THE ARCHONS: Doenut Factory Tommy Truthful The Juan on Juan Podcast December 14 2022 5:30 PM EST

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➡ The discussion revolves around the concept of ‘Archons’ from Gnostic cosmology, which are believed to be entities attacking certain energy centers or ‘chakras’. The speakers discuss various theories, including the idea that our world was created by a ‘Satan archetype’, not God, as evidence of imperfection and evil in our world. They also touch on the belief that all organized religions have been influenced by these Archons. The conversation includes references to various religious and philosophical concepts, such as the ‘Gnostic cosmos’, the ‘Saturn time cube’, and the ‘simulation hypothesis’.
➡ The text discusses various theories about ancient Gnostic texts, archons, and their influence on our world. It suggests that archons, or spiritual entities, can control human emotions and actions. The text also explores the idea that these entities can be summoned through rituals and may be influencing world leaders. It also mentions theories about life extension technology, consciousness transfer, and the existence of different dimensions.
➡ The speaker discusses various symbols, theories, and interpretations related to archons, ancient gods, and their influence on modern culture. They mention the significance of the sun cross symbol, the four corners, and the 12 devil trapezeums. They also discuss the influence of these ancient entities on our language, days of the week, and media, suggesting that they are still invoked today. The speaker believes that these entities are represented in movies and TV shows, and that companies like Disney strategically use energetic points on Earth for their advantage.
➡ The speaker discusses various conspiracy theories, including the existence of secret societies, the influence of occult symbols, and the potential manipulation of human memory through technology. They also delve into numerology, suggesting that certain numbers hold significant meaning in these theories. The speaker also mentions the idea of different dimensions and the potential for portals between them, as well as the influence of ancient texts on these theories.
➡ The text discusses the connections between various elements such as the number 4, Stranger Things 4, and events in 1986. It also explores the concept of fiction as a dimension of history, suggesting that movies and books can reveal truths about our world. The text further delves into the idea of ‘made in my image’ and ‘made in China’, analyzing their numerical significance. Lastly, it touches on the symbolism of the Ouroboros and the concept of the abyss in relation to our reality.
➡ The text discusses various theories and interpretations of symbols, movies, and rituals, suggesting connections to alchemy, esoteric concepts, and even time travel. It also mentions the idea of unlocking energy or experiences through certain practices. The text also explores the idea of secret societies and their rituals, suggesting they might be linked to these concepts. Lastly, it mentions the possibility of the elite wanting to reset time and the potential role of CERN in this.
➡ The speaker discusses various conspiracy theories, mentioning symbols, reptiles, and the Illuminati. They also mention their presence on various social media platforms, including YouTube, Rockfin, and Patreon, and consider joining Facebook despite its censorship. They express appreciation for their audience and promote their website,, and a Christmas sale.


My glasses a certain type of way so people don’t think I’m throwing. Welcome to Tommy Truthful dot com. I’m here with Brother Donut and Juan. Today we’re going to be getting in to these archons and talking a little bit about them and how they are attacking the 4th and 7th Chakra. We were just talking about that before and we have many different kinds of archons. I know some of you guys seen the. The decode I did on it. Oh, whoa. I don’t know what it just did back there, but. Oh, there we go. I. I’m putting in the wrong thing.

Okay, so there it goes. I got my thing pulled up up here. We’ll get into that after we get going. Juan, do you have a presentation you said you had on these archons? Yeah, dude, from September of 2020, dude. This is how long ago I was looking into this. I have a little presentation. I thought it’d be fun to bring it up just so we can talk about it. I just added some visuals because when I was doing this podcast, it was strictly just audio. You can pull it up there. Here, I’ll let you share the screen.

So this is from a show I used to do called the Juan Hour. And I named this episode Defeating the Archons Simulation Argument and AI because it all ties into all that, right? With the. The Gnostic cosmology and so the Gnostics in the simulation hypothesis. And this episode was born actually from episode 1444 of JRE with Duncan Trussell because he had talked about the Archons and how they believed. The Gnostics believed that we were being trapped in a world created by Yada Baoth, the. The lion headed serpent. And pretty much the Gnostics, they were early Christian sects.

There was more than 50 of them. They all had crazy ideas. There were heretics, there were ruled heretics because they pretty much talked about how the Satan archetyped was the one that created the world that we are in. And that’s obviously very heretical. God created the universe, not this Satan archetype. So the Gnostic saying that the evidence comes from the imperfection, tragedy and evil in our world. A good God could never have created it. So what I just mentioned, the Satan archetype created it. And I also talked about this, the Saturn time cube, which all plays a role into all this because a lot of people think that the demi urge is Saturn.

And that’s why there’s the hexagon with the cube. You have the cube worship all over the world. You have the dudes that wore the cube on their head, you have all this crazy stuff. So yeah, for y’all, the bail said I am a jealous God. And there’s. There is no other God besides donuts cousins that wear the cube on their head. I forgot about that. That’s to fill in. Yeah, to fill in. Do it in. In Christianity they have the unfolded cross. In Islam they walk counterclockwise around the hypercube. I’m pretty sure all organized religion has been infiltrated by these little archons and you know, they were created by Sophia and she jumped into manifestation.

She became, she turned into the earth and she, she created y’all the bay off and she jumped into manifestation without her male counterpart. And you know, she got you. But if you read the old scriptures and look into the Gnostic text and what’s the one called? The Yahamadi. I’m probably pronouncing that. Yeah, Mahabharata. Yeah, that one too. But not that one. There’s another one. I got it on my site. I’ll show you in a minute. There was a creator God above Sophia that was like a male counterpart. So you know, I think, I think that’s real God.

This is the Gnostic cosmos. So this is a breakdown from the Gnostic cosmology, the way that they view the universe. So you have the upper eons up here, which is the metaphysical world. Then you have the lower eons, which is what we are in right now, the physical world. You have Adam and Eve down here. Now the one, the Source, that’s the, you know, the, these circles here, they’re emanations of the One. So the One creates reality. And that’s why the Greeks were emanationists. They believed that the Source would emanate out reality. Now you have y the Beoth here that came from the Trinity, the Father, which was thinking consciousness.

This is why. This is why. And this is my bread and brother. I started with the Gnostic, so thinking they, they believe that consciousness came first. So the Father masculine, and then you have the mother thought and then the child, the Christ plus Sophia thinking. A thought of itself thinking. So that’s how you get that Holy Trinity. And Yaldabaoth came forth from when, when Sophia, she wanted to, to bring it forth without the consent of the Father. So when she was cursed because it was a. I have a picture of him. It was the, the lion headed serpent, right? This is Yalda Bayon.

And he had, he had a posse of demons, right? He had a 49 of them to be exact. Donut. He had 49 demons, and Antichrist is 49. And the whole thing with the Church of Satan in San Francisco, home of the 49ers. Yeah, you have all that. And then his cronies, his demonic cronies, they were like, hey, which. Which they also believe were the seven planetary. Right, you have the seven planetary archons each. The Gnostics believe that every single planet that you saw was a different demon, and every single celestial orbit was a different dimension. So when they.

When they came together, they were like, hey, dude, you know, you have that divine spark within you. So let’s create life. Let’s create something in the image of the per. The perfect. So this is the watery light. This is why it looks like water here. You know, the upper eons is a reflection. That’s why a lot of church murdered these people. 100. 100, like, murdered them all. So they were on to something. Yeah, and that’s what I say. Like, usually, you know, we’re in the truth of community. When you’re on to something, you usually get silence.

Right? And when you’re saying some things, that’s. That’s when they go after you because you’re going against. Going against the grain. Hope Innocent did it. And so here we have the. They create again Adam and Eve. And according to Gnostic cosmology, the. You have the serpent and you have the eagle in the Garden of Eden story. And the eagle was Yahweh. He wanted to. And Lil. Right. That’s how you get the Anunnaki and all that stuff involved. And pretty much he didn’t want you to eat from the Tree of Knowledge because he didn’t want you to learn that you were trapped in a simulation.

And that’s why he was angered. And when. When Eve ate from the tree and Adam, that’s why they were kicked out of the garden because he’s like, hey, you guys are now gonna know that you’re in this simulation that I put you in, which was supposed to be some sort of. Of experiment. And the serpent was Sophia. So that. That. And again, that’s according to Gnostic cosmology. Now, now, in the Anunnaki version of that, the serpent is Enki, who was the master geneticist. And he went to his favorite human and gave him plans to build a submersible because Enlil wanted everybody to die.

And they knew this flood was coming. So they said, you know, we’re gonna go off planet, let the flood hit them and start over, because now they. They’re able to think for their self. And Inky did something he wasn’t supposed to do. He allowed us to procreate. He was never supposed to do that from, from them stories they say so the Gnostics use this as a talisman. By the way you, you find this, this symbol on a lot of their rings. So they did worship this thing. And they also would, they had a talisman of Abraxas which is the chicken headed God with this for, with the snakes, for the, for the tail, for the Ascending.

That’s the name of the family that runs all the universes. The abrasives family. Yeah, the. Yeah, Abraxas. And that’s also equals 365 I think in Gematri or something like that. Because Crowley talked about it a lot too. And that’s where Abracadabra comes from essentially. And a movie that Tommy, you decoded, the Abra family was in that movie with Jupiter Ascending. Jupiter Ascending, yep. And you know the blood, the eldest son in that one, his name was Bl. He represented Ball Yoth to. He was that archetype, you know what I’m saying? And then the, that’s the name of the family that would go around harvesting worlds and just murdering everyone and turning them into pretty much adrenochrome.

And then they were taking baths in it and it kept them, they would jump in the bathtub, they hit it with electric while they’re under the water or under this fluid made out of humans. And it would, when they came up out of it, they were youthful again. So they were living you know, 14, 15,000 years. And I believe these elites have technology like that, maybe a little different, transferring consciousness through the eye socket with the black goo and all that. But definitely they have life extension technology. And here I have. Their ideas are suppressed as heresy by the official Church.

Many Gnostics texts were destroyed during the Middle Ages. And so a lot of the things that we know about the Gnostics were written by the Church Fathers. So take that for what it is. They were writing about their enemies. So you know you’re going to get a filtered, a filtered story. And it’s interesting because a lot of these texts were discovered with the Nag Hammadi Library in Egypt in 1945. And also the Dead Seas, that’s what it was Texas. It’s interesting because around this time was when, when I think, I believe in 1947 was when Crowley was it 47 and I could be died 47, 1946.

Jack Parsons carry on Crowley’s Worked on Elantra workings, opened up that portal and won these little archons. You know, remember Crowley manifested lamb? Yep. Looks like a gray. Which is one of the archons. It says one of the archons looks like a gray unborn fetus, and another one looks reptilian. So the rulers of. So the archons, in general, the rulers of the lower aeons, also called rulers, governors, authorities, guards, gatekeepers, robbers, toll collectors, detainers, judges, pitiless ones, adulterers, man eaters, corpse eaters, fishermen, which I found interesting because you have the Anunnaki pictured as fish headed men, fish headed entities.

Dagon, you have these, you know, the nomos, they come from the water. So I found that very interesting. Y’all, the baoth is the chief archon. He created all the others. And according to the apocrypha of John, there are 12 Archons and their aeons compromising the lower archons. And this is how we get the different dimensions. So every single celestial orbit is a different dimension. And I tied this into Stanley Kubrick and the 2001 Space Odyssey. So the seven heave archons are associated with the seven planetary heavens. Five archons of the abyss are associated with the five subluminary realms created by earth, water, air and fire, intermixed into the ether.

So they thought that every single feeling, every single element, every single different thing was a different archon. Right. So they believe that all your feelings, if you would be. If you felt and succumb to greed or whatever it was that was an archon that was controlling you. And in order to ascend with gnosis, you needed to learn every single archon’s name. Because they say in order to control a demon, you need to know its name. But if you, if your soul is transcending through that picture that I showed earlier through these aeons. So you start hearing, you go up through the aeons if you get caught in between any of this, because you don’t know one of the, one of the demons names you’ve succumbed to, whatever that demon rules, like if it’s greed or lust or, or I don’t know if, if sloth is one, whatever it is, you know, the, the seven deadly sins, it’s the same thing.

Essentially, you were succumbed to that demon and you would be cast back down into reincarnation. And that’s how you get the oro boros, the serpent eating its own tail. So would the months of the year, like January being Janice, the double headed God of the doorways that we’re coming up on that you could also see on this tablet as well, how they represent the two different faces. So it goes back even more ancient. Would a Janice Aquarius, like the months, be considered the archons in a zodiac? The zodiac, essentially, yeah. You could, you could make that connection.

I don’t know if I haven’t broken down. Saturn’s connected to Janus in January. I’m a Capricorn, you know. And then you have different planets. They said Mars is a demon. And he re like how I always thought of it. You got Saturn, Kronos, he controls that reality, that, that matrix. Then you have Mars, which is another kind of like the multiverse, right? Like that. How that is, that’s another world. And what my boy said, true Scrambler, he thinks Mars is a world that met its fate already. And what we call demons here are these disembodied spirits from Mars.

It’s actually very interesting. He did a whole presentation. Well, I. I’ve interviewed Joseph Lumpkin and he. He wrote a book, the Origins of Evil. And he says the same thing about this, but that the. The reason that God flooded the world and killed all, you know, the Nephilim and the giants and the Elohim and all these things that what’s left, you know, energy cannot be created nor destroyed. It can only be transformed. So by him wiping out all these entities, those are the demons that we’re experiencing now. They’re still mad. They’re mad that he destroyed them.

So they’re, you know, wreaking havoc now in our times. And that’s how you get demonic possessions because they want to experience the, you know, they had a body and they want to occupy a body. And that’s how you get demonic possessions and all that stuff. So they said they. That especially y’all debay off. He can. He can interfere in this reality through people’s minds. And, you know, like a lot of the. The people running the world, they’re being influenced by these archons and they’re actually, they’re actually doing rituals and summonsing them down out of the ether, really the eighth sphere, the astral realm bringing them.

Because you have a lot of them archons in the ace fear the astral realm. And my buddy see or True Scrambler believes that’s where these disembodied spirits are from. He calls the others. If you ever watch the fifth wave, remember the walk ins the others. You. Did you ever see that one? I didn’t see that one. Did you, Donut? Oh, it’s great. I’m not sure. Probably the first wave, they hit him with donut was a natural disaster. Waves, tsunamis. And then the second wave was this pandemic. This, like, bird flu, influenza. And then the third wave, it was kind of symbolizing the rapture because they stole all the kids.

And then they put this chip in the kids to make. It was either in their helmet or in their head. It made them see normal people. It made them look like they were possessed by this alien when really they weren’t. So they had them going out killing their own friends when they were just survivors of this invasion. And what is it? What movie is that? It’s called the Fifth Wave. It’s fire, bro. It came out in 2016, I think. Crazy. So there’s this movie that gotta check out. I’ve been. I told Juana Wanawana about it. Something in the dirt.

It’s pretty dope. It’s still shilling, that movie, bro. Yeah, I. Dude, it’s. I’m still showing, too. I haven’t seen it yet. It. I. It’s one of those movies that it’s not, like, great where it’s like, yo, you gotta. It’s a message. But it stuck with me after watching it. Kind of like when I show on it, bro. Okay. No, you know, you guys need to watch. I’m telling you, it’ll blow your mind. Apple TV’s foundation. I just started watching it today. I binge watched it. It’s about this family that runs the world, and it’s called Dawn Day, and I think evening or something, but it’s all the same guy.

So it’s his clone as a child, and then the middle chair is his clone, like around 30. And then it’s him when he’s, like, in his 60s. And them are the three. They’re called Empire. And they run everything, all these different planets. And it’s all about cloning. So all the elites in it, they all have mad clones of their self. Yeah, it’s pretty altered. Carbon. Yeah. Yeah. And, like, I’m looking at it now. In the symbol of. It is the sun cross, too. So it’s. That’s a symbol that I’ve been really diving deep into. Research something, too.

Donut. Because I kept some symbols on it. It also looks like ethereum. The crypto Ethereum. And the owl is in the gateway. Where did I keep them symbols at? I know. I download. Okay, here we go. Where’s. Oh, right here. Okay, so first let me show you them all in the clones, because I’m gonna decode this for my people. It’s so crazy. Okay, so first of all, these are the. This is the. I think this was the first episode, the Empire of Peace. And you see here the women, these are all the clones. They’re coming out, throwing down the sacred feminine.

And then the males are coming out, throwing up the sacred masculine. You see that? Illuminati confirmed, right? The sacred feminine, sacred masculine. And then you have Illuminati confirmed. Illuminati confirmed. And then we have on the. I caught this. Just as them clones are coming out. You can see the owl symbol at the bottom corner of the gate. And you know, Donut, we talk about the owl a lot. The superb owl Super Bowl. And even this kind of looks like the owl a little. But right there you see it? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. So there’s. There’s secret societies built that.

That symbol. If you go back to it, that sun cross where it’s the four corners in the middle, that’s that symbol I’ve been diving deep on right now. Because I think that there’s going to be some sort of portal event at the four corners. And one on one elaborated that it’s bigger than just the four corners in our last podcast, that it goes into the 12 devil trapezeums, the devil triangles. How there’s 12 of them all throughout the world, which goes into those 12 archons as well. Sort of. Look at this little baphomet child. This is the young one and he’s throwing up the baphomet right here, which you see.

They make Jesus do it now, but my computer looks like it. Oh, no, it’s good. Did you see it? And then if you see them all side by side, it’s just crazy, bro. They’re like, it’s right here. What show is that, bro? It’s called foundation on Apple. If you don’t have Apple, I’ll give you my. You can watch it on there because it’s worth it. Dude, look at Apple TV be going hard with their stuff. They got that, they got that show that was directed by Ben Stiller with the. The goo coming out of everybody. Surveillance or something.

Servant. Yes. Yep. And I decoded it and they got Ted Lasso as well about soccer. But I watched that because of you. That go. They bring up the Knights Templar all throughout that show. The day they do their sacrifice is on November 18th. And it, it. It goes deep with subtle symbolism in it. The guy studying the Knights Templar throughout the whole show and talking about it. Donut, did you see the last video we did? It had over 400 shares overnight. And then they took it down. Because I seen on your page, you shared it and it was gone.

I’m like, how is this gone? So I went back and they took it down. They said for spam. Because I shared a link in the comments. So I will never do that again. Yeah, the. Sometimes you gotta make the tiny URLs. Yeah, it’s ridiculous. It’s just so they can censor us. We got a lot of comments in here. Yo, Tommy. Yo, Donut F Movies. Yeah, I’ve got. Y’all hip to that. That’s owned by Putin, though. Don’t ever log into that. They’ll have all your identity. I’m telling you. I’m, you know, I’m pretty new to the archon research, so I’m really.

So let me, let me talk about. So I brought up the Anunnaki because the Anunnaki were the, you know, the seven Anunnaki, the seven gods of decree. And you can relate that to the seven archons. A lot of people talk about them being archons. You have the eagle here. They’re like giants. They have the, you know, this, this cow or whatever. It’s their super, super small compared to them. And I have here the hierarchy of the archons. The archae of the archons, powers and angels emerges with 360 or 365 angels in all. And this is from the Apocrypha of John.

And The Archons created seven powers for themselves, and the powers created for themselves six angels for each one until they became 360 or 365 angels. So that’s how you get the 365 degrees of the horizon, because of the archons. According to the Gnostic cosmology, we used to go by 360 day year, solar calendar, and then Rome changed it to 365. Yep. Remember it said, it’ll change the laws in the times of the Most High. And they changed it to 365, which. Donut, you said something before on that, didn’t you? Ain’t them. What are them days called? The extra five days.

Was that you that told me about that? Yeah, I, I, that wasn’t me, but I know what you’re talking about. But also with the whole days or I forget something. So do you think these Archons, I mean, you go all the way back to the Anunnaki, but like we have today these different months and these different gods for the different months. For example, the show Wednesday, Wednesdays for Odin and Odin Is Santa Claus or connected to Santa Claus. So are these the same archons with different names? I believe to an extent, I do. I, I think because if you look into y’all, Debayoff, it’s, it’s, it’s Yahweh, it’s Enlil.

So you see how like Enlil and Little is Thor and Lil is Jupiter and Lil is Zeus. You know, this got like 20 different names, but it’s just different nations calling them the same thing. Yeah, I think that it’s the same, it’s the same thing where you see the transformation, the evolution of the, the oldest known literature. Right now we’re learning about it from agnostic, an early Christian lens. So these names are, are in a Greek. They’re all inspired by the guys before them. But it all essentially comes out of Sumer, where if you follow mainstream history, that’s the oldest civilization that we know of.

Again, if you follow main, we can all agree that history, the people in charge of it, it’s all a lie. It’s all so again. But I do believe that these gods continue even till this day today. And I, I have, towards the end, I’m going to relate it, I’m going to tie all up for you guys and, and give you my point of view where I think that they’re using the media, they’re using these movies especially to pump this stuff out. And these gods, these gods exist in our language. I mean, when we talk Monday, you know, Tuesday, Thursday, Thor day, why are we invoking gods of other religions which.

And essentially go back to the archon. So we’re invoking the word grammar comes from grimoire. So our language is a spell. In movies, they have a casting person. They have a person who looks for, for these. You know what I’m saying? Like, it’s all in the language, dude. It’s, it’s crazy. So I do 100% believe Juan calls them cinema magicians. Absolutely. So right here we have you, Juan. I read your post on that and I thought it was amazing. Yeah, I gotta talk to this dude. And these movies are so deep. Like that Jupiter Ascending movie, how they named it the AB6 family.

And this is going straight back to these archons, like they do the heavy, heavy research and you can see the symbols. The, the interesting thing is, is I’m. What I’ve been enjoying is going back to the 90s and watching movies like Edward Scissorhands or looking at the symbols, because me too recently I learned through one about the Bach Tower and the Tower symbolism. How all these wizards had a tower for so they could study the stars. They had an advantage over the ground. But even in the show Edward Scissorhands, they got a tower at the top of the like clone like characters at the bottom.

That was re. Watched that. Man. That was about cloning, wasn’t it? You know, I’m not sure if it was about cloning. I was just calling them clones because it was that cookie cutter like personality, like dystopia. Yeah, like a bunch of clones about. But also what I connected with this mountain because this sun cross symbol, the four corners in the middle of it is a mountain. It’s a volcano. It’s a pair. That’s where a pyramid comes from, like on the back of the dollar bill. And I was thinking about Six Flags Magic Mountain because Wanda, this beautiful breakdown on Disneyland in Florida Disneyland, if you look at it from the top, there’s a key.

But it also has the hyperborea four corners, this sun cross symbolism in the middle. And right in the middle of that goes back to hyperborea or the black rock, which has this volcano in the middle, which is this mountain. So the tower. Yeah, the tower. The mountain is important for the magic. And I was thinking just to add on to that research, is that at Disneyland you got a mountain, right? Space mountain. Space mountain. But also the other mountain too, where the yeti in dude, our whole reality is laid out in like a. A spell. It’s crazy when you really look at it.

But Six Flags also it was called Magic Mountain, and that was in California. And this is in front of Magic Mountain. That’s where the dude from Fast and Furious died in the mysterious car crash. Yeah. Wow. So I. Florida is at the core of a lot of the stuff because it’s one of the. One of the tips of the Bermuda Triangle. So I think that these elites. It’s an exactly these. And these elites know this and they use it to their advantage. And they know where these ley lines cross and all these energetic points cross at.

And they use that in order to either harvest energy or put energy out. And. And I mean Disney, what a more name a more powerful company than Disney that’s grown and they have it on the both pillars of the United States, California and Florida. And in Florida, Orange county has Disney World. In California, Orange county has Disneyland. So it’s parallels. They’re on and Disney World and Disneyland are their. Their own sovereign nation. Know that like the Vatican. Oh, I swear to God. Yeah. They have their own fire department and all that stuff. They have their own.

They have their own money, their own everything. They do, yes. They got their own everything, you know, locker. Yeah. I was looking at that money that they’ve printed to look for the occult symbols. But this, the. The thing I’ve been looking into, which after. In. Later in the show, I could show that the key symbolism that you see, let’s say from an aerial view of the Vatican or Disneyland, this key symbolism shows up in some crazy world events that’s like. It’s wild and so it says. I was looking at, like, the numerology of it all. You guys know, I had to go down that rabbit hole.

And they had all these different kinds, like they said, the mantid, the insecticides that we see in Men in Black. And then you had that. Which are the pray mantis ones. You have the. The Even, you know, everybody thinks, oh, I’m a Palladian. But they’re. They say they’re part of the whole archon thing in the Grays, which. On. On my channel, I’ll show you guys. And if you notice in that Jupiter Ascending movie, the Grays are doing the bidding of the archons, right? They’re like. They’re under the Reptilians. Yes, yes, yes. So would they be the Aons? Is that what it’s saying, that the archons have a lower fraction? So eons is a different reality.

So the upper eons is the metaphysical. The, you know, different frequency. The lower is the material that we can perceive. So the eons is just, you know, a higher dimension and a lower dimension. That’s why in the Greeks, they believe that this dimension, you know, Plato and the theory of forms was a reflection of a. Of a more divine realm. Because Plato inspired the Gnostics. So there, you know, Plato was the one that came up with the term demiurge. He’s the one that brought forth this idea of there being some central power that’s ruling everything. And Damon’s like.

Damon is either good or bad. Yep. Okay. Also, that Men in Black movie, very interesting that where they do the light. Because these purple lights, they’re popping up everywhere up here in Arizona. They’re all over the place. And in that movie, Men in Black, they flash a light and it erases their brain and they put new memories in. Well, when that movie came out that is provable today on Optogenetics, that they could actually do that, maybe not with, like, something that flashes, but with, like, a neural link or going into a brain and shining an LED light, they can change memories and All.

What about the flicker rate in our TVs and computers that actually attacks your essential nervous system. And there’s a patent on it, dude. Right, right. So that with the phones and the LED lights everywhere, who knows what’s going on? There’s endless possibilities of blast. I want to show you guys something real quick, Juan, and then I’ll let you get back to screen. I just got to show you guys this share screen. Hold on one second. Okay, here we go. So, you know, I decoded it. I wanted to see what the numbers were. So archons equals 33 in reduction matching elemental.

And elemental are magical entities who embody and personify one of the four classical elements. Right? And then if you get down here, remember the chittatory, which are like this reptilian entity from Africa. And chittatory is 44 in reduction matching fallen angel. And then the grace is 44. So fallen angel, 44, chittatory 44. And then we. In Revelation 16, it said, Then I saw three evil spirits that look like frogs. They came out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the false prophet, out of the mouth of the beast. They are spirits of demons performing miracles and signs.

And they go out to the kings of the whole world gathering them for the battle on the great day when the Most High comes back. And then in Avengers, we. That’s what represented the chittatory them, the archon symbolism. And we had the black sun symbolism when the portal opened up. So we always see these movies where portals open up and evil aliens come in trying to murder us. You ever notice that? Right, right. And that’s. That’s something I got some questions on later. You know, about the. I got some questions for you, Tommy, about the. The portals, because you’ve been documenting.

You’ve seen orbs, and you filmed it last month. And what. I just got another one too, that I found that’s mind boggling. Donut. I’m gonna put it up later tonight. I just had somebody comment right now on my YouTube talking about they sent me videos of orbs over the White House and next to the monuments. Because they watched the video that you and I did, Donut, with the monument and the reflection and the different dimensions and all that stuff. Yes, yes. So that’s. That’s why I got. They said there’s a portal opened over the White House right now.

It. That video was trending, bro. Like, yeah, some demonic shit’s going on with. That’s our president right now. And then look at this one rep. Okay, so, guys, I changed my logo recently because green represents the heart chakra in 51. If you see the 5:1, I’m always decoding the Illuminati Reptilians. And green and white is 51. Right. So everything with me is numbers. That’s just how my brain works. Reptilians is 51 and the Illuminati formed on 5:1. Then we have area 51. The sun simulator is 51. Matching Luciferianism. So they worship the holographic sun. Right. That keeps us in illusion away from the spiritual sun, the soul inside of us.

Shout out to my boy, the underscore spiritual shade room for that little info. And then 911, which was a massive loose energy Harvest 51 terror attack, Operation Paper Clip. And if you look into Paper Clip, Hitler was working with the Vril Reptilians. You know what I’m saying? So it’s pretty crazy that even numerically it all adds up. And I thought that was amazing. There’s a whole, a whole blog over here on Tommy and then guys, down in the links is all wands or down in the description is all Juan’s links, donuts links and my links to all of our platforms.

So if you want the screen back or one of you guys need the screen. Yeah, pull my stuff up and we’ll do this real quick. And because this is really. Again, this is. This is. It’s. It’s a rabbit hole. I mean there’s so much to go and branch off of. So the Back to the 365. This is the number of angels together there. 365, five. They all worked on it. The body until limb for limb, the natural and the material body was completed by them. So they’re talking about how the demons in this apocrypha of John that comes from the Nag Hammadi Library and Dead Sea Scrolls where each demon rules over a part of man’s body and soul.

So again, this goes back to. This is written down in these old. In these old scrolls that they found in these caves. So we have here the creation leak project. He broke that down. I like him. You know, some people try to say I’ve always liked them. I think he has very interesting. He’s one of the first person I ever heard about the Anunaki, the serpent versus the eagle and how the serpent’s really not. Not the bad one. It’s the eagle. Yes. Are you talking about leak project? Yeah. You know Rex. Yeah, yeah. So I did a couple shows on a big podcast with him, and.

Oh, did you. I’m such a fan, dude. Yeah. And I was like, yo, I was kind of going, like, hard. What up? It’s Donut, Yo. What up? It’s Donut. What’s up? You know what? This is what’s going on? These secret societies. And I was. I was saying how. Because Jordan Maxwell would talk about the. How the three world wars were predicted by Albert pike. And I remember him telling me, Rex, that that information was falsified, that he actually never did say that. And so I look at the letter, too. What’s up? I always thought Albert pike said that, too, about this, because there’s a letter to the Mafia leader, and that’s what Jordan Maxwell showed, and you can, like, see it.

But Rex was, like, saying, yo, like that story kind of. That. So that kind of stuck with me. I haven’t. I try to look a little into it, but that’s something that if. Maybe if other people have looked into to verify. I’m trying to figure that out why Rex said that, because I’ve seen the letter myself. Yeah. But you know what? I could. I could be wrong, though, because I get a lot of stuff wrong. And maybe I misunderstood what he was saying. I do, too. It happens. Like last time we were live, I said it bothers me still.

I said I was breaking down Chernobyl, and I called it Fukushima, and that bothered me so bad. But these numbers and these dates are connected. Like Fukushima 311, right? Yep. Everything right now is connected to 86, which Nephilim is 86. You had Stranger Things 4. 4. Tetraphobia, the fear of the number 4. 4 is the number of death. And Stranger Things 4 comes out on 7 1. Four days later, CERN breaks the world record in energy. Right. And then Stranger Things 4 is taking place in 86. Everything going on with Ukraine. Chernobyl, reactor 4 melted down in 86.

That’s what I was trying to say. But I said something about Fukushima. Oh, man. I see. Yeah. That’s interesting. Stranger Things, they show you all the pre. There’s so much predictive programming in that, with war stuff like Russia versus America, and just the whole portal stuff. That’s what it equals, though not stranger things equals 71. So they released the final episodes on 7:1, which Murder by Numbers is 71, too. Giants on the Throne, I believe, is 71. I could be wrong about that one, but I know a horror. Babylon definitely is. Wow. So fiction. Fiction is another dimension of history.

I’m trying to Find the quote that I have here. But that’s why people have to pay attention to these movies. Because it is, you know, the, the subconscious bleeds into art and then the art, you know, the, the truth is stranger than fiction. So when they make these movies, like, oh, that’s, that’s, you know, you can’t, that’s not real. Well, it is real. And then, you know, they, they want you to. So here, so here I have this, this quote says history’s third dimension is always fiction. So again, it’s a different level of reality because when they’re writing these movies, essentially you are being dragged into some somebody’s world.

And I’m reading this book called Maps of the Imagination and how people, they, they are put in like a trans, like a trans, like state when they’re reading these books. Even if all the other, even if there’s information that’s being omitted. For example, like if there’s a character that’s being presented, you’re not seeing what that character is doing when he’s not being talked about by the author or whatever it is. But yet it’s still, it’s still a real world for people and they, they get sucked into it. So by putting these movies out, you don’t know what they’re doing.

You know, when they go back to the. You ever, you ever sit there and think about what that character is doing when they weren’t being focused on him? You know what I mean? Like, people don’t think about that because they get so sucked into the movie, the fictional aspect of it. A movie that’s created in a real world because that’s, you know, what, what a set is. And people imitates art and then they use the movies too, because it’s universal law that they have to tell us what they’re gonna do. So that whole fiction word, which is a made up word anyways, you know what I’m saying? Like you think of, of Plato’s stories and the stories of Atlantis.

There was no fiction back then. So he was talking about something real. But we make this, this fiction word and then we’re like, oh no, that was just fiction. No. And so we have. Here, let me see what we got. The yada yada baoth. He had the power to create because he was created from Sophia. So he had a divine spark. And he. So like their creator Yada Bath, the archons are androgynous. This ruler Y, by being androgynous, created for himself seven offspring. Androgynous just like their parent. And that’s from the reality of the rulers and the Aons.

One of his name is sackless too. You know that? No, I didn’t. Mil Sackless. And y’all debate sackless like ballas. I mean, that’s kind of crazy. It’s kind of crazy. Yeah. And you know, Baphomet is a hermefordite. You know, it’s not man or a woman. It’s. It’s both. So it’s kind of like the same concept. And the aeons, upper and lower, they’re concentric circles. So the, you know, they are emanationists. They believe that the upper eons emanated outward from the one which is at the center, the source. And the lower eons imitate the upper eons, because remember, Satan can only.

Can only imitate what God has made. So he can’t create himself, neither could he have the payoff. And you know the four words that were connected to him? What? And four again. Made in my image. That was connected to y’all the bath, which we were not made in his image, though. You know, I wonder what them four words equal in Gematria, made in my image or what is made in China equal, bro? I don’t know, but we should look at that sigils on everything, bro. That is on everything made in China. I’m gonna look at made in my image real quick.

So the upper eons, the, you know, the lower eons, Yaldabo emanates outward because he’s the creator of it. And you have a boundary, right? The. The. The veil between the two upper and lower eons. And I think that’s where in reality that you have these places, the 12 vial vortices that I talked about with Donut. That’s what these places, I believe are where. Where these two realities, or more than two, they co. Mingle and the veil is thinner. So people are able to manifest things or things are able to come in through here. Some like some sort of a portal.

And what’s going on right now? I think the veil is at its thinnest, bro. Oh, my God. You know what? Made in my images, bro? 119, like all seeing eye. Wow, that’s a big one too. In English, ordinal one. Oh, my God. In standard, it’s 9 11. And then in capitals mixed, it’s 238. From the Earth to the Moon is 238,000 miles. And after JFK was killed, Lyndon Johnson was sworn in on Air force one at 2:38pm so. Oh, and in Men in Black. The 2012 one. Their license plate is 238. Yeah. And 238, you plus it together, right? That’s 13, I believe.

And 13 is huge. If you look at, like, the. The sigils of the 13 stars, 13 original colonies. There’s a lot of 13 symbolism. So, I mean, even that. I think that’s 13, 2, 3, 8. Yes. The 12 disciples plus one, which is Jesus or whoever you want to accept, and that. That’s the number 13. So a lot of people think, oh, it’s a. You know, it’s an unlucky number. Well, it’s actually the most lucky because, you know, the 13th, a zodiac symbol is the Ophiuchus, the serpent bearer. So you have a lot of different things, and there’s different levels of initiation.

Some have 13. So the 13 plays a big role into Night Templar. What is made in China equal, bro. Huh? What is made in China equal? Oh, I didn’t look. Hold on, let me look. Come on, bro. The people want to know what it equals. I was. I was shocked by this. Damn. Made in my image. 1, 1, 9, 9, 11, and 2, 3, 8. Three of the biggest and most powerful vibrational numbers. You know, 137 is the only other one. So let’s see. Made in China. Oh, I got it. I got you, bro. China. China.

China. China. China. China. China. Made in China. Okay, let’s see here. Why do I feel like I spelled China wrong? Because I probably did. Hold on a second. Let me. Let me fact check myself. Spelling is not my big forte, but, like C H, I, N, A. I don’t know why that looked wrong to me. Made in China is 81 in ordinal matching ritual, and it’s stamped on everything. Let’s see what else. 81’s a big one, though. Oh, 54, which is Jesuit order. And remember the movie they live? Channel 54 news sent out the frequency, keeping the masses asleep.

And then you have 2, 1, 6, which is 6 times 6 times 6, 33 in Sepentry. It’s got all cultic numbers in it. Made in China. Interesting. Interesting. It’s literally on almost everything that we own. So just keep that in mind. And there’s the creation of the Lower Aons. It’s the description of the lower eons as a corpse. Whoever has come to know the world has found a corpse. And that’s the gospel of Thomas as darkness and abyss. So they’re talking about our reality. And he revealed himself to those who dwell in darkness, and he showed himself to those who dwell in the abyss.

And, you know, there’s always the. The. The angel of the abyss. You have CERN built on an Apollo temple, which is the. From the abyss. Right. He will be given the key. We Don and I talked about the key symbolism at Disney, at the Vatican, at all these different places. The key symbolism we have, which goes into the gateways and all that and the portals. The key to open the door. Yeah. And we have here. This is where the Ouroboros comes from as darkness and a tail eating dragon. The outer darkness is a great dragon whose tail is in his mouth outside the whole world and is surrounding the whole world.

And that’s the. From the pistis Sophia, chapter 126. And that’s where we get the Ouroboros symbolism from the Gnostics, which was one of their symbols. And I mean, it’s. It goes way back, but that’s where we get it from. And so eventually. Hey, you see what they said, Pinocchio is all about Homunculus. Pinocchio. Not a pedophile. Yeah. Yes. And light. Yeah, yeah, I watched it. I watched. And it was. It was very. It’s a different take on Pinocchio, let’s just say that’s very, very esoteric and very weird. So we have here the destruction of the Archons.

They. They will finally destroy themselves in fire. And then the sun will become dark and the moon will cause its light to seize. The stars of the sky will cancel their circuits and the lower ends will collapse in the luminous fire which created the archons, will also destroy them. So we have the. The final destruction of them. For the end will be where the beginning is. And I wanted to talk about it and bring it into modern day in these movies, because this is played into The Stanley Kubrick 2001 Space Odyssey. And I showed this to Donut the other night where this.

This alchemical text, which is Kunra. Heinrich Kunrath, I think is his name. The. The alchemist that created this plate. It’s called the Entrance to the House of Mysteries. Now, I did a decode on Star wars the other day, and the. The exhaust port scene where they destroy the Death Star, which I link it to an alchemical flask, looks eerily similar to this. And I overlaid them both, and they both match up. But I also saw this. You want to know what this symbolizes too? People probably don’t even think about it. The anus, which all portal symbolism is connected to salmon, I promise you.

So you’re talking about, like. Okay, so you’re talking about sodomy. And so for sure. No, but it is, I promise represents the anus. It does, yeah. And like a. A news anu. Anunaki. And yeah, this is something that I find very fascinating and I want to know more about. Yo, Tommy, you got to put us in touch with your blog writer that talked about the. What I’ve dubbed the sodomic time travel where he was talking about True Scrambler. We need to have him on because I need to ask him some questions. You don’t need a little funny true Shout out to Gabe.

He’s amazing, Amy, bro. Well, I, I just. I need to know his sources, bro, because me and Donut the other night, we’re like, yo, what is going on? Like, how is this dude talking about this stuff? And I’m not able to find anything on it, but it’s a very interesting concept. Are you talking about Gabe? No, I’m talking about when he wrote about the. The how the anal penetration equals time traveling or like a trance or something like that. And. Oh, dude, I have tons of on it. And the numbers line up with it. 33 is.

Okay. For example, panda eyes, which they say comes from ritualistic Sal to me, right? It burst the capillaries in the eyes. Panda eyes equals 33. When you do the Kia Solomon ritual, it releases the kundalini prematurely up to 33 vertebrates. So the 33 numbers connected to ritualistic sodomy. That symbol, this symbol right here on the screen, that’s a salt of me symbol, bro. Just like the power symbol. I’ll send you a bunch of info on it. I want to edit that video because that is fascinating. I mean, all the religions, all the stuff like goes back to a lot of sex rituals and stuff like that in the symbolism with the, let’s say the Chanel logo, right? Which is the Vesica Pisces and the phallic symbols.

So I would love to go do a deep dive into that. How about the show Juan, one of the guys you can follow, one that has some really interesting. It’s. It’s Gabe’s homeboy. He has deep on this. Hold on a second. Where is. Okay, let me put time travel. Yeah, because I blew my wig back, bro. So when you were saying the key, because this is something that, you know, I’ve been looking into a lot with the key, you were saying that that’s connected to sex too. That’s a. That’s the phallus. You know, the. The key connected to sex.

Bro, is the phallus. Yeah, that’s the. You know. And then the keyhole is obviously. I mean either this one’s really lit too. The maze runner connected to the Archons? Yeah, I think I’ve. Is that the one where they’re locked up in like this prison and they have to do these games to escape? Rat man, face of the Wicked. Remember, the people that control the world are called Wicked. And Thomas and the gladiators equals humanity. Rat man and his crew, the alone. Yeah, this dude Gabe is an amazing writer and he backs all this up with numerology.

He’s amazing at Gematria too. And people lie. Numbers don’t. I. I lack on the demonstra side. I don’t know really anything about that. Well, we’ll get you up on that, don’t you worry. The. It’s called the flare virus in here and that’s connected to the you know what. And then the sunspot rag ravaging Earth is the climate change hoax. The cranks, the zombies represent the gray aliens. The divergent humans, the fallen timeline represented by Mars, the walk ins. But no, he’s. He’s reading occultic books. Like he’s gave me so many good books to read on this stuff and he has all his links in here.

Like Gigi, this girl from YouTube, she’s fire, remember? I got you hip to her donut. Gigi. She does some good stuff on it and. But no, I get it. When I first read this stuff about time travel and saw to me, I was like what the hell is this all about? Yeah, I’m like, where did he come up with this? So, you know, finally I got a hold of him and I start. Because I didn’t know that I was a fan of this guy first. And then he. He liked my work too. So we started talking and he.

He got the information from an older gentleman because it. Because it goes back to the. To the recently the chess player that got accused of having a sex toy in his butt and how maybe that unlocked some sort of energy within him to beat the grand master. The best player in the world, this underdog. There you go. So. And what’d you say about. Remember when we were talking about Alistair crazy Crowley and he was getting pounded from behind and he said he had the best. No, he was. And he said he had the best out of body experience and he met these entities.

It unlocks something in you. Dude, dude. What if he dislikes it? I mean, no, he. You’re not just going to be, you know, doing a Seance and hey, pound me from the back like you’re pounding me, dude, it’s connected to something. I can see the Archons now. Keep going, bro. I mean, he might have liked it, but it’s definitely bro. What a better way to get somebody to do something with you? Like, hey, dude, you want to summon a bunch of Archons? Like, yeah, dude, I want to do that. And you just trick them, bro. You just trick them.

He was using, like, reverse psychology. But why is it in all the secret societies, why are they all built on solid? Because they got tricked, too. They’re like, dude, you want to unlock another portal, another dimension? And then when they find out, like, oh, you can’t talk about it now, though, okay? It’s secret. So, like. Like the Mic mysteries, they were all dudes. They were all guys, so they’re probably doing the same thing with each other. You know what I’m saying? Like, you know the cakes of light that they talk about. So I’ll get Gabe’s info so you and him can have a talk.

We’ll bring him on. Yeah, we have to get him on, bro, because. Because Donut was amazing, though. He’s such a nice dude, too, bro. Like, he’s. And I couldn’t figure it out. I was like, look, this is a good one. The elite want to reset time before the fall of Adam to kill Eve. And there’s many occultic books on this, and they think that’s what they’re doing with cern. And then I went, in fact, check them. This symbol back here represents the A news, and it’s in that new. What’s that movie called? Damn, I just watched a movie that has it.

Everybody. They sit down in this chair to question them. Has that symbol behind him. It’s on F movies. That third eye, baby. You know what that is? That’s not a third eye on your head. It’s the one down below. Yeah. No, I’m telling you, it is all. And you see it right here. Look, the Mandela pattern. The pillow above the sneaky knot of cern, which may be responsible for the Mandela effect we’re experiencing. Right here represents the anus, the great reset, occult symbolism, and Philip Pullman’s popular trilogy. He’s giving you all the books to read and what to look into in it.

So moral of the story is, you got to keep those cheeks tight around these Reptilians or else they’re going to be trying to. They’re heavily into salt to me. And look at Amazon’s symbol. It’s. It’s a ball sack and a phallus. I mean, and then a news is 55. Matching Satan, matching Zion, matching Balenciaga. Who they? We know they love it. They got the little panda sitting there, the panda eyes, which represents the key of Solomon. You know what I’m saying? Keep them cheeks tight, boy. Yeah, you got to stay away from them reptiles, man. They’re awesome.

Links are in the description, guys, as well as brother Donuts. But y’all know where to find Donut with all your Illuminati news. Yeah, you can find me at the 101 podcast. Any social media platform. I am on YouTube until further notice. I don’t know how I don’t go as hard in the pain as you guys, so they kind of sort of leave me alone. And I fly under the radar sometimes. But you can find me on there. I’m on rockfin, podcast. I do have a patreon. and we’re gonna get them on Facebook. Yeah, I think I’m gonna.

I think I’m gonna bite the bullet, bro. I’ll see. I’ll see. I mean, the donuts got a huge following. And, dude, you get so many Facebook. I get way more views on Facebook than I do YouTube, so it’s just. It’s a great way to. I mean, they censor pretty bad, but what are you gonna do? Get a rumble, too? So with that being said, thank you, guys. We appreciate everyone being here. We love all you guys out there. Go over to, check it out. Check out Donuts and Juan’s channel. Also go to Tommy Truthful 369.

And we got a Christmas sale going on. Check that out. Truthful out


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