men in Black had that little flash of light on the neuralizer and then they gave you a false memory.

Well these movies being rolled out in the 90s that is what’s happening today as it’s predictive programming. This has been done with mice. They have implanted false memories into mice brain and these strobe lights and mind control not just with the tv but they’ve done this in tv shows in movies like the pokemon. Pokemon sent 700 kids into the hospital and they were all having seizures because of this hypnosis flickering of light. Companies have created devices that allow you to control lights with your thoughts where you can turn a light on and off by thinking about it.

Tiny injectable LEDs manipulate the brain with light. It’s a tool to manipulate the brain and living tissue. This could be done wirelessly. They are small enough to fit in a needle. This is all real scientific research that I’m telling you about right now. So why couldn’t these LED lights that are turning purple be a testing ground for something to come? Not only can they plant memories and thoughts into people’s brains through these light bulbs but also they can control nanoparticles throughout the body with the light. Injectable LEDs interact with brain cells.

Tiny LED lights have been implanted deep in brains of rodents. The LEDs themselves are the size of individual neurons. New method to control nanoparticles with lights and magnets. Light particles that can be manipulated with magnet tracking the position of the nanoparticles in a body or a cell. Light control of silver nanoparticles. Metal nanoparticles have interaction with light which can control the heart of a human. So the question I ask is this happening right now? Yes it definitely is happening right now. It’s all part of it. The purple street lights, the 5G heart creating the artificial aurora borealisis through the geoengineering.

It’s all fallen angelic technology. It’s part of this ancient summons ritual and they’re summoning the ancient ones. I’ve been speaking of this for quite some time now and listen to what Billy Carson said about CERN. Regardless how you feel about him or NASA. I don’t agree with everything he says about planets. I think it’s all interdimensional but that’s neither here nor there. A lot of what he’s talking about in this video is on point. The theme of satellite systems discovered these portals a few years back. Some of them create direct pathways to the sun and even to other planets.

It says we must stand in defense until we can open the gate. But what day are they talking about? I believe they’re talking about the stargate. When you go to CERN right outside the front door is this gigantic picture of this Indian god that is standing inside of a portal walking through. So I think they kind of knew what they were going to be doing when they started this whole building and started this whole project but they just kind of kept it located to the general public and they only released tidbits of information as to what’s going on.

CERN is the LHC, the Large Hadron Collider. It’s the largest machine in the world located in Switzerland and it uses this gigantic track with this underground tube that’s connected and they send atoms in opposite directions and speed them up to a percentage of the speed of light and then collide and then they analyze the collision to see what comes out of this collision between atoms, quarks and muons and everything else that they discover. But something else they discover in this in the process is that they create microscopic black holes. So originally a lot of people were getting scared about this because they were like man if you guys create a black hole here on earth will it suck the earth in? I mean kind of fear to assume like black holes are supposed to be pretty deadly things even light can’t escape them.

So why create one here on earth? Harp tech causing artificial auroras to flare. Purple skies man they don’t even care. Hurricane Helene in the Milton back to back. Purple skies showing up that’s the attack. Purple skies the prophecy unfolds. Prince warned us but they took his soul. Yeah geoengineering controlled in disguise. We see the truth right there in the skies. Purple street lights smart cities rise. They tracking the masses no more lies. The truth’s out now we see the signs. Purple skies it’s judgment time. Look up to the skies the prophecies unfold. The most high told us these days are cold.

Surn opening gates to dimension x. Messing with reality upside down effects. Purple represents the crown chakra you see. Corona means crown attack and spiritually. 5G’s weaponized controlling the mind. But truth mafia’s here exposing the lie. They trying to control us with fallen angel tech but we ain’t falling for we’ll never forget. If you want to know your role in this simulation. Whether you’re a first player or just an observation. It’s a personal decoder. The links in the bio. Go check and stay calm. This is Truth Mafia exposing their disguise. Let by Tommy Truthful.


5G Danger

Spread the Truth


Biblical prophecies and Purple Sky Genes inserted into rats' neurons LED lights and nanotechnology Manipulation through light-sensitive genes Mind control through nanotechnology Prince's song 1999 Purple lights for mind control Purple Sky Prophecy and Prince's song 1999 Scientific experiments on light-sensitive genes Tommy Truthful Purple Sky Prophecy

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