Spread the Truth




➡ The text discusses the idea of a “phantom matrix” or a digital copy of our soul, as depicted in various movies and TV shows. It suggests that this concept is linked to advanced technology and possibly to extraterrestrial entities. The author also mentions the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle to resist potential manipulation. Lastly, the text explores the idea of transhumanism, the blending of humans and technology, and its potential implications.
➡ The text discusses various theories and beliefs about ancient civilizations, galactic wars, and the manipulation of DNA. It suggests that the Georgia Guidestones, a monument in the United States, symbolize a plan to reduce the world’s population. The text also delves into the concept of the ‘third strand DNA’ and its potential significance. Lastly, it promotes a service that provides personal decodes based on gematria, a system of assigning numerical value to a word or phrase.
➡ The text discusses various theories about technology, energy, and the universe. It suggests that ancient technology was healthier and more in tune with the Earth’s natural energy, unlike today’s harmful energy sources. The speaker also shares theories about reptilian beings, artificial intelligence, and the manipulation of human consciousness. Ultimately, the speaker believes that despite these challenges, good will prevail.
➡ The text discusses various theories about upcoming cosmic events and their potential impact on Earth, including the rise of superhumans and the shift into the age of Aquarius. It also touches on political speculations, such as the possibility of the election being postponed and the potential for a female president. The authors believe these events are connected and could lead to significant changes in our world.
➡ The speaker shares their belief that Trump is leading a positive change, but also expresses doubts about political figures and their actions. They discuss various conspiracy theories, including the idea that we’re being misled by the government and that significant events are on the horizon. They also mention the concept of Nibiru, a supposed planet that could impact Earth, and the potential for a major event in 2025. They emphasize the importance of open-mindedness and sharing perspectives.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories, including climate change, weather manipulation, and the influence of numerology. It also mentions the Large Hadron Collider, a machine used for scientific research, and its potential impact on natural disasters. The text further delves into theories about secret societies, mind control, and the manipulation of time. Lastly, it touches on the topic of Donald Trump’s role in exposing corruption.
➡ The discussion revolves around various conspiracy theories, including the roles of Donald Trump and Elon Musk in global events. The speakers suggest Trump might be gathering information on his enemies, while Musk could potentially be a double agent. They also discuss potential natural and unnatural disasters, and the importance of self-reliance. The conversation ends with speculation about the biblical end times and the emergence of the Antichrist.
➡ The discussion revolves around various prophecies, the history of the earth, and the influence of different civilizations. The speakers believe that indigenous prophecies are more accurate and that the Canaanites, who they link to modern powerful families, have distorted true prophecies. They also discuss the Book of Enoch, which they believe reveals the blueprint of creation and extraterrestrial life. Lastly, they promote their works and channels, where they share their insights on these topics.


What they call planet X is Dimension X. And even in the old cartoons, like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, remember, that’s where Shredder and the brain was from, Dimension X. So they showed us a lot of predictive programming, just like they do in these movies, man. You take a look at Dark City in the Matrix. Have either one of you gentlemen seen these two? Yeah, I’ve seen them. I’ve seen Matrix. I haven’t yet seen Dark City. Oh, Ismail, you got to watch it, brother. You’ll love it. If you like the Matrix. So they both have the false reality.

They both have the scorched, darkened world, right? They both have this parasite, octopi. We see this, like, octopus type. We see it in stranger things. We’ve seen it in Prometheus, the same type of entity that, remember, in Prometheus, it went into the engineers mouth, and that. That burst out of that. What was that thing called in aliens? The Xenomorph. It birthed the xenomorph. And now in the new aliens. Aliens, Romulus, they show you how that engineer was born, and it was actually born from a xenomorph into human mixing together. And when it came out, it grew up instantly like a giant nephilim.

This thing was, like, 17 foot tall, and the mother, a stead of milk coming out of her. It was black goo, nanotech coming out of her. It was crazy. If you guys haven’t seen that, that’s a good one to watch, too. But they also, in both of these movies, they show us the injection into the mind. You know, that whole mind Chip Elon’s trying to put in our freaking head and stopping bullets with the mind. I mean, identical chase scenes. They all have the three antagonists, right? And they. They all also have dark city, and the Matrix has the same spiral masonic stairway symbolism in them.

And so it’s crazy. So they’re showing us something playing out in these type of movies. And. And, you know, in Dark City, it’s. It’s Chronos, the. I believe that’s the name of the Kronos. And then that’s the supercomputer, the super a. I like what Ismail was talking about, and I agree with them 110% there, that they. They’re creating what is called a phantom matrix, right, in a digital copy of our soul. And I think the whole black goo symbolism, all the bleeding eyes with the black goo. Now people say, oh, yeah, that comes from a lizard’s probioscus, where it goes in the eye, wrapping around the optic nerve.

No, I think that’s the deception that was. I can tell you right where that originated from. His name was Donald Marshall, who is a high ranking masonous. Um, so I don’t agree with that, that situation there. But what I do, and I believe in the Reptilians. What I do believe it is, is the reptilians technology. I think it’s a nano worm. And we did a whole documentary on it. Me donut onia soro. It’s called illuminati worms. There’s two different versions of it on truth guys, check it out. We cover many different movies that have it in it.

The symbolism and the black goo. Nanotech. Or this worm goes in through the eye, wrapping around the optic nerve, taking over the consciousness of the host. So it kind of allows them to hijack people’s bodies or transfer consciousness from one host to another. Just like that new Adobe shop ad. They literally got the freaking worm going through the eye. I mean, they throw it in our face, and then you see, like, the pope walking around with black eyes, and they. And that’s. We’ve seen that conspiracy for a long time, right? All these celebrities with black eyes, and they try to link it to many different things, but that’s.

There’s a big psyop that. Because they want to. It’s a soul scraping ritual, is what it is. And it’s putting that. Whatever it is, if it’s nanotech or an actual worm, you know, any. Asuru has a great breakdown on it, what he believes it is. And it’s a little different from my perspective, but his is very fascinating to listen to, too. He thinks it’s some type of archon type worm that goes into the eye, and that could be it, too. Maybe he’s right. Maybe I’m wrong. But with this. Yeah. They’re creating this phantom matrix, a digital copy of our soul.

So the people that participate in that genetic manipulation, when they die, they’re going to wake up in this phantom reality that is powered by eating up organic matter. Like, look at the, um. You know, that’s why I loved your work so much, Ismail, because me and you were saying the same thing for a while, bro. I’m like, man, I gotta link up with this dude. Well, that’s how the AI gods been destroying galaxies left and right, because it siphons off the universal life force of the organic multiverse. And then it takes that universal life force, and it uses it to power up its inorganic multiverse, which only goes up to dimensions 11.5.

And the reason being is because at dimension twelve, it was actually blocked by the Guardian race, or the central race, as I call them. The central race of the mother universe. But yeah, you’re right. These parasites, they need organic life forms so that they could feed off of us. But the only way they’re going to feed off of us is if they keep us in a constant state of suffering, with negative emotions, with anguish, with pain and torture. That’s the only way they feed off of us. So you take away that, and you bring us into a golden age.

Well, guess what? You cut off their. Their food supply, you know? Right? Yeah, that’s. That’s crazy, bro. And when you look into the numerology of it all, tethered, right? All this technology, I believe, is tethered to these entities because you’ll hear like Alex Jones, for example. Regardless what you think about him, he’s put out some cool information, though. And so he said once on Joe Rogan’s podcast that there’s some type of interdimensional entity that, you know, is pretty much what we just said. They’re like, feeding off of us. And if you look at tethered, this. All this technology is tethered to them.

He said that the elites would do so much DMT to go into these meetings with these entities. Some people call them clockwork elves. Different things, right? And we see that elven race, the dragon bloodline. We see it in game of thrones. But he said they would go in there and then they would come out with technology that actually work. But the technology is tethered to these entities because they can’t interface in our reality. So this allows them to use the human vessel as a. As an avatar, kind of. So that’s what the whole black goo nanotech, them trying to get that in us through the chemtrails, through the you know what, through our food.

That’s why it’s so important to eat organic right now, guys, I’m drinking this classic root. It’s called Ollie pop. It’s. It’s not the best. It’s probiotic plant fiber, non gmo root beer. I started drinking about a month ago, and I don’t drink no other kind of soda now. You know, I’m trying to get all them genetically modified organisms out of my body, man. Cleansing that. Because once that’s in you, bro, you got to really be careful. You got to read the ingredients. That bioengineered stuff. Once it’s in you, then they. Then. Then they’re inside of you.

They can manipulate you a little. But tethered is 34. Matching alien agenda. And I’m thinking this is the negative entities. Apple Inc. AI takeover. Zombie is three four. And, you know, I mentioned this a lot on three four of 2021. That’s the day the CDC released the zombie apocalypse warning, which now they try to take off their site, but thank God we have it saved on truth mafia in the Internet archive. So because they always like to do that, they’ll put something out and then try to erase it. You know, it’s kind of funny that they do that.

And then they’ll call it the Mandela effect, to gaslight us, which I do believe there could be an organic Mandela effect going on, but I think they manipulate it somewhat, too. And selenium is in the human body, right? It’s, I believe, melanated people are selenium based. And then you have it in electronics, too. Selenium used in electronics. So it’s a good conductor of energy is what my point is with that. Just the whole three two two archons tethered to technology is three two two, which is the number of skull and bones and Genesis. Three two two.

Listen to this, guys, and tell me this don’t sound like transhumanism. And the Lord God said that man has now become like one of us. Knowing good and evil, he must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take from the tree of life and eat and live forever. That’s what I think when I hear that, I’m like, oh, wow. You know? And when you look into the Rona, the code red that happened, first time they ever mention it, November 18 of 2019, which was the 322nd day of the year. And then they had the first 322 cases, the Georgia guidestones, which they blew up, which was to get the population down to 500 million, in perpetual harmony with nature.

It was erected on three, two, two. So they want to. From my research anyways, it’s. It’s adding that third strand DNA, adding three strands of 22 to our 44 base pairs of DNA, which 22 plus 22 plus 22 is 66. And it’s very interesting. The 66 book of the Bible ties into the mark of the beast, Corona. 66 black goo is 66 in English ordinal. So, um, I think that’s what the whole 911 was, too. It represented the destruction of the double helix and the rise of third strand DNA, symbolically, you know what I mean? But just like the 128 code, some of these numbers, they don’t all have just negative aspects.

The 128 has a very positive side to it, too, guys. Like, neo code is 128 in reverse ordinal. So you have three major ciphers tying you to that code, which is a very powerful first player character archetype. And that’s 36 in chaldean. The neo code is 50 in Chaldean. And then you got the 128, which is a big one. Tartaria’s one two eight. God’s plan, telekinesis. So there’s always a plot. It’s all duality. There’s no such thing as a bad number. It’s the intent and the energy that they’re attaching to these numbers, which, by the way, if you want to get your personal decode, go over to and we do an email decode.

You know, after you book your decode, within 72 hours, I reach out for you, reach out to you via email, get your name, all that stuff, and I break it down with the gematria. And I show you a bunch of cool stuff about yourself, your power color, your spirit animal. You know, break down what your ruling planet is, your astrological alignment, all that. So. And, you know, it’s a way we fund the movement over here because we are self funded. So a little promotion right there for myself. And don’t forget, guys, go follow be Dell and Ishmael.

And, yeah, man, I mean, I would like to hear, before we go, both your perspectives on the timeline with the Anunnaki. That I would really love to hear. Like how the planet started being destroyed, what was all going on with that? Ishmael, you want to go first? And then we’ll let be Dell what his thoughts. So you want to know how the world was? I’m sorry, let repeat your question again. Remember off air when we start, you started breaking down about the Anunnaki and the atmosphere. Yeah, yeah, that stuff. So the reason why the sumerian tablets fail to explain what happened to Nibiru’s atmosphere is because they wanted to hide from us the.

The fact that we were once part of a galactic war. You know, our planet was once engaged in the galactic war millions of years ago. So they didn’t want. They first wanted to hide the galactic history. They didn’t want us to know that advanced civilizations have been here for millions of years, that Atlantis was just rather the last, the last of the advanced civilizations before we fell into consciousness. So the reason the Beru was leaking was because back then, there was a war between, straight out war between the galactic federation of worlds and the draconian empire.

So it was a war that encapsulated pretty much a good portion of the Milky Way. Over 200,000 star systems were involved, mainly star systems that were part of the intergalactic councils. And the Biru was then used as a battle star planet for the Syrian High Council. So this was back in the days when Nibiru was actually used in the galactic wars as a. Very similar to the movie star wars, as a planet with the ability to beam planets into oblivion. They have that particle beam weaponry where they would just beam it at the planet’s electromagnetic field and just blow it up into pieces.

So what ended up happening was during the first seeding, back then, when Mars was colonized, with humans, not green man. Right, humans. When Venus was colonized, the Earth had a colony, but back then, the earth was three times the size. Many believe that the Earth reincarnated, and it used to be a bigger planet known as Tiamat. Well, yeah, it’s interesting, you know, this was, like, 4 million years ago. So back then, our entire solar system was colonized, and Iberu was known as the 12th planet. And the reason I biru was given an elongated orbit where it only came in every 3600 years was because it was designed to patrol over 200,000 solar systems.

So when it was outside of our solar system, it was actually watching over 200,000 solar systems. So it would also elongate all the way to Sirius b and then come back to our solar system. But in between, it was just patrolling, patrolling the different star nations that were liberated by the galactic Federation. So what ended up happening was there was a double agent that infiltrated the Federation from the draconian Empire, who shapeshifted into a human. They opened up a portal from the regal system, because back then, the regal system was used as a stronghold for the Reptilians right next to alpha draconis.

And then, of course, the Beetlejuice and the belectrics zeta reticulum one and two, those were all strongholds for the draconians. So if they use it from the regal system, they opened up a portal on planet Mars. They brought in reptilians to sneak into our solar system, because back then, the Federation was carefully guarding our solar system from the draconians, from, you know, they were preventing them from destroying the first seating. This is like way before Atlantis and way before Lemuria, when the Earth was a super earth. And so what they did is they slowly built a military outpost on the 11th planet.

The 11th planet was known as Maldec. Right? So the Reptilians built out a military outpost, and they launched a straight out war with the martian colony. And that war was all about transhumanism. They were trying to implement transhumanism back then. So what ended up happening was when the Reptilians launched a war against the Martians, they ended up blowing planet Tiamat, which was the original super earthen. And when that happened, the syrian high council told the battle star planet Nibiru, which was back then, it was. Yeah, it was under the control of Anu. Still, Anu had to actually wrestle another guy by the name of Alalu in order to gain control of Nibiru, because Alalu wanted to be commander.

But Allahu had too much reptilian genetics. He wanted to be the commander, but in service to the draconian empire. So him and Anu were like, they fought, and supposedly Anu castrated him, because that’s the way to win the throne on Yibiru. You have to take. Take away their testicles. So he won the war, and when Nibiru came back, it immediately blew up the blood at Maldig. But because the planet Maldic was full of radiation and nuclear weapons, well, guess what happened to the atmosphere of Nibiru? Some of that radiation reached the atmosphere of Nibiru, and it caused the tear.

But it wasn’t until 500,000 years later, when the nibiran inhabitants were realizing that their lifespan was decreasing. And then they attribute it to the hole in their atmosphere. And then that’s when they finally came for the gold, you know, 500 million years ago. So that’s what happened to the Nibiran atmosphere. It was. Yeah, it was, you could say Tor, because they blew up the planet Maldic. Like, they were just, like, in a rush. They actually teleported into our solar system. They used a stargate, because otherwise it would have taken many more years every 3600 years. So what they did is they teleported, and as soon as they came into our system through a Stargate, they just blew it up without even thinking.

Wait, hold on. What if all their nuclear weapons reach us? And, you know, they didn’t even think of that. They just wanted to destroy planet Maldik. That, you know, that’s part of the galactic history. If you want to know more, the details about that order, our cosmic origin, where is it? Right there. This blue book right here. It goes back to, like, 500 million years ago of, like, you know, history between the Federation and how the Federation was formulated. Because at one point, we had no Federation, man. The draconians were going to straight out take over the entire universe.

They’re like a warring culture, huh? Draconians. Yeah, yeah, and, dude, so we had another thing before. Before we end today. So, like, J Dream, shout out to J Dreamers. He sent me this. This is in Colorado. Looks. Reminds me of some Stargate technology too. You got the two obelisks there. And we know back during the Tartarean Empire, they were using what they tell us is not even real. No more red Mercury, but it’s 100% real. And these antennas on top of these buildings, they were pulling energy out of the atmosphere, right? Just like Nick, Nikola Tesla told us about.

But somewhere along the lines, they banned this form of technology. And was that technology better for us, you guys think? And now they got us with this dirty energy, which is harming our DNA. Yeah, because that technology is based on the earth’s frequency. It’s harnessing what is known as the toroidal field of the planet, which is what causes the planet to spin, giving us unlimited amount of energy, and it’s healthy for the environment. We’re using petrochemicals, we’re using combustion. All that shit, all that stuff. I’m sorry. It’s bad for the ecosystem, and hence bad for our health.

So, of course, you know, the Tartarians were onto something, and that’s why they destroyed Nikola Telsa’s papers. I mean, well, they didn’t really destroy them, but, you know, they used information for themselves, and they told us that they didn’t have those papers anymore because Nikola Tesla was onto that. Yeah, he was a lot of free energy. On the beyond the ice wall, they have anthracite, coal. They can give power to the whole planet Earth for like, millions of years without knowing, you know, type of, you know, westernized electronics. And that’s what. And that’s what’s cool, because people think, oh, if there’s an ice wall, then the earth can’t spin.

Now I look at it a little different. I think, what’s spinning? I think we live in some type of egg shape organic simulation, and the. The firmament is what’s spinning. The Taurus field. But I could be wrong on that. That’s just my perspective. And I believe in inner Earth too, bro. I think there’s a whole civilization underneath of us. I do believe there’s ice wall, other lands, and be dell. The firmament you’ve. There’s like this soul trap that Muraduke put over here that stops us from trying to stop us from ascending and stuff too. What’s that called? Well, when you look at the word planet, you got the suffix you got net.

So he set up the net of India, which is also known as your draconia reptilian net, or comprised of the cosmic energy grid that works in tandem with the electrical grid system. But that’s why everything as far as, like, westernized technology is basically being used as a sole entrapment purposes. Man, these people are just. They’re. I mean, they’re just evil, bro. Like, the stuff they do, it’s so crazy. And I always wonder, are they not scared of karmic retribution? They don’t believe in that. They see that. The way I was, the way I was told is that when the Reptilians were first dropped off in our universe, and yes, they were dropped off because they were too warlike in another universe.

And that universe had already reached the level of completion where all its inhabitants had ascended, with the exception of the reptilians. So they said, what do we do with this race? Let’s just drop them off in this other, younger universe. So when they drop off the Reptilians, they dropped them off. And their leader, who was, I believe, was Lucifer, told them that he gave them a creation myth. And the creation myth was to do as you want. This is your universe to conquer. You know, do whatever you want. You know, with, as you encounter other specimens, you could rapid them, you could pillage them, you could conquer them, you can enslave them, you could do whatever you want.

So that’s part of their creation myth, you know, so it’s. It’s also embedded in their genetics. To want to conquer and control, man, we need to write whoever dropped them off here. Write them and tell them to come pick them bitches back up. You know, in one aspect of the universe, they were actually dropped off by the Carians, which was an advanced avian race who were also known as the seraphine in many of the religious books. But in another version of the universe, they were actually dropped off by Omega himself, the AI God, who had. Who back then did not have access to our universe, but needed somebody to do his bidding for him until he was allowed entry, which is now what big tech is doing.

They’re trying to build the infrastructure for the emergence of the AI God. So, you know, depending on which universal timeline we’re speaking, I mean. I mean, there’s so many of them. But yeah, they all say that the reptilians were dropped off, whether for good or bad. But that’s also part of the reason why the draconians, they told the moon into our solar system. Yeah, they towed it into our solar system from planet Jupiter. So, like I said, it’s a quantum satellite that controls the energy and frequency and vibration of humans to keep them at a subjugated state to where they’re not able to evolve.

So, you know, like I said, because they’re basically custodians of the planet. So, like I said, you know, all westernized technology works in tandem with the cosmic energy grid system is to keep you here. Yeah, yeah. So that’s. That’s tied into the Saturn moon matrix. See, I think it’s all. There’s. There’s truth in all of it. You know what I mean? And how Ismail said there’s different. We definitely live in some type of multiverse, so there’s different realities playing out all the time, you know, and that. That’s very fascinating. I think part of what they’re doing with CERN is trying to merge these timelines, just like what they showed us in Loki and Loki verse or not Loki verse, Deadpool with Wolverine.

That sacred timeline. Remember? They were going to crop all the other timelines and just kill all them people, dude. It just was like, yeah, we’ll just kill all them and merge them into one timeline. I think there’s something like that trying to play out here, but that. But they. The whole thing was, no, you can’t do that. We need to save these other timelines. That was. They were trying to save them. So it’s pretty interesting how it’s all playing out, man. And I think in the end, good will prevail, you know, because goods always stronger than evil, so it always prevails.

But it’s a great. It’s a great time to be alive, right, guys? Absolutely. Because the year 2025 is the year completion. That’s the nine year year the cosmic energy serpent. And that serpent also works in tandem with our physiology. So what happens is when you have the chakra system of the planet is being activated. It activates those who are acclimated to the planet. So when you, uh, remember when you had the solar eclipse that took place, that solar eclipse, then when you go to the theological text of, uh, Jonah, chapter three, verse nine. No, Jonah, chapter three, verse four, it says that Nineveh shall be overthrown.

Nineveh is another title for America. So nineveh. I mean, Jonah is also, uh, the title for the dove. The dove is a representation of the ascension process once you reach the apex of consciousness. So what happens is when the chakra system of planet Earth is being activated is going to cause a certain consciousness, and that consciousness is going to, you know, going to be operating under the venturi effect, which is a velocity of ether that dematerializes the cosmic energy grid system. So it’s not only subjected to the fact that the planet is going through a state of metamorphosis, it’s going to metamorphosize your.

Your conscious state, because when you study the holonomic brain theory, it demonstrates that your brain is tether connected to the simulation, the quantum world at the same time. So that means that you have the ability to think outside the box once the cosmic energy grid dematerializes. So that’s basically what you’re talking about, the cosmic clock, because the cosmic clock works in tandem with the neurological clock, which is the super chiasmatic nucleus. And the super chiasmatic nucleus is extracted by way of the neuromelanate. That creates melanocytes. In those melanocytes is how you reach the certain apex of consciousness.

So, literally, we are walking and talking cern portals. So the more that you raise up your vibration, you can manipulate the space time continuum just like CERN does. That’s fascinating right there. Yeah, that’s pretty tight, man. I agree with that, man. You hit on the bullseye, and in this whole thing with the year of the serpent be dell, remember? I don’t know if you got to see the last Hunger games, bro, but they showed. I I haven’t seen that, bro. The last one, that’s what it’s all about is serpents. So in the last scene of it, they let in these.

These freaking genetically modified serpents, and they’re all colored. They’re rainbow color. They’re really pretty looking serpents, but they are deadly. One bite from you start swelling up. Right? But here’s the thing. They’re trained, their military trained, genetically modified snake. So if they have your scent, they will not bite you. So the. The girl, this guy that liked her, he threw. He. He wiped her tears the night before with his rag, and she won, but they still were going to kill her and put the snakes in with her. And because she was from this district, that was like, rebellion, you know that I believe they do want to break us up into districts just like the Hunger Games, too, where the super poor and the super rich, and we’re separated by these mega cities, the, like, these smart city type things.

And in that, he threw the rag in there. So the snakes knew her scent, and they didn’t kill her at the end. But, yeah, there’s a lot of symbolism in there, a lot of snake symbolism, showing that the year of the serpent is going to be a rough year. Yeah, it’s also. They showing it in a lot of music videos. All the movies that I’ve seen is basically showing you the rise of the cosmic energy circle, because they know that that’s going to be the precursor to the shifting process. So that’s why whatever the deep state shadow government got to do, they got to do it now.

So that’s why, you know, it’s imperative, like, right now, these two moons is going to be having in our solar system on September 29. Because the representation of the two moons is basically the resurrection of consciousness that basically collapses the Bimi urge, because when you have moons, it’s going to amplify the gravitational pull that’s connected to the tides on planet Earth. So I don’t know if it’s going to activate some form of, you know, calamity. We’re talking about activation of the seismic activities and things of that nature. You know, you got that vault. Yeah. That fault line got struck a little bit in California, like, you know, and then you had the 2025, I think it was the future map of the United States.

All this stuff is, like, working in tandem, so whatever it’s supposed to happen is going to happen. And then it’s not a coincidence. Then, Donald Trump, you sign that national declaration of emergency for FEMA to where they have full validity, and they take over the military by way of the continuity of government. So, yeah, so all this stuff, like, is, you know, works in tandem, basically. So. And then to add to that, we also got to reach the completion of solar maximum that our ascended abilities, the rise of superhumans, I would say, is probably going to be in the spring of 2025.

So we’re going to start seeing some people. I think. I think a lot of these people might even have abilities now. They just ain’t aware of it. It’s starting to happen, you know, with the solar eclipses activating things. And also. What date did you say that was, B. Dell with the two moonshi? September 29. Wow. Nine to nine, dude. So there’s 929 chapters in the original bible. September 29 is the day CERN was established in 1954, bro. Hmm. Yeah. So this is epic with all these stargates going up, you know, in that. Yeah, that. That’s crazy right there.

I didn’t even know about that part. So that it’s gonna be. Especially with that lunar eclipse, man. Like, that lunar eclipse, I think that was basically the apex of the end of patriarchy because it was in pisces. So it’s like. It’s like a transitional shift. That was. It was really like a timeline jump for what is the calm. That’s why I don’t think it’s gonna be an election. That’s just my opinion. So I don’t see it happening, because you can’t have a democracy or a patrilineal system in the matriarch that’s connected to the aquarium age, because everything is as far as, like, a matriarch is for the people.

It’s not. That’s why when you look at the dollar bill on a, you know, the american dollar bill, it says, the United States of America. Of the notes ownership. That’s patriarchy. United States for America is for the people. So they don’t want that. And so in order to create this totalitarian system, they gotta be, you know, they gotta pump that propagation of patriarchy. That’s the only way they can have people in the state of subjugation to where they’re not able to live abundantly with nature. So I don’t see it happening, but I don’t know who knows.

Me, too. Go ahead, buddy. Go ahead. I just want to say also, I was able to study when the mayan calendar really ended, because, you know, we don’t operate under the real sacred calendar, which is egyptian, ethiopian, mayan, atlantean, lemurian. We’re using the gregorian calendar, which is cabal run. Right. It’s the wrong timekeeping system. Well, I was able to calculate the difference between the real 2012 in reference to where we are at using the gregorian calendar, which is what we use, unfortunately, and it is a 14 year difference. So what’s happening is right now, according to the real mining calendar, December 21, 2024, is the end of the world, but not the end of the world, as we know, but the shift into the age of Aquarius.

What is it again? What was the date again? By the end of this year, we’re going to be seeing a shift into the age of Aquarius sometime by the end of this year. Hmm. Yes. So we are in 2012. In other words, this is the real 2012. We’re not in 2024. We’re really in 2012. Yeah, I agree with that. If we operate according to the original sacred calendar, 360 day year solar calendar that we went by with the Aztecs, the Mayans, and then they, you know, changed it. We went to buy the julian calendar and then the gregorian calendar.

So they’re adding all this extra time and even if you go to scripture, it says they will change the laws and the times of the most high. So you know what I’m saying? They manipulate it, throw the timelines off. And then with that whole thing with 2012, end of the world. So they did that early. So people, when it came again, they’re going, man, this. Nothing even happened. Just like the September 23 thing. You guys can go watch any of my videos. Everybody’s like, oh, September 23 of 2022, the world’s gonna end. Well, the coded event.

There’s a. There is an event on September 23, but all my decodes show 2026. And I’ve been saying that since 2020, when everybody started saying nine to three is tied to Osiris. Nine plus two, plus three is 14. Osiris was chopped up in 14 pieces. Ice. His wife, Isis, found 13 of these pieces. She made a gold phallus. You know, put that on and perform some form of necromancy. And that’s how Horace was born. But, um, his brother set chopped him up in 14 pieces. That’s. Remember when we seen that picture going viral of podesta holding up his hands? He had the 14 on one hand and the fish on the other.

That’s what he’s paying homage to. He’s paying homage to Osiris. You know, people don’t even know that. So. Yeah. Then you also, did you watch that union dale rally with Trump? Yeah. At the end of it, he said, I’m going to be gone for a while. So what is that basically denoting the fact? Are we going to be going through something as far as, like, a shift? Is the. Are the elites, you know, starting to disappear? You know, during this time period? You get all these people stepping down since Diddy got caught up. So I don’t know.

It’s one of those. It’s one of those things. You got to look at it, you know, from a meticulous level. So I don’t know. I pay attention to. I pay attention to what Trump says a lot because he’s neutral, you know, I’m saying he. He doesn’t, you know, fall on wet side. That’s another book. If you don’t got this book, you should read. Somebody should, you know, get this book called the Deep State. Trump, FBI is pretty decent book. Pretty good book. Yeah, it’s pretty good book by James B. Stewart. My opinion. My opinion with the whole election, I don’t, you know, you guys know me.

I’m not a political person. I’m a diehard, pro life conservative. As far as my values go. But I don’t have no political affiliations. I just don’t trust no one. You know, I’m saying true seeking conspiracy. I don’t believe in no forms of government. But with that being said, you know, if you put a gun to my head, picked a Kamala or Trump, I mean, I would pick Trump just because he makes me laugh, but that. That would be the only reason. It’d be a comical thing. But here’s what I think they might pull off, dude. So if they say Joe Biden dies right before the election, then that would cause them to postpone the election just out of respect to him until 2025.

And that will put Kamala Harris as the 47th 1st female president. Like they showed us in the series house of cards, the 46th president died. His wife became the 47th 1st female. I’m not saying that’s going to happen, but they did show us some form of predictive programming in that series, the house of cards of that event. And in Veep, the first female was the 47th. And then Trump, he actually has tying numerology to the number 48. So maybe he comes in after that, right, and could win. And after the elections, postponed it. I don’t know if that’s going to happen.

That’s just a theory I was thinking of. What do you think, Ismail? Honestly, I just. I really believe that we are going to be witnessing the fall of the cabal and the rise of the Earth alliance. And I believe that Trump is. Is the front or the face of the Earth alliance. That’s my opinion. You know, some people here don’t like Trump, and it’s cool, but that’s my opinion based on, you know, all the research I’ve done. No, you. Yeah, you have the right. I respect your opinion, and I respect everyone’s opinion, man. You know, that we should, as adults, people that can’t just want to be in an echo chamber and only hear shit that they believe, you know, you’re never going to learn that way.

You got to be open minded. You got to listen and listen. I’ll be the first one. I’ll tell you right now, if Trump ends up coming out and doing the right thing, I’ll be the first one to cheer for him and say, oh, I guess I was wrong. Maybe he is good. But, yeah, man. I mean, I was all for him at first when he was, like, saying the fake news stuff, but then when the jabs came out and he got behind that, that kind of pushed me away. And I don’t know, man. I hope they say there’s like eight different trumps now.

You know, I don’t know. There’s a three, all three. And is it true somebody said Trump was on the moon? Did you ever hear this? No, no, no. I mean, he does, I swear to God. They said they hit him out on the moon because they were trying to take him out down here. That was going around in the little one of these queue rooms. I was in. I was just in there peeking around, seeing what people were talking about, and they were talking about that. I was like, oh, that’s interesting. I wonder if that’s true.

But see, that’s the problem. There’s so much disinfo going around out there, you know, you don’t know what to believe. So this is my just perspective on it. Like, when it comes to, I don’t think there’s no such thing as a left wing and right. You got a left lane in the right lane and they going on one road and they have one destination, and that destination is leading humanity in a state of destruction. So, like I said, when it comes to that, I’m, you know, I disassociate myself with, you know, the political infrastructure because it all works in tandem of why we’ve been subjugated as being american citizens, because we’re under ecclesiastical law.

We don’t have no type of sovereign capacity because the church and the state is not separate. So that’s why they use the religion. It took us out of the matriarch. So, you know, when you look at it from that standpoint, you can kind of see why you can be like, well, I have to, you know, in order to understand the art of detachment, you have to disassociate this, disassociate yourself from the religion and the political infrastructure as well, because they all work in tandem. So that’s the only way they’re going to push the one world government.

In one world religion is going to come from those factions. I tell people all the time, whether you look at it from a biblical standpoint, the Antichrist is not going to be somebody who works at McDonald’s. It’s going to be somebody who has political, you know, power. It’s going to be somebody who has religious power. Some people think it’s not even going to be a human. Then other people think it’s going to be Barack Obama. I did. I had this dream once, right? So, and it was so vivid be Dell and Ishmael. It blew my mind.

So I had this dream that Barack Obama never stepped down as president. Really, it was all a show in that the Trump and Biden presidency was all show, too. And Obama was really running shit from, like, deep, whatever you call it, the shadow government perspective of it. And I don’t know, you know, it was just a dream. But I was like, man, that’d be crazy if that was real. But when he, but when he left, he didn’t really, he stayed in Washington. He did some weird things that Obama didn’t hedgehe. Well, I think I would believe, I think I was in, I think I was like a freshman in college during this time.

But I believe he had signed something with the United nations to where he was like, prime minister or something like that. I remember he signed that a long time ago. Yeah, he was the leader of it. Yeah, I remember he signed that. But we also, you can’t negate that. You know, Donald Trump, he’s actually, you know, Joe Biden is not even the president because there’s no democracy, never was. Donald Trump, he’s actually the 19th president of the Republic right now. Right? Yeah. So he signed that, the second declaration of independence in 2020, and that was basically the restoration of the republic.

And it basically eradicates the whole perception of democracy. Democracy. Democracy is nothing but babylonian worship, hedonistic practices operating under corporate internal codes, basically. So there’s a conspiracy out there that Kamala Harris is Obama in a skin suit. What do you guys think about that? That’s what Rhonda said in the chat. She might have made that conspiracy up, too, but it’s a funny one. Well, you know, there, there’s, in our community, we can call it. Right? They call us conspiracy theorists. They’re saying that Kamala’s real name was Kamal Arush, that he was actually born male. So we have another transvestite there.

Not just Michelle, you know, Obama, but Kamala and herself. We’ll see that this is a luciferian system where they invert reality, so they invert nature. So that’s possible. That’s interesting there. Well, I will say one thing. When I was watching them, dude, I seen Kamala’s neck looked like it was sagging. Like, I didn’t know if she had a skin suit on or something. What the hell was going on there? But I seen that with Joe Biden before, too. The back of his neck. One time it looked like, I swear to God, it looked like he had a freaking suit on.

And then another time I seen him, it looked like he was just a hologram. I’m like, what is going on with this shit? Are we being lied to. Are these people not even really here in real life? Like, what is happening right now? And that ties into my theory. I think we’re in some type of Greenland type event. You watch that movie greenhouse land, I believe the governments are already in underground bunkers. I think they know something’s coming. And, you know, we’re kind of home alone right now. That’s just my theory on it, but I could be totally, totally wrong.

In the movie Greenland, though, it shows this big, giant asteroid type thing coming towards Earth. And, dude, Ishmael, it looks just like the winged planet, brother. How they describe Nibiru. It has two giant wings coming off of it. So I’m like, man, I wonder if there’s something tied to Nibiru with what’s really going on right now, because doesn’t Nibiru cause, like, a polar shift or something to happen? I think that’s here. You know, it’s being piloted, from what I understand is that Nibiru has been restored. Marduk was. Was asked to step down in 2001, and ever since 2001, Ibiru has been under the control of the Syrian High Council.

So it is a piloted planet? It is. It is like a spaceship, like a big biosphere that just navigates through space. So I don’t think it’s gonna whack us. I don’t think it’s gonna cost a pole ship. That’s all fear based mentality. However, I do believe that when it does get close to us, as they call it in the Bible. Wormwood. Yeah, yeah. Revelations 811. Exactly. It’s probably gonna have some sort of an activating effect on our genetics, on our dormant DNA again, you know, all roads lead to 2025, right? Now, I thought it was the end of 24 2024, but who knows? It might.

The events that might happen in 2024 might lead to the split in the timelines by 2025. But we’ll see. I guess we’ll see. We need deep. We need deep in whatever’s supposed to be happening right now. So it’s really cool for all of us to learn these different things and share our perspectives, because, I mean, that’s really all they are. Mine’s just my perspective. Your perspective, and it’s cool, but we’ve been right about a lot of things. And with you guys talking about 2025, I just want to back up a little what you’re saying, numerologically, because we got to understand everything is vibrational frequencies, right? Every letter has a number attached to it.

Every number has an energy frequency of vibration. And based on the English language, where a is one, b is two all the way through, z is 26. It’s called English ordinal. Right. The great tribulation is 2025, which matches extinction rebellion. 422, which. I’ll get into all this real quick. 1987, the perfect storm. Weather manipulation. Well, let’s start with weather manipulation. China says they’re going to control the weather by 2025. And they actually say in some articles, see here, it says 5.5 million km². But remember, guys, when we did this the other day, we were looking at article, it said 5.6, which climate change is 56.

So I wonder if they’re going back and changing some things. And we have all that on screen where it shows that. So there’s the 2025, where ties to weather manipulation, where they’re controlling the weather with this, what I believe is some type of fallen angelic type technology. And then you got the perfect storm. Member Trump said that a lot, talking about the perfect storm. And 1987 is 225. Well, guess what? That’s the year harp was patent. 811 of 1987. Okay. And then you have 422. Well, we were talking about CERN, and, you know, Bedell mentioned the two moons, and that’s on 929, which is the anniversary of CERN’s establishment in 1954.

And 422 is when the large Hadron Collider went back online. That member had the downtime because CeRN was online. And then all these earthquakes started happening and natural disasters, and I. So it goes down for a couple of years, doesn’t come back up, and then it comes back up in 2022, online on April 22. Boom. And then they. That was like a test run for what happened on seven five, or. Yeah, yeah, sorry. July 5 of 2022, when CERN broke the world record in energy at 13.6 trillion. What happened 18 hours later? Guys, the Georgia guidestones blow up.

Well, that’s six plus six plus six, which is dark matter. 666. And there’s nothing evil about six six. It’s the breakdown of the human vessel. But they attach negative energy to anything sacred. The number 33, they do it dark, but. But. But it, you know, ties into dark matter. And that year, too, is season four. Stranger things came out, and they waited to release the last two episodes until seven one, you know, a couple days before that event. And it was all about the manipulation of time and different dimensions and stranger things equal 71. So is murder by number 71? I think that numbers tied to giants on the throne, which is the nephilim.

But, yeah, man, you know, it’s like some divine harmonics with this numerology stuff, bro. It’s like the universal language. So once you tap into it and again, just go over on truth guys and you’ll see be Dell. Got to channel over there. Boy, ishmael, these are all the different channels. All their stuff gets put up there. I actually built an AI that goes on their YouTube channel, pulls their video, transcribes it, puts all their links and everything. It all points back to their stuff. Like end times productions. It’s a new member, the truth mafia. Been in the game for a long time.

I’m a huge fan of his. Uh, he said he went down into the underground bunkers this mail and he had assigned some paper. Well, not him personally, but somebody that he interviewed. I think his name was like standale or something. Off the top of my head. I can’t really remember, but it sounds right. And um, they had assigned some paper down there that you couldn’t use the name Jesus down there, bro. And there was some giant race of nephilim. I mean, correct. That is correct. You know, in Ishmael I broke down the metaphysics of the word Jesus of why you can’t use it.

It has nothing to do with as far as like biblical context. When you study ancient proto semitic languages, the e and the a are interchangeable and the J and the G are interchangeable. So when you saying Jesus, you’re really saying jesses. Jesses is a form of ether. It’s a gas. And gas is a detoxifier of demonstration. So that’s why the word Jesus has a lot of power to it when you look at it from, from an esoteric standpoint. But you know, just like, you know, everything as far as like in this system is being manipulated. But when you get to the mechanics and the apex of the word, that’s where it basically stems from.

Wow. Makes a lot of sense. Jesus to Jesus Christ is 36 in chaldean matching neo code. And Jesus is pretty much the same archetype is neo from the matrix. You know, that whole archetype I’m talking are just the symbolism behind it. And then, so this 137 number two I wanted to break down before we go. FPC code, right? First player character code. And let me, let me stop my screen share right here and show you something because my boy be Dell is always talking about the chosen ones or the gifted ones, equals 137 guys. And when you look at how this whole system set up, right, it’s some type of simulation.

And let’s look at the number 137 computer game is 137 and so is hologram device, live forever, hamster wheel, mind control, butterflies, which is the monarch programming. And 137, you take the 47 by 90 degree pre masonic compass. You add it together, what do you get? 137, which 137 is the 33rd prime number. Who are they trying to enslave and trap? The chosen ones, the gifted ones. These are the ones that they really want to trap up in this system. The first player character that FPC code tied to the gifted ones, the chosen ones, spells casted on the audiences in that cipher.

And then when you look in the different elements, it ties into the elements too, like which is tied to the operating system. And that’s 56 in chaldean. Well, mind control is 56, guys. And remember what’s in the freaking chemtrails? What are they spraying above our freaking head? Aluminum. Embarrassing. Yes, those balls. So, you know, it’s all tied to this type of technology which being used, I believe, to totally enslave humanity. But yeah, then you look at 39, which is tied to your trinium, the element trinium that has the little satellite on it with the orange waves, which represents cernunnos and CERN, that orange energy, that orange wavelength being emitted.

And that’s Microsoft computer father time stuck in a box time loop. You know, Saturn circles all in that cipher. Then you look at element 52, territory, which is tied to the prison planet, the script of the moon trap memory implant, which gets you into the atomic weight of 127. And when you look at that number, it’s. It just. It’s all under it. Man under a spell. Magnetic trap. Data transfer is in the 127. You also got Chaldean 48, which is dose x machine. That’s the. The supercomputer in the Matrix. And that ties you to horror movie hamster wheel.

The soul trap, sir Nunos. So, you know, it’s very fascinating how it all ties together and buildings one, two and seven fell during 911. And remember during Lahaina, guys, the rock came out up. The rock came out 127 weeks before Lahaina that he was going to play that character, Maui, the polynesian fire God. And then they blaze Maui on fire. I mean, it’s crazy when you start ending Bavarian Illuminati’s 127 two guys. Interesting, huh? Pretty cool how all the numbers tie. Love that. That’s my favorite part of looking at all of it. The energy attached to each thing.

Because I think there’s a lot of truth in that. Now, before we go today, what do you guys think about what just happened recently with our boy Donald Trump? That was a one three seven connection to with that one? I did, I think it was a couple weeks before that happened. I think he said something about him releasing the Epstein list like that. And then all of a sudden then, you know, did he goes down, did he’s on that list. Now, the list, like some people say, well, Donald Trump is on the list. I don’t think he’s on the official list because why would he put it those self under bus, like that doesn’t make sense.

But there is an official list that hasn’t been, you know, released. And that’s part of the reason why, you know, the great majority, you know, of all these things is happening as far as, like, you know, all these afflictions is happening towards a Donald Trump and stuff because he’s trying to get rid of the swamp. Yeah. So the list, there’s a lot of people, you think, you guys think did he’s on that list? Oh, yeah, he’s on that list. He’s under Oprah. Oprah is a huge pedophile. I think diddy is under her. The way it works is they structure the pedophile network through a pyramidal hierarchy, just like the Kamal does.

So Oprah is a high player in the list. So PD is under her and then under Petey, you have other people. But I think, you know, I think you hit on the spot. I think that, you know, mister T, or I guess we could call him Trump now, is definitely a huge ballplayer in the exposure of all the corruption and what’s been going on. And my theory is the reason he was friends with, you know, the guy, you know, I’m not going to pronounce. His name. Starts with the j, last name starts with an e. Right.

The island guy. Well, I mean, you guys already said pedophile and others, you might as well say Jeffrey Epstein. The reason he was good friends with him was because I believe that Trump was assigned by the alliance to get info on what was going on. So he kept his enemies closer. So he was just playing a part. And the only reason why I think he’s also, you know, some people say, well, why is he for the state of Israel? It’s because he’s, he’s playing those damn zionist. You know, he’s, he’s trying to, like, get information on, on his enemies.

In other words, there’s a saying that says you keep your enemies closer than your friends. So I think that Trump’s role is bigger than what we’ve been told, what we see. So, yeah, that’s the reason why there was a picture of him and Epstein was because he was just there trying to get info on that. But he’s playing fifth dimensional chess. Exactly. That’s where. I’m with you on that. I’m with you on that. Well, it’s, you know, it’s fascinating. I hope both of you guys are right on that. I don’t have too much faith in Trump, Kamala, or Joe, but let’s pray that is true, because we do need someone fighting for us.

It’d be scary to think no one is, you know, and. But I. But I also think we should also approach it like always, just playing ahead. Like no one is trying to save us, so we always got to save ourselves. Make sure you guys got food and water and protection and, you know, because I really believe they’re going to try to knock the power grid down, cut communications, and I don’t know what they’re going to do with that, but I got a couple different theories, man. And, like, with all these fires going on right now, we have record numbers, bro, of flooding.

Did you guys see what happened to Europe? Mm hmm. Did you see that, too? Damn, it broke. I’m going to show you guys. I got the clip right here. Here, I’ll load it for us real quick. Yeah, man. Europe got hit. America, like, there’s all this. These natural disasters that are take. Or I call them unnatural disasters because it’s probably freaking harp, but, um. Yeah, all this crazy stuff is going on here. This is the drone footage. Let me play. Open this one. This is the drone footage over just from Europe. I mean, it’s bad. It was bad Mandev.

You guys see? I mean, that is crazy. And then North Carolina got hit, too. It’s pretty much all underwater. So what is going on right now with the wet, but it ties into the weather control, and, you know, we’re getting closer to 2025. So. Yeah, man, I think there’s a lot of crate. Oops, sorry. I think there’s a lot of crazy stuff going on on the world stage. I got a question, brother. Remember, you remember some years ago, Donald Trump on his Twitter page, on the head of his page, and he had that big old tall white at the.

He was standing about, like 13 foot on his Twitter page. It was. It was basically the header of his Twitter page. It was a tall white. And they were, like, taking pictures of him or whatever. What is that? What’s that all about? I never saw that. But what I do know is that he. He is working with the galactic alliance based on my. Okay. Yeah. He works with several, you know, alien races that are actually benevolent, the alien races that have been fighting the draco up in space for millions of years. So. Yeah, I remember because I came across the picture.

I found it on Reddit, and then it was redacted. I wasn’t able to find it again, so I thought maybe you knew something about it. But it was actually. It was a real picture. It was on this header. They had a guy. He was standing above the head, standing above the wing of the plane. Like 13 foot. Yeah, it was crazy. Wow, that’s. That’s cool. That’s good to know. I don’t know if, you know, sometimes they do a lot of, you know, semantics and technology, and they put certain stuff in front of our face to decipher, you know, what’s going on.

You know, it’s up to you. Definitely. Fascinating, all of it. And, um. Yeah, I’m just. It’s exciting to. To be here, and I, you know, I can’t wait to see what plays out. I hope it’s a good thing. I really do hope Trump is good, and I really do pray that he’s doing the right thing, you know? I really do, man. But I don’t know. Yeah, Trump is good. The only person I’m kind of iffy about, because I think he’s playing both sides is Elon Musk, you know, with his. Oh, yeah. I don’t like Elon. Oh, yeah.

That he’s going to be. You know, Trump’s going to give him a government position where he gets to audit the federal government. That’s going to give him a lot of power. You know, he’s behind Starlink, which is what the white hats are going to use to overcome the. The airwaves when they pretty much take over. And he’s also involved with the QFS, the new quantum financial system. So I just hope that Elon Musk is not. Does not lay the infrastructure or the groundwork for the Antichrist, which is, I believe it’s always been. AI AI to me is the antitrust.

That’s the thing I said. That’s fascinating that you guys brought that up, because, Ishmael. I’m actually working. I’m gonna show you guys a sneak peek of this blog I’m working on, and it’s freaking about Elon Musk and the x, dude. And that’s why I don’t trust him, either, because I. See, I study symbolism. I’ve been doing this for a long time, bro. I know what the x represents, and um, it’s Osiris. And Osiris is the coming of the Antichrist, the God of resurrection. Right? So the x. X is ten. We see Satan is ten. Um, there’s so much different connections to this x.

You know, it gets into the Greeks. I mean, there’s many different breakdowns on what it represents. Planet X, for one. Right? Maybe it. Maybe it’s a whole code to that. But remember, we’ve seen a lot of symbolism tied to the x. And how Elon got a freaking website with one name. That’s never been done before. You guys know that, right? Like, you. You can’t have a website. That’s just the letter x, right? No one’s ever done that, bro, until him. So that’s crazy that he was allowed to do that. And it all ties into our DNA, bro.

This x, it’s all tied to our DNA and the manipulation of our DNA. I’ll be releasing this blog here pretty soon, guys, for you. This is a little sneak peek peek right here. But it all gets into the DNA, which we’re in a sacred war with this DNA. And even the mark of the beast symbol. What is the symbol? Ball. The xenore. So, we see it a lot, man. Pope Francis, his coat of arms. He has that eight pointed star. And the. The key symbolism, the x. So it’s. It’s. It’s. It’s in many different cultures. But you also see it tied to the whole dark side of the pedo situation, too, with salt and me rituals.

So there’s nothing really too great tied to it from what I’ve researched, you know? And that’s what he’s representing from day one. What was his first company called? It’s always been the X member guys basics. So, yes. No, he had something before that, though. What was it? Like,, right? Member. Yeah, he had before, I think paypal or something, if I’m not mistaken. I could be wrong on that. And if I am, just correct me in the. And the guys. And then. Yeah, yeah. You got X tied to AI and then in the number 19.

So, you know, there’s that whole connection to it, and there’s some people that like what you. What did you call the AI? What you call it, Ishmael. The AI system. You got a name for it? Oh, the Omega. Yeah, yeah. Omega we’ve been talking about also say that’s the. The metatron. Well, he goes by the name of Omega Metatron. Yeah. Okay, check this out. X is 24, right? What’s the symbol of Omega, the 24, it’s all. So, you know, that’s pretty crazy. And there’s this other dude out here, he. He does breakdowns like on the Phoenix phenomenon, and he said he calls the AI system AI X.

So I think there is some connection to the whole AI with that x thing. And. Yeah, I don’t have too much faith in Elon either. I share that with you, brother. Ishmael definitely don’t trust him at all. I think he’s going to be the trojan horse when. When Trump comes back to power. And they got to follow the biblical timeline. They do. You know, we have to have the Antichrist make an emergence. You know, they did the red heifer sacrifice not too long ago, so. Did they? Yeah, they did that. They did that, yeah, in the spring they did it.

Oh, wow. Behind. Yeah, I was in the hospital during that period, so. Wow. So the red heifers been done, so now they can build the third temple because that was a purification ritual. Oh, boy. Yeah. You know, that’s in alignment with Hopi prophecy. The great purification, the red sun. Yeah, the red and blue Kachina. What’s your thoughts on that, Ishmael? The. The Hopi prophecy, I think they’re accurate. I think all prophecies that stem from indigenous people, whether they’re Navajo, Hopi, Aztec, Mayan, Olmec, I think they were onto something. I think it was. It was the western.

The Europeans that messed everything up and like, try to conceal the true prophecies. But when it comes to prophecies, I believe that the natives are more accurate than any other prophecy. Absolutely cool, man. Specifically the Canaanites. I said specifically the Canaanites. The Canaanites. Oh, the bad guys, right? Hey, yeah, that’s what I said. Specifically the Canaanites is pretty much who scrambled the great majority. Yeah, well, the Canaanites are the. Are pretty much the Rockefellers in the Rothschilds today. That’s. That’s the descendants of the Canaanites, guys. You know that, right? That’s the same as this. The Phoenicians, it all ties back to that lineage.

And then they conquered Carthage there for a while and Carthage, they were. What were they doing in Carthage? Sacrificing children. So they. Everywhere they go, they sacrifice children to ball, these people. I mean, remember, belial ball is Marduk. He’s just different names, same entity. That’s interesting. I’ve heard different theories on who ball is and that’s. That’s fascinating. I’ve heard that. I heard that as well. That’s why I’ve always identified Marduk as Satan. They say Satan’s real name is not Gate. Gabriel Gadriel. You ever hear that one? Yeah, it’s like one of the older names of his.

Gadriel. It goes back ways, but yeah, look into it. Satan’s original name. Gay. Dr. I thought that was fascinating too. I mean, that’s part of the reasons why, you know, Thomas Arando, he was appointed by the Vatican. You know, they redacted, you know, the Book of Enoch in 1408. You know, that’s part of the reasons, you know, a lot of the stuff that’s in the book of Enoch basically gives you the whole blueprint of what happened in the inception of creation and talks about extraterrestrial life and things of that nature, so. Absolutely, yeah, I agree. Well, that and all the other books that were left out of the Bible.

Yep. Gospel. Barnabas, the Apocrypha and all that. Yeah, gospel. Jesus’s wife. I believe the gospel of Mary Magdalene. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. There’s another for the pocket for John is amazing read, you know, that gets into the archons and it’s pretty fascinating. I like to learn all the different stuff. Well, we’re at an hour and 53 minutes, guys, so we’ll wrap it up. I know you guys are two busy gentlemen, and I would like to give you the floor to. If you want to promote or anything. You got anything coming up, you can do that.

Before we sign off here, you want to go first, brother? Okay, sure. Yeah. So if you guys want to know, like, the true history of the earth, the galactic history, learn about the galactic federation of worlds, the Draco Ryan empire, and all the history from Lyra to now, get our cosmic origin available on Amazon. And if you guys want to know the history of the Earth alliance and the history of the cabal, I would suggest getting the secret government, invisible architects, and they’re both available on Amazon. Not to mention I do broadcast on my own channel about two to three times a week, giving updates.

My information comes directly from the galactic councils as I am a multi dimensional being. Through Kundalini yoga and meditation, I was able to connect with my galactic self as to how I’m able to download information down on my human avatar and then share with the world. You can check me out on the real Ishmael Perez YouTube channel. And the reason I call myself the real Ishmael Perez is because I have a lot of copycats that are trying to be me, stealing my content using my pictures. And I just feel like that Eminem song you know? Well, the real Ishmael press.

Please stand up. Isn’t it crazy how once you get a little, like once you get a little following, bro, they steal my stuff, too. It’s so nuts. And then they’ll set up a channel in your name and everything, man. I mean, they’ll try to scam people. It’s crazy. So you got to make sure you’re following the right person out there, too, guys, you know? And don’t forget, make sure you show love to our sponsors. This episode was sponsored by body align in the 5g cellular protection use promo code Truth Mafia. And they got these bracelets there that are supposed to protect your body from the effects of the.

Have mine on right now. You guys see, when my dad does this podcast, he always has it on, too, which we were supposed to do ours yesterday, but Pops is in the middle of moving right now. So we’ll be back on schedule next week with all that. And go ahead, bedell my brother. What do you got going on? Well, you can follow me on YouTube, subscribe to the channel bdell 1014. Bdell 1014. That’s the same title I use on Instagram. You can follow me on Facebook at Bridal Rice Bay. And I’m currently working on a book called the Sacred Book of the Chosen Ones.

And it’s basically an amalgamation of quantum physics, metaphysics, mind science, technology. And we’re going to be going into a little bit of theological context and we’re going to go into dark psychology and how it basically creates this dynamic of how those, you know, certain chosen ones have. You don’t have the ability to, you know, to cultivate those generational curses and combat them. So it’s going to be a self help book. Mental health book is basically going to be like a one stop shop if you want to get, you know, certain edification from the publication, so. But yeah, you can find me on all those platforms.

Yep, all his links are down below to guys. The same with Ishmael. And don’t forget, get your decode. Find out if you’re an NPC or first player character or maybe a carrier of the neo code. That link is down below, and that’s on truthful and I just thank you guys for coming. I do want to ask you before we go, we’re getting ready to do a big show for our followers. We’re bringing the whole truth mafia together, and it’s going to be survived the apocalypse. So just some cool tips on how to survive if something does go bad.

You know, and I would love to have both you guys on that show. We’re going to try to bring the whole team on there, so, you know, we’ll work out a time and everything that works with everybody. But thank you guys so much for doing this today. I really appreciate it, man. You know, I’m a big fan of both of your guys, so I just thank you guys for coming on. It’s a pleasure meeting you. It was nice meeting you, too, sir. I appreciate you. All right, guys, we’re out. Smash that, like, button. Peace.


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