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➡ The speaker expresses distrust in the federal government, regardless of who leads it, citing its deviation from the Constitution’s original intent. They believe the government should focus on five key areas: printing money based on precious metals, protecting seas from pirates, maintaining an army for border protection, prosecuting treason, and handling trade agreements. The speaker also discusses concerns about missing children, geoengineering, and the potential dangers of 6G technology. They express anticipation for an interview between Joe Rogan, Donald Trump, and Kamala Harris, hoping for discussions on these issues.
➡ The speaker believes that there’s a plan to change our environment so humans can’t survive, pushing us to merge with technology and live forever. They mention advancements in quantum computing and the rise of smart cities. They also discuss a product they believe in that can protect against this, and a system they’re developing to clean up electromagnetic pollution and chemtrails. They’re planning to launch this system with the help of wealthy individuals, aiming to restore the biosphere and clean up the soil.
➡ The speaker believes that higher beings are influencing our planet, both positively and negatively. They suggest that scientists are connected to these beings and that these connections are helping to save the planet. The speaker also discusses the discovery of valuable resources like white gold and lithium in various states, hinting at potential geoengineering threats. They urge listeners to prepare for uncertain times by stocking up on essentials and staying informed about global events.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories, including the Illuminati, Saturn death cult, and the Skull and Bone Society. It also talks about the significance of the number 13 in different contexts, such as tarot cards, the Bible, and superstitions. The text suggests that these elements might be connected to political events and figures, including the upcoming election. It ends with a call to support Donald Trump in the election to protect free speech and fight against alleged corruption and censorship.
➡ The text discusses a conversation where various topics are touched upon, including skepticism about people in power, the importance of community work, and respect for different beliefs. It also mentions a belief in the existence of interdimensional reptilians and the potential for human DNA to unlock special abilities. The conversation ends with a promotion for a website and a song about the Nephilim, a biblical race of giants.
➡ This text talks about a group called the Truth Mafia that is fighting against the return of the Nephilim, a race of giants from ancient times. The Nephilim, who once caused destruction and chaos, are believed to be returning through advanced technology and manipulation of weather. The Truth Mafia is dedicated to exposing these actions and preventing the Nephilim’s rise to power. They invite everyone to join their cause in the fight for truth.
Despite the risks and challenges they face, the Truth Mafia remains steadfast in their quest for knowledge. Will their investigations lead to groundbreaking revelations? Or will they unravel an even deeper web of secrets and lies? Only time will tell in this ongoing saga of conspiracy and intrigue. This is called fair use and is allowed for purposes of criticism, news reporting, teaching, and parody, which doesn’t infringe of copyright under 17 USC 107. Hey, guys. Welcome to another episode of Truth Mafia News. This is episode 18 with your host, Tommy Truthful, and my co host and father, Papa Truthful.
Papa Truthful. What’s up? All’s good, son. How you doing today? I’m doing good. So we’re gonna get into this, man. There’s a bunch of stuff trending right now on Trump versus Kamala. And guys, make sure you smash that like button. Share this video and the number one important thing like I always tell you guys, please take two seconds right now. The link is in the description and go opt in to our free newsletter on truth mafia.com that way you get notifications and updates. Like right before we went live, we sent out an email to the people so that way you guys can join the lives and we don’t have to worry about social media giving you a notification.
And this podcast today is sponsored through Body align and the 5G energy wellness. And that link is also down below. Don’t forget to use promo code. Truth Mafia. I really love the wellness band. That’s the one you know I really recommend. I wear it every day. I got mine on, my pops wears his. They got the sug night the tourlamin all grounded up in the band. Then certain frequencies are binded to this hologram that protect you, your body and your DNA from the EMF and microwaves. So smash that like button, get your body of line and let’s go.
Guys, we got a good one for you today. So Coming Friday, Pops, did you hear Friday that Trump is going to be Jon Joe Rogan October 25th? Yes, I did. And what do you think? Well, you know, we’ll, you know, he’s, he’s been hitting this circuit and, you know, we’ll see what happens on that day. But I heard also through a source that right after. Well, someone who knows Cliff High. I don’t know if you know who Cliff High is on, on. You know, he’s on rumble and YouTube. Yeah, he used to have the web bot report a long time ago and I used to subscribe to them.
And what it does is it would go out on the Internet and it would listen to all the chatter. Right, all the chatter going on. Yeah. And, you know, it would pick up the psyche of people. And he had just did a couple reports. Richard from the Nanosoma company talked to me about it last night, where they think that soon after this that they don’t know whether it’ll be the light or the dark. But, you know, this UFO disclosure thing could be happening very shortly here after this Rogan and Trump event. Oh, that’s interesting. Yeah, yeah, because there’s a lot of weird things going on with all that right now.
I just shared a video. There’s all these stories of people vanishing and all kinds of weird stuff that’s going on in the world right now. Dude, it seems like there’s a complete media blackout in Brazil. Two pops. I don’t know if you remember me telling you a while back that, you know, I’m always on my VPNs and when I would go to Rumble to set up our podcast, if I was ever on a VPN in Brazil, it would say I couldn’t go on to Rumble. So this is about 6 months ago I told the audience, and now Brazil took Twitter away from them, too.
So they can’t go on Rumble. They can’t go on Twitter. And when you think about it, these are the two platforms that, that if they wanted to leak something, if something crazy is going on them would be the two platforms that they could maybe get it out on. Right. Rumble and Twitter. So they took, yeah, they took them out the game. And I think there’s some, you know, there’s all kinds of rumors. Like people are saying they’re burning banks down down there, that they collapsed the banking system. Well, the people got to step up. There’s 250 million people down there.
They need to step up and take their government back. I mean, you know, none of these dictatorships peacefully end peacefully. Well, yeah, listen, we’re on YouTube. Look, yes, you want everything to end peacefully, but when you look at history, these things unfortunately go in another direction. If they don’t come to some kind of resolution where the people are going to be able to live their lives in a free way, it’s only going to continue to get hotter and heated up and more chaos and more mayhem. It’s all gonna wait till. Wait till we’re. We’re at the 23rd now of October, 13 days before the election.
Yep. When this story. Nothing’s going to be settled on that night. I mean, it’s going to be a battle all the way through the rest of this year into the new year. Both parties do not want the other party to rule over it. I say that we split the United States up, Right? We give all of, you know, the. The. The. The folks that want to do, you know, abortion on demand, kill babies when, you know, they’re, you know, coming out of the womb, you know, they’re pro abortion and pro, you know, all the different genders and all the different.
All of that, no problem. You get all these cities, you all live there, and then we’ll all live over here, and we just stay out of each other’s way, and you can have Kamala freaking be your president, and we can have Trump be our president. But really, it’s the. It’s the local communities and the. And, you know, the counties and the governor, the sheriff, you know, that’s where we got to really focus on getting, you know, back into the Constitution, you know, back into, you know, what this country was founded on. Well, it’s very interesting, two pops, because everybody I talk to, you know me, bro, I don’t have too much faith in either one of the candidates.
Me either. But I’m a pro life conservative, and, you know, gun to my head, of course I’m gonna pick up. Damn these kids outside my door. Sorry, guys, I’m in the projects over here. But anyways, you know, I would pick Donald Trump over Kamala. And I’ve told people this before just because he makes me laugh, you know, but look at these. Everybody I’ve talked to, no one likes Kamala. Like, nobody. Even the people that don’t trust Trump, they’re like, I. I would vote for Trump just because I can’t stand this lady. And. And look at these polls they have today, 13 days before the election, when the story goes viral about Cala’s got this whole thing that Trump said he wanted generals that were like, the.
I’m not going to say his name. It starts with the H. He has a funny little mustache, that guy who ran the German government in World War II. So, you know, Trump’s team responded. They said, we never said that. But there’s a hidden coded message within that statement that they’re saying that went viral, which I’ll show you guys after this. We got some clips we’re gonna play for you. But look at these polls, dad. It don’t make sense, bro. They’re fake polls, man. A bunch of fake polls. There’s nobody. You know these numbers. These numbers. This lady couldn’t even get 1% of her own party’s vote.
1% of her own party’s vote. And you know, this is, you know, all the media is controlled. We know that. It’s all controlled. They’re going to put out whatever narrative they want. And already we, we have, you know, situations here in Texas where one candidate is being voted for and when they print it out, it’s the other candidate. Now, I won’t mention who the names are because then of YouTube, since we’re on YouTube, fluff tube. But it. I don’t know what people think, if it’s going to be any different from 2020 when only a very little has changed.
I don’t know. It’s going to be. I’m going to go out and vote because I. I feel I have a right to vote. I pay a lot of taxes and I have a right to vote. And I surely am not voting for Kamala, but I don’t have any faith in the federal government, regardless of who’s at the head of it, because it’s a blown, a beast. It’s supposed to be taken care of. Five things like Sheriff Mack of the CSPOA has talked about in the Constitution. And you know, that’s like. Let me go over those real quick, son, and then we’ll get into this.
They’re supposed to print our money based on gold and silver, precious metals. They’re supposed to protect our seas against pirates, you know, which we used to have back then. Yep. They’re supposed to have an army to protect our borders and to protect us from foreign invasion. They’re supposed to make sure that no one, anybody. They’re supposed to prosecute treason against our country, which, my God, you know, probably 80, 90% of the federal government higher ups are in that category. And they’re. They’re supposed to do trade agreements. That’s it. That’s it. No FBI, no. No CIA, no.
No fda, no ftc, no sec, none of that. The power is supposed to lay with the people in the states. That’s the Constitution. They’re a bloated monstrosity, and I can’t wait for them to fall apart and crumble and disintegrate because they’re terrible. There’s horrible things going on there. Most of them are compromised, they’re disgusting. And I can’t wait till God, the Creator, the point of origin of all things, takes them out because they think they’re better than the Creator. They’re not. They’re going to find out real quick what the deal is. It’s coming. It’s coming for all of them.
Oh, yeah. God. You know, he’s gonna. He’s going to not be too happy with the things that are going on with the kids and stuff like that. So that, that’s a perfect segue for me to play this clip. This is, this is Alex, what he said about Alex Jiggle Jones, what he said this morning, that he’s calling up Joe Rogan and let’s check it out. I’m just going to go talk to Joe and just say, listen, when you got Trump in there, obviously you’re going to bring up that Kamala was installed and that now they’ve signed these orders, use the military and the American people.
I know Joe’s already got it. We’ve talked about it. But, you know, handing the documents say, Joe this. And Joe hates it when people tell him what to do, but he puts up with when I do it and I don’t do it a lot, but, I mean, I’m going to ask him, will you just. We bring this up to Trump? I mean, my God. Also, the 325,000 missing children don’t just pledge to control the border and stop it. Pledge to say you’re going to try to find where they are and share the lid. You know, I talk to Joe all the time and Trump is here Friday.
And I didn’t get this from Joe because that stuff’s off record, but I did get it from other people that are in the campaigns. Trump was. Rogan want to interview Trump. Unless Kamala, she agreed a couple weeks ago. Then she kept fighting about the time Trump’s here Friday morning, South Austin. And then Kamala was coming in Saturday. But then the last few days, they were saying, we’re not sure. And they weren’t sure they were going to do it. Now she’s coming Friday afternoon. That could change. By the way. No one knows this. So Rogan set to interview them both on Friday and The bigger issue is that, not that I have inside baseball, who cares about that, is that that’s.
They’re like a person on the high dive who’s never jumped off a high dive. They’re kind of scared to do it and it’s going to be a disaster for her. But that’s not the issue. I do a lot of important work off air. I’m going to call Rogan up today. Invites me down to the club all the time. Maybe I’ll just. He’s there tonight. I’ll just go down there. He’s up there last night. Too late. I’ll, I’m just going to go talk to Joe and just say, listen, when you got Trump in there, obviously you’re going to bring out that calo was installed and that now they’ve signed these orders, use the military on the American people.
I know Joe’s already got it. We’ve talked about it. But, you know, handing the documents say, Joe this. And Joe hates when people tell him what to do. But he puts up with when I do it and I don’t do it a lot. But I mean, I’m going to ask him, will you just. We bring this up to Trump. I mean, my God. Also, the 325,000 missing children. Don’t just pledge to control the border and stop it. Pledge to say you’re going to try to find where they are and prosecute those that did this. So that’s interesting, huh? Well, yeah, look, you know, again, yeah, we have all these missing children.
What are we doing about it? Nothing. And you know, we’re not doing anything about it. But at the end of the day, you know, we had a, one of the watchers here today put in the comments about this geoengineering, all of this stuff that we’re talking about right now. If we don’t get a hold of that, we don’t get a hold of, you know, this geo, this, you know, biosphere problem, the geoengineering, all of these energy frequency attacks and all of that. I mean, they’re not doing anything about any of it. They’re not doing anything about the kids.
They’re not doing anything about knowing. They’re saying 6G son is 5,000 times more powerful than 5G. Oh, that’s great. 6G. Do you know what kind of EMF radiation is going to be pumping out and how much electromagnetic pollution? I mean, it’s going to be insanity. I want to see what Joe, Ro, Ro, Joe says I’m going to, of course, tune in like Everybody else and listen what’s up? But I don’t know what it’s going to mean. I’m gonna, all I hear is a bunch of talking and I don’t see anything happening again. We got a 6 to 7 trillion dollars a year freaking government that should be, you know, no more than say a couple trillion a year.
Tr. A trillion a year. If they’re following the Constitution, we don’t need all of that. We don’t know. Need all. Yeah, they’re testing the 6G and some places using it, they’re saying I’ve heard 5,000 times stronger than 5G, man. Yeah, it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s kind of scary. And then they’re saying, they’re saying like Trump was talking about locking down the people that, that’s on a bunch of news articles today, but his team said he never said that. I mean there’s so much craziness going around, dude. There’s so much disinfo out here. And you know, a lot of people don’t know this, but this is a fact.
And 6G, dad, you need to look into 10G bro, because they got 10G, you know that. Well, yeah, they’re not going to roll that out tomorrow but they’re, they’re working on moving us up because if they launch that, they probably kill everybody. You know what I mean? There were the, they’re working on rolling all of this stuff out over a period of, you know, whatever it is, five years, a decade, whatever it’s going to be that they got in their plans. But it’s going to be very damaging to people. Yep. And you see guys, I let all you guys share your opinions whether you like Trump or you don’t.
I’m not biased over here. I, I want to honestly hear your guys info and of course I’m going to show your comment. Like I said, it’s really, we have not much of a choice. Like my dad said, they’re not doing nothing. It’s quite, you know, comical at this point but it’s really not funny. And, and the geoengineering stuff is so important, you see that they’re using their fact check to come out and try to discredit anything about geoengineering right now and shout out to JD who put geoengineering watch.org for real info. That guy’s been doing it for so long.
He’s one of the biggest names in the game. He’s amazing. He’s got a ton of awesome info on his website. I Actually have my team reach out to him. We want to make him a channel on Truth Mafia because I mean, that guy, what he does is just amazing. I’m actually surprised he’s still alive. I know they really probably don’t like him. But that’s the biggest problem, dad. And you know what? Me and my buddy was talking and it seems like to me, Pops, with how they’re using the chemtrails and, and, and you know, it’s all eating up the, the atmosphere, eating up all that organic matter which I’ve talked about before.
I think that’s powering this Phantom Matrix. We got into that the other day when me and Waters above did that podcast on simulated reality. You guys can find that now up on truthmafia.com amazing podcast. But what I think is cool, I think it was me and Paranoid American that had this conversation. If I’m not mistaken, we did one as well. And you can get that on Truth Mafia about symbolism, the Phoenicians. But what we was talking about, Pops, is it seems like they’re terraforming this atmosphere, dude, to where we can’t survive in it. And then their whole agenda 2040 with where we merge with transhumanism and, and down upload our consciousness to the cloud.
It’s going to be mandatory because it’s going to be like, look, you either can stay here and die at 21, you know what I’m saying? You ain’t going to live long in this environment they’re creating, or you can merge with technology and live forever. I think that’s where it’s headed, bro. I really do. I think that is where it’s headed with the quantum computing, the, the 5G, 6G, 7G going all the way up to 10G, which is part of their smart cities. All this stuff is plugged into these super computers. Not the D wave is now on the advantage.
So when it first came out, it was 128 cubits, guys. Now it’s on 5, 000 cubits. So just think of that. This thing’s quantifying in our reality in multiple different realities at one time. And these things are unreal. They’re $15 million for one. So it’s. It’s pretty crazy what they can do with them too. Run simulations. They can create a whole simulated reality out of it. That’s what I think it is doing. You know, with cern, who created www. All these quantum computers feeding into that. We’re on these black mirrors in front of our face, putting our energy into this sharing all this content, which is then going back into cern, it’s powering up something.
And I think it’s all part of that transhumanist thing. Dad, I really think they’re gonna try to like, force us to merge with technology, bro, you know, and. And with what they’re doing with the chemtrails, all of it, it’s just crazy. And again, guys, that’s why it really is so important to protect yourself. So make sure you check out the body align, the energy wellness band promo code Truth Mafia. Even if you don’t get from us, if find one you’re comfortable with, you got to protect yourself some way. But this product I truly believe in or I wouldn’t be behind it.
And my father actually, you know, has a piece of the company. So it’s a product our whole family believes in, our whole family uses and well, and it covers you. These things last a little bit over a year and then you can change them out. And the thing about it is, you know, we’re going to have a show coming up here soon and getting. I’m going to be updating everybody on the electromagnetic pollution and the scientists that are working on systems that have been. The smaller versions have been tested now for years. I have one of them first versions in my backyard right now.
I spent $550 to move it from the last rental up the street here, son. You know that. Yeah, and I know what. I’m very sensitive to energy. As you know, son, I’ve been doing this for decades. And that system has cleared my sky is. Is put like a protection around my home, has, you know, even helped my plant growth and all of that in. In the other house that we were in. But now the new systems are 20 times stronger. Yeah, that’s 20 times stronger in the Zed systems, which we don’t need any of. Of the population, you know, and we’re not coming out with that to ask anybody to do that.
Those things are 65 grand a piece just to put them in the other devices. Except for the agricultural that covers150,000 acres. They’re all less than 10% of the. The main. A big system, but the big system we’re bringing to millionaires tens of millions, hundreds of millions and billions to put these out throughout the world to start grounding all this electromagnetic pollution and clearing up our. Cleaning these chemtrails out of the air and bringing our biosphere back hundreds, even thousands of years ago. We’re almost done now. We’re going to Have a membership section on a new site that’s only going to be for these people that are going to be with the zeds.
You know, they’ll have certain access. These are going to be people that are going to. I don’t know the legal ramifications yet of what they’re setting up, the legality of what they’re setting up, but it’s going to be where they’re gifting these to the planet. And. Well, and this is the same company that does the nanos. Richard. Richard, who is the global distributor for the nanosoma, which I work with. And you know, tj, you know, we work with him and we help manage all his sites and everything. He’s the one that’s been funding the building of these systems with a guy that at one time was running the Quiche Foundation.
Quiche K E S H E. Now it’s DOT Foundation. This is one of the smartest people on the planet Maran Quiche, who’s given technology to. And you guys will look at him and you’ll see him. If you want to pull that up, son, I’ll send it to you. Hold on. And. And guys, you. Before dad goes on with that, with this neonosoma, that link’s down below too. And. And guys, that stuff really did help me. I think it pretty much saved my life. And we ask you, people’s always asking me, Tommy, how do we get the chemtrails out and the nanobots that are in us? Well, this stuff here is.
Well, let’s be careful what we say. We’re on fluff tube. Oh, yeah, absolutely. This gets your energy body into a certain point where all of that stuff, the body naturally dispels all that through your skin. But I just gave you a link, son, in the private chat. Open this up real quick. Okay, so the guy that’s in head, it won’t let me, dad. It said forbidden. Oh, it said forbidden? Yeah. I don’t know what that’s all about. Quiche Foundation. Hold on, let me copy. I just opened it up. I don’t know why it did that for me.
Hold on a second. Well, these are some of the most brilliant scientists on the freaking planet. And the guy that used to run the foundation and you know the foundation in Italy for them, Right. He was head of Italy for this company, this founder. He’s the one that’s heading up this technology. And just put it this way. You got it? Yeah. I had to open it on my other window because Microsoft wouldn’t let me open it. To see that they, they got some weird, interesting. Yeah, yeah. It won’t let me, I don’t want you to see.
So this guy here, go to about right there and go down to the guy’s name right there. That’s the dude right there. And he’s one of the smartest scientists on this planet. You can read his site, you can learn about him. And the guy that’s the head of this technology I’m talking about, that we need to get out, you know, throughout the whole, the whole world. The main ZED devices, which we’re not bringing to the public, it’s all going to be done behind closed doors on private property. We need about 300 and some of these devices around the world in order to re.
Structure, re. Bring the biosphere, repair it, bring it back, clean it up. Then all the other little devices will clean up our food supply, clean up our soil, kill that GMO frequency that’s out there. People don’t understand you clean up the soil and then guess what? The GMO frequency, the GMO is attached to the water, it’s attached to the air, it’s attached to everything. Yep. So we’re going to be rolling that out. I’m going to be, you know, bringing this out on the show here. I’m going to tell you guys what we’re doing and you know, we’re going to do it.
Do they want us to do it? No, but you know, it’s going to happen. If they take one person out, there’s, there’s, there’s thousands of people right now that are going to be working within this. And so it’s going to get out no matter what and. Right, and it’s going to get out no matter what. And they don’t want it. They don’t want the chemtrails cleaned up, they don’t want the electromagnetic pollution grounded. They don’t want the soil cleaned up. They don’t want any of that. They don’t want any of that. Yeah, they won’t let me on it on freaking Microsoft.
Yeah. Well, sister sue, that statement that you’re making, it unfortunately or fortunately is not correct. We can clean the soil, we can clean the atmosphere, we can clean it all. And you being part of Truth Mafia in this channel, you’re going to be getting a front row seat on how this thing is going to launch and how it’s coming out, what we’ll be doing behind the scenes with the millionaires, the 10 million, 100 million, the billionaires that will be helping us with the 300 and some big systems. These systems cover 2500 kilometers, which is 1550 miles around them once fully activated.
And they have a shelf life of about 10 years. So this is powerful stuff. Now you’re gonna think maybe I’m a little crazy. I don’t know. You know, this is coming to me from second hand information. But we all know there’s higher beings right now working to help save this planet and working to help destroy this planet, right? Yep. Call them demons, call them angels, call them whatever you want, but they’re very much involved in the whole process. The good side, okay? The good side of it. So it’s these scientists. Don’t you think for one second that these scientists aren’t.
Aren’t connected to these higher beings of light. Good beings. Not bad. And I’m not going to get into what they’re called and all of that stuff because I don’t want to get involved in all of that. But the bottom line is that the heavenly father, the creator of all, all has his hand and his. His light beings, his angelic beans hands on this planet, or we would have already been gone. Oh, 100. We would have been already gone completely. Yeah, I. I agree. And Brooke, Brooke Swindle. Thank you. You said, I’ve been watching your channel since B.
Dell and you guys, thank you, I appreciate that. And shout out to B. Dell. We had him on with Ishmael Perez. You know, my dad introduced me to Ishmael and they did just a phenomenal job. And you know, shout out to B. Dell. You guys can check him out. His YouTube is B. Dell1014. He’s also a member of the truth mafia, has his channel up there. So, you know, we appreciate all the new subscribers and, and all you guys. Yeah, we just got to, we can’t give up. You know, we have to try. People think, oh, it can’t be done.
Well, it can be done and we just got to prove that. But I sue. I get what you’re saying, honey. I know it seems like, you know, it’s. It’s like, man, can that be done with all the stuff that’s in the soil? But we have. Oh, yeah, it can be done. It can be done. And, but, but understand, it’s saturated. Oh yeah, it’s saturated. And you don’t think GMO has a frequency? Oh, it does. Yes, it has a. Okay, so, you know, it’s con. It’s. It’s infiltrating. We can destroy that frequency too, Pop. Yeah, we can do these units, these Limits.
Destroy the frequency and destroy every freaking thing that it’s in. You know, whether it’s in the water supply, whether it’s in, you know, the pollen, whatever it’s in it just takes it completely out. And there’s other things these things do that I don’t even want to talk about because people will think I’m cuckoo. But at the end of the day, as we start putting these out, the people that are going to be gifting these to the planet are going to have full insight into seeing what they are doing, meaning everything that they’re doing. Every device that’s out there and the effect it’s having on, a positive effect it’s having on healing Mother Earth is going to be.
Is going to be documented with, with, you know, scientific documentation and going to be put in there for those people that are going to gift this stuff, you know, to the planet. Right. If we don’t look, it’s about $23 million to get these all around the planet, the big ones. Look at what they spend our money on. They spend billions of dollars. They’re spending what, a hundred billion on illegal aliens? 100 billion. I’m talking 23 million or 23, 25. To completely get these devices all over the planet. All 300 and some of them. And to get this thing reversing right away as you start putting them out.
And then the other littler devices that are for farmers and homes and neighborhoods and community gardens and all of that, as those start. And there’s, you know, hundreds of those out there already, but. And lots of testimonials. But as those start going out into the thousands, into the tens of thousands, into the hundreds of thousands, and then into the millions, there is no way they’re going to be able to do what they’re trying to do to geoengineer our situation here, guys, ain’t gonna happen. And that’s a beautiful thing because as we can see with what’s going on in.
Oh, guys, by the way, thanks, dad, because that just reminded me something. So I’m gonna tell you, the next state they’re gonna hit with geoengineering guys in this harp. Mark my freaking words, when I tell you I’ve been pretty right so far and it’s going to be Arkansas. I don’t know how they’re going to hit them. Maybe tornadoes, stuff like that. Well, it goes through ar. Let me just show you what I’m talking about. They found vast deposits of white gold in Arkansas. That’s stun very valuable. This is trending today. So we already know they found the lithium in the Carolina region.
That got hit, right? And lithium equals 24 and chan. Matching Milton. And then, you know, we had Helene hit. Then Milton comes after. Right after. Bam. And now they’re finding gold. It’s not just in Arkansas. Let me show you real quick, and then I’ll play these other videos. I got one with Obama. His. He was at the rally with Eminem. They’re, of course they’re voting for freaking Kamala. And then I got a message from RFK that we’ll get into. But let me show you this real quick, guys, this is pretty nuts. Did you see this, Pops? Vast deposits of white gold in Arkansas could be stunningly valuable.
So it’s through this area, Pop. So I can see. Yeah, yeah. And look, it goes into Florida, bro. What’s right here, dad? Is that Alabama right there? Oh, I’m not sure. I think it is. Well, there’s Georgia. Georgia, right. Alabama. I think I’m. I could be wrong, though, guys. I don’t know. But these states here. So a lot of it in Texas. Yeah, a lot of it in Texas, too. You guys might get smacked with some stuff as they want to come in and steal your white gold deposits, you know, And I’m not really sure if white gold is used in technology.
I gotta look. Oh, and look what this article says. What is lithium and why do we need it? Speaking of lithium, they bring it up in the freaking article where they already stole your lithium. So, you know. Oh, my Lord, this is so interesting. Well, yeah, but, you know, everything on all. All. Everybody’s glued to this TV with this Trump versus Harris war. Why they’re sitting here hitting us every which way but loose, why everybody’s, you know, all, you know, focused on this. I mean, it’s. It’s going to be a very interesting rest of this year and into the new year.
I’m going to tell everybody again, please get yourself prepared, you know, with some more groceries, some, you know, rice and beans. You know, you can. People say, oh, I can’t buy storage food. Well, stop saying you can’t. You know, I am wealthy. I am healthy. I am grateful. I am, you know, beautiful. I am loved. I am, I am, I am, I am. Whatever you all you say you are, you will be. But make sure that you get some extra stuff. I mean, I got hundreds of pounds of beans, hundreds of pounds of rice, extra vitamins, extra shampoo, extra.
Everything that we need, we’ve got extra. And then all we do is we look at the dates, expiration dates, and we use the stuff that’s going to expire the soonest and we just keep rotating it, rotating it. You know, use what’s going to expire the, the soonest and then put the new stuff in the back and keep on moving it into, you know, in that way you got to do it, you know, protect yourself, protect your family. Yeah, yeah, no, it’s very, very important. Very, very important. And as you guys can see over on Truth Mafia, there’s a bunch of new videos that I can’t share because I’ll get in trouble.
But this one you might want to check out too. Organ harvesting and brain death, which is not even a real thing. They’re stealing people’s organs and ripping their out while they’re still alive. So, you know, look into that. It’s pretty crazy. I did a documentary on the whole organ harvesting thing. You can find that on Truth Mafia or any of my social media platforms. And here’s the article, what they said Trump said. Now, I can’t say this out loud, but you guys can obviously read it. I need the kind of generals that, you know who had that.
That’s a statement they said. He said, Kamala’s dropping this video. It’s 2 minutes and 56 seconds. Two guys. Which, you know, that number’s tied to the whole targeted individual situation. And the statement that he said, they said he said equals 187, which is a freaking homicide code. They’ve already tried to kill Trump how many times? Two times on the world stage. So it’s like they’re setting it up to kill off Trump’s character on the world stage In a king kill 33 style ritual similar to what happened to John F. Kennedy. Exactly 13 days before the election.
Right. And there’s the 13 families of the Illuminati. That 187 number, what’s it tied to? Saturn death cult is 187. So is Saturn is ball because they’re one in the same. Saturn’s where we get the word Satan from Ball, Moloch. It’s all Saturn guys. They’re not really Satanists. They’re they’re you call Luciferians but part of a Saturnalia death cult. And that 187 number is also tied to the Skull and Bone Society. I forgot to throw that one in there. But you know, this being 13 days before the election. Well, first thing is that’s the number of the the Matrix.
Whenever you have one number, A13, you’re going to have a mirror reflection of that number, which is 31. The matrix is 31. 13 spelled out is 31. And you know what is the 13th card in the tarot deck, guys? It’s the death card. And look on the death card, look at the symbolism on it. You got this pope here. You got the death on the white horse. And to look at the dude under there, dead with a crown by his head. A king. A king. So you got the whole king kill 33 symbolism within the death card.
This comes out 13 days prior to the election with a freaking 187 code in it. You know what I mean? I mean, you can’t make this up. And then 13, I mean, it’s tied to many different things. The number 13 brings the test, the suffering and the death. It symbolizes the death of matter or oneself in the birth to spirit, the passage to higher levels of existence. And for superstitious, the number brings bad luck and misfortune. You know, this is when they killed the Knights Templars on Friday the 13th. That’s where we get that whole number from.
And for the cabalist, which is what they are, these Saturn, now they’re into this ancient Kabbalah. The number 13 represents the snake, the dragon, and the murderer. Go figure. And for Christians, it represents Virgin Mary, who her mission is to crush the head of the saint, the snake. Right. And the number is also connected to the cross, the family. You know, there’s many different things it’s tied to, but it’s, It’s. It’s a very powerful number in. In the thirteen mysteries of the Tarot. It’s nameless and represents uncertainty, hesitation, transformation. In the Bible, there were 13 guests at the Last Supper.
In the 13th chapter of John, Jesus declares one of his disciples will betray him. And after Judas betrays, you know, that whole situation, the 13th chapter of Revelations is reserved for the Antichrist and the beast. So just to let you see, Trump probably didn’t even say that. It’s completely scripted. It’s part of their little Satur ritual. And they’re probably gonna try to take him out on the world stage because they know that’ll get people to flip out, dad. And then, boom, martial law. They can bring in that martial law and, you know, they can do a completely staged situation, Pops.
I mean, Obama legalized propaganda on the American people. Most 2013 again or 14 around there. 13, you’re right. He started in 2012. It went into law, I believe. January 2013. I could be wrong on the month, but it was in the beginning of 2013, which 20 plus 13 is 33. So you know their little number right there, too. That’s the same year the Pope came in, who they call the false prophet. He came in on 3. 13 of 2013. But let’s. Let’s play. First, let’s play the video that’s going viral about Obama. It’s pretty hilarious. And this don’t even.
I think this is a damn clone myself, but what do I know? So as you see, they got him there singing, right? And look, Eminem, they made sure this isn’t the video that they’re sharing on the mainstream media. Eminem throws up his devil horns. And I showed you there’s a difference between I love you the sign language. That’s when the thumb is out, guys. When the thumb is in touching the two fingers, that is casting a hex. Them are the devil horns. That’s casting a hex on the audience. So it’s very interesting that they do that.
And you know, my brother Donut, shout out to Donut Factory, he showed the people the other day, and I wish his post would have got way more traction. I try to share it to help him, but, you know, people never pay attention to the stuff they need to. He’s not throw. That’s not for black power or black Lives Matter. That what he’s doing right there, holding the fist up like Greta Thunberg. That is the communist salute. You see the 1978 logo? First, the socialist is the fist. I mean, so they’re telling you who they are through the symbolism.
But, yeah, Obama was singing Slim Shady song. I’m nervous. But on the surface, I look calm and ready to drop bombs, but I keep to drop bombs. But, like, that’s probably one part of the song he. He meant to drop bombs. Yeah, we know, dude. You know, ain’t that crazy, Pops? So they’re really. Yeah, I mean, they’re all Satanists, most of them. Luciferian Satanist. It’s. Yeah, it’s really bad. They’re pulling out all the stops, though, Pops. Like, they’re. They’re trying to get all the celebrities to help. And I seen a video that went viral of Obama talking to Joe Biden.
You could kind of read his lips, and he looked like he was not too, like, oh, man, Cala lost, dude. She’s out. You know, I don’t think he. I don’t think he has too much faith in her, but some people. Yeah, I know Rhonda thinks Obama is playing Cala. That’d be hilarious if that’s true. If that ever Will. But who knows these days? I mean, it could be true with the mask they have now. And you should see the mass they had back in the day that the CIA had. Guys, the stuff now is unreal. You know, you could dress me or my dad or anybody up and you wouldn’t know who that person is, and they could be right in your face.
I mean, it’s that good now, you know? But, yeah, it’s. It’s very, very bizarre. You’re. You said you’re in the year of the snake. Your year is coming up. January 25th, January 28th of 2025. We enter the year of the Snake. But. And then here’s a video, Pops, that RFK said to his followers. I wanted to play that for you and then see what you think about it. People are asking me if they live in a red state or a blue state, should they still be voting for me? What about swing states? The answer is easy.
No. No matter what state you live in, you should be voting for Donald Trump. And let me tell you why. That’s the only way that we can get me and everything I stand for into Washington, D.C. and fulfill the mission that motivated my campaign. Right now, free speech is under withering and relentless attack in America and across the globe, but at least we still have enough of it here. And you can watch this video. You can still run an opposition political campaign. Well, in a lot of countries, you can’t do that anymore because the state now controls the media.
The state censors the Internet. Brazil just banned Twitter because Elon Musk refused to censor user speech. Kamala Harris says that Musk better behave himself or he will, quote, lose his privileges and it should be taken down. They are directly speaking to millions and millions of people without any level of oversight or regulation, and that has to stop. And the Democratic. That’s called the Constitution, lady. Establishment thinks that free speech is a privilege. You know and I know that it’s a right. And if Kamala Harris is elected, the powers behind her will quash that right. They’re already halfway there.
It will be too late by 2028. Once we’re in the grips of totalitarianism, we’re not going to be able to vote our way out of it. This is our last chance to stop them. After long conversations with President Trump and his team and his family, I know that he is fully convinced of this priority. He sees the censorship machine for what it is. Remember, he was kicked off Twitter back in 2021, and he has experienced directly how government agencies are Being weaponized to destroy the government’s political opponents. He’s going to be relying on me to help clean up that corruption.
And that’s why I’m relying on my supporters like you to help him return to the White House. As you know, this could be a very close election. A disputed election result would be a disaster for our divided nation. President Trump needs to win in a landslide, both in the Electoral college and in the popular vote. He can’t do that unless my supporters join him. Look at the big picture. We have to unify. We have to overthrow the entrenched elites who are now ruining our country. So let’s get Donald Trump elected on November 5th so that we can restore our Constitution, so that we can fight middle class, so that we can rescue our democracy and censorship and surveillance, unravel the war machine, protect children’s health and make America healthy again.
Oh, wow. So the one. Okay, for my people with eyes to see as he’s talking this whole time, what’s the one thing you notice in this picture? I want to see if any of you in the comments catch it. But what do you think about that, Pops? What do you think about rfk? What’s your opinion on him? I. Look, man, I think all of these people have some, you know, have been somewhat compromised. Yeah. That are at a certain level, whether it’s in, you know, music or television or politics or business. I’m not saying there’s not good ones out there, but they’re far and few in between.
I don’t know this guy. I don’t know his heart, but I see the butterfly. Yeah, that’s some part. That’s monarch programming. Whenever you see that, I mean, I see the butterfly. And so, you know, I don’t. I don’t know. Again, I’m not counting on these guys in any way, shape or form. Let them battle. You know, if two sides are battling and this is not the WWE going on here, let them continue to battle while we continue to work on our neighborhoods, our local community, our counties, and get those back into where we need them to be so that we can stand up to this, get our states fighting it.
You know, the states can reel in the federal government. You only need a certain amount of them to do the convention of the states, and they can reel in the federal government, but we got a lot of crooked politicians in state government and county government, in local government, so we got our hands full. You know, I. I plan this is going to be something going on for the rest of my time on this planet. Yeah, yeah, it’s pretty crazy, I guess. We got a Satanist in the house here. They said we should have way less laws.
Better laws and less punishment, but the Satanist won’t allow that or this. She said she’s a Luciferian. My apologies. She’s not a Satanist, she’s a Luciferian. She said the Satanist hijacker. I don’t know. I’m gonna pray for you, sweetheart. I hope you find Jesus. You know what I’m saying? She said, I think they are Satanists. I am a Luciferian. I think Christianity is Satanic sludge control scam. And we can simply have better, more free walls outside of Jesus without sacrifice. Wow, that’s pretty crazy. But you know, hey, listen, you know what? One thing about us, you have the right to have your own belief.
And I would give my life. Yeah, that’s a girl. That’s a dude, by the way. He just has a woman’s picture. So again, look, everybody’s entitled to their, Their, their opinion. We have a First Amendment. Whether you’re a Luciferian, whether you’re a Christian, whether you’re Islam, a Muslim, whether you’re a Hindu, whether. Whatever you are. Whatever you are. Yeah, you have the right away, you know, religions division, relationship is the reality. And when you really tap into the creator, beyond Lucifer, beyond all of these different entities, then you will start downloading the truth. Yeah, I mean, look, I support that person.
That gentleman’s. He’s allowed to worship Lucifer, whatever, as long as he’s not sacrificing kids or nothing like that. I mean, if you want to do that, okay, cool, whatever. But I don’t think we should be programming the children with that stuff. None of that. This. Listen, this country you were born in was founded on God, you know, so that’s just what it is. It was founded on God. And let me tell you, the creator, source, whatever you want to call it, it is real. So you might call them maybe your goddess, Lucifer, I don’t know. But hey, but everybody has the right to believe in what they want.
We have to stand for that if, if we want our rights to be held up right in our constitution. And the thing is, most Christians do, if you talk to them, they’re like, hey, whatever, as long as you’re not sacrificing children and stuff like that. Do what you want. But I don’t think we should program the children with it or take God out of the school or none of that. I just think it’s crazy to me. That’s my Opinion, though. What do I know, right? But hey, so the. That’s all I really got for today, Pops.
Do you got anything else? I would just say to people, you know, again, it ain’t about religion. It’s about relationship. I study many, many different Texas and different religions and other texts. That isn’t part of religion. And it’s not about what. What you all think you know, we all know nothing. So when you really find out the truth of everything, which we all. We all will, once we open up more of that DNA strands, once that happens, then we’ll all know the truth and we’ll all see. See for what it is. It’s. It’s exciting. Time to be alive, pray, meditate, you know, build the relationship.
Back yourself up with food, water, ammunition, all those good things, you know, that you need to do. And, you know, once that DNA hits and a lot of us are going to become, you know, have a lot of different gifts. We can do some. We’re going to do some amazing things for this planet. I think they’re really scared of that, dad, in the. You know what, the jabbers. I think that was a big part of it. I think there’s nano in it and, you know, that blocks that DNA from activating. The numbers sure support that. So that’s what I think.
I think they’re scared of that happening. You know, I’ve talked about before on here, that story in the 1980s of that guy that they found that he had certain abilities and the government tried to kill him numerous times. They even chopped this dude up, and he kept coming back and coming back, and he’s like, man, you guys really want to kill me? Because he wanted to get his message out. I guess he was from Africa or somewhere like that, and that he said, in the future, there will be a lot of us that come, and you won’t be able to stop all of us.
And I think they know these events happen. We go through these cyclical events. The great Reset, the Phoenix phenomenon, the plasma, whatever you want to call it, the Rapture. And they’ve seen it happen before. They’ve seen these survivors that stay up here on the surface, that DNA mutated, get these abilities. And I think they’re a little scared of that, you know, and I would be too. And. And things are. Are going to start showing. It’s already happening. You know, me guys, what everybody calls demons and all that, I think they’re Reptilians. Interdimensional freaking Reptilians. I believe that with all my heart that’s the one subject when you talk about it, you get censored so bad.
And I’m actually doing a documentary on it now. But I think that’s what a lot of these people are. You know, it could be. Maybe it’s a demon, I don’t know. But it’s very reptilian. And that’s why we see all the black eye things. That’s all the. The. It’s supposed to be this technology that goes through their eye socket, wraps around the optical nerve, taking over the consciousness of the host, and that’s all this reptilian technology. But a lot of them are going to be shown now, and they can’t hide. They’re. They’re. As we’re going into the solar maximum and the sun’s energy is increasing, it’s going to mess up that technology that they’re using to be cloaked.
And, you know, that’s why a lot of them are going to be seen for what they truly are. So it’s good. Like dad said, it’s a beautiful time to be alive. Guys, make sure you go check out truthmafia.com. we got a bunch of new stuff over there. Don’t forget the number one thing. Please, please, please take a second out. Opt into the newsletter. And if you want to get your D code, that link’s down below too. That’s on truthfultv.com and don’t forget to get your body line products. Now as we close out today. Pops, when I play this close out video, you can go because I know you got stuff to do, and then I’ll end it.
I’m gonna play you guys this new song that I made. It’s a vid. It’s a song and a video about the Nephilim. So I’m gonna play that as we’re closing. Pops. I love you, brother. Thank you for coming on. You there, Pops? Yep. I’m good. I’m good, son. Thanks. Okay, I’m gonna listen to it. I’m gonna listen to it a little bit. Okay, here we go. Leader of the Truth Mafia. Shining light in the darkness. Witness. Let’s take it Back to Genesis 64, where it all began. In the days before the flood, the watchers fell. Fallen angels touched down.
Cast out from heaven’s bell. They saw women, took them as the wise bread with them, creating giants who terrorize our lives. Nephilim wtiher, feared, revered, worship this God. But humanity’s fate was near. For a while they ruled our hearts and chains. But then they turned dark Driven by hunger and pain, started cannibalizing us, feeding off our flesh. The giants became monsters, Humanity’s final test. The flood came down, washed them away. But the Nephilim’s legacy is still alive today. Genesis 6:4 the fallen came down, bred with the women Giants rolled the ground, worshiped his gods till they turned on man Cannibalized our kind, destroyed the land but the Nephilim lies, they ain’t done we see the signs, the battle’s just begun Truth Mafia’s here exposing the in we won’t let the darkness win now they’re back using tech from the sky cerns Opening gates, making demons fly Interdimensional portals, ripping holes in time Trying to bring back what was locked in the divine Harps in the mix playing the harp strings, weather control, manipulating all things you engineering storms, hurricanes on demand they think the gods but we’re taking a stand to use fallen tank to try and play God with truth Mind Mafia’s here exposing the fraud the Nephilim bloodline never died out it’s been hiding in the shadows ready to shout Genesis 6 for the fallen came down bred with the women Giants roamed the ground, worshiped as gods till they turned on man Cannibalized our kind, destroyed the land but the Nephilim rise, they ain’t done we see the signs, the battle’s just begun the Truth Mafia’s here exposing the sin we won’t let the dog is when Har plays the sky like the fallen angels harp Controlling the weather, trying to leave their mark Serms opening portals to Dimension X Trying to bring back the ones God rejects Artificial storms, purple skies they create it’s all in the plan but we know the fate look to the heavens the signs are there but we stand strong we’re fully aware the Nephilim’s rise is just part of the plan but the Truth Mafia is fighting for every man Genesis 64 the fallen came down brag with the women Giants roamed the ground worshiped as gods till they turned on man Cannibalized our kind, destroyed the land but the Nephilim lies, they ain’t done when we see the signs the battle’s just begun Truth Mafia’s here exposing the sin we won’t let the darkness win Join the Truth mafia@truth mafia.com or in an information board the battle’s on we fight for the truth we fight for every man.