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➡ Queen Ramonda of Wakanda addressed the UN after an attack on their resources, warning against further aggression. Meanwhile, a mysterious individual named Namor, who claims to be from an underwater civilization, seeks Wakanda’s help to prevent vibranium mining in his territory. Namor shares his unique origin story, revealing he is a mutant with the ability to live underwater. The narrative also explores the possibility of mermaids and aquatic apes, with a documentary on Animal Planet promising to reveal new evidence.
➡ A team of scientists and archaeologists have discovered evidence suggesting the existence of mermaids, or aquatic humanoids. They filmed a creature with human-like qualities off the coast of Greenland and found a fossil in South Africa that appears to be an aquatic humanoid. Despite the compelling evidence, no physical specimen of a mermaid has been found yet. The discoveries have sparked debates and questions about human origins and undiscovered species.
➡ The text is about a person who discovered their ability to communicate with animals. Initially skeptical, they were convinced after a stranger accurately described their home through a photo of their cat. They then practiced this skill with various animals and eventually turned professional in 2006. The text emphasizes that this ability is not exclusive, but a natural skill everyone possesses, and it’s particularly strong in children due to their intuitive nature.
➡ The text discusses the author’s lifelong ability to communicate with animals, particularly through telepathy. The author shares experiences of connecting with animals, emphasizing the intelligence of dolphins and their potential to be more intelligent than humans. The text also highlights the use of dolphins in therapy programs for veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder, demonstrating the healing potential of human-animal interactions. The author believes that animals, especially dolphins, can help raise human consciousness and contribute to personal growth and learning.
➡ This text discusses the belief that whales and dolphins have a higher consciousness and can heal and awaken humans. It suggests that these marine creatures are under threat due to their potential to disrupt oppressive systems. The text also delves into conspiracy theories about underwater listening devices, hidden government bases, and the control of the world’s oceans. Lastly, it mentions Ghislaine Maxwell’s arrest and her mysterious Teramar project, which is linked to ocean conservation and ownership.
➡ This text discusses various conspiracy theories involving high-profile individuals, non-profit organizations, and alleged global human trafficking. It suggests that these groups may be using their influence and resources to create a separate society with its own laws, potentially involving underwater human trafficking. The text also touches on environmental issues, such as the impact of sonar on marine life. The author encourages readers to consider these theories and form their own opinions.
➡ The creator of a video series about Cat Williams and related topics encourages viewers to share the series widely. The series, which started small, has grown into a larger project that the creator has put a lot of effort into. The series is available for free on occultcat.com and thedisclosurehub.com, and the creator wants people to download, share, and archive it. The creator believes that by sharing the series, viewers can help spread important information and make a difference.
➡ A documentary about mermaids sparked global interest, with millions watching it and discussing it online. The film suggested that the U.S. Navy’s sonar testing program might have discovered a new marine species, mermaids. However, two U.S. government agencies denied these claims. Despite the controversy, the fascination with mermaids continues, with even celebrities and Hollywood showing interest.
➡ A team of scientists recorded a complex, unknown animal call during a sonar blast event, which they believe is linked to mass beachings of whales and dolphins worldwide. They suspect the Navy’s involvement and have tried to stop these events, but with little success. They’ve sought help from a specialist in animal communication, who found the unknown call to be a sophisticated language, possibly from a new species of dolphin. The team continues to gather evidence to prove this theory and compel the Navy to reveal their activities.
➡ Dr. Gavin Dittmar and his team from the University of Cape Town discovered a new marine creature through their underwater research program. This creature, which they believe could be a new species of dolphin, was found to communicate with dolphins and had physical features similar to humans, suggesting it once walked on two legs. However, their research was confiscated by authorities, leading them to suspect a cover-up related to sonar testing that could be harming this unknown species. Despite setbacks, they still have the creature’s unique sound recordings, which they believe could prove its existence.
➡ The text discusses a complex operation involving the capture and extraction of a valuable substance from whales, which is used to halt human aging. It also delves into the intelligence and emotional depth of these creatures, highlighting their ability to communicate telepathically with humans. The text further explores the impact of pollution on these marine animals and their attempts to communicate their distress to humans. Lastly, it shares a story about the founding of Greenpeace, an organization aimed at protecting marine life, and a unique event where whales demonstrated their collective consciousness.
➡ A man dedicated his life to studying whales, starting an orca lab and spending his time communicating with them. He discovered that whales have a unique way of sleeping, rotating in a circle and taking turns to rest one side of their brain. He also found that whales have a higher level of awareness, being able to perceive the entire electromagnetic spectrum. His journey led him to interact with different species of whales, each with their own unique behaviors and communication methods.
➡ The text tells the story of a unique bond between a man and a sperm whale named Dolores. The man, who spends a lot of time in the ocean, forms a deep connection with Dolores, even mimicking her sounds and movements. However, he also witnesses the tragic event of sperm whales stranding on a beach, which leads him to question why this happens and how he can prevent it. The text also discusses the decreasing population of sperm whales in the eastern Caribbean and the threats they face, such as ship strikes, fishing gear entanglement, and ocean pollution.
➡ The text discusses the strong bonds and complex communication methods of whales, suggesting they may surpass humans in their ability to connect with each other. It also explores the possibility of humans communicating with these creatures, and the author’s regret over past wrongs against them. The text further delves into the unique cooperation between dolphins and fishermen, and the mysterious story of a woman who claimed to have been kidnapped by non-human beings. Lastly, it touches on a scientific experiment aiming to teach a dolphin human speech, highlighting the challenges faced in this endeavor.
➡ Frances Fox, a professional psychic, claims she can communicate with animals telepathically, a skill she believes all humans once had and can relearn. She particularly enjoys communicating with dolphins, who she says have warned of upcoming natural disasters and societal breakdowns. However, they also believe that increased love among humans could reduce violence and conflict. Skeptics may find these claims hard to believe, but others who claim to communicate with animals suggest it’s a journey worth exploring.


It is an honor for me to invite her Majesty Queen Ramonda, daughter of Lumumba, sovereign ruler of the kingdom of Wakanda. Last night there was another attack on one of our outreach facilities. Proof of the involvement of a member state is being uploaded to your mobile devices as we speak. And as for the identity of the attackers, let our gracious response to this incursion be an olive branch. Further attempts on our resources will be considered an act of aggression and met with a much steeper response. Do not think for a second that Wakanda has lost her ability to protect our resources.

We are aware of the ongoing efforts by some to find vibranium outside of Wakanda and wish the best of luck. This is rudder 625, request declares to land. The drill seemed to make contact with a metallic substance. Whatever it is, it’s solid. I’ve never seen a drill bit shoot up like this before. Help me. Vibrating in the ocean. Let’s go ahead and get the detector out of there since it’s the only one we’ve got. Heading towards the vibranium detector. Okay, Salazar, we just went dark. Yeah, the rig lost power. Copy that. I’m gonna fix it up here.

What the hell was that? Jackson, tell me you’re seeing this. Hang on. Salazar’s heart rate. Hey, Salazar, can you give me a visual? It’s a phantom jellyfish. I’ve never seen one this color. Emergency tag team, stand by him. Salazar, we just lost Jackson’s vitals. Can you see him? No, he’s gone. Can you clarify? What do you mean by he’s gone? Salzar, do you copy? Salazar. Smitty, we got a situation out here. What’s that sound? Wish you got a visual on what’s making that sound. Wes, our copy, over. Where’s your gonna fish level? Some kind of sonic attack.

Hey, smoothie, earplugs. We are under attack. You need to send in a strike team immediately. Copies. Mayday, mayday. This is runner 625. We are requesting assistance immediately to a condense. That’s me. Henderson, maybe. We gotta go. Henderson, let’s go. What’s going on? Get off the edge. Okay, we’re gone. Oh, God. Oh, my. Just get us out. We’re good. We’re good. Where is the strike team? It wasn’t Wakandas. They were blue. Everyone’s dead. What is going on? We’re getting pulled backwards. Oh, my God. Queen Ramonda of the nation of Wakanda gave an electrifying speech at the UN yesterday while members of her military escorted captive mercenaries onto the floor of the UN.

A year has passed since Queen Ramonda was reinstated as ruler of Wakanda after King T’Challa’s sudden death from an undisclosed illness last year. All eyes are on the tiny, powerful nation as it finds itself increasingly isolated on the approaching the river. How did you get this? What does it matter? What does this have to do with your ritual? Burning of the funeral garments marks the end of the mourning period. Jure, there’s something that I need to tell you about your brother. Mother, wait. What are you doing? This better not be a part of your ritual. It isn’t.

Stop right there. Who are you? And how did you get in here? This place is amazing. The air is pristine underwater. My mother told stories about a place like this. A protected land with people that never have to live, that never have to change who they were. What reason do you have to reveal your secret to the world? I am not a woman who enjoys repeating herself. Who are you? I have many names. My people call me ah, Kukunkan. But my enemies call me Namor. The american military detected vibranium under my nation’s domain. I was able to stop them from mining it, but we need Wakanda’s help to prevent it from happening again.

They use a machine designed by an american scientist. Vibranium only exists here in Wakanda. Mother. He’s covered in it. Your son exposed the power of vibranium to the world. In response, other nations have begun searching the planet for it. His choice has compromised us. I think Wakanda could find the scientists and bring them to me. It is only fair that Wakanda helps to resolve our dilemma. You do not sneak into my country and tell me what is fair. I have more soldiers than this land has blades of grass, and they have incomparable strength. I would hate to come back under different circumstances.

When you have the scientist blow into this, place it in the ocean. I’ll be there shortly afterwards. For your own sake, don’t mention anything about me to anyone outside of Wakanda. Did you see the wings on his ankles? This changes everything that we know. The great mound, all of the legends and fables, those stories are seared in my mind. That sounds very painful. Could we be descended from a group of apes that were once becoming marine mammals? Some scientists believe our ancestors left the forest for the sea. But what pulled them here? What drew them to the water’s edge? It was food.

It is even thought our ability to walk fully upright first evolved here, wading in the shallows where food was easily found. The trees had been our cradle, but now we would be shaped by the sea. If our distant ancestors spent time living in the sea, is it possible that one group split off from the rest? And rather than retreating from the water, did they go deeper in? Hola, senor. Amucho gusto en quele puerto Rico. Molestar nadamaste, professor Memento. Known as studio donde el reina de ava mechoira supply perotial beer, a cook, uncam, poketu, oyo, otro, kello, ambuscado, comal, and sukora song no attract.

These are all mesoamerican artifacts. Most likely 16th century. Have you been alive since then? Your mother was human. She was. Then she became something else. How? How is never as important as why my mother and her village were driven from their farms by spanish conquistadors who brought smallpox, a hateful language, and dogma from another world. Facing starvation, war, and disease, my people turned to Jack, our God of rain and abundance. Chuck gave our shaman a vision, a way to save his people. Jack led him to a plant sprouting from a blue rock. My mother was pregnant with me at the time.

She did not want to ingest a plant or fear of what it may do to me. But the shaman was convincing. They all fell strong on their lives. Their existence there ended the plant took away their ability to breathe air, but enabled them to draw oxygen from the sea. They settle in the ocean, away from war and diseases. My mother gave birth to me there, and I became the firstborn son of Talocan. The plant gave me wings on my ankles and ears that pointed to the clouds. I was a mutant. I could swim in the sky and age slower, breathe the air our ancestors breathed.

As she grew older, my mother mourned the life on land that she once knew and died with a broken heart. She made me promise to bury her. The soil of her homeland. Nothing could prepare me for what I found. The spanish man of faith cursed me as he died by my hand. He called me Unidio. Sin amora. El Nino Sinamor. The child without love. And I took my name from there. Namor. Because I have no love for the sulfate world. Why are you telling me all of this? A million years after entering the sea, the aquatic apes would now be better adapted to their new world.

They’ve lost most of their hair and can hold their breath for minutes at a time, still learning how to hunt. They’re learning by observation. Unexpectedly, the dolphins scatter. The aquatic apes must hide. But eventually, they will learn to defend themselves against the dangers present in their new world. Stay close. Must go. Flag from my took in the eyes and so much time. Salo, come. It’s beautiful. It’s made of vibranium. Yes. In the depths of the ocean, I brought the sun to my people. I know you wished me to spare the life of the scientist, but now you see what I have to protect.

Are mermaids real? And if so, where’s the evidence? One year ago, animal planet first aired mermaids. The body found and left people wondering these questions and more. I’m John Frankel and in 2 hours I’ll be interviewing doctor Paul Robertson, the lead scientist from the film you’re about to see, as we will share compelling new evidence that has come to light for the first time since the film aired. We will begin immediately following this broadcast. So sit tight, stay tuned, and we’ll see you in 2 hours. I was never a believer in conspiracy theories, but what we were looking at was a mermaid.

Mermaids. The body found world premieres Sunday, May 27 at nine. Only on animal planet. In some of these events, not only were there reports of bodies being found, but something else. These had been reported before. Not bodies, but spears. For years, deep sea fishermen all over the world have found them. Found them in fish caught in the open ocean. German News Archives contain an interview with a fisherman who had his own experience with this strange phenomenon. My name is Hans Bauer. He’s been in Hafen von Satrij Offgewack. Next, Ipinchon Fisher, mangansis, Laban, zipsir and Yar, and osbrema Halfen Hamwa, kabulyao and stockfish.

T fasser in the brand hole fish in of the trip over the nets. Brachten in einem net stavas davavas Hatanoman. Here, Yemen’s fishkeet, former NOAA biologist doctor Paul Robertson. And joined by doctor Torsten Smith. He was the lead geologist on a submarine crew that recorded on March 6 of this year the astonishing footage we just watched. And I’d like to start out with some reactions. Doctor Paul Robertson. I’d really like to see what’s on that second camera. I’m glad. I think we all do. Our viewers at home too would like to see that. We’re going to show you that right now.

Let’s take a look. Oh wow. Doctor Robertson. Sorry. Can we play that back, please? Can we get the footage of that back up there? Can we? In fact, why don’t we take both cameras, first and second sync and let’s roll them together. Can we do that? Take a look again. You got it. Doctor Robertson, is this the creature that you and your team found in South Africa? From what I can see here, yes. The body recovered was incomplete, but based on the remains that were taken from us, it looks like the same species. Doctor Schmidt, what did you think when you saw this and when you filmed it at the time? Well, I looked at it and I just knew I was looking into the face of another intelligence.

Another species like us. Doctor Smith, tell us, who did you first show this footage to when you realized what you had filmed? Well, we knew we could not share it with the duty officers of the expeditions. So we. Again, you mean the icelandic authorities who basically said that if you pursue this, they’re going to threaten you with legal action? Exactly. So we discussed it as a crew. And because we are Danes and Greenland is a part of Denmark, we thought we could go to the danish authorities. So we did. I’m going to put up an article here and this is just remarkable.

Please take a look at this. This is Greenland’s response to what the danish authorities shared with them. The government in Greenland issued a total ban on all new drilling, all new oil exploration. And this was just announced on March 27 of this year, 2013. And all of this in response to the footage that you and your team shared with the danish authorities? Yes, that’s right. We have a map of this area. Can we put up the map right now? Yeah, I mean, this is near where you filmed the encounter, is that right? Yes. Seems like a vast area.

That’s huge. It’s actually the largest natural park in the world and also a coastal preservice for marine mammals. And I think because of our footage was taken near that area, then there was a lot of concern about the disturbances to this habitat and what that may affect to the animals there. A very good morning. Welcome back. This is your field. Good breakfast on SABC three. Now, a breakthrough discovery, and probably one of the biggest in the last few, few hundred years may finally put to rest the question of whether aquatic humanoids, or what we colloquially know as mermaids really exist.

Now this may sound like a science fiction story or an April fools jokes, but I promise you it isnt. A recent discovery made by scientists in Greenland and archaeologists on the southwest coast of South Africa may change the world as we know it forever. And these findings will truly blow your mind. Take a look at this. Since time immemorial, human beings have had a fascination with mermaids. Aquatic humanoids or human fish hybrids have been documented in cave paintings and historical literature for hundreds of years, we have statues that represent our ideas of what they might look like.

Littered across the world, most people believe them to be nothing but science fiction, but an animal planet documentary entitled mermaids. The new evidence purports to show footage shot in 2013 from a submarine off the coast of Greenland of the first sighting of what looks like an aquatic humanoid. The footage was shot with two cameras, both of which seem to show a creature with frighteningly human qualities. Despite the eerily realistic breakthrough video evidence, no physical specimen of mermaids has existed. That is, until now. A recent discovery at Shady Point, off the west coast of South Africa this past weekend may be the most incredible find of the century.

A group of locals, during a day at the beach, stumbled across a fossil exposed by sand erosion that quite literally defies scientific reason. Some of the top archaeologists from across the country were called to the site, where they began a careful excavation. After clearing away the rubble, the fossils basic structure became clear. With the head and arms of a human, but with a tail, the fossil appears to be the first concrete evidence of the existence of aquatic humanoids. And while at first it seemed that this fossil was found in isolation, after digging a little deeper, a trove of specimens was found, some that defy human imagination.

In the coming weeks, scientists from all across the world will be descending on South Africa’s west coast to view the findings and to begin the classification process that will see aquatic humanoids certified as an official animal species with the latin name marmor ostia. So if anyone tells you they spotted a mermaid and you want to have them committed to an asylum, you might want to bite your tongue, because mermaids rarely do exist. Admittedly, that may have looked like an excerpt from the X Files in the late nineties, but that is as real as it gets. This is a true discovery.

We are not making this up. And I guess this puts the question then, you know, the origins of human where do we come from? What are we doing on this planet Earth? And, you know, what else have we not discovered? Is it at the bottom of the ocean or outside in outer space where we haven’t even traveled yet? These are the questions that are being asked. The mayor of Kiryat Yam, Mayor Shmuel Sisso. Mister Sisso, thank you very much for joining us. What did you think when the Americans claimed that they saw a mermaid? It maybe could be something else.

Could be a mermaid, could be something else. But we want 100% proof. Because you want 100%. $1 million. Has the british government changed its position on this video since it was leaked. No, they have not. Our position remains that there is nothing unusual depicted in this footage. Paul, what do you think when you see YouTube videos like this? Is there any merit to it? Well, I think it’s why I believe we can’t immediately dismiss everything posted on the Internet. These sandstone caves once looked out over a tidal bay some 30,000 years ago. The water has receded, but the memory of the people who live there remains recorded in ancient paintings that cover the cave walls.

Archaeologists believe these may be among the oldest mythic images ever made by man. Are they the projected dreams of early fishermen imagining themselves with tails, swimming out to catch fish with spears and nets? Or are they something else? Early humans fought savagely over hunting and fishing grounds. Force was used against rival tribes and against any other competitive threat to a valuable food source. Could that be what these paintings depict? Could these paintings be a record of mankind’s conflict with creatures that are now relegated to myths? Did we drive them into extinction? Or did we drive them into hiding? The teeth were a total mystery.

There were parts that looked like they might have been from a dolphin. It had omnivore teeth. There are no marine mammals that are omnivores. I’ve never seen anything like that before in my life. What on earth is this? Scientists aren’t supposed to believe in fairy tales. What we were looking at was a mermaid. Mermaids. The body found. The controversial film that rocked America tonight at nine on animal planet in HD. Oh, my God. What is that? So what is that? Creature on top of a rock, supposedly captured on film by tourists, many watching animal planets. Mermaids.

The new evidence saw it as proof that mermaids do exist. The show presented as a documentary details close encounters with the mythical sea creatures. Doctor Paul Robertson. Welcome. It even featured guests purporting to be scientists from the National oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or NOAA. But it was all in the name of entertainment. And it turns out Doctor Robertson is not really a scientist. So many viewers were fooled. NOAA. A federal agency, felt compelled to issue a statement. It said neither NOAA nor its scientists are involved with anything related to this topic. No one from NOAA was involved in making the fictional show, and the person identified as a NOAA scientist was an actor.

If you watched the show closely enough, Animal Planet did include this disclaimer during the closing credits. Certain events in this film are fictional. Disappointed viewers took to Twitter after discovering the show was fictional. Animal Planet, you are dead to me. You got me on your little mermaid hoax. What was the freaking point? One said fascination with Mer people is not new. A wave of films like Splash and the Little Mermaid has opened peoples imagination to the possibility of life under the sea. Under the sea. Thats apparently what the filmmaker Charlie Foley wanted. He told CNN that the show is based on real scientific and evolutionary theory and real life phenomena.

Rooting our story with facts encouraged a sense of intellectual possibility. What is that? Oh my God. What is that? I’m sure you’ve seen the TikTokers coming out saying that they’ve heard some sirens or mermaids under the water. Is it a hoax? Who knows? Just remember when you start to navigate this next level information, you understand that the psyops on top of psyops, which would definitely explain why they literally released a quote unquote mockumentary which looked like it had a bunch of money into it. About this organization that’s real NOAA. N o a a. They claimed to be NOAA and claim to have seen mermaids under the water and claimed to have cell phone footage of a found mermaid on the beach.

Everybody thought it was real until I think years later when they finally admitted it wasn’t real. It literally is not funny. Why would they do that? And they claimed that the military was using some sort of sound weapon underwater that they heard via their microphone that’s always in the water for aquatic research. And they claimed that they heard very complex speech from sea life under there, whales and what they would later find out apparently to be mermaids. Now something that they do is to create a fake documentary about sea something so that way you think it’s fake 100%, but don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.

Just because that documentary may have been fake doesn’t mean that everything that it talked about wasn’t true. One year ago, mermaids the body found first aired in the United States. It was a sensation, seen by more than 32 million people in the US and was watched by millions more around the globe. Online, the film caused just as much of a stir, with clips and YouTube postings and viewings numbering in the tens of millions. Mermaids for real in the days following its premiere telecast, mermaids the body found became the top trending item in one of the most searched terms in the world on Google and the top trending topic on the world’s most popular news sites, including Yahoo, CNN and even the BBC World News.

And months after its been premiere, mermaids the body found remained one of the highest trending topics on Twitter, with tweets from everyone from the wife of a former prime minister of England to an Oscar winning actress. Even the Kardashians got in on the act. Every member of the Kardashian family tweeted about the film. And Kim Kardashian herself was a mermaid for Halloween last year. We can only speculate that her public fascination with the film may have inspired her choice of costume. And Hollywood’s obsession with the story doesn’t stop there. Producers have secured feature film rights to the documentary and to the scientist who broke his story to the world, doctor Paul Robertson, a former biologist for NOAA, the National oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

But as the BBC reported, perhaps the most extraordinary response to the film came from the United States federal government. Two government agencies, Noah and the United States Department of Homeland Security, each took the unusual step of issuing press statements disputing claims made in the film, including allegations that the United States government, and specifically the United States Navy, has knowingly conducted and until recently, publicly denied the effects of a dangerous sonar testing program. Testing that has resulted not only in mass whale die offs, but may have also revealed a new species of marine mammal, mermaids. Now, in his first public interview since mermaids, the body found.

I sit down with the scientist who brought this story to worldwide attention, Doctor Paul Robertson. Welcome. Thank you. As a scientist, I was never a believer in conspiracy theories. I believe al Qaeda was responsible. Responsible for the 911 attacks. I believe we landed on the moon, and I believe Oswald shot JFK. Okay. No. To believe our government covered up these events requires proof. A conspiracy theory like any theory needs proof. So that’s the first question I’d ask. Where’s your proof? In 1997, scientists from NOAA recorded a sound in the deep Pacific. It’s thought to be organic in nature and has never been identified.

It’s called the bloop. In the early two thousands, it was proved that the navy beached whales while testing sonar weapons. For years, the Navy denied that they were responsible for these beachings. These are facts. And in some of the insights, there were reports of something else washing up with the whales. In 2004, two boys were the first to arrive on a mass whale beaching in Washington state. They captured it on a cell phone. The boys claimed they saw something that day. They claim they saw a body, and they went on record claiming they saw a body.

That official record was later changed, and the Navy took the remains of what the boys found. I know this because I was part of the team investigating that beaching and what the Navy did that day. And I believe I know what it is that they took. Cliffs Beach, Washington state, April 4, 2004. Sited the largest mass whale beaching in United States history. A Seattle based research team from the National oceanic and Atmospheric administration is quickly on the scene to investigate the cause of the mass beaching. Heading the research was respected marine biologist doctor Brian McCormick. In 2000, McCormick had published a landmark study that linked mass whale beachings to experimental Navy sonar weapons testing.

It led to the program’s suspension that same year. Doctor McCormick and his team suspected that the Navy had begun operating their sonar once more. Now, two members of that team have agreed to speak on camera for the first time about what they claim the Navy discovered, but has never disclosed. I remember looking out over the dunes, and the scale was incredible. I’d never seen anything like it. My name’s Paul Robertson. I was a research assistant with Doctor McCormick, working at NOAA for several years by then. By the time we got there, the wind was so bad that it had driven everyone else off the beach and a storm was coming in.

So it was just us and the Navy. They had cordoned off a section of beach, and there were guys in hazmat suits. It could have been biologists or medical staff, we weren’t sure, but that got our attention. Brian was one of the first scientists to draw a connection between the mass beachings and Navy sonar use. He was the most experienced in these events, but even he had never seen anything like this before. I’m Rebecca Davis. I was a field biologist at NOAA. I was working in the marine mammals division before I joined Doctor McCormick’s lab in 1999.

Blood was visible coming from the ears of the whales. We had never seen that before. Where every whale was bleeding from the ears. This meant that they had all suffered some kind of major internal trauma. We took multiple organ tissue samples, and we were going to study those under the microscope to determine cause of death. We packed up as quickly as we could, but Brian wouldn’t leave. He wanted to get as many samples as he could because he wanted to know what the navy was doing out there. After the navy left, we went down to where they’d been working, and none of the animals had been cut open.

They had been autopsied. We had no idea what they would be doing down there. In prior beachings, where the navy was implicated, the NOAA team found whales that had died from suffocation injuries. It is believed the loud sound of the navy’s sonar scared the whales into the shallows, where they stranded themselves. Without water to support their massive weight, the whale’s internal organs collapsed, slowly suffocating them. That’s what the NOAA team expected to find in the autopsy remains signs of internal organ collapse. They found something else instead. When we looked at the samples, we expected to see evidence of trauma.

The bleeding from the ears indicated as much. What we were not prepared for was the. The internal organs hadn’t collapsed. What we were seeing was consistent with blunt force trauma. There were circular lesions on the samples, clear evidence of damage. And these were in every sample that we’d taken. Brian had an immediate theory. Infrasound. Very powerful, ultra low frequency sound waves that could theoretically be weaponized and potentially be used to devastating effect. They would slam into living tissue with incredible speed and incredible force. Those slides showed evidence of catastrophic impact injury. Impact injuries that we believed was caused by a new kind of navy sonar, a sonic blast that did more than just scare whales into the shallows.

This sonar seemed to kill them. Well, Brian realized that we didn’t need the tissue to test our theory. We have. Noah has these arrays that record audio. Marine life, seismic activity. And one of these boys was very close by, so we know it was likely that we had recorded the whole event. The sonar blast, the whale reactions, everything. Well, first there was the sound of the whale vocalizations, which we expected. And then there was what we now understand to be the priming of the sonar weapon. And then there was a moment of silence. And this proved to be the calm before the storm, because then it was.

Bam. It was pretty awful to listen to. Brian was so preoccupied with cataloging this sonic blast that he almost missed what else was there. There was another sound on the record recording an animal call. And we realized that this was a bloop signature, the same creature that Noah had recorded back in 1997. But in this case, our recording was much longer. It was the most complex, intricate animal call I’d ever heard. And we had no idea what had made the sound. All we knew was that a creature that had only been heard once in human history had just resurfaced.

I’ve seen the footage that was supposedly taken in Beaufort. I don’t know if that particular video is real or not. It doesn’t really matter. The Navy keeps a tight grip on all classified information. But even they’ve come to realize that no matter what they do to prevent it, there will be occasional leaks. And when there is a leak, they’ve learned how to control it. It’s no surprise that the Beaufort video was immediately branded a fake. The Navy tells us it’s not real, so it’s not real. Whenever a leak happens, the military has a way of using its influence to make the general public believe what they want them to believe.

What I can tell you is that I’ve seen a creature in the navy’s possession. We took it after the first test in Washington state. I was on the beach that day, but we weren’t the first ones there. In the months following the stranding in Washington state, the NOAA team responded to a sharp increase in mass beachings along both american coasts. Similar mass beaching events were being reported all over the globe. Rescuers are racing against the clock, trying to save nearly 200 pilot whales that beached themselves in southern Australia Monday. Six bottlenose dolphins also beached themselves, something scientists say is very uncommon.

This is the fourth incident of its kind in recent months in the same part of southern Australia. And scientists really don’t know why it’s happening. This was happening all over the world. So now we’re following beachings elsewhere. We alerted marine agencies to what we discovered with the sonar blasts. And we began hearing about other things. Reports of bodies washing up with the whales, rumors of something else washing up with them. And in every case, there was always authorities on hand to control the scene. But at the time, we just wanted to stop the beachings from ever happening again.

We petitioned the Department of Defense for information, and we sought injunctions against the Navy. But it didn’t get us anywhere. The navy claimed that they were merely studying the anomalies, that they weren’t the cause of them. We continued to build profiles of these events, and we went over the one thing we did have, which was the recording. We listened to and analyzed this recording I don’t know how many times. And we made comparisons with whales and dolphins, but this thing, to our ears, sounded much more intricate, much more advanced. And we thought we had a reasonable chance to crack the code, but it was still beyond us.

We needed help. My name is Doctor Rodney Webster. I’m currently at the University of South Florida. I specialize in animal communications. I focus mainly on the field of cetacean vocalizations. Dolphins and whales. A lot of what I do in my work is I search for signifiers, which are particular sounds to which you can attach a meaning or a mood. You and I would refer to them as words. So they’re words for dolphins. What’s so interesting about the 2004 recording is that I could identify literally hundreds of signifiers and arrange these into recognizable patterns. We had not gathered this kind of information in the previous 30 years of studying dolphins and whales.

But that wasn’t all that Doctor Webster found in their recording. I noticed that there were some pitch changes in the bloop at certain parts of the recording. So I ran a spectrogram analysis of the data and in the frequencies that were above the range of human hearing. And this is what I found. This is it. At original speed, with the whale sounds removed, I then slowed the recording down into the range of human hearing. Here it is at one third of its original speed. Multiple individuals, literally thousands of different signifiers. At least half dozen individual voice prints.

So what you see here is language. They’re talking to one another. What animal could possibly have a language so complex, so sophisticated? Our theory was this was a new species of dolphin. But there’s another theory we should have considered sooner, the aquatic ape theory. And it’s very compelling. When you start to play with the speed of different animal noises, they all start to sound similar, and you start to get a feel of maybe it’s all the same language. I’m gonna tell you a little secret. I take a dolphin and I slow it down. This sounds like a monkey.

If I take a chimpanzee and I speed it up, sounds like a mouse. If I take a mouse, slow it down, sounds like a seagull. If I take a seagull and slow the seagull down, sounds like a gorilla or a whale. But take a whale, and we speed the whale up, sounds like birds. Here’s some cows sped up. They sound like puppies. If we slow crickets down, we’re back at birds. Information is transmitted via waves. We can see that. We can hear that. The fundamental is the carrier wave. The harmonics differentiate my voice from a singer.

Whales communicate below our hearing, so we have to speed it up to hear it. Our hearing is right here and above it. Freaking bats. I love hoggle whale. Freaking bats. And whales and dolphins use higher frequencies to see. They bounce the waves off to get an image. Everything is connected this way. Grizzly bears even sound like humans. I’m sure you know, dolphins communicate using sonar, but a cross section of that sonar is a cymatic pattern like this. That’s their letters. That’s how they write. Now, what I’m about to show you is going to blow your mind.

This is the cymatic pattern of a dolphin communicating with its trainer. This is a frozen cross section of that. Now, if we enhance that and remove the noise around it, we can see a picture of the man in front of the dolphin communicating with the dolphin. Now, not only that, this is a frozen cross section of how they communicate with each other. The next one is a whales frozen cross section of their cymatic pattern. Now, the last thing I’m going to show you is a crop circle found in England. And not only is this cool because it’s crop circle, but the inside of the crop circle looks pretty similar to a cymatic pattern.

Pretty wild. So this thing that I was reading about with whales, that there’s some new scientific breakthrough where they’re understanding patterns in the whales language. And what they were saying was the next step would be to have AI work on this and try to break it down, and break it down into pronouns, nouns, verbs, or whatever they’re using, and decipher some sort of language out of it. What most people don’t realize is the amount that we actually already know. Dolphins, for instance, have names that they call each other by. Wow. Parrots, turns out, also have names that the mother will whisper in each different child’s ear and teach them their name to go back and forth until the child gets it.

Oh, one of my favorite examples is actually off the coast of Norway every year, there’s a group of false killer whales that speak one way and a group of. Of dolphins that speak another way. And they come together in a superpod and hunt. And when they do, they speak a third different thing. Whoa. Yeah. The whales and the dolphins. The whales and the dolphins. So they have a kind of like interlingua or lingua franca. We detailed every stranding that followed, the Washington state, eventually trying to establish a pattern of naval involvement. If we could prove that this was a new species being affected, we figured that this might give us leverage, that we could compel the navy to divulge what they’re doing and possibly stop it.

We had strong circumstantial evidence, but we would need more. And that’s what the south african beach engagement. Davis. What made this beaching stand out was that our south african colleagues had made a recording of their own. Well, we, of course, had heard of the work of Doctor McCormick. We’d heard the reports linking large scale beachings to sonic events. And we’d also heard the rumors that such an event may have affected a species as yet unidentified to science. And of course, we heard of the bloop recording. My name is Doctor Gavin Dittmar. I am the head of acoustic research at the Marine Biology Research Centre at the University of Cape Town.

We had an underwater array just about a kilometre off the tip of Cape Town. And this was part of a research program to monitor whale populations at certain times of the year. That’s why we contacted Doctor McCormack. We now believe that we had found the same thing when we heard that recording. We immediately accepted an invitation to make a research visit. We arrived about 40 hours after the event. And again, we weren’t the first. Other official investigators had already come and gone. The south african beaching was the biggest since the Washington state event. And here again, we were seeing the exact same patterns of sonic trauma.

What was different in South Africa was the recording itself. Here we had another bloop signature, the same mystery creature that we had recorded. We had the same low frequency sonic blast. But here it was what happened before the blast that was revealing. Here was a bloop call similar to the one we recorded. It was obviously the same kind of creature. And this time there was dolphin chatter on the recording. Not surprising. Dolphins are in these waters and they get stranded in these events as well. But here there was communication back and forth communication between our blue creatures and the dolphins, which made us think, is it a dolphin? Is it some new species of dolphin? And from that point on, that’s what we thought we were looking for.

To that point, we only had acoustic evidence, but physical evidence. That was the breakthrough that Doctor Ditmar gave us. The first time the weapon was tested off the coast of Washington, it was a disaster. We were caught off guard completely by the aftermath. The beach hadn’t been secured. It was left wide open to anyone who passed by that morning. After that first test, we didn’t leave any beaches unsecured. Again, we weren’t going to let anyone else find anything. The NOAA team was now certain the navy was not only affecting whales with their tests, they were also affecting a new species.

The creature’s physiology gave deeper insights into its behavior. Although it was damaged in the shark attack, they discovered a large splash. Large spleens are common features to marine mammals. It stores oxygen during deep dives. It’s like having a built in scuba tank inside them. The only reason to have this adaptation is to dive deep, to hunt for food. Every time we found something new, a dozen more questions would pop up. Doctor McCormick invited someone else to take a look. The South Africans were taking so long getting the permitting to get the material out of the country that Bryant flew him in.

My specialty is in biomechanics. How animals have adapted different means of locomotion. My name is Doctor Steven Pearsall. When I got there, I thought, well, what the heck am I doing here? Because this is clearly a marine mammal. The tail looked like the tail on an animal that you find in the ocean. And it was only when we got the remains under the scanners that I realized that this was like no tail we had ever seen before. Looking at the hip structure, Doctor Pearsall recognizes something strikingly familiar with humans. If you look at the top of your hips here, they have this high ridge, and these are called the iliacs crests, and they’re designed to support weight.

I looked at this creature and it had similar crests on its hips, and that didn’t make any sense until I realized that we were looking at the scans the wrong way. We were looking at them this way when, in fact, what we had to do is rotate them. That is when it became clear that this creature once walked on two legs. And there is only one animal that walks upright on two legs, that walks on 2ft. And if this thing once stood on 2ft, we realized hands. They were hands. This wasn’t an ancestor. This was somebody still out there.

My name is Doctor Leanne Fisser. I’m a forensic anthropologist in the department of human evolution. I reconstruct the appearance of an individual based on fragments of skull and other bones. The concave shape in the front of the skull indicated that it had a melon, the specialized mass of fatty tissue that enables dolphins and other whales to echolocate. It wasn’t a blowhole. This wasn’t used for breathing. It was used to channel sound. The skull reconstruction proved it could do this, that this creature could echolocate. This was the creature that had made the sound. The calls had never been identified.

Echolocation, a form of biosonar, the ability to emit high frequency sounds that bounce off objects and give the animal a mental map of its environment. Sound used to locate food. Sound used to communicate in the deep blue of the vast ocean. We now had no doubt that this was the animal that had made the bloop. This was the same animal that was on the 1997 bloop recording. This was the same animal that was on the 2004 Washington state recording. And it was the same animal that was on the south african recording, the one that talked to the dolphins.

I know what they reported to the navy was accurate. How do you think people would respond if they knew we were killing an unknown species that was most likely the only surviving relative to humans? Look at how they continue to react to beached whales. If the public ever saw this creature, there would be an uproar. We knew what they had. We knew what they had before they knew what they had. We’d been trailing McCormick’s NOAA team since 2004. We followed them to South Africa. We knew what they found was the same species we’d taken off that beach.

They had evidence that would bring down the operation, evidence that could stop us. Do you think we were going to let that happen? But they were advancing our research, so we let them continue for a while. What the hell’s going on here? Where did you get this fraud? I tried to restrain Brian. Then after that, I tried to pick him up for weeks, but he was just devastated. We all were. The police confiscated everything, all the lab tests, all of the files, the skull reconstruction we’d brought back. And they took the body. Well, I’ve certainly never seen anything like it before, and I’ve worked here for 20 years.

This was unprecedented. This was not some normal police raid. This was a slick operation. They came early, early in the morning, when they knew no one would be around. They had all the right documentation. Confiscation of a discovery of national importance. I mean, I’ve never heard of that before. We knew who did it. I mean, we all know who was really behind it. The test, the sonar tests. We prove this, and they have to stop the testing. They have to acknowledge that they have a sonar weapon, and who knows what else. They’d have to acknowledge all that we had left, the only thing that we had left that they hadn’t seized were the bloop recordings.

They couldn’t take those. Those were already a matter of posting public record. We were so focused on everything that we’d lost that the government had taken that we didn’t realize that everything we needed was in those recordings. The recordings would prove to be everything. A shallow coastal lagoon in the southern hemisphere where the creatures retreat to warm, protected waters, where a species in decline still clings on. SA when we got back to the states, we were in shock. We couldn’t stay in South Africa. We had our visas revoked, and when we got back to Washington, we launched several protests with the american and south african governments.

The South Africans eventually did respond. The DNA samples that they had confiscated from the university lab where they’re being processed, they shared those with us because the DNA readings that came back were so close to human DNA. The lab that did the tests claimed that they’d been contaminated with human DNA. How else, they said, could the genetic profiles have been so similar? They discredited the results and they destroyed the samples. The feeling was like something out of Orwell. This was big brother. They were rewriting history, basically writing this creature out of existence. And the question I asked myself is, why are they protecting their testing? Are they.

Are they keeping the creatures for themselves? Are they testing the creatures? We don’t know. But we still don’t know. I’ve got quotas to meet. You wanna hunt? Let’s hunt. What? Yeah. Not here. There’s too many villages. No, no, no. Respectfully, sir, you do not understand the kinship bonds between the tulkuun and the ocean. Na’vi. It would be like murdering a member of their family. If we start hunting here, the hostiles will come after us. Exactly. One hostile in particular. I know how you feel it. You got my mother? Mother and calf. Strong signal. Range 4000. Bring it down on the high.

Coming down high. Boils deployed. Sub teams, two minutes. Let’s get in there. Practice close. Come on. Cruise to their boat. Two minutes. Let’s make some bag. Boat cruise. Get the tight out off. Tie down. Let’s go, baby. What’s up? What are they doing? Those are echolocation sensors. How they navigate. They have to hold them out of the water or they’ll go deaf. You’re gonna cut the cow from the rest of the pod. Using this sound cannon. They target a mother because the calf swim slowly and she won’t leave the calf. Do they ever fight back? No, I’ve never seen them lift them.

Finn. Tough bastards to kill, though. Some teams, go. And release. There’s our gal. Target insight. Three sixes in hotels. Here we go, baby. Here we go. In from below, where there’s gaps in the armor. All right, let’s go. Get up in there. No one in. Get me in close. How to steady in range. Arm one. Army. Tucker, clock and run away. Twos and hot. Arm one. Morning. Fire. Good strike on two six. You are severe. The only way to reach the gland is from below. We drill up through the hard palate into the brain. And these are highly intelligent beings? Probably smarter than that.

No, it’s better than me. That is setting the bar very low. Hey, I’m the one with the harpoon. Yep. How do you know that they’re smarter than us? More neurons, more pathways. Not only are they smarter, they’re deeply emotional. More spiritual. See, this region here corresponds with our emotional centers, but proportionally, it’s much larger. And music, philosophy, mathematics, complex language. Okay, here we go. Show me the money. So that’s what this is all about. That’s it. I’m ready. Bad luck for the big guys. This stuff just happens to suck. Stop human aging. Like, stops it? Ounce for ounce.

The single most valuable substance known to man. This little vial here is worth, like, 80 million. Think fast. Please don’t. It’s never funny. Amrita is what’s paying for everything here on pandora now. Even your research. Ain’t that right, Doctor G? That’s why I drink. That’s all you take. You just waste the rest. Drop the bags. Let’s sink her. No, leave the bag. I want him to know it was us. I charge extra for being used as bait. It was my spirit. And then you have scientists all around the world who have said that whales have telepathically communicated with them and said deep, deep things with them.

Look up the dolphin house. Mind blowing. And with a cherry on top, you’re not allowed to communicate or interact with dolphins. And they claim it’s because they don’t want people throwing firecrackers at them or feeding them food. This video you’re about to watch is quite an eyebrow razor. How are the polluted oceans affecting them? The oceans are affecting them pretty strongly and they are, they see, they know that we are the problem. And so this is the reason why they are trying to communicate with us and to help change the situation. The whales, for example, which are really the real powerful beings in this world.

Prior to about 1950 or so, 56, or whenever, it was no human being or country or anyone had ever captured a killer whale alive. They couldn’t do it. They couldn’t get the nets that could hold them. And suddenly in one year, six of these killer whales just come up to the ships and sit there, wag their tails and allow themselves to be taken into captivity. And this was when they began, you know, they began to, these cetaceans began to. To try to make communication with us and try to heal us through their examples and through their, you know, the dolphins come up and all they do is just say, it’s love, it’s all love, it’s joy, have a good time, you know, and they’re giving the example by themselves and their examples are definitely affecting us.

We’re beginning to understand. I had a friend, Doctor Paul Spong, just to show you the dolphins really, I mean, the whales really, and the dolphins are in very high level communication. Doctor Paul Spong was trained in a. He was trained in a college to be a whale trainer. And he became the whale trainer at the, the Vancouver Zoo. And he started training his killer whale there. But then after the killer, after about a year, he began to realize that the whale was training him. It became real obvious to him. He says, wait a minute, the whale is actually, you know, having more influence on his life than he’s having on that one.

And the whale got him to tell him about all the whales that were being killed all over the world and started to influence him to stop the whaling in the world. So what did he do? He started Greenpeace. He was the founder of Greenpeace. He got the six people together. It’s one table, which I got to introduce with each one of these people and got them to go out and start this movement. And he went out on the ships and he’d been arrested, like, a hundred times. He’d go out these ships and just start shutting down everything.

And they had rest and trying to get them stopped, and they did. They eventually got stopped, the whaling in I don’t know how many countries. There’s, like, lots and lots of countries that Greenpeace has stopped all of this on. And one day he came to me and he said the whales told him. He says that he believed that he was in direct communication with them telepathically, that he could just talk to them, he could tell them in his head to do any of the things that he wanted them to do in the water. He would just do it.

And he got to the place where he was. He just knew that it was just like talking. And they told him that there was no such thing as an individual whale or an individual dolphin in the world. They were really cells in a larger body of consciousness, and that communication occurred, that all there had to be, if there was a dolphin, there only needed to be another dolphin within a thousand mile radius, and that dolphin could communicate to the hole through that one. In other words, they did have a thousand mile limit in their communication. And this whale wanted to prove this to him.

I will prove to you that this is true. So he wanted to. He asked me if he could have my house. I had a house in and 450 miles inland on this place called Kootenay Lake. He says, can I borrow your house for the winter? So I gave it to him, and he went in, and he was going to set up a sensory deprivation tank to float in there to get still enough to be able to make the communication. But he never even put it together. So I came back a few months later, three or four months later, and he had removed a few walls of my house.

It was a funny feeling, I’ll tell you, and put these windows there that weren’t there before and things. It was really beautiful, but it was shocking. And he had still not made contact. He said, I need more time. I need more time. And I said, said, well, okay, so. But I was there, you know, so we were all living together, him and his wife was living there, and me and my wife were living there, and my kids. And about two weeks later, he used to have, though, if anybody who knows Doctor Paul’s pine, you know Paul’s pine, he’s got kind of short hair now, and he looks very kind of professional, right? But he used to have really long hair and a really long beard in those days.

And he came into the room one morning after about two weeks, and he had shaved his beard off on one side of his head and cut the hair short on one side of his head. And I said to Paul, I know something’s up. I’m sure of it. He says, yeah, I made contact last night. And he says, I’m sure that I did. I did it. He says, they told me that I was going to be a large influence in the world in all of this, and that I had to look respectable. So today is my transition day.

So for that day, he walked around half and half, and the next day, he shaved off the other side. And what they told him was the way they were going to prove it was, he said that he was to go to this bay north of Vancouver, a very specific spot, and he was to go there with video equipment and everything so that he could prove what was about to happen. And he was to tell his people, he had a whole group of people that worked with him. He was to tell them what was to happen so that there would be, like, no back out of this whole thing.

And that on a certain day, at a certain time, which I think it was twelve noon or a certain day, all the whales, of which there were about 100 of them, of a certain species, would come into this bay, would swim up to the shoreline, lift out of the water and look him in the eyes. And that’s exactly what happened. He went up there with about 30 people, and they put their microphones in the water and everything, and they sat around and they waited for this time. And sure enough, all these whales came swimming up the shore, lifted out and looked him in the app.

And obviously, he was never the same after that. He started the orca lab, which has started in that very spot. And he’s been totally merged into whales research ever since then, and on his own, not using through the governments or anything else like he did before. And he spends all his time. I taught him how to play the silver flute and spends all his time out in canoes with him, playing flutes to them and communicating with him that he has now learned how to do. And so the whales, they have an extraordinary level of awareness, we can’t really talk about it, because when we.

Later, I’m going to try to tell you, when I talk about the electromagnetic spectrum and light and all these other kinds of things, when we get into this, like right now, we’re looking at just a little tiny sliver of the electromagnetic spectrum, which we call light, which we receive about 90% of our information from. And then you get a little bit of information from sound, and those two things, which are also another little tiny sliver of electromagnetic spectrum. And those two things are where we get almost all of our input into the world. But the dolphins are 100%.

They see the entire electromagnetic spectrum, which is a world you wouldn’t believe if you could see it all. It’s here. We’re just about blind, almost. We don’t really see much. So they’re really another world, another dimensional level of experience that we aren’t. We’re not there yet, but we will be. Humans are conscious breathers. They cannot, if they do not purposely decide to take a breath, they will die. They have no automatic breathing system in them at all. And so they don’t sleep like we sleep. In fact, they don’t sleep. They have a different mechanism, which I guess I’ll describe real quickly right now, when we go to sleep at night, first of all, we are either usually on the left side or the right side.

Hardly anybody’s got both sides going on at once. We’re usually on one side or the other, and of that side, we are maybe five or 10% of that side is functioning. Percent of one side, and about 90% of the other side is unconscious. It’s not functioning. So, I mean, we’re almost an unconscious being, but we’re even more than that from a dolphin perspective, because what they do is they come into a circle, like I talked about with the whales, when they go to sleep, they all point their noses together, floating on the surface, and they begin to rotate.

And I’m not sure which way they rotate, actually. They begin to rotate around. And you said they rotate counterclockwise, is that what you said? Counterclockwise? And they start rotating counterclockwise, and then at 1.1 of them takes a breath and goes in the water, and then it followed by the next one, followed by the next one, forming this helical pattern as they’re going down into the water, in other words, coughing, where they would be on the top of the circle as they keep moving down into the water, but as they take this breath and go down in the dolphins have both sides of their brain on 100%.

So even though they’ve got a brain that’s about 350 grams bigger than ours, it’s really a lot bigger than ours because they got the whole thing on. We’re only functioning. We got a 1500 grams brain and that’s functioning on about, I don’t know, 30 grams or something. It’s not very much. And so they start coming down in here. They turn off one side of their brain and leave the other side on. That’s called sleep. And so they come down here, and then when they either get to the bottom or when they get back to the top, I don’t know.

From the research that I read, I can’t remember anymore. But when they get down at the bottom, where they turn this off, I don’t know, they then start coming back up. As the other ones are coming down, they’re coming back up, forming a double helical pattern, coming back up until they match back up in a circle. And when they get at the top, let’s say it’s up there, they switch sides of the brain, come down and take it so the other side can rest. It allows one side to rest with every other graph. It’s a very slow Delta, you would say, if you know how Delta and theta work.

Delta’s sleeping state is really we’re just going back and forth, turning off one side of our brain, turning on the other, but it’s at a rate about like, about like that. That’s what we’re doing when we’re asleep, and they’re just doing it much slower. And so when a dolphin looks at a human being, we’re all sleeping because we have one side of our brain turned off. There’s these two worlds of air and water. Where those worlds merge, the whales are out there. There really is this extraterrestrial quality to sperm whales, just a world that we know nothing about.

What are they thinking? There was one whale that sort of came a bit closer. Nobody knew this whale, so I called her Dolores. Just on a whim, I knocked the side of my camera housing. Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick. And immediately she stopped completely and turned to face me. She was so interested and so curious. I think Dolores is going to take me into her world. There really is this extraterrestrial quality to sperm whales. They’re as close as we have to aliens on our own planet. You have these 30,000 pound animals with a brain significantly larger than the human brain, larger than any other animal’s brain on Earth.

What are they thinking ra. This journey for me started with simply wanting to see the world’s biggest animal in its own environment. When I was 15, I went to the Museum of Natural History, and I just remember seeing this replica of a blue whale. I just made a point that day. I said, I’m going to see a blue whale in its natural environment. One of the first trips I took was to the Azores. We didn’t find any blue whales, but along the way we found other whale species. Over time, I really fell in love with all of these ocean creatures.

Other trips looking for blue whales, I didn’t find any blue whales. I spent a lot of time in Norway with killer whales, with orca. You know, I don’t come from a wealthy background. I had to earn the money that it takes to fund these expeditions. So I had a career as a corporate lawyer, but it was a grind, and there were times there towards the end where it felt like I was in prison. Whales were freedom to me. They would get me out of that jail and watching them was like rehabilitation, and I could see into their lives.

The orca off Norway were so charismatic and interesting, especially their noisy hunting techniques. Humpback whales would take advantage of all of their hard work and you could see the killer was pretty annoyed with this. You start to get a sense of what all those squeaks and squeals are about when they’re talking to each other. They’re clearly strategizing on, how are we going to do this better. I went to tonga looking for blue whales. Didn’t find any blue whales, but found humpback whales that might swim over to you and check you out and bring their calf to look at you.

And they have a whole different kind of communication. Humpback whales sing this is not simple conveyance of information. This is emotion. This is connecting with each other. Music I was about ten years before finally, in southern Sri Lanka, during the sri lankan civil war, I swam with. With blue whales. Because they’re so big, they’re focused on feeding. They don’t have time in their life to socialize, at least not with. With humans. They barely do it with each other. One sort of tilts its head as it’s going past. That’s it. That’s a huge achievement to get it to notice you at all.

Blue whales had led me here. I owe them so much, but they seem really hard to learn from almost impersonal sperm whales. They are all the way at the other end of the spectrum of tolerance and social behavior. Look at them. They are this big, square head flat tail, the tiny little flippers on the side, the blowhole on top. This is what I think of the word whale. You think of a sperm whale. Orca communication is quite functional. Then you have humpback whales who are singing and getting emotional connections with other whales. And then you have sperm whales.

Here’s a species that’s probably doing both of those things at a very, very high level. I spent time with them in Sri Lanka, in the Azores. There’s these two worlds of air and water. And it really feels like a place where those worlds merge and you’ve got the blue sky and the bright blue water and the light passing between them. Something strange happened out of the blue. And it started like any other time. We were tracking along with a family that we didn’t know before. And there was one whale that sort of came a bit closer, and then it tilted upwards.

She’s sending out a sonar pulse, scanning my body. Your kidney, your lungs, your rib cage. She’s really getting a full 3d picture of what I am of my interior. Nobody knew this whale I could see she had was like a fresh wound on the side of her face from what was obviously a squid scratch when feeding on some giant squid. When sperm whales first see each other in the eastern caribbean, they make a clicking sound in a very distinct pattern. Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, like Morse code. Just on a whim, I knocked the side of my camera housing.

Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick. And immediately, it only took one time. She stopped completely and then slowly inverted her body and turned completely around and eventually came face to face with me again from maybe 2ft away. And then I tried some physical actions. Then I rolled in the water. And then I watched, and she rolled in the water. Nobody knew this whale. She hadn’t been named yet. So I called her Dolores. After about 45 minutes, she slowly rolled over and just disappeared down into the depths. There are lots of reasons that draw me back to Dominika.

But she quickly became the whale that I wanted to see the most. I was worried that I wouldn’t find her, but then she found me. I recognized her pretty quickly, but she recognized me even more quickly because she came shooting over. I was trying different things. I was making sounds in my snorkel to mimic the sounds that she was making. I would roll and she’d do her role, and then look at me, almost like, was that okay? Did I. Did I do it right? My instinct is to not physically touch any marine life. She wasn’t having any of that.

She started pushing me to just feel I think it was very gentle to just touch and to get a better understanding, I think, of what I am. She rose up. There was nowhere I could go. I was on her. She just lifted me completely out of the water on her face. It’s exhilarating and frightening at the same time to be riding this whale. She was so interested and so curious. It felt like genuine excitement from her. And I felt the same way. Obviously, this was something I thought would never have been possible. And now it’s just a level of intimacy that I’ve never had with a sperm whale or any kind of whale before.

It was just clear to me that we’d really crossed a line. I didn’t realize. Realize how strong my feelings were until the next season. On Christmas day, I got the news that 4 hours from where I was based in England, this incredibly tragic event was unfolding. It wasn’t even a headline story. It was sort of a note that a group of sperm whales had stranded on the Yorkshire coast. You see stories about sperm whale stranding on beaches occasionally. And then to see it. Yeah, I’ve never seen a dead sperm whale before. There’s another one all up and down this beach.

Body. Body. There’s another body. It’s just insane. See, it’s a young male. There’s more people in Omaha, Nebraska than there are sperm whales on the whole planet. You got ten teenagers dead right here, just in one spot in one day, all at the same time. That’s not a sad event, that’s a catastrophe. That’s like, you know, that changes the whole world of sperm whales in one day. There’s so many mysteries about strandings like this. It’s always together within guards, normally of each other. It’s juvenile males. It’s not because they have some disease. It’s not a question of intelligence.

It’s not because they don’t have a basic understanding of their environment. Otherwise you would see one strand and the others are smart enough to not do the exact same thing themselves. How does that happen? They have to be so close compared to humans to all die at the same time on the same beach. Why? What can I do to help that not happen again? There is so much to be learned about them as a species that I hope would do the species as a whole a great service. Sperm whales spend such a short period of their life on the surface.

They spend three quarters of their time down in these abyssal depths, completely dark. They use these clicks that we can hear on the hydrophone. The sound is amplified and you can hear sound from great distances away. You’re born into a family unit and you spend your life together with your family, feeding together, sleeping together, socializing together, traveling together, really together, like physically close together, even a lot of the time. That’s something that if you don’t understand them in relation to each other and their family and other whales, you can’t possibly start to understand them at all.

It’s certainly one of the most fascinating and fulfilling connections I’ve ever had with any animal, maybe with anyone in my life. The numbers of sperm whales in the eastern Caribbean have been steadily dropping over the years. And any year that I go back, I don’t know if I’m going to see the family units and the sperm whales that I recognize, because the mortality rate among the population is so high, and then they form a bond that lasts a quarter of their life. And that bond is so strong. You get situations like happened on the beach in England.

These young males will all die for each other. They’ll all strand together. Sperm whales make the loudest sound in the animal kingdom. There’s a huge clang that comes from the full grown male sperm whales. It’s a much more metallic tang. Sperm whales, the male just shows up and all the females in the area, including cavs, everybody just goes to him like a magnet. Some of them, as they age, get very white, these huge, huge sperm whales that are this sort of bright white color. And then it really gives you an understanding of what Melville was talking about in Moby Dick with this white whale.

It’s not really a myth. Big old male sperm whales are often very white. Ship strike fishing gear, entanglement, ocean pollution. I think if they could take you down to see how their lives go, they would do it, but they can’t, obviously, and we can’t survive those pressures. Gail’s a professional underwater camera operator there to hopefully document this interaction. You may see her from the boat, know, oh, that’s. That’s her. I can start it and take it in with me. You were talking about deploying this close to the heads. It’s going to be some action going on there.

How difficult do you think it’s going to be? It does make me a bit nervous. So if you’re with me, I think we both have to be aware. As soon as I place the this, the next thing coming is the tail, so we’ve got to back up immediately so that if she does react, we don’t get smashed. Good deployment there. You can see her eye there. So the next big question is whether the light sensor actually turned the lights on at depth. Good. You can hear her starting to echo. Locate. Now you get these other clicks coming in as if there’s either another whale there or somehow she’s making a different sound.

Must be other whales down there. I’ve not heard that before. She’s speeding way up. You see how fast she’s swimming. Now there’s one. What’s that? So something is in the water there. Potential squid flying past frame. There we go. And something. I’ve never seen that before. That in and of itself is fascinating. There’s objects down there, probably squid that are going past that are bioluminescence and appearing green in the frame. So now she’s surfacing. See some light now appearing. So these are social clicks. Now she’s probably looking for the cathman. Here’s hope coming back. That’s fascinating.

So she joins her. There’s still probably. I’ll check the data. Oh, move the tag. Let’s see how she reacts. Another time. This time, I really wanted to make an effort to get that tag really low and really down by the jaw. I showed her the tag so she would know what was happening and held it up and she could have looked. And I showed her again and she looked. I was a little bit nervous because the tag was ready, everything was ready, and she came right over to me. Then I saw she had hope, her young calf with her, which made me hesitate a bit.

And then she opened her mouth as I was right next to her, which I don’t think was aggressive, but it was enough to make me back up and not. Not try to put the tag on. Yeah. I don’t know. I don’t know why it’s affecting me in this way, but it was a strange emotion, but, yeah, in that moment, she seemed to send a message. That’s not the time to do it, so I didn’t do it. Perhaps it’s the energy or something deeper that I give off, but I certainly was not giving off the right feelings at that time, and she knew it.

She has no reason to trust humans at all. More than half of her family has died in the last ten years caused by human beings. A lot of these were alive when whaling was actively being conducted. And what do they remember from a lot of intense whaling was done from rowboats with spears, where the whales should have easily outmaneuvered the humans. That’s not how it went. Even in small boats with spears and sails, we killed thousands of tens of thousands of them. The only way that was possible is because they have such strong bonds. You kill one, the others don’t know, run away.

They come over to try to help, and then you kill them, too. And then more come over, and it makes scenes like you see in these whaling books completely believable. When you see how much they care about each other, even if that means stranding on a beach and dying, even if it means going over. When a whale gets harped, they will do it. Their bond is that strong. They will stay with each other through this incredibly traumatic experience. They don’t run away and take a breath and try to get out of there like humans would do.

We don’t understand them at all. They can see without seeing, and it sounds crazy, but sonar and echolocation sounded crazy 100 years ago. Perhaps they’ve exceeded humanity in their ability to connect with each other. What is this connection? If I could ask them, what is it? The best is if they could just tell me. And it sounds crazy, but it’s really not as far off as people think. You know, I ask myself, can I really communicate other than just saying hello? Which I’ve tried to do. If somebody comes up to you and says hi, you say hi back, and then you wait for them to say something.

But in this case, I never did. I couldn’t, and they were very patient. There’s so many things that they still have to show us. I just have to be willing to listen and learn what lessons these whales are trying to teach us. After several days, we found this huge number of sounds. And then eventually, we arrived and could see why. There was at least 15 whales in a full super socialization. Rolling and clicking and some vertical. It was one of the most amazing things I’d ever seen. At some point, I realized I don’t know if I drifted towards them or they drifted towards me, but all of their heads were together in the center, and then I was in their socialization.

The bodies of the sperm whales are on both sides, and the tails are way back there. You know, this is something completely different. This is like being invited into the most intimate family reunion, to be accepted into this family. It’s an incredibly emotional experience. I wonder if it’s them trying to show me what that bond is and what that feeling is. In that moment, I became the tag. I know what I did was wrong. I knew it was wrong while I was doing it, and I have to live with that. My only hope now is that by coming forward, it might help protect any of them that are still out there.

We knew that they were washing up with the whales. What we found was that the beachings were happening along migratory routes. They didn’t just associate with the whales, they migrated with them. We were going to try to make contact. We knew we were in the right vicinity when we saw the whales. And we started the recording and we waited to see if there was anything out there. There was something out there. Brian was certain he saw something, and I’m pretty sure I saw something, too. We. Our activities were being observed. I mean, this was big brother.

And anything we would have recorded that day, we weren’t going to be able to keep. We were not going to get the story out that way. I started thinking of them as fellow beings, and the last time we lived alongside a fellow human species was neanderthals. We displaced them. Some scientists think we actively hunted them, that we devoured their very existence. It’s the same thing, what we did on land. One of our own we’ll do in the sea. We’re not so good at coexistence. Sometimes other responsibilities supersede science. My only goal is that the Navy stop their sonar testing, that court inquiries open into their activities that then lead to court orders to stop it.

Mermaids have persisted only because they can hide, and I hope they stay that way. I hope they stay hidden. I don’t want to hunt them anymore because they don’t want to be found. Well, forget what we’re claiming. Forget the recordings that remain. Forget the sworn affidavits from other scientists, and forget. Get our own cultural references of mermaids. There is another culture that remembers them. Nature doesn’t lie. So look to nature. There are a few places left on earth where wild dolphins will hunt with fishermen. They’ll actually help humans catch fish. This happens in Brazil, in coastal west Africa, in southeast Asia.

Fishermen go down to the edge of the water and into the shallows. They’re calling them. They call in the dolphins, wild dolphins from the sea, and the dolphins answer the call by driving in schools of fish towards shore. Then the fishermen encircle the fishermen schools and all the dolphins with their nets. The dolphins don’t panic. They stay entirely calm. They know that the fishermen will let them out as they pull the nets tight. They let the dolphins out before they pull the fish ashore. And then the dolphins wait in the shallows, bobbing with anticipation in the water as the fishermen give them their share.

They toss fish to the dolphins to eat. They divide the catch, essentially, dolphins and people split the spoils. They share the fish they caught together. Cooperation between two animals of two different environments. There is nothing else like this on earth. And nobody knows how it began, how this partnership started. It’s one of the great mysteries of the oceans, how this partnership between people and dolphins evolved. How could people teach dolphins to do this? Well, we didn’t. We didn’t teach dolphins to do this. They taught us, and I think that they learned it from someone else. We are not the only culture with a memory of mermaids.

In 1984, a 26 year old woman appeared on the beach of Anloga, a coastal town in the Kita district of the Volta Region of Ghana, West Africa. When she walked into her family home, her relatives embraced her with joy and confusion. She had been missing for three years. Her family was full of questions. Why had she vanished? Where had she gone? And what had happened to her? Her. In the intervening years? The story the young woman told them left her family worried and confused. The young woman explained that she had been kidnapped while walking on the beach and taken to a community far away where she had been held captive.

She had lived among her captors for three years, and in that time had been forced to bear children. But the most shocking part of the young woman’s story was still to come. Her family pressed her to tell them where she had been living, why she hadn’t been able to contact them, and who had taken her. Finally, she told them she had been taken from the beach to an underwater base. The people had taken her in order for her to produce children. And most disturbing of all, the people who had taken her were not human. They were the Mami Wata people.

All exploited, fully lost and fully found. Running late, but almost there. Only stop to check the mirror. Backpack full of things. No one told me what to bring. Teach me how to swim. Make me born again. Am she’s pregnant. Be careful. By 1964, the lab was in full operation. Lily was often away traveling. He had Margaret pick up the mimicry work where he’d left off. Her job was to try to encourage the dolphins to copy the specific sounds of human souls speech. Margaret focused on one of the dolphins in particular, the male. I really chose to work with Peter because he had not had any human like sound training the other two had.

My first goal was to get him to listen while I speak, and then I would listen while he speaks, and we would set up this conversation type thing where we could make some sort of progress. Today is January 27. The time is zero, 900 hours. Much of the work in the dolphin house was captured on tape, and these are the real sound recordings of Margaret’s lessons. A, e, I, o. But from the start, Peter was a reluctant pupil. Eat for fish. Don’t squirt. He would listen to me, and I would say, no, no, no, Peter, what I want you to do is count to three.

You’re going to say 1233. And Peter wouldn’t repeat everything I told him. He would work on the have you ever wished you could talk to animals? Professional psychic and media personality franchise. Frances Fox says she’s had the gift since childhood. She hosts a weekly radio show called listen to the animals, where she communicates with the animal kingdom and relays their messages to humans. Frances claims that she can telepathically communicate with animals. She also thinks it’s a gift that all humans once had and can learn again. Whether you’re a believer or not, Frances has some interesting insights about our animal neighbors and our own untapped talents for relating to them.

It’s very easy to talk to animals. It’s mind to mind communication, which is truly the original communication on the planet. Language is really a setback to human relations. So speaking to animals is simple, just mind to mind communication. Frances loves communicating with all animals, but she has a special place in her heart for dolphins. I think I have an affinity with dolphins. I think maybe my consciousness is very much like theirs. I’m a healer, they’re healers. So we have a lot in common. When Frances meets a dolphin, she’s never at a loss for words. I say the word dolphin and everybody melts.

So are you more special than other animals? I think we’ve got an answer. Yes. But soon the conversation turns to more important matters. You know what I want you to talk to me about is water. Water is becoming very important subject. Is that accurate? It is. Okay. Francis says dolphins are trying to tell us something. They said that there were going to be earth catastrophes as we saw happening with the tsunami, and they said that there would be breakdowns in society and there’d be a lot of violence and conflict. Sounds pretty grim, but there’s a bright side, too.

And they feel that if human beings were more loving, that certainly makes sense. There would be less wars and less violence, and people would be happier. Animal people, a short format series that you can catch only on the commercial breaks of animal planet, so stay tuned. So is this whole thing a complex cover up just to cover up how special these marine life are and how intelligent they are and how much they’re trying to do for us? Obviously, I had to get down the rabbit hole of all the people who could communicate with animals telepathically. I wanted to know a little bit about their story and how they do it.

And I wanted to compare them and I wanted to keep it brief. Now, just keep in mind, some of the information is a little too extraordinary to swallow, and some christians will think it’s demonic, and some scientists or skeptics will just say there’s not enough evidence to prove it. So if you think it’s demonic and that demons are just telling them what the animals are saying, and they’re just thinking that it’s the animals because they don’t know. Absolutely possible. But it’s absolutely possible that the reverse is the case as well, in which they actually have this ability that is God given and suppressed by our suppressors.

And if you’re a skeptic who really need some scientific evidence, I think this would be a great journey for you to go down and research yourself. Go down and see who claims to communicate with animals. I went down and there’s literally hundreds of people, and I only picked a few to include. It was really overwhelming and mind blowing at the same time. So I suggest you go down that rabbit hole. There could be some gold there. We’re gonna start off with this woman named Pea, who’s doing a TED talk on telepathic animal communication through energy and vibrations.

This TED talk was quote unquote, flagged by Ted after it was uploaded because they claim there’s no scientific studies. This is intriguing, to say the least. I’ll see you after the mashup. I am an animal communicator and I would like to talk to you about animal communication. But first I would like to ask you a question. Who here has a mobile phone? Okay. As I suspected, nearly everyone. It’s a pretty cool form of communication, right? But what if there was another form of communication that didn’t need you to charge the batteries, wouldn’t cost anything, and crosses the species barrier.

Wouldn’t that be way cooler? You already have this form of communication. Everyone here can talk to animals. Okay, that might seem obvious, but what might surprise you is that they can reply to us and we can have a conversation with them. I’d like to share a real life story with you that illustrates just how beneficial animal communication can be. Marmite was a Jack Russell, and he went missing from his home, which was based over 100 miles away from me. And he’d been missing for seven nights. And his guardian, Nicky, had done everything possible to find him.

She knew he liked to go rabbiting down the holes in the sand quarry next to where she lived, so she’d hired search dogs, a mini digger, a JCB digger and thermal imaging kit. But there was no sign of him. And then she emailed his photo to me and I printed it out and I connected with him. And immediately he started to share images with me. He showed me that he woke Nicky’s father up in the night by walking over him and that he’d then been let out of the back door that was hinged on the right side and he’d crossed a path, gone through some wooden fencing across a field.

And I got a sense that there were lots of trees on the left hand side and that he just kept going. Nicky confirmed these details and that that was marmite favorite route. So I continued to communicate with him. Using my intention. I moved my consciousness out of my body and into marmites. Instantly, I could feel water over my hands, his paws. And when I looked out of his eyes, I could see I was in a small, square, shape shaped, man made structure that felt hard like concrete. And when I looked up, I could see there was just this glimmer of daylight high above me.

Then I realized that Marmite was trapped underground. I tried to see landmarks around his location, but all I could see were brambles. I asked him, how far are you from home? And in reply, I heard. I read the words in my mind with my own inner voice. 1 mile. Nikki could not understand why there would be water over Marmite’s paws because she lived next to a sand quarry. But then she remembered a place 1 mile from her home and in the direction that Marmite had described, a disused canal. But she said to me, but he’s not there, Pierre.

I’ve already gone and there’s no sign of him. And anyway, how would I find him? Because if he’s trapped underground, Marmite never barks. And I thought, okay, this must be the only Jack Russell in the world that doesn’t bark. I reconnected with him and I explained to him, nikki is coming out to find you right now and it might be your last chance to be found. And if you hear her calling for you, you, you need to start barking and keep barking Marmite, until you can look her in the eyes. In the eyes. Within the hour, my phone was ringing.

And when I picked it up, I heard Nikki screaming. We found him. He’s here. Can you hear him? And she must have held her mobile phone out because all I could hear was a dog barking. Marmite had been trapped down the bottom of a twelve foot deep disused canal shaft. Nicky was unable to reach him and eventually she had to call the fire brigade. And they managed to haul him up. He had never stopped barking. Nicky scooped him up into her arms and she held him face to face. And when he looked her in the eyes for the first time, he stopped barking.

This is just one example of how beneficial animal communication could be. I could share so many other stories with you, but I would like to take you back to the start and to when I found myself attending my very first animal communication workshop in 2004, I adopted this gorgeous rescue dog who I called Morgan. He settled in, but I got this feeling that he was sad and I didn’t know what to do about it. You see, I’ve been brought up with cats, and I understood them, but I just didn’t know dogs. And then the rescue center who saved him sent an invitation for an animal communication workshop.

I thought, this must be the latest politically correct way of describing how to read your dog’s body language. I thought, this is going to help me with Morgan. So I went along, but I discovered it was nothing to do with body language. I found myself in a room listening to stories about how it’s possible to talk to animals and receive replies from them. There were 20 people sitting in a circle, and there were 19 people listening to these stories and crying. And then there was me. You see, you have to understand that I enjoyed a 15 year career in theatre stage management.

The work is very practical and I consider myself a grounded person. So I was feeling skeptical. In the afternoon, we were partnered up and we were asked to swap photos of our own animals. A complete stranger had a photo of my cat, Texas, and I had a photo of her rabbit. And then when we were told to ask them questions, to my surprise, I did receive some answers from the rabbit, but the accuracy was very hit and miss. And I just thought, I’m making this up. But then this complete stranger who was holding a photo of Texas, she was able to describe my hallway, which is very distinctive, the colour of my sofa, and his favorite thing to sit on in the back garden at that time and where it was positioned, just like Texas had given her a private tour of my home behind my back.

Okay. I struggled with the concept of communicating with animals through photos, but this experience, experience got me thinking there might be something in this. I needed something more tangible, some proof. So I attended further workshops with different teachers. And I also practiced with my friends animals both face to face with them and through photographs. I asked Morgan, why are you sad? And he was able to tell me. And from that moment, he let go of his sadness and Texas, who’d been nervous around him, immediately accepted him into the family. I had a gut feeling, I want to be an animal communicator.

In 2006, I turned professional. You might be wondering, can anyone really communicate with animals? And the answer is yes. This is not a gift for the special few. This is a natural ability that we all possess. This is normal practice in the lives of indigenous people. Children are particularly good at this because they are still in touch with their intuitive nature. I’ve now been communicating with animals for ten years, and I also teach workshops all over the world. A couple of weeks ago, I was teaching in Amsterdam, and there were people attending from nine different countries.

Word is spreading about animal communication. This is 150 people, all communicating with each other’s animals. This took place in London earlier this year. So what is animal communication? It is the ability to telepathically communicate with animals. It’s based on intuition, which is defined as the ability to understand something instinctively without the need for conscious reasoning. I believe we are all born with an intuitive nature. We are experiencing intuitive moments all of the time. We might think of a friend, and then the phone rings and it’s them, or we might think, I feel like I need to go to my back door to let my cat in.

And when you get there, there they are waiting for you. What I think is happening is that we are picking up on energy. Advances in quantum theory tell us that the universe is filled with energy. Energy is everywhere and takes any shape. We ourselves are beings of energy and vibration, radiating our own unique signature, a bit like our own unique fingerprint. Animals are also radiating their own unique energy signature because they are beings of energy and vibration, too. In 2012, a group of neuroscientists addressed the issue of animal consciousness. They signed the Cambridge Declaration of Consciousness, and this stated, the weight of evidence indicates that humans are not unique in possessing the neurological substrates that generate consciousness.

They included all mammals, all birds, and many other creatures, including the octopus. The former executive director of the Mind Science Foundation, Joseph Dyle, said, animal consciousness and human consciousness are of such similarity that we have to ask ourselves how we treat animals and why we treat them the way that we do. So how does one become an animal? Consultant, animal communicator. What is it you do, and how do you do it? Well, that’s a great question. The COVID of my book is me talking to a goose when I was little. That’s actually me on the COVID and I was three years old.

My mom used to take me on nature walks and everything, and so I would just stand there and I would give her my impression of it, not thinking anything of it, because everyone is born with this and children are really good at it. And so when someone’s child comes up to me or my clients say, look, my daughter does this, or my, I’m like, absolutely. It’s God given. Everybody does it. So I forgot about it. Then I went on to be a vet nurse. And so I went to Delhi in New York, and that’s what I thought I was going to be was a veterinary tech mission.

And I loved it and did it for twelve years. And then I met my mentor, Beatrice Lydecker, out in New Jersey, because I’m a former New Yorker, and they said, this woman from California is going to talk to the animals. And I forgot I did it. I was like, okay, whatever, just like everybody else. I love skeptics. And she proved it to me. And long story short, she said, look, I’m looking for someone to train. It was in the seventies, and so that’s why I moved out to California. So that’s pretty much in the book, but that’s the snapshot version of it.

So. So how do you do it? Okay, so I explained it to people, and when I teach is like I’ve stepped inside the animal and become them. I know a lot of people are laughing at that. I do too. But you know, these, your front, your legs are your arms, legs and all that kind of stuff. So it’s like that you’re viewing through their eyes. And when I teach the class, which you’ve taken and done very well multiple times, that’s what people get. And then there are other people that don’t get any pictures at all. They get emotions, feelings, hunches.

So everyone’s different. But that’s, and then it’s in real time with them in the moment. But the challenge of animals is that they live in the moment. So sometimes they’ll give you something that happened a year ago, and then you start asking other questions, when did this happen? Etcetera. So, well, is it hard, like, like if you go to like a park or something? I mean, does every animal try to talk to you? Does every bird in the tree try to talk to you? And every couch? Yeah. A lot of people, a lot of wild animals are doing their own thing.

But the other day I was stepped outside my door. I live in Florida now, and a couple of little geckos were hanging out and they’re like, hey, how you doing? You’re new here. And they came right over to me. But yeah, most animals are pretty much dialed into their owners. Or if I go to a ranch call where there’s, like 30 or 40 horses or something, I get a lot of horses saying, I want to connect with you. So I try to focus my intention on the one that people really need me to do. But if it’s just left open, a lot of times they will, and they will go up to their owners and stare at them.

And people go, well, that’s. I thought they want something. A lot of times they’re just ripping their thoughts going by. It’s like a CNN scrawl, almost. How long have you been doing this? 34 years. I feel very blessed. Earliest memory I have as a child, I could understand animals, certainly not on the level that I do now, but that of a five or six year old child that I would have silly little conversations with my childhood pets, but I thought everyone could understand them. So I didn’t know that I was doing something unique or different or strange or, you know, my parents kind of freaked out a little bit, and they’re like, stop talking to the dog, Karen.

They didn’t know what to do with me. I started coming up with things, things I shouldn’t know. Like when the. When our dog had pancreatitis. You know, five year old kids don’t know about pancreatitis. And so then they told me, you know, stop. They didn’t know what to do with it, so I hid it from everyone, and I didn’t tell anyone what I was doing. And I think back now, how sad that what if they had encouraged me? You know, what? How would that path happen then? So to all parents, please encourage your children to sharpen their natural gifts and intuitive abilities.

Because, you know, it took me a long time to get all of that back again as an adult. And then you battle with all those, you know, demons in your mind that adults have of, this isn’t real. I can’t do this. This isn’t possible. And, you know, it’s crazy talking to a deceased pet, you know, so. So that’s how it all started way back when. But it has been an incredible journey that really snowballed when I was a deputy sheriff. It’s right in the word itself. Tella means distance, and pathy is feeling. So it’s feeling across a distance.

It’s using our intuitive senses to actually send and pick up others feelings, intentions, thoughts. And with animals, it’s very straightforward because they’re all telepathic. They’re just waiting for us to join in. And there are simple techniques that people can learn, kids can learn to do on their animal friends when the animal is not feeling so good. I love it. And when did you first know that you were able to communicate with animals this way? All my life, I’ve never not communicated with animals, and I never denied it or didn’t know that I was communicating. So when I was a very little girl, I communicated with animals and was aware of it.

And all my life, I just cultivated it. And even though my parents and other people said it was all my imagination and it was foolish, I just kept it to myself. I said, I’m not letting this go. I had conversations with animals. I would greet them as I walked around, or my own domesticated animals, but also wild animals in the park. I would sit with them, and I said, there’s no way I’m going to deny our connection. It was so important to me. I would sit quietly in a little park right near our house. I lived in a city, and so there were squirrels and birds and insects.

And I would recognize that a lot of times these animals were very afraid of people for good reason. People, boys would shoot at the squirrels with bb guns and things like that. So I would sit there quietly and I would talk to the squirrels, and I would say, you don’t have to be afraid of me. I will never shoot you. I will never hurt you. And I didn’t necessarily talk out loud because I knew that they could get what I was saying, but I would think it, and I would say, you can come closer to me.

And as I would sit there, just very quiet, the squirrels would come up to me, so I’d have little squirrels around me, and then I’d say the same thing to the birds. I said, there’s no way I’m ever gonna hurt you. I just want to be close to you, and you’re welcome to come close to me. And so I’d stay very quiet, and soon I’d have little birds, and I do the same thing with snakes. We had garter snakes. And I would say, you don’t have to be afraid of me. I’m not going to hurt you like my brother did, and you can come up to me.

It’s almost the proof was that I had a little audience. One thing I think we have to keep in mind is that we as a human species have been on this planet for, who knows, a million years, give or take. Dolphins have been around for at least 50 million years in the oceans, and they have been evolving to adapt to their environment for 50 million years. And we know now, through neurotomical and neuroscientific investigation, that the brains of dolphins are at least, if not more complex. They’re certainly larger than human brains. And the idea that they don’t have intelligence comparable to ours is it just flies in the face of the evidence that we have.

So we’ve got to realize that there are highly intelligent species and quite possibly way more intelligent than humans. Somebody once said very recently that, well, if humans are so intelligent, then why don’t they rule the world? And I love the response. Somebody said, that’s an example of their intelligence. If dolphins were so intelligent. If dolphins were so. Yes, yes. If dolphins were so intelligent, why don’t they rule the world? And the answer was, that’s because they are so intelligent that they don’t have the motivation, not the need to rule. Yes. In fact, the very idea that humans form pyramidal structures with alpha males typically at the top of these structures, and that they fight each other constantly and compete with each other constantly, may not at all be the sign of an intelligent species.

We do know, too, that most dolphin species are matriarchal societies. And, of course, there were evidence of that in the early days of human species. So there seems to be something problematic with patriarchal societies that, of course, that’s not just unique to humans. We see that in other species, too, in our apes and other, I think, elephants are matriarchal species as well. Let me just share with you one other dolphin story, if I may. Many years ago, I was part of an organization called the New Frontiers Institute, and we engaged in sort of a telepathic, hypnotic, remote viewing process where a group of people would go into a trance state and then go on journeys together and communicate with each other what they were experiencing.

And so in this example, we said, as a group, let’s visit Marine World, which was in Redwood City in those days, back in the California Bay, San Francisco Bay Area, we visited, and we said, let’s go to the see a dolphin. And people were saying, well, we’re in a dolphin tank, and here is a female dolphin all by herself, separated from her mate and very lonely and unhappy, and wants us to rest, rescue her. And her name is Dee, or begins with Dee. All this was recorded on audiotape. And later on, members of the group said, well, we ought to check out and visit Marine World and see if there’s anything that resembled what we experienced.

This is something that could be veridical. Right? And we did, in fact, visit Marine World and learn, to our delight, that there, there was a female dolphin named Dande who was exactly in this situation separated from her mate, not participating in the Dolphin show. And the dolphin trainers were very open to working with us and to learning about this experience. They understood that this kind of communication with a dolphin would be possible. So they invited us to come and see if we could work with Donnie. We set up video cameras and gave Dande what we thought were telepathic instructions with the help of the dolphin trainers to perform various tricks in order to demonstrate that this kind of communication was real.

And in fact, Dandy began responding and actually performing on cue in response to telepathic messages, various tricks that she had been taught earlier by the dolphin trainers. And as a result, she got back into the regular dolphin show. Now, we were never able to rescue her, but what we were able to do, at least to our satisfaction and the satisfaction of the dolphin trainers back then was show that this kind of human telepathic interaction with humans and dolphins could be demonstrated. It came home with invisible scars. Hardened and psychologically traumatized by their combat experiences in the Iraq war.

Those are personal. I got you. I’d rather not go into those. Nightmares are a common occurrence. Although over the years they’ve gotten less and less frequent, they’re still. Every time they come up, they’re just as dramatic as they were. Of all places, gender therapy today took place in a tank at six Flags Discovery kingdom in Vallejo with some very sociable and lovable dolphins. The ten veterans are part of a post traumatic stress disorder recovery program known as the pathway home. At first, a lot of skepticism from these servicemen. The relationship started with rubbing of the dolphins.

Once they got comfortable, the vet started dancing with the dolphins. They even rode the dolphins around the tank. The integrative incentives Dolphin assisted therapy program here on Grand Bahama island, we invite you to take a glimpse at what is happening with dolphins, humans and healings. Many times people are drawn in to the eye of dolphin. There’s that, the intelligence and wisdom. This is an evolving paradigm of dolphin assisted therapy initiated by the Effledger Institute in 1997 with continuing programs in development for the past twelve years here on Grandma Elmo island, currently stewarded by integrative intentions in partnership with with the Ecuador Institute, the dolphin assisted therapy experience is integrated within a four day comprehensive therapy program facilitated by craniosacral therapy on tables and in the water, and includes time for group discussion and sharing each day.

There’s a time in our history when we were meant to evolve. People on earth were meant to evolve. Keep growing, keep learning, keep expanding, becoming more and more conscious. They came here to assist in raising the consciousness of humans on earth, to upgrade it. But I still didn’t know how to swim, so I was just sitting on the deck. And while I was sitting there, one of the bottlenose came right over next to me, looking up at me, eye to eye, and I was mesmerized. I don’t know what happened, but I said, I’m going in. And so I looked around.

I found a snorkel mast and put that on, and then I lowered myself in, holding tight to the deck so I wouldn’t sink because it was deep. And the dolphin stayed right next to me. But these sounds are so transformative. They go through your body. You’re actually shaking. It’s like an electric shock, but a good one, really wonderful. And you can feel the changes occurring and the whale’s presence right there. And they know what they’re doing. They are healing every one of us there, and they’re activating our DNA. They’re waking us up. The more we are a mirror of universal oneness, the more we draw others to enter the collective consciousness of all that is with us, to join us.

And that’s what we’re learning to be more and more like the dolphins and the whales that express love to everything. They don’t make judgments. They don’t choose good and bad, any of that. And the whales and dolphins, when they sonar us with their ultrasound, they see all that. They are picking up our frequencies, our vibrations. They know everything about us. They know more about us than we know about ourselves. Everything is communicating with us now because they’re all being affected by this higher consciousness. And the thing is, are we listening? For me, it’s all about feelings.

I just feel them so close. I feel totally at peace. I feel that my whole life has changed because of it now, for me, it’s just about the connection. It’s about the love we share with each other and how that makes both of us equally so. So happy and joyful and just full of love. We both feel it. The whale receives it from me, and I receive it from the whale. Yeah. Because dolphins and whales are very highly evolved, and they’re being acknowledged for that more and more now. And it’s true. I mean, when they look into your eye and you see that wisdom coming right at you, you’re just.

You just remember. You remember who you are, and you remember why you’re here. So this sonar absolutely is destroying the whales, whether it’s on purpose or not. And for my whole dig on this entire situation, I really feel like they’re attacking these creatures because of the threat that they pose to their oppression that they’re putting on all of us. I really feel like these marine life are so next level and so advanced that they can literally hold the key to unlocking our chains and shackles that have been metaphorically and energetically, vibrationally, or religiously, spiritually put on us for such a long time.

We were born into this. I think this is part of the quote unquote, great awakening, is understanding that there are animals out here that have qualities higher than our own, even if it’s not book smarts. There could be another higher level of intelligence that bypasses our 3d outlook on the way the world works. Just like we don’t know what’s in space, we don’t know what’s below, and that’s because we’re being capped. They have the ability to let us know, to really tell us the truth, and they never do, and they keep it to themselves. And obviously, having such dominance over the water can lead to some seriously evil things when it’s seriously evil people that in control of that dominance, like Project Tamar and Disney and Maxwell and Epstein.

I didn’t know how sophisticated the underwater listening devices are, but they have these super sophisticated underwater listening devices everywhere to make sure that Russia’s not sneaking up on us, because Russia will sneak up on a motherfucker. Russia. Russia stuck up on people before. None of that is for Russia. You think it’s for aliens? None of that is for Russia. Do you think it’s for aliens? That would be the wildest shit of all time. Underwater listing devices because they knew the aliens were under there. Okay, let’s see if this is weed talk or not. So which one do we know more about? Do we know more about space, or do we know more about the ocean? We know more about space.

Yeah, quite a bit more. Okay, so, yeah. And part of that is because the ocean is very difficult to penetrate at some point, is government. They’re hiding things from us. I would hide things from people. I would definitely make it illegal for you to have a submarine. You could have a yacht. Don’t get crazy. You can’t go underwater. I got to know where the fuck you are, are if I need to collect taxes. Well, if you’re floating around, I could pull up. It was a conspiracy theory at one point that, you know, the government got bases inside the mountains, right? Obviously they’re hiding something.

And speaking of hiding things out in the ocean and being in the water. There are billion dollar yachts that can absolutely turn into submarines and they can go underwater for up to seven days. I covered it in one of my documentaries. And that obviously leads the terrifying aspect of Ghyslaine Maxwell revealing that she was a citizen of a place called Teramar that was affiliated with the United nations and Disney, in which they had their own nation on the water or under the water in which they could do what Ghislaine did and Epstein did. And if you don’t know who they are, look it up and you’ll know and your jaw will drop.

I get into all that in the film. Just the tip. Just go to watchjtt.com. I’m delighted today for the first time, to be able to have the Weather Channel have a look at what’s happening for the first time in history, actually in the high seas. Thank you so much, Gillian. And we’ve got wonderful new technology here at the Weather Channel, and we are able to deliver a point forecast for the Arctic high seas. Temperatures will, for the most part, only get up into the negative twenties celsius through the entire week. On July 2, 2020, an arrest was made.

FBI agents arrested Ghislaine Maxwell yesterday, nearly one year to the day after Epstein was arrested. All signs pointed to this particular incident being the story of our time. I think a lot of people are wondering. The big question overall is what does Ghislaine Maxwell know about what Jeffrey Epstein has alleged to have done? Unfortunately, most of the public opinion in the US is controlled by media corporations. So as soon as the coverage of Ghislaine’s arrest ended, social media stopped discussing and the coronavirus took center stage. Dow is set to open about 15 seconds from now. It is expected to surge on positive coronavirus vaccine news.

You can watch the big board as it opens this morning. But among all the gossip and brief media coverage, a crucial aspect of Maxwell’s story has gone largely unnoticed. The implications of which and the groups that surround it are as vast as they are mysterious. This is Ghislaine Maxwell’s Terramar project. According to the New York Times, Teramar was a, quote, opaque organization that had no offices and gave no grants to other organizations. And shortly after Jeffrey Epstein was arrested, Teramar officially announced their closure. But what was the teremore project? At first glance, it would appear that the now infamous Ghislaine Maxwell had a soft spot for the environment.

We have created five gigantic gyres of plastic and garbage that swirl in the open ocean. This is the largest fishing net. It fits twelve Boeing 747s in its mouth. We don’t know very much about the ocean. Actually. It turns out less than about 1% of it has been explored. So however you feel about the creatures in the ocean, the more of them that we have, the better, the healthier and the more resilient is our ocean. One can easily agree with the sentiment of protecting the environment. But as you’re about to see, Maxwell’s tiramar project isn’t just about protecting the oceans, but controlling and owning them.

So the ocean is the next frontier. It’s the next big debate, it’s the next big grab of space. Person who has been the inspiration behind the Sustainable Oceans alliance, who has something called Terramar project. She controls the oceans around the world, and therefore I invite my dear friend Kaylane Maxwell to tell us how we can own the oceans. You have 3 seconds. Thank you. I’ll do my best. Ownership and control of the world’s oceans carries with it all kinds of possibilities. Most of the human population has no idea what’s going on in the depths of the sea.

Maxwell, however, knows a thing or two about the high seas. Started when I was a little girl. I grew up watching Jacques Cousteau on tv and became mesmerized with the oceans. It led to me becoming a deep worker, submersible pilot. But Shirley Ghislaine’s ties to child trafficking have no relation to her Teramar project. But this perspective begins to break down as soon as one browses the individuals and groups associated with the organization. According to Maxwells recent testimony, Jeffrey Epstein supplied her with funding for Teramar. But thats obvious, right? But if we move along, we see that this picture shows Maggie Nixon with Barack Obama, the same Maggie Nixon pictured here, who was in a film that was created by oceanographer Sylvia Earle.

Ever since I met Sylvia, I was absolutely enamored with her, just really inspired with her love of the ocean and of exploring and creating like short films for each hope spot. Great to see you. There’s so many of your constituents who are out there that most people don’t even know about. I had a question for you. And that is, what’s it like going down a thousand meters? I’d love to show you. Huh? I mean, I’ve done some diving, but I think right around 100, I kind of say, okay, it’s time to turn back. This is the same Sylvia Earle that in early 2019 said, quote, I am thrilled to be a founding citizen of Teramar.

Maggie Nixon was the granddaughter of Agnes Nixon, creator of the soap opera all my children to you, Agnes, and is the daughter of Sarah Nixon, who can be seen here tagged with a group of apparent friends. Notice the name Sarah and the username three ring Circus. As you can see, the username checks out because we can verify that three ring circus on Instagram is, in fact Sarah Nixon. But what’s the big deal with this picture? It’s certainly not suspicious to hang out with friends. Well, given that I’ve already been kicked off YouTube, now I can show you who Sarah Nixon appears to be having a lot of fun with.

Owner of Comet Ping Pong in Washington, DC. James, thank you so much for being here. This insane conspiracy idea filled with just lies about this impossible international conspiracy of human traffickers involving Hillary Clinton. It goes without saying that Aliphantis surrounds himself with the highest of the elite class, many of whom mired in patterns of apparent Satanism and human trafficking. A rabbit hole. I wont go down again with the exception, however, of one of alephantiss friends, Matt Hollumbe. Matt is the program director of the Weiss foundation, another, quote, non profit dedicated to protecting the environment. Most notable, notably the oceans.

The Weiss foundation receives its grant money from Oceana Incorporated, which is owned by the Pew Charitable Trust. And who runs the Pew Charitable Trust? Tamara Lozado. Tamara, welcome. Thank you. Tamara is currently the senior vice president at the Pew Charitable Trusts, where she manages government relations for PewDiepie. Tamara, why don’t you give your opening presentation? Great. Thank you very much and great to see everybody. Thank you for giving me a job. Tamara Luzado made an appearance in John Podesta’s leaked emails. Here she writes to John Podesta, quote, we plan to heat the pool, so a swim is a possibility.

Bonnie will be uber serviced to transport Ruby Emerson and Mev Lozato, eleven nine and almost seven. So you’ll have some further information, entertainment, and they will be in that pool for sure. The way you perceive this email might depend on how you perceive Evie’s crib, a family blog that was ran by the same Tamara Loosado, and a related blog called Jack’s Place. Notice the labels on Tamra’s blog, which are used to help visitors find what they want, to name a few. Baby Ambien, bones, filth, parental manipulation, psychopath, tranquilizers slurp. In this post, Tamra writes, Evie will be joined in childcare by her buddy Jack, who she links here.

This image on Jacks Place shows their baby with a sensor over his privates. Ken and Stephanie, who apparently ran this page. Comment below. Unrated versions of this photo available only to premium subscribers, jokes or otherwise. This is still more of the same deviant debauchery associated with infants and children coming from this group. And by this group, I mean the single most powerful people in the world. These families belong to vast extended genealogies, and they fund and control the same non nonprofit organizations. For example, among Oceania Inc’s board of directors include the Rockefeller family, a family almost always found near the most peculiar and powerful historical events and organizations.

The Terramar project and those associated with it is like a who’s who of the world’s global elite. Next you’re going to tell me that Teramar is associated with the Clinton dynasty, right? Military officer Scott Borgerson was listed as a board member of the Terramar project in 2013. So I’d like to begin begin with the topic of public private partnerships. Scott is the CEO of Cargometrics, a maritime innovation company attempting to digitize global shipping. The word maritime refers to seafaring, commercial or military activity and quote, maritime transport has to do with the transport of goods or people via waterways.

What separates Scott’s maritime transport methods from other is its focus on artificial intelligence, with the goal of creating fully autonomous, giant, industrial self driving ships, with particular focus on the international race for the Arctic. So the Arctic again is becoming central as the ice recedes, opens up these oil and gas resources and the potential for shipping shortcuts as well. I think that there’s little climate death activity happening in the Arctic, but the truth is we don’t really know because the United States and Canada aren’t really sure what ships are trans in there now. But I think it’s a bit of a stretch to say that al Qaeda or international terrorism or other transnational crimes such as drugs or human trafficking will go through the Arctic because it’s such a long, arduous, still cold place.

Why is this group so focused on the Arctic Ocean? I would say a master plan would work because it would force capital and finance ministers and governors and presidents to get together to make the basic projects in the Arctic happen. My normal day starts waking up quite early, maybe about 05:00. I get my emails done in bed generally before Joan wakes up. Then I try to keep up with the news because we’ve got one or two organizations that are doing global issues, so very important, and I know what’s going on in the world. The Podesta leaks revealed that Richard Branson met often with his friends Hillary Clinton and John Podesta and Branson’s Necker island is directly next to Epstein’s Little St.

James island. Even the Guardian reported that Epstein had Branson’s personal phone number. One section of Branson’s island is called the Elder’s Temple, a location where many older and still powerful people meet up to discuss their philanthropic endeavors. We hope you enjoy your flight with Virgin Atlantic and hope to be there in approximately 35. Are we there yet? Thank you and enjoy your holiday. Branson’s plain company is partnered with the Radcliffe foundation, which is owned by Frank Giustra, who created the Elpita project, the logo of which bears a striking resemblance to the boy lover pedophile symbol. I’d like to introduce some new students, Mister Black and Mister White.

No way. The government g dude sent to steal our experiments for their secret covert operations. No, dude. We’re here for a righteous education and to meet babes. Silly me, wrong program. I’ve tracked bling bling boy to his parents private island 30 miles off the coast. I’ve seen enough to be confident in the postulation that Teramar was set up to create a kind of separate society, or to facilitate one that already exists. A new world with its own laws, the locations of which scattered across several privately owned islands and clandestine sections of the Arctic Ocean, some of which could potentially be underwater human trafficking on a global scale involving internationally connected intelligence agencies, politicians, and billionaires.

I don’t pretend to know why trafficking children seems to be a requisite for this elite group, but the reality that such an operation exists is undeniable to me. If the censorship regarding this topic should tell us anything, it’s that we’re almost certainly onto something unbelievably big. I truly believe this to be the case. I truly believe there are children currently surviving circumstances at the hands of evil and suffering at a rate the likes of which I don’t think I have the ability to properly imagine. And a large part of me feels my videos on this topic are not actually helping children currently in a harm’s way, but simply revealing how seemingly impossible it is to do so.

While this could be true, our brief pain of feeling unable to help pales in comparison to the suffering endured by children all over the world, who are, at this very moment, truly defenseless and truly suffering. If nothing else, what’s most important is knowing in our hearts this is real and happening now, because it’s only from there that progress can begin. So I ask, what do you think about Maxwell’s teramar project? What does your heart tell you? Those two. Come on master sir, it’s all taken care of. I think you’re really gonna enjoy these two. So is there a species under water that we dont know about? Of course.

Are there discoveries that we never hear about and that are covered up? Obviously. But are some of those discoveries in species mermaids? I dont think its too far off looking at the planet and the species on it, including us. Definitely intriguing when you get into the logo of Starbucks as well. Well, we do know through documents that 90% of the animal planet mockumentary was actually true. Not only was the timing on point for the lawsuits, but the sonar exists, the recordings of the screaming whales exist, the screaming marine life and the beachings still happen all the time.

Getting into that was a very sad dig. The Navy is absolutely lying and they are making the whales bleed from their ears and running and being beached. Thats absolutely true. And whether the dolphins and whales have a deep purpose on the planet it or not, we absolutely need to do something about this. And you can start by sharing this video so that other people can develop this understanding of what’s going on and how significant this seriously could be. You absolutely need to see every part of this series. This is just one part of the bigger picture.

And when you see every episode in the series, you start to get a better picture of what’s actually going on. This whole thing started out as a series about Cat Williams and the things that he said, and it expanded into a picture that was bigger than I could even ever comprehend. I’ve combined every part into one large video. If you want to go to occult cat.com, you can watch it in segment. As most people have seen from our work, we will never waste your time. So every second you spend watching anything that we show you will be well worth it.

I’ve spent so much time making this series and I’ve learned so much. The best thing about it is the more you watch, the better it gets. Because each episode I went deeper and I got more important to me. And I wanted the whole thing to be the best it could be. I wanted it to be movie quality beyond documentary, with proof. Captivating, saucy. I wanted it all to be together. Amazing in a way that was digestible and knowledgeable. And most importantly, I wanted it free. I wanted you to be able to download it and share it and keep it and archive it.

Give it to a family member, put it on a DVD, do whatever you want. It’s yours. So the answer to what are the people who say, what can we do to stop this stuff? It’s simple. Share this series. Get somebody to watch it, pay them to watch it, whatever. Keep it, take it. Put on someone’s doorstep. Do your part to show people the information. It’ll be there. Maybe they’ll see it, maybe they won’t. You’ve done your part. Plant the seed. So if you want the hd free link, it’s all@occultcat.com or go to thedisclosurehub.com. Comma. It’s all there for you, for free, in an easy format.

No gimmick. I’m trying to make a difference here. Just remember two rules. Stay open, maintain the love.


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